Allergic rhinitis treatment

Methods of treating allergic rhinitis with folk remedies

Treatment of allergic rhinitis with folk remedies is gaining increasing popularity. A working person does not always have the opportunity to visit a doctor, and allergy symptoms are aggravated, causing a lot of inconvenience and reducing the quality of life.

Allergic rhinitis

Spring and summer - this is the time when many are exacerbated by an allergy.Flower pollen, dust, animal hair, poplar fluff are the most common allergens.

There is also a year-round rhinitis caused by an allergy to various types of food, perfumes, medicines, house mites and excrement of insects.

Manifestations of rhinitis are:

Lachrymation for allergic rhinitis
  • swelling of the face;
  • prolonged and unrestrained sneezing;
  • coryza;
  • unbearable itching in the region of the nose, ears, mouth;
  • redness of the eyes and nasal mucosa;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • lacrimation;
  • burning in the eye area;
  • constant release of mucus from the nose.

If the treatment of an allergic rhinitis is not performed in time, complications can begin, for example, sleep disturbances, asthma attacks at night, which are difficult to stop. With allergies that persecute the patient throughout the year, there is atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

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With constant smokings, blood vessels can splash, bleeding may appear.

In addition, secondary infections can join the allergic condition: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, purulent sinusitis. If the disease manifested itself in childhood, without proper treatment over time it can flow into a more serious condition, namely bronchial asthma.

Of course, for treatment and relief of attacks of allergy there are many medications, but many of them can not be taken by pregnant women, nursing women and young children. Therefore, folk methods of treating rhinitis caused by allergies, do not lose popularity.

Treatment of the disease with the help of plant juice

Aloe juice for the treatment of rhinitisAloe vera juice is a universal remedy, helps with a variety of diseases and is used actively for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. When the disease worsens, it is worth burying the plant juice daily 4 times. The edema of the mucous will disappear quickly enough, the runny nose will disappear. This tool is suitable even for young children and has no contraindications.

Effective in allergic rhinitis and dandelion juice. For the preparation of the composition, it is necessary to cut off the roots of the plant, and the flowers, leaves, stems should be ground in a meat grinder. Then it is necessary to squeeze out the resulting mass through several layers of gauze. The resulting juice should be mixed with water in the ratio: and bring to a boil over low heat. The composition should be taken 3 times a day according to art. spoon for 20 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment will depend on the severity of the process.

Onion juice is also effective in treating allergic rhinitis. In order not to cause a burn of the mucous membrane, it is first necessary to mix the juice with milk. Proportions are selected individually, it all depends on the threshold of sensitivity.

In the treatment of allergies, the celery juice has proven its worth. It must be drunk 3 times a day, h. spoons. You can take juice for a long time, it is recommended even for children and pregnant women.

Use of inhalation for allergic rhinitis

The benefits of inhalation for allergic rhinitisTo alleviate an attack of allergy, you can use simple inhalations. This is a fairly affordable way. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes. In order not to burn yourself with a ferry, it is worth keeping the person at a distance from the compound. The head is best covered with a thick towel or cloth.

For inhalation, you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of eucalyptus leaves;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

With regular procedures with eucalyptus, nasal breathing improves, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases and the itching subsides.

If there is no way to get the leaves of the plant, you can use the essential oil of eucalyptus. Add 5 drops to a liter of water.

Treat allergies and with the help of inhalations with pine buds (3 tbsp. spoons).

After the procedure, do not go out for 3 hours to the effect of inhalation entrenched.

For heating, you can take 10 grams of chamomile, linden, plantain leaves and sage, pour all 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew. The procedure should be carried out in a traditional way.

In addition, the nasal cavity is often rinsed with saline solution. The pharmacy sells traditional compounds: Morenazal, Quix, Dolphin. They are prepared on the basis of sea salt and essential oils, but are expensive. This tool can be done at home.

To prepare a composition for washing the nasal cavity, one should take:

  • 50 ml of boiled warm water;
  • 1 hour tablespoons of table salt or sea salt;
  • juice of half a lemon.
Rinsing of the nose with saline solutionWith a regular procedure, there is a reduction in edema of the tissues, reddening of the mucosa disappears, and mechanical removal of allergens from the nasal cavity also occurs.

