Health check-up 2018: what birthdays fall in 2018, 2019 and 2020

The passage of this all-Russian preventive medical examination is subject to certain categories of citizens from the general population

Since 2013, the federal program for the universal medical examination of the population of the Russian Federation has started working. The order of medical examination of Russians is detailed in the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 03.12.2013 № 1006н.


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The main goal and idea of ​​

The main goal of this program: to survey all citizens for three yearsRussia, starting at the age of twenty-one, the result of which is expected to prevent premature death due to timely diagnosis and identification of risks in the early stages of severe chronictheir diseases.

The idea of ​​an all-Russian clinical examination of the adult population as a system for monitoring the health of citizens has been born since the times of the Soviet Union. Developing the system, the Ministry of Health has set out to carry out constant medical control over the health of Russian citizens since the day they were born and continuing in all age periods.

On this page you can see the invitation for medical examination in 2018.

The main principle of

The federal program of universal medical examination takes into account the most critical peaks of the incidence of each age. On their basis, for all age groups of adults and children, a differentiated list of those specialists who must be visited is approved. A whole complex of diagnostic measures is designed to detect non-infectious pathologies, which are the causes of premature mortality and disability. Here, there are violations of the circulatory system, lung and respiratory tract diseases, malignant neoplasms, benign tumors, diabetes. If untimely detection of these diseases lead to premature death in 4 cases out of 5.

Clinical examination includes a number of consecutive events


  • physical examination from a district doctor with the development of a risk factor questionnaire( for example: overweight, eating disorders, smoking, drinking alcohol and psychoactive substances);
  • women are sent to a gynecologist;
  • examination by narrow specialists;
  • laboratory diagnostics( for example: the delivery of urine, blood tests, a swab from the cervical canal, feces for latent blood, blood for sugar and cholesterol);
  • instrumental diagnostics( for example: passage of fluorographic examination of the chest organs, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs, small pelvis).

In addition to this, people:

older than 36 years carry out electrocardiography;

older than 40 years measure intraocular pressure;

is over 50 years old sent for consultation to a neurologist.

Health Groups When risk factors are identified, an additional examination is recommended to the patient, which is called the the second stage of the clinical examination. But already and following the results of the first stage of its passage, citizens are assigned categories of health. Similarly, children's clinics are built.

The first group of health is a person without the need for constant supervision in a medical institution. The second group includes persons with a high predisposition to cardiovascular and other diseases. The third group is people who need constant monitoring of specialists.

Medical examination by time can last up to three days.

Video: presentation Shkarina Vladimir Vyacheslavovich

Age of patients

The medical examination is a laborious and expensive procedure for the country's budget, therefore it is held among citizens not annually, but begins at the age of 18 and repeats every three years. This organizes the inspection of citizens and gives an opportunity to check the health status of each of them for every three years.

Medical examination in 2018 and also in 2019 and 2020 is proposed for those Russians whose dates of birth and age correspond to:

In 2018

Year of birth Age Year of birth Age
2000 18 1958 60
1997 21 1955 63
1994 24 1952 66
1991 27 1949 69
1988 30 1946 72
1985 33 1943 75
1982 36 1940 78
1979 39 1937 81
1976 42 1934 84
1973 45 1931 87
1970 48 1928 90
1967 51 1925 93
1964 54 1922 96
1961 57 1919 99

In 2019

Year of birth Age Year of birth Age
2001 18 1959 60
1998 21 1956 63
1995 24 1953 66
1992 27 1950 69
1989 30 1947 72
1986 33 1944 75
1983 36 1941 78
1980 39 1938 81
1977 42 1935 84
1974 45 1932 87
1971 48 1929 90
1968 51 1926 93
1965 54 1923 96
1962 57 1920 99

In 2020,

Year of birth Age Year of birth Age
2002 18 1960 60
1999 21 1957 63
1996 24 1954 66
1993 27 1951 69
1990 30 1948 72
1987 33 1945 75
1984 36 1942 78
1981 39 1939 81
1978 42 1936 84
1975 45 1933 87
1972 48 1930 90
1969 51 1927 93
1966 54 1924 96
1963 57 1921 99

Why do you need medical examination

Despite the fact that the medical examination is voluntary( and if so, but it can be said optional), health workers still recommend to be examined regularly. Because the preventive examination carried out in the complex gives an opportunity to get a full picture of a citizen's health, to determine the future predisposition to diseases, to carry out a prognosis for the development of pathologies.

We, as usual, go to a polyclinic or emergency room in case of emergency, but after all, the diagnosed diseases at an early stage make it possible to make our treatment more simple, timely and less expensive. Preventive medical intervention is a guarantee of health and active longevity.

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Where it will be possible to undergo medical examination in 2017

It can be held in polyclinics at the place of their permanent or temporary registration. With you you need to take a passport, SNILS and a medical insurance policy. Complex diagnostics is carried out in the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy free of charge!

Following the visit to the medical facility, the citizen receives detailed information about his condition and individual recommendations for maintaining health and preventing the appearance or progression of the disease.

And although the federal program is being implemented for the fourth consecutive year, not all citizens of Russia know about it. There are many people who are indifferent to their health condition.

Who can get information about the medical examination of

The district doctor, the district nurse or the registry can get detailed information about the medical institution and when the medical examination will be conducted in 2017.

It should be noted that this event is held throughout the entire territory of Russia in all cities: Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Kirov, Kurgan, Tula, Kazan, Ufa, Magnitogorsk, Cherepovets, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Togliatti, Samara, Orenburg, Kursk, Vologda and all the others.

Just in case, let us recall

What years passed last year's medical examination in 2017

Year of birth Age Year of birth Age
1999 18 1957 60
1996 21 1954 63
1993 24 1951 66
1990 27 1948 69
1987 30 1945 72
1984 33 1942 75
1981 36 1939 78
1978 39 1936 81
1975 42 1933 84
1972 45 1930 87
1969 48 1927 90
1966 51 1924 93
1963 54 1921 96
1960 57 1918 99

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