How to check vision at home

Vision is the most important component of our life.Thanks to the ability to see, we know the world around us and perceive a colossal amount of information. When there are any deviations, a lot of inconvenience immediately appears. In order not to waste time, use the tables to check the vision at home. Let's take a closer look at how to do this without leaving home.


  • 1Types of deviations
    • 1.1Myopia
    • 1.2Hyperopia
    • 1.3Astigmatism
    • 1.4Presbyopia
  • 2Methods of diagnosis at home
    • 2.1Tables for visual acuity
    • 2.2Tests for astigmatism
    • 2.3Color blindness tests
  • 3If deviations are detected
  • 4Video
  • 5conclusions

Types of deviations

Vision can deteriorate in different ways.It is important to know exactly which of the deviations the patient has in order to be able to prescribe the most effective treatment.

Normally, the human eye has a spherical shape, and the macula on the posterior wall is the center of the focus of the refracted rays passing through the cornea and the lens.When looking at objects, accommodation and refraction processes take place. Accommodation is responsible for the pupil's adaptability to the examination of objects at various distances, refraction is responsible for the clarity of such a "picture." The cornea, the lens, and the vitreous are responsible for the conductivity of the light beam. Any violation in any of the listed structures leads to the development of pathologies, most of which are not amenable to treatment, but only docked.

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Structure of the eye


Myopia is characterized by the fact that objects located close to visible clearly, and those that are further, are vague.With this pathology, the focus point is not in the macula, but in front of it. This is due to a greater degree of deformation of the eyeball, when it "stretches" horizontally.

Suffer it about 30% of all people living on the planet. The average age of patients with myopic development is 7 to 15 years.

Myopia is not treated, but only docked. If the congenital pathology is diagnosed, the correction is achieved exclusively surgically.


With such a sight problem, it is easier for a person to see something that is relatively far away from him.When trying to focus on fairly close objects, there are unpleasant feelings, and sometimes even painful syndromes.The reason is that the focus is not in the retina itself, but behind it, and the eye has an elongated shape in a vertical direction. Most often, hyperopia is acquired with age. In children, this is usually a physiological feature that occurs after the complete formation of the eye apparatus.

Hyperopia causes fatigue and increased eye fatigue.


This is a visual impairment characterized by an irregular shape of the cornea or lens.The deformation of one or both elements is not completely spherical, but distorted.Such factors lead to the fact that in the end a person sees an incorrect image, because the light coming to the surface of the eye dissipates. It occurs quite rarely, only 10% of people among those who have any deviations in vision.

Astigmatism, as a rule, is supplemented with myopia or hyperopia due to the fact that the deformed natural lens transfers the selection not to the focal point of the fundus.


This disease is age-related, caused by aging of the lens.Another name for it is age-long farsightedness.When the shape of the lens changes, the incoming visual information is transmitted not to the macula, but to it, the focus point changes, the image becomes vague. Or the image focuses on the macula, but due to age-related degenerations, it can not clearly interpret the resulting picture.


In addition to the distorted image, unpleasant things can be observed, such as: headaches, constant fatigue of the eyes, deterioration of well-being.

With a noticeable impairment of vision, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist, first you can try to identify abnormalities at home.

Methods of diagnosis at home

Preliminary results about your vision can be obtained without leaving home. Many methods have been developed quite accurately to diagnose in oneself or that problems with the organs of vision.In ophthalmology, the diagnosis of visual acuity through tables is called visometry.

Checking visual acuity (visometry)

The results of the tests do not need to be borne by the ophthalmologist, they are designed for informational purposes. If you find any abnormalities and consult a doctor, in any case, repeated examinations and, most likely, additional tests will be carried out.

Tables for visual acuity

The most popular method for diagnosing visual acuity is the Sivtsev table.

It includes letters located in 12 rows. In the presence of an excellent vision, a person is able to read the first 10 lines. Under the tenth row is usually drawn a red line, which without much effort allows you to understand where the mark in the visual acuity is equal to one.For home use, there is a version of the table, made specifically for printers.To fit it into full scale, you will need three sheets of A4 form. It is necessary to look at it from a distance of, meters.

Sivtsev's table

Such a table will be useful to those who are involved in the prevention of visual acuity, in order to easily observe improvements.

Another popular method for determining visual acuity is the Golovin table.If possible, it is located at a distance of five meters. If the room does not allow, then the formula V = d / D is applied, where d is the distance from the person, and D is the distance of five meters. The principle is the same as in the first case, only letters are replaced by rings with slots.

Golovin's Table

In addition to the tables of Golovin and Sivtsev, there are tables of Orlova and Snellen.

Tests for astigmatism

To determine astigmatism, images with radiant figures and parallel lines are used.The test is simple:

  1. Close one eye with your hand, and the other look at the image.
  2. Do the same, but with the other eye.
  3. Make a conclusion about whether the image is equally visible to each eye.
  4. If there are more rays, the lines change their color in places, spread out, then this pre-speaks of Astigmatism.
The "Star of Siemens" test for the definition of astigmatism

It is necessary to be tested in the presence of a good light source, best of all daylight.

In order to go through it, you need to look at this picture separately with each eye.A deviation is considered if a person sees distorted and non-parallel lines that have a gray color.

Color blindness tests

There are several visual methods for determining Dalton's disease.For example, a color-blind test using colored photo cards, within which there are certain figures, is suitable. This method was developed by Rabkin and named after him. You can get a full test through this link, but it's worth remembering that the color perception when looking at real images and computer will be different because of the specifics of color transfer by the monitor.

Example of the test for color blindness

Having passed similar testing at home, it will be much easier to confirm the presence or absence of diseases with eyesight.

If deviations are detected

In general, the diagnosis is confirmed by an ophthalmologist.He prescribes medicines, if necessary, gymnastics for the eyes.In addition, he can advise such ways of fighting the disease:

  • To wear glasses for correction of vision, glasses will be selected individually;
  • Contact lenses;
  • Surgery, mostly laser vision correction.

Never hesitate or engage in self-treatment if you suspect a problem with your vision.It is better to trust a specialist to avoid a number of dangerous complications and not allow these ailments to progress even more.

There are many ways to prevent such problems from developing, it all depends on a timely appeal to the ophthalmologist.



Vision is an extremely important aspect in our life.Any specialist recommends that you take care of him carefully and seek help at any time.To this end, a lot of tests have been developed that can be performed at home and already at the initial stages reveal one or another deviation.