Can pneumonia occur without fever

If there is a suspicion of pneumonia without temperature, what are the symptoms

Infection of lung tissue is dangerous. More often it has bright signs. Inflammation of the lungs without temperature, the symptoms of which are rather hidden, is veiled.High body temperature and cough are one of the main symptoms of this ailment.It is for him that the doctor himself determines the importance, the inevitability of diagnostic measures and the speedy reception of strong medications.

The problem of inflammation of the lungsIn rare cases, pneumonia occurs at all without fever or it rises slightly and does not bother the person. It is believed that the prerequisites for this are several. From uncontrolled and prolonged use of antibiotics - to a weak immune system.

What you need to know, so that the progression of the disease does not end badly

Signs of pneumonia, when it occurs without increasing body temperature, are rather weak, making it difficult to diagnose the right diagnosis. The most common variation of this turn of affairs is if the inflammation only occurs in one of the segments of the lung tissue. The doctors described this type of illness as hidden. It is dangerous because for a long time the patient is unaware of why an insidious disease develops in his body, and can perish under circumstances that are unclear to anyone. Symptoms of latent pneumonia are as follows:

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Increased sweating with latent pneumonia
  1. Misery and general weakness.
  2. A short, short-term rise in temperature.
  3. The appearance of a blush on the cheeks with a general pallor of the face.
  4. Shortness of breath, which was not noticed before.
  5. Implicit whistling when breathing.
  6. With exertion, a strong palpitation.
  7. Inability to fully draw a deep breath.
  8. Soreness in the lungs with a torso.
  9. Increased sweating.
  10. It is difficult for a man to spend a long time on his feet.
  11. Thirst is thirsty.

Even if you notice a couple of the symptoms listed above, you should immediately consult a doctor to protect yourself. It is better to prevent ailment than to regret the lost time.

Doctors say if you have suffered a flu, a common cold, bronchitis and they were accompanied by a cough, which you have not been able to eliminate for a long time, do a fluorography to make sure there are no complications on lungs. It is known that with pneumonia in any of its forms there is a cough.

Passage of fluorography for diagnosis of pneumoniaInflammation of the lungs, which is not accompanied by fever, is also found in children. In children, this condition is especially dangerous, since the child often and on the obvious symptoms can not tell what to say about the hidden disease. Signs of pneumonia in a child are similar to those in adults, which are accompanied by:
  • constant drowsiness;
  • liquid stool;
  • regurgitation;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sweating;
  • blue areas around the eyes and nose;
  • refusal of games.

Parents should be attentive to any state of their child. A baby or an older baby is important to immediately show the pediatrician.

Often, pneumonia is accompanied by a severe headache, fainting. To understand whether these symptoms are manifestations of the disease of the lungs, it is possible so: rise at the mirror, exposing the torso. Do not breathe for a few seconds, and then make a sudden exhalation. If the raid on the mirror is non-uniform, one side is misted up more strongly than the other, it is likely that you are sick with a hidden kind of inflammation.

Causes leading to a hidden type of disease

Antibiotics for the treatment of inflammation of the lungsDoctors who have been working with this problem for many years note that people who have undergone a hidden form of pneumonia prior to its appearance for a long time:
  1. We took antibiotics.
  2. They drank cough medicine.
  3. Suffered from reduced immunity.

Antibiotics, which the person took, being treated with incomprehensible reasons, suppressed the bright symptoms characterizing changes in the lungs. So, the disease was hidden under the influence of strong drugs. There are types of antibiotics specifically designed to treat pneumonia, some groups do not act to suppress it. If it so coincides that a person took these drugs, the disease can kill him.

Anti-cough medicines eliminate the symptom - cough, but not its cause. If it flows smoothly into the inflammatory process in the lungs, it can not be stopped with a simple syrup, but only a little muffled. Hence, hidden manifestations of the disease arise. When immunity is weakened, the human body is unable to direct all its defenses to the struggle. He can not even clearly state the presence of a dangerous ailment.

