We get rid of the pain in the tooth - quickly and easily

A person who is faced with a toothache knows perfectly well that all means are good for removing it. In dental clinics, customers with toothache are taken out of turn, as long as adults and children can not tolerate for a long time. What to do when trouble caught, for example, at night and how to relieve the torture at home?

  • Causes
  • What to do if the tooth hurts
  • There is a tooth under the crown
  • In pregnancy
  • The tooth of wisdom hurts
  • In the tooth a hole
  • With pressure
  • The tooth with arsenic aches
  • Swollen cheek
  • Open nerve
  • Nursing mother
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Sage
  • Propolis
  • Garlic
  • Vodka
  • Chamomile
  • Valerian
  • Oregano
  • Carnation oil
  • Other methods
Related articles:
  • How to remove a toothache at home
  • How to remove a toothache during pregnancy
  • Dental pain pills: effective and fast
  • We get rid of pain in the tooth in a child at home
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If the toothache arose due to sensitivity, this is the most innocuous case. It is enough to remove the irritant - cold or hot food or drink. After the lapse, it is necessary to visit the doctor, having consulted about a problem of sensitivity of a teeth. More likely, he will prescribe a special toothpaste.

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When you feel pain while eating, try simply brushing your teeth - probably a piece of food is hammered into an unhealthy tooth, and causes a ripple. In case of continuing pain, when you can not get a piece of food with a brush, use flossing.

If the problem is something else and you do not have time to visit the doctor now, you need to take measures to relieve the toothache. The most common way is to rinse the tooth with warm water and salt, so it is a strong antiseptic. In most cases, almost immediately removes or slightly reduces the most severe pain. If you do not tolerate the presence in the mouth of something very salty, just warm water in some cases also helps.

Important!If the toothache appears systematically, do not delay the trip to the doctor, otherwise the case can reach the dental infection and remove the nerve.

What to do if the tooth hurts

The cause of the pain can be any, but there are cases when it is necessary to respond based on a specific situation. We will consider the most common.

There is a tooth under the crown

If the pain and discomfort are felt for a while after the crown is inserted, this is normal. This is how the gingival mucosa adapts to the new prosthesis. Sensations can be permanent or appear with pressure. As a rule, after two or three days pass. In this case, the people's means will be effective. For example, infusion of sage.

  1. To make it, you need to pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes.
  2. Rinse your mouth for half an hour 5-6 times a day.

In the same way, use oregano. However, if the pain is severe or does not go away for a long time, you should contact your dentist.

In pregnancy

During pregnancy, the woman has a hormonal background, metabolic processes. Exacerbated chronic problems with the gums and teeth. The process of assimilation of calcium often suffers. Accordingly, the teeth become vulnerable, and the likelihood of developing caries increases. If you have pain, it is better to immediately make an appointment with a dentist, which is especially important for pregnant women. And to remove painful sensations before the time of reception at the doctor it is possible folk methods.

  1. It is necessary to get rid of "irritants", for example, food debris, brushing your teeth.
  2. Then rinse your mouth with warm water or a solution of soda, salt.
  3. On a vulnerable tooth put a tampon, soaked in clove oil. And on the gum - propolis, which is a natural anesthetic.

The tooth of wisdom hurts

When the wisdom tooth is painful, it is necessary to find out the reason:

  1. Inflammation of the hood (mucous membrane over the erupting wisdom tooth) - rinse with 0.05% chlorhexidine solution 2-3 times a day. After rinsing is applied Holisal-gel. After that, 2 hours is not.
  2. Lack of space for the tooth, which erupts - you need to contact the dentist for advice. You may have to pull out a wisdom tooth to avoid excessive crowding.
  3. Disease - caries, pulpitis, periodontitis - the dentist after the examination can give advice on the advisability of treatment. A variant of removal of a sick tooth is real.

In the tooth a hole

Holes in the teeth, or caries, is a pretty serious disease. If not treated, the consequences can be unpleasant - you can lose your tooth. It is important to remember that caries does not go away. Therefore, if a hole was found in the teeth, you need to write to the dentist sooner. Treatment of the disease in the early stages is more effective and less painful. After the examination, the doctor will determine the stage of the disease and advise the best treatment option. If the hole is small, the solution to the problem will be a small seal. If tooth decay is started, it is necessary to clean the tooth and canals from the affected tissues, and only then go to the filling.

With pressure

The reasons for the occurrence of pain with pressure can be several. The solution to the problem depends on the reason:

  1. Tooth injury - contact the dentist.
  2. Hypersensitivity of the teeth - use gels and pastes for sensitive teeth or make an appointment with a doctor for the procedure for restoring the enamel.
  3. Periodontitis - inflammation of the tip of the root of the tooth - only a specialist treats.
  4. Inflammation of the gums - rinse with a decoction of sage or oregano, a solution of soda or salt. If it does not help, go to the dentist.

