Inhalation for children
In the period from autumn to spring, acute respiratory infections are not uncommon. Worst of all, when this affects the youngest members of the family. At such moments, all means are used to help alleviate the suffering of the baby and cure a cold. Inhalation for children is the most effective method to accelerate the process of recovery, remove the severity of symptoms. For all parents, this issue is acute and many are increasingly turning to the treatment of childhood diseases by effective methods. How to properly do inhalation for children and what to use for this, read on.
How to inhale a child
Inhalation is characterized as the treatment of respiratory diseases by the direct administration of drugs into the inflamed foci of the respiratory system. This method of treatment is considered the fastest, most reliable and safe if you want to cure your child in a short time. This requires nebulizers, which allow you to perform the procedure with pure steam, essential oils, potato or herbal decoctions, etc.
In the modern age, there are a huge number of such adaptations that facilitate the process of inhalation and are applied to children of different ages. There are no specific age-related contraindications for children for this procedure (except for newborn babies and one-year-old babies), it is important to persuade the child not to frighten him.

When to do
You will certainly need an inhaler for children to effectively treat respiratory problems. Diseases that can be treated with inhalation include:
- sinusitis;
- tonsillitis (loss of voice);
- pharyngitis, laryngitis;
- stenosis;
- tracheitis;
- pneumonia;
- bronchial asthma;
- allergy to pollen.
Execution of inhalation for children must comply with all rules that comply with the following recommendations:
- plan inhalation so that there is a break of at least an hour between eating and manipulation;
- when the baby breathes, put him to sleep;
- The duration of the inhalation should not exceed three minutes in children;
- An effective course of treatment with inhalations consists of at least 10 sessions.
Types of inhalers
Depending on the disease that needs to be treated, there are different types of inhalers. Some of them are aimed at eliminating cough, others help normalize breathing in the nasal sinuses, others are used for angina, asthma, and others. Still there are universal devices that make it possible to effectively treat diseases at home. Read more about them in more detail.

The very term "nebulizer" comes from "nebula" and literally means fog or cloud. The appearance of this device in the distant XVIII century characterized the transformation of the liquid with drugs into an aerosol for inhalation. The difference between a nebulizer and steam engines is that it creates a flow of medicinal microparticles with the help of an aerosol method. Today's pharmacies offer to choose and buy at different prices these electric devices from leading manufacturers (Omron, Gamma, Geyser, Spacer).

In this case, the air that enters through a narrow opening is subject to low pressure. As a result, the air velocity increases, and the liquid from the chamber is sucked too into the low pressure region. Here, the drug begins to interact with the air stream, breaking into minute particles that enter the most remote parts of the airways.
To somehow attract children to the process of inhalation, manufacturers of such techniques are trying to create an interesting look. This option includes a compressor inhaler called "Steam Engine" of the company "Omron". It has a beautiful bright look of a toy locomotive, it is equipped with all necessary tubes, masks, which are used for breathing by different methods. It is possible to use even a 4-month-old child.

The effect of such an immobilizer is based on the action of the medical fluid by high-frequency ultrasonic waves, as a result of which the aerosol of the inhaler is formed. However, the use of drugs for inhalations in this case is not advisable, because ultrasonic frequencies destroy high-molecular compounds of antibiotics, mucolytics and other medications. Use better herbal decoctions or saline solutions with medicine.

The nebulizer of this type is based on the effect of evaporation of volatile drug solutions (these are, as a rule, essential oils), which have a boiling point below one hundred degrees. However, compared to previous species, the steam inhaler has a number of drawbacks, among which limited the use of drugs in a very small concentration, which does not always give the necessary healing effect.
Solution for inhalation
To effectively use any inhalation for children, it is necessary not just water for inhalations, it is important to prepare special solutions. They are created on the basis of different drugs, the list of which is the doctor for intensive care. These can be bronchial medications, antibiotics, expectorants or solutions with soda. See what the inhalations in the nebulizer do next.

