How to deal with dry cough

How to deal with a cough?


D. C.

Folk remedies for cough:
500 g of peeled onions, chopped, add 400 g of sugar and cook over low heat in 1 liter of water for 3 hours. Then cool, add 50 g of honey, pour into a bottle and cork. Take 4-6 tablespoons a day after meals.
Brazilians skip ripe bananas through a sieve, then put the grated mass in a saucepan with hot water in the proportion: 2 bananas per 1 cup of water with sugar. Heat again and drink this mixture.
In the evening, finely chop a large onion, fill it with 2 tablespoons of sugar. By morning the medicine will be ready. During the day, eat a sweet onion or drink a formed juice. You are treated for several days and the cough will pass.
Choose a pot-bellied black radish with a tail, cut off the tip and take out the inside by a third. Put a little honey in the cavity so that there is room for the juice that stands out. Cut the radish into a glass with water down the tail. When in 3-4 hours juice is typed, drink it and put honey again.
Recipe for children: cut the black radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in oven for 2 hours. Strain, discard pieces of baked vegetable, and drain the liquid into a bottle. Give 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before going to bed.

instagram viewer

Spirituous tincture of eucalyptus should be taken 20-30 drops per 1/4 cup of cooled boiled water 3 times a day.
Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients in the indicated quantities: marshmallow (root) - 40 g, licorice naked (root) - 25 g, coltsfoot (leaves) - 20 g, fennel (fruit) - 15 g. In the thermos, put 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist 10-12 hours, filter. Drink 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 3-5 times a day.
Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients in specified amounts: mother-and-stepmother (leaves) - 40 g, plantain (leaves) - 30 g, licorice naked (root) - 30 g. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 2 glasses of steep boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes and strain Drink in a warm form 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals with cough and bronchitis.
Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients in specified amounts: mother-and-stepmother - 2 parts, oregano grass - 1 part, chamomile flowers - 2 parts. Two tablespoons of the ground mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 5-6 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals in a warm form.
Take the flowers of the primrose, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, the root of elecampane and licorice naked in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, filter. Drink 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 3-4 times a day after meals.
Brew in a thermos glass of boiling water 2 teaspoons of roots elecampane high. Drink the broth 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. This broth is used as a strong expectorant for bronchitis. Or: pour 1 tablespoon of the roots of elecampane with 2 glasses of water and boil for 15 minutes over a small fire. Take 2 tablespoons every hour during the day.
10 g of licorice root pour a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 20 minutes, cool 45 minutes, filter, squeeze and bring the volume to 200 ml. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
With a strong cough, it is good to be treated with ordinary milk. Drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of Borjomi) or honey (1 teaspoon of honey for a glass of hot milk). And kids are best to add figs to warm milk.
Two medium sized onions finely chop, boil in 1 glass of milk, infuse for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every 3 hours.
10 onions and garlic head cut into small pieces and boil in milk until soft, then add honey and mint juice. Take 1 tablespoon in an hour from a prolonged dry cough.
To soften the sore throat it is useful to drink warm milk, cream or tea with butter several times a day.

Mila Arkhangelskaya

What cough - dry or wet?


liquorice root.... and tasty and very useful


drink decoction of leaves "mother and stepmother" or syrup of licorice root


Well, do not fight it.... it must be treated!

Elena Kuznetsova

Thyme, only drink with small sips, a little. In a day not more than a half glass. Well, there are such pills Travisil, any cough, even the cough of the smoker cleans ..


is treated))

Elizaveta Vinogradova

this is not ARVI. Run to the doctor. How long have you been coughing? Do you drink allergy medicines?


Grate the chest and back with honey and badger fat. And for another night hot milk with honey and butter, and then under the blanket to sweat heavily.

~ mistery ~



acetyl, bromgixin and asoril.. helps out of these all


In my opinion it is more correct to seek help from a doctor rather than engage in self-medication that does not bring results

Azur Club

Before you start to fight with it, you need to know its origin. Cough arises from irritation of the larynx, due to:
1. Allergic reaction
2. The flow of mucus through the mucous larynx for colds
3. Do not believe it, because of a malfunction of the heart (heart cough)
The main ways to combat coughing are symptomatic. In the case of an allergic reaction - antihistamines, in case of cold - anti-catarrhal, as well as distracting - mint pills, menthol, eucalyptus, (for example, the last two are contained in Holz) and disinfectants - gargling with a solution of soda, iodine, salt. If the case is started and cough has passed into the bronchial form, then expectorant preparations containing mucus are used. To expectorant includes ACTS Long, licorice syrup.
In any case, it is necessary to know the cause of the disease. And since the treatment of hemorrhoids on the phone is usually unsuccessful - I recommend that you go to the local doctor or call him at home in case of fever. He will tell you everything in detail and even write out a prescription. And do not go to the fortune-teller! :-)
I read your supplement - it looks like an allergic cough. Look for an allergen.

