How does the flu begin?

Symptoms of the 2013 flu in children

symptoms of the 2013 flu in children

Flu is one of the most common viral diseases, which is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy airborne droplet. The virus spreads quite quickly and acquires the character of an epidemic. Every year, medical experts try to invent new vaccines, but every year the flu changes its properties and therefore old vaccines become irrelevant. The 2013 flu is a modified H3N2 virus. In the group, the risk for the incidence of influenza, in the first place, is children. Therefore, all parents are urged to study the probable symptoms of the 2013 flu in children and the methods of its prevention.

How does the flu begin in children?

As a rule, the first symptoms of influenza in children are manifested in the first day after infection, and after 1-2 days you can see the full picture of the disease. This virus infection develops quite sharply, while the signs of the 2013 flu in children are typical for the clinical symptoms of the virus:

  • high temperature of 38 degrees, which holds a minimum of 5 days;
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  • loss of appetite, nausea;
  • febrile state and severe chills, weakness;
  • growing headache;
  • aches in joints and muscles;
  • irritable pain in the throat, turning into a dry cough;
  • runny nose.

It should be noted that not all the above symptoms are manifested simultaneously, much depends on the form in which the disease occurs. With a mild form of influenza, the child's fever does not rise above 39 degrees, with a slight weakness and headache. The body temperature can rise more than 40 degrees with a severe form of the flu, in addition, the children have nausea, vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations, even possible loss of consciousness.

As for infants, the first signs of influenza may be excessive anxiety, rejection of the breast, frequent regurgitation. Children become sluggish, can sleep for a long time or, conversely, do not sleep all day.

How to recognize that the child has the flu, not the common cold?

To distinguish the manifestation of a common cold from flu is fairly easy, although their symptoms are very similar. A cold usually begins with a cold, a sore throat and a small cough. Body temperature rarely rises to 38 degrees, while in case of influenza, in the first days of the disease, it is considered the minimum temperature. Among other things, the general condition of the child is practically not broken.

How dangerous is the 2013 flu for children?

Unfortunately, this virus under certain conditions is deadly to humans. To date, a lot of deaths are known around the world, especially for children and the elderly. The 2013 influenza virus can be especially dangerous for children who have weakened immunity or have other serious diseases. In addition, poor nutrition or difficult living conditions also contribute to the development of this virus.

At the first manifestations in children of the flu, 2013 follows urgently

temperature at flu in the childcall a doctor, because with incorrect treatment this disease is prone to give serious complications.

Prevention of influenza in children

Of course, experts recommend that you do the vaccination, but you do not need to do it until a month before the epidemic begins. It is known that all diseases are associated primarily with the immunity of the child, so prevention, as well as treatment of influenza are aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the child's body. In addition, in the period of the epidemic, limit the child from visiting public places, ventilate the apartment, walk more outdoors and provide the child with a balanced diet.

And what now the flu goes??? What are the symptoms?



temperature 39, vomiting, nausea ...

Platon Alexandrov

The most important symptom of any flu is the increase in sales in pharmacies.

L ...

They say with a complication of the heart.

oleg zhulev

Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko said that at the end of January in the Russian Federation may begin an epidemic of influenza. "The peak incidence in Russia will be in different regions in different ways," explained the head of Rospotrebnadzor. "We have regions in which it is almost summer, and in others, a fierce winter in the form of prohibitive temperatures, as in Yakutia."

Nevertheless, there is no reason to expect "something unusual", according to him, no, and the versions of some mass media that " that from the territory of the USA a dangerous influenza virus has come to Russia, are "the fantasy of some nonprofessionals".


