Prolonged cold in a child than treated

Prolonged runny nose in the child: effective treatment

Colds in young children occur very often, especially with weakened immunity. With timely treatment and proper behavior of parents, it soon becomes possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

However, when there is a prolonged runny nose in the child, there is a serious cause for concern, because the disease can cause many complications.

Causes of a prolonged rhinitis in infants

Prolonged runny nose in a child otolaryngologists are treated as chronic rhinitis. This form of the disease is acquired as a result of improper treatment of acute rhinitis. In addition, prolonged rhinitis can be a sign of other inflammatory processes that occur in the child's body. Often, it indicates the development of infectious diseases, influenza, upper respiratory tract diseases.

In most cases, a prolonged runny nose in the baby is a consequence of normal rhinitis. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms - mucous discharge from the nose and nasal congestion, arise in the cold and damp season. There may be several pathogens, usually viruses and microbes, then specialists distinguish between the viral and bacterial origin of rhinitis. Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in a child and is determined by the type of pathogen of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. With bacterial rhinitis, the most common pathogens are microbes such as staphylococci, pneumococci and streptococci.

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Among other causes of protracted rhinitis, otolaryngologists call such factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent colds accompanied by colds;
  • absence of any treatment for acute rhinitis;
  • constant hypothermia of the body;
  • the course of other infectious diseases in the body;
  • curvature of the nasal septum - congenital or acquired;
  • an increase in adenoid tissue;
  • allergic reactions of the nasal mucosa;
  • hidden infections.

Signs of a protracted cold in the baby

Finding a protracted runny nose from your baby, you should immediately visit the specialist's office.

To recognize this form of the inflammatory process proceeding in a nasopharynx, it is possible on such signs:

  • discharge from the nose are observed for more than 10 days;
  • nasal breathing is difficult both day and night;
  • total or partial reduction of smell;
  • The nose is not transparent, but a thick yellow-green or brown mucus;
  • itching, dryness and burning in the nose;
  • feeling tired and sleepy;
  • sleep disturbance.

Parents are not able to learn about the presence of all these signs in young children, however, the disturbing behavior of the baby should be a cause for concern. If you see that the activity of your baby has decreased, he wants to sleep constantly, but at the same time, sleep is disturbed, the child sniffs, one should consult a specialist.

What can cause a prolonged runny nose in children

Among all the causes of a prolonged runny nose in a child, the disease most often occurs under the influence of allergens and bacterial infection. To cause an allergic reaction can a large number of allergens - dust, pollen of flowering plants, wool of domestic animals. Recognize lingering rhinitis of allergic origin is not so difficult - discharge from the nose, sneezing and nasal congestion is noted immediately during or soon after contact with irritant agent.

Infectious rhinitis, caused by the penetration of children's body viruses or bacteria, usually accompanied by an increased body temperature and inflammation of the tonsils. A child may be disturbed by a cough and sore throat.

Many people do not give the runny nose special significance, considering it a non-serious disease. According to the otolaryngologists, a prolonged runny nose in a child can cause many complications. It exerts a strain not only on the respiratory system, but also on other parts of the child's body - the heart and lungs.

What and how to treat a protracted rhinitis in a child

It is important to know what to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child, because the duration of the course of the illness depends on this. Therapy may be medicated, or treatment may in some cases be performed without the use of medications.

How to cure a protracted rhinitis without medications is quite an urgent matter, because many mothers want to do without potent drugs. If the child is sick of the cold before the age of 1 year, the treatment is reduced to increasing the protective forces of the child's body and creating favorable conditions for a speedy recovery. To do this, immunomodulatory medications are prescribed, preferably of plant origin.

Babies need to regularly suck off mucus from the nasal passages, since it is important not to let it stagnate. The child's nose also needs constant moistening, it can be watered or dripped with special solutions based on sea water. You can treat a protracted runny nose with such saline solutions as Dolphin, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer.

There are several more effective methods, how to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child without the use of medications - this is inhalation. Such procedures are very effective for prolonged runny nose and its frequent complication - coughing. With a dry cough, inhalations will remove the inflammation from the irritated mucous membrane, moisturizing it, and when wet - will help to secrete sputum faster. With a strong cold, the child, against which cough has already started to appear, will help such an inhalation: take a tablespoon of St. John's Wort, flowers marigold and mint, pour a liter of water, let it brew, filter, place in a steam inhaler and let these pairs breathe the baby for 10-15 minutes.

Cold inhalations can also be performed:moisten a handkerchief or cotton wool in essential oil and let the baby breathe.

For the treatment of the common cold, the butter of thyme, anise and fir is well suited. Activation of certain points on the face promotes rapid recovery of the nasal mucosa and accelerates the healing process.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child with the help of acupressure? It is necessary to massage the points located on both sides of the wings of the nose, the procedure should be performed 2-3 times a day. During the massage you can use aromatic oils, rubbing them into the nasal sinus area. This procedure is indicated for children from 3 years.