These drugs are designed to treat bronchi. The maximum effect of bronchodilators is achieved by delivering small particles to the bronchi with the help of inhalation procedures. These include the following inhibitors:
- "Ventolin Nebula"
- Composition: salbutamol as the main component that creates a medicinal effect.
- Indications: prescribed by doctors with bronchial asthma, as well as with chronic lung disease.
- Application: the suspension is used in pure form for 2.5 ml or diluted with "Sodium Chloride". The procedure should last no more than 10 minutes, and the allowed frequency daily - up to 4 times.
- Berotek
- Composition: fenoterol, which effectively removes asthma attacks.
- Indications. This medicine is necessary for use as a prophylaxis or treatment for asthma, chronic lung disease.
- Application: inhalation for young children (before the execution of 6 years), take 20-25 drops of "Beroteka" and drip directly into the inhaler.

This type of medicine refers to expectorants that dilute mucus. With the help of inhalations with mucolytics, doctors effectively fight with a strong cough of any origin. These drugs are good for removing the swelling of the mucous membranes, dilute even high-viscosity sputum. Here's what you can do with inhalation:
"Ambrobene" or its analogues: Ambroxol, Ambrohexal:
- Ingredients: the main ingredient is ambroxol;
- Indication: is intended for the therapy of acute or chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
- Application: it is not recommended to use with medicines, under the name: "Falimint", "Pectusin", "Broncholitin", "Sinekod", others. To make inhalation for children, dilute 2 ml of syrup with saline solution one to one. Perform the procedure twice a day.

Without an antibacterial drug, it is impossible to cure long-delayed airway disease (more than 10 days). Such medications help prevent the penetration of infection into the deep sections of the bronchi, have antimicrobial properties of wide action. Among antibiotics, the following preparation is often used during inhalations.
- Ingredients: acetylcysteine (the same "ACTS"), tiamphenicol.
- Indication: enhances the effect of mucolytics.
- Application: use 2 ml of the prepared solution (125 mg of the drug with 125 ml of saline).
Solutions based on alkali intensively help dilute sputum and purulent discharge from the nasopharynx. This method of inhalation is referred to as simple and effective means. It cures diseases of the respiratory system. For inhalation with mineral water, use "Borjomi" or "Essentuki" as follows:
- half a liter of mineral water heated in a teapot to (45 degrees);
- inhale steam through the nose with your mouth, and breathe out with your nose;
- duration of the process - minutes 8, and the number of repetitions per day - up to 4 times;
With what to do inhalations
It depends on what kind of disease you want to treat in view of the presence of certain symptoms, there are different medications that are used to make inhalations. For a nebulizer, you can prepare solutions, the inhalation of vapors of which will effectively treat such diseases, as a snot, wet or dry cough, sinusitis, asthma, sore throat, flu, SARS, other diseases. Study further, with what to do inhalations nebulizer.
With a cold

For effective treatment of the common cold and loss of nasal congestion, use specialized inhalation solutions called "Sinupret", "Naphthysine", "Epinephrine" ("Adrenaline"). Still effective: "Star", "Pinosol", "Rotokan." Learn how to prepare inhalations for a cold:
- Eucalyptus or fir oil: dilute 14 drops of ether in 0.2 liters of saline. For each procedure, fill the nebulizer with a cold 3 ml of the solution obtained and repeat the procedure daily up to 4 times a day.
- "Sodium Chloride": fill the ampoule with 4 ml of the drug in a nebulizer, treat the tube with "Chlorhexidine", breathe for up to five minutes. At least three times a day.
With bronchitis and dry cough

