Drops from a dry cough

Drops from a cough: a review of drops, how to take the instructions

Cough drops having a different composition are pharmacological drugs used to dilute sputum.

In addition, the drops help the phlegm to easily leave the bronchi with productive cough or to suppress the cough center with an unproductive cough.

These medicines are used for such diseases as:

  1. whooping cough;
  2. ARVI and ARI;
  3. bronchopneumonia;
  4. pharyngitis;
  5. pneumonia;
  6. tracheitis;
  7. tracheobronchitis;
  8. laryngotracheitis;
  9. chronic and acute stage of bronchitis of different etiology.

Often, to improve the process of sputum discharge with wet cough, such drops are prescribed:

  • Gedilix;
  • ammonia-anise;
  • Bronhosan;
  • Chest drops from cough;
  • Bronchipret.

To get rid of dry cough, the most commonly used is Stopoutsin and Sinekod.


means based on ammonia and aniseExpectorant action of the agent based on ammonia and anise provides such active ingredients - ammonia solution (aqueous ammonia solution) and essential oil of anise seeds. Anise extract, thanks to phenolic compounds, has an antiseptic effect.
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In addition, it contains the aromatic oil Anetol (1-methoxy-4-propenylbenzene) and the isomer of this substance is para-allyl anisole. Even in anise oil there are carboxylic organic acids (oily and propionic).

Moreover, the ammonia solution affects the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory system and the nerve endings reflexively, activating the respiratory center and inducing phlegm cough.

The therapeutic effect of chest drops from wet and dry cough, which are identical to the Thoracic Elixir, is achieved thanks to a solution of ammonia and anise oil, which activate the excretory function of the respiratory mucosa ways.

Even in the medicine contains the root of liquorice (licorice naked), in which there is glycyrrhizic acid and saponins, which softens the cough and promotes cough. Moreover, glabridine (licorice flavonoid) eliminates the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

Expectorant combined preparation Bronchipret improves sputum evacuation by means of complex action of active components of the drug:

  1. Tincture of ivy leaves, full of organic acids and saponins.
  2. Extract of herb thyme (aroma oils, terpenes, flavonoids, phenols).

The therapeutic effect of Bronchosan is based on the substances that make up its composition:

  • peppermint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • anise;
  • oregano;
  • fennel.

Bromhexine exerts a mucolytic (reducing the viscosity of bronchial secretions) and expectorant action. Ethereal extracts, in addition to analgesic and antispasmodic effect, relieve inflammation in the bronchial mucosa provoked by staphylococcus, facilitate breathing and reduce the intensity of dry cough.

Pharmacodynamics Gedelix is ​​based on such components as organic acids of ivy leaves, saponins, hederins. All these substances help the separation and excretion of sputum from the lungs and bronchi.

The drug Sinecode depresses the cough reflex and has an effect on the cough center of the medulla oblongata. The main component of the agent is butamyrate-2 diethylaminoethoxyethyl and phenylbutyrate dihydrogen. Drops promote the expansion of lumens in the bronchi, thereby removing excess mucus and facilitating the respiratory process.

Stoptopsin has a complex effect, because it contains butamate, relieving dry and wet cough, guaifenesin, making sputum less viscous and glycerin ether. Guaifenesin is rapidly absorbed into the bronchi, destroys the mucopolysaccharides of mucus, thereby increasing the amount of sputum.

The process of its removal accelerates due to the fact that the phenolic compounds of guaiacolate irritate the ciliate epithelium of the bronchi.


BronhosanIt is worth noting that the pharmacokinetics of most antitussive drops are not indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions attached to the preparations.

The pharmacokinetics of Bronchosan, as indicated in the leaflet to the drug, is stated only on the basis of absorption and transformation of bromhexine, which is rapidly absorbed by blood from the digestive tract. Its concentration is achieved in blood plasma 60 minutes after admission.

The drug is cleaved in the liver, resulting in an active metabolite Ambroxol, which exerts an expectorant effect. Excretion is carried out through the intestines and kidneys.

Drops from a wet cough and dry Stoptussin, Sinekod and Butamirat are absorbed into the digestive tract, and then get into the blood bind to proteins. The beginning of the biotransformation of butamirate is carried out in the blood plasma, at the same time pharmacologically active metabolites are formed, which are excreted from the urine in 12 hours.

In Stoptopsin, the metabolism of guaifenesin is carried out in the liver. And biotransformation products are excreted through the kidneys by urine and through the lungs by sputum evacuation.


There are a number of contraindications to the use of antitussive drops. So, Stopoutsin can not be used when:

  1. glaucoma;
  2. cardiac arrhythmia;
  3. diabetes mellitus;
  4. myocarditis;
  5. hyperthyroidism;
  6. increased blood pressure;
  7. exacerbation of stomach ulcers.

Moist-anise drops should not be used if the acidity of the gastric juice is increased and if there is an ulcer. Another drop is forbidden to apply until three years of age.

Sinecode is contraindicated for the treatment of children under two years of age and with pulmonary hemorrhage. Breast drops from cough are not used in the treatment of children (up to 12 years), high blood pressure, excessive body weight, abnormalities in kidney and liver and hypokalemia.

Gedelix is ​​banned if the child is not two years old and if there is bronchial asthma. Bronchosan is not used if the patient is under the age of three, with alcoholism, severe hepatic and renal insufficiency, duodenal ulcer, liver cirrhosis and stomach ulcer.

A Bronchipret can not be used until 6 years.

Side effects

In the instructions to the preparations, the difference in side reactions is indicated:

  • Bronchosan is an allergic rhinitis, itching, nausea, activation of liver enzymes and vomiting.
  • Drops based on anise and ammonia - irritation of the stomach mucosa, which provokes vomiting, a decrease in heart rate.
  • Gedelix - pain in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Thoracic antitussive drops - increased blood pressure, allergies, swelling, nausea and vomiting, nausea and vomiting.
  • Stoptussin and Sinekod - an allergic rash on the skin, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, pain in the head. A prolonged reception of Stoptussin provokes epigastric pain.
  • Bronchitis - nausea and allergic rash.

Instructions for use and dosage

gedelixDrops from a dry and wet cough take inside. So, the dose of ammonia-anise drops for children is 1 drop for 1 year of life, and for patients up to a year - 1-2 drops 3 times a day. For the treatment of adults, 10-15 drops are diluted in 50 ml of water and taken 3-4 times a day.

Bronchosan children (after 6 years) and adults should take four times a day for 20 drops. A patient of 2 to 6 years old - 10 drops. It is worth noting that in the beginning the drug should be diluted, and then take it 25-30 minutes before eating.

Thoracic antitussive drops take 3-4 times a day for 20-40 drops. However, before they need to dilute with a little water. The drug is drunk 30 minutes before or after 1 hour after eating.

The maximum single dose of Gedelix is ​​30 drops. The drug is taken after meals, but on condition that the patient is over 10 years old. Children (2-4 years) - 15 drops, 4-10 years - 20 drops.

Stoptussin and Sinekod before intake should be diluted with water. Children over 2 years and adults at a time can drink up to 25 drops no more than 4 times a day.

When treating adults, Bronchitis is taken after eating four times a day for 35-40 drops. Before use, the drops are diluted with water. At one time, children aged 7-11 years can drink 10-15 drops, and adolescents (12-17 years) - 20-25 drops. Along with this, you can use a solution for inhalation from cough.

With an overdose of chest pains, symptoms of adverse reactions may increase. With prolonged use in high doses, a deficiency of potassium in the body develops.

If you exceed the dosage of Gedelix and Bronchitis, you may experience vomiting and impaired bowel functioning. With an overdose of Bronchosan, there is an increase in adverse events.

In case of an overdose of Sinecode and Stopoutsin, diarrhea and vomiting, dizziness, nausea and lowering of blood pressure are noted.

Interaction with other drugs

Chest antitussive drops can enhance the action of certain laxatives and diuretics, which disrupts the electrolyte balance. But this remedy can not be used together with nitrofurans and antibiotics.

Bronchosan and Bronchipret, if taken together with sulfonamides and antibiotics, increase their concentration in the bronchi and respiratory tract.

Stoptussin doubles the action of acetonic acid and potentiates the effect of alcohol, hypnotics and muscle relaxants.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Cough drops should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of not more than 27 degrees.

