Runny nose in 3 month old baby

Than to treat a cold at the child in 3 months?



Breast milk

Vera Fam

Coryza in a three-month-old child is curable. The main thing is to take timely measures and use the right medicine. In order to avoid any complications, consult a doctor. He will diagnose and advise how best to treat a runny nose in a 3-month-old baby.
If the baby has a 3-month runny nose, you can use only natural preparations. Currently, there are safe and effective drugs Akvalor. Especially for babies they produce Aqualor Baby Spray and Baby's Drops. These medications have no contraindications. Even in 1 month, a cold in a child is treated without problems. If there are appropriate symptoms, they are used from birth.
Only the sterile sea water with active substances and trace elements: K, Mg, Na, Cl, Se, I, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe, etc., is part of the products of Aqualor. With a cold in a 3-month-old baby this medicine is ideal. Aqualor does not contain preservatives, chemical additives.
The drug based on sea water clears the nasal cavity and nasopharynx from infections, reduces swelling, restores nasal breathing. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes the nasal mucosa, thereby relieving irritation. With a cold in a three-month-old child, it is important not only to eliminate symptoms, but also to increase local immunity, which is successfully handled by Akvalor.

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This drug stimulates the protective function of the epithelial tissue of the nose and nasopharynx. When removing a cold in a 3-month-old baby, it is important that the drug does not cause addiction. Since there are no artificial additives in Aqualor, it is absolutely harmless for babies from the first days of life.

Also Aqua Maris is recommended for the treatment and prevention of colds in children and newborns, since Aqua Maris is made from the Adriatic Sea and contains only natural minerals and substances. Aqua Maris effectively cleans the nasal mucosa of the baby from viruses, microorganisms and allergens. And the microelements that make up the Aqua Maris, increase local immunity (zinc, selenium) and contribute to the effective work of micro-cilia of the nasal mucosa (magnesium, calcium).

Drops of OTRIVIN BABY are also ideal for newborns (physiological, the pH level is close to the natural secretory fluid nasal mucosa; without preservatives; drops gently wash the nasal mucosa and nasal passages in which mucus discharge accumulated)

Sofiya Skobelev's

To drip breast milk. Earlier in the maternity hospital they taught.

A 3-month-old baby has a runny nose that can be cured?


Maria Ivanova


Marina Davlatshoeva

Drip the aquamaris and suck off the small syrup with a small bulb.

Hacking Any Mail

Peel the potatoes and give them a little breathe!


akvamaris-3 times a day and remove the nozzles

mrs dina

Breast milk drip into the nose.

Masha Volodina

address to the pediatrist, ask to appoint or nominate physio treatment-precisely will help or assist! and at home you can mix the beet juice with water 1 to 5 and drip it by drop



Interferons are a common name, under which a number of proteins with similar properties are being combined, isolated by the cells of the body in response to the invasion of the virus. Thanks to interferons, cells become immune to the virus. "The interferon-determined factor must be of a protein nature, have antiviral activity in relation to different viruses,

Anna Menschikova

Marimer drops, but they are more expensive than aquamaris. Buy the usual saline and wash them, if the money strained. After it has been washed, you can bury the babies for babies (there is just this one), ONLY 1 time per day and 1 drop for no longer than 3 days. And rinse the nose 4 times a day. Well, it is obligatory to consult a pediatrician

Laura Petrarkina :)

Kollargol, Protargol - drops on the basis of colloidal silver, they are prepared in a pharmacy (in state pharmacies there are, in kiosks do not buy).
A solution of sea salt - concentration, choose one that has a slightly salty taste. This is the same as Aquamaris. Salt is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but just do not buy flavored.
Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor drops (dripping at night to facilitate breathing).
Salin, nizivin (we did not try).
Pinosol is an oil-based drop, it is well pierced, it can be applied several times a day.
For the night I hang a napkin in a crib, drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree). It turns out "aromalampa", the air around the baby is cleared, it is easier to breathe.
You can hang a gauze pouch in a crib with chopped onion or garlic.
Be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the baby's room.
Sleepy child can be laid in a spout (gently, rasteriev on the inside of the nostrils) Mixture Oxolin-ointment + Pinosol-cream. This helps out in cases where the child is capricious and does not allow to drip a spout, and so - the psyche of the baby does not suffer.
Bioparox is an antibiotic spray (if it's really bad).
Get well!

A 3-month-old baby had a runny nose. What can I do or drip?