The causative agents of this disease have been identified quite a long time ago. Among them:

  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • bacteria such as streptococcus, haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus;
  • viruses (influenza, herpes).
Diagnosis of lung inflammation on X-rayScientists have proven that if any of the conditions are treated with antibiotics, it creates the soil in the organs and systems for the development of infections and viruses. If you do not know this or do not attach importance, dangerous phenomena can not be avoided.

The main places where the infection can lead to inflammation - glands, molars, lymph nodes. You can just overcool and forget, and after a while, notice the alarming symptoms. In this case, there may be only a slight malaise, and there will be no coughing and fever. So, the disease will develop gradually, and in the last stages, inflammation begins, dyspnea and wheezing appear. At the same time, the infection will fill the lungs so much that it will be difficult to help the patient.

Diagnosing a hidden threat is not difficult. It is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination. It is carried out so that the result is a snapshot in 2 projections. Limited darkness in one of them, speaks of inflammation. If there are no blackouts, or they are poorly distinguishable, a control photograph is produced. To confirm the presence of infection in the lungs, take the blood for analysis. A greatly increased level of leukocytes and ESR indicates a disease. Perhaps the doctor will send for sputum examination. But this procedure is less often, if the results of the remaining analyzes cause doubts.

Urgent and long-term hospitalization will help to avoid death

Compliance with proper nutrition in the fight against infectionIn the hospital, they are treated with droppers with prescribed drugs (antibiotic) to fight pneumonia that support the body. It is recommended to constantly ventilate the room, but so that you do not catch a cold again. It is important to drink a large amount of such water, as: mors, compote, tea, broth on herbs and eat honey. Give drugs and cough.

Change the nature of nutrition. It should be the most balanced and fortified. It is important to give up everything that is fat and acute. Less salt. You need more fruits and vegetables. If you really want a roast, it is better to replace it with stewed vegetables in the pan. Heavy food is also not worth eating. A full stomach will press on the diaphragm, and that, in turn, and on the lungs.

With a favorable outcome, the patient is periodically released home, and when discharged from the hospital, additional treatment is prescribed at home. Therapeutic physical training, conducting a mobile way of life is shown. The respiratory gymnastics, which consists in deep and slow inhalations and exhaled exhalations, will also help. You need to do the exercises up to 4 times a day.

Pneumonia can be cured if you follow all the directions of doctors. But even in this case the process of recovery will be long - up to a month and a half. And after - rehabilitation is necessary.

The use of massage in the treatment of inflammation of the lungsIt is important to carry out prevention. It consists in the mandatory hardening of the body, the intake of vitamin complexes. Do respiratory gymnastics. It is very good to use in order to prevent inflammation, inflating balloons. Take a course of massage. It is also useful for children. In order to restore and prevent pneumonia, the doctor will pay attention to the area of ​​the chest. The technique is to apply pats, along with other manipulations.

Do not allow hypothermia, dress in the weather. Do not forget to bring a warm hat, going to work in the morning. It may happen that in the cold season, the air temperature during the day will go down, the wind will rise, and you can not do without a headdress.

Folk remedies for restoring the body after a disease

Prefer to infuse and decoction of herbs: chamomile, levzia and eleuterakokkka. Echinacea perfectly stimulates immunity and acts as an antibacterial agent. Stir it with mint in equal proportions and brew in half a liter of boiling water. Insist an hour and take it as a drink a couple of times a day.

Honey and birch buds. Thick honey needs half a liter, and raw birch - 100 g. Kidneys brew and drain. After cooling, mix with the product of beekeeping. Take the product at night, spoon with water. Do before bed and honey compresses. If you perform the procedure for a child, dilute the honey with water a little.

Propolis in the form of oil, honey, aloe juice, birch buds. In equal amounts, mix everything except honey and heat on a water bath for 20 minutes. Honey add to the cooled off remedy. To consume it is necessary thrice a day, washing down with milk.

In the crushed leaves of the century, pour 100 ml of cahors and a little honey. Insist for a week and take 4 times a day for 5 g of funds. It is useful tea from a dogrose, broth of mother-and-stepmother.