Shelf life:

  1. Stoptussin and Sinekod - 5 years;
  2. Breast and anisovo-ammonia drops - 3 years;
  3. Gedelix - 2 years in a sealed form, and in the printed - no more than 6 months;
  4. Bronchosan and Bronchipret - 2 years.

The video in this article will demonstrate the benefits of a drop of cough.



Sinekod - a drug with antitussive effect. The active substance in its composition is butamyrate. This substance is not related to opium derivatives (such as codeine), which are also widely represented in the antitussive group, but are only released on prescription. Therefore sinecode is successfully used in children and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Mechanism of action (pharmacodynamics)

With inflammation in the trachea and bronchi, irritation of sensitive nerve endings (receptors) occurs in their walls. On sensitive nerves, the signal from the receptors enters the cough center in the brain. This center generates impulses and sends them along the motor nerves to the muscles of the chest wall. There is a cough, aimed at clearing the bronchi and trachea from sputum and other harmful substances.

Sinekod - antitussive drug of central action.This means that its action is associated with the depression of the cough center in the brain.The sensitivity of this center decreases, and the number of pulses it generates decreases. The cough stops.

It becomes clear why the sinecode can not be taken to relieve coughing with phlegm.With a damp cough, cleansing of the respiratory tract is necessary. When suppressing cough, sputum accumulation in the bronchi will occur, which will lead to the spread of infection and the development of pneumonia. The sinecode should be taken only to facilitate a dry "scratching" cough.

Sinecod has a bronchodilator effect, it promotes the expansion of the bronchi and the reduction of resistance to their air flow. At its application improvement of instrumental indices of airway patency (spirometry) was noted. Its effect is also manifested in an increase in the oxygen content in the blood (oxygenation of the blood).

Distribution in the body (pharmacodynamics)

The sinecode is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Even in the blood begins its disintegration to metabolites, which also have antitussive efficacy. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is noted after, hours after ingestion. Metabolites of butamirate bind well to blood plasma proteins and circulate in it for a long time. Therefore, the sinecode has a fairly long effect. The medicine is excreted in the urine.

Indications for use

Sinekod instructions for use recommend the appointment of a drug for suppressing dry cough with the following diseases and conditions:

  • Laryngitis, laryngotracheitis.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Before bronchoscopy (endoscopic examination of the bronchi).
  • Cough before and after the surgery.

If the patient is worried about a severe debilitating cough without sputum, accompanied by sore throat, behind the sternum, a feeling of "scratching "rending" in the throat, his condition will help ease the sinecode. Do not forget that this medicine is predominantly symptomatic. It does not affect the very cause of the disease. Therefore, the sinecode should only be used to temporarily relieve the symptoms. Simultaneously, you need to see a doctor, find out the cause of the cough and start the correct etiotropic (directed to the cause) and pathogenetic (affecting the mechanisms of the development of the disease) treatment. The use of only this drug with a cough will lead to a prolonged course of the disease, increase the risk of complications and most often will be ineffective.


Sinecod is not prescribed for allergic reactions to butamate or other components of the drug (ethyl alcohol, vanillin, benzoic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol, glycerol).

Drops of the synecone are prescribed for children up to 2 months, syrup for children under 3 years. Dragee can be taken from 6 years.

The effect of the drug on the fetus during pregnancy has not been studied, so it is not recommended to take it in the I trimester, and in II and III - with caution, only on strict indications.

It is not recommended to use the medication during breastfeeding.

You can not simultaneously (in one day) take a sinecode and any means with an expectorant action in order to avoid stagnation of sputum in the airways.

Side effects

The sinecode is usually well tolerated. Instructions for use indicate the possibility of developing an allergic reaction.

After taking the sinecode drug sometimes there is nausea, there may be a loose stool.

The drug can cause dizziness and drowsiness, so during its use, you need to be careful when driving vehicles and when working with moving mechanisms.

Syrup and sinekod drops have a pleasant vanilla flavor and sweet taste. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that children do not have access to this medication. When an overdose of the drug may appear nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as drowsiness, lower blood pressure and dizziness. If such signs appear, the affected person should be given activated carbon and call an ambulance. An overdosage with gastric lavage is treated, with severe poisoning, appropriate therapy is performed. The antidote for sinecode poisoning is unknown.

Form of issue

Sinecode from dry cough

Drops of sinecodes for oral administration for children are released at a dosage of 5 mg / ml. It is a transparent, almost colorless liquid with a vanilla flavor.

