Homeopathy from the common cold for children

Effective homeopathic remedy for a cold

Many specialists prescribe a homeopathic remedy for the common cold. Mainly distinguish acute and chronic course of rhinitis. Acute inflammatory process in the nose can begin as an independent illness or be a manifestation of infectious processes. If the cold does not heal, it will go to a chronic stage.

There are many drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, but all of them can cause a number of complications. It often happens that these medicines can not be applied to a patient for any reason.

Since ancient times man has been looking for such a remedy that would heal from illnesses without harming the body. Homeopathy as a way to safely treat many ailments, including the common cold, has been known for a long time, but it was widely spread only now. However, to date, there are many skeptics who do not believe that homeopathic remedies are capable of at least something to cure. Most likely, this is due to the lack of experience in the use of these substances.

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In homeopathy with a cold there are supporters who believe in its effectiveness. Every day they see positive results from this method of treatment. Quite often, homeopathic remedy is acquired by parents for their children, as well as women during the period of carrying and feeding the baby. These substances have a much milder effect on the body than drugs.

Homeopathic drops in the nose can be purchased without a prescription.But still you need to consult a doctor first, since, although small, there are contraindications to their use.

The action that homeopathy has on a person

The effect of treatment with homeopathic drugs is achieved by activating the metabolic processes in the nasopharynx, which leads to tissue repair.

Homeopathic remedies are used in very small dosages. This has a stimulating effect on the organ, in this case nasopharyngeal tissue, which leads to recovery. It is necessary to avoid an increase in the recommended dose, as this can, on the contrary, aggravate the process, lead to a more severe and protracted course of the disease.

Homeopathic remedies for the common cold affect the body in a variety of ways:

  • stimulate immunity;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • have a harmful effect on viruses;
  • remove the edema.

Due to this action, the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, recovery occurs, which does not yield vasoconstrictive drugs. Moreover, the preparations of homeopathy in the rhinitis have no irritating effect and do not cause dryness. After a while after starting the use of homeopathic remedies, mucus completely disappears, breathing through the nose becomes much easier.

The use and form of the release of homeopathic remedies for the common cold

Homeopathic remedies for the common cold should be applied immediately after the appearance of the first signs of the disease. The fact is that the drugs of this group do not act lightning fast, but gradually, much more slowly than medicines. They can be used for a fairly long period of time, which is a prerequisite for the treatment of chronic rhinitis.

Most often when treating the common cold with homeopathic remedies, you need to drip your nose at the beginning of the disease every 15 minutes. This scheme should be followed for two hours. Next, you need to apply the remedy as recommended in the instructions to it.

Homeopathy from the common cold is widely used in the treatment of children.

After all, these substances do not have such side effects and do not have as many contraindications as drug medications.

Homeopathic substances release:

  • in tableted form;
  • in the form of sprays;
  • in the form of drops.

Any homeopathic remedy for the common cold is prescribed individually for each person, all features of his body, age, sex, the causes of the onset of the disease, how it manifests, how neglected process.

Homeopathic remedies for the common cold are classified into four groups:

  • homeopathy for a systemic action that needs to be used inward, since only after getting into the digestive tract they will penetrate into the blood and will be carried along the body, most often these are tablets;
  • funds that act locally, mainly, they are drops, ointment and sprays;
  • substances of complex homeopathy from the common cold;
  • drugs used in allergic rhinitis.

What homeopathic remedies are used most often?

The treatment of the common cold with homeopathy is based on the fact that similar treatment is similar, that is, if a person experiences a cold with the same sensations that he had when cutting an onion, he will be given an Allium of a chain, made from Luke.

The allium of the chain is effective in acute rhinitis, in which sneezing is expressed, and the discharge from the nasal passages is abundant and watery.

Arsenicum albumum is used when the discharge is liquid, sneezing does not bring relief and is accompanied by an abundant detachable, a person begins to feel worse.

Dulcamara is used for dry inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is characterized by congestion, and the discharge is dense, crusts are formed, sometimes bloody.

Gelsemium sempervirens is used when the stuffiness is felt in the root of the nose, the nasal fossae are dry, the bowels of the nose are swollen, there are pains in the head region, an increase in temperature, watery discharge character.

Hydrastis canadisis is prescribed, if the nose is dry and sticky, often blow your nose.

