Pinch of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home


  • 1Pinch of the sciatic nerve: symptoms. Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home:
    • 1.1What is jamming?
    • 1.2The main causes of jamming
    • 1.3Are there risk factors?
    • 1.4Injury of the sciatic nerve: symptoms
    • 1.5What diagnostic methods are used?
    • 1.6Medication
    • 1.7Other stages of pinch therapy
    • 1.8Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home
    • 1.9Are there effective preventive measures?
  • 2Pinch of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home, prevention of sciatica
    • 2.1Symptoms of pinch of the sciatic nerve
    • 2.2Causes of pinch of the sciatic nerve
    • 2.3Diagnosis of sciatica
    • 2.4Treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve - the actions of a doctor
    • 2.5Treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve at home
    • 2.6Prophylaxis of pinch of the sciatic nerve
  • 3Pinch of the sciatic nerve: treatment at home
    • 3.1What can cause disease
    • 3.2Symptomatic of pinch of the sciatic nerve
    • 3.3Medications for eliminating sciatica
    • 3.4Massage to eliminate sciatica
    • 3.5Gymnastics for the treatment of sciatica
    • 3.6Folk remedies for sciatica
    • 3.7Prophylaxis of sciatica
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Pinch of the sciatic nerve: treatment and prevention
    • 4.1How can you treat sciatica at home
    • 4.2Massage
    • 4.3Physiotherapy
    • 4.4Gymnastics (video)
    • 4.5Recipes of Alternative Medicine
    • 4.6Prophylaxis of pinch of the sciatic nerve
  • 5Pincering of the sciatic nerve treatment at home
    • 5.1First aid
    • 5.2Medications
    • 5.3Injections
    • 5.4Ointments
    • 5.5Physiotherapy
    • 5.6Massage procedures
    • 5.7Folk methods
    • 5.8Means of external application
    • 5.9Recipes for oral use
    • 5.10Warming baths
    • 5.11Treatment during pregnancy
    • 5.12Prophylaxis of sciatica

Pinch of the sciatic nerve: symptoms. Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home:

Pinch of the sciatic nerve - a problem quite common. The main symptom of this pathology is severe pain, which significantly worsen the quality of life of a person, bother him constantly, prevent him from moving normally.

In the absence of therapy, such a violation can lead to unpleasant consequences. That's why many people are interested in additional information about this pathology.

What are its causes and symptoms? Is it possible to treat the sciatic nerve at home? Is it possible to prevent the development of such a disease?

What is jamming?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. This fiber is formed from the last two lumbar and all sacral spinal nerves. It is the sciatic nerve that is responsible for the innervation of the knee and hip joints.

Pinch of the sciatic nerve is a pathology for which the term "sciatica" is used in modern medicine.

A similar disorder is accompanied by compression of the nerve fiber in the musculoskeletal tunnel and its subsequent inflammation.

As a rule, nerve damage is one-sided and is most often diagnosed in males, especially when it comes to men whose work is related to permanent physical loads.

The main causes of jamming

Injury and neuritis of the sciatic nerve can develop under the influence of many factors. As a rule, such a pathology occurs against the background of other already existing diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It:

  • intervertebral hernia in the lumbar part (the protruding part of the intervertebral disc at the exit squeezes the sciatic nerve);
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar region (due to changes in the thickness of the discs, the nerve is compressed between vertebrae);
  • any injuries of the spine, which are accompanied by a displacement of the vertebrae, including dislocations and subluxations;
  • degenerative spondylolister;
  • spondylosis of the lumbosacral spine;
  • the presence of tumors of the spine, which, depending on the site of localization, can also pressure the nerve.

Other reasons include squeezing nerve fibers with spasmodic muscles (this is observed with physical overstrain, muscle inflammation or trauma). And also sciatica can develop during pregnancy, in particular, during the third trimester.

Are there risk factors?

Of course, besides the main reasons, there are factors that increase the likelihood of pinching.

  • Supercooling of the waist can cause inflammation and constriction. Quite often people turn to the doctor, complaining, they say, "chilled" the sciatic nerve. The effects of cold can really exacerbate the situation.
  • Sciatica can develop with herpes zoster in the projection of the branches of the sciatic nerve.
  • Excess weight also applies to risk factors.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs also contribute to the development of neuritis.
  • Sciatic nerve damage often develops in people with diabetes mellitus, since with such a disease the normal nutrition of nerve fibers is disrupted.
  • Also to the list of risk factors include tubercular lesions of the spine, brucellosis, polyradiculoneuritis and multiple sclerosis.
  • Excessive physical exertion, stressful situations, violations of normal circulation, process failures metabolism, alcoholism - all this increases the risk of developing neuritis and, in particular, lesions of the sciatic nerve.

Injury of the sciatic nerve: symptoms

In fact, sciatica is accompanied by rather characteristic features. How to recognize the infringement of the sciatic nerve? Symptoms of it are severe pain in the thigh.

As a rule, discomfort is localized on the back of the thigh, but can also extend to the lower back, the lower leg and even reach the foot.