Anton Martynovic

Proven means-the juice of the bulb.

ludmilla mayer

Very good tincture of eucalyptus:
100 gr. eucalyptus leaf
0.5 liters. vodka
0.5 liters of honey
Insist in a dark place for 21 days.
Very good for coughing, as well as for cholecystitis, zero acidity, heartburn, stomach ulcer.. Also normalizes the pancreas.

Alex Khokhlov

It looks like an allergic cough. Antihistamines are taken off. A special drug is KETOTYPHEN. A side effect is a dream. I take 1t for the night. After the second reception usually passes. This drug stops coughing attacks. You can look at it through the search.

Irina .


How to deal with dry cough?


Man - you are Peace, you are Eternity.

Water and Malt. The daily norm is 2.5 liters of clean water.
Licorice will clear bronchi, lungs from the pathogen. It is necessary to help the immune system to remove the bacterium from the body. Rules for getting rid of colds.
Before the epidemics for two months you need to drink Echinocery, always strengthen immunity, no virus is not terrible.
Only not chemistry. The body struggles, immunity takes out foreign cells of the virus, bacteria through the excretory systems of the body, Through a skin-sweat, through a nose-flowing lymph, the intoxication is removed, it is impossible to lower temperature. If the heat is wiped away with dilute table vinegar. The body is dehydrated by cleansing. You can not drink, there can be convulsions, this is when the neurons of the brain die. But we must not eat without hindering the processes of purification. You can have a frozen berry, smash in blendor, energy products-microhydrin, co-enzyme Q10, the process of purification will be faster.
Refuse to eat. Abundant drink with lemon, cowberry, 2 liters of clean, warm, structured water.
Tea with echinocice, licorice. Sorbents-protection of the kidneys from intoxication
10t of coal or 1t of an aggregate, any others. And then strengthen the immune system.
Brush the body systematically, restore the homeostasis of the whole organism. There is a unique balanced program Kolo Vada plus. All the problems in the body depend on the psychology and "purity" of the intestine. The body needs to be cleaned 2 times a year from poisons and toxins. Then, to strengthen immunity, there is a unique product modeling immunity Molozevo, Shark liver fat, Bark of ant tree. Mega acidophilus is a friendly bacteria.


drink more


Quit smoking and drinking warm milk !!))


Chewing out something ..


Drinking warm, mustard... warming up ...
You can drink urine warm.. cool helps ..


Drink bromhexine.

** Kissed by the sun **

kupi v apteke sredstva spetsialnye, ih pit nuzhno.


Ambrobe in advertising, and the best way is eucalyptus oil (sold in any pharmacy) in the teapot, pour boiling water and breathe through the spout, covering the kettle with a towel.

Alexander Stelmashok

At night, drink 50 grams of pure alcohol and go to bed. The next day, the cough will not be dry anymore.


in the morning you will wake up... on an empty stomach... drink hot water... not boiling water really.... drink gnut floor mugs.. more in the morning you can not... and cool helps ATSTS-so expectorant.. vot

Andreeva Svetlana

lazolvan, inhalation

How to deal with dry cough due to complication of asthma? The inhaler does not save, it is impossible to breathe at all !!!



In general, if the inhaler does not help, you need to call an ambulance to stop the attack, why bring the situation to the point of absurdity, asmatics need to have a nebulizer to in such situations to ease his condition, inhalation with berodualom and saline, there was such a drug Solutan earlier, he took off attacks instantly, children from bronchitis treated, but because of drug addicts it is impossible to buy it (they cook some kind of garbage), so you need a nebulizer, have a drink of hot milk with Borjomi, or euphiline

Natalya Shashkina

I have a cough after the flu usually lasts up to 2 months, but in the last year I'm saved only by martensitism. read the instructions, it may be suitable)


If the inhaler does not stop the attack, then it is weak for you. It is necessary to change to the one that suits you more. There are a lot of varieties now.

Alain Willewald

Do water inhalation with mucaltin tablets. I was helped in my time. And a hot drink with a tincture of valerian-30 drops. Get right!

Wild cat

in the morning honey. this is apart from everything. to speed up the process


solve the problem in principle. The inhaler will not help. remove the cause. lung contamination

Asthma: Very shortness of breath due to accumulation of mucus in bronchial passages. Patients following the principles of Nature, without much difficulty, get rid of this punishment for eating food and drinks that form mucus. In the future, already completely cured of asthma, the patient can get sick again, if he likes, it is only necessary to eat white bread, dairy products and drink milk. In fact, almost any concentrated carbohydrate food and dairy products (cheese, ) can help you get this enemy back. Allergic examinations, all kinds of medications, blood tests and general examination are usually very useful.. . for deterioration. The cause of asthma is the presence of mucus.