Kalium bichromicum helps with a cold, when the nose is "dry and the secretions are thick, unpleasantly smelling, have a greenish-yellow color, the patient often sneezes, nasal breathing is difficult.

Pulsatilla - a drug that is used when the right nostril is laid, the patient does not smell, the nose pawns in the evening, and in the morning yellow mucus leaves, in the region of the nose crusts form.

Sabadilla helps with rhinitis accompanied by lacrimation, tenderness in the frontal lobes of the head, and discharge from the nose is watery and abundant.

Stimct pulmatsiya used for inflammation of the nasal mucosa, when the patient complains of dryness and the need to often blow his nose.

Features of the use of homeopathy from the common cold in children

The choice of homeopathic remedies for the common cold is extremely wide, but this method of treatment is most effective if it is universal, that is, it affects the entire body, strengthens it, increases its immunity.

Among other means for treating a common cold in children, preference is given to homeopathic remedies, they are prescribed to babies older than one year. But it is important to choose the right drug and dose.

Correctly to pick up a dose the person who does not have special knowledge, certainly, can not. A competent homeopath knows that not every illness should be treated, you just need to help the body with it. He will be able to determine how much of a substance a patient needs at this stage of the disease.


The immune system of a growing organism is much weaker and more vulnerable than an adult. Therefore, the choice of a drug to treat a child, you need to approach much more seriously. Children are prescribed homeopathic remedies based on onion, yellow jasmine, hepar sulfurum, pulsatilla.

Self-medication is an initially wrong way

The popularity of homeopathic remedies is related to the fact that even if this or that remedy can not cure a cold or other ailment, they will not do any harm to the body. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosages. If the patient does not feel relief, he will just go again to the doctor, but will not suffer from inappropriate treatment.


Coryza - only at first glance seems to be a safe disease, if it is not treated or treated incorrectly, it may not only to pass into the chronic stage, but also lead to more serious complications, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, polyps and fronts. Rhinitis is caused by an allergy, then a completely different approach is needed to treat it. But to understand all these subtleties is capable only of a doctor, so without his advice, you should not use any drug, no matter how safe it may seem.


How to use homeopathy for genyantema

Sinusitis occurs due to inflammation of the sinuses (sinuses).

Often this inflammation is due to an infection caused by viruses, bacteria or fungus. Sinuses are called hollow, air-filled cavities.

People have four pairs of these cavities:

  • frontal sinuses(in the forehead region);
  • maxillary sinuses(behind the cheeks);
  • latticular sinusesbetween the eyes;
  • sphenoid sinuses(behind the eyes).

When the sinuses are inflamed, their apertures are narrowed or completely blocked by mucus. Antibiotics can not penetrate into the blocked paranasal sinuses in a concentration sufficient to kill the bacteria. At the same time, more and more bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics. In addition, prolonged antibiotic treatment is almost always accompanied by the development of fungal infection.

If you are prone to relapses of sinusitis, you may find that homeopathy with genyantritis is effective for both prevention and treatment of the disease.

Depending on the symptoms of sinusitis in an adult or a child, the homeopathic doctor can recommend either a pulmonary pulmonary or a potassium iodateum as soon as the first symptoms of cold and runny nose appear.

  • Lobaria pulmonaryappoint those who complain of a feeling of fullness and pain in the root of the nose and the need to constantly blow your nose.
  • Patients receivingpotassium iodate, have opposite symptoms - abundant watery discharge from the nose, burning in the eyes and lacrimation, frontal headache.

When there are purulent discharge, other homeopathy with genyantritis may be useful:

  • Mercurius solubilis: appointed with greenish discharge, plaque in the tongue, bad breath.
  • Calium bichromicum: helps remove sticky yellowish-greenish plugs in the nostrils.
  • Wolf's bast: with his help, heal burning pains in the nose and jaw.
  • Lakhiesis: this drug is prescribed when the outflow of mucus from the nose is disturbed. It helps to "unlock" the sinuses, restore the natural current of mucus.

It is important to know

Homeopathic remedies should be prescribed only by an experienced specialist, in order to avoid side effects, excessive stimulation of the immune system and prevention of recurrence of the disease.

In addition to homeopathy with sinusitis, it is useful to use saline nasal spray three times a day to moisturize and clean the nostrils. Do not forget to blow your nose before and after applying the spray.

Homeopathy from the common cold for children

Homeopathic remedies are most effective when they are used for a unique syndrome or symptoms, and not just for general treatment of the disease.