We treat a viral, protracted runny nose in a child

Also, parents should know how to treat a protracted rhinitis in a child of viral origin. The best means, which allows to increase the protective forces of the child's body in the fight against a viral infection, is considered interferon. It is available in various dosage forms - candles, drops, tablets, ointments.

Rhinitis in children of bacterial origin, when the nose is a viscous mucus yellow-green or brown, should be treated with antibiotics. Before taking an antibacterial agent, you must thoroughly clean the nasal cavity of pathological contents. Most often, children are prescribed antibacterial preparations of local action, such as Isofra and Bioparox.

Treatment of rhinitis in children, regardless of its origin, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If the disease is allowed to drift, it can cause serious complications - sinusitis, otitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia.

How to cure a protracted runny nose in a 2-year-old child? Share please ...



Take a slice of garlic, grate, and mix with cream butter. And in the nose. My baby is also 2 years old. We constantly get rid of the cold

Marina Mihailovna

Long-term washing with solutions of herbs, furacilin, soda with salt. Regularly, 2-3 times a day, not less than a month. You can rinse with a small syringe or drip a lot with a blunt end.


Descend or go to LORu - can at you are increased adenoides. Then you need to seriously treat.


On a fine grater, rub off onions, squeeze out pure juice, stir with a small amount of boiled water. A solution of one drop in each nasopyrochka twice a day. At night, be sure to clean the spout.

Olga Kolpakova

try the drug IRS-19 speak well helps, our pediatrician has appointed us, but we have not tried

Victoria Alexandrova

IRS 19. It works very well. Only before application it is necessary to blow a nose off!

oxane oxane

Espermentno proved by the example of children of my friends that if the mucous nasopharynx is loose and the colds are frequent and protracted, please contact Laura, get up on his account, be sure to take x-ray pictures of the sinuses of the nose, cooperate with a doctor and regularly perform all of his destination. If there is a proliferation of adenoids, adenoiditis, complications such as otitis and sinusitis agree to surgical treatment. Operation uncomplicated after 3 hours of the child is discharged home. And do not save and cultivate this hotbed of infection in the hope that the problem itself will resolve. Complications oboydutya for the child's body is much more lamentable. An allergic rhinitis is also possible. In principle, a good doctor can distinguish it from other conditions. The mucous in this case looks pale, cyanotic. Then you need a consultation lora allergist. Do not run the problem, home remedies are good in combination with traditional drug therapy. Health to you and your baby.

Elena *****

If the nasal congestion does not pass to the daughter, PROTORGOL always helps, it is prepared in the pharmacy. drop by drop from the pipette 3 times a day.


and my little one is 3 years old, we are constantly getting rid of it, burying 2 drops of beetroot juice in a nozzle, helps and no chemistry. Garlic and onion is good, but the baby is not very suitable.
Do not be ill!!


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.
12) Add 50 gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a strong runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Add 10gr. crushed kidney black poplar 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink a glass 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of herb peppermint, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take a glass of hot infusion, sweetening honey. Also rinse with this infusion of the nose.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of gruel from hips, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork interior fat, 1 part of eucalyptus oil. Mix thoroughly. Tampons moistened with a mixture are inserted into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix in equal proportions honey and hibernating oil. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab during the day and at bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon of hibernating oil with the same amount of petroleum jelly. Enter with a tampon into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of herb lawn grass 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the nose with a strong cold.
19) Add 10gr. herbs black-head (sold in pharmacies) 1 glass of vodka. Insist a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.

Than to treat a protracted rhinitis at the child?

A baby's rhinitis, which persists for a long time, always causes great anxiety among young parents. As a rule, it occurs due to the defeat of a child's organism by a bacterial infection or becomes a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Regardless of what exactly triggered rhinitis, it must be disposed of as soon as possible. In this article, we will tell you what should be treated a protracted runny nose in a child to solve this problem in the shortest possible time.

Treatment of a protracted cold in children

To understand how to cure a protracted runny nose in a child, you should, first of all, determine its cause. For this baby it is necessary to show the doctor and conduct a detailed examination.

If the doctor diagnoses a lingering rhinitis of an allergic nature, parents will have to identify the allergen as soon as possible and minimize all the child's contact with it. If mom and dad can not do it on their own, they need to go to a specialized laboratory.

Until this time, the child can be given antihistamines, for example, Zirtek or Fenistil, and also instill in the nasal passages such agents as Allergodyl, Histimet, Vibrocil, KromoGexal or Ithral. In addition, it is necessary as often as possible to ventilate the children's room, regardless of what exactly triggered the allergy.

