How long is pneumonia treated in adults?




The disease, if it is really serious, should be treated in a hospital. It should be understood that a mild illness is treated in a polyclinic, at home, and a heavy one in a hospital. Severe pneumonia is treated in the hospital for about 2 weeks. However, these terms can vary depending on the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathology and reserve body forces. Pneumonia is treated in the pulmonological or therapeutic department of the hospital. Atypical, severe pneumonia on the background of various other diseases or rapidly progressing development of pneumonia with a sharp deterioration in health can be treated in the intensive care unit. Somehow the timing of recovery is different and depends on many factors.

Anton Velikanov

Not less than 1-2 months.

Vasya Petrov

2 weeks

Olga N

The antibiotic is weak, probably.


normal, I have 2 weeks this temperature was, then only slept


continue to carefully perform the treatment of any passes and violation of the schedule of injections, the inflammatory process is still going on and it is necessary that the foci of inflammation are not left after the course of injections, carefully follow all the doctor's instructions for detailed information google and take care after the treatment - the body will be weakened drink kefir

instagram viewer

so that the intestine of the microflora is not affected by antibiotics

Ilya Kalyagin

About a month...

Andrew Petrov

Five times there was an inflammation of the lungs every time for about a month, injections according to the rules without omissions. The temperature is kept really long, so that you can also be treated.

valja titova

A month and very seriously. So that without consequences. Breathing is very important!


Personally, my temperature lasted about two weeks at 40 after antibiotics and droppers slept, discharged after six months. So be patient and be healthy. Get well! :)

Michael Surovtsev

I was 3 times, for a year, they were not treated, they did it, the total time was 9 months in the hospital, our medicine is an asshole.

Roll of wallpaper

looking at the start... and how to be treated... hospital of the week two (minimum), and mesyatsok on the sick leave, then to the sanatorium. that complications would not be brought to the grave.

Natalia Makunina

I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. Before that, probably a week was ill at home and after the hospital a week at home.


from three weeks to a complete cure. I with bilateral pneumonia lay in the hospital for two months.. hurted her 8 times... at a pneumonia such temperature can be long.. even after a cure


Antibiotics course from 10 to 21 days, depending on the condition, physical procedures from 5 to 10 days, like the state... The temperature can last up to 7 days of taking the antibiotic, after 7 days, if the temperature does not subside, the antibiotic is changed to a stronger one. Be strong! Pleasure still then!

Evgeny Levkin

Previously not less than 40 days., Only in the hospital ..

Pink Floydovich Zevolov

From 2 weeks to a month, but if in a week the temperature does not return to normal, X-ray control should be done and decide whether to change antibiotics

Aleksandr Aychikov

Classically - 21 days

Arthur Fathutdinov

I treated 3 weeks


Half of the comments are nonsense. Only a couple of comments worthwhile. Pneumonia is completely treated at home, it all depends on the severity of the disease. It is treated for 10 days (exactly the course of antibiotics), then the doctor himself will decide to prolong or stop. Day 6 is not yet an indicator. And the sputum should be sown, the pneumonia after all, and the atypical form happens. And all this garbage written above, you can not even read.
And full recovery is a purely theoretical concept, this is the moment when symptoms and clinical syndromes are absent. And it can be 10 days, maybe 2, maybe a month, depending on what reactivity of the organism.

Petr Merkushev

Three months

Inflammation of the lungs is how much treated by time, how and by what?


Elena Ilyina

And to the doctor to descend or go did not try or taste? After all, this is serious, but you lose time, here we are now narasskazhem!