In the initial stages, the pain may not be strong, but as the inflammatory process develops, it becomes acute, stitching, cutting.

Sometimes the pain is so strong that a person can lose consciousness.


Discomfort intensifies after physical activity, although sometimes even slow walking, sitting and standing aggravate the patient's condition.


Naturally, the pain affects the mobility of a person. First of all, the gait is disturbed, as the patient tries not to rely on a sore leg.

Often there is burning and tingling in the foot, excessive sweating of the feet.

As the disease develops, it becomes difficult for a person to flex his leg in the knee, turn the foot, move his toes on his legs.

What diagnostic methods are used?

In fact, it is quite easy to determine the presence of an infringement and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, since the clinical picture here is actually quite typical.

Nevertheless, some additional research will be required in order to pinpoint the cause.

If this is not done, then the probability of re-jamming is high.

First, a radiographic examination of the spine is performed, which will help to identify bone pathologies, including the displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of osteophytes, etc.

If possible, it is recommended to undergo computer or magnetic resonance imaging, since this is more an exact technique allowing to register even the slightest changes in the bone and cartilaginous structure of the vertebral post. If suspected of having a tumor, a radioisotope scan of the spine is performed. If there is reason to believe that the infringement is caused by inflammation of the pelvic organs, then an appropriate ultrasound is assigned.


The decision on whether the sciatic nerve will be treated at home or in the hospital, under the constant supervision of medical personnel, is taken by the doctor.

Immediately after the examination, the specialist will select the most effective drugs.

The main group of drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, "Ketanov "Ibuprofen "Nurofen "Denebol".

These drugs help to slow the development of the inflammatory process, and also quickly alleviate pain. By the way, you can use the same drugs, but in the form of ointments and creams ("Diclofenac "Voltaren "Finalgon").

Also shown is the intake of B vitamins, which restore trophic tissue, help restore the functioning of nerve fibers. Neurorubin and Milgamma are considered quite effective.

With a strong spasm of the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, drugs are used that help to eliminate a similar problem, in particular, they are "Sirdalud" and "Midokalm". With very severe sharp pains at the initial stages, a novocain blockade can be carried out.

Other stages of pinch therapy

Medications help to ease pain. But sciatica requires complex therapy. Patients need special therapeutic gymnastics, which will help restore mobility. The complex of the most suitable exercises will be selected by the doctor.

In addition, various methods of physiotherapy are used, including phonophoresis, paraffin applications, magnetic-laser therapy, UHF and electrophoresis with novocaine, no-shpoy, or other drugs. Positive on the patient's condition will affect the course of therapeutic massage. Outside the exacerbation patients are advised, as far as possible from time to time, to undergo sanatorium treatment.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home

Certainly, successful therapy requires an appropriate regimen. Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home should include proper nutrition.

It is necessary to refuse for a while the sharp, smoked, fatty and fried dishes.

It is advisable to use sparing liquid food, in particular, milk porridge, vegetable and meat soups - this will help to avoid constipation, which only aggravate the situation.

In the acute phase of the disease must be observed bed rest. The number of movements should be minimal. Only after the subsiding of pain can one begin to walk and gradually, under the control of a doctor, return to the usual rhythm of life.

Folk treatment of the sciatic nerve is also possible, but only with the permission of the doctor. Quite effective are creams and ointments containing horse chestnut extract, as they help relieve pain and relax the muscles.

Compresses made of beeswax are good. First it needs to be warmed up, to form a cake, which then to put on the thigh. From above it is recommended to cover it with polyethylene, cotton and a towel or a warm shawl, leaving for the night.

Procedures can be repeated every day for a week.

Very good help rubbing with dandelion infusions, spruce and pine buds - they can be bought at the pharmacy or cooked independently.


And also effective is can massage, which can easily be carried out even at home.


Under the jar on the skin, it is recommended to apply an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory ointment.

Are there effective preventive measures?

Today many people are interested in questions about whether it is possible to protect themselves from damage to such an integral part of the nervous system as the sciatic nerve. Treatment, injections, physiotherapy procedures - can all this be avoided?

In fact, there are no specific precautions. Optimal prevention consists in the timely detection of various diseases from the risk group and their qualitative treatment.

In addition, experts recommend sleeping on a rigid orthopedic mattress and monitor body weight. Also necessary is at least a minimal, but regular morning exercise.

Heavy physical activity requires appropriate sports training.

A source:

Pinch of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home, prevention of sciatica

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the entire human body, which originates in the lumbosacral spine and extends along the entire length of the limb. That's why the pinch of the sciatic nerve is always accompanied by pain and discomfort, which makes it necessary to quickly help the patient.

Symptoms of pinch of the sciatic nerve Causes of pinching the sciatic nerve Diagnosis of sciatica Treatment of pinching sciatic nerve - doctor's actions Treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve at home Patch prevention sciatic nerve

Symptoms of pinch of the sciatic nerve

The first and most basic symptom of a pinch of the sciatic nerve is pain syndrome.