Because of the need for such a degree of accuracy, many people have no idea how to choose homeopathy properly, rather than a pill from the common cold.

Therefore, the choice of a specific drug should be dealt with by the homeopath, and not by the patient or his relatives.

Not every runny nose needs to be treated, as in most cases the immune system copes with it alone.

Treatment with homeopathy for a cold in children is necessary:

  • if the symptoms significantly worsen the child's well-being;
  • in case of a chronic cold;
  • if a child needs to visit an event.

With a difficult outflow of mucus from the nose, the following homeopathy from the common cold is usually used:

  • Preparations with onions: this remedy for colds and colds is effective when the child has abundant discharge from the nose, which are intensified in a warm room and decrease in fresh air. Discharge from the nose will irritate the nostrils of the child, causing pain from a mere wipe of the nose. In this case the child often rubs his eyes, which makes them blush. The child can sometimes experience a headache in the front of the head.
  • Gelzemium (yellow jasmine): Children who need this remedy, complain about watery discharge from the nose, sneezing and stuffiness in the nose. Simultaneously with these symptoms, they may have fever, body aches, general weakness, pain in the back of the head, and sometimes a sore throat.
  • Gepar Sulfur: this drug is prescribed for children who sneeze from the slightest impact of cold air. Sometimes these children experience a headache together with a cold. As a rule, they are sensitive to tactile contact and irritable.
  • Pulsatilla (blackish freak): is a very common remedy for the common cold in newborns, especially when their discharge from the nose is yellow or green.

Homeopathic remedies for colds for adults

Homeopathy takes into account the overall picture: the emotional background of the patient, his general health, the type of disease and specific "conditions" that reduce or amplify the symptoms.

Two patients with the same complaint, such as a fever with a fever, can be given various homeopathic remedies for colds.

For example, in the treatment of a sudden onset of fever, aconite or belladonna may be recommended.

And with gradually developing fever, the doctor can prescribe a bryony (white mother).

Below are the main tools for treating acute colds depending on the symptoms.

  • Aconite: The first signs of a cold, perhaps, worry.
  • Belladonna: Sudden onset of a cold, high fever; pulsating headache, sensitivity to light, noise.
  • Sodium Murine: Snot from the nose (perhaps, tearing), sneezing, weakness.
  • Nux vomica: Headache, pain all over the body, irritability, nausea. The patient is cold, can not warm up even in bed.
  • Jasmine evergreen: Headache, chills, fatigue, alternating chills and fever, pain in the nose, really want to sleep.
  • Pinned Perforated Perforated: I really want to drink, pain in the muscles and bones is a headache, aggravated by movement.
  • Arsenicum iodate: Fever, discharge from the nose, sneezing.
  • Ferrum Ph: Slow onset of the disease, moderate fever, worse at night, nosebleed.

The self-prescription of homeopathic remedies for colds often leads to the opposite effect. And the advice of a professional who has been trained in homeopathy will always provide the most appropriate treatment and the most effective result. This is especially important in case of taking other homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathic drops from the common cold for children and adults

Runny nose with colds and flu is caused by a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms of the disease usually last about a week, differ in type and severity, but generally include:

  • sneezing;
  • a sore throat;
  • coryza or nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • sometimes, especially in children, fever.

Runny nose rarely interferes with daily activities, but it can complicate life, disrupt plans and cause irritability. They treat "flood in the nose" not only with traditional medicines and home remedies, but also with homeopathic drops from the "Edas-131" cold (25 ml).

Such drops can be used for:

  • acute rhinitis;
  • allergic and vasomotor runny nose;
  • prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

The composition of these homeopathic drops from the common cold includes the following components:

  • calcium carbonate C6;
  • Pulsatilla C6;
  • argentum nitrikum C6;
  • hamomilla C3;
  • Allium of C3 chain.

Edas-131 has no side effects, and these drops are dispensed without a prescription. Read also "Drops in the nose with genyantritis."

Principles of treatment of genyantritis with homeopathy and prevention of disease

Typical allopathic methods of treating sinus inflammation may include not only homeopathic remedies, but also such agents as:

  • antibiotics;
  • steroids;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • aroma oils;
  • surgical procedures.

The treatment of sinusitis with homeopathy can be a useful addition to medical treatment.

Homeopathic remedies are suitable for adults and children alike. They facilitate the drainage of mucus, relieve sinus inflammation and a sense of pressure, characteristic of sinus infection.

They also prevent the formation of scar tissue and prevent irreversible damage to the tissues lining the nose and sinuses.

Homeopathic treatment is safe and effective for children and adults.

Homeopathy can be an extremely successful approach to reducing susceptibility in acute and chronic infections, as well as treating the infection itself.

The homeopathic approach always considers the disease in the context of an integral personality, taking into account its mental and emotional state, physical symptoms and circumstances of life. The purpose of treating the genyantritis with homeopathy is to "drive out the disease" by strengthening the body's own defenses. Read also "Than to treat a genyantritis at adults".

Prevention measures of sinusitis:

  • Manage your allergy with the help of prescribed antihistamine medicines and stay away from known allergens.
  • Avoid exposure to cold air.
  • Do steam inhalations.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Avoid contact with colds.
  • Avoid cigarette smoke in your home and workplace.
  • Consider using a home humidifier.
  • Use the ointment from sinusitis to prevent infection in the nasal passages.
  • Warm salty water rinse your mouth daily.
  • Do not neglect walking in the fresh air.


"Corysal" - tablets from the common cold: instructions for use

In the treatment of rhinitis, different drugs are used, they are prescribed depending on the type, form and stage of the disease. Among the remedies against rhinitis are popular homeopathic remedies, because there is an opinion that they have a mild effect on the body without causing side effects. Coryza from the common cold is such a homeopathic remedy made on the basis of natural components.

Composition of the drug "Corizalia"

Tablets from the common cold Corysalia contain homeopathic diluted substances. Taking the drug for a short time reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Soon after the first reception of the preparation, Corizalia eliminates itching and burning in the nose, decreases the intensity of sneezing, and the puffiness of the mucous membrane becomes less pronounced. Korisalia tablets contain substances such as virgin jasmine, belladonna, sleep-grass, chenocaulon, potassium bichromicum, onion.

The coronale is released in the form of tablets of biconvex form, on all sides they are covered with a membrane. The color of the medicine is white, without any smell. They are released in the plate, usually 20 pieces, packed in a cardboard box.

Sublingual administration of tablets "Corizalia"

Before starting to treat the disease of the respiratory tract with a homeopathic remedy, you should study the instructions for using Corizalia. It accurately indicates the dosage, the method of taking and its duration.

The use of corizalia is indicated in the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis to eliminate the symptoms or reduce its intensity. The drug is also often used in complex therapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, which is accompanied by frequent sneezing and nasal congestion.

The instructions for the Corisal tablet are indicated that they are intended for sublingual use. It is not necessary to divide the tablet into parts, grind or chew so that the medicine has its effect, it is enough to put it under the tongue. Under the tongue, the tablet should be kept until it completely dissolves. To achieve the maximum effect of the homeopathic remedy within 30 minutes after its application, it is advisable not to drink or take food.

In the treatment of rhinitis, Corizalia is often prescribed to children, but children can be given pills after the age of 6 years. Children younger is better to grind the tablet into powder, dilute with water and give a drink.The timing of treatment with this homeopathic remedy should be discussed with the attending physician, for each case they are individual.

Instructions for the use of the drug "Corizalia" for children

As a rule, the first day of therapy should be taken every hour. Then the next 4 days it can be taken every 2 hours. If the treatment with homeopathic remedy immediately showed noticeable improvements, on the second day you can shorten the intake of tablets: take them 1 time every 3-4 hours.

According to the instructions for the use of Coryza for children and adults, treatment course on average should last 5 days. It can be extended by appointment of a specialist. However, in any case, regardless of the intensity of the inflammatory process, do not exceed the daily dose for adults - 15 tablets. For children, it is much less.

Cases of an overdose of a homeopathic drug from rhinitis Korizalia in medical practice are not known. Usually it is well tolerated by both adults and children. The only contraindication to taking medication is the individual intolerance of its components. It is also not recommended for children under 2 years of age. If the components present in the preparation are intolerant, allergic reactions may occur in the form of sneezing, redness and itching of the skin.

Sometimes it happens that after several days of taking a homeopathic remedy, no improvement occurs. In this case, you need to visit the specialist's office, you may need to prescribe another drug.

The cost of the drug depends on the number of tablets in the package and the country of the manufacturer of the medicine. The average cost of the drug is in the range of 135-200 rubles for the middle of 2015.

