Urinary incontinence after childbirth - causes and treatment

The birth of a child is a welcome and exciting moment in the life of every woman. But this event is overshadowed by a number of consequences that arise as a result of bearing a child. One of these ailments is urinary incontinence after childbirth. This is a condition in which a woman has an uncontrolled release of urine. Therefore, many women who are confronted with this problem are interested in the question: why does urinary incontinence occur after birth and how to deal with this ailment?

  • Causes of spontaneous bowel movement after childbirth
  • Ways of manifesting urinary incontinence
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Prevention of urinary incontinence after childbirth
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Causes of spontaneous bowel movement after childbirth

Why does urinary incontinence occur after delivery? Since pregnancy - this is an extremely strong stress for the body, this condition can cause a problem of spontaneous urination. The main reasons for this problem can be:

  • severe birth, resulting in damage to the genitourinary system;
  • a large fetus can injure the pelvic muscles, weakening their functionality;
  • multiple births - if after the first birth the woman did not have such a disease, then the birth of children can subsequently develop it;
  • postpartum depression - apathetic or persistent irritability adversely affects a woman's health;
  • mental disorders;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • violation of the hormonal background.

Important to remember!Genetic predisposition to this problem can lead to its development after childbirth!

Ways of manifesting urinary incontinence

Most often, spontaneous urination after childbirth manifests itself under certain physical manipulations, as well as in such situations:

  • urinary incontinence after childbirth when sneezing or laughing;
  • at the time of intimacy;
  • with the use of alcoholic drinks, as a result of which the nervous system is dulled, the signal of the desire to defecate does not arrive;
  • at the time of lifting heavy objects.

Also after incontinence, urinary incontinence is observed.

Important to remember!At the first displays of a malaise it is required to address to the expert! This is a rather piquant topic, so many women are embarrassed to talk about the problem. But you should overcome your fear, because urination after childbirth can be transformed into a chronic disease.

Which doctor should I contact with this problem? Specialist in this area is a urologist with a preliminary consultation of a gynecologist.

Treatment of the disease

How to treat this ailment? Modern medicine offers several ways to combat this problem. The doctor can prescribe these types of effects on the body:

  1. Medicines. Treatment of involuntary urination can be carried out with the help of medications. They have a positive effect on the bladder, helping to relax it with excessive activity. Also, some medicines increase the tone of the urogenital system. This treatment is not suitable for breastfeeding.
  2. Laser treatment. This modern approach to the problem will help to avoid surgical intervention. The essence of this procedure is the effect of a laser pulse on the urethra through the vagina. The advantage of the laser is a fast procedure and its high efficiency.
  3. Operative intervention. There are many types of surgical treatment of this disease. This procedure will allow you to forget about the disease forever. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Important to remember!In the period of treatment should be constantly observed by a specialist! It depends on it when the spontaneous urination passes. If certain tablets are prescribed, the dosage should be prescribed by a specialist.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

Spontaneous urination is often caused by injuries and poor functioning of the pelvic muscles after childbirth. To bring them to normal and strengthen, you can perform certain exercises. The most effective are:

  1. Identification of problem muscles. To do this, stop the process at the time of urination. Thus, you can feel the location of the problem muscles. After all, these muscles are straining at this moment. Perform this manipulation with each urination.
  2. Pelvic floor tension. To perform this exercise, you need to strain for a few seconds the pelvic floor, then relax for the same amount of time. Exercise repeat 5 times in a row. It is better to do this in a sitting position.

Important to remember!When doing these exercises, you should concentrate so as not to involve the muscles of the thighs and buttocks! This contributes to the maximum efficiency of gymnastics.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many ways to combat incontinence after childbirth. The most effective method of such treatment is easy incontinence. Traditional medicine can be easily prepared at home, because most of the ingredients are at hand.

Apple and onions

To prepare an effective tool you need 1 tbsp. l. ground ingredients and 1 hour. l. honey. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Use the received medicine for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.


It will take 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped plantain leaves, which should be poured 0.5 liters of steep boiling water. Infuse the broth for 1 hour. Eat 50 ml 4 times a day. It is also effective in this disease will take the freshly squeezed plantain juice.


To prepare this medicine you need dill seeds in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Add 1 glass of boiled water only. Infuse for 2 hours, after the time to take 100 ml 3 times a day.


Oatmeal grind to the state of flour in an amount of 3 tbsp. l. Add 1 cup of homemade milk and a small amount of raisins. All the ingredients are mixed and put on fire. Bring to a boil, wait until the liquid has cooled to room temperature. Prepared medication should be consumed 100 ml 3 times a day.

Spruce resin

In addition to incontinence, this drug helps to eliminate infections and inflammatory processes in the body. To make it, you need 1 egg yolk and 1 hour. l. resin. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and eat 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Important to remember!Before applying a certain traditional medicine should contact a specialist! As a result of identifying the cause of this disease, he will appoint the most effective therapy. The faster to start the fight against the disease, the more dynamic will be the recovery.

Prevention of urinary incontinence after childbirth

To prevent the occurrence of this ailment after the birth of a child, one should adhere to such rules:

  • to eat correctly during pregnancy, it will help to avoid disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • not tolerate with a strong desire to urinate;
  • wear special devices to support the abdomen, because the fetus can injure the bladder;
  • holding daily gymnastics - will help keep muscles in tone.

Also pregnant women should not forget about full rest and observance of the regime of the day. This will help not to overexert.

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