Neurological cough in a child symptoms

How to get rid of a nervous cough

How to get rid of a nervous cough

Usually, coughing is the desire of the body to reflex purification, caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract during the inflammatory process. However, with a nervous cough, the receptors are not irritated. Such a cough, as a rule, accompanies all kinds of nervous disorders.

Neurogenic cough is a symptom that indicates various deviations of the nervous system. His appearance explains the irritation that occurs in the cerebral cortex, resulting in a cough reflex. In other words, this kind of cough does not have any physical causes, that is, caused illnesses. However, only after the complete elimination of all possible diseases and pathologies can we speak about the neurotic, psychogenic origin of cough.


Neurogenic cough has a number of characteristic features. As a rule, these are frequent, sonorous, and at the same time dry cough, which can intensify in various stressful situations and disappear in a calm state, for example, during sleep.

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Thus, nervous coughing manifests itself to a greater extent in moments of great mental stress. We can say that this is a kind of protective reaction of the organism to this or that event. Such a cough can manifest itself either arbitrarily or unconsciously.

Being arbitrary, it is an artificial symptom designed to help its owner attract attention. Unconscious cough can be a consequence of some previously transmitted pulmonary disease and now more like a fixed reflex. In addition, it can testify to the firmly entrenched psychic experiences, which are sometimes at a subconscious level. Only a qualified therapist can identify the true causes of the patient's anxiety, and a nervous cough as its consequence.

As a rule, after setting the exact diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed complex treatment with drugs that affect the medulla oblongata, where the functions of the cough reflex are suppressed.

Folk remedies in the fight against nervous coughing

Along with drug treatment in the fight against nervous coughing and stress in general, people's means can help. So, help to calm the nervous experiences of various kinds of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Infusions must be prepared based on 15-20 grams of raw materials per 200 milliliters of boiling water. So, the healing collection of valerian, cudweed, motherwort and heather can not only take off attacks of a neurogenic cough, but also relieve nervous disorders, panic attacks and feelings of fear.

Thyme is not only able to relieve nervous tension and relieve stress, but also strengthens the nerves in general. A valerian removes neurotic symptoms, reducing the excitability of the central nervous system.

It is also useful to make baths with the addition of medicinal broths of valerian, chamomile and lavender. So, lavender is able to restore the nervous system, valerian will help to remove the spasms of the larynx, and chamomile and is at all capable of eliminating nervous coughs.

No less effective are considered to be alcoholic tinctures. The recommended dose for adults is 30-35 drops, for children - is calculated by the number of years. So, hawthorn is useful in excessive excitability and nervousness, and also it strengthens the blood circulation of the brain. Nettle gently tones and invigorates, and peony tincture, on the contrary, has a calming effect and relieves a fit of coughing. An infusion from the motherwort can restore breathing and regain calm, suppressing the constant urge to cough. Sleep-grass is also capable of eliminating a neurogenic cough, generally increasing the tone of the nervous system of the body.

There are a number of other medicines that can help in the treatment and elimination of symptoms of nervous coughing, such as the Aralia Manchurian, Angelica, Echinopanax, thunderstorm-quarry, Eleutherococcus, Leuzeum safflower and others. The main thing - remember that any even the most effective plant can have a number of contraindications, so without consulting a doctor in this matter can not do.

Nervous cough: symptoms

Nervous coughWhen a person is healthy, he does not think about how his thoughts can affect the overall condition. But at the moment when the disease comes, a logical question arises: "Does the state of mind affect the course of the disease?" The answer to it is quite simple: "Of course, yes!" Moreover, psychological reasons can be the basis for the development of many diseases. Nervous coughing is a confirmation. In the medical language, this phenomenon is called psychosomatics.

Nervous cough: the reasons for its development

Nervous coughIf the appearance of an involuntary action of the usual type requires the exposure of pathogens (bacteria, infections, viruses, etc.) to the organism, then this factor is absent. To self-hypnosis, psychogenic cough also has nothing to do. The reason for its development is considered psychosomatic. That is, the defensive reaction of the body to the onset of an undesirable situation for a person. A vivid example of this can be a child's refusal to go to school on a certain day (did not learn the lessons, there will be a test paper). At the kid on a background of a stressful condition temperature can sharply rise, there is a reflex act and other signs characteristic for a psychosomatic.

Coughing on nerves: symptoms

The main symptom of an involuntary act is the rapid (paroxysmal) appearance of a neurological cough that immediately disappears immediately after removal of the irritating factor. There is another type of disease. In this case, there is no paroxysmal development of the disease, but a prolonged one. An involuntary act can be fixed for several weeks and even months, years. There may be a nervous tic. The sound of the neurotic cough act is very sonorous. Sputum is completely absent. The main symptom is the presence of reflex actions in the absence of any prerequisites for this, that is, analyzes show that the person is absolutely healthy. Also a sign of a nervous cough is his absence during deep sleep. This is because the person is completely relaxed, that is, there is no negative impact on the psyche.

