Drops for eyes Emoxipine - action features and instructions for use

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The eyes are a place of heightened sensitivity, but at the same time, the most important organ of perception, through which we receive all the visual information about the world around us. Therefore, often to the eye preparations are often raised requirements - they should be chosen in such a way that they can bring the maximum benefit and, at the same time, do no harm. For example, if you want to apply eye drops to Emoxipine, you need to understand how it is applied correctly, what subtleties you need to know and what limitations to take into account.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Emoxipine is a popular angioprotector, which is used in a wide range of situations and is highly effective with a minimum of contraindications. Refers to the group of antioxidants.

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The main substance in the composition is methylethylpyridinol.Its concentration is 1%. In addition to this substance in the composition there are a number of auxiliary components, which include the following:

  • sodium benzoate;
  • sodium sulfite;
  • sodium hydrophosphateadecahydrate;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • water-soluble methylcellulose;
  • distilled water.

The drug is available in special vials that have a volume of 5 ml.

Observe the correct storage of droplets. Keep them always in a cool dry place, where there is no direct sunlight. Keep in unopened form for no more than two years. If the package is opened, then it is necessary to store the drug only in the refrigerator and only for a month.

Pharmacological action and group

This drug has an antioxidant effect that neutralizes free radical complexes. As a result of the effect of this drug, a series of oxidative processes on the tissue and cellular level is suspended. As a result, the stability and integrity of such structures as:

  • DNA;
  • proteins;
  • enzymes;
  • cell membranes.

Also, the drug helps to fight tissue hypoxia, it allows to increase and improve oxygen penetration through membrane structures.After the active use of drops, the state of the vascular walls in the eyeball is significantly optimized.

The use of the drug may differ depending on the condition of the patient and on the specific situation that he has. The doctor personally assesses the degree of dystrophy or ischemia, on the basis of this, prescribes an appropriate course of treatment. On average, the course lasts from three to thirty days.It is necessary to bury once a day a dose in, ml of the given medicine - or three times a day three times smaller, on some drops.There are three main methods of application:

  • parabulbar, in other words, into the space of the eye-eyed apple;
  • retrobulbarno, in other words, for the eyeball;
  • subconjunctivally, in other words, under the shell of the eye.

It is necessary to clarify with the attending physician which option will be the most optimal for treatment in your particular situation. Depending on this, the duration of the course may vary.

If the problem is serious and requires a systematic approach, then the maximum period for which it will be possible to prescribe to the patient this drug is six months.This is permissible only in a situation where the patient does not have an increased sensitivity to the drug.Another option, when it is impossible to extend the use of the drug for six months, it is broken down into three shorter ones carried out during the year.

Indications and contraindications in use

Applied data droplets with the following problems:

  • For burns of the eyes.
  • With a hemorrhage in the sclera or anterior chamber of the eye.
  • With cataract.
  • With retinal dystrophy and visual impairment.
  • After surgery during the recovery period after surgery.
  • If it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis in the elderly.
  • As eye protection against sunlight during the period of hypersensitivity, for example, after a sun or laser burn.
  • If necessary, preventive measures when wearing corrective contact lenses.

The use of this tool, unlike a number of analogues, is acceptable for people who suffer from manifestations of diabetes mellitus of any degree.

The drug is contraindicated in people who have a tendency to develop severe allergies. It is recommended that they choose a more neutral medicine or consider alternative therapies.

It is strongly advised not to mix these drops with any other drops, gels or ointments for the eyes.If complex treatment is performed, in which several drugs are involved at once, then the interval between them must be maintained at least fifteen minutes.

Do not forget about the priority of drugs. In the complex treatment of Emoxipine always need to dig in the last place.

If problems occur in a particularly severe degree, the eye drops are replaced with the injection form of the preparation.

In pregnancy

Pregnant women (as well as nursing mothers) use of these drops is undesirable, but in some situations it is permissible. These are situations where, without use, there may be a risk to the visual medication.The decision in this case can be made only by a qualified doctor. But in typical situations, the treatment with drops during the period of pregnancy is stopped.

To small children

The drug is acceptable for young children, but up to 18 years of age it can be used only for the intended purpose doctor who weighs all the necessary risks and will conclude whether drops are allowed for a particular child.

Possible complications caused by the drug

In some rare cases (usually not exceeding one percent in probability), these droplets can cause minor side reactions, which include:

  • slight pain that passes very quickly;
  • a tingling sensation in the eyes;
  • itching or burning of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

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All about the drug Tsiprofarm will tell this article.

Zinc Drops for the eyes: instructions for use http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/dlya-chego-ispolzuyutsya-cinkovye-kapli-dlya-glaz.html


In even more rare cases, the following side effects may occur:

  • hyperemia of the eye protein;
  • the swelling of the eyelids.

In most cases, side effects occur due to inadequate compliance with the instructions for use. Therefore it is important to carry out the instillation as correctly as possible, without departing from the norms. Nevertheless, there are no described cases of overdose with these drops, they are considered to be classified as non-toxic preparations.



Emoksipin-a very effective drug, it allows you to quickly cope with eye problems that refer to its "field of activity" - and, if applied strictly to its intended purpose, should not cause any contraindications. But remember that even safe enough drugs can cause various atypical problems. Therefore, try to refrain from self-medication, try to consult a doctor first. If any incomprehensible reactions have begun after the application, discontinue use immediately and consult a doctor to find the most relevant and safe alternatives.

Also, read about the particular application of tetracycline ointment, Oftotsipro and Okapin drops.

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