Additional salt solution can rinse and mouth. Often, the allergen can penetrate there, causing an intolerable itch.

Since the use of vasoconstrictive drugs is addictive, doctors recommend using just rinsing with saline solutions. Such a procedure is safe and effective for children and adults.

Often you can read the information that for a cold caused by an allergy, compounds based on bee products are used. It is worthwhile to be very careful with such recipes. Honey is a potent allergen, even if no previous reaction to it has been observed, a weakened organism can react to such a procedure unpredictably. To treat a person with honey is possible only with full confidence that there is no allergy to it.

Broths of herbs that help with an allergic rhinitis

Since allergy is a frequent companion of weakened immunity, the use of decoctions of chamomile and dogrose is simply necessary. These plants can be used even for those who have allergies to a variety of substances.

Broth of dogrose to enhance immunityRegular use of decoctions from these plants will help mobilize the internal forces of the body, which will help get rid of rhinitis.

Rosehips can be combined with cranberries, which contain a large amount of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the vessels.

Effective and decoction of celandine. To make it, you need to take 20 g of grass (dry or fresh) and 200 ml of boiling water. The remedy should be insisted for an hour, use according to art. spoon three times a day.

Here is an example of a more complex collection from allergic rhinitis:

  • 2 parts of St. John's wort;
  • 2 parts of a thousand-thousandth;
  • 1 part of field horsetail;
  • 1 part of dandelion roots;
  • 2 parts of dry wild rose berries.

All components must be crushed through a meat grinder and poured with steep boiling water, let it brew for 12 hours. Before use, the broth must be filtered and allowed to cool. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Treatment with the help of such a tool should be carried out for a long time (about 6 months). At this time, you can not drink alcoholic beverages, so as not to trigger new bouts of allergy.


It should be understood that folk remedies do not always help with allergic rhinitis. In severe cases, one should not engage in self-medication, but it is worth turning to a specialist to avoid various complications.

Coryza: the main causes of

  • Non-allergic
  • Allergic
  • Rhinitis in the baby
What is a common cold

Our nose is "busy" by heating, purifying and moisturizing the air we breathe. To do this, he needs mucus, moisturizing and helping to keep the airways clean.

A healthy person produces about two liters of mucus per day. In inflammatory diseases, such as colds and sinusitis, with hypothermia of the nose or allergies, the production of mucus increases. Excessive secretion of mucus, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and is called "rhinitis" (he also rhinitis).

The rhinitis can be acute and chronic and is divided into three types according to the nature of the causes of its appearance:

  • allergic rhinitis (allergy in the form of a cold);
  • non-allergic rhinitis;
  • mixed rhinitis, which is a combination of the two previous ones.


Acute and chronic rhinitis Allergic When teeth erupt During pregnancy With blood Chronic Slime in the throat infants with eruption of teeth Physiological in newborn Neurovegetative rhinitis Vasomotor allergic rhinitis Protracted The child has

Usually the cold runs for several days. However, it is worth to see a doctor if:

  • there were problems with breathing;
  • after the onset of a cold a fever appeared;
  • there is a green or yellow discharge from the nose;
  • feel pressure on the inside of the forehead and cheeks;
  • there was a pain in the ear;
  • very sore throat;
  • a runny or stuffy nose without a cold does not go away after a week.

How to quickly get rid of non-allergic rhinitis

Treatment of non-allergic rhinitis depends on how much it worries the patient.

Treatment of a cold

Drug treatment Folk remedies Ointments Powders Hydrogen peroxide Sea water One day

Irrigation of the nose with salt water is one of the first answers to the question of how quickly to get rid of the common cold. This is a very effective therapy for non-allergic rhinitis.

Rinsing of the nosewith the use of isotonic saline (salt water) helps to reduce the tumor of the tissues of the nose. In addition, the solution flushes the thickened discharge, irritating substances (pollen, etc.), bacteria and crusts from the nose and sinuses.

  • Rinsing of the nose can be done several times a day.
  • Rinsing of the nose is often done using a syringe (without a needle, of course) or a special watering can.

