Whether there can be a genyantritis without temperature

Is the temperature necessary for maxillary sinusitis?

temperature with genyantritis

Genyantritis is a pathological process, which is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the sinuses. The main symptom of sinusitis is the temperature. It is very often with various catarrhal diseases that it causes the formation of complications, and also promotes the transition of the disease into a chronic form. For this reason, you need to closely monitor the patient's health, and especially for temperature indicators.

Why does it rise with disease?

The reasons for an increase in the temperature regime for sinusitis are many. Often it occurs for the first time or serves as a complication of the disease. Let's consider each factor in detail

Rise occurs for the first time

temperature with genyantritis

As a rule, the presented ailment arises because of already present inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The main reasons for the rise in temperature in this case may be:

  • the presence of polyps in the nose (here are described the symptoms of polyps in the sinuses of the nose);
  • instagram viewer
  • defects of the nasal septum of an innate or acquired form;
  • changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

The onset of inflammation in the sinuses of the nose is accompanied by an increase in temperature. With genyantritis occurring in an acute form, they can take values ​​from 38 degrees.

In addition to raising the temperature, the patient has this symptomatology:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • change in the nature of nasal secretions.

Very often, in the genyantritis, the patient can not breathe properly. Taking into account the number of damaged sinuses, one can distinguish between one-sided and two-sided breathing.On the link you will find the signs of right-sided sinusitis.

at a genyantritis there is a temperature

If the sinusitis proceeds in an acute form, then the elevated temperature regime lasts for a long time. Usually, it's 2-5 days. If you do not start timely therapy, then the ailment can develop into a chronic form or provoke a number of serious complications.

The development of acute maxillary sinusitis can be preceded by a high temperature rise immediately after the injury of the nose. It is injury to the nasal bone is often a fundamental factor for the development of post-traumatic sinusitis. In this case, the temperature values ​​take high values ​​and gradually increase. Sometimes the body copes with this on its own, it all depends on the individual characteristics.

In addition, attention may be focused on the temperature rise that resulted from the removal or treatment of molars located in the upper row. Diseases of hard tissues of teeth and periodonium often cause the formation of sinusitis. With the use of medical procedures on the mucous membrane, the most common infections can penetrate, and this leads to an inflammatory process on the maxillary sinus.

The video tells about the genyantritis of the acute form:

Increase in the transition of the disease into a chronic form

sinusitis without fever

When the sinusitis has passed into a chronic form, then the rise in temperature values ​​to significant limits occurs very rarely.A prolonged and slow inflammation is characterized by a general malaise.As a result, the patient experiences a feeling of weakness, fatigue and drowsiness. Often, chronic sinusitis provokes the onset of coughing attacks at night. This process is characterized by the flow of mucus down the back wall of the pharynx.

Chronic forms are characterized by discharges that have a disorderly character. They can appear in periods and have a transparent or yellow tinge. Indication of the presence of chronicization of inflammation may puffiness of the eyelids that occurs in the morning. Typically, the formation of it affects the outflow of fluid.

If there is an exacerbation of the chronic process, then the temperature indicators can take high marks. As for the disease itself, it resembles acute sinusitis in its symptoms. Here it is possible to read how to treat the started sinusitis.

Body heat is a symptom of complication

temperature with genyantritis 37

When the temperature rise in sinusitis is observed after its normalization, this indicates that the nasal cavity develops serious complications.

When the patient's immunity is weakened, the inflammatory process can also affect the anatomical structures located next to the maxillary sinus mucosa.

The most common causes of complications include the following:

  • defeat of orbit;
  • osteomyelitis of the upper jaw;
  • defeat of the trigeminal nerve;
  • abscess of the maxillary sinus.

When such diseases develop, then the body temperature increase takes the indicators that correspond to their symptoms. With inflammation of the orbital tissues, in addition to the temperature, there is pain, increased discharge of tears and visual impairment.

When the hard tissues of the upper jaw are inflamed, the patient experiences a toothache that is growing. As a rule, pain syndrome increases during eating. They also have an unpleasant smell from the mouth.

When the patient's neuritis, painful sensations in the affected area are excruciated. Pain syndrome can affect the upper jaw, orbit. The nature of pain is diffuse, and in some cases paresis of certain facial muscles is observed.