Read from the Internet Victoria Butenko - "The Greens of Life" and "12 steps... ". Only raw food will help you!

Sergey Luchina

Add to the diet! "Apple vinegar selenium-containing". Ingredients: Apple cider vinegar, micronutrients: iron, magnesium, copper, nickel, selenium (10 mg)
Action: Apple selenious vinegar is a part of the most important enzyme of glutathione peroxidase, which activates the work of antioxidant system, antitumor immunity, metabolism in tissues, liver, prevents the development of eye lens cataracts. A sufficient amount of selenium and selenium-containing enzymes in the tissues ensures the health of the heart muscle, kidneys, promotes the growth and development of tissues and the rejuvenation of the body as a whole.
- With anemia and leukemia.
- When pregnant and breast-feeding.
- With bronchial asthma and lung disease.
- When recovering from a stroke, cerebrovascular accident.
-In ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction and hypertension.
- With radiation sickness.
- With osteochondrosis and arthrosis, with polyarthritis and rheumatism.
- To accelerate recovery with injuries and fractures of bones.
- With kidney disease, kidney stone disease, polyneuritis.
-For diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
- To prevent premature aging.
- With diseases of the thyroid gland, endemic goiter.
How to use: I will send!
Children under 1 year -0 25 drops, up to 2 years - half a teaspoon, up to 5 years - 1 teaspoon, up to 12 years - a dessert spoon, after 12 years - 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day with meals.
For diseases, dosages can be significantly increased (up to 6-12 table spoons a day).
For therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to adhere to the regimen recommended for specific diseases:
Adverse events: not detected
Special conditions: with stomach ulcer and 12-colon and with increased acidity, it is recommended to take neutralized solution of "Neoselenium".
At reception to limit or exclude the use of sweets, t. To. It worsens mastering of selenium.

How to deal with a cough



As you know, cough is dry and wet in acute and chronic diseases. Dry mouth and sore throat? It seems that you have an acute respiratory disease, and with it inevitably comes and a sharp cough.
It needs to be softened. Pharmacies sell cough-softening medications that will not help coughing if you take them in time.
At the initial stages of the common cold, the most important thing is the moistening of the dry and inflamed mucous membrane. In the inhaler, pour warm saline or, if desired, infusion of herbs - oak bark, mother-and-stepmother (the main thing is not tap water) and use it 7-10 times a day. The effectiveness of this procedure is much higher than that of conventional medications.
If you work and can not use the inhaler (device) every hour, drink more fluids - teas, morses, broths of chamomile. The amount of liquid must be at least two liters per day. Try to rinse your throat more often. Menthol and mint cough drops are also quite effective in the first few days of the disease.
Do not forget that cough itself is not a disease and usually accompanies a cold, and even the flu or other diseases. Therefore, take rimantadine if a doctor has diagnosed it: influenza.
If your co-workers and your family will not mind eating more horseradish, onions and garlic - these natural phytacids will help to deal with the disease at the root.
After work, if there is no temperature, you can soak your feet in a mustard bath.
Antibiotics will only harm if the disease is caused by a virus
Absolutely useless and only harmful when coughing antibiotics, especially children. They suppress immunity and are also ineffective in viral infection. They can be used only if there is a purulent sputum and only after the appointment of a doctor.
The child's body has a large margin of immunity, and therefore he just needs to help relieve the disease. Do your child inhalation, wash the spout with herbal decoctions, often make a gargle. Brew for drinking the root of elecampane, althea, licorice, rosemary, mother-and-stepmother and other herbs, which help to remove sputum from the bronchi.
Do not make the baby eat. Usually the body itself determines the amount of necessary food. Better give him more drink - juices, fruit drinks, teas, milk.
While the cough is dry, take antitussive medications - there are a lot of them in pharmacies. And in fact they differ little from each other. Do not confuse expectorants and antitussives! Expectorants are taken if sputum separation begins.
Unfortunately, from a chronic cough you do not get rid of usual expectorants. Treatment after the examination should appoint a doctor.
By the way, now more and more people are ill with whooping cough. It differs in a spasmodic course of the disease with periodic protracted coughing attacks. There is also a variant of cough asthma, which is completely different from the usual - no whistles, suffocation, wheezing, only a persistent and incessant cough. This variant of asthma is very difficult to identify, you need a special study.
Coughing is not always an airway disease
Our body can be a joker and arrange cough receptors in very exotic places: in the external auditory canal, stomach, intestines, heart and even.. . the womb! So a visit to a gynecologist can provoke an attack of acute cough.
Also, doctors note that 20 percent of cases of chronic cough are associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. After eating, part of the food can be thrown from the stomach into the esophagus and irritate the nearby airways. In this case, if there are no obvious inflammation of the respiratory tract, one must treat the gastrointestinal tract directly.
Pulmonologists distinguish one more variety, which absolutely can not be cured by pills, is a psychogenic cough. They suffer children and young women, very rarely men. Attacks of an uncontrolled cough happen only in society and against a background of a stressful situation. To determine the psychological cause of the disease is simple - in a dream there is no cough and in


from pneumonia in hospital or cemetery (


In fact, this cough is creepy, it does not pass for a month ...

