Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with honey

Folk remedies based on honey from sinusitis

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with honey is practiced in the form of drops, inhalations, lozenges, internal use. Official medicine approves the treatment with honey, but only if it is shown to the patient and is used in conjunction with medications. Some people who have encountered this trouble use the folk remedy for sinusitis, they even treat honey with honey. chronic form, but it is important to use only proven recipes, otherwise you can cause an exacerbation of the disease or carry the infection.

Honey with genyantritis

Genyantritis is an insidious and dangerous disease, the treatment of which can not be neglected in any case. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa in sinusitis is accompanied by a purulent abscess, therefore one of the ways of treating official medicine is the puncturing of the maxillary sinuses. Far from all decide on this procedure, so many people use the treatment of sinusitis with honey. In this case, do not forget about medical drugs, the adoption of antibiotics, appointed by a doctor, will remove inflammation and help to destroy the infection that can get when digging the nose folk means.

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To treat sinusitis use the products of the life of bees: pergu, propolis, honey. Perga - pollen recycled by bees, which is easily absorbed by the body, increases immunity, which is of no small importance for a sick person. Perga is sold in the form of dry granules, take it inside 1 to 3 times a day (depending on the age of the patient and the stage of the disease). Propolis is used in the form of alcohol tincture, it is used as drops for the nose, make cakes. Cotton swabs, impregnated with propolis, inserted into the nasal opening, hold for 10-15 minutes. Admission of this drug inside is also welcome in sinusitis.

There are several ways to treat sinusitis with honey. It is best to make tortillas, as this is the safest and at the same time effective method. Honey is used as an inhalation, it is prepared on the basis of a drop, and the nose is washed with honey. In addition to honey, folk recipes include ingredients that have antiseptic effects, for example, garlic, Kalanchoe, onion juice, medicinal herbs, sea salt. Before applying for yourself treatment of sinusitis with honey, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. Do not use questionable folk recipes in the composition of which, in addition to honey, there is urine or butter, otherwise you can enter a serious infection that will only complicate the situation. Urine and butter do not have antiseptic properties.
  2. Do not use honey for allergies to it.
  3. When making drops, observe sterility: wipe the dishes with alcohol, use disposable pipettes only, disinfect cotton swabs in a water bath.
  4. To wash the nose with a honey-brine solution, use sea salt purchased at the pharmacy, do not take water directly from the sea, otherwise you will infect the infection.

You can treat sinusitis with honey, but only in conjunction with medications. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician. Any folk remedy is just an addition to medicines, only joint application will help to cure sinusitis.

Folk recipes based on honey

Based on honey, all kinds of drops are made to treat sinusitis. Honey is best purchased from people, not in the store, this product should be quality and not contain questionable additives, buy it from trusted sellers. For drops perfectly suited liquid honey, for flat cakes and preventive tampons - candied. Very good drops help, made from honey and essential oils of coniferous plants (fir, spruce, pine, cedar, juniper), as well as eucalyptus.For 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, add not more than 3 drops of essential oil, if you exceed the dosage, you can overdry and burn the mucous membrane of the nose.In addition to the ethereal, a little vegetable (sterilized) oil is added to the drops. Bury your nose better at night - this will ensure the removal of pus and relieve inflammation.

Kalanchoe is not in vain called a home healer: phytoncides, which are part of it, perfectly remove inflammation, destroy microbes, promote fast recovery. A leaf of a Kalanchoe is washed, wiped with a clean cloth and then crushed. The resulting mass is mixed with candied honey, make small "sausages" that are inserted into the nasal aperture, hold until a strong sneeze begins. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Some folk healers recommend honey inhalation. In hot water they make honey, then they cover their heads with a towel and breathe over the steam. The latest discovery of scientists exposes this method to doubt. The fact is that when heated in honey, harmful substances are formed and all useful ones disappear, therefore it is better to refuse this method. In addition, some doctors question the use of inhalation in such a dangerous disease as sinusitis.

Very good pus removal tampons based on honey and baking soda. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of the candied honey, mix it with the same amount of soda and vegetable oil. This solution is impregnated with a cotton swab, injected into the left nostril, and then lie on the right side. After 20 minutes, the manipulation is repeated with the right nostril, only in this case they lie on the left side.

Fluffy and wash the nose

In sinusitis, warming cakes help very well. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon grinded on a large grater household soap, add the same amount of onion juice, alcohol and milk, then melt everything in a water bath. In the resulting mass, a tablespoon of honey is bred, while the solution temperature should not exceed 50 °. Bandages of bandage or fabric impregnated in the resulting solution, applied in such a way as to cover the wings of the nose and the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. The time of taking the procedure is 20-30 minutes, after which the remnants of the remedy are washed off with warm water. This recipe is suitable for both flat cakes and tampons.

Cakes are contraindicated in sensitive skin and couperose (visible red vessels on the face), they are replaced with tampons that are inserted into the nose.

Well helps with sinusitis, an ointment that is made from tamus vulgaris (adam root) and honey. Tamus rubbed on the grater, add honey in a ratio of 1 to 1, rub this mixture around the nose. The procedure is accompanied by a slight burning, it should be conducted no more than 2 times a day. This ointment is undesirable to lubricate the nostrils inside, otherwise you can get a burn mucous.

Many traditional healers propose during the genyantritis to chew honey saber (cell caps). This tool can be found with the sellers of honey. Chew zabrus at least 4 times a day. If you are allergic to honey, then this folk remedy is unlikely to suit you. In folk medicine, it is not uncommon to wash the nose. For this purpose, use the purchased sea salt, diluted with water (previously boiled), add a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of eucalyptus oil, 3 to 5 drops of iodine. One nostril is closed with a finger, the second - sucked up liquid. The procedure is very unpleasant, so not everyone will dare.

Very good at sinusitis, help with tortillas from honey, boiled potatoes and essential cedar oil. Boiled potatoes are mashed in puree, add a little broth, in which it was cooked, put a tablespoon of honey, drop 3 drops of cedar oil. Warm mass is distributed between layers of gauze, put on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, hold for 15-20 minutes. It is important to remember that folk methods will not relieve sinusitis completely, they will help cure it along with drugs, so do not self-medicate without consulting doctor.

Treatment of sinusitis with honey as an effective remedy

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose. The factors that cause this inflammation are viruses and microbes.

Sinusitis is a dangerous ailment that provokes the development of other inflammatory diseases. The most common complication is angina. Identification and treatment of these diseases must necessarily be carried out by a specialist.

There are medicamental and folk methods of influencing the focus of infection.

Among the folk remedies use the treatment of sinusitis with honey, a solution of sea salt, infusions and decoctions of herbs.

When medicamentous treatment of sinusitis, the following drugs are used:

  • Amoxyl
  • Ospamox
  • Flemoxin Solutab with angina and sinusitis
  • Leconil
  • Nazol
  • Becloughfort
  • Biseptol in angina

It is important to know

Drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor.

The effectiveness of treatment of sinusitis at home with folk methods is achieved with the help of drugs with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Treating sinusitis with means with honey is one of the popular methods of getting rid of the disease as a supplement to the basic treatment.

Treatment of Aloe with honey at home

Honey, as a storehouse of healing power, has been known since ancient times. It is not only a source of useful substances and trace elements, but also a wonderful helper in the home medicine chest, as well as an effective remedy for the common cold and nasal congestion.

Honey - an excellent tool for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, as it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties.

In addition, honey treatment strengthens the body's immune system, which contributes to a quick recovery.

The same effective helper is kerosene. It is known for its disinfecting properties, the ability to dissolve and kill germs and fungi. As an auxiliary, kerosene in angina is the most popular. However, along with the treatment with honey, it is also used for sinusitis.

Another, no less remarkable tool in the home medicine cabinet is recognized as aloe. Aloe vera has bactericidal properties against various bacteria, such as: staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, dysentery bacillus.

Aloe juice in the treatment of sinusitis manifests the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • analgesic.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, for example aloe with honey, is a perfect combination for combating sinusitis. This mixture can successfully cure even chronic forms of the disease.

The recipes for honey and aloe are various and used for various diseases. Here are some of those that are used for genyantritis:

  • Aloe with honey. Take 3 leaves of aloe and 3 - calanchoe. Wash thoroughly. Squeeze the juice from the leaves. Add a teaspoon of honey to the liquid. Stir the mixture, drain with gauze. Bury in the nose for 3 drops in the morning, 3 - in the evening. Treatment of aloe with honey continue until there is an improvement.
  • Onions with honey. Finely chop a small onion. Pour warm boiled water - 200 ml. Add honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Stir, let it brew. This tool is used for both rinsing the nose and for instilling.
  • Beetroot with honey. Prepare the mixture: two tablespoons of beet juice, a teaspoon of honey and three teaspoons of boiled water. Bury in the nose three times a day. Use of applications: moisten a cotton or gauze swab in the mixture, put (alternately) into the nostril for 10 minutes.

Treatment of sinusitis with honey, soda and oil at home

Treatment of sinusitis is carried out not only by traditional methods.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by folk medicine, in particular, preparations made on the basis of honey - a product known to all.

Apiproducts (the products of the life of bees) are natural biostimulants.

Natural honey is often used to treat sinusitis at home. Honey with genyantritis is used both in its pure form and as a component of the folk remedy.

Honey combined with radish, onions, lemon and herbal decoctions helps to get rid of many ailments. In beekeeping there is such a product as zabrzus. Get it when pumping honey.