When you are surprised by bronchitis or a long dry cough, inhalations with expectorants (Mukaltin, Lazolvan) and mucalytics will help you. Still use antitussive agents ("Ledocaine", "Tussamag"), phytopreparations. The following drugs are used for inhalation with cough:
- Berodual for inhalations
- Composition: fenoterol, bromide.
- Indications: used to treat chronic obstructive airways diseases.
- Application: Prepare Berodual for children with saline (2 drops each), fill the nebulizer with a cough - breathe.
- Lazolvan for inhalation instructions
- Composition: the main component is ambroxol.
- indications: for acute and chronic diseases with viscous thick sputum;
- application: 2 ml of the drug dilute with 2 ml of saline, do the procedure, adding 3 ml of the finished solution, repeating the procedure up to 4 times per day.
- "Pulmicort"
- Composition: the main substance is budesonide.
- Indications: chronic lung diseases, acute inflammatory diseases.
- Application: 1 mg of the drug is diluted with 2 ml of saline, use 3 ml of the mixture for the procedure for four repetitions per day.
With genyantritis

To ease the course of the disease and accelerate the recovery process, with genyantritis without inhalations for children is indispensable. Here, vasoconstrictive drugs are needed, which remove inflammation in the nose, facilitate breathing. In this case, inhalations will help you with:
- "Dekasan." It is an antiseptic, disinfectant with antiviral activity. Has reviews of a strong drug.
- Composition: decamethoxin.
- Indications: it is used during purulent-inflammatory diseases (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammation of adenoids).
- Application: 2 ml of the drug dilute with 2 ml of saline, apply 3 ml of the mixture for the procedure three times a day.
- The saline solution. 3 g of sea salt diluted in 10 ml of saline, use a mixture of 3 ml for 10-minute procedures several times a day.
- Essential oils: mix on a drop of rosemary, thyme and mint, dissolve in 2 ml of saline, perform the procedure for about 20 minutes three times a day.
At a temperature
It should always be remembered that during the temperature, from procedures with inhalation it is better to refuse altogether. However, there are situations when the use of a nebulizer is possible. For example, the child has an acute course of the disease and to maintain the effect of therapy, it is impossible to cancel inhalations. However, if the temperature has risen above 37.5, then any procedures prescribed even by doctors should be canceled.
With asthma

To treat asthma with inhalation, use medications that dilate the bronchi (Berotek, Salbutamol, Flibsotide Nebula, Eufillin) dilute sputum ("Lazolvan" for inhalations, "Mukolvan"), antibiotics ("Septomirin", "Dioxydin", "Gentamicin", "Metrogil", "Miramistin"). The hormones ("Hydrocortisone", "Prednisolone"), antihistamines ("Dexamethasone", "Kromogeksal"), preparations for increasing immunity (Derinat, Interferon, Laferobion, Cycloferon) will also help. Prepare solutions using these medications.
Recipes for the nebulizer
There are prescriptions for inhalations that have a wide range of effects during respiratory diseases. Here, drugs such as Tonzilgon, Propolis, Calendula can be used. Use them to ease the course of the disease, improve general condition, speedy recovery. To learn how to prepare such solutions for inhalations, read the instructions further.
- With "Chlorophyllipt", the necessary components and application:
- 1 ml of alcohol (one percent) tincture on chlorophyll of eucalyptus leaves;
- saline for inhalations (10 ml);
- mix everything, use a dose of 3 ml from the finished solution for each 20-minute procedure;
- apply at least three times a day.
- With "Tonsilgon" (homeopathic remedy for inhalations based on horsetail, chamomile, dandelion, yarrow, althea, walnut):
- 2 ml of the drug should be added to the same amount of saline solution;
- fill the nebulizer with 4 ml of the finished mixture;
- duration of inhalation - up to 10 minutes, with repetitions per day up to four times.
- With Propolis:
- 1 ml of the drug, dilute in 20 ml of saline solution;
- use 3 ml per inhalation three times a day.
- With Furatsilin:
- one tablet of the drug diluted in 100 ml of saline solution;
- for 4 ml of diluted drug, use with inhalations up to two times a day.
- With Calendula:
- 1 ml of alcohol infusion extract inflorescences dilute in 40 ml of saline solution;
- pour 4 ml of the mixture into the nebulizer and perform inhalation a couple of times every day until complete recovery.
Inhalation in the home