Treatment of pneumonia - pneumonia, with normal flow and favorable conditions of life can be carried out at home, but most patients need inpatient treatment. For emergency indications, patients with shared and other pneumonias and expressed infectious-toxic syndrome are hospitalized. At the height of the disease, bed rest is shown, a mechanically and chemically sparing diet with restriction of table salt and a sufficient number of vitamins, especially A and C. With the disappearance or significant decrease in the effects of intoxication, the regime is extended, physical culture, in the absence of contraindications (heart disease, digestive organs), the patient is transferred to diet number 15.
Immediately after taking sputum, smears or rinses for bacteriological examination, etiotropic therapy spend under the control of clinical efficiency, in the subsequent - taking into account the sown microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Patients younger than 30 years with a mild course of pneumonia and the absence of chronic diseases can be prescribed long-acting sulfonamides (sulfapiridazine, sulfamonomethoxin, sulfadimethoxin 1-2 g for the first dose once a day, up to -1 g in the following days for 5-7-14 days). In contrast to the rapidly absorbed from the intestine of sulfapiridazine and sulfamonomethoxin, the maximum concentration in the blood of sulfadimethoxin is observed after 8-12 hours. Therefore, concomitantly with sulfadimethoxin, two grams of norsulfazole-sulfanilamide of short action should be administered in two divided doses at intervals of 3 hours. Norsulfazole in the same dose can be prescribed 3-4 hours prior to taking sulfapiridase or sulfadimethoxin, -1 g once a day. O / lfalen - sulfanil-lamide of superlong action with a half-life period of 65-84 h - taken in a dose, g once a day or once 2 g per week Sulfonamides should be used in the acute period and within 3-5 days after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease. It is recommended to take them dissolved in 1/2 cup water or 1-2% solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals and not earlier than 3-5 hours after eating. If the drug is poorly soluble (sulfadpmetoxin, sulfapiridazine), the tablet should be thoroughly chewed and washed with plenty of water. A more pronounced bactericidal action is possessed by a combination preparation containing sulfamethoxazole and trimetroprim, bactrim (biseptol), affecting gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. Assigning 2 tablets (for severe pneumonia, 3 tablets) 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks, you can achieve a good effect.
For moderate and severe forms of pneumonia (especially those caused by staphylococcus and Klebsiella pneumonia) antibiotics of all groups are used. Penicillin (preferably benzylpenicylpine sodium salt) remains effective at daily doses from 6 000 000 to 30 000 00.0 ED in a -1% solution novocaine or isotonic sodium chloride solution; the drug is administered in equal doses v / m or IV every 3-4 h (sometimes intratracheally 1 time in day). It should be borne in mind that large doses of penicillin can pose a threat of superinfection with penicillin resorption flora. Intravenous administration of antibiotic allows to obtain in a short time 2-3 times higher concentrations of the drug in the blood than with intramuscular injection.
With penicillin-resistant forms of pneumonia - pneumonia, more often caused by strains of staphylococcus producing penicillinase, semisynthetic penicillins - methicillin sodium salt (1 g at 4-6 h IM, up to 10-12 g / day), oxacillin sodium salt (p, 5 g per reception, up to 3-8 g / day, depending on the severity of pneumonia, or -3 g / day iv), and with pneumonia caused by gram-negative microbes (Klebsiella pneumonia, Pfeiffer's stick, E. coli) - ampicillin trihydrate (oD, 5 g every 4-6 hours inward with an increase in the daily dose in severe pneumonia to 6-10 g) or ampicillin sodium salt (g, w / m, in / in drip)

Mr. Corax

Three weeks on average.
Only a hospital, at home there are all chances to get a complication.

Vika Govorchenko

urgently to the doctor!!! with this you can not joke! and treatment depends on the severity of the disease, so the sooner the better! be healthy!!!:)


It is treated only in a hospital, since it is an infectious disease. Duration distinguishes between acute and chronic. It is treated necessarily by appointment and under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment is long and depends on the stage of the disease. You need a correct selection of antibiotics, administering it in a sufficient dose and with the proper frequency. that at home is unrealistic.


Antibiotics for 20 days.
It is now possible weeks 2.
Stationary course.