With an abscess of the maxillary sinus, intense, blunt and violent pain arises in the area of ​​the cheekbones. The patient is also concerned about pain in the head, difficulty breathing of the nose and a sharp unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Is it possible to warm the nose with sinus with salt

Find out if you can warm your nose with sinusitis with salt.

Here you can read about the treatment of sinusitis in a child 2 years old.

Read about the treatment of catarrh of the genyantritis: http://prolor.ru/n/bolezni-n/gajmorit/kataralnyj-gajmorit.html.

How many days is held

Knowing the duration of the elevated temperature regime is very important. The toga can understand the activity of the inflammatory process. If the treatment is inadequate and untimely, then elevated temperatures for maxillary sinusitis will be observed for a long time. At this time, the patient has a fever, which claims active multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.

The video tells about the temperature in sinusitis:

If the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, the temperature begins to decline.This indicates that pathogenic microorganisms, which have become the cause of sinusitis, are gradually being destroyed. Temperatures of 37 degrees can stay for a week. With a prolonged rise in temperature after maxillary sinusitis indicates that the disease goes into a chronic stage. The reason for this is that the sinuses can not be completely released from the pathological secretion.

The question of raising the temperature in pediatrics is acute. When an ailment is caused by bacteria, then the temperature rises here, and its indicators reach high marks. But unlike adults, children suffer a fever much easier. When the genyantritis was provoked by a viral infection, sometimes parents may not notice the onset of sinusitis, taking a fever for a common cold.

Evaluation in this case can only be the attending physician.

On video - the temperature after a puncture of a genyantritis:

Up to how many rises

temperature with genyantritis

What can be the temperature? If there is acute purulent sinusitis, then the temperature rise is observed up to 38-39 degrees. These figures depend on the severity of the disease, and what response the infection gives immunity.

If there is an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, the temperature is low and lasts not for long. As a rule, they take such values ​​- 37-4 degrees.To summarize, it should be noted that an increase in the temperature regime is the result of a purulent process in the sinuses.In small patients, this ailment is much more violent than in adults. For them, this symptom is considered quite normal.

If you have found the first manifestations of a cold in your body, or, more precisely, a rise in temperature, then it is necessary to steam up to the doctor and remember how much it keeps. Perhaps the fever that arises indicates the presence of inflammation, which will lead to sinusitis.

Can there be a disease without body heat

Whether there is a genyantritis without temperature? Whether there is a temperature at a genyantritis and really there are such situations when the development of a genyantritis occurs without a rise in temperature. This is very common in a child. As a rule, this is typical for a situation where the inflammatory process proceeds in a weak form. Pointing to the presence of ailment can be a pain in the head, stuffiness of the nose.

On video - about a genyantritis without temperature if only the head hurts:

Sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion is very difficult to detect at an early stage. As a result, the disease goes to the chronic stage and causes a number of complications.

Here, the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in adults are described. Here you will find information about the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in a child. Elevated temperature is a very common symptom of a cold, and even a disease such as sinusitis. It can indicate that the inflammation develops actively in the sinus of the nose. If the temperature is kept for a long time, this all indicates the presence of chronization. To treat the disease use nasal sprays with sinusitis, antibiotics and other means.


Whether there can be a genyantritis without temperature?


Yulia Mordvinova

Sinusitis can occur as a complication after a viral illness, a cold. Regardless of whether you had it or not, sinusitis can happen again. basically there is a feeling of zalozhennosti, headaches, pains in the field of maxillary sinuses, puffiness eye, a feeling that you can not blow your nose to the end even after you have had a vasoconstrictor drops. The temperature is raised or increased at first slightly 3 3,. Essentially drip vasoconstrictive (naftizinum, sanorinum, otrivin, etc.), saline solutions rinse your nose 15 minutes after the vasoconstrictor (saline, aqualar, aquamaris), isofra-spray in the nose, well helps the sine-forte spray, drink drops Sinupret. And if this happens, can tell the ENT after the examination and X-ray of the sinuses.

Love of Kozyritskaya

Yes maybe. I had 2 times without temperature. it all depends on the body.

Pretty *

Maybe, contact LOR, you need to take a picture.

Whether there can be a genyantritis without a rhinitis, zalozhennosti a nose and temperature?

/Inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, which in medicine is known as sinusitis, is considered a common phenomenon. The disease affects both children and adults. Recognize it is possible by characteristic features, chief among them is a common cold. However, there are cases when sinusitis occurs without a runny nose, which complicates the diagnostic process.