Syrup sinekod has a dosage of 1.5 mg / ml. The volume of the bottle can be 100 or 200 ml. For the convenience of dosage in the package there is a measuring cup. The syrup has a vanilla flavor.

Dragee blueberries are dosed with a dosage of 20 mg of active ingredient in 1 piece.

Tablets sinekod with a dosage of 50 mg of butamirate in 1 piece.

Solution for injection 10 mg in 1 ml.

Dosing and Administration

Drops are taken orally, preferably before meals.

Children up to a year give 10 drops 4 times a day, from year to 3 years - 15 drops 4 times a day, from 3 to 6 years - 25 drops 4 times a day. For older children, it is more convenient to use syrup.

The syrup is taken orally, preferably before meals.

Children 3-6 years are prescribed 5 ml 3 times a day, from 6 to 12 years - 10 ml 3 times a day, from 12 to 18 years - 15 ml of syrup 3 times a day. Adults can take 15 ml of medication 4 times a day.

Dragee is taken orally, washed down with water, without cracking. Children under 6 to 12 years are prescribed 1 tablet twice a day, 12 to 18 years - 1 tablet 3 times a day, adults - 2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Sinekod tablets can be taken to children over 12 years old for 1 piece 1-2 times a day, adults - 1 piece 2-3 times a day before meals, without chewing.

The solution for injections is administered intravenously 1-2 ml or intramuscularly 1 ml up to 5 times a day at need (mainly in the pre- and postoperative period, as well as during the operational interventions).


Drops, syrup Sinekod - instructions for use

A brief instruction on the use of Sinecode in droplets and syrup, it is used:

  • With a strong dry cough of any etiology
  • With pertussis
  • Before bronchoscopy and other surgical interventions
  • To suppress cough before and after operations

The main active ingredient of the Sinekod preparation is Butamirate, which has an antitussive effect of central action. Has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilating properties, has a direct effect on cough center, improves blood oxygenation and spirometry, decreasing the resistance of respiratory ways. It is not an alkaloid of opium, neither pharmacologically nor chemically.

Main advantagesSinecode user manual
  • Allowed for use in infants (from 2 months), in the elderly
  • A very effective remedy, cough suppression occurs quickly
  • A safe drug
  • Normalizes respiratory function without depressing the respiratory center
  • There are no narcotic substances in the composition
  • Has no effect on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Can be used for prolonged therapy

It is important that Sinecode for children can be applied from an early age in drops from 2 months, in syrup from 3 years, the intake is taken before meals 4 r / day.

Sinekod - drops and syrup - the official instruction for use

Product Name: Sinekod
Drug formulation: drops and syrup for oral administration
Dosage: drops of 20 ml, syrup 100 and 200 ml.
International Non-patented Name: Butamirate
Group: Means for the treatment of respiratory diseases, for the elimination of symptoms of cough and colds
Farmgroup: Antitussives
Price: Sinekod drops - on average in pharmacies 320-350 rub., Syrup 100 ml. - 200 rubles, 200 ml. - 330 rubles.
Sinecode analogs: Omnitus (tablets, syrup)

  • Sinekod syrup, the instructions for use indicate that it is a clear, colorless liquid with a vanilla scent.
    1 ml. syrup contains 1.5 mg of butamirate citrate
    Excipients: sodium hydroxide, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol solution 70%, benzoic acid, glycerol, vanillin, ethanol 96%, water.
  • Sinecode drops, the instructions for use indicate that it is a clear, yellowish tinge fluid for oral administration.
    1 ml. drops contains 5 mg. butamyrate citrate
    Excipients: benzoic acid, sorbitol solution 70%, glycerol, vanillin, sodium saccharinate, ethanol 96%, water, sodium hydroxide.

Pharmacological properties

Sinekod is an effective antitussive drug, affecting the cough center, does not belong to the alkaloids opium, facilitates breathing, has bronchodilator effect, improves blood oxygenation and indices spirometry. When administered, butamirate is absorbed completely and quickly. The maximum concentration after taking 150 mg of the drug is achieved in plasma on average after an hour and a half and is, μg / ml. In the blood, the hydrolysis of butamirate begins initially to diethylaminoethoxy ethanol and 2-phenylbutyric acid, which have antitussive activity. These metabolites almost as much as 95% bind to plasma proteins, this explains the long half-life of plasma, which is 6 hours. Excretion of metabolites occurs mainly with urine.