Alexey Garanin


How much is kept in hospital with pneumonia

Pneumonia is a disease that is sometimes treated in a hospital. The length of stay of a patient in a medical institution can vary depending on the degree of disease and the effectiveness of the tactics chosen by physicians. The need for hospitalization is assessed by a variety of factors and causes of the disease.

Indications for hospitalization

Several factors serve as indications for determining a patient in a clinic. The first of them is the inability of patients to apply drugs according to the prescribed schedule and schedule. Before hospitalization, the degree of lung damage is determined by chest radiography. After this, a difference in the physiological parameters of the patient is established (pressure drop, pulse, respiratory rate). Hospitalization for treatment is mandatory for acute disorders of consciousness, hypoxemia, the presence of concomitant infection (meningitis or endocarditis), as well as with suspected concomitant diseases of the heart and liver, the presence of tumor formations. An important indicator in determining a patient in a hospital is the possibility of providing the necessary care for the patient. Correctly selected medicine, type of disease and the body's response to drugs and determine the overall period of hospitalization.

Term of hospitalization

The duration of hospitalization is determined by all of the above factors. Usually the term of the patient's finding with successful therapy of the disease is 2-4 days, however in some cases the doctors can leave the patient for further observation and more intensive treatment. Treatment of complicated forms of pneumonia can reach a longer period (about 10 days). In mild cases of illness the patient can stay in the hospital for 2 days, after which he can be sent home for independent continuation of treatment. At a high body temperature a person should observe bed rest.

Treat the disease should be in accordance with the type of pneumonia and the presence of the original cause of its formation. Therapy is based on antibacterial drugs, which are prescribed depending on the condition of the patient and his age. For the treatment of pneumonia, two antibiotics are most commonly prescribed, aimed at eliminating the initial infection and relieving the symptoms of pneumonia. In hospitals, the right drugs are injected with injections.


In the presence of a cough, expectorants and thinners are prescribed. Often used drugs such as "ATSTS "Lazolvan" and "Bromgegksin." To exclude shortness of breath, prescribe medications that dilate the bronchi, and injections of antibiotics for a more rapid impact. The drugs are for inhalation. With special indications, droppers with saline solution and glucose are put. In some cases, immunomodulatory therapy is prescribed, which requires the use of immunoglobulins, which are necessary for patients with a destroyed immune system.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults

Pneumonia is an infectious disease. It remains one of the most common in the world. It is the leader among nosocomial infections leading to death. It is important to know the symptoms of pneumonia in adults in order to take timely action. Treatment of pneumonia and the prognosis of the development of the disease depends on the nature of the infection, age and general condition of the patient.

What is pneumonia and how dangerous it is

Inflammation of the lungs in an acute form is called pneumonia. It is caused by infections that can be transmitted in various ways, affecting the lung tissue. In the list of diseases that caused death, she is in fifth place, and medicine does not always help. Lethal outcome among adults from pneumonia is 10-33%. Intrahospital and atypical form of the disease takes even more lives - the risk of dying increases to 50%. In elderly people, people with weakened immunity, the prognosis of pneumonia is often disappointing.

From usual pneumonia, 1-3% of young patients who do not have diseases that die, can die. Among elderly patients, the mortality rate is up to 40-50%. Causes of death from pneumonia:

  • Concomitant diseases, such as cardiac pathologies, existing respiratory diseases (such as bronchitis), diabetes mellitus, problems in the genitourinary system;
  • bad habits (smoking, especially lengthy experience, drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • dysfunctional living conditions;
  • weakened immunity.

A special risk of inflammation of the lungs is for pregnant women. The disease itself is heavy due to dangerous pathologies. For a woman who carries a child, she is doubly dangerous - for the future mother and fetus. In early terms, pneumonia is threatened by an embryo, the tissues and organs of which are not yet formed. In the last trimester for a child, pneumonia is less dangerous than for a mother. Prevention is simple: strengthening the immune system of the mother.