If you do not know what to do with inhalations with a cough or runny nose yet, the procedure can be performed by methods without using a nebulizer. To do this, using improvised means, which are available at home, for example, garlic or potatoes. You can also make inhalations on herbal solutions. Just take the necessary ingredients, boil and breathe on the steaming pot with the ready-made medicines of the folk method of treatment.
- Recipe for garlic: boil the finely chopped 6 cloves of garlic for about five minutes, breathe over the steam.
- Proportion of herbal inhalation: Take a teaspoon of dried eucalyptus, sage, finely chopped garlic, tablet validol, quarter of briquette with pine extract, boil, inhale fumes.
- Boil two potatoes in a uniform, breathe over the pan until it cools.
Video about inhalation for children
Before using inhalations at home with folk remedies or with the help of nebulizers, consult a therapist carefully examined the child, put the correct diagnosis, and only then, according to his instructions, use respiratory therapies. Then read the videos that describe the proper implementation of the procedure for children.
Doctor Komarovsky
Known in many countries, Dr. Komarovsky, always tells you how to act in all situations when your baby is sick. After watching the video attached below with the recommendations of this pediatrician, you will find out what is allowed and forbidden do during various respiratory diseases and how to properly use inhalation for therapy.
How to use a nebulizer
Having purchased an indispensable device for home application, it is important to know to study the instruction inside under the name "Nebulizer application", but not all use it, so watch the video below. Here you will find out what the pipes are for, how to use them to treat various diseases. Remember that not all drugs are suitable for certain types of inhalers.
Which medications are suitable for nebulizer inhalers from cough?

Nebulizer is a modern inhaler for the treatment of respiratory diseases. If you choose the right medicine for this device, you can get rid of cough and cold in a few days without using strong medications.
Cough medicine for the nebulizer
For the treatment of cough with a nebulizer use a variety of solutions that are best and easiest to buy at the pharmacy. They often include several components that cope with the problem in a comprehensive manner. You can prepare yourself a medicine for inhalation yourself. This requires a physiological solution and a medicinal preparation heated to 20 ° C.
The most harmless cough remedy for use in a nebulizer is the mineral water "Borjomi" or "Narzan". Alkaline environment promotes liquefaction and excretion of purulent secretions. This is perhaps the only solution that can be treated independently. The use of medicines should be agreed with the doctor, tk. self-medication can have unpleasant consequences. The right concentration of the solution and the appropriateness of using a particular medicine should be determined by the doctor.
If the cough is dry, the doctor can prescribe inhalation with bronchodilator drugs, such as Berodual, Pulmicort, Atrovent. With a damp cough, solutions from Lazolvan, ACTS, Fluimucil, Acetylcysteine, Pulmozim, which have mucolytic activity, are of great help. With a very strong cough, Lidocaine will help. For the removal of inflammation, as a rule, simultaneously with bronchodilators and mucolytics appoint "Gentomycin", "Dioxydin", "Tevomycin" or other antibiotics.
Sometimes, to combat coughing, the doctor prescribes drugs of combined action, for example, "Fenoterol", or prescribes inhalations based on drugs of different effects. In this case it is necessary to observe the following order: first to inhale the bronchodilator, then after 10-15 minutes - mucolytics, and only after the sputum discharge - anti-inflammatory drug. Those who often get sick, the doctor can prescribe prophylactic inhalations based on interferon, which has an immunomodulatory effect.
What substances can not be used in a nebulizer?
Practically any drug and saline solution can create a solution for use in a nebulizer. The main thing is to follow the rules described in the instruction manual of this device and use only substances that can be used in a certain model.
In many models it is not recommended to use solutions containing oil. Leave the inhaler out of action can also decoctions and infusions of herbs. It is best not to use solutions based on distilled water for inhalation, because There are cases when she caused bronchospasm.
Solutions for nebulizer