Funny Ardan

to dig in breast milk

Den Skripchenko

Treat with antibiotics, or dribble in your nose

Artem Klimov

Take him to a pediatrician, this is not possible, but necessary.

Lada Bogolyubskaya

Nasoferon, recommend to children with 2 months. age.


honey on cotton wool and in the nose

Victoria Romanyuk

only not sosudosuzhayuschie- for the beginning juice of carrots 1: 1 with kip water, it is possible red beets. but only if there is no temperature cough other
the best medicine is breast milk


At me the friend dripped juice of beets


If there is no temperature, then steam in the bath (not above 40 degrees). then wrap it in a wool blanket. Ljalka well sweat, clothes then change to dry. Asleep. Will wake up to a cheerful and healthy child.


To drip breast milk into the nose, and in the morning to call the doctor (do not carry the baby to the clinic, so that something else is not "picked up"). Doctors nadom!!! -K such a crumb is supposed to come!!! (even if there is no temperature).

Wolf wolf

Antibiotics will kill his immunity, buy in the pharmacy sea salt, make water as salty as tear (a little) and bury, breast milk is also a super remedy, do not get carried away with chemistry, except harm will bring nothing.


Legs rub and freckles from iodine to the bridge of the nose and drip progorgolom.


We prescribed protargol.


Nazivin can be dripped (he is from 1 month old) or Nazol (also from the month), to wash the nose with chamomile, aquamaris, but it is better to call a doctor to look at the neck and not miss the beginning cold

A 3 month old baby has a runny nose. Alergia?


Sonya Abramkina

and it's difficult for a dermatologist to go?

Julia Julina

You are here to understand the cause of the disease.
Mixtures are a reduction in immunity in the infant and new diseases in the future.
It's sad.
Successes and health.
in this book there is a chapter: Raw juices in the diet of pregnant women and newborns
Read it.

andrey monogars

to the dermatologist it is possible to descend or go to the doctor to the allergist

Zhenya Filyushin

This rate is normal.

Ekaterina Fedotova

Perhaps, but to clarify the diagnosis, it is worthwhile to show the child to a pediatrician, then the doctor can prescribe a consultation and an allergist. In any case, for qualitative treatment, it is very important to understand the cause of the common cold.

Russian-speaking non-Russian

Most likely, because of the dry air, which the mucous membrane of the nose reacts with edema. There is difficulty in nasal breathing, grunting, snoring, noisy nasal breathing.
1. Airing of premises
2. Humidification of air
3. Aqua Maris (or Phis. solution) in the nose 2 drops of 3 or 4 times a day.

Help is needed. a 3-month-old child has a cough and runny nose, it's dangerous, what are the consequences?


Irina Shipunova

Are not you afraid to ask such questions to amateurs? I hope the doctor has already applied?


Consult a doctor!

rolling kuchmuk

you should see a doctor


Not dangerous. At mine in two months. was a sharp renite. I treated him for two weeks. There are no consequences. Get well!!!

*** Alexandra ***

Urgently to the doctor! The child is very small, only the help of a specialist! Consequences can be, and still what! For example, pneumonia!

Angel in the flesh

too small a child to give some advice, all at this age is very individual, the consequences can be if not treated, so that the doctor in the first place


Address to the doctor-most reliably.

Natasha Lemkina (L)

it is worth to see a doctor, but there are good drops from the common cold sold in pharmacies to order, prtorgol called at the very a child only they save and do not evoke addiction but first consult with a doctor drops on the basis of iodine


best of all - this is certainly a specialist consultation. But you can, for example, rub your chest with lard (best of all - lamb).

Irina Lapshina

Revise your drinking and food regime, the presence of animals or other allergens in the room, since any allergy is also on someone from the environment. You can lubricate the breast and back with honey for 10 minutes, then rinse, pour in the nose with breast milk (1-2 drops) or freshly squeezed beet juice. But it is better to consult a specialist.


At such an age there is always a danger, so it is necessary to decide with a doctor about the treatment. Do not be ill!

Irina Kobzar

dangerous. not treated cold runs into pneumonia and even bronchiolitis. and bronchiolitis in such small children gives respiratory failure. so the child should be treated and not ask advice from housewives

Lyubov Drozdova

There was such a case, we with a neighbor gave birth to children in the same hospital, about a month later, they got cold, I called with my daughter (called an ambulance) and went to the hospital, but she does not. After 3 months they left for another region, the child was ill and died on the way. It turned out-the hearth on the lungs is that old. Here also think.

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