It can have different characteristics - paroxysmal pain, which increases with physical activity, which occurs only during walking.

As a rule, patients describe their feelings during the appearance of pain as burning, sharp, stitching.

It is noteworthy that pain in pinching the sciatic nerve also has its own "way" of spreading: it begins in the lumbar region, then spreads into the muscles of the buttocks, drops down the thigh and goes to the shin and stop.Intensive pain syndrome is not the only sign of a pinch of the sciatic nerve - patients note other characteristic signs:

  1. On the side of pinching there is a violation of sensitivity - in some patients the sensitivity is aggravated and even a simple light touch to the skin causes severe discomfort, and sometimes it happens vice versa - the sensitivity is blunted.
  2. On the skin on the side of infringement of the sciatic nerve, either burning or numbness is observed.
  3. The gait of the patient has a characteristic feature - a person tries to transfer the entire weight of the body to a healthy leg, and the patient slightly pulls up, presses.
  4. On the side of the lesion, muscle weakness may occur.
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Please note: these symptoms of pinching of the sciatic nerve can be present all at once, or in some single manifestations. But in any case, unpleasant sensations will intensify when any movements are made to patients.

Causes of pinch of the sciatic nerve

The considered disease in medicine is classified as sciatica - the official name of pathology.

The main, and only, cause of the above symptoms is the compression of the root of the nerve and trunk.

But the following factors can lead to this state:

  • presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the lumbosacral spine;
  • diagnosed pinching of the pear-shaped muscle;
  • osteochondrosis of different degrees of development;
  • a hernia of the intervertebral disc.

Note: pinch of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) is considered quite common disease and occurs in almost every patient with a diagnosis of sciatica in the lumbosacral spine the spine.

Diagnosis of sciatica

Usually the diagnosis of a pinch of the sciatic nerve presents no difficulties - the doctor does this on a primary examination of the patient.

But it is not enough just to diagnose - it will be necessary to find out the cause of the development of the problem under consideration.

And in this case the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination of the lumbosacral spine;
  • laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces - at the discretion of the doctor.

Treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve - the actions of a doctor

Recommended reading:Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment

Therapeutic measures in respect of the disease under examination are carried out by a neurologist.He can make the following appointments:

  • medicines that normalize and improve metabolic processes in the body, including vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • means with an anesthetic action - with their help spend blockade of the inflamed zone of nervous fibers;
  • carrying out electrophoresis on the special apparatus of Inoson - in the opinion of physicians and patients this method of treating pinch of the sciatic nerve is the most effective;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures - paraffin baths, phonophoresis with the use of medications, UHF;
  • massage and water treatments.

Such an integrated approach to the elimination of intense symptoms of sciatica helps to remove inflammation, puffiness, significantly improve the blood supply of nerves and surrounding tissues. But most importantly - the described methods help to quickly relieve the patient of severe pain, which immediately facilitates his condition.

Please note: the patient after diagnosis of pinching of the sciatic nerve and the necessary medical should receive recommendations on treatment of the main problem, which became provocative factor. For example, if a hernia of intervertebral discs was detected during the diagnostic activities, the patient may be recommended to perform operative treatment.

Treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve at home

A visit to the doctor with the appearance of symptoms of the disease in question must be made necessarily, although the patient himself "Run" to specialists for help - too painful to be too intolerable, and to lead a normal lifestyle in this state is not it will turn out. And just during a visit to a specialist, you need to get advice about outpatient treatment.If the doctor does not indicate any contraindications, then the following methods can be safely used:

  1. Prepare a tincture of pine needles and cones, flowers of dandelions or spruce kidneys according to the following recipe: a jar in a half liter volume we pour raw materials (up to half a vessel) and fill it up with vodka (or alcohol), insist for of the week. Use tincture can be as rubbing - periodically during the day rubbing the sore spot.
  2. Carry out a can of massage of the lumbosacral region of the spine, the inner side of the thigh and lower leg with the use of any warming ointments recommended by a specialist.
  3. Use the wax for the application - lubricate the sore spot with any fat (it is possible and vegetable oil), warm up the wax and cool a bit, and then apply it to a fat-processed place in a few layers. The application should be wrapped up and be with it until you feel that the deep tissues of the sore spot have warmed up.

Gymnastic exercises will also be effective - they should be done extremely slowly, smoothly, and if painful sensations appear during the "charging then we immediately enter a state of rest.

Prophylaxis of pinch of the sciatic nerve

The considered disease can be prevented - it is enough to adhere to the recommendations of doctors concerning preventive measures.Sciatica can be prevented as follows:

  • if there is excess weight, then you need to get rid of it - obesity in 97% of cases leads to pinching the sciatic nerve;
  • constantly monitor your own posture;
  • heavy load not try to lift, but if there is such a need, then do it competently - only with a straight back and the correct distribution of cargo on the hands;
  • every morning to do exercises - even such minimal physical exertion will serve as prevention of pinch of the sciatic nerve;
  • Do not sleep on too soft beds.