Zabrus is a wax lid, with which bees seal honeycombs. The composition of this substance includes secrets of the salivary glands of bees, pollen, propolis and honey, which is located directly behind the zabrusom. By the way, the treatment of genyantritis at home with propolis is quite a popular method.

Due to its unique properties, zabrus improves blood circulation in the maxillary zone, saturates the body with vitamins and other useful elements.

For preventive purposes zabrus just need to chew for a few minutes.

Treatment of sinusitis with honey and other products of beekeeping

To our days has come a huge number of recipes based on honey and other products of the life of bees. Here are some of them that can be used at home:

  • Prescription number 1: sinusitis is well treatable with tampons dipped in honey syrup. To prepare the liquid you need to take in equal proportions honey and distilled water. The solution may irritate the nasal mucosa, so that this does not happen, anesthesin is added to the formulation (in 20 ml of a solution of 2 grams). From the gauze bandage twist small tampons, which are then moistened in solution and inserted into the nostrils for half an hour. The solution should be warm. Insert tampons more conveniently with tweezers. The patient should be in a horizontal position during the procedure. The course of treatment of sinusitis with this method is 10 days.
  • Recipe number 2: honey ointment. To prepare liniment, you need honey, milk, laundry soap, juice of onions. All components are taken in equal proportions, placed in a deep bowl and heated in a water bath. For future use, the ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. Gauze tampons are impregnated with ointment and injected for 20 minutes into the nasal passages. Therapeutic course lasts at least two weeks.
  • Recipe # 3: treatment of maxillary sinus with honey and juice of Kalina. Both products are taken in equal amounts, mixed and refrigerated for storage. Sweet mixture before use is heated and taken orally 3 times a day for 100 grams. Treated in this way need 30 days.
  • Recipe number 4: honey, aloe and celandine. All products are taken in equal parts and mixed. The received structure is buried by a nose (in each nostril on five drops). Purulent discharge, which will certainly begin to stand out from the nose, must be immediately removed.
  • Recipe number 5: honey inhalations are also very effective in sinusitis. In the preparation of medicinal solution there is nothing difficult. Boil water (2 liters), add to it two tablespoons of honey, lightly cool the solution and you can proceed to the procedure. Bend over the container with a hot solution and cover your head with a towel. Inhalation is carried out within 20 minutes. Such sessions can be conducted every day until there is a tangible result. For the procedure is perfect suited honey.

Vegetable oil with genyantritis

To treat sinusitis at home use different vegetable oils. These can be tuja, fir or sea-buckthorn oil.

To obtain tuya oil, the leaves of the tree are subjected to distillation. In its composition, thuya contains tannins, a number of hydrocarbons, tar, thujone and other components.

Thuion has some toxicity, so it is not used for treatment:

  1. children;
  2. epileptics;
  3. during pregnancy and lactation;
  4. those patients who have severe co-morbidities.

However, despite its contraindications, the substance has useful qualities. Comments of doctors testify that the use of it in sinusitis reduces the swelling of the mucosa shell, and this in turn contributes to the removal of pathological mucus and facilitates the well-being patient.

To treat sinusitis, you can choose the most suitable recipe from the two that are listed below.

  • The tuja oil purchased at the pharmacy is buried in accordance with the attached instructions: 3 times a day, 2-3 drops per nostril.
  • 1000 ml of boiling water, baking soda (1 hour spoon). To this solution, 5-7 drops of thuja oil are added and inhalation is carried out. The procedure lasts 10 minutes, you can perform it 2 times a day.

Thanks to various useful properties and its unique composition, sea buckthorn has gained wide popularity in the treatment of sinusitis and colds. Sea buckthorn oil provides the following effects:

  1. reduces pain;
  2. strengthens local immunity;
  3. removes the swelling from the mucosa;
  4. removes the purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses.
The availability of the product and its ease of use are the keys to the great popularity of sea buckthorn oil.

It is necessary to prepare gauze tampons, moisten them in sea buckthorn oil and insert into the nostrils. The patient lies on the side from which the obstruction arises. During that time, while the patient lies (20-30 minutes), sea buckthorn oil will seep into the maxillary sinus.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nose of the purulent contents.

For irritated and dry nasal mucosa, you can prepare drops yourself: mix sea buckthorn oil (2 tsp), aloe juice (1 h spoon), in small quantities propolis and honey.

Recipes from sinusitis with fir oil:

  1. With the help of fir oil, inhalation can be performed in case of genyantritis. For this, 10 drops of fir extract are added to 1 liter of boiling water. Stirring the liquid is not necessary, the oil in any case floats to the surface of the water, and hot steam will lift its aroma into the air.
  2. In a special aromatic lamp, mix the fir and tea tree oil. Add a small amount of water to this mixture, light a candle in the lamp, close the windows in the room. Etheric vapors can be inhaled while doing something.

In conclusion, we recommend cognitive video in this article about sinusitis and methods of treatment of the disease.

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