To rub your feet with a cold

Is it possible for a child to soar her feet with a cold?

To the chagrin of any mom, children get sick very often. Rhinitis is one of the most common health problems in infants. Can I soar my feet with a cold? At what age can this be done? How correctly to prepare a solution for this procedure? How long should it last? Can I soar my legs if my child has a fever?

These and many other questions often torment young mothers. At the age of up to 6 years, the child develops an immune system, so doctors say that frequent illnesses at this age are routine training of the body. Children are ill with viral diseases or simply supercooled. In both cases, a terrible leak begins from the child's spout, and the swelling of the nasal mucosa does not let you breathe at night, preventing the baby from sleeping normally. In this case, do not immediately resort to drugs. First you need to trust the old grandmother's ways how to put the baby on its feet. One of these methods is warming up the child's legs in a basin with warm water and various additives.

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Why do hot foot baths help?

Footsteps are a very important reflexogenic zone of the whole organism. Not without reason, having drenched his feet in the rain the day before, a man in the morning feels a sore throat and a stuffy nose. When the feet become cold, reflexively there is a negative effect on the nasal cavity and pharynx.

Therefore, when warming up the feet, there is a curative effect on the respiratory tract.

In addition, when the feet are exposed to high water temperatures, vasodilation is noted, the blood flow is increased, and from the upper part of the trunk it pours down.

There is an outflow of fluid from inflamed tissues, the swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases, it becomes easier to breathe the sick, the child feels better. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to soar the child's legs.

There is one more reason why steaming legs is considered a very useful procedure. As mentioned above, it activates the bloodstream in the body, promoting a faster movement of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood. Their struggle with the disease becomes more productive.

When you can not soar your baby's legs?

Soar your feet, too, you need right. Especially if the procedure is done to the child. It can not be carried out if the baby has a fever. Even if the readings of the thermometer barely exceeded the mark of 37, it is better to put the bath for the baby feet off. The matter is that the raised temperature is already loading for a children's organism. Therefore, to arrange additional tests it is not necessary. And here a rhinitis or cough without temperature to facilitate by warm trays it is possible. If the child is allergic to mustard, essential oils or other additives that are used for steaming legs, you need to act very carefully. In these cases, you can simply use warmed water without adding anything or with weak herbal decoctions.

With care, it is necessary to carry out the procedure if the child has some diseases of the cardiovascular system. The fact is that warming up the legs is a very serious strain on the heart. In this case it is better to consult a pediatrician or to refuse the procedure altogether. It is better to forget about the procedure even if there are any rashes on the baby's skin: allergy, perspiration and others. Essential oils or mustard will cause additional irritation of the skin and aggravate the situation.

How to soar baby legs?

The procedure is best done at night. For her, you need to take a deep basin or a bucket: it's better if not only the feet but also the lower part of the shin are covered with water - so the limbs will be warmed up more efficiently.

Mom often has many questions about the temperature of the water. Remember the following: water in any case can not be made with boiling water. So you can hurt, but not cure. The optimum water temperature is 40 degrees. It is this kind of water that ensures the expansion of blood vessels.

But the bottom of the basin you can lay a towel with a large pile, put a loofah or manually make a baby a foot massage. This will enhance the effect of treatment. All this time the child needs something to occupy: to come up with some kind of game with bathing legs or just read a book.

Three minutes after the beginning of steaming, a little water of the same temperature can be poured into the basin to prevent its cooling. And even after about 5 minutes in the tank you need to add water slightly higher temperature (45 degrees). This will ensure the gradual heating of the legs. After 3 minutes, the procedure must be completed. In total, the foot bath should be done about 10 - 13 minutes. After this, the child's feet need to be wiped dry, put on cotton first, and then terry or woolen socks. It's good if the child falls asleep immediately. Warm baths for legs can be arranged 2 - 3 times a day. After these procedures, the child is better to lie down or fall asleep, but in no case can not go out.

What can be used to prepare the solution?

For medicinal foot baths, water with added essential oils, decoctions of herbs or dry mustard is suitable.

In all three cases, you need to act with knowledge.

Steaming legs with mustard is the most popular remedy for the common cold. The fact is that the mustard has an additional warming effect. To use mustard for this purpose began many centuries ago. In the course already then came the seeds of this plant, containing useful essential oils. Together with warm water mustard powder has a good therapeutic effect.