Treatment with garlic. First you can rub them a crust of bread. Later use, eating up bread. In a day - on a slice of garlic.

Spend inhalation with garlic.

Grind it and put it in a piece of cloth, tie a rope around the fabric, lower it into boiling water. Breathe in pairs. Repeat the procedure up to 3 times a day, but later you can reduce the intensity of the application.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults without fever

Symptoms of pneumonia without temperature

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is a very insidious disease. And it affects everyone: people aged, children, young guys and girls. This disease has an infectious nature (although it is not transmitted from person to person) and is accompanied by inflammation of the lung tissue.

Usually pneumonia occurs after hypothermia and is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process.

Everyone knows that the main symptoms of pneumonia are high fever (38-39 degrees), excessive sweating, coughing and shortness of breath, acute pain in the chest. However, in recent times, there is an increasing frequency without temperature or latent pneumonia. It is especially dangerous, since it is quite difficult even for an experienced doctor to diagnose this disease.

  • Often, the sick do not even turn to the medical institution, writing off their poor state of health for an ordinary cold. At this time, the general condition of the patient is aggravated. If you do not take care of yourself in time, the ending of such a story can end sadly.
  • In order that the irreparable does not happen, it is necessary to determine as soon as possible that the patient has pneumonia. Pneumonia without temperature can be caused by several factors. In most cases, the disease proceeds in this way in people with weakened immunity. Therefore, adults need to keep a close eye on the diet and include in it vitamin-rich fruit, more out in the fresh air and tempered.


Monitor your health - inflammation of the lungs, not complicated by temperature, can lead to foci of infection: sick tonsils, teeth or lymph nodes. Also often this diagnosis is put to people who are fond of uncontrolled intake of antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor.

Most often without a temperature inflammation of the lungs occurs if a person tries to heal a cold or carries it "on his feet."The constant intake of antibiotics no longer has any effect on the virus, but the tablets knock down the temperature, and it becomes more difficult to diagnose.

Inflammation of the lungs in this case can be diagnosed by a patient's prolonged cough. However, there are clinical cases when he is absent (or "drowned out" by means of cough - tablets, medicines). If you are faced with this particular patient, pay close attention to the appearance of a person. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature are also reflected in appearance, that is, pneumonia is accompanied by a pallor of the face and a painful blush on the cheeks.

Changing and breathing - it becomes jerky, accompanied by a small whistle. A man loses his appetite and refuses his favorite dishes. Even a slight physical load is not tolerated well: dyspnea appears, pulse and heart rate increase. In especially difficult cases, there is a tachycardia.

It can happen that an adult has a slight temperature for a long time - 37 degrees.This indicates an inflammatory process in the body, so you should immediately show yourself to the doctor.

It is almost impossible to diagnose pneumonia without the help of the patient himself. The signs of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature directly depend on the general condition of the patient.


An adult feels in his condition that something is wrong with him, and he must tell the doctor about it. It should be more responsive to their health, and then the disease will not go into a chronic form.

Native patients should alert the following symptoms, which also indicate pneumonia - excessive weakness, severe breathing (possible difficulty with inhalation or exhalation), excessive sweating, unreasonable and constant thirst, pain and aches in everything body. By the way,the latent inflammation of the lungs is also characterized by the absence of movement of one side of the chest during inspiration or exhalation.

If you have found several of these symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that is adequate to the condition of a person.


It is very important in time to identify pneumonia in the patient. Otherwise, sclerotized areas are formed on the lung tissue. They are not able to participate in gas exchange, so the working part of the lungs is reduced, and this does not have the best effect on the quality of a person's later life. Other complications of the course of the disease are possible, some of which can lead to death.

Therefore, as soon as you have a suspicion of pneumonia, call an ambulance or a doctor at home. Drink more and do not take any medicine, so that the doctor had a complete picture of the disease.The doctor must necessarily listen to the patient and assign him medical research. X-rays can help determine if the patient has pneumonia, and show complications from the disease.Only after this can be diagnosed - pneumonia.