If the cause of a protracted runny nose lies in the bacterial damage to the body, the child will have to take antibiotics. This can be done only for the intended purpose and under the strict supervision of a doctor who must conduct a survey of the baby and, in particular, take into account the results of the blood test and only then select the most suitable preparation, and also establish a scheme for its administration and dosage.

Often in this situation, otolaryngologists write out antibacterial drugs in the form of drops or nasal sprays. Determine which drops of those that help children from a protracted runny nose, will fit in each specific case, it can be very difficult, therefore, it is often necessary to change the drug in the process treatment. Usually in such a situation, doctors give preference to such means as Isofra, Polidex, Bioparox, however it should be understood that all these are very serious medicines that can not be given to a child without an extreme necessity.

In order not to cause more harm to the health of the crumbs, you can try to cure a protracted runny nose in the child with the help of folk remedies, for example:

  1. Combine in the same proportions the herb of peppermint, marigold flowers and St. John's Wort. Pour these ingredients into the teapot and fill with boiling water, and cover the container with a funnel. Allow the child to breathe the steam with both nostrils, but make sure that it does not burn.
  2. The natural onion juice diluted with clean water, taking into account the ratio: and 3-4 times a day bury the baby's spout with the received liquid.
  3. 3-4 cloves of garlic crush in a special press and combine with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Allow the agent to infuse for at least 12 hours, and then bury in each nostril of crumbs 2 drops every 3-4 hours.

In addition, to achieve a faster result, it is recommended that several times a day, wash the nose of the baby with saline or salted water. Older children can do it themselves. Such a procedure, carried out daily, not only speeds up recovery, but is also an excellent tool for preventing the development of the common cold and strengthening local immunity.

To wash the nasal passages with prolonged rhinitis, Dekasan solution can also be used. This drug should be used 3-4 times a day for no more than 7 days in a row.

Prolonged cold in the child: what to treat?

Prolonged cold in the child... Which of the young mothers did not face this problem? Surely very many. Unfortunately, in childhood, the common cold is a fairly frequent phenomenon, and the reasons for its occurrence can be very different. That is why a visit to the doctor should not be postponed, otherwise a protracted runny nose in the child may lead to an even greater threat to the health of the baby, such as, for example, chronic otitis media. In doing so, you must remember that a complicated form of the disease in most cases will need to be treated long enough.


Note that in order to cure a protracted runny nose in a child, it is very important to identify the causes of this pathology. And it can provoke and allergens, and pathogenic bacteria, and chronic diseases, and even defects in the development of the nasal septum.

False Causes

At the same time, there are cases when young mothers are in vain about the fact that their child, who is not yet one year old, is a snot.

The fact is that at this age the infant is breastfed and his immune system is strengthened with antibodies, which he receives with breast milk.

It also happens that in the first months of life the baby begins to function salivary glands, which are the cause of the emergence of discharge from the nasal cavity. Naturally, in this case, there are no serious reasons for concern.

Disturbing symptoms

Of course, you need to immediately consult a doctor, as soon as you suspect that there was a protracted runny nose in the child. What are the symptoms of this? First, the increased volume of mucous secretions, resulting in difficulties both breathing and eating. Secondly, the child refuses food, and his body temperature rose at least one degree from the norm. Thirdly, the rhinitis turns into a cough and rattles in the trachea can be heard.

Do not ignore preventive measures from a protracted runny nose, especially when it comes to the health of the baby, otherwise it can lead to inflammation of the middle ear.

Problems of choice

One should not think that the question of how to treat a child with a protracted runny nose is classified as "simple". The fact is that over the years of treatment of various kinds of colds and acute respiratory infections, a large number medications, but the most effective, which would immediately eliminate all the symptoms of influenza, so created and was not. And some, without consulting a specialist, mistakenly choose antibiotics, which in some cases not only do not destroy bacteria, but also make them stronger. If you are still not afraid to be treated independently at your own risk and risk, then opt for medication "Interferon" - it is effective in fighting infections and will help to strengthen immunity.

It is produced in both drops and ointments. However, we emphasize once again: do not be lazy and make a note for a consultation with a doctor - it's about your child's health!

We treat a protracted runny nose without drugs

Of course, any mom will be concerned about why the baby does not have a runny nose. At the same time, every kid at least once a year, but soplic.

As already emphasized, modern medicine offers today a huge range of medicines designed to eliminate the common cold in children. However, in a number of cases, after some medicines, the problem is not solved, and mothers are again puzzled: "For what reason does the runny nose in the child" pass? " Before applying these or other drugs, remember that they do not in any way harm your child.

Babies under the age of 1 year, who suffer from a runny nose, doctors try to strengthen their immunity with all means and create optimal conditions for their speedy recovery. They are at least three times a day sucking mucus, and to cleanse the nasal cavity apply special drops based on sea water or a weakly concentrated saline solution.

