What drops treat a cold

Which drops in the nose are better among vasoconstrictive drugs

As soon as a runny nose appears, the question also appears - and what drops from a cold in the nose are better? The question "to drip or not to drip" depends on whether you want to cure a runny nose or not, because if not treated, the disease can give a complication in the form of sinusitis.

As a rule, they struggle with a cold to resort to vasoconstrictive drugs for the nose, they are also called nasal decongestants. These drops narrow the vessels inside the nose, which reduces the swelling of the mucous membrane and improves nasal breathing.

Depending on the main component, four groups of vasodilating vasoconstrictive drops are allocated into the nose, the names of representatives of each group in the list below:

  • containing phenylephrine(Vibrocil, Nazol Kids, Nazol Baby);
  • containing xylometazoline(Galazolin, Otrivin, Pharmazoline);
  • containing oxymetazoline(Nazivin, Nazol, Knoxprey, Rinazolin);
  • containing naphazoline(Sanorin, Naphthysine).
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Often we resort to these drops in the nose as a panacea, but we must remember that they only relieve the symptoms and do not cure the common cold. Since the effect of these drugs has a short-term effect (for example, for drugs based on xylometazoline and oxymetazoline, the difference small), taking them uncontrollably, you can get a side effect in the form of addiction, which can lead to the emergence of chronic vasomotor rhinitis.

If you talk about the price, then cheap and effective drops in the nose can include Naphthyzin, Galazolin and drops in the nose Xilen. Inexpensive option is also Ximelin and Tizin.

It is important to know

Vasoconstrictors are not recommended for use for more than 3 days for infants and 7 days for adults!

The best drops from the common cold: a review of drops, their advantages and disadvantages

In addition to vasoconstrictive drugs,moisturizing drops.

These means on the basis of sea water include Aquamaris for washing the nose, the price is from 430 to 570 rubles, Humer, Salin. They do not overdry the mucous membrane, but rather moisturize it and allow to clean the nasal cavity of the discharge.

From moistening drops, one should not expect a lightning result, but they effectively fight with the common cold.

In addition, you can prepare a remedy for a cold in the home, using the usual table salt. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt on a glass of warm water. This solution should be washed with nasal sinuses, which will quickly get rid of mucus. Drops on the basis of salt pediatricians are considered the best drops from the common cold for babies, because they do not have contraindications and overdose these drugs very hard.

If you want to narrow the vessels in the nose without the use of drops, you should turn to folk remedies.

It is important to know

Like vasoconstrictive drops, moisturizers do not cure a common cold, but only relieve symptoms.

His choice in the treatment of the common cold can be done onmedicines of natural origin- broths and infusions of herbs of calendula, St. John's wort, sage. The duration of action of such drops is small, but at the same time they are natural and have no side effects.

Often, for the effectiveness of vasoconstrictors, antihistamine components are added to them to relieve edema to avoid itching and sneezing. itcombined preparations. As an example - Sanorin-Anhallergin, which is used, as a rule, for allergic rhinitis and cold.

Combination of several components allows to achieve a good therapeutic effect, since these drops have vasoconstrictive, anti-allergic properties, well anesthetize and disinfect the focus infection. They are made, usually on the basis of furatsilina or other antiseptic. Representatives of such combined preparations are Collargol and Protargol (Composition). They treat protracted rhinitis.

In the case of a viral disease, Interferon and Grippferon are considered the best agents for the common cold and nasal congestion in adults. They are antiviral drugs for a wide range of activities. Drops in the nose with Interferon before use should be diluted with boiled water, Grippferon is already sold ready. You can apply these drops in the nose during pregnancy and newborns.

For preventive maintenance of a rhinitis it is possible to address tobacterial vaccines. They "train" immunity, speeding up the body's response to a viral infection. The most common vaccines in the form of drops - Poludan and Derinat spray. With a strong runny nose, they do not work, but are good as prevention and at the initial stage of the disease.