If pneumonia was diagnosed on time, complications do not occur, and doctors make favorable predictions. Usually after three to four weeks of effective treatment a person completely recovers. Pneumonia without temperature is a very unpredictable process, so you should take care of your health and take care of every ailment.


Features of the course of pneumonia without temperature

Pneumonia without temperature and special clinical manifestations is characterized by the presence of pathological changes inflammatory character in the lung without an organism response to these changes in the form of hyperthermia, cough and pain in the thoracic cell. This disease occurs in people with reduced immunity or in other cases considered below.

The problem of pneumonia without temperature

Causes of inflammation in the lungs

The source of the pathological process that caused pneumonia is infection.The nature of the course of pneumonia depends entirely on which causative agent is at the heart of the disease, on the presence or absence of concomitant pathology, prior treatment.This is to a greater extent and forms the answer to the frequent question: is there pneumonia without temperature? The asymptomatic course of the disease is more common in severe or weakened patients. For example, in patients after cavitary operations, with the presence of an oncologic process, and also with chemo- or radiotherapy, the presence of HIV infection.

But nevertheless, in most cases pneumonia without temperature occurs with uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs. The intake of the latter leads to the destruction of its own microflora in the intestines, which causes the growth of bacteria (which are classified as opportunistic and pathogenic), dysbiosis. The consequence of this is bowel dysfunction, including decreased immunity. Because it is the structural components of the intestine that form the majority of cells of the immune response and antibodies.

Uncontrolled use of drugs - the cause of pneumoniaIn this case, pneumonia without a rise in temperature can occur at any age, which is due to the development of the same conditionally pathogenic microflora. The most severe form of pneumonia occurs in children, because parents, despite the presence of complaints about poor do not change the child's life regimen, continuing to drive them to the garden or school, and this leads to a significant worsening of the condition. And if the process of active inflammation stops on its own, it gradually goes into a chronic stage, causing bronchitis of varying degrees of activity or asthma.

Doctors distinguish the following factors, leading to the emergence of this pathology:

  • uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs;
  • application of antipyretics at any temperature increase;
  • Earned tolerance to a certain group of drugs throughout life;
  • self-administration of potent antitussive drugs;
  • lack of a full-fledged cough reflex.

Therefore, it is necessary to limit the independent reception of not only antibiotics, but also any other medications without consulting a doctor. And if you have a prolonged cold or a usual cough, do not run to the pharmacy, but to the doctor for advice and the appointment of the right treatment or, if necessary, examination, which will help to avoid inflammation lungs.

The course of asymptomatic pneumonia

Weakness in pneumoniaRegardless of the form of pneumonia, its symptoms are:
  • general weakness;
  • apathy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the appearance and buildup of dyspnea.

The temperature rise can also be, but either short-term, or up to 3, -3, º, which does not attract attention and does not cause the assumption of active inflammation.

A single sign is always a cough. His character can be different: from the superficial and dry to rare and with phlegm. Sometimes, coughing can cause chest pain on the side of the inflammation and may be accompanied by sudden shortness of breath. This is due to the difficulty of escaping sputum from the bronchial tree, which can be very dangerous in view of the possibility of both life-threatening complications and a complete disruption of respiratory ways.

In addition, the symptom of pneumonia is the clinic of respiratory failure in the absence of a temperature reaction, this may be the first stage of pulmonary edema.

Symptomatic in this pathology - very meager, but still it is:

Loss of appetite for pneumonia
  • the pallor of the skin is noted;
  • there is shortness of breath, increasing over time (complaints of a lack of air, increasing with any physical exertion);
  • the inability to take a deep breath or exhale (thus there is a cough);
  • pain in the chest with breathing or physical exertion, up to simple body twists;
  • marked general weakness and decreased physical activity;
  • specific manifestations of the disease (change in the auscultatory and percussion picture, examination in this area is the prerogative of the doctor).

In any case, the interpretation of all the symptoms and the appointment of other examinations, the exact diagnosis and recommendations for treatment are only available to a specialist.

