Medical treatment of angina pectoris: prescribed drugs and doses

Death from heart disease is still very high, despite the serious achievements in the field of medicine. A low-level lifestyle, stress and bad habits wear out the heart muscle.

Among heart diseases known from ancient times, until now often there is angina or, as it was called in earlier times, angina pectoris. Many people are not afraid of sudden pain in the chest - think, took a pill and passed. And in vain!

Angina often leads to myocardial infarction and death in a sick person. Therefore, this disease is subject to mandatory monitoring by a cardiologist and therapy. Than to treat a stenocardia, what medicines and preparations advise to accept at this form of an ischemic heart disease and whether tablets can provide successful treatment for patients-cores, we will tell further.


  • 1 Drug group
  • 2 Medication selection
    • 2.1 Antianginal
      • 2.1.1 Nitroglycerin
      • 2.1.2 Isosorbide dinitrate
      • 2.1.3 Isosorbide mononitrate
      • 2.1.4 Calcium antagonists
      • 2.1.5 Beta blockers
    • instagram viewer
    • 2.2 Antiaggregants against the formation of thrombi
    • 2.3 Statins
  • 3 What for successful heart therapy can not be done

Drug group from attacks

We will not consider in this article such preventive measures with zabheart disease, such as diet, smoking and alcohol withdrawal and active lifestyle .

Let's pass to those preparations which doses are recommended by doctors for treatment of a stenocardia, preventive maintenance of attacks and complications at an ischemic heart disease.

Medicines should be prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the illness. In the treatment of angina, three groups of medicines are used:

  1. Medications with antianginal action of , that is, aimed at fighting myocardial ischemia. The effectiveness of this group of drugs is aimed at reducing the need for cardiac muscle in oxygen, as well as increasing the level of oxygen in the blood.

    This large group of drugs is divided into several subgroups:

    • Nitrates are drugs specifically designed to stop and prevent attacks of angina pectoris. The action of nitrates is aimed at expanding the walls of blood vessels and increasing the access of oxygen to the heart.

      Nitrates do not have any curative effect, they only relieve or prevent seizures.

      With the constant intake of nitrates, the body gets used to their action, therefore, within a day, a break is necessary to remove nitrates. Drugs are taken either directly during an attack, or before physical exertion with a preventive purpose.

    • Beta-blockers .The therapeutic effect of this subgroup is due to a decrease in pressure and pulse rate in the patient, and therefore the need for a heart in oxygen decreases.

      Beta-blockers are not addictive and accumulate in the body, which allows for a certain time to reduce dosage. Beta-blockers do not apply for a long period of time due to a variety of side effects. After normalization of the patient's condition, the dosage is reduced to the minimum.

    • Calcium antagonists .Drugs of this series, preventing the penetration of calcium into the muscle, contribute to a decrease in myocardial contractility.

      The action of calcium antagonists is aimed at lowering the pressure, regulating the heart rate, removing the spasm of the coronary arteries.

      Thus, the blood flow improves, therefore the demand for myocardium in oxygen becomes smaller, and the inflow of nutrients to the muscle increases.

  2. Drugs designed to combat thrombosis .It can include acetylsalicylic acid( aspirin) and clopidogrel. Long-term use of these drugs prevents the formation of thrombi at the earliest stages.
  3. Anti-atherosclerotic medicines .As you know, an elevated cholesterol level is the cause of the progression of atherosclerosis, which eventually leads to angina pectoris.

    Drugs that affect the lowering of cholesterol in the body are called statins. These drugs of the last generation have become a breakthrough in the treatment of ischemia in general and atherosclerosis in particular.

Statins must be taken for a long time, in this case their therapeutic effect will be more pronounced.

The choice of medicines

Let's start with the fact that any medicine from each group should be prescribed only by a cardiologist and only after a survey. As a rule, the following medicines are used in the practice of cardiologists:



The most famous medicine for suppressing the symptoms of angina attacks.

Produced in the form of sublingual tablets, sprays, patches, drops, capsules with prolonged effect, ointments, films.

There are a lot of names with this active substance in pharmacies. Among them: Deponite, Gilustenon, Nitroglycerin, Nitradisk, Nitrangin, etc.

Ways of using:

  • The tablet is placed in the mouth under the tongue. The action occurs within two to three minutes and lasts for half an hour.
  • Spray is also applied to the oral mucosa and begins to instantly relieve the attack, literally within a minute. Sprays are short-acting agents, like tablets.
  • Buccal forms of nitroglycerin( plates, films) are attached to the mucosa of the cheeks or gums. Have a longer lasting effect - 3-4 hours.
  • Capsules are taken in advance of the attack, have a prolonged effect. Capsules are taken 1-2 times per day on an empty stomach.
  • Ointment is applied to the dosing paper in the amount prescribed by the doctor in charge. The paper with the ointment is pressed tightly to the body in the hairless part of it.