There is another group of drugs from the common cold, which has its popularity thanks to natural ingredients - it'sphytoplasm in the nose. Often among them there are drops on an oil basis (as they are also called, oil). But the only drug in this group that treats the common cold is Pinosol. In addition to herbal components, it contains thymol, which is due to its good anti-inflammatory effect.

The advantage of Pinosol over other drugs is that it helps restore the nasal mucosa, does not cause sensation of dryness and burning in the nose, you do not get used to this drug and it has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

A special attention should be paid tohomeopathic dropsin the nose with a cold for adults and children. These drops effectively combat swelling of the nasal mucosa, have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunostimulating properties.

Plus homeopathic remedies are that they do not cause side effects and have no contraindications, although their effectiveness is slightly lower than the vasoconstrictor drops. Use homeopathic drops should be strictly according to the scheme. The best in this group of medicines are Edas-131, Delufen and Euphorbium compositum.

The best drops from sinusitis - which drops are on the market and how they act

When a runny nose is started, there is a risk of getting complications in the form of sinusitis. When treating sinusitis, you need to see a doctor to get an effective treatment, otherwise you can start the disease and then the only solution is a puncture.

As a rule, the best drops from sinusitis are drops on the basis of antibiotics - antibacterial drugs.

The use of antibiotics in the form of drops from sinusitis has its advantages in comparison with other drugs:

  • They do not affect immunity.
  • Do not affect the tone of blood vessels (as do vasoconstrictive drugs).
  • Do not affect the intestinal microflora (as compared to taking antibiotics tablets).
Antibacterial drugs are represented by the drugPolidex. It contains the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine.

These drops from the cold are safe enough and are well suited for treating children, starting from the age of 3.

Polidexa is popular due to its complex action - it helps to reduce the inflammatory process, narrows the vessels and fights against active pathogens.

Already on the third day of using this drug, you will get rid of the headache, and the discharge from the nose will not be so abundant. It is thanks to its properties that Polidex acquired the reputation of the best children's vasoconstrictive drops in the nose from the common cold.

This drug is used to treat the acute form of sinusitis, because it has an antibiotic in it - neomycin, which successfully fights most of the dangerous microorganisms of the mucous membrane of the cavity nose. Also, the drug strengthens the walls of the vessels and effectively removes the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

In addition to polideksy popular antibacterial agents in the treatment of sinusitis areBioparoxand drugIsofra.

Among the preparations of natural content, a separate place belongs toSinuphorte. This is quite expensive, but at the same time, a quality product. It is completely natural, not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the body. The manufacturer guarantees recovery from sinusitis in a week after the start of treatment.


What kind of drops from the cold actually treat, and not just relieve the disease? I can not cure a runny nose that does not help.



These drops helped me.

This is my world

Also will not cure. There is an addiction and dependence, treat and eliminate the reason.


Not a single drop does not heal. Rinse your nose with any solution. Drops only act to "pierce" and again to breathe normally


oil or balm Sunbris. And the reason will help to find the module diagnostics

Light... The dark ...

Have you tried ordinary honey bee? I do this to my children, any kind of nagging is very quick. Yes, and it is more useful than with different chemistry... If only you are not allergic


if you treat a cold, it will be a week. If you do not treat it only for 7 days. Can at you an allergy, descend or go to the allergist.

Natalia Simply Takaya =)

well helps wash with saline, take a syringe or a small syringe insert into the nostril and rinse.


Take household / soap, make a foam and a cotton swab deeper inside the nose. Soap disinfects and cleanses the maxillary sinuses. Repeat during the day and on the second day it will be much easier to breathe. Also for the night, make inhalation with the balm "Golden Star". With the match head of balm in boiling water and breathe-inhale with your nose, exhale with your mouth. We are well!


Any vasoconstrictive drops should be used correctly and follow the instructions, that is, use no more than 3-5 days, otherwise reverse action begins and becomes only worse.
If the problem is this, then you need to use a remedy such as Fliksonase Spray (by the way, it will work for usual allergic rhinitis) - you will undergo a course of treatment and get rid of the problem.
If the runny nose is delayed after a cold and the mucus thick yellow-green hue, then the washing with sea water (Aqua Maris, Otrivin More, Marimer, Salin, etc., ) and Polidex is called. spray or Isofra. You can add Sinupret or Gelomirtol to the treatment.
Good luck.

Irina Budkova

Drops do not treat anything, but they ease the condition with a cold. This is the reaction of the immune system, it fights infection

Cold drops

Going with a runny nose in the pharmacy, every buyer wants to get the best drops from the cold. The assortment is so large that it is difficult to decide which of them is better.To effectively treat the common cold you need to know the effect of drops well. On the effect on the nose they can be grouped into:
  • moisturizing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasoconstrictive;
  • combined drops.

Moisturizing drops

Some types of cold are accompanied by drying the mucous membrane, the formation of dry crusts, cracks and ulcers. Treatment with drops of vasoconstrictive action can also cause dryness. Therefore, for prevention, it is recommended to drip concurrently with a moisturizing agent.

Drops of Aqua Maris are created on the basis of sea water. They have a good effect in the common cold, caused by acute and chronic sinusitis, with allergic rhinitis. Sea water acts as a concentrated saline solution, produces washing and cleansing of the nasal cavity from mucus and pus, softens the crusts. Drops of Akvalor, Salin have the same properties.

Anti-inflammatory drops

To remove the inflammation inside the nose, the solution that must be dripped should have antiviral or antibacterial activity. These pathogens are the cause of the common cold.

Antiviral drops Grippferon have the ability to stop the development of the virus, they are prescribed for adults and children from the first days of the common cold, with initial symptoms of a common cold. Doctors are advised to drip into the nose preparations containing interferon. Timely use can stop respiratory disease. These same drugs are prophylactic agents during an outbreak of an influenza or respiratory infection.

An effective anti-inflammatory agent in rhinitis is drugs with phytoncides (plant antibiotics). Pinosol is advised to drip adults from 3-4 days of the disease. The product contains essential oils. It is best not to use it for the treatment of children under three years of age. It is contraindicated in case of an allergic rhinitis.

As folk remedies for the cold, drops from onion juice, from the stalk and leaves of the cyclamen are recommended. Aloe and Kalanchoe emit a lot of juice, but before harvesting the leaves need to hold a week in the cold. An anti-inflammatory property is the juice of beets, carrots. Rinsing of the nasal passages is advised to be carried out with a decoction of sage, marigold, chamomile.

Vasodilating drops

Drops of this kind of action can quickly narrow the vessels located in the nasal passages. There is observed removal of puffiness, the restoration of nasal breathing, openings for drainage of discharge from the sinuses.

The main components for the narrowing of blood vessels are chemicals:

  • naphazolin;
  • xylometazoline;
  • oxymetazoline.

They are part of Naftizin, Galazolin, Nazola. It is difficult to choose which of them is the best drug, since their action begins 10-15 minutes after instillation and lasts up to four hours. Not recommended for the treatment of a common cold in children, pregnant and lactating women, people with hypertension, with coronary heart disease. Apply them in accordance with the instructions for no longer than 5-7 days. It is good to simultaneously drip Marine to remove the drying effect on the nasal mucosa.

Combined Action Drops

The best effect is possessed by drops having all of the listed properties. They are easy to use, have a quick healing effect. This group includes Vibrozil and Gikomycin-teva drops. The content of antibiotics contributes to the anti-inflammatory effect. But that's why drops are not applicable for a viral infection. Appoints a doctor in case of a complicated cold, the appearance of symptoms of sinusitis. Treatment is conducted in a course of seven days. Athletes should remember that when using drops, a positive doping test is possible.