To make a mustard solution you will need 2 - 3 tablespoons of dry mustard (1 tablespoon of powder usually per 1 liter of water). It is sold in pharmacies and regular grocery stores. In the water heated to 40 degrees, you need to add this ingredient and mix it well with your hand. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it with the amount: the skin of the children is very tender, and the mustard is famous for its burning.

To steam the legs, essential oils are also used: eucalyptus, mint, pine, fir. In the prepared water, add 2 - 3 drops of oil. Plus such trays is that incidentally the child passes and inhalation procedure, inhaling vapors of an oil solution. It is very useful for colds of the respiratory tract.

If you use mustard or essential oils for some reason it is impossible, and decoctions of herbs will do. In the water you can add broths of turn, sage, mint, chamomile. 2 - 3 tablespoons of dry herbs you need to pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist. After about 40 minutes, the broth can be diluted with warm water and proceed with the procedure.

If the foot bath was made with some additives, after steaming the baby's legs you need to pour clean warm water.

The procedure can be performed for children older than 9 months.

Often moms make babies so-called dry mustard packs. This method is suitable if the child can not sit down to get his feet in the water. For a dry method you will need: 2 tablespoons mustard powder and two pairs of cotton socks. Socks should be warmed up on the battery, and the baby's feet are well rubbed with a towel. Next, the child needs to wear one pair of socks, and then, falling asleep in the second approximately a tablespoon of mustard, put on the baby and them. After that, the baby is better wrapped in a warm blanket. So the mustard will also produce a good warming effect.


Feet will sweat, the skin will absorb valuable mustard essential oils. Two pairs of socks are necessary. In no case should it be allowed to directly touch the mustard powder with the baby's skin, since in this case a burn is possible.

You need to soar at the very first signs of a cold. So the procedure will have the maximum heal-improving effect. A foot bath can be made to the child and in order to prevent the disease: if the child has been exposed to rain, has gotten wet feet or just froze in cold weather.

People's methods of fighting colds in children can and should be used. It is important to apply other ways of treating the common cold along with the steaming of the feet: for example, to practice rubbing, copious drinking, washing the nose, inhaling.


In this case, even the most innocuous methods of traditional medicine should be used correctly, so as not to harm a small organism.

Coryza. Whether it is possible to heat a nose at a cold and whether it helps or assists?


Anton Lebedev

Not only can but also be needed, this is one of the most effective ways to treat a common cold.


If there is no sinus, you can. If the genyantritis, there can be a temperature.

Ella Orlova

It is better to warm the legs in hot water with mustard powder. Then put on woolen socks.


Oh sure! After the second time, it's much easier. You can not warm only with gaymarit.

Luda Vakulko

the runny nose can be warmed


With a cold, you have to warm the grain into a rag and put it on the bridge of your nose!


And if you still warm in combination with a massage of the nose and after all, lubricate the wings of the nose with a thin layer of Vaseline, which would be kept warm for 3-5 days and super.


1. First of all, we strengthen the antimicrobial immunity of everyday grinding of the feet (foot, shin) to the knee, hands (rear of the hand, forearm) up to the elbow 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes of exposure to all limbs from day to day, until the pain and burning sensation disappears completely. extremities.
2. Mass the painful areas in the area of ​​the malar bone (cheeks) 3-5 times a day and more every day with increasing effort until the soreness disappears completely.
3. Mass the painful fate of the periosteum of the bones of the nose day after day until complete relief from soreness.
4. To get rid of rhinitis, sinusitis, frontalitis, etmoiditis, it is also necessary to strengthen the antiviral immunity: a) Tapping the head with fists or, l. plastic bottle with water without air bubbles 2-3 times a day for 2-3 minutes a day, until the soreness in the head disappears completely when tapping. Tapping also helps to get rid of the headache if it bothers you.
b) Stimulation of sneeze. The number of sneezes can be increased from 10 to 20 times a day. Direct the air flow by sneezing preferably through the nose. To irritate the nasal mucosa is convenient for sneezing, with ear sticks or bury in the nose 4-5 drops of fresh aloe juice or calanchoe 3-4 times a day; the juices of these plants irritate the nasal mucosa and cause multiple sneezing. Some may experience irritation of the nasal mucosa with pepper or snuff.
c) Stimulate antiviral immunity can, it turns out, and the reception of certain products with a strong immunostimulating effect, it is mustard and horseradish. When using these spices, we must ensure that the molecules of essential oil of these spices fall into the nasal cavity and into the paranasal sinuses, into the bronchi and lungs and would cause a specific effect the brain missed). When these recommendations are implemented, recovery begins within two to three days. Good luck to all.