The pinch of the sciatic nerve is not a dangerous disease that threatens human life. But this pathology brings to the habitual rhythm of life so many problems and inconveniences that the question of whether to treat sciatica or endure is not even put.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical reviewer, therapeutist of the highest qualification category

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A source:

Pinch of the sciatic nerve: treatment at home

For Women »Beauty and Health» Home Doctor »Medications and Methods of Treatment

Sciatica is an extremely painful phenomenon, which is not uncommon and occurs due to the fact, that there is compression of the roots of the spinal cord located in the lumbar region the spine. The overwhelming majority of patients are people over the age of 30.

It is physically impossible not to pay attention to this ailment, and therefore from the moment of its appearance all start treatment, having visited the doctor and being guided by him prescriptions or by using folk medicine and carrying out special exercises that are aimed at eliminating pinching and resulting as a result this inflammation. In the event that the pain from the disease is too strong and unbearable, the patient is shown a Novocain blockade, which, although it is difficult for the body, is necessary in such a situation. To provoke the disease can be very different factors, and therefore not always it is possible to establish, that became the reason of a jamming. Since the sciatic nerve departs from the plexus of spinal nerve endings, when they are jammed, the inflammatory process affects it, from which the pain spreads to the leg. This nerve is the largest in the human body and has many sensitive areas, which makes sciatica particularly painful. Continue the usual life with this disease is impossible, and usually the patient is forced to take a sick leave for a while acute period, when the lesion of the sciatic nerve can lead even to complete paralysis of the leg, in which he located.

What can cause disease

Provocators of the disease are many, and as the main of them the following are distinguished by doctors:

  • herniated intervertebral disc - in this case protrusion of the intervertebral disc clamps the processes of the spinal cord and causes them to become entangled. To get rid of sciatica, the main disease is needed here;
  • infectious diseases of the body - after a severe infectious disease has been transferred, from influenza to syphilis, sciatica can occur as a complication. This happens for the reason that the nerve fibers are affected by toxins, and some of them are swelling. It is the reason for pinching the roots of the spinal cord, passing through very narrow channels in the vertebrae, which become "small" in case of edema;
  • a strong hypothermia of the body - in such a situation there is a significant drop in immunity, because of which inflammation begins to develop, if for him there are even minor prerequisites. Thus, if the lumbosacral spine is a weak point, pinching the sciatic nerve from the cold is very easy;
  • osteophytes of the spine - these ossified, and initially cartilaginous growths cause severe pinching of the spinal processes and chronic sciatica;
  • tumor formation in the spine - tumors of benign or malignant nature lead to pinching and sciatica. Without treatment of the underlying disease, getting rid of the secondary is almost impossible;
  • spondylolisthesis - a disease in which one of the vertebrae moves relative to the vertebra, located below. With displacement, a serious compression of the spinal cord and its processes occurs;
  • fractures of the spine - in this case there is a severe lesion of the spinal cord and its processes, one of the manifestations of which can be sciatica.

Sometimes the disease is provoked by pregnancy, especially prolific, when the spine in the lumbar department is particularly strong pressure and its vertebrae can move, and why there is a jam.

Symptomatic of pinch of the sciatic nerve

Symptoms of sciatica are quite diverse and numerous. On them it is easy to diagnose, and therefore even without a visit to the doctor, it is possible to diagnose the disease correctly. The main manifestations of sciatica are:

  • pain syndrome - it is acute. The pain pulsates and resembles blows with a dagger, it is burning and very strong, from which the patient sometimes can flow tears. In rare cases, due to a particularly severe pain syndrome, a syncope is possible. The pain grasps an extensive area, spreading from the buttock on the back of the foot and reaching the fingertips. Immediately in the place of pinching, the pain can either be completely absent or arise irrespective of its attacks in the sciatic nerve. The pain can last for as long as 1 hour, and for several days. Often the pain is chronic and occurs only after complete removal of the inflammation of the nerve. It affects mainly one leg, but in extremely severe cases of sciatica, inflammation can develop in both;
  • impairment of mobility and sensitivity - this manifestation of the disease refers to neurological. With this symptom, the sensitivity of the skin of the affected leg is significantly reduced or even completely lost. The position of the patient becomes forced and very constrained, remaining in all positions and even when walking. He tries to keep her instinctively, since her pain syndrome is much lower. The flexion of the leg in the knee and the joints of the foot is severely impaired. Due to lack of movement in the long course of the disease, muscle atrophy occurs, due to which the mobility decreases even more. The reflexes of the affected leg are very weak. If the disease is particularly severe and prolonged course, the development of osteoporosis of the bones of the affected leg is possible, in which their destruction in the foot and shin occurs.

When diagnosing a disease, the doctor asks the patient, lying on his back, to lift the affected leg upwards, without bending at the knee.

In the presence of sciatica there is a sharp pain that spreads on the back of the thigh and reaches the waist.