Only a doctor can calculate the dosage of any form of nitroglycerin!

Prices for nitroglycerin depend on the manufacturer of the medicine and the form of its release. For example, the cost of domestic sublingual tablets rarely exceeds the price of 50 rubles.

Isosorbide dinitrate

A preparation of tableted, capsular and aerosol release forms. In pharmacies is sold under the names: Isoket, Izolong, Kardiket, Nitrosobid .It is taken internally by agreement with the attending physician.

As a rule, is prescribed for 20 mg 2-3 times a day for an hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal .With a mild therapeutic effect, the dose is gradually increased to 120 mg per day.

In order to avoid tolerance of the organism to medicines after a month and a half after regular intake it is necessary to make a break for a day , replacing one remedy with another with the same effect on the body.

The price of the medicine also depends on the country of origin. For example, Nitrosorbide in pharmacies can be purchased for 25 rubles, and the Isoket spray will cost about 400 rubles.

Isosorbide mononitrate

Trade names of the drug: Izomonit, Mononit, Pentacard, Plodin, Monochinkwe, etc. Medicines are produced in tablets and capsules of prolonged action with addition to the name of the prefix "retard". Tablets are taken 2 times a day, retard capsules - once a day .Gradually increase the dose.

It is important to know that the drug affects the reaction rate, so activities where rapid reaction is necessary should be excluded for the duration of treatment.

The average cost of tablets is 300-400 rubles for 30 pieces.

Calcium antagonists

Of the group of calcium antagonists are widely used in practice Nifedipine, Verapamil and Diltiazem .

Drugs are taken 1-2 times a day.

Nifedipine may be used in combination with beta-blockers, and drugs containing Verapamil and Diltiazem should not be taken together with beta-blockers .


From the group of beta-blockers it is difficult to isolate any specific effective drug. Active substances of beta-blockers, as a rule, atenolol, metoprolol, timolol, bisoprolol, etc. Of all the tablets, Concor, Anaprilin, Coriol, Non-ticket have proven themselves. Beta-blockers are taken with meals in order to reduce their side effects.

The name of the beta-blocker and its dosage is selected only by the doctor !

When taking these medicines, be sure to monitor the heart rate. Pulse when taking the pill should be 50-60 beats per minute.

The prices for domestic Anaprilin are not as high as, for example, for imported Concor or Nebilet. For comparison: 50 Anaprilin tablets cost 27 rubles, and for 28 pills of the German drug Nebilet it is necessary to pay already 980 rubles.

In any case, buy and take drugs without the appointment of a cardiologist, guided only by the principle of economy, you can not in any case! This can lead to unpredictable consequences!

Anti-clogs against thrombus formation

The most known is a tablet-like drug, such as aspirin. Aspirin is taken in the evening after a meal in a dose of 75-150 mg once a day .

For the treatment of cardiovascular disease, aspirin is available in special forms - Aspirin Cardio, TromboAss, CardiASK and Cardiomagnet .

They differ from the usual aspirin by a more gentle action on the stomach .The price for any aspirin is not very high - an average of 250 rubles per 100 pieces.

Patients with aspirin intolerance or with severe angina are prescribed clopidogrel .Its effect is many times stronger than that of aspirin. But the cost is much higher. For 28 tablets of Russian production will have to shell out more than 400 rubles.


Russian cardiologists prescribe statin preparations based on active substances: rosuvastatin, simvastatin, fluvastatin and atorvastatin .Statins are taken primarily before going to bed.

Doses are prescribed by a physician based on a blood test for cholesterol. Drugs can cause nausea and pain in the muscles.

The cost of tablets is quite high .For example, the English drug Krestor will cost at the pharmacy 2,500 rubles for 28 pcs., And the American Zokor - 750 rubles.for 28 pcs.

That for successful heart therapy can not be done

Very often patients, having visited the cardiologist and approximately figuring out how much they will manage drugs with angina pectoris, wave their hands on their health and do not hurry to take medicine, thinking that they will cost a penny nitroglycerin in case of a sudden attack of pain.

Do not do this in any way! It's easier to ask the attending physician to replace an expensive drug with a cheaper one with a similar action.

The second common mistake with the medical treatment of angina is , an unauthorized reduction or increase in the dosage of .Remember - only a practicing doctor decides when to change the dosage.

And in no case can treat such a disease as angina, only folk remedies .This is extremely dangerous for the life and health of the patient!

Find out about the disease and its therapy more from the video: