Pinguecula eyes: causes, treatment methods and prevention

Pingvecula is a disease in which an unpleasant, discomforting thickening appears on the conjunctiva of the eye. Neoplasm occurs mainly on the protein membrane and is located closer to the bridge of the nose, near the inner edge of the cornea.

The disease, as a rule, is recorded in the elderly, often both at the same time. Its prevalence is quite high, although people rarely seek qualified help.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Removing the build-up by laser
    • 5.2Removal of pingvecula
    • 5.3Treatment with folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

What it is?

The diagnosis of pingvecula is made with a build-up on the surface of the conjunctival membrane. Thickening has a yellowish or whitish hue and is a benign neoplasm, that is, not an oncological tumor, therefore it does not threaten the health of the body as a whole.

Sometimes the form of the outgrowth becomes pterygoid, and this violation is already called a pterygium. Read more here.

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The disease usually develops slowly and does not lead to serious disorders.An unpleasant complication may be inflammation of the formation - pingveculitis. Perhaps excessive growth, limiting the possibilities of the visual organ.


This disease is considered a sign of aging of the conjunctiva. In addition, the development of the disease provokes ultraviolet rays.People who spend a lot of time in the open air without sunglasses, risk more than others to face the above-described disease.

Another risk factor for pingvecula development is the systematic irritation of conjunctival tissue by wind and smoke.

There is also an opinion that the appearance of pinguecula can be caused by the constant wearing of contact lenses, but there is no scientific evidence to support this assumption.


Pingvecula is a completely innocuous neoplasm that does not adversely affect human vision, but can cause irritation and discomfort, as well as inflammation of the conjunctiva.

The main symptom of pingvecula is the appearance of a build-up on the conjunctiva. Very rarely any other severe symptoms occur. In addition to visible education, there may be signs such as:

  • redness (redness) of the eye;
  • dryness;
  • irritation.

When blinking, scratches and pain can occur.Some patients complain of the sensation of a foreign body in the diseased eye. In most cases, the only complaint of the patient is a cosmetic defect.


Pingvecula is a benign formation that can not transform into a malignant form.If the presence of build-up disturbs a person, then he should consult a doctor. On reception to the oculist it is necessary to go at occurrence of the symptoms bringing considerable discomfort.

An experienced ophthalmologist diagnoses this disease with the naked eye. For clarification of all the details, the doctor will prescribe a visual acuity check, will conduct the examination with a slit lamp.


Treatment of pingvecula with a laser

There are several methods for treating pingvecula.In the overwhelming majority, a conservative method is used, aimed at reducing dryness and removing the dry eye syndrome with the help of moisturizing drops.Artificial tears will have an emollient and lubricating effect. They include boric acid, which, unlike traditional benzalkonium chloride, is a mild preservative. It does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

If there is inflammation and edema in the growth zone, then antibacterial and inflammatory drops are usually used:

  • Tebridex;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Maxitrol.

They can also be used for prevention, so that the conjunctiva does not get an infection. If irritation is observed, it is necessary to refrain from wearing contact lenses, which cause additional injury to the cornea.

How to treat dry eye syndrome correctly read this article.

Removing the build-up by laser

Many patients are concerned about the aesthetic discomfort caused by an ugly yellowish growth.This problem can be solved with an excimer laser.This is a completely painless and quick procedure that is performed under local anesthesia with the help of special painkillers (Innocaine).

Removal of pinguecula by laser

The duration of the postoperative period does not take more than two hours, after which the patient can go home.To avoid exposure to irritating environmental factors, it is recommended to wear a bandage on the operated eye.

To prevent recurrence pingvecula experts advise on sunny days to walk in sunglasses, which will protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Removal of pingvecula

There are cases when, after a laser operation, pingvecula manifests itself again, growing faster and more, and it gives the person a lot of problems. In this case, the patient is shown an operation to remove pingvecula.

What are the limitations after the laser operation will tell this material.

The process of removal of the build-up is painless, the course of recovery does not exceed two weeks. To speed up the rehabilitation, ointments and drops recommended by the doctor are allowed.

It should be noted that the surgical method is not always effective and safe. In some cases, the operation is contraindicated, since it can harm the functioning of the eye.

Treatment with folk remedies

Special recipes aimed at the complete cure of pingvecula, in folk medicine does not exist, but to come to the aid can restorative means.Blueberries are the best remedy for the eyes. Vitamins C, B, succinic and lactic acids, anthocyanins improve visual acuity and field of visibility, relieve eye strain, stimulate the restoration of retinal tissues.You can use not only fresh berries, but also dried, frozen.

We offer several general fortifying recipes:

  • Fresh berries of blueberries with sugar or dried, pre-filled with water and are present, should be eaten on an empty stomach for 100 grams.
  • For compresses, freshly squeezed blueberry juice is good. Before the procedure, the juice is filtered, a tampon or gauze is moistened in it and it is applied to the eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Good beet helps. It should be taken every morning (100 g) on ​​an empty stomach as a preventive agent. A compress from the chopped leaves will relieve tension and inflammation of the eyes.


In order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to wear sunglasses, which will protect the eyes from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In a hot period, it is also worth using wide-brimmed hats.

If there is irritation or inflammation in the place of pingvecula formation, it is necessary to refrain from using contact lenses. In addition, you must eat foods that are good for your eyesight: fresh blueberries and raw beets.

Pingvecula eyes do not lead to negative health effects and can not cause impairment or loss of vision.



In conclusion, it should be noted that pingvecula is a local reflection of violations of fat and protein metabolism, which develop as a result of various causes. Unpleasant symptoms of this disease for a long time may be absent, except for a visible build-up in the inner corner of the eye. The pingvecula is not affected by the visual analyzer. Identification of pingvecula is not accompanied by difficulties, and after the established diagnosis, both conservative and operational methods can be chosen.

How to choose the right contact lenses read this link. Instructions for the use of eye drops Tevodex can be found in this article.