In addition, the diagnostic symptoms of a pinch of the sciatic nerve include:

  • very weak reflex Achilles tendon for a diagnostic shock medical mallet;
  • weakening of the knee reflex by the same procedure;
  • a weak plantar reflex to tickling the skin of the foot.
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Medications for eliminating sciatica

In the treatment of the disease, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of tablets and ointments. For pain relief, it is recommended that:

  • analgin;
  • pentalgin;
  • andipal;
  • baralgin;
  • sedalgin.

In addition to relieving pain, these medications have an anti-inflammatory effect, albeit to a minor degree, which is not superfluous in the case of sciatica.

Medications for the removal of inflammation are most often represented by pinching the sciatic nerve following drugs:

  • diclofenac in the form of ointment;
  • finalgon;
  • ointments with extract of red capsicum;
  • meloxicam (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug);
  • nurofen gel.

In addition, the patient in some cases is assigned the passage of a course of physiotherapy, which can many times accelerate the process of recovery.

Massage to eliminate sciatica

At the time of the acute course of the disease, massage should be performed very carefully, so as not to provoke an increase in the pain syndrome.

At the beginning of the procedure, the posterior surface of the thigh is gently pounded in a circular motion, without exerting strong pressure. Further, if the pain does not increase, you can make several easy tingle movements.

End the massage with a rubbing movement up and down. Perform such a massage should be using ointments that relieve inflammation and pain.

Any more intensive massage performed by a person without medical knowledge is categorically forbidden, since it can easily lead to traumatizing an already inflamed nerve. For this reason, if a complex massage is required, the patient should visit a specialist.

Gymnastics for the treatment of sciatica

Gymnastics at the time of exacerbation of the disease is categorically contraindicated, since the patient needs maximum rest. To therapeutic physical culture pass after the removal of exacerbation. The main exercises to prevent recurrence are the following:

  • the patient in the position lying on his back attracts his knees bent at the knees as close to his chest as possible, trying not to breed them. Exercise is carried out 10 times;
  • in the lying position on the abdomen, it is required to raise the body as high as possible, leaning on the hands and arching the back back. The exercise repeats 10 times;
  • in sitting position on a chair, with a straight back and knees bent together, it is required to perform turns to the right and left with a maximum amplitude. 5 turns are made in each direction;
  • from standing position the patient performs the slopes to the right and left, without bending at the knees of the legs, which are divorced to the width of the shoulders. Slopes in each direction are made 10 times. When performing the exercise, you should exercise extreme caution, since at that moment a nerve can become trapped, and the sciatica will become aggravated again. For this reason, the movements should be slow.

Therapeutic gymnastics is appointed by a doctor and is not performed arbitrarily.

Folk remedies for sciatica

Folk treatment should be combined with traditional therapy as an auxiliary.

  • Vegetable broth perfectly relieves pain and allows to reduce the volume of used analgesics. For its preparation, 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers, 1 tablespoon of Kalina flowers, 1 tablespoon of herbs of thyme and 2 tablespoons horsetail well ground and mixed; after that 2 large spoons of the collection are poured with 2 glasses of water and, after placing on a fire, bring to boiling. Then the composition is cooked for 5 minutes and left to insist until completely cooled. Having decanted, decoction is taken by? glass before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Compress, made from black radish, is used as a warming and anti-inflammatory agent. To treat 1 large radish rubbed on grater, spread the resulting mass on a single-layer gauze and cover with 2 layers of gauze. After that, the compress is put on cellophane, and the patient lies on it in such a way that the radish is located in the area of ​​the sacrum. Lie on the compress for 40 minutes. After the compress, the radish is removed, and the patient is covered with a thick blanket and left to rest for at least 1 hour. During the day, heating is done 4 times. Treatment lasts until a persistent elimination of the pain syndrome.
  • Burdock leaves can improve the condition of the patient. For their use as a medicine, you need to take 7 large leaves, burn with boiling water and apply several layers on the sacrum. From above they are required to be covered with compression paper and fixed with a plaster adhesive. Compress is left overnight. Do it daily until there is a lasting improvement. Apply to the burdock mug can not.
  • In those cases when the patient can take baths, it is worth applying therapy with the root of horseradish. To conduct it, you need to take 100 grams of horseradish scrolled through a meat grinder, and putting it in a gauze sachet, put it in a bath with water at a temperature of 50 degrees. The patient should take a bath for 5-10 minutes. The procedure is done once a day for no more than 1 week. After a bath, it is advisable to lie under a warm blanket for at least 30 minutes.

Prophylaxis of sciatica

To prevent this extremely exhausting disease it is necessary to follow certain preventive rules. Such measures include:

  • active lifestyle;
  • competent lifting of weights - without jerks, from position sitting down, and not having bent;
  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • wearing special underwear during pregnancy;
  • full treatment of infectious diseases;
  • maximum possible prevention of spinal injuries.

In the event that, due to professional duties, you have to perform actions that constantly cause stress on lumbar spine, you should use a special fixation belt, which gives a more even pressure distribution on the back.