With the help of a special inhaler, a nebulizer, it is possible to effectively treat diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as sinusitis and rhinitis of different origin. The inhaler will help also at a genyantritis. Let's discuss in more detail what are the solutions for the nebulizer and what diseases are effective for one or another of them.
Rules for the use of inhalation solutions for nebulizer
To date, there are several types of nebulizers, some of them allow the use of essential oils, but most do not. We will consider those devices that are designed exclusively for the treatment of drug solutions. There are several tips that will help you to hold the inhalation correctly:
- Conduct treatment with a nebulizer should not be less than an hour and a half after eating. After inhalation, it is not recommended to eat, drink, talk and go out for 45 minutes.
- In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as sinusitis and rhinitis, breathing in the mask is necessary through the nose.
- With laryngitis, tracheitis and sore throat should be inhaled with the mouth, exhale - with the nose.
- With bronchitis, coughing and lung diseases, breathing is indicated through the mouth.
- Ready-made solution for nebulizer can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, before use it should be heated to room temperature.
- Soda solution for inhalation nebulizer can not be stored.
Solutions for the nebulizer in the rhinitis and sinusitis
Virtually all solutions consist of a certain drug diluted in saline solution. Usually, this sodium chloride is a small percentage, which has moisturizing and antiseptic properties.
For the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis and common cold, such medications are suitable for inhalation:
- Epinephrine;
- Naphthysine;
- Furacillin;
- Fluimutsil and others.
They should be diluted with saline, according to the instructions. With maxillary sinusitis, the most effective solution is a nebulizer solution based on Polidex.
Sinupret is effective for all kinds of nasopharyngeal diseases. He is bred in a one-to-one ratio. Interferon also has a complex effect. This drug is useful when the source of the disease is ARVI.
To remove the swelling from the mucosa and improve the escape of sputum, may come and mineral waters such as Borjomi. Water without gas in an amount of 4-5 ml is sprayed 3-5 times a day. You can also use an alcohol tincture of calendula, or chamomile in the proportion of 3 drops of tincture to 4 ml of distilled water.
Solutions for nebulizer for coughing
In the event that you have a dry cough, a solution that dissolves phlegm and facilitates their withdrawal is suitable. For this, mucolytics and secretions are suitable. Fluimycil for inhalations is used in an amount of 3 ml per inhalation. Lazolvan and Ambrobene - 2-3 ml per inhalation.
Mukaltin in tablets can be dissolved in the proportions of 1 tablet per 80 ml of saline and apply 4-5 ml of the mixture to 1 inhalation.
A solution for a nebulizer with bronchitis should contain antibiotics, or provide an enlarging bronchial effect. Better, of course, complex drugs:
- Bioparox;
- Berodual;
- Fenoterol;
- Gedelix;
- Rotokan;
- Anthrovent and others.
A very important task is to kill pathogenic microbes and to increase the flow of mucus from the bronchi so that they can be cleansed more quickly. Very well with this function is the following:
- 10-15 drops of alcoholic tincture of eucalyptus diluted in 200 ml of saline.
- Use 4 ml per inhalation in the nebulizer.
- For the day should be a minimum of 3 approaches.
Sinhipret is a herbal preparation, which also has a complex effect. In its composition extracts of sorrel, verbena, elder and primrose. The drug is used in combination with saline in a ratio of 1 to 3.
Inhalation with bronchitis, laryngitis - steam inhalations, nebulizer
When treating bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, acute, chronic, obstructive bronchitis in adults and children in the composition complex therapy is very effective to use various inhalations of medicinal products, special solutions, medicinal herbs.
It is especially convenient to carry out inhalations with bronchitis using an ultrasonic inhaler - a nebulizer, a compressor inhaler, which in pharmacy networks have a wide choice.
The peculiarity of their use is that not all of them can use oily and herbal solutions, but only purified special pharmacy medicinal solutions or mineral water.
So, there are 2 ways of carrying out inhalations:
- With the help of special devices - inhalers, nebulizers (ultrasonic type, compressor, combined)
- Steam inhalations - with the help of a container and hot medicinal solution or with a kettle with a paper funnel, put on a teapot spout.
The main task of inhalation therapy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system:
- liquefaction of the larynx, pharynx, nose
- airway mucosa
- when using drugs - bronchodilator effect, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, decongestant
- improvement of blood supply and microcirculation of the mucosa - this helps in the early regeneration of tissues
Important! In the presence of inflammatory processes of purulent nature - angina, sinusitis, sinusitis, apply hot steam inhalations it is impossible, because with purulent processes, warming promotes a faster growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Steam inhalations can be used only with prolonged runny nose, pharyngitis (without purulent foci), laryngitis.