Suppression of cough in whooping cough, treatment of dry cough of various origin, symptomatic suppression of coughing before bronchoscopy, before and after surgical interventions.

  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • For drops - the period of the newborn (up to 2 months)
  • For syrup - for children under 3 years
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
Action category on the fetus

Since pregnant women had no controlled clinical trials, the use of Sinecode in the first trimester of pregnancy contraindicated, in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, its use is possible given the potential risk to the fetus and the benefits to the mother. There is also no data on the isolation of butamirate with breast milk, therefore it is not recommended to administer Sinecoda during lactation. In studies conducted on animals, no adverse effects on the fetus were found.

Method of application and dosing

Both syrup and Sinecoda drops should be taken before meals. Before using drops for children under 2 years old, consult a doctor. The measuring cap, which is attached to the syrup should be used when determining the dose of the drug, it must be washed and dried after each application. Keeping the cough for over a week, requires a doctor's advice. The table shows the dosage of droplets and Sinecoda syrup for children, depending on the age and for adult patients.

Age of child or adult Syrup Drops
from 2 months to 1 year 10 drops 4 r / day
1-3 years 15 drops 4 r / day
3-6 years old 5 ml. 1 teaspoonful. spoon 3p / day 25 drops 4 r / day
6-12 years old 10 ml. 2 teas. spoon 3p / day
from 12 years and adults 15 ml. 3 teas. spoon 3p / day
Side effect

Sinecode very rarely causes the following side effects:

  • From the digestive tract - diarrhea, nausea
  • From the side of the central nervous system - drowsiness, dizziness
  • Allergic reactions
  • From the skin - exanthema

Vomiting, drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, lowering of blood pressure, dizziness. There is no specific antidote. Treatment for overdose - the reception of activated carbon, gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy, aimed at maintaining and preserving the vital functions of the body.

special instructions

Since butamir suppresses cough, it is impossible to take expectorants simultaneously, it can lead to the accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract, cause bronchospasm or infection of respiratory ways.

Patients with diabetes can use Sinecod, because as sweeteners it contains saccharin and sorbitol. Care must be taken when working with machinery and driving controls, as the drug causes drowsiness.

Interaction with other medicinal products: Not described.
Shelf life and storage conditions: Shelf life 5 years. The sinecode must be stored at a temperature of less than 30 ° C, out of the reach of children.
Manufacturer: Name - Novartis Consumer Helles SA, Switzerland, address: Re de Letraz PO Box 269.

If you used Sinecode children or adults, feedback about the drug may be of interest to our readers, it can be left in the comments.


How do cough drops work?

Drops of cough for today can be found in any pharmacy. There are various drugs from both dry and wet cough. Each of them is calculated for a specific use. It is only necessary to distinguish between drugs for adults and children. Such drugs can be all kinds of pills, capsules, various syrups for fighting cough, inhalation, all kinds of traditional medicine. In addition to all of the above, there are also drops that allow you to fight with a cough.

The problem of coughing

Such medications are equally popular in the fight against coughing, rather than any others.Moreover, drops from cough can be taken as adults, and children.Their variety is small in comparison with other drugs, but there is also something to choose from.

Drops for children from cough

If we take into account pediatrics, then, of course, the drops are one of the most convenient forms of the drug.

The fact is that they can easily be added to food or dissolved in any drink. Children's droplets against cough can be divided into three groups. This division is carried out according to the very principle of the effect of this drug, as well as efficiency.

Now, in more detail about each group:

Benefits of Anise Drops
  1. Droplets that can reduce the irritability of the so-called reflex center, which is responsible for coughing. The result is immediate, but you need to be extremely cautious, giving such drugs to children aged no more than 2 years. The fact is that they are able to depress the breath.
  2. The second group includes more harmless drugs that help reduce the sensitivity of the surfaces of the larynx and, of course, the bronchi. Such drugs are also less active than the first group. Yes, and they act for a short time.
  3. The third group includes expectorant droplets. They are able to excite the smooth muscles of the stomach, so that the cough will intensify. In the process, the bronchi will shrink sufficiently, after which sputum production will occur.