The first signs of pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults depend on the type of infection that caused the disease. There are several types of pneumonia, and each has its own clinical picture. The provoking factor for the onset of pneumonia is hypothermia affecting the upper respiratory tract. In the elderly, it often goes into a pathological form. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults are several: they are divided into varieties of insidious disease. The common form of pneumonia is viral, occurs in half the cases. Other reasons:

  • bacteria;
  • mycoplasma;
  • fungus;
  • parasites;
  • chlamydia;
  • streptococcus.


A disease that occurs without symptoms characteristic of pneumonia is called atypical. The latent inflammation of the lungs is dangerous because it is delayed for its treatment, when many complications appear. Pulmonary manifestations fade into the background, the patient is more concerned about general intoxication. The X-ray does not show changes in the airway. Signs of atypical inflammation:

  • dry cough;
  • sore throat;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

Aseptic atypical pneumonia is caused by Legionella, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, therefore, it is treated with antimicrobials. After infection, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in a period of 2 to 10 days. Changes in the lungs begin later than with a typical pneumonia. The temperature rises, the patient starts to suffocate, he does not have enough air. A large percentage of patients can be cured at home, but sometimes the ailment is difficult. The mortality from this type of disease is 3-5%, the cause is cardiopulmonary insufficiency.


This type of disease is caused by several viruses. In the first place - the flu. At the onset of pneumonia, triggered by the influenza virus, malaise is noticeable during 3-5 days. Then the condition worsens, shortness of breath starts, chest pains appear. Pneumonia is treated with rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir. Viral pneumonia is caused by cytomegalovirus.

Serious complication of viral pneumonia is SARS, respiratory syndrome. It is caused by the viruses of Paramyxoviridae (they are also the cause of measles and mumps). The syndrome poses a great danger. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults with viral pneumonia are:

  • very high temperature accompanied by chills;
  • dry cough (unproductive);
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • fatigue without reason.


The cause of pneumonia in this case are bacteria: pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus. Bacterial pneumonia begins with a sharp temperature jump to a mark of 41 degrees. It lasts up to 3 days, and this symptom is considered a clear sign of bacterial infection. If the temperature then falls, then rises - this is a viral picture. Pneumococcal pneumonia is accompanied by the escape of "rusty" sputum, cardiac contractions become more frequent (tachycardia), breathing becomes more difficult. Treat the disease with antibiotics.


The most dangerous variant of pulmonary inflammation is fungal infection. It is due to the fact that fungal pneumonia is not manifested at first, and people do not know that they are sick. The disease is diagnosed late. The onset of the process of inflammation of the lung tissue is like atypical pneumonia, but with the exacerbation of symptoms, the nature of lung damage changes, cavities are formed. A frequent causative agent of such pneumonia is Candida albicans, a fungus. Initially, the patient has catarrhal symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue and shortness of breath. Then, when pussy is pus, then the correct diagnosis is made.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

The cold, the flu, should not last more than 7 days, if in 4-7 days after the onset of an acute respiratory infection the condition of the patient worsened, this signal starts in the lower respiratory tract of a dangerous inflammation. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults include pallor and dyspnea. If they have a cold, they are accompanied by weakness, sweating, decreased appetite - this is typical for intoxication in the beginning of pneumonia.

Temperature with pneumonia

With atypical pneumonia, body temperature is not always greater than 3,. In the usual cases, a sharp increase to 40 degrees is typical. With pneumonia, antipyretic drugs do not work. If you can not bring down the temperature - it's a sign of pneumonia. The temperature begins to drop when antibiotics work. It is dangerous if the disease runs without temperature: the patients sometimes do not take measures until the condition worsens. How much the temperature lasts depends on the pathogen: a fungus, a bacterium or a virus.