Antiedematous nasal agents(in particular, based on xylometazoline, tetrisoline and naphazoline) are also used to relieve the symptoms of the common cold, for example Xylenes.

It is important to know

Do not use such remedies for more than 3 days, otherwise the stuffiness of the nose can become even stronger after stopping the use of nasal decongestant spray or drops.

While oralantihistamineshardly help with non-allergic rhinitis, antihistamines in the form of a nasal spray can reduce the symptoms of the common cold. Side effects may include bitter taste in the mouth, headache and fatigue.

If the symptoms of the rhinitis strongly disturb the patient, the doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid nasal spray containing fluticasone or mometasone. Corticosteroids help prevent and treat inflammation associated with certain types of non-allergic rhinitis. Their possible side effects include upset stomach, nausea, headache.

It is important to know

All of the above means have contraindications, so before using them you need to consult a specialist.

How quickly to get rid of a cold without using medicines?

  • Drink plenty of fluids, except for soft drinks with caffeine.
  • Use a humidifier in the room, as well as an air humidity meter.
  • You can make your own home remedy for the common cold by mixing a quarter teaspoon of salt with 1 glass of cool water.
  • Bury from 2 to 3 drops in each nostril several times a day.

Than to treat an allergic rhinitis

Than to treat a cold in case of an allergy

The first approach to managing the seasonal or perennial form of allergic rhinitis is to avoid allergens that cause unpleasant symptoms.

  • Avoid using window fans that can bring pollen and mold into the house.
  • Wear glasses on the street to minimize the amount of pollen that gets your eyes.
  • Do not hang clothes outdoors to dry. Pollen can cling to towels and sheets.
  • Keep the windows closed, and use the air conditioning in the car and at home.
  • Reduce the impact of dust mites, especially in the bedroom. Use "anti-tick" cushion covers, blankets and blankets, and spring mattresses. Often, wash the bedding in hot water.
  • To limit the impact of mold, keep the humidity in the house at a minimum level (from 30 to 50 percent) and clean the bathroom, kitchen and cellar regularly. Use the dehumidifier, especially in the basement and other humid places. If the mold is visible, remove it with a mild detergent and a 5% solution of bleach.

Home Treatment

Aloe Buckthorn Bark Oak Eucalyptus Fir Oil Butter Juice Tea Tree Oil Kalanchoe

Than to treat a rhinitis with an allergy?

Intranasal corticosteroidsare the most effective class of drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. They can significantly reduce nasal congestion, and also minimize sneezing and itching.

The most common side effects of corticosteroids are local irritation and nasal bleeding.

Antihistamineswidely used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. They resist the effect of histamine, which enters the body in an allergic reaction. Although other chemicals are involved in the onset of allergy symptoms, histamine is their main culprit. Antihistamines are offered in the form of eye drops, nasal sprays and, more often, tablets and syrup.

Antihistamines help relieve allergy symptoms, such as:

  • sneezing and itching;
  • mucus from the nose;
  • itching and burning in the eyes, lacrimation and redness of the cornea;
  • skin itching, hives and eczema.

It is important to know

There are dozens of antihistamines; Some of them can be bought at the pharmacy, while others require a prescription.

Proper use of these drugs is just as important as their choice. It is best to use them before there is a bad cold. The dose taken at the beginning of the development of allergic rhinitis, can eliminate the need for numerous subsequent doses.

Severe runny nose in childrenTreatment of an allergic rhinitis with antihistamine preparations of the first generation (chloropyramine, promethazine and etc.) can cause lethargy or poor performance, which can lead to an accident or trauma.

Even when these medicines are taken only at bedtime, they can cause drowsiness the next day. For this reason, it is important that the patient who takes such drugs refuses to drive the car or work with dangerous mechanisms.

Than to treat a cold to people who by the nature of activity can not refuse such employment? Antihistamine products of the second generation (cetirizine, ebastin, astemizole, acrywastine, etc.). Many of them do not cause drowsiness and have minor side effects. They should be appointed by a doctor.

Strong rhinitis in the baby: what to do?

Severe and delivering big problems with the breathing of the runny nose is an excuse to immediately show the child to the doctor. A specific cure for the common cold will be determined by your child's doctor based on:

  • the age of the child;
  • general health, and medical history;
  • reactions to various drugs.