The tooth with arsenic aches

When the tooth hurts after you put the arsenic, it is important to immediately contact a specialist. The pain syndrome says that the situation has been greatly aggravated, or an error has been made in the treatment. Do not bite on a sick tooth, warm or rinse with warm infusions. If you do not have enough strength to endure the pain, you can take anesthetic anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Diclofenac, Nurofen. Can help the usual Analgin. The dentist will extract the medicine, clear the channels. To determine the cause of the problem, an X-ray can be prescribed. Based on its results, further treatment is determined.

Swollen cheek

Tumor swelling along with the pain of the tooth may indicate the presence of periostitis. This is an inflammation of the periosteum. Additional symptoms are especially severe pain when pressing on the tooth and the swelling of the face in the area of ​​the affected tooth. With such symptoms, you should definitely see a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment, including taking antibacterial and pain medications. Applicable and local remedies, such as rinses and cold compresses. The course of treatment lasts about three weeks.

Open nerve

Toothache, accompanied by an open damaged or inflamed nerve, is especially sharp, strong and unpredictable. In this case, it is important to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. To ease the pain until this time, you can apply folk methods. So, you need to grind the salt with garlic and attach to the bare nerve. Wet a cotton swab in clove oil and attach to the focus of pain.

Nursing mother

If you have a toothache in a nursing mother, it is important to try to get to the dentist as soon as possible. However, if several hours remain before the intake, and the pain becomes unbearable, you can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, but not more than two days. It is important not to exceed the doses specified in the instructions. As an anesthetic for manipulations with the dentist, you can use Lidocaine or Ultracaine.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the event that none of the above did not help, you can not determine the cause of the pain and are unable to tolerate further - ask for help to folk remedies.


Salvia has good analgesic and antiseptic properties, preparing a decoction based on it as follows:

  • a tablespoon of sage filled with boiling water and boil for ten minutes;
  • warm (not hot!) broth rinse the sick tooth, trying to stay longer near him.


Propolis has the same property to remove severe pain, but rather large, since many of its substances are used to treat the oral cavity:

  • put a small piece of the substance on a sick tooth;
  • keep until complete pain relief.


This remedy is based on the action of garlic and onions:

  • Prepare from equal proportions of onion and garlic gruel, adding salt;
  • carefully mix, lay on a sick tooth and press with a cotton swab;
  • keep until complete pain relief.


If the house has vodka, cognac, or something high in alcohol, try a very effective way:

  • hold a small amount of vodka or cognac on a sick tooth;
  • alcohol has an anesthetic effect and will quickly "freeze" the diseased tooth.

Important!Do not use this method constantly - relieving pain does not relieve you of the need to urgently visit a dentist.


If a toothache has caught a woman during pregnancy and at home, it is highly discouraged to take any medication pills so that it does not affect the further development and health of the child. The aforementioned decoction of sage will help, or, in the absence of this plant in the pharmacy, the usual chamomile will replace it no worse:

  • boil a tablespoon of chamomile for a few minutes;
  • rinse the aching tooth until you feel the pain go away.

Important!If a toothache has appeared in your child, do not give him anesthetic pills - herbal decoctions will affect the children's body much more effectively and without harm.

If you can buy wheat sprouts, you can prepare a fairly strong remedy: juice from wheat sprouts rinse the tooth until the pain disappears completely.


Sheets of valerian or horse sorrel perfectly quench the pain in 15-20 minutes, but not everyone knows about these properties:

  • rinse and clean the sheet;
  • place behind the cheek near the aching tooth, pressing to the gum.


Also, the uniquely useful oregano, if properly prepared, will completely eliminate the need for taking medications to make the tooth go faster:

  • the infusion is necessarily prepared in a ratio of ten to one - ten tablespoons of water are taken per spoon of oregano;
  • pour oregano with steep boiling water and let it brew;
  • Rinse the tooth in the same way as in the other cases.

Carnation oil

If there is clove oil in the house, the pain is soaked:

  • drip a few drops on a cotton swab and attach to a sick tooth;
  • if the pain is too strong and intolerable, drip directly onto the tooth, pressing a piece of cotton on top.

There is one more, rather strange, but, according to numerous reviews, still an effective method. It will work if the toothache has caught you in the nature - put the root of the plantain in your ear, from the side where the unhealthy tooth is.

Other methods

The following methods are more likely to be in the category of alternative medicine, but they should be remembered in case you do not have chamomile or ordinary salt on hand:

  • rub your wrist with garlic from the opposite side of the aching tooth;
  • rub the ice cube between the thumb and forefinger for a few minutes, also on the opposite hand;
  • massage the earlobe and the auricle within three to five minutes;

If none of the above and did not help, severe pain continues for a long time without interruption, and the tooth hurts when pressing - urgently need to visit the nearest dental clinic, so as not to lose a tooth at all. It is much better to endure a couple of hours in the doctor's chair, rather than then inserting an expensive artificial tooth, especially if you are in a fairly young age.

In this case, traditional medicine will help alleviate suffering before the visit of the clinic, but you can not cure the tooth yourself. Still, teeth are necessary for a person to eat and maintain life, so do not risk their health.