What a cough with pneumonia

At the beginning of the disease, a cough is dry, this is called unproductive. He becomes obtrusive, constant, exhausting. Inflammation develops - this symptom also changes. The sputum departs, the color of which depends on the nature of the infection: yellow-green, purulent, "rusty." Nasal cough, which does not pass for 7-10 days, is a clear sign of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

Voice tremor

The doctor can recognize the symptoms of the disease, assessing the patient's jittery response. The patient says words where there are several "p" sounds, and the doctor puts his hands on his chest, and determines the voice trembling. With pneumonia, part of the lung, or it is whole, becomes denser. This will be noticed by the medical doctor who conducts the diagnostics, by the fact that the voice tremor is amplified.

Diagnosis of the disease

If there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the lungs, a comprehensive diagnosis is performed. Sometimes already at the primary admission the doctor can determine the disease by conducting an auscultation, that is, having listened to the chest with a phonendoscope. But the main method of diagnosis in an adult is an X-ray. Necessarily the patient will take blood for general and biochemical analysis. If the patient is in the hospital, examine the culture of sputum, urine, check blood for antibodies to viruses.

Types of pneumonia

The mild forms of pneumonia, found in the initial stage, are treated at home. Remember that even mild pneumonia will complicate with improper care. It is necessary to adhere to the doctor's recommendations how to treat pneumonia in the home:

  • antipyretic drugs, anti-inflammatory;
  • an abundant drink is prescribed;
  • an important component of the treatment is a diet: the body is poisoned by toxins, light foods, more fluids are required.

How to treat pneumonia, how long the process will last depends on the severity and variety of the disease. Infection is sometimes found in the lung tissue for years, leading to a chronic illness. Fibers and connective tissues are damaged, they press on the pulmonary vesicles, which leads to hardening of the lungs, pneumosclerosis. The patient feels discomfort, constantly coughs. It is a slow, prolonged illness, which gradually leads to complications.

Conventional pneumonia is divided into mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe in severity, it depends on how the disease proceeds. Severe acute forms include pleuropneumonia, when one or more of the lungs are inflamed. There is pneumonia in the localization:

  • Focal (concentrated in the focus of inflammation);
  • segmental or polysegmentary, depending on whether one or more segments are located;
  • share - does not exceed one share;
  • total - covers all the lungs.

One-sided and two-sided

The inflammatory process is concentrated either on one side or it is bilateral. Unilateral pneumonia is divided into two types:

  1. Right-sided - occurs more often, the right bronchus is wider than the left and shorter than it, the infection penetrates there freer.
  2. Left-sided - develops less often, with it there are stagnant processes in the lung.

Two-sided covers both lungs: all lung tissue becomes inflamed, and the disease is provoked by bacteria (pneumococcus, hemophilic rod). Against the background of one infection, other harmful microorganisms are multiplied, mixed-infection develops. In the fight against a person enter several pathogens, to select antibacterial drugs for treatment is difficult.


The focus of inflammation, located along the root of the lung, is difficult to diagnose. Such cases are called basal pneumonia. In the diagnosis of computed tomography. The doctor should exclude tuberculosis and lung cancer, the focus of inflammation is similar to a picture on a tumor. Tuberculin tests are carried out. If you mistakenly prescribe drugs against tuberculosis, but they do not give an effect - this is considered a diagnostic sign.


Bronchial pneumonia characterizes the lesion of small branches of the bronchial tree of the patient. Bronchopneumonia refers to focal. The process of recovery will take a long time. Sometimes the disease is secondary, develops against the background of bronchitis. A person tries to cure bronchitis, that is prolonged, the condition worsens, weakness appears, temperature jumps. The cough that accompanies bronchitis intensifies, unpleasant purulent sputum is separated, at times - with veins of blood.

Important symptoms of this disease: shortness of breath, increased heart rate to 110 strokes for a minute, chest pain. To the development of bronchopneumonia leads not only bronchitis, but also ARVI. Often this type of pneumonia and viruses cause this kind of pneumonia, in order to treat the disease correctly, establish a pathogen, prescribe antiviral drugs or antibacterial. How much the disease is treated depends on the type of pathogen.