Remedy for colds: how to soar your feet with mustard?

Mustard has excellent healing properties for all kinds of colds. Warm up with the help of mustard plasters is only possible for very patient people. But everyone can soar their feet with mustard, even a small restless child. The effect will be almost the same. No wonder folk wisdom claims that the legs and throat are in close relationship.

Useful properties of mustard

Soaring legs with mustard is easy and simple. Mustard has a number of advantages.

  • She is always at hand.
  • Inexpensive costs.
  • It has an excellent heating effect.
  • Essential oils of mustard are natural antiseptics.

Mustard powder has been used extensively in medicine and cosmetology since ancient times. Under the influence of irritating substances that are part of the mustard powder, nerve endings on the skin, the capillaries widen, the blood circulation and metabolism of the whole reflexively increase organism.

How correctly to make trays with mustard for legs?

Begin the procedure at the first sign of a cold. You can soar your feet when coughing, runny nose and low temperature (37-3, ° C). In a wide basin pour water comfortably hot temperature (up to 40 ° C). Dissolve mustard powder at the rate of one tablespoon per liter. They lower their legs into the basin and soar for 15-20 minutes, periodically pouring hot water. At the end of the procedure, the feet are wiped dry with a warm towel and put on woolen socks. It is advisable to soar your feet with mustard at night before going to bed.

Women are advised to combine business with pleasure. Mustard perfectly copes with calluses and corns. After steaming, rub the heels with pumice stone and grease with a softening cream for the feet.

The baths are repeated for several days until the signs of a cold disappear. To enhance the effect in the common cold and diseases of the respiratory tract, several drops of fir or eucalyptus essential oil are added to the water. At the same time they receive a double benefit: heating and inhalation. It is also useful to add a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, oregano, lemon balm. During warming, you can drink herbal tea, decoction of dogrose, linden or oregano.

For fans to do everything with a maximum sweep, it is recommended to take a bath with mustard. The water temperature should be within 38-40 ° C. Do not lie in such a bath for more than 10 minutes, and after the procedure do not forget to rinse the body with warm water and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Soar your baby's legs

It is usually not recommended to soar your feet with mustard to a child under five. But it is connected, more likely, with difficulty of motivation of the kid, rather than with any contra-indications. In any case, observe the following rules:

  • Explain to the child the usefulness and pleasantness of this procedure.
  • Take the kid an interesting activity, while the legs are steamed.
  • The duration of the procedure is shorter for children than for adults. It's enough 10-15 minutes.
  • After the procedure, you can not cool the baby and especially his legs.
  • An allergic reaction to mustard is possible, especially with a tendency to diathesis. Remember, during warming up, the child should not experience any unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, you must abort the procedure.

If the baby can not sit quietly even for ten minutes, then we warm his feet with mustard in his socks. Powder can be poured into dense cotton socks, and on top - dress terry or woolen. In this form, you can leave the child at night or let go running around the apartment for several hours. The main thing is that the powder is not wet, otherwise strong irritation of tender baby skin is possible.

When you can not warm your legs?

Soaring feet with mustard and generally doing warming up procedures is not recommended when:

  • Varicose veins, thrombosis, other problems with the vessels of the legs.
  • Pregnancy. There are no direct contraindications to the use of mustard during pregnancy, but nevertheless doctors recommend refraining from any temperature influences.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Trophic ulcers, skin lesions, eczema and dermatitis.
  • General diseases of the blood.
  • Chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.
  • High body temperature.
  • Increased arterial pressure.

The procedure for warming the legs with mustard in the initial stage of the cold is excellent. To enhance the effect, while taking a bath, drink a hot broth of wild rose or other medicinal herbs, and at the end - put on warm socks and go to bed. In a few days, the malaise will be removed by hand.

Is it possible to warm a child's feet with mustard? To the kid of 9 months, excruciates a rhinitis.