If you use good drops of the common cold, there will be no effect unless you learn how to properly apply the instillation procedure into your nose. It is best to drip in a prone position, the head should be slightly thrown back and turn in the opposite direction. This is caused by the need to administer the medicine in the direction of the nasal passage. After instillation in one nostril, you should keep the position for 15-20 minutes, then repeat from the opposite side.

As with any treatment, one should not forget about the increased individual sensitivity of the organism. The appearance of a reaction in the form of pruritus, rash, swelling of the face requires an immediate refusal of the applied drops and an urgent call to the doctor.

If the expected effect of using drops for the nose does not occur within five days, you should consult a doctor. You may need any other drugs.


What are the best drops in the nose?


Your Good Friend

Complex drops, than recently and was cured, only I do not remember the composition, I did not heal myself, I was treated)

But an article from the Internet, maybe I was treated with such drops, but consultation with a doctor before use is mandatory! )

Treatment of a common cold is not an easy task. Quickly he does not usually heal. Drops do not help for a long time, but there is no time for folk remedies. One day my pediatrician gave me a prescription for complex drops in the nose, and said that 3-4 days and even a sinusitis runny nose.

Buy in the pharmacy 2x cubed syringe, children's eye drops sulfacil (20%), one ampoule of diphenhydramine, adrenaline and dexamethasole. Wash your hands well and proceed. Open all the ampoules and, taking from them a liquid, inject them into a bubble of sulfacyl (it is plastic - it's not difficult). The contents of dexamethasole and diphenhydramine pour everything, and adrenaline only half a cube. Shake the tube. Drops in the nose are ready. Drip 2-3 times a day for 2 drops in each nostril. Droplets in the nose can be consumed 3 days, then make fresh. But usually in three days the cold passes.


Successful treatment!

faithful guardian


Maribel Cohen

Oh, our Russian foreigner has a runny nose! Bury the onion.


All the drops in your nose are chemistry. Dry the mucous membrane... even an allergy from them can be! It is better to drip the beetroot juice. Or spray Spray-Cometon.

Brad Pitt

ximelin and a couple of minutes after the pinasol, so as not to dry the mucous membrane.

Zhenya Ivanova

and in the eyes too

Nurzhan Turdaliev

the best does not happen, there are expensive.


To whom what approach or suit - to me rinonorm-only do not use the cheapest-from them accustoming-then a nose pawns

Marina Tarasenko

Do not get used to it, otherwise you can sit down on them, but in general, better buy a snuff in the pharmacy


Dixarin spray-treat and no addictive.

Cat Murka

VITAON - Balm Karavaeva - action

Herbs and essential oils, which are part of Vital's balm, have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating, antimicrobial properties:

* have anti-inflammatory effect (essential oils, calendula, pine, yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, celandine, dog rose, thyme);
* promote rapid healing with burns, wounds, cracks, ulcers (pine, chamomile, celandine, wormwood, dog rose, yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort, thyme, olive, soybean oil);
* Increase the immune and bactericidal activity (fennel, calendula, caraway, rosehip, essential oils);
* have an emollient, antipruritic and soothing effect (chamomile, mint, yarrow, St. John's wort, olive oil);
* Restore the water-fat metabolism of skin cells (fennel, mint, olive oil, essential oils).

Balm Vitaon delivers to the skin cells a balanced set of nutrients and a complex of natural vitamins (B2, E, A, D, K, P) and microelements necessary for their recovery, improvement of processes of skin circulation, respiration and increases the level of regeneration skin.

Scientific studies and numerous reviews of consumers have confirmed the high effectiveness of Viton for many skin and mucous problems.


"fornos" - good! I use them myself.
But addictive to them, be careful

Coryza in pregnant women - can I heal and which drops to use

During pregnancy, any disease is extremely dangerous, even an ordinary runny nose. The danger is the complexity of the treatment, since not all medicines can be used. A untreated rhinitis can lead to complications in the form of sinusitis.

In order to appoint an effective treatment, you need to know the nature of the onset of the disease. This may be an allergic reaction or an early symptom of a cold, and in some cases, doctors diagnose rhinitis in pregnancy as a "side effect" of pregnancy, which occurs with birth the kid.