Anna Matveeva

Cough can be one of the manifestations of pneumonia, but much more often it is one of the symptoms of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. If the cough is dry, only CODELAC will help, all the other drugs are expectorant, you will only cough from them, trying to cough up phlegm, which is not. In addition, it is good to suck PETUSIN tablets. Well, and the treatment of the infection that this cough caused, because coughing is just a symptom of the underlying disease.

Olga Bezuglova

Strengthen immunity: Florists, especially Florica mixed ( ategoryID=82) will help you in this. And also Piokal insoles ( ategoryID=82), and it will be necessary not only to wear them on the feet, but during several days for 2-3 hours a day, wrapping each insole in a clean cotton fabric, applying them to the back in the lungs. The fabric will quickly become wet, and it will have to be changed to dry. With this effusion the whole illness will come out. Be cured quickly!

Dima Morev

eat dog meat

How to deal with an allergic cough?



Allergic cough
Allergy sufferers are unwell. To the usual symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection, they add the so-called "allergic component", expressed in the increased formation of mucus, an additional edema of the mucous membranes. Such patients to usual therapy necessarily prescribe antihistamines, vasodilators and antispasmodics to facilitate breathing and mucus discharge.
A constant dry cough is a frequent companion of allergic diseases, in particular bronchial asthma. For treatment, it is necessary to find "your" allergens that cause such reactions in the body, and make every effort to eliminate them from the patient's everyday life.
The simplest prevention of attacks of an allergic cough is... cleanliness: wet cleaning, lack of dust and things that accumulate this dust (soft toys, curtains, carpets). Treatment of bronchial asthma is difficult, individually, should be selected by an allergist and conducted under his supervision.
Cough can alleviate primitive inhalation - some time in the bathroom, which includes hot water.
Legs and breasts should be kept warm, you can use warming ointments, essential oils.
It is easier to breathe and clears throat in moist, fresh air - if possible, the room should be ventilated more often.
It should be remembered that any cough requires attention - finding out the cause of ailment and proper treatment, do not neglect the advice of a doctor. An untreated disease (even frivolous) often becomes chronic and then gives a lot of trouble.
Home recipes. Good for its simplicity, accessibility.
Until now, one of the most popular remains the juice of black radish: the peeled root is cut into thin slices (as an option - it makes a deepening), smeared with honey or poured sugar. Formed juice take 1 tbsp. spoon every 1-2 hours.
The medicinal properties of onions are used: in a glass of boiling milk lower the peeled bulb, continue cooking on low heat for 10 minutes, the broth is hot, repeat several times during the day.
Unrefined lemon boil in water for 10 minutes, then cut in half, squeeze the juice, add to it 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture before meals 3 times a day.
An effective remedy is the juice of carrots with honey in the proportions of 1: 1.
For sweet tooth, you can cook gogol-mogol, rasterev 1 fresh egg with sugar - this will soften the cough, or "milk on the fig": 2 tbsp. Spoon the crushed fruit into a boiling milk, simmer on a small fire for 5 minutes - this remedy is taken at night, well calms cough and gives an opportunity to sleep
Herbs, phyto-tea. Since ancient times, the healing properties of althea, rosemary, anise, root of elecampane, plantain, thermopsis, root licorice and many other plants - antitussive, anti-inflammatory, expectorant. A great advantage of the "green pharmacy" in the absence of side effects, mild effects on the body and good tolerance (even for young children).
Often the herbs are made up of collections that use all the medicinal properties of the components and become a universal medicine for colds - relieve the general condition, cure cough, inflammation, increase the body's defenses.
In pharmacies are sold convenient packages with detailed instructions - sometimes packaged or teas in granules. One of the most common tips: 1 tbsp. spoon of herbs elecampane pour a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, then cool, strain and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey; take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for an hour before a meal.

Olesya Olesya

try tablets cetrin, they fight off all the symptoms of an allergy

Sergey Bondarenko

remove the cause first of all, the allergen is needed. And for this you must first find this allergen in an allergist to make tests. In the meantime, you can apply suprastin, if not driving, then 2-3 times a day.


To my child ketotifen helped or assisted, to you to the allergist it is necessary


If an antihistamine drug (zodiac, cetrine, clarixens, etc.) helps, it is likely an allergy. It is necessary to make scarification tests from an allergist to determine allergens. In general, whooping cough suppresses coughing. Good luck!

Tamil Baibekova

Dry cough and rubbing hurt

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