Hypostatic pneumonia

The course of pneumonia with a minimum of complaints and symptoms is called hypostatic. This situation is due to the presence of constant blood stagnation in a small circle of circulation. This stasis provides the transition of the liquid part of the blood through the vessel wall into the alveoli and bronchi, which is the cause of the pulmonary edema. This, in turn, facilitates the penetration of bacteria into the lung tissue itself. Against the background of pronounced permeability of lung tissue, weakening of the body's defenses and the presence of the opportunistic flora there is a process of inflammation at the local level, which later progresses in severe pneumonia.

Shortness of breath as a symptom of pneumoniaSuspect pneumonia under these conditions is difficult. This is explained by the absence of any specific symptomatology. But it should be borne in mind that any diseases accompanied by forced long-term bed rest may be complicated by pneumonia. And the underlying disease can hide the symptoms of pneumonia, which is the reason for the neglect of the condition. A significant symptom of the appearance of a pulmonary problem is a cough. Its appearance should always serve as an excuse for additional examination of the chest organs. This will help not miss the onset of the inflammatory process in the lungs and avoid severe and sometimes fatal complications, the most dangerous of which can be lung abscesses and pleural empyema.

Pneumonia can occur without clinical manifestations, it is easily confused with a cold or SARS. But if there is shortness of breath, increasing with any physical exertion, cough with impaired sputum discharge, chest pain when coughing and clinical changes in the form auscultatory attenuation of breathing from the patient side and percussion manifestations of pleural complications, this should be an unambiguous indication to complex treatment and survey. It is better to conduct it in a multidisciplinary hospital.

The most serious is pathology in infants. With pneumonia, the inflammatory process can take place without any signs. The kid, unlike adults, has no opportunity to complain and talk about problems, and parents are not always in a hurry to turn to the doctor. In this case, you need to pay attention to any deviations in the state of the child.


Methods of treatment

Treatment is carried out only when the doctor determines the diagnosis, after agreeing a clinical and radiological picture.

Therapy is based on the intake of antibacterial drugs, the purpose of which is according to the results of sputum culture on the sensitivity to antibiotics.

Self-administration of medications not only makes diagnosis difficult, but also complicates the treatment process, since bacteria can form immunity to the drugs taken. It is necessary to be aware of the seriousness of the situation. Pneumonia is not a cold, it itself will not pass without a trace, and its independent treatment will lead to the formation of chronic pathology, and this at best. The causative agent of pneumonia can have a specific nature (tubercle bacillus). And in this case, self-medication only aggravates the situation and lengthens the period of treatment.


Sometimes the process of diagnosing a tuberculosis lesion lasts for several months, with no signs of active inflammation. And the beginning of treatment without setting a diagnosis, in relation to this situation, can have very serious consequences, including disability and death.

Pneumonia without fever and without coughing

Inflammation of the lungs in itself is a very dangerous disease, but pneumonia without a cough is much more dangerous. Not many people know, but this pathology can develop quite unnoticed, without any pronounced symptoms and a sharp deterioration in well-being. This term is a collection of several pathologies relating to lung tissue, and each has its own characteristics. It is important to remember that the ailment is not always accompanied by the usual symptoms: cough or temperature.

The problem of pneumonia without coughing and fever

Facts about the disease

The main and main respiratory organs are the lungs. They let oxygen into the human body and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. It is here that gas exchange of substances occurs, air purification from toxins, microorganisms and harmful elements, as well as nutrition of each cell. In a healthy person, pushing the air outward is normal, the patient's breathing is much more difficult.

As soon as the infection enters the respiratory system, their functioning, normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune system are hampered. Infection occurs through inhaled particles of vomit, through viruses, harmful bacteria and fungi, foreign objects and the like. In addition, the factor of the appearance of pneumonia may be both hypothermia, and the recently transferred cold. Not all lungs, but only separate parts of different areas can be affected. Such a disease is not contagious and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, although it has the character of an infectious disease.