The fastest way to get rid of a cold is to drip drops. But do you know which drops for the nose can be pregnant?

When choosing drops, the following factors should be considered:

  • active substance drops;
  • what month of pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity of components or their intolerance.

The most popular drops are vasoconstrictive, they quickly facilitate breathing by affecting the capillaries of the mucosa. They facilitate breathing and relieve puffiness. But vasoconstrictive drops in the nose for pregnant women are not recommended, because the active substance penetrates into the blood and spreads through the body.

"Under impact" can fall into the vessels of the placenta, vasoconstrictor drops can cause their spasm, and this threatens the baby with oxygen starvation.

If the vasoconstrictor medications can be prescribed by a doctor in case of acute necessity, then there is a group of drugs that is contraindicated during pregnancy. These drugs are based on oxymetazoline - Nazivin drops, Ferveks (in a spray for the common cold for pregnant women), Nazol and Fazin.

What can be dripped in the nose during pregnancy? These are safe drops based on sea water,what are Marimer, Aquamaris in pregnancy, Salin, Aqualor. Drying the nasal mucosa, they, thus, cure a cold. Of course, the effectiveness of these drugs is slightly lower than that of vasoconstrictive drugs and herbal preparations, but guarantees safety during treatment. These drugs are best used in the form of a spray for the nose.

There are also drugs to raise the immunity, for example Derinat spray, which are not officially contraindicated for pregnant women. However, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

It is important to know

Safety for pregnant women is based on sea water in the first place.

At home, you can also cooksinus lavage solutionand it is by no means inferior to preparations based on sea water. To make it you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt on a glass of warm water. This solution should be washed with nasal sinuses, which will quickly get rid of mucus.

To the recommended drops from the common cold for pregnant women include the drugSalin. It does not affect the vessels by narrowing them, but moisturizes the nasal mucosa, which helps to facilitate breathing.

From homeopathic preparations it is possible to applyEuforbiocompositumandRinitol EDAS-131. Euphorbiumcompositum is a good remedy for the common cold, its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, which is why it is recommended for the treatment of rhinitis allergic character. The effectiveness of this drug can be felt for three days. EDAS-131 consists of medicinal plants - lumbago, chamomile, onion, chemical elements of calcium and silver in saline solution. EDAS-131 is recommended in case of acute or chronic course of the disease or allergic rhinitis. These drugs have an individual effect - for someone they are a panacea for the common cold, and some do not help at all.

At home, you can resort to traditional methods of treatment: a good remedy is the aloe juice from the common cold or the Kalanchoe from the common cold. Usually the juice of these plants is digested 3 or 4 drops three times a day. The only nuance in use - after applying drops from the juice of these plants can be a long time to sneeze.

In any case, a runny nose can not be started - if the outflow of mucus is disturbed, it can lead to stagnant phenomena in the airways, which is fraught with inflammatory processes and the appearance of complications.

Is it possible to drip Naphthysine and Sanorin during pregnancy?

When there is a runny nose, we immediately reach for the nose drops. The most popular naphthysin in the nose, Sanorin, Otryvin have a vasoconstrictive effect and guarantee "freedom of breathing".

But is it possible to drip Naphthyzine during pregnancy?

Both Naphthysine, and Otrivin, and Sanorin drops during pregnancy should only be used under medical supervision, in cases of extreme necessity and with the utmost caution.

Prolonged use of drops from the common cold can be addictive, which contributes to depletion of the nasal mucosa and atrophy of the nerve endings responsible for the sense of smell. Thus, the risk of using these drops is not justified.

In addition to influencing the vessels of the placenta, vasoconstrictors have a number of serious side effects and contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • diabetes.

Do not take vasoconstrictive drugs with increased sensitivity to components or intolerance to them.

To all this, it should be noted that the vasoconstrictive drops do not treat the runny nose, but only relieve its symptoms.


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