A source:

Pinch of the sciatic nerve: treatment and prevention

This phenomenon is often one-sided, but it is possible to defeat both lower limbs.Sciatica beginswith the so-called lumbago -severe pain in buttock and sacral region.

Then the pain is spreadingon the lower back and leg, right up to the foot.

They can arise asperiodically, and botherconstantly, amplifying during movement and weakening at rest. = 2oesyhMg2PI

Pain is of a naturepulses, and the intensity varies from tolerant to very strong.

The causes of sciaticathere are various diseases of the spine and nerve damage:

  • mechanical traumaat impact, fall or sharp movement, as a result of which the displaced vertebrae infringe the nerve;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis of the sacrum and lumbar region(degeneration of cartilaginous tissue of intervertebral discs leads to displacement of vertebrae);
  • tumors of the spine;
  • hypothermia;
  • wrongly executedintramuscularinjection(the nerve is touched with a needle);
  • infectious diseases, in which the toxins of the pathogen affects the nervous tissue, as well as viruses that affect the nervous system.

How can you treat sciatica at home

With a sudden sharp pain in the gluteus muscle, characteristic for infringement of the sciatic nerve, it followsLie on your stomach and place under your headfor convenience a smallcushion. You can takean effective analgesic (Ibuprofen or Diclofenac),and useointments for analgesia.

After examination and examination (radiography), the doctor appointscourse of drug therapy.

Usually it consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, supplemented, if necessary, with analgesics. If the nervous tissue is affected as a result of infection, special medications are used.

Treatment of sciatica is outpatient, while drugs are supplemented by other methods available at home.


Highlyeffective remedyfrom many diseases of the spine. A good masseur can relieve pain in just a few sessions.

Massaging the affected areas is desirable daily, at least half an hour,for 10 days.

This courserestore blood circulation, innervation, relieve inflammationand help to correct the displaced disks.


You can do massage andwith severe symptoms(in the acute phase), limited stroking and careful rubbing.


Moreintensive impactperhaps onlyin the absence of severe pain.

If the cause of sciatica was the pathology of the lumbar region (hernia or osteochondrosis), then you should massage this area.


The main direction of physiotherapy with pinch of the sciatic nerve iswarming up of the affected area. At home, we showhot sessile baths: this method will remove the most severe pain, if you take them twice a day.

Effectively also impactinfrared radiationm (with the help of appropriate instruments). The tissues warm up sufficiently deep, which allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

A good therapeutic effect haswax and paraffin applications.

Gymnastics (video)

Physical exercises - an excellent way to treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Perform a special complex for sciatica only afterwithdrawal of acute phase symptoms, being careful. The most effective are such exercises:

  • In the lying position(on the back) with straight legs neededgently pull your knees to your chest. Fixing in this position for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  • Lifting the torsois also lying, but on the stomach. Performedwithout the help of hands(they are located along the body), slowly and carefully. It is enough 5 repetitions.
  • Torso rotationsuseful for the lumbar region. They are carried outsitting on a chair, while the legs rest on the floor, hands are located at the waist.
  • A good effect is given byalternate body tilt left and rightin the standing position. You must do at least 10 replays.

Recipes of Alternative Medicine

Sciatica is known for a long time, therefore, and its wayshome treatmenta lot has accumulated.

Below are the most effective recipes, which allow to cure the pinch of the sciatic nerve quite quickly.

Are applied asexternal means, and foringestion.

  • Broth of horse chestnut fruitis made from 2 spoons of crushed raw material and 1 liter of water. Mixture boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, drain after cooling and drink half a cup three times a day before eating.
  • For preparationtinctures of burdock rootyou will need a glass of cahors and a tablespoon of raw materials. To warm, do not bring to a boil, 5 minutes and after filtering take in 2 receptions (morning and evening). This remedy is prepared and used daily until symptoms improve.
  • Daily portioncalendula infusionis prepared from 2 spoons of dried flowers and 2 glasses of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, then strain and divide into 4 servings. Take before meals.
  • Fortaking medical bathswhen using sciaticadecoction of pine shoots(1 kg per 3 liters of boiling water). Brew raw materials, boil 10 minutes and let it brew for 4 hours. Strain the broth in the bath with hot water.
  • Canfor bathtubsuse andhorseradish root. To do this, 100 grams of crushed raw materials in a fabric or gauze pouch must be lowered into a hot bath. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes in this case.
  • For grindingeffectivealcoholic tincture of white lilac flowers or stock. 300 ml of vodka is taken 100 grams of raw materials and insists a week. Rub into the skin several times a day.
  • For massageInstead of oil in sciatica, you can usea mixture of 300 grams of warm honey and 50 ml of alcohol. After cooling, mix thoroughly.
  • It helpsa compress made from cabbage leaves,scalded with boiling water. They are applied to the sore spot, covered with polyethylene and insulated. Change this compress every 3-4 hours.
  • Compress of bread crust and turpentine(mix it with water:) gives an excellent warming effect, but it can be used no longer than 15 minutes. If it burns too hard, you should immediately stop the procedure.
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Prophylaxis of pinch of the sciatic nerve

It is impossible to fully insure against sciatica, but significantlyto reduce the risk of its developmentthe following measures will help:

  • Refusal to wear high-heeled shoes. This will help prevent not only sciatica, but also many other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Control of body weight.Extra pounds are not only an aesthetic problem, but also an additional burden on the spine.
  • Do not sit without traffic for more than two hourscontract. Pauses and light workout will save not only from sciatica.
  • Do not slouch, since the curvature of the spine is a blow not only by the sciatic nerve, but also by the functions of the whole organism.
  • To sleep exclusively on one side. This will help to completely relieve the spine, providing the muscles and joints needed rest.