Many people are wondering if there can be sinusitis without a cold and how in this case to learn about the course of the inflammatory process in the body. In fact, such cases in medical practice are well known.

Whether there is a genyantritis without a rhinitis: symptoms of disease

The presence of purulent mucus in the nasal sinuses is a bright sign of the inflammatory process in them. The absence of this sign is an obstacle to early diagnosis. Nevertheless, there are some specific symptoms of sinusitis without a cold that can detect the inflammatory process and begin treatment earlier.

The main symptoms of the disease are such processes:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • prolonged nasal congestion;
  • pain in the head and jaw area, it intensifies during chewing and talking;
  • the intensity of the headache varies depending on the position of the human body, when it lies down, the pain unpleasant sensations intensify.

Without a cold, sinusitis can also occur in children, although their symptoms of inflammation of the nasal sinuses may be slightly different than in adults. Noticing them, you need to immediately go to the doctor, especially if you need medical help, if the kid himself began to complain about poor health.

With the development of the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses in children, the following characteristic features are characteristic:

  • impaired nasal breathing;
  • fast fatigue and constant fatigue;
  • pain in the area of ​​the gums and ears;
  • sensation of bad breath.

Sometimes there is sinusitis without a cold and temperature, this can be with a weak form of the inflammatory process or at an early stage of its development. Recognize the disease will help nasal congestion and pain in the face and head. You can also try to tilt your head forward, with the development of the disease there will be pain in the forehead and nasal sinuses.

Sinusitis without a runny nose and stuffiness of the nose is almost never found at an early stage of its development. This leads to a neglected form of the disease and the occurrence of many complications.

Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis without a cold

/Regardless of whether there is a runny nose with genyantritis or not, complex therapy is required. The inflammatory process must necessarily be cured, otherwise the infection can penetrate the brain or blood vessels.

Diagnosis of the disease in the absence of symptoms is carried out using methods such as:

1. X-ray.In the case of the development of this ENT disease, the foci of inflammation in the image will be visible as dark spots.

2. Diaphanoscopy.The otolaryngologist, using a special tube with a bulb at the end, shines through the nasal sinuses and examines them for the presence of foci of inflammation.

3. CT scan.With the help of the method it is possible not only to detect a focus of inflammation, but also to determine the stage of its course.

Treatment of sinusitis without a cold can be conservative and surgical. To surgical operation, specialists resort to extreme cases, when other methods failed to get rid of the disease.

When the body temperature is high, the patient must be given antipyretic, as well as anesthetics. The entire period of treatment of the patient must comply with bed rest. The absence of mucus in the nose does not mean that it does not exist in the paranasal sinuses themselves, it is just that its outflow is disturbed. To increase the outflow of accumulated mucus and maximally open the nasal passages, it is necessary to use special nasal drops or sprays.

At a genyantritis appreciable result physiotherapeutic procedures give. Specialists can assign the use of blue, solux, dynamic current, but the most effective is the UHF procedure.

If you ask the experts whether sinusitis occurs without a runny nose due to curvature of the nasal septum or tooth decay, they will respond that this is also a common cause of the disease. In such cases, in order to cure sinusitis, the original cause must first be eliminated. To prevent the development of sinusitis, it is important to treat all diseases of the nasopharynx in a timely manner.


Whether can be at a genyantritis a temperature 37-3,?



yes maybe

Oleg Kupa

What complaints does the patient have on the genyantritis?
There are unpleasant sensations in the region of the nose and near-nasal region, which gradually increase. Less pronounced pain in the morning, increase - in the evening. Gradually, the pain "loses" a certain place and the patient starts to ache. If the process is unilateral, then the pains are noted on the one hand.
Difficulty with nasal breathing. The patient has a stuffy nose. The voice acquires a nasal hue. As a rule, both halves of the nose are laid. Difficulty of nasal breathing is constant or with little relief. Alternate obstruction of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.
Coryza. In most cases, the patient has a mucous (transparent) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not be, if the nose is heavily stuffed, since outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above).
Raise body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute maxillary sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.
Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, they are disturbed by sleep.

Konstantin Petrushin

Oh. it seems that the situation turns into a chronic one. This temperature is very possible.