The experts' comments on this homeopathic preparation are mostly positive. In otolaryngology, it is used quite widely, beginning with the 2-year-old age of the patient. With neglect of the common cold, otolaryngologists, however, in most cases prefer other, more effective drugs. Among the known analogues of Corizalia for children, pediatricians refer to such medicines as Doctor Mom, Teraflu, Sinupret.

Homeopathic remedy "Corizalia" in pregnancy

Many therapists, given the safety of Corizalia, prescribe it to pregnant women at the first sign of sinusitis, ARVI and influenza. Despite the fact that this medicine can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, the future mother must first consult with a specialist.

Coryza during pregnancy can be taken under the supervision of a doctor. During childbearing and breastfeeding, Corysal should be taken with caution. This drug is prescribed only after weighing the possible benefits for the mother and the danger to the child.

Such a homeopathic remedy should be used as an auxiliary method of treatment of nasal diseases. If you start taking the medicine if you notice the first signs of a common cold - sneezing, sneezing and nasal congestion - it is usually possible to stop the development of rhinitis at the initial stage of its occurrence.

The advantage of treating rhinitis with Corisalia is that it can be taken with other drugs simultaneously, including antibiotics.


Tablets from the common cold for children and adults: prices and customer reviews

Tablets from the common cold, unfortunately, are not very popular. Most people prefer to be healed by local medicine - a variety of drops. However, it is the tablets that can withstand the disease quite intensely and completely cure the patient. After all, the common cold is not a disease. This is a symptom that signals that the human immune system fails.

How do pills help?

With a cold, the mucous membrane of the nose becomes inflamed. As you know, it is she who is the protective barrier of the body. Therefore, if it does not work, a person falls ill, having a side symptom - a runny nose.

The nature of the appearance of rhinitis is quite diverse. However, viruses that cause a runny nose are the most persistent and capable of masking. Prolonged course of the disease leads to the fact that the mucous membranes are constantly in an inflammatory state. In this case, ointments and drops can lead to even greater discomfort. After all, they have a local effect, and the runny nose is nothing but a symptom.

You need drugs that specifically target the source of the disease. These medications are pills from the common cold.

Drug Groups

Pharmacology has developed many different drugs. Some of them are used in complex treatment. Others give excellent results in monotherapy.

Recommended pill for the common cold for children and adults with a variety of sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. It is important to know the nature of the onset of the symptom. It depends on which drug is able to help in treatment. Certainly, the doctor should establish the reason. Accordingly, he will recommend the necessary drug.

Today, several groups of drugs have been developed that effectively affect the disease, accompanied by inflammation of the mucosa. They include:

  1. Antihistamines. Such funds are appointed if the allergic nature of the common cold is established. Some of the most common medicines are: Cetirizine, Loratadine, Fexofenadine, Claritin, Telfast, Zirtek, and Clarotadine. However, you should know that these drugs are not subject to use by children under 2 years.
  2. Antibiotics. Such drugs, as a rule, local, contribute to the destruction of bacteria in the nasopharynx. Often appointed and common drugs.
  3. Antiviral drugs. Appointment of drugs that have immunomodulatory effects on the body. The most popular medicines are Arbidol, Remantadine, Kagocel, Tamiflu.
  4. Homeopathic tablets from the common cold. These drugs increase immunity, make the body include protective immune processes. Positive effect is observed after the following preparations: "Cinnabsin "Corizalia "Euphrasia "Nuks Vomica".

The drug "Sinupret"

This remedy does not apply to homeopathy, despite the plant composition. Tablets from the common cold "Sinupret" are used to cure colds.

The drug has excellent expectorant, mucolytic, and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the release of sputum. Tablets from the common cold "Sinupret" with genyantritis are quite effective.

Adult person is credited with taking 2 tablets 3 times a day. For babies aged 3-6 years, the norm is 1 dragee three times a day. It should be remembered that the drug "Sinupret" is contraindicated for children under 3 years old.

The big plus of this tool is the insignificance of side effects. Very rarely the medicine provokes unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, heartburn, vomiting.

In addition, will be pleased with the cost of medication for those patients who are prescribed tablets from the common cold "Sinupret". The price of packing (50 dragees) on the average is about 250 rubles.

The drug "Cinnabsin"

Homeopathic medicine, which is very popular with consumers. It has anti-inflammatory effect and excellent immunostimulating. Tablets from the common cold "Cinnabsin" are used as an additional therapy for getting rid of mucosal edema, treatment of paranasal sinuses, and facilitating the breathing process.