Drugs from the common cold

Cinnabsin Arbidol Corisal Remantadine Balm Asterisk Albutide Oxolin ointment Levomekol Vishnevsky ointment Sofradex Snoop Vital Rinoflumacil Polidexa with phenylephrine Protargol for children Sulfacil sodium Collargol Rhinonorm Siallor Physizm Ximelin Isofra Dolphin Vibrocil for children

Than to treat a strong rhinitis at the child?The intake of medicines (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and decongestants) is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of viral non-allergic rhinitis.

  • Medications against edema of the nasal mucosa containing xylometazoline may be given to children 2 years of age or older.
  • Preparations based on oxymetazoline are used from the first year of life.
  • Patients (or their parents) should be warned about the inadmissibility of prolonged use of decongestants, because they can cause the opposite effect.

It is worth noting

Allergic rhinitis is more common in boys. It accounts for 7% of all chronic rhinitis in school-age children (≥6 years). Children with allergic rhinitis often suffer from a severe cold.

  • To help the child for a while to get rid of a strong cold, add fresh or dried chamomile flowers or chamomile oil in a bowl of boiling water and let him breathe the steam from the water.
  • Employees of the medical center of the University of Maryland believe that nettle can help alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, although there is no serious clinical research, proving this. Nettle helps to lower the level of histamine in the body. It can be used as a tea or food additive. Although nettle is considered a safe remedy, it can sometimes lead to fluid retention and stomach upset. It is contraindicated in pregnancy. Stinging nettle can enhance the effects of certain medications, including anticoagulants, diuretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Before using any of the above, consult your physician.


Allergic rhinitis symptoms and treatment | How to get rid of an allergic rhinitis

Such a disease is caused by exposure to an allergen. Despite the fact that allergic rhinitis does not pose a threat to the lives of patients, the disease leads to a decrease in the body's defenses, and adversely affects the performance of a person.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Clinic of such a disease is most often accompanied by nasal congestion, moreover, these sensations increase if the patient lies on his back. Other symptoms of an allergic cold are:

1. headache,

2. intensive discharge from the nose (sometimes this symptom is absent),

3. itching,

4. sneezing,

5. swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Features of traditional treatment of allergic type of cold

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to seek medical help from a polyclinic. Before the doctor is a difficult task to establish the cause of the phenomenon, for this purpose, he assigns laboratory tests of swollen nasal mucus smears.

For treatment, drops and sprays are used to reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The doctor also prescribes local antihistamines and antiallergic drugs of systemic influence.

Directions in the therapy of allergic rhinitis

Medical assistance for allergies can be carried out in two ways, and it consists of:

1. In reducing the inflammatory process of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and removing other symptoms of the disease.

2. In carrying out a special allergen-specific treatment.

In the first case, the allergist appoints medications for the treatment of an allergic rhinitis in the form of drops, tablets and sprays. Most often for oral ingestion prescribed antihistamines for the second and third generation, Since they are devoid of many side effects characteristic of representatives of the first generation of the given medicines. Among them, such drugs as Claritin, Cetrin, Zirtek, Erius and others.

In addition to the basic treatment, the doctor recommends treatment of the inflammation focus with special medications in the form of a spray. At the initial stages of the allergic rhinitis, light preparations are made, which are made on the basis of sodium cromoglycate - Kromogeksal, Kromosol, Kromoglin. In each nasal passage 3 times a day, you need to inject two drops of medication.

With severe lesions of the nasal mucosa, the physician prescribes nasal corticosteroids - Aldecin, Baconase, Fliksonase, Benorin and a number of others. The dosage of the drug is determined by the weight and age of the patient, and the frequency of its use does not exceed two times a day.

Despite the fact that all of the above medicines can be bought without a prescription, you should not do self-medication, because that individual drugs, with prolonged use, can cause disorders of the brain and heart activities. Therefore, in such an important issue as health is best to follow the advice of a doctor, especially since the process of treating the disease is long enough and is a period of two to four months.

Such a disease allows treatment by an allergen-specific therapy, which allows the patient to get rid of allergies forever. This method of treating the common cold is most often performed in the hospital, and consists in introducing the patient all the increasing doses of the allergen. This is done in order to cause the patient's resistance to its effects.