Do you want to dissolve in water? And how do you picture it? ) Do you think the child will sit and warm his legs?)))
just put them in your toes at night.

God's Karofa

Of course not!

Irina Subocheva

Probably still not with mustard, but just mustard-pour into socks.


no, no and NO

Svetlana Azarova (Osadchaya)

If there is no temperature, then it is possible.


Can I warmed for 6 months. baby, a pediatrician advised, special children are sold, but do not overdo it! Get well soon!!!


it is possible with dry mustard. but I do not know if it helps with the common cold.
from the common cold it would be good to warm the area of ​​the nose and the maxillary sinus - you can heat salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a bag and heat, or you can just boil an egg and warm it there. but it must be that the child was given at least a couple of minutes on each side.
get well!

Ksenia Zverzhhovskaya

Bathe with mustard, rinse well, put on hygroscopic clothes, wrap and put it to sleep.


put the mustard on the heels. but be careful - my elder opened a wild cough - it turned out, an allergy to mustard. Although he did not have any allergies at all.

Natalia Agurova

better take the doctor Mom rubbing, and the letter T rub, it's under your fingers and along the foot, a small drop and immediately put on your toes, and under the blanket, and the legs are warmed. we only treat a cold for 5 months.. .

Marina Alhovik

No, this is called a "distraction procedure" - it has no treatment for treatment, soothes parents who supposedly help their child, and you can get a burn. It is better to wash your nose more often with saline solution (saline, aquamaris, ) + cool (18-20 gr. ) moist air (40-60%) in the room. If because of a cold badly sleeps, put under the mattress (!!! not under the head, and under the mattress) pillow, so that the child was easier.


It is possible, most importantly, that there is no allergic reaction (it is rare, but it happens). I've been warming my legs since 7 months with a cold.

Tip 1: How to soar your legs when you cough

When you soar your legs - there is an expansion of the vessels, and t. on the foot are multiple nerve termination, improvement in blood flow in them leads to stimulation of protective properties of the body, activation of immune reactions.


  1. You can only soar your feet when you cough. If you have a body temperature above 37oC, the procedure should be postponed. Remember, when paring the legs, peripheral blood flow is activated, so it is impossible to perform this procedure during menstruation, tk. can provoke bleeding. The hypertensive crisis is also a contraindication for hovering the legs, because the pressure may first drop - as a consequence of the distraction therapy, and then rise sharply to higher figures. Before the procedure, examine the skin of the legs - deep abrasions, furuncles, allergic rashes and other skin integrity disorders are contraindications to the action of hot water.
  2. When preparing the container for the procedure, keep in mind that it will be better if you warm up the calf muscles, so prepare a bucket or other utensils with high sides. Aluminum bucket is not a good idea, because it has a high heat dissipation and water will quickly cool down. Ideal option - a container of dense plastic or porcelain.
  3. You need to fill the tank with warm water, the approximate temperature is 38оС. Do not pour hot water at once - so you will provoke a shock situation for the body, and the vessels, instead of expanding, spasmodic. Keep your feet 3-5 minutes in a comfortable temperature. Then, when you feel the relaxation of the muscles, start pouring small amounts of boiling water into the tank from a pre-prepared teapot and bring the temperature to 41-42 ° C.
  4. Properly soar your feet for coughing you need under the blanket, so that the body warms up well, inhaling warm moist air will facilitate the departure of phlegm. If you soar your child's legs, you can hide under the blanket with him so that the baby does not feel fear.
  5. When the legs are poured into the water, you can add a tablespoon of soda, this procedure will help to quickly expand peripheral vessels, and by inhaling air with alkaline ions, sputum from mucous respiratory tract. Combining the procedure of hovering under the blanket with inhalation, you can add aromatic oils to the water - eucalyptus, pine, lavender, etc. These essential oils fight the pathogens and help clear one's throat.
  6. To prolong the warming up of the procedure, add mustard powder to the water, that it acts irritatingly on the mucosa of the respiratory tract, in this case, cover with a blanket it is impossible. Mustard powder, penetrating into the upper layers of the skin, causes the vessels to expand, thereby increasing blood flow.
  7. To steam feet with a cough should be 30-40 minutes. Then necessarily dry the skin, put on socks and lie under the blanket 1-2 hours. It is impossible to go out right after the warming up procedure, this action will provoke the development of the disease.

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