Nervous cough: treatment

Treatment of a nervous coughHow can a reflex act be treated if the cause of its occurrence lies in a psychological disorder? Of course, calming drugs and herbal collections containing motherwort, peppermint, etc. But this only helps if the involuntary action is of a paroxysmal nature. What if a nervous cough accompanies a person for several months? Here we are talking not just about a nervous breakdown or the impact of an upcoming event (for example, taking a session or going to unpleasant people). In such a situation, the help of a qualified psychologist is needed, since the person himself may not understand the causes of the disorder. In addition to visiting a doctor, you need to undergo special relaxation therapy. Well proven baths with sea salt and aromatic oils, massages. It is advisable to go for a walk before going to bed, the duration of which should not be less than 15-20 minutes.

Nervous cough in adults

Nervous cough in adultsCough prevents the ingress of foreign bodies into the lungs and promotes the excretion of pathological substances. This is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of bronchial receptors. However, against the background of neuropsychiatric disorders, a nervous cough appears, which occurs without irritation of the receptors on the bronchi.

Causes of development of nervous cough in adults

Causes of a nervous coughSymptom develops with various disorders of the nervous system, with hysteria. In persons with unstable psyche, excitement irritates the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. Man, therefore, unconsciously tries to attract the attention of others, to cause pity.

Psychogenic coughing in adults occurs in an uneasy environment, emotional excitement, a dispute, getting a person into an unusual situation, crowded places. Provoke an attack can be a physical load or emotional arousal. Also, the cause of pathology is children's mental trauma, the difficulty of communicating with the society. This nervous cough begins in childhood and without treatment remains in adolescence and adulthood.

One of the causes of the pathology is long-term inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. A person after recovery coughs out of habit during emotional distress, waiting for an event and getting into an embarrassing situation. This is due to the fixation of a constant cough reflex on the nervous level.

Symptoms of psychogenic cough in adults

Psychogenic cough reflex loud, sound like a cry of geese or car siren. The attack is not accompanied by a withdrawal of bronchial secretion (dry), discharge from the nose, an increase in body temperature. It starts under the influence of the above-mentioned provoking factors and stops, if you distract the adult. Also, an attack of psychoneurological cough never develops during sleep.

With a pronounced mental disorder, the symptom develops frequently and is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Symptoms of a nervous coughIncreased heart rate;
  • Heartache;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • Shortness of breath, up to suffocation;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Increased sweating.

Psychogenic cough is resistant to treatment. It lasts for many years and severely limits the person's ability to work and social activity. In order to make a diagnosis, a specialist should exclude a wide range of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and perform a neurological examination.

Psychogenic cough

Psychogenic coughUsually, the appearance of a cough is regarded as a sign of any disease of the respiratory tract or lungs. However, it can be caused not only by the infection that has been picked up, but also by psychosomatic disorder. According to external manifestations, psychogenic cough differs little from a cough caused by the pathology of the respiratory system, it also brings discomfort, creates inconveniences and adversely affects the general condition of a person. The peculiarity of it is that it does not respond to treatment and does not decrease from taking special drugs. In such cases it is necessary to pay attention to the remaining signs of the disease, this will help to establish the diagnosis. Help in this can also appeal to a specialist.

Who is susceptible to psychogenic cough?

Most susceptible to psychogenic cough people experiencing regular significant physical and moral overload, as well as too emotional.

This type of cough is more common in children and adolescents, as they are more emotional and more reactive to psychological stress. In adults, a cough that is psychogenic in nature often becomes one of the consequences of the hyperventilation syndrome.

Causes of cough

The beginning of a psychogenic cough is usually a difficult situation in the psychoemotional sense. These include:

  • too tense atmosphere in family life or in the workplace;
  • the need to engage in unpleasant activities, for example, speak to a large number of people;
  • strong stress associated with exams, quarrels with loved ones, loneliness and other negative circumstances;
  • also such a cough can occur in diseases of other people, as a reflective reflex.

Signs of psychogenic cough

Psychogenic cough has its own specific signs, it is dry, loud, can resemble a goose cry or a loud dog barking. In addition, exacerbations are observed in adverse situations, and with distraction, the symptoms disappear completely. Cough psychogenic nature can not be cured, so it can drag on for several months, and sometimes years. It should also be noted that this disease usually does not lead to a violation of appetite and sleep. At inspection it is possible to note absence of pathological changes from the lungs. Often, the diagnosis of the disease is complicated by previous long-term erroneous treatment with various active drugs, which can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Diagnosis often reveals the symptoms of various disorders of the psyche: a tendency to hysterics, a loss of voice, ticks of a psychogenic nature, and others.

Treatment of psychogenic cough

Treatment of cough psychogenic nature is to create a calm psychological environment, eliminate stress and discomfort situations. It is necessary to protect the patient from fatigue and excessive overload, this will help the rational regime of the day, in which the loads alternate with periods of rest. At the beginning of an attack, you should try to distract a person, for example, by an interesting book or film.

When establishing the diagnosis of "psychogenic cough" it is desirable to conduct a course of psychotherapy, during which the patient is guided to understand the causes of his illness. In addition, it is desirable to teach him the techniques of slow breathing, relaxation and relaxation. For children and adolescents, a tight wrapping of the chest tissue can be used for a period of 1-2 days, as a distraction therapy shock shock electric current to the forearm area. In extreme cases, use tranquilizers and other medications.

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