How to get rid with the help of folk remedies for an allergic rhinitis?

Naturally, all folk remedies are effective only with simple forms of the disease, caused by hypothermia, colds or allergies. In the more severe forms of the disease, which are accompanied by a high temperature and a general state of the body, folk treatment of rhinitis must be combined with medicines of synthetic origin.

Before this, it is necessary to check the reaction of the body to various substances that are capable of causing allergies. Runny nose can be a symptom of infectious diseases and an independent ailment that does not give rest to a person for many weeks. Many means are good: both washing, and instillation. However, before proceeding to the procedures, you should still consult a doctor who must confirm the diagnosis.

Recipes of folk remedies for catarrhal allergies

1. A known remedy is an oil infusion of onions or Ledum. To cook it, you need to take a cleaned shredded medium-sized bulb and pour it with a few spoons of sunflower refined oil. This folk remedy should be infused for several hours. A once-prepared mixture can be used only for a few days, while its healing properties are increased. This solution drips the nose to kill pathogens. It also prevents the mucus from drying out in the nose.

2. To get rid of the common cold also help infusion of Ledgel on oil. The drawback of this folk remedy is the length of cooking - 21 days. Counting on 100 grams of butter, use one tablespoon of dry ledum. Infusion is kept in a dark room, it must be shaken daily. The general course of treatment with this tincture lasts about 7 days.

3. Still good saves from fresh roots. For this, carrots, red beets and garlic are used. After rubbing the components on a grater, they squeeze them through gauze. To the resulting mixture, it is best to add vegetable oil in the following proportions:. The resulting drug drips a few drops 3-4 times a day during the entire period of the disease. Use this mixture can be another way - moisten it with a cotton swab and put it in your nose. Oil can be replaced with honey in the proportion of juice -3 parts, and honey - 1 part. The resulting solution drips a few drops 4-5 times a day.

4. You can treat allergic rhinitis with eucalyptus or menthol oil. These types of oils have long been popular among people as vasoconstrictors. A few drops of any of the oils are diluted with a few drops of warm water, after which the mixture is buried with a nose. Immediately after instillation, respiratory relief begins. Repeat the procedure better several times, but do not abuse it, as this can lead to rapid addiction.

5. Traditional medicine advises you to moisten your feet with kerosene for the night and wear warm woolen socks over it.

6. Treatment of an allergic rhinitis can be reduced to wiping the nasal cavity with soap. Rhinitis will soon pass. If several times a day, abundantly soap with soap and soap, nostrils, penetrating a finger or a swab deeper.

7. At the initial stage to get rid of the disease you will be perfectly helped by lemon juice. Mix the juice of this citrus: with water and pour in the nose of this liquid, blowing it out afterwards. Supplement this recipe tampons from salt, which need to be kept in each nostril for several minutes daily.

8. Most effective in the treatment of herbal tincture. But before you start treatment, you should completely eliminate from your everyday environment allergen, which does not give rest to your mucous nose. Next, you should try the following recipe: a tablespoon of dried flowers of a deaf red nettle is insisted in a glass of boiling water. After, take 60-70 grams three times a day.

9. Peppermint (10 grams), infused in a glass of milk, is also an excellent remedy. Take the decoction in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for 60 grams. By the way, instead of peppermint, you can cook the milk decoction from the seeds of cannabis in the same proportion.

10. Effective in the treatment of allergic-type colds collection of herbs: licorice root, guelder rose flowers, elecampane root, sage, peppermint, horsetail mixed in the proportion: 5. Two teaspoons of this healing mix from rhinitis insist in a glass of steep boiling water for 8 hours. Take 50 grams three times a day.

In addition, for the organism, exhausted by allergy, baths from the turn are useful. On a bath it is necessary to make 10 gram of a turn and 100 gram of salt. The bath temperature should not exceed the temperature of 38 degrees.

Causes and prevention of allergic rhinitis

The cause of the disease can be:

1. Household dust, and such a component of it as the mite Dermatofagoides provoke a runny nose.

2. Fungus, (most often it's Aspergillus, Penicillium, reproach, Alternative), whose spores are in large quantities kept in household dust. Poorly ventilated, dark and humid premises contribute to the intensive reproduction of this microorganism - another cause of an allergic rhinitis.