Steam inhalation with bronchitis, laryngitis - pro and contra
There comes a cold, rainy weather, and most of the young children and weakened adults - catch a cold and catch a viral infection. As a result - a runny nose, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis and other respiratory diseases.
Steam inhalations are the oldest and most popular form of inhalation, but it should be used only on the advice of a doctor, since in all cases the positive effect of their use will exceed the adverse consequences, because:
- With inflammation of the respiratory tract, the vessels are dilated, that is, the outflow of blood is slowed, and the influx is increased, which is manifested by nasal congestion, swelling of the larynx, pharynx. Hot steam with inhalation moisturizes and warms the mucous membrane, which of course contributes to the liquefaction of mucus and its better separation, but, as a rule, not for long. As after heating, the vessels expand, which increases the swelling, loosening the mucosa.
- The heating and looseness of the inflamed tissues and mucous membrane in turn can provoke the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and their penetration into the deeper parts of the respiratory system.
There are some rules - common for any inhalation, these are:
- Begin inhalation only after half an hour after physical exertion.
- The procedure should last at least 5-10 minutes, but not more.
- Do not inhale immediately after meals, preferably 1-2 hours after eating, it is natural to talk neither during inhalation, nor after it for half an hour. Also, immediately after the procedure, you can not drink or eat.
- With laryngitis, inhalation should be done through the mouth, and exhaled through the nose.
- Breathe should be as calm, free, not deep.
- Do not use inhalation with laryngitis, bronchitis over boiling medicinal solution.
- If you are prescribed several medicines for inhalation, the following rules should be observed:
- First, bronchodilators
- After 15 minutes, expectorants
- When the sputum is gone - antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Steam inhalation with herbs, garlic, onions
It should be very careful when carrying out steam inhalations from medicinal herbs, essential oils, especially in children, since it is possible to develop allergic reactions, bronchospasm. People prone to allergies (pollinosis) and individual sensitivity to other irritants, apply herbs and essential oils for inhalations is not advisable, and even dangerous.
In conventional ultrasonic and compression inhalers, decoctions of herbs can not be used, however in an inhaler the Dolphin F1000 is allowed their application with the proviso that the broth will be pre-filtered well and use the Rapidflay 2 RF2 sprayer.
- For steam inhalation with medicinal herbs, such as: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, raspberry leaves, Ledum marsh, peppermint, leaves of coltsfoot, leaves eucalyptus, juniper, oregano, pine buds, first you should make a decoction, give him a half-hour infusion, then add to infusion of boiling water and pour the solution into a small container. Breathe should be covered with a large towel.
- You can use a teapot for steam inhalation, the water in which does not reach the beginning of the neck, but breathe directly over the neck of the kettle, putting on it a paper cone for inhaling medicinal vapors. Breathe should be exactly as usual, without taking too deep breaths.
- You can also add a little chopped garlic or onions to the inhalation solution. They contain many phytoncides, natural antiseptics, these are natural medicinal antimicrobial agents.
- Effective inhalation with saline solutions - 3 tbsp. tablespoons sea salt / liter of water. And also 1 hour. spoon of baking soda on a glass of boiling water.
- In the absence of allergies, you can use essential oils - pine oil, Altai and Himalayan cedar oil, eucalyptus butter, tea tree oil, juniper oil, thuya oil, but only 3-5 drops should be added to a glass of water.
Dry inhalation of sea salt
If in the stupa finely grind sea salt, heat it in a frying pan, then pour hot powder into a small container - you can also breathe over such salt powder, periodically mixing it. This dry salt inhalation is very effective for bronchitis and any cough.
Inhalation with a dry cough or cough with a viscous, difficult to separate sputum
- The collection includes: 15 grams of elderberry flowers, mullein flowers scepeter-like. Pour the floor with a liter of boiling water, insist an hour, filter.
- In the composition: 1 gram of thermopsis grass, 20 grams of primrose leaves, poured a glass of boiling water, insist hour, filter.
- In the composition: 10 grams of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, plantain, ledum, also filled with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour, filtered.
- In the composition: 25 grams of chamomile, the kidneys of pine, the floor is filled with a liter of boiling water, it is insisted for one hour, filtered.
- In the composition: 10 grams of chamomile, licorice, sage, eucalyptus leaf, string, calendula, pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours.
Inhalation with nebulizer for bronchitis
How to do inhalation with bronchitis? It is best to use nebulizers that create aerosols from medicines without raising the temperature of the solution. There are different models of such devices that differ in particle size in an aerosol cloud:
- Srednodispersny aerosol - it is used for inhalation in bronchitis, bronchial asthma, for the treatment of pneumonia. Particle size 2-4 microns, they are able to penetrate deeply into the lower respiratory tract, without lingering in the upper ones.
- Large-dispersed aerosol - used for tracheitis, laryngitis, for the treatment of common cold and pharyngitis. The particle size is 5-20 microns, so they do not penetrate into the deep parts of the respiratory system, but concentrate on the mucous upper tracts - trachea, nose, pharynx.
To date, ready-made dosage forms have proved to be well suited for inhalation laryngitis or bronchitis alone at home under the recommendation of a doctor if there is a home inhaler. Such means include:
- Inhalation by Lazalvan(Ambroxol) and Ambrobene
Lazolvan - a very effective tool, which includes hydrochloride Ambroxol, it promotes diluting sputum, making it less viscous, which helps the bronchial mucosa to get rid of it more quickly.
They are used for acute and chronic bronchitis for inhalations, for children over 6 years and for adults 3 ml for each inhalation 2 r / day, for children 2-6 years, 2 ml of solution, for children under 2 years, 1 ml.
To create an inhalation solution, the drug is diluted with saline 1/1, such inhalations can not be done more 5 days, and also combine with the use of antitussive drugs - Libexin, Codeine, Sinekod - instruction, Broncholitin and others. The use of Ambroxol is more effective than Ambrobene, and both drugs improve the absorption of antibiotics.
- Inhalation with mineral water
Weakly alkaline waters such as Borjomi, Narzan moisturize the mucosa of the respiratory tract from the oropharynx to the smallest bronchi, dilute bronchial secretion and soften catarrhal phenomena, so they are good for inhalation in bronchitis for children and adults. To make 1 inhalation, you do not need 4 ml mineral water, you can do the procedure 4 times a day.
- Inhalation ACS Injection and Fluimucil
It is used when the sputum is removed from the lower respiratory tract, to facilitate the departure of the mucous secretion in the upper respiratory tract. Dosages for babies 2-6 years 1-2 ml. 1-2 r / day, children 6-12 years - 2 ml., Over 12 years and adults 3 ml of ATSTS solution for 1 inhalation, also 2 times a day. Dilute the drug should be 1/1 with saline, do not inhale for more than 10 days.
- Chlorophyllitis inhalations
To make inhalation with this drug, use its 1% solution, and dilute 1/10 with saline solution. It is an extract of eucalyptus, which has unique antiseptic properties. For inhalation take 3 ml. diluted solution, make inhalation 3 r / day.
- Rhotokan Inhalations
This anti-inflammatory drug, based on extracts of chamomile, calendula and yarrow, is applied as inhalations for laryngitis, bronchitis, acute diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract. To make inhalation, you should dilute the medicine 1/40 (1 ml. solution and 40 ml. saline solution), then 3 times a day, inhalation 4 ml. of the resulting mixture.
- Inhalation Tonsilgon H and extract of calendula
Tonsilgon is also a homeopathic drug, it can also be used for inhalation with laryngitis. The extract of calendula can be added to steam inhalation or through a nebulizer, diluting 1/40 with saline.
Inhalation with nebulizer for obstructive bronchitis
Inhalations with such bronchitis can not be carried out with medicinal plants and other plant components, as well as essential oils, since most often obstructive bronchitis is allergic and excessive allergization will only aggravate the bronchial condition, increase swelling and spasm. Therefore, inhalations with mineral water, soda, saline inhalations and with special bronchodilators medicines, dosage, the multiplicity of procedures which should be indicated by the attending physician.
- Inhalation by Berodualbronchodilator. Berodual for inhalations, for today is the most popular and very effective remedy with minimal side effects effects, it prevents suffocation when bronchial obstruction occurs during an infectious disease or an asthmatic attack.
- Inhalation by Berotek. This drug is used to eliminate bouts of bronchial asthma, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The time between inhalations should not be less than four hours.
- Salbutamol- Analogues Salgim, Nebula, Ventolin exists in the form of pocket inhalers, and also in the form of a solution for a home inhaler. It is used for relief of asthma attacks in emergency cases in children and adults, but it is much inferior to Berotek in effectiveness.
- Atrovent -this drug is less effective than salbutamol and Berotek, but it is the most safe, therefore inhalation with it can be given to children in case of obstructive bronchitis, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. The effect of the action becomes maximum after an hour and lasts 6 hours.
After inhalation, a person should sit quietly for a while, it is better to lie down, and there should be no sharp differences air temperatures, drafts, open windows, and definitely can not go out immediately after the procedure.
Tip 1: Than breathing through a nebulizer with a dry cough?

Dry cough is characterized by the absence of excreted sputum, which makes it very unproductive and debilitating, as the fluid from the lungs does not expectorate. This kind of cough is accompanied by pain and a sore throat, while it does not help to clear the airways, therefore, it must be disposed of as quickly as possible.
One of the most effective ways to treat dry cough is inhalation. This method is called "first aid" for the body, since it helps very quickly and has a minimum of contraindications. Inhalation is best done with a special inhaler or nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device for inhalation, specially spraying a drug solution in finely divided particles.Under the action of such a device, the atomized particles fall directly onto the mucosa of the upper respiratory pathways, instantly penetrating into the deep layers of the nasopharynx, which provides rapid relief of the patient's condition.
The nebulizer is the only device that can be used to treat a person with a high fever, as well as small children from birth. It does not contribute to an additional increase in body temperature and limits the area of spraying only to the upper respiratory tract, which makes it safe even for toddlers.
Causes of dry cough may include diseases such as tracheitis, which inflames the pulmonary trachea, laryngitis, affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and many others.
Depending on the cause of the dry cough, various solutions can be used to relieve the patient's condition.
Special medicinal solutions
At the pharmacy you can find a large number of various medicinal solutions from dry cough. The most effective of them are bronchodilators, such as salgim, berotek, berodual, or mucolytics, for example, lazolvanum, ambrohexal, flumucil. However, these drugs can only be used after consultation with the attending physician, without self-medication and not guided by the advice of friends. Before using the drug solution, be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the indicated dosage exactly.
Folk methods of treatment of dry cough
It is very effective with a dry cough to breathe through the nebulizer with simple mineral water. It allows the phlegm to become more fluid, which facilitates the onset of expectoration and the removal of the resulting mucus from the bronchi and lungs.
In addition, in the treatment of dry cough helps the use of decoction of plantain, St. John's wort, lime-colored, chamomile or sage. To prepare a decoction of herbs, it is enough to pour dry herbs with boiling water, leave to stand for several minutes and carefully strain.