According to the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases 2013. the circulation of influenza A (H3N2) viruses, a new strain of A / H3N2 / Victoria / 361/211, a new strain of the influenza B virus / Wisconsin / 1/2010, and the occurrence of the influenza A / H1N1 / California / 2009 virus is not ruled out.
The incubation period of influenza usually lasts from a few hours to 1-2 days (5 days). Then the period of acute clinical manifestations of influenza begins. The severity of the course of uncomplicated influenza is determined by the severity and duration of intoxication.
The intoxication syndrome is leading in influenza and is expressed from the very first hours of the disease. The first sign of the flu is the temperature increase. The flu always begins with an increase in body temperature - from low-grade figures to hyperthermia (from 37.2 to 40 ° Celsius). Usually within a few hours the temperature reaches high figures and is accompanied by chills. With a mild disease, the body temperature does not exceed the low-grade figures. Sometimes, at a very high body temperature, signs of intoxication are not pronounced, which is often observed in young people who are sick with influenza A (H1N1) virus! They have a short-term fever, and then the disease has a moderate-to-moderate course.
The temperature reaction for influenza is acute and relatively short. The febrile period lasts 2-6 days, rarely longer, and then the temperature quickly decreases. The presence of a prolonged high temperature may indicate the occurrence of any complication.
The leading sign of intoxication and one of the first signs, symptoms of influenza is a headache. Pain is noted in the frontal region, especially in the region of the superciliary arches, in the supraorbital region, sometimes behind the eye orbits and is strengthened by the movement of the eyeball. In elderly people, headache is often common. The severity of the headache may be different, but in most cases it is mild. A severe headache in combination with sleep disorders, multiple vomiting, hallucinations is observed in patients with a severe course of the disease and is often accompanied by a syndrome of the central nervous system. In adults, unlike children, there is a sudden convulsive syndrome.
General weakness, a feeling of malaise, weakness, increased sweating - frequent symptoms of influenza. There is an increased sensitivity to bright light, sharp sounds, to cold. Consciousness is more often preserved, but delusional states are possible. A common symptom of the flu is muscular and joint pains, aches in the whole body, mainly in the lumbosacral region.
The appearance of the patient is typical: the face is red, puffy. There is conjunctivitis, which is accompanied by photophobia and lacrimation.
Catarrhal syndrome is also one of the leading causes of influenza infection, but it recedes into the background and in some cases is poorly expressed or absent. The duration of catarrhal syndrome is 7-10 days. The cough lasts for a long time.
In the first days, there are changes in the oropharynx: a pronounced reddening of the soft palate with a clear distinction from the hard palate. The patients note perspiration and dryness in the pharynx. By 7-8 days from the onset of the disease, the mucus of the soft palate acquires a normal appearance in most patients.
There are changes in the nasopharynx: the mucous membrane of the nose reddened, edematous, dry. Swelling of nasal conchae makes breathing difficult through the nose. These changes on day 2-3 from the onset of the disease are replaced by discharge from the nose. Rhinitis is observed in approximately 80% of patients, its duration is 4-7 days. Due to toxic damage to the walls of blood vessels and intense sneezing during the flu, nosebleeds often occur.
The most typical syndrome of tracheobronchitis, which is manifested by sore or pain in the chest, behind the sternum, as well as a painful dry cough.
Cough is observed in about 90% of patients. Duration of cough for uncomplicated influenza is 5-6 days.

Vladislav Bigusov

now walks piggy flu ....

Anastasia Tokareva

And than to treat a flu?

Masha Ivanova

Listen, well, if you are already ill with the flu, then only the doctor should choose the treatment. You do not forget, the flu is very serious. In some cases, even hospitalized. So my advice to you, to the doctor to address. But if not yet, and just fear of getting sick, then my advice to you is to use ointment. On application - very simple, in the nose it is necessary to smear it (on the similarity of oxalic). Protects against viruses of all kinds. In general, how much I use it, do not get sick at all.

How does the flu begin in adults?



A heat that lasts for several days; headache (mainly in front of the head - forehead, eyes, whiskey), aches in the whole body and first of all - in the legs; a little later, dry cough begins (a sign of tracheitis). Nausea or vomiting may occur, especially in young children.
Runny nose and sore throat are uncharacteristic.


With aches all over the body.

Maxim Kuschzmin

begins to break everything and there is a runny nose + severe fatigue

Maria Vladovskaya

Sore throat, body aches, hypersensitivity to the skin


It hurts the whole body, throat, cough. sneezing

Viola Mitrovanowa

just like others


Increase in temperature, with a sharp, up to 39-40. Cutting in the eyes, an ache in the body ....

Elena Terentyeva

From a high temperature, then the entire body aches, the headache.


weakness, pain in the muscles and eyes, high fever, sometimes intestinal disorders

How does the flu begin?


Olga Kornysheva

The flu begins with a sudden temperature increase! It is accompanied by an ache in the body, it is painful to look at the light, lacrimation! Cough and cold are not present, or they join later!

Lubov Ivanova

a sharp rise in temperature, a cough, a cold

Andrey Bormotov

general weakness, fever 38 and above, coughing, stuffy nose

Oleg Martyanov

the child is sluggish and irritable at the same time the rhythm of breathing of the nasopharynx slightly reddened eyes glisten in the nose can be heard chattering snot afterwards the temperature increase hurts the head muscles joints
from personal experience the father of 2 children older than 15

Yevgenia Nagina

High fever, runny nose, body ache, sore throat, headache. Urgently take antiviral.

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