Drops that provoke expectoration, most often produce on the basis of various herbs. To the group of such drops, it is possible to relate easily the ammonium anise. But it is worth remembering that without the appointment of a doctor and with non-compliance with the technique of using this drug, even this kind of means to give the child can not.

Aniseed drops in the fight against cough

Sputum production when taking the drugAniseed drops from cough - this is quite common today. They are good for both dry and wet cough. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. Most often they are used to treat a child. Every adult still remembers their taste, the main thing is that after just a few days of taking this medication the cough becomes more productive. Anise drops are sweet, but tasteful.

Since pharmacies are overcrowded with various expensive drugs, at the moment anise drops are harder to get. But if you are lucky enough to find this drug, then remember that it is much more effective than the modern expensive syrups and pills.

The composition of the anise droplets is simple. They include anise oil, ammonia, and also ethyl alcohol. They are presented in the form of a colorless or yellowish liquid, which has a light aroma of ammonia. Capsules of anise do not scare off their children with their smell and at the same time they are well tolerated by them.

The effect of this drug and its use

Prevention of gas formationNarrow-anise drops are a very good tool for fighting cough. They have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are very effective for various colds in children. Have an excellent effect on the baby's throat and his airways.

Due to the anethole, sputum is produced. Moreover, such a medicine is an antiseptic.

The complex composition is able to help in the treatment of all colds in children. Moreover, such drops are able to improve the baby's appetite and digestion, which is exactly what children do not have at the time of a cold.

Most often, children who suffer from a cold are prone to loss of appetite. If the child's appetite rises, then the tone of the whole organism rises, which allows you to eliminate the infection much faster.

Drops are simple in their application. They need to be taken 3 times a day. Anise drops for adults and children can not be taken in pure form. They must be diluted in boiled water.

How does an ammonium anise drop occur? Such a drug can be taken not only as a cough remedy. Drops have the following useful properties:

Allergy to drops
  • they can very quickly and effectively remove inflammation in the upper respiratory tract;
  • with a dry cough they can anesthetize;
  • significantly lower the heat;
  • contribute to improving the process of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • can have some antiseptic effect;
  • can prevent strong gas formation.

Applying them during a cold, you can achieve recovery much faster. Despite the fact that the patient may have the most severe form of the disease, the use of anise droplets will help improve the condition.

Side effects and possible contraindications.

Side effects and possible contraindications

The effect of these droplets is very effective. Moreover, they are easily portable. Side effects after receiving these funds are practically not observed. Seldom can be caused by toxicosis or any allergic reactions and weakness of the body.

If we talk about contraindications, then there are a few more. In no case should you take medicine if you have gastritis or peptic ulcer. Also, for certain liver diseases, do not use this medication. During lactation or any craniocerebral trauma, it is also undesirable to take this remedy.


It is not desirable to take this drug to people whose work requires special attention and vigilance. It should also be taken into account that it is not recommended to be used together with tablets that have an active effect directly on the cough center in the brain.

Taking anise drops strictly according to the instructions, you can get rid of this ailment much faster. Do not be ill and stay healthy!


What are the people's remedies for dry cough for children.



Breastfeeding No.4 for adults only! To prepare inhalation, take a tablespoon of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, sage, thyme and pour them with boiling water in any voluminous vessel. In the infusion add a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil. Such inhalation can be carried out several times a day. Infusion of plantain: 3-4 tablespoons of dry leaves of plantain (plantain can be purchased at the pharmacy) pour half a liter of boiling water, wrap and insist an hour and a half in a warm place. After the infusion, filter and take 3-4 times a day before meals. This folk remedy will calm a strong cough and will facilitate the allocation of phlegm. A carrot juice will help calm the strong cough. For its preparation, several root crops of medium size carrots rub on the grater and squeeze the juice in the gauze. To the resulting juice, add warm water (:) and a few tea-bags of sugar (sugar can be replaced with honey). Such a carrot juice should be drunk 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day before meals. To small children give on a teaspoon of juice 3-4 times a day. Brazilian mixture: ripe bananas to pass through a sieve, and put in water with sugar (based on 2 bananas per 200 ml of water), the mixture is heated and drunk. Fresh cabbage juice with sugar - a wonderful expectorant, drink a teaspoon several times a day. It is easy to cough in children's usual cow's milk, provided that the baby does not have allergies to it. Milk diluted with alkaline mineral water or add a little baking soda, add a spoonful of honey. When treating cough in children, you must carefully monitor the baby's nutrition, include in the diet products that facilitate coughing and have expectorant action. You can give your child to drink grape juice, compotes from the viburnum, cranberries, cranberries. Get well!