In addition to community-acquired pneumonia, which develops under normal conditions, there is a serious form of illness - hospital, it is also hospital-acquired. The diagnosis is made when the inflammation appears after two days and more after placing a person in a hospital clinic with a completely different diagnosis. This is the most ruthless species, killing 50% of patients. The disease is caused by microorganisms. Types of nosocomial pneumonia:

  • associated with artificial ventilation;
  • postoperative;
  • Hospital-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized in serious condition.

Immunity of patients is weakened, the body struggled with another disease, was not ready to invade new microbes. To save the situation, patients are placed with droppers, use intravenous nutrition to maintain the vital forces of the body, use drugs of a new generation, potent drugs. Cure nosocomial pneumonia can not always. Treatment of pneumonia in this case is excluded.

The equity

Fracture pneumonia affects the lobe of the lung and the pleura. With this type of pneumonia, it is important to schedule injections of antibiotics, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. Applied physiotherapy, detoxification. Partial pneumonia begins suddenly and sharply. There are three forms of the disease:

  • Upper-lobar - it is difficult, with neurological disorders;
  • lower-lobed - gives a pseudo-picture of the "acute abdomen which confuses during diagnosis, chills and "rusty" sputum are characteristic;
  • central - inflammation develops deep in the lung, symptomatology is poorly defined, difficult to define.


Croupous pneumonia proceeds acutely. The nature of the defeat of the lungs is bilateral. If the pathology is not recognized and the treatment is not started quickly, the patient will die from cerebral hypoxia and cardiovascular insufficiency. The first day the patient has a dry cough. The next day, sputum is rusty, vomiting occurs. On the third day, it becomes worse, dyspnea appears, tachycardia develops. The patient is not able to climb to one floor. Treat croupous pneumonia in pulmonology, in a hospital or resuscitation. Pulmonary lobes of the patient are totally affected on both sides.

Video: types and symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease, it is important to determine it in the early stages, when the treatment is effective even with folk remedies at home. In the video offered below, experts will tell in detail about the symptoms of pneumonia, teach what to look for if pneumonia occurs without the typical symptoms. Timely detection will avoid irreversible consequences.

How long does the course of treatment of pneumonia in hospital last? (right-sided) And how does pneumonia differ from pneumonia?



I was treated for 2 weeks, the whole ass was stabbed so that I could fix :)) And by the way, the truth is pneumonia and pneumonia is the same


as far as I know, pneumonia is a viral disease, pneumonia is not

semen sokolov

Pneumonia and the inflammation of the lungs are one and the same. Pneumonia is treated differently.


usually, -2 weeks, is treated with antibiotics. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. Pneumon in Latin means light

Evgeny Pavlikov

Pneumonia is a disease that colds head it is treated for a very long time as not sad but causes death! pneumonia in% 70 that a person will survive and pneumonia% 50 to 50! A pneumonia can be received if it is strong to catch a cold head!


this is one and the same disease. The course of treatment is 14-21 days in the hospital

Flash in the night

At the daughter (6 years) complication after a flu two-sided aypemic pneumonia. From the hospital refused to be treated at home. 7 days of antibiotics, now expectorant, massage, rubbing and inhalation. In the hospital, it makes sense to lie for 10 days, then go home. Since there is a possibility to be cured at home by oral tablets. And antibiotics 2 and 3 generations koljat on 1 nyxis in day, instead of as earlier - a priest, as a globe.

Dmitry Kosach

It is the same. All are treated differently depending on the severity of the course.

Gayane Caprielants

pneumonia and pneumonia it is fit and at the same time treatment in hospital for up to 20 days, but it all depends on effectiveness of the therapy, on the condition of bolnogo, the indices of laboratory research methods in dynamics with original!


Pneumonia is a serious disease that can not be treated independently. In elderly people, children and people with reduced immunity, it is more severe, therefore hospitalization is necessary in these cases.

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