Subcooling - the cause of pneumoniaA term such as pneumonia without a cough was introduced due to the fact that due to the inflammation of various sections of the respiratory organs were identified different types of disease, which, in turn, flow differently. The most dangerous condition is when the patient does not know the true reason for his poor health. He will not feel pain in his chest, there will be no coughing or wheezing, and if the temperature is present, then a small one (it can easily be confused with the symptom of an ordinary cold).

Note that the risk of getting sick is most common among older people over 60 and children under 2 years old. Finding the root cause of infection, you can determine how a person fell ill: because of an infection that got into the body through the airways, or because of deterioration in health against the already existing disease. For example, if the flu is not completely cured, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Despite the main prerequisites for the emergence of ailment, the negative impact can have both medicines and medical intervention. This includes the following:

  • organ transplantation;
  • manifestation of the disease after intubation of the trachea or artificial ventilation;
  • infection can occur and as a result of visiting the infectious disease department of the hospital.

How to discover the disease in time

Staphylococcus is the causative agent of pneumoniaAnalyzing existing types of the disease, you can be ready for anything. However, do not forget that all kinds of bacteria and microbes surround us everywhere. So, the causative agent of pneumonia may be one of the harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, legionella or chlamydia, which primarily affects the lung tissue. As for viruses, the most dangerous are the herpes virus, the pulmonary plague and those that appeared due to complications after the flu (A and B).

The condition of the body is affected by the human condition. Such reasons as an unfavorable environment, poor diet and bad habits can lead not only to pneumonia, but also to other serious illnesses. Therefore, most patients can be found in nursing homes and similar institutions. In addition, people who suffer from narcological and alcohol addiction, with weakened immunity and HIV-infected are also prone to infection.

Anyone with a weak immune system may not notice the development of the infection. Protection capabilities are reduced due to the presence of microorganisms and viruses in the blood, so the body can not fully resist the harmful effects of the environment.

Self-medication and taking medicines without doctor's supervision affects the internal microflora and promotes the favorable reproduction of harmful bacteria. They quickly adapt to the environment and become insensitive to treatment.

Constant fatigue with pneumoniaCough is an important indicator for infection of the respiratory tract. This is a normal reaction of the body to the appearance of foreign pests. This process allows you to get rid of mucus and sputum. Its appearance means inflammation of the upper respiratory organs.

It is accompanied by temperature, fatigue and weakness in general. Not everyone wants to see a doctor when a cough occurs, because they think that the usual home treatment will be more effective. However, this is how the inflammatory process begins, which can lead to serious complications if you do not give enough attention to the treatment (or if you do not cure the ailment).

Absence of obvious symptoms

With a careless approach, a mild cold can take on a chronic character. Slime does not go away from the bronchi, and suppression of cough drugs leads to the development of pneumonia, which is very difficult to detect under such conditions. All pathological changes remain directly in the lungs and continue to develop there. A more severe stage leads to the appearance of pus of a green or yellow hue. If a person does not have a temperature, then the following symptoms are possible:

  • weakness;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest during movement;
  • coughing.
Increased sweating in pneumoniaThese signs indicate a weakened immunity. It can also be a consequence of an untreated disease. Without contacting a specialist, you can not correctly diagnose and begin treatment. And after taking medication from one disease the body can not cope with a new wave of infection. If the cough intensifies and lasts for more than two weeks (especially in children), then this is the signal for urgent in-depth diagnosis.

If symptoms are found in a child, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible. At home, observe how the child performs physical exercises, whether there are signs of drowsiness or a decrease in appetite. The specialist will be able to conduct the necessary examination and make analyzes and, of course, explain the harm of self-treatment.

Correct approach to recovery

As practice shows, not all follow the doctors' warnings about the back side of self-treatment. We must not forget that, without knowing the cause of infection, it is impossible to find the right drugs, which will once and for all get rid of the pathogen. A full course of treatment, affecting both temperature, cough, and the condition of a person as a whole, is a comprehensive approach. For this purpose, a specialist (in the case of children, a pediatrician) prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and general strengthening therapy. Such methods will have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to taking medications, the patient can in another way contribute to his recovery:

  1. Observe the sleep regime and the correct diet. Eat more foods with protein and zinc.
  2. More fish, dishes from cereals, berries, vegetables and fruits. These products reduce the risk of developing pneumonia.
  3. Abandonment of bad habits will speed up recovery.