With a dry cough, alkaline drink: warm milk in half with mineral water or a pinch of soda.
Thoracic elixir for 1kap for a year of life.
Syrup of licorice root.
Breast gathering №4
Contiguous anise drops
Drops Stops
Syrup Pertussin
Bronchosan Drops
Honey massage of the chest at night... .
Milled bulb, boiled with boiling milk for 1 hour, strain and drink.
Pine nuts.
Cahors by 1d. spoon.
Choose, everything on personal experience helped.


You can try the black radish, we bought it on the market with my grandmother, cut out a radish in the radish, poured honey, insisted for several days and gave the child a teaspoonful.
It is necessary to consider, whether there is an allergy


rupture thyroid


Simple prophylaxis for the child - frequent airing of the apartment, the use of multivitamins, beekeeping products (honey, propolis, pergah, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, reception of dietary supplements, frequent walks in the open air, general hardening - and you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - checked on my family and all my relatives and close.

How to get rid of dry cough?


Sanya (Two years on the answers)

Cough treatment - antitussives

Before treating a cough, you need to establish its cause and nature. So, after a person quits smoking, his cough disappears by itself, without any treatment.

To reduce dry non-productive cough use antitussive. Such tools include, for example, codeine (preparations based on it - kodelak, terpinkod), which depresses the cough center and thereby reduces cough. Preparations of this series should be taken with a dry, non-productive cough, which in itself can cause irritation of the respiratory tract. Suppress cough and preparations of other groups, for example, stoptussin, glaucin, libeksin. To suppress night cough, you can use antihistamine (allergy-relieving and tissue swelling) drugs, for example, diazolin or tavegil.

One of the most effective antitussive agents is the moistening of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract by means of aerosols and steam inhalations. This reduces the irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and reduces the viscosity of phlegm. Inhalation of steam by themselves or with some additions (for example, baking soda, salt, eucalyptus, sage, etc.) ) - the simplest, accessible and common method of moisturizing. Along with this can be used abundant drink (warm mineral water, tea, juices, fruit drinks, broths of herbs).

Transfer of non-productive cough to productive

In order to remove phlegm from the respiratory tract, you need to make a dry (unproductive) cough moist (productive). This is achieved by the appointment of means diluting thick viscous sputum and expectorants.

Dilute sputum and help its better removal of bromhexine, acetylcysteine. Split the necrotic tissue and dilute sputum and enzyme preparations such as trypsin (it is used in the form of inhalation), ATSTS.

Expectorants include licorice roots, althaea, mucaltin, terpinhydrate, etc. There are many folk expectorants, for example, picking the roots of licorice, elecampane and althea (in total): 1 a tablespoon of the mixture boil 10 minutes in 300 ml of water, insist 2 hours, strain, take a third cup 3 times in a day.

Treatment of cough with irritation of the upper respiratory tract

To remove the cough caused by irritation of the upper respiratory tract, enveloping agents are used. Their action is based on the creation of a protective layer for the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. These are resorption tablets, sprays containing plant extracts (eucalyptus, acacia, liquorice, etc.), glycerin, honey and other components.

Treatment of a cough caused by a spasm of bronchial tubes (allergic cough)

If the patient has a cough with bronchospasm, then drugs that promote the expansion of bronchi (bronchodilators, for example, eufillin) are prescribed antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is not necessary in this case to prescribe an expectorant, as the sputum during bronchospasm will linger in the bronchi.

Remember that a prolonged cough may be a symptom of some serious illness. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor with such a cough.

Dal Light

I always have only a dry cough. And now she has a cold.
I am helped a lot by drops from the cough of PARACODIN - 40 drops
3 times a day. After the first day, the cough became softer. Good luck!

Maria Ivanovna

acupressure of sternum
painfully, but effectively

Samira Tukhtarova

I'm a genius

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