3. Products of plant origin, if they are infected with a fungus. For example, a fungus such as Mukor is able to hit the fruits of apple and plum trees. The alternative does not spare carrots, potatoes and cabbage, and Penicillium is citrus. In addition, many plants - grasses, shrubs and trees in their composition also contain allergens.

4. Products of animal origin. Milk, meat, butter are also capable of provoking an allergic rhinitis.

5. Pollution of the environment.

6. Long stay in a hot and dry climate.

7. Lack of vitamins in the body.

Prevention of allergic rhinitis

To prevent the recurrence of allergic rhinitis, it is recommended to isolate the patient from contact with the allergen, or to limit it. A good protection against the allergen will be the carrying out of hardening procedures that improve the functioning of its adrenals.

How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from an ordinary rhinitis

  • How to recognize
  • Main differences
  • Symptoms
How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from an ordinary viral

Rhinitis (rhinitis) is a term describing symptoms that are caused by irritation or inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Its symptoms are similar to sinusitis and include:

  • itching;
  • sneezing;
  • nasal congestion due to blockage of nasal passages.

Our nose produces mucus (a viscous transparent liquid), which is a "trap" for substances such as dust, pollen, dirt and microorganisms (bacteria and viruses). When the mucus becomes too much, it begins to flow out of the nose in the form of drops. So there is a runny nose.

  • The usual duration of rhinitis is up to six weeks. This is the so-called acute rhinitis. If the symptoms of a runny nose last longer than 6 weeks, doctors talk about a chronic cold.
  • Acute rhinitis, usually caused by infections or chemical irritation. Chronic rhinitis can be caused by allergies or other factors.

How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from the usual?

Allergic rhinitis, known to most people as hay fever, is a very common medical problem affecting more than 15% of the adult and child population.

All-year-round allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergen, with which the patient can have contact almost at any time of the year.

Examples of such allergens:automobile exhaust; cosmetics; components of hairspray; cigarette smoke; household chemicals; toiletries; upholstery of furniture; dust mites; Pets.

Sneezing and itching as allergic rhinitis symptomsSeasonal allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergen that exists only at certain times of the year.

Patients may experience the most severe symptoms when flowering plants produce pollen when ragweed blossoms or during wheat harvesting.

Trees, grasses and all kinds of weeds can cause seasonal allergies.

During the rainy season, residual moisture causes uncontrolled growth of mold and fungi, which is also a common cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Unlike the symptoms of normal rhinitis, which develop gradually and progress slowly, the onset of an allergic rhinitis may be sudden. But how to distinguish the allergic rhinitis from the usual, if the main symptoms (the rhinitis proper and the concomitant nasal congestion) in these ailments coincide?

  • At an allergic rhinitis there is an itch in a nose which is absent at usual cold. Itching is often felt in the back of the nose, where you can not scratch your finger. As a result, the patient can constantly wrinkle his nose and rub his nose with a hand gesture known as "allergic salute."
  • With a common cold, a person sneezes seldom and deeply. With allergic rhinitis, the ingestion of an allergen to the nasal mucosa causes a sneeze (10 to 20 times), which can be mild and relatively quiet.
  • Cold coryza, unlike allergic rhinitis, rarely causes ophthalmic problems. Allergy sufferers may complain of copious watery discharge from the eyes.
  • Patients with an allergic rhinitis may have blue-black circles under the eyes.
  • Allergic rhinitis can be stronger than an ordinary cold, affect the sense of smell. And the inability to properly perceive odors radically reduces the taste of foods.

How to recognize an allergic rhinitis? Help the allergist!

Prevention of allergy in the form of a coldBefore you begin to treat allergic rhinitis, consult an allergist. Only he can tell in detail how to recognize an allergic rhinitis in your case.

Sometimes several symptoms of different diseases can occur in one person. In some patients, allergic rhinitis may be complicated by vasomotor rhinitis, curvature of the nasal septum, or nasal polyps.

The use of aerosol decongestants for the treatment of chronic sinusitis or vasomotor rhinitis can lead to a medicamental runny nose.