Can be any. If it's exactly a sinusitis. If you do not know what it is, then run to LOR, a snapshot, and a puncture. (not as painful as unpleasant, but passes quickly! ) Do not be ill!


Can. There is an inflammatory process.


can this usually happens

Tell or Say please, whether can be at a genyantritis a temperature 39?



This is an inflammatory disease, which means it can. Better not to guess, but urgently consult a doctor for examination and diagnosis. An acute situation will be solved by medical treatment, but on the elimination of the harmful side effects of this treatment and the restoration of health (vol. e. removal of the chronic diagnosis) address, I will help or assist by practical advice or councils. All the best.


Yes. With very strong sinusitis.


Of course, how else)

Leonti Isakov

Sinusitis is an inflammation. And thus can be and temperature ...


Of course, this is the same inflammation !!!

Dmitry Chumachenko

And why is not this inflammation


can, prostudifilis vaabche terrible vesch... All that is next to the brain - all seriously

Lyudmila Vinogradova

Yes, in an acute period. But most likely you have ARVI,

Kuzovlev Andrey Sergeevich

Acute or chronic?

Sergey Bykov

Maybe, although not typical. It is necessary to address to an ENT doctor. There can be serious complications.

Alexander Yakovlev

I am convinced by my own experience. With genyantritis, especially with inflammatory processes, the temperature can be not only 39. Make a piercing from the doctor and always forget what it is. Exacerbation occurs in the spring and autumn (mostly)


Yes. And even higher, this is inflammation, and with it the temperature is characteristic. A person with a sinusitis can not, in any case, go to the streets, a balcony (even overhung) during illness, etc., so as not to exacerbate the disease, and if it increases, the temperature will rise even more and you will have to call " overheated.


Of course it can, still! Did you say that you have sinusitis? if it's only your assumptions, you need urgently to the doctor. to confirm or deny! In general, with genyantritis headache is terrible. this pain is very difficult to tame, if anything please prompt inexpensive recipes. but only after consulting Laura, health to you!

The World's Creator

it can be a healing process. suppurative inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus of the nose. we have this. apparently there was a lot of pus.

Whether can be at a genyantritis a nose to be that hammered that is not present? there were fears of genyantritis, but the nose is scored that is not scored ...



Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Sinusitis can be acute and chronic. Depending on the form of the disease, symptoms differ somewhat.

The beginning of genyantritis is necessarily associated with discharge from the nose. If the runny nose does not pass for more than four weeks, be sure to go to the ENT doctor. This may be the first symptom of sinusitis. Do not think that if the mucus that comes out of the nose is transparent, then this is definitely not a genyantritis. Allocations can be both purulent in nature and completely transparent. Inflammation can as one maxillary sinus, and both at once. If only one sinus is inflamed, then the excretions can be from this side. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the sinus leads to difficulty breathing. The nose is constantly embedded, the voice becomes nasal with time.

Microorganisms that multiply in the maxillary sinuses secrete toxins into the blood, causing a worsening of the general condition. You can have a sudden increase in body temperature. The temperature can reach up to thirty-nine degrees. You will feel weakness and lethargy. In the acute form of maxillary sinusitis, pressure on the cheeks in the sinus area causes acute pain, but even without physical impact, the sinuses hurt, the pain can be more acute when the head is tilted forward.

The acute form of sinusitis is very often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the sinuses. In the acute course of the disease, the complete absence of appetite is added to the basic symptoms of sinusitis. If sinuses are inflamed on both sides, then the symptom of sinusitis is a decrease in smell. You can suffer from dry mouth, unpleasant sensations in the ears.

The acute form of maxillary sinusitis lasts, as a rule, no longer than two weeks. If you do not take any measures to treat sinusitis, then it will go into chronic form

Marina Orekhova



Chronic does not always give pain. If in the morning it is hammered and blow out slime, it is it most


You really, no one will say anything, there can only be assumptions. To exclude sinusitis, or frantit, it is necessary to make a radiograph of the skull in a direct projection. Better, still go to an ENT doctor.

Olga Solotskaya

Of course, it may be worth turning to Laura and curing him medication, so as not to pierce.

Mila Krokova

Everything can be. You need to wash your nose at home or at Laura. Plus, Cinnabsin perfectly helps to cope with stiffness and relieve inflammation. I always take these pills with a cold. Sister with their help sinusitis cured.

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