In addition, it is recommendedmove more, eat right on timetreat infectious and viral diseases. If you follow these simple recommendations, then you will not need information on how and what to treat pinching of the sciatic nerve at home.

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Pincering of the sciatic nerve treatment at home

The sciatic nerve is the largest of all nerves in the body. It is closely connected with many organs, therefore, in case of a pinch, the consequences of this violation immediately affect the overall well-being.

First aid

Treatment of such a problem at home is done after finding out the causes of the disease. An integrated approach, combining medical and folk therapy, helps very effectively alleviate the symptoms and eliminate the causes of their appearance in a short time.

If there is a sudden appearance of the first signs of a pinch of the sciatic nerve (sciatica), it is necessary to immediately provide first aid and perform such activities:

  1. Lie with your stomach on a hard flat, but not cold surface;
  2. put under the breast a cushion without a pillow;
  3. take cover with a warm, light blanket.

Also you need to consult a doctor without delay, and it is better to call him at home for prescribing medications and getting recommendations for treatment.

In addition, in the case of sciatica and with the further course of the disease, it is forbidden:

  • lift weights, do sharp movements;
  • long to be in an uncomfortable position or tension;
  • perform unverified exercises;
  • take hot baths, visit the sauna or bath;
  • in damp, cold areas.

From the diet it is recommended to exclude smoked and fatty foods, hot, carbonated and strong drinks, and also to minimize the consumption of salt, sugar and spices.


Treatment of sciatica is mainly performed on an outpatient basis. Tablets for this are practically not used - the most effective are injections and ointments.


Injections at home are given intravenously or intramuscularly, depending on the drug used. The most effective are:

  • Anaprox;
  • Aspirin;
  • Butadione;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Motrin;
  • Naproxen.

Also, analgesics (usually blockades of novocaine) can be injected into the canal of the spinal cord on the affected area of ​​the sacral and lumbar region.

Because the components of these drugs are capable of causing allergies or the development of digestive disorders, a combination of hormonal and non-hormonal agents is often used.

Of the steroids, topical preparations commonly used are Hydrocortisone or Prednisolone Ointment.

To resolve the inflammation and accelerate the regeneration of surrounding tissues, a course of vitamins B and C, aloe, lidase, methyluracil is prescribed.


In addition to these hormonal ointments, for the treatment of pinch of the sciatic nerve at home use such non-steroid preparations of local purpose:

  • Betalgon - relieves pain, activates the blood supply to the skin on the affected area;
  • Viprosal - contains bee venom, which effectively reduces pain and inflammation;
  • Carmolis is a natural remedy with menthol, mint and extracts from other plants that quickly relieve pain.
  • Finalgon - eliminates pain, relieves inflammation.


When the nerve is trapped in the sacro-lumbar region, a physiotherapy exercise is considered a very effective way to get rid of pathology and to remove pain. To relax tense muscles, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  1. Lying on his back, raise his legs up, leaning against the wall. Hold for 10 minutes, stretching the spine.
  2. Sit on the floor with your legs straightened forward. Moving them one after another, walk on the buttocks first forward, then back.
  3. Put feet on the width of shoulders, perform shallow squats, adhering if necessary to the back of the chair.
  4. Lie on your back, pull your knees to your chest. Then, without unbending the legs, lower them together in one direction and the other.
  5. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, bend over your back. Stay in this position for as long as possible.
  6. Lie on your back, lift one knee, wrapping it in your hands, pull up, and then to the opposite shoulder. A little delay, return to the starting position and repeat with another knee.
  7. Lie on your back with your legs bent to make the feet stand on the floor. Raise your buttocks as much as possible, lifting your shoulders off the floor.

In addition to these, you can perform other exercises for stretching the legs in the supine position, as well as "bicycle" and circular rotation of the hips.

Massage procedures

Massaging of sick places is performed after relief of acute pains simultaneously with other methods of treatment. The procedure is as follows:

  • first knead the buttocks and lumbosacral region;
  • then the areas around the pain points are intensively massaged.

Massage with lesion of the sciatic nerve is very careful. In this case, ointments with a warming effect are used.

Also, excellent results are achieved by performing a honey massage. To do this, mix 500 grams of liquid honey with 100 ml of medical alcohol, then this composition rubs painful places. After the procedure, the skin should turn red, indicating an improvement in blood supply.