You can buy a ready-made drugstore in the form of a spray or drops (recommended to children under 1 year). Such preventive measures can also be used for an older child. Than to treat a protracted rhinitis at the child?


This method of solving the problem in question is also effective if the child coughs. If the baby has a "dry" cough, then inhalations will help to eliminate the inflammatory processes in the mucosa, and if "wet" - they will separate and withdraw the phlegm. To prepare the medicine you will need a combination of three types of herbs: peppermint, colander, St. John's Wort. One tablespoon of all the above ingredients should be brewed. This method of treatment is recommended for children over the age of three.

However, a huge number of young mothers are interested in the question: "Than to treat a cold? The year was just the year for the child. " You can drip your nose with Kalanchoe juice - 4 drops per each nostril. You can also use breast milk.

Many are interested in how to eliminate a runny nose in a child (2 years old, 3 or 4 - is not important)? Propolis and honey are highly effective in this case. It is necessary to dissolve the bee product in the amount of 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm boiled water, thoroughly mixing it. You will only remain in the course of the day several times, at regular intervals, burying the baby's nose with a prepared medicine. However, if it is an allergic rhinitis, the above method will not solve the problem.

Moms who are interested in the question of how to eliminate a runny nose in a child (2 years and younger) should remember that you need to wash at least three times a day a baby's nose with infusion of chamomile or soda solution. For these purposes, an enema is suitable. After the procedure, you should drip your nose with the drug "Dioxin which is released in ampoules. It effectively eliminates the protracted rhinitis in the baby, while it does not irritate the mucous membrane. However, self-medication by such a means is not worth pursuing, it should be prescribed by a doctor!

If the baby is unable to eat fully due to a prolonged runny nose, this is also a good reason to consult a doctor. To normalize breathing, you can use drops in the nose "Vibrocil" or with the drug "Aqua-Maris".

The advice of Komarovsky

When there is a protracted runny nose in a child, Komarovsky - a well-known doctor specializing in childhood diseases, recommends adhering to certain rules.

In particular, he insists that the air in the children's room is wet. He also advises to moisturize the throat and nose of the child with saline solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk or cooked at home. To do this, you will need ½ of a teaspoon of sea water and a glass of boiled water. Anti-inflammatory effect has the drug Ekteritsid. But the vasoconstrictive drops of "Naphthyzine" are contraindicated. To moisten the mucosa, it should be periodically moistened with water.


Massage of points located on both sides at the level of the wings of the nose is also an effective way to get rid of snotty. This procedure is performed clockwise, and it should be done at least three times a day. When you massage, you can use aromatic oils that are directly rubbed into the dots.

If the mucosa is inflamed due to an allergy, then, accordingly, it is necessary to exclude all sources that provoke it.


To moms and dads as little as possible observed their children colds that are accompanied by a protracted runny nose, they should be taken out as often as possible a child in the bosom of nature: at sea, in the mountains or in the forest - this will strengthen his immune system, and consequently, his body will be more resistant to various sources infection.

Who than treats a very protracted runny nose in a 3-year-old child?



Yes, we used to suffer from a runny nose. If the runny nose, then usually for a long time... Now somehow this is not... Very good juice helps Kalanchoe. Squeeze from the leaf Kalanchoe juice, dilute a little with water. And 2 drops in each nostril, 3-4 times a day. Dry heat on the bridge of the nose (I boiled an egg, wrapped it in a towel, and put it on). Even at night, you can do iodic tochets between the eyebrows. And if you take a drop, then except Safredeks nothing helped.
Yes, you can still try AquaMaris (there are drops, there is a spray), it very well clears the nose.


If the pediatrician says that there are suspicions of an allergy, then it is necessary to a good allergist - only he will advise, because here amateur activity will hurt. A prolonged runny nose in a child at any age can really turn out to be a sinusitis. Be sure to double-check, the bolle, if so showed pictures, and then you will not get problems. With sinusitis you need to start with washing and warming, but you may have to make punctures (depending on the complexity)

Andrei K.

we have the same garbage, only we are 4 years old. until the output is found.


Consult one more doctor.

Marina Block (Ruslyakova)

if allergic.. then you need to know the cause of the allergy.. and protect from allergonositel.. and if the protracted catarrhal.. then try the juice columnar... juice beets and carrots... and the genyantritis is treated with a cyclomene-juice from the root.. but it is necessary to find out.. whether it is possible to treat them a 3-year-old child ..

Aleksey Ivanov

allergy? yes easily! Go to the allergist and find out the allergen. tighten will be worse

Mistress of Copper Mountain

The most important thing in the treatment of the common cold is to change the drug every three days. Otherwise, the child develops a kind of "immunity" to the medicine and it ceases to help.

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