Nasal symptoms caused by more than one problem are difficult to treat and often require the cooperation of an allergist-immunologist and an otolaryngologist (commonly referred to as an "ear-throat-nose doctor").

How to recognize an allergic rhinitis and make a correct diagnosis?

  • Your allergist-immunologist can start asking questions about your lifestyle to find clues in determining the cause of the symptoms that worry you. Most likely, he will ask you about home and working conditions, the availability of pets, food preferences, the medical history of your family, the frequency and severity of your symptoms.
  • You may need to pass several tests. For example, a small dose of the putative allergen is injected into the skin to check how your body reacts to it. This test is the simplest, most sensitive and generally least expensive way of diagnosing. Another advantage is that the results are immediately available. In rare cases, you may also be asked to make a special blood test for allergens.

What is the difference between a seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis from a cold

Let's consider, than the allergic rhinitis differs from cold. Here are a few basic differences.

  • Cold coryza is the most common infectious disease. Most infections "act" relatively briefly, from three to seven days. Otherwise, rhinitis may be associated with other causes, such as purulent sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).
  • With a year-round allergic rhinitis, the rhinitis may continue all the time of contact with the allergen.
  • And with a seasonal allergy, a runny nose appears during the appearance of pollen and (less often) mold fungi.
  • Patients with seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis may also complain of allergic conjunctivitis, asthma and eczema.
  • Allergic rhinitis usually develops at a young age (in 80% of patients it will manifest until reaching the age of 20 years).
  • Family history is also important, because allergic symptoms and asthma are usually inherited. That's why people whose relatives suffer from allergies should know what is the difference between an allergic rhinitis and a cold.
  • People with an allergic rhinitis may experience gray-blue or purple circles under the eyes.
  • With an allergic rhinitis, the patient experiences temporary relief from taking antihistamine medications.
  • An acute disease caused by a viral infection will cause more generalized symptoms of rhinitis and sometimes fever.
  • An increase in lymph nodes with the corresponding symptoms may allow the doctor to suggest a viral or bacterial cause of rhinitis. And rales or eczema suggest an allergic cause.

Children attending a kindergarten or school can suffer from a cold cold from 8 to 12 times a year. Usually it starts with a feeling of stuffiness of the nose, soon a "runny nose" sneezes into this sensation. Over the next few days, mucus from the nose can change the color from transparent to yellowish, there is a slight increase in temperature and cough.

Symptoms of an allergic rhinitis and risk factors

Our immune system is designed to deal with harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. But when there is an allergic rhinitis, the immune system reacts to harmless substances (pollen, mold, and pet dander), considering them a threat to the body.

Symptoms of an allergic rhinitis include:

  • mucus from the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • redness around the nose, itching and watery eyes;
  • swollen eyelids;
  • itching in the mouth, throat, ears and face;
  • a sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • headaches, pain in the nose;
  • partial loss of hearing, smell and taste;
  • fatigue;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

The risk factors for the symptoms of an allergic rhinitis include:

  • Presence of relatives-allergies.
  • Cases of allergy (food allergy or eczema).
  • Second hand smoke.
  • Male.

Allergy in the form of a cold. Is there salvation?

Many people with allergies in the form of a cold are interested in the attending physician: will the allergy disappear if the place of residence is changed?

Allergists-immunologists rarely recommend moving to another locality as a medicine for allergies. This is likely to lead to the fact that a person will get rid of one allergen (say ragweed), but will get hypersensitivity to other allergens in a new place of residence.

In addition, the process of moving can have a devastating material and emotional impact on the family.

No wonder they say that the disease is better to prevent than treat. To prevent the development of allergies in the form of a cold, avoid contact with the allergen and control the environment. For example:

  • Weekly wash the bedding.
  • Regularly clean the carpeting. It is best to give up large carpets altogether, and wash small rugs often in very hot water.
  • Use sprays from household dust.
  • Get rid of animals or minimize contact with them.
  • Refuse to smoke.
  • Use blinds instead of curtains.
  • Install in the house filters for fine air purification.

Medications such as antihistamines, decongestants and nasal corticosteroid sprays can help control allergy symptoms. Some folk methods can also be used to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.


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