It is very important to return the cough reflex, otherwise it is necessary to perform a sanation with bronchoscopy. To all this, physiotherapy and special gymnastics are prescribed.


Concerning folk remedies: medicine does not prohibit such an approach, but to rely solely on recovery with home-made decoctions and tinctures is dangerous enough.

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing

Can there be pneumonia without a cough?

Inflammation of the lungs without coughingMany are wondering if there can be pneumonia without a cough and often doctors give an affirmative answer to this question. All known symptoms are described in terms of a certain number of patients, but there are exceptions to the general rules. Every organism has its own reaction to this or that disease, that's why they take different forms in everyone. It often happens that even X-ray studies are not able to detect lung inflammation, which occurs with the complete absence of cough. In a special group of risk of asymptomatic inflammation of the lungs are children. Very often parental vigilance is blunted in the absence of pronounced symptoms of the disease and the doctor does not go on time. The bad thing is that in this way there is a serious threat to the health of the child.

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs without a cough is an increased temperature, indicating the presence of infection in the body. The main difficulty in this situation is the impossibility of determining the presence of inflammation in the lungs. In this case, the diagnosis should be carried out in a differentiated way, provided that the relationship with other morbid conditions is excluded. When diagnosing pneumonia, attention should be paid to signs of a non-specific nature, which include:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • unhealthy blush;
  • low susceptibility of physical activity;
  • appeared shortness of breath;
  • pains in the chest accompanying each movement.

Defining a hidden inflammation of the lungs, it is most difficult to examine a small child. His state, he can not really describe, when trying to do this is often confused. In this case, the consultation of a qualified doctor will help laboratory diagnosis in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever with a cough

Pneumonia without fever with a cough is a very dangerous disease, which can result in the death of the patient. The danger lies in the absence of symptoms, which allows you to put the correct diagnosis on time and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Cough in this case plays an insidious role, being a symptom of diseases of a different kind and thereby causing the possibility of setting the wrong diagnosis. Ill person can not guess about the nature of his condition, taking measures to alleviate it, while he will be treated completely from another disease. Thus, his condition will be aggravated more and more. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination in time in order to identify the true cause of what is happening.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever with a cough

Inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs may be absent due to the localization of the disease in a certain segment or part of the lung tissue. In this case, the patient does not suffer from pain in the lungs, and he does not have a cough. Body temperature also remains within normal limits. This becomes possible with a weakened immunity of the patient or can occur against the background of an uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. Also, the cause of inflammation of the lungs, which occurs in the absence of cough, can be the use of drugs, whose action is aimed at eliminating cough. This pathology is extremely dangerous in pediatric practice, because the child can not properly describe his feelings. Statistical calculations point to the fact that inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature in most cases results in the death of the patient. This fact explains the need for clear ideas about the nature of the disease, the forms of its course and methods of dealing with it.

Can there be pneumonia without fever



can, but will be accompanied by a strong cough !!!

Hoarfrost Rime


Irada Selivanova





I agree with Mouse!



[email protected]

Inflammatory process is usually accompanied by a temperature ...


I had bilateral pneumonia. There was no temperature, the cough was dry, but not strong. There were wheezing in the lungs, weakness, sweating, shortness of breath. Even with pneumonia, breathing inflates the nostrils.

Galina Shkin



Yes, if the body is weakened in consequence of something (stress, diabetes ...)


I cough, today I only had a doctor. She listened and assured that everything is in order. Said that if there was inflammation, then the temperature is the first symptom

Daria Ignatenko

It can not. The temperature can be constant 3,. Or jumping - then normal, then 40. And there must be a progressive cough.


inflammation can occur in a latent form and in the first 2 days of symptoms there will be no symptoms, except the subfibril temperature 37-3, can be accompanied by pain under the scapula, under the arm, and without coughing. Cough will occur a little later and a high rate. also


Can be without a rise in temperature.

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