It is recommended to dissolve the drug. Adults are allowed to take up to 12 tablets per day. Children recommended dose is 4-5 stuff. However, sometimes the norm is increased to 8.

The drug has side effects. There may be increased salivation. In some cases, skin rashes are possible.

The big plus is the ability to take these products to babies from 1 year.

A little more expensive will cost patients this drug than the pill from the common cold "Sinupret". The price of the "Cinnabsin" (100 pieces) is about 350 rubles.

The preparation "Corizalia"

Homeopathic tablets from the common cold have a wonderful healing effect due to a number of useful components: Sabadilla, onion, yellowish jasmine, belladonna.

The drug lowers inflammatory processes in the body, localized in the nasopharynx and respiratory organs. The drug is effective in the treatment of viral and allergic rhinitis.

The tablet should be resorbed. The maximum daily dose is 12 pills. The norm is 6 tablets per day. It is recommended to take one hour before eating. The course of treatment is calculated for 5 days.

"Corizalia" is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, individuals who do not tolerate fructose and suffer from malabsorption syndrome, as well as pregnant women.

In most cases, the medicine does not cause side effects. Exceptions are allergic reactions in patients who do not tolerate any of the components of the drug.

The cost of 1 pack (40 tablets) is about 170 rubles.

The drug "Rinoprint"

This remedy is a complex medicine. It has antihistamine and vasoconstrictive effect. Tablets from the common cold "Rinoprint" can facilitate the flow of any kind of rhinitis. It is even used to get rid of hay fever.

Active agents are carbinoxamine maleate and mezaton. In tablet form the preparation is intended for admission to adults and children who have reached the age of 12 years. It is recommended to take twice a day for 1 capsule.

Babies under the age of 12 show the use of the drug in the form of a syrup.

Do not take medicine for breastfeeding and pregnant women. You should not use the remedy for diagnoses: glaucoma, arterial hypertension.

Side effects can manifest as a rise in pressure, allergies to the ingredients of the product, a feeling of dryness in the mouth.

Homeopathic remedies

Other effective means can be used to treat rhinitis. Homeopathic tablets from the common cold have positively proved themselves in the fight against this symptomatology. However, they help only in conjunction with the therapy prescribed by the doctor, and only at the initial stages of the disease.

In addition to the above-described preparations of "Cinnabsin "Corizalia the following medicines are effective and effective:

  • Allium Tsepa;
  • "Euphrasia
  • "Nuks Vomica
  • "Gelsenium
  • Arsenicum;
  • Rumex;
  • "Gelzemin
  • "Aconite
  • Mercury.

Before using any of the above drugs, be sure to read the instructions of the product. And it is best to consult a doctor for contraindications or allergies.

Preparations for children

It was noted above that many drugs have age limits. This should be taken into account when choosing effective pill for the common cold for children. The most effective and not dangerous for kids are homeopathic preparations, such as "Corizalia "Cinnabsin". An excellent effect will be provided by the Sinupret medicine.

Often children are prescribed antiviral drugs along with the above-mentioned drugs:

  • Aflubin;
  • Algiers;
  • "Grosprinozin
  • Anaferon;
  • Arbidol;
  • Remantadin.

In the case of the allergic nature of the common cold, of course, antihistamines are connected:

  • "Erius
  • "Claritin
  • "Astemizol
  • Zirtek;
  • Diazolin.

Consumer opinion

Multiple reviews indicate the drugs as a fairly effective means of combating rhinitis. Especially many positive responses received tablets from the Sinupret cough. Patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis apply this remedy at the first symptoms of an impending ailment. This allows them to avoid the most unpleasant moment of treatment - punctures. It was noted that the drug effectively helps both children and adults.

No less popular is the "Cinnabsin" medicine. Consumers say that the runny nose goes for 3-4 days. In this case, this remedy allows you to be healed of sinusitis without the use of antibiotics. There are also negative reviews, which indicate a low effectiveness of the drug. Such patients claim that they had to take long pills before the therapeutic effect was achieved. However, these same consumers indicate that they did not use the product on a daily basis, as the instruction says.

Thus, summing up, we can say that the pill from the common cold is effective and effective. But only if accepted according to the instructions, taking into account all contraindications and in a timely manner.


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