Folk methods

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home can be performed using various recipes of traditional medicine, including:

  • procedures for local effects - rubbing, appliqués;
  • reception of teas and tinctures inside;
  • medical baths.

The action of all these drugs is aimed at the removal of inflammation and pain, as well as eliminating pinching.

It should also be noted that with any defeat of the sciatic nerve, it is first and foremost necessary to provide the patient with a restful bed rest in warm comfortable conditions.

In this video are some of the popular methods of treatment of pinching the sciatic nerve.

Means of external application

The following compounds are used for the rinds:

  1. Mix 6 mashed tablets of analgin, 100 ml of cologne, 50 ml of iodine.
  2. In the radish juice add the honey in the ratio carefully stir.
  3. Insist 1 glass of potato sprouts in 500 ml of vodka for 2 weeks, shaking every other day.
  4. In 500 ml of vodka pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped herb celandine, sliced ​​aloe leaf, powdered pod of hot pepper. Insist 7 days.

Any of these mixtures is rubbed into the skin and wrapped in a warm cloth for the night or for several hours.

For applications such recipes are used:

  1. Melt to a soft state and cool to an acceptable temperature of beeswax in a uniform layer is applied to pre-ground and oiled with any vegetable oil of the sacro-lumbar department. It is covered with a film, it is wrapped up with a woolen cloth on top, it remains until it cools down completely.
  2. A flat cake made of rye flour with honey (the proportions should be such that an elastic dough is obtained) is applied to the most painful place. It is wrapped in woolen cloth and keeps as long as possible (best all night).

Recipes for oral use

In order to strengthen the effect of external means, it is recommended that the inner use of medicinal drinks prepared according to special recipes is recommended:

  1. Pour boiling water with calendula flowers at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. for 500 ml of water. Insist for 2 hours, filtered. To drink the received infusion during the day, divided into 5 receptions.
  2. Boil 1 tbsp. l. crushed root burdock in 250 ml of red wine no more than 5 minutes. Strain, divide the drink for 2 meals, drink in the morning and in the evening, regardless of food intake.
  3. The leaves of green beans brew like tea, and use 1 glass 3 times a day as a diuretic.
  4. Brew 2 tbsp. l. of aspen leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Use in 4 divided doses during the day before meals.
  5. Mix the grinded powder with its leaves in the ratio:. Pour 2 tbsp. l. mixture in 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Cool, filter, add 300 ml, drink in 4 divided doses.
  6. With chronic jamming: pour 1 tbsp. l. rhizomes of elecampane in 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 20-25 minutes. Drink in 2 hours - 1 hour before the second breakfast and dinner.
  7. Sour cabbage is an ancient way of treating the sciatic nerve. When pinching, it is recommended to eat it in large quantities.

Warming baths

It should be borne in mind that hot baths in the defeat of the sciatic nerve are contraindicated. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out at a water temperature of 38 ºC. The following components are used for bath preparation:

  • Root of horseradish - rubbed on a grater, wrapped in cheesecloth, falls into a bath.
  • Young shoots of pine - 1 kg of raw material is brewed 3 liters of boiling water, it is infused, filtered, then added to the bath.
  • Medicinal collection (chamomile, sage, grass sporisha, angelica - in the same amount) is boiled, boiled, filtered, mixed and mixed with bath water.

Take all of these baths need daily for 10-14 days preferably before bedtime.

Treatment during pregnancy

In the last trimester of pregnancy, because of the squeezing of the sciatic nerve, the enlarged uterus may become jammed. In addition, sciatica can also appear in the early stages for reasons not depending on pregnancy.

For treating the pinch of the sciatic nerve at home, all the above methods are prescribed to pregnant women, but taking into account their compatibility with such a woman's condition, including;

  • medications;
  • external means;
  • massage procedures;
  • exercise for pregnant women to strengthen the pelvis;
  • folk methods.

Most used gels and ointments of topical application:

  • warming up - finalgon, capsicum;
  • with chondroprotektornym action - hodroksid, teraflex.

Hormonal and combined local remedies during pregnancy are prohibited.

Prophylaxis of sciatica

During treatment and to prevent the pinch of the sciatic nerve, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  • get rid of excess weight, which gives a big load on the spine;
  • follow the posture - it worsens the condition of both the spine and all organs;
  • increase physical activity in the recommended amount, especially with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Do not allow unilateral action on the spine - do not carry weights in one hand, load the body evenly;
  • avoid trauma to the back, waist, coccyx, other parts of the spine;
  • to move to active actions gradually, without sharp loads;
  • Do not sit on soft low furniture;
  • use a fairly hard bed for sleep, and it is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress;
  • every day to do health-improving physical education;
  • If any discomfort occurs in the back area, consult a doctor immediately.

By following these simple rules, you can prevent damage to the sciatic nerve or quickly eliminate this problem. In addition, you must avoid nervous stress, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Treatment of a pinch of the sciatic nerve at home. Reference to the main publication

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