External diffuse otitis media

External diffuse otitis media: causes

External diffuse otitis may occur after improper removal of earwaxMost diseases of the ears, throat and nose (angina, otitis, sinusitis and others) are caused by infection.

If everything is normal, the glands of the auditory canal produce in the prescribed amount fat and earwax. Ear wax produces an environment with high acidity, which does not allow growing and multiplying bacteria.

These two components form a protective barrier that prevents bacteria, viruses and fungus from penetrating.

Often an infection in the external auditory canal appears after the sulfur is removed by a variety of devices: earbands, matches, pins, etc.

It should be remembered that with the use of pointed objects, the tympanic membrane can be damaged, which leads to acute perforated otitis media. It is also possible to scratch the epithelium in the ear canal, then there is an acute external diffuse otitis.

If wands with cotton wool are used, the sulfur is pushed into the ear, eventually a sulfur plug is formed. And this is the cause of the development of external diffuse otitis. In this case, the process of inflammation of the epithelium begins in the ear canal, later it reaches the eardrum. Often, this kind of appearance occurs when a foreign body or aggressive substances enter the auditory canal.

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Symptoms that characterize acute external diffuse otitis media

One of the symptoms of acute external diffuse otitis is the strongest painWith external otitis, the inflammation process is actively developing. It happens in different forms, maybe its limited and diffuse form.

Diffuse otitis is characterized by inflammation throughout the auditory canal. The process develops due to a bacterial infection, but the skin is also affected due to fungi and allergies. With limited otitis, the cause is an inflamed hair follicle, represented as a furuncle.

Limited otitis in the initial stage is indicated by itching, which is followed by a bursting pain in the ear. The pain becomes more during a conversation, when pressing a tragus or chewing. If you open the abscess, there is a stagnation of pain and pus from the ear canal is released. The hearing does not decrease, the exception is a large furuncle, since it completely closes the auditory canal.

Diffuse otitis differs in more pronounced symptoms:

  • severe pain;
  • stuffiness in the ear;
  • hearing loss;
  • redness and swelling of the epithelium in the ear canal.

Also, the temperature may rise slightly and the lymph nodes increase. With an inflamed eardrum, a small amount of transparent secretions may appear, with the addition of a headache.

Acute otitis externa is characterized by a swollen ear canal, and it can completely close. Lymph nodes around the ear and on the neck become painful. If acute external otitis has developed due to the fungus, the auditory passage is covered with thick epithelium, its color is red.

The development of chronic external otitis in severe form can be with diabetes, kidney infection and thyroid diseases.

Diffuse otitis externa: treatment and prevention

To keep your ears healthy, they need to be cleaned properlyTo relieve pain, use heat on the area around the ear and drug therapy: codeine or aspirin. After washing the ear doctor prescribed drops from otitis with antibiotic.

If there is fungal otitis, the ear canal is thoroughly rinsed with a disinfectant solution.

If slightly acidified ear drops are used, an environment that is unfavorable for the fungus is created in the ear canal.

Inflammation of the external ear is treated by rinsing. As a supplement, use drops, ointment or cream with an antibiotic, for example, neomycin or polymyxin B. Of course, if there is inflammation of the external ear, the patient needs a bed rest to avoid the development of complications. Often in the treatment of external otitis resort to folk remedies. For example, boric acid is buried in the instructions for use in the ear is quite simple. Use of this tool requires caution, so be sure to consult with your doctor, whether it is appropriate for you to use this tool.

Otitis often develops after a cold, so its timely treatment will be the best prevention of middle ear inflammation.

Diffuse otitis media of the external ear is also treated with the help of washes, for which a disinfectant or one-percent vinegar is used. If the inflammation is severe - lubrication with a 1% solution of a brilliant green or 3-5% solution of silver nitrate, corticosteroid ointments Flucin, Oxycort or Lokakortenom.

After acute acute inflammation subsides, in order to prevent relapse, three-percent acetate is used in drops.

Diffuse otitis of the external ear with a complicated course is treated with antibiotics. Severe pain is eliminated by sedatives, allergy manifestations - diazolin, tavegil, dimedrol, etc. Physiotherapeutic procedures are represented by UHF currents, ultraviolet irradiation, alternating magnetic field with low frequency.


External diffuse otitis in acute and chronic form

/External diffuse otitis is a diffuse inflammatory process localized in the external auditory canal and proceeding in a chronic or acute form. It is accompanied by severe pain and a feeling of raspiraniya in the ear, the appearance of a serous, later purulent discharge. External diffuse otitis is a fairly common disease and occurs in patients of different age groups. The risk group includes people with weakened immunity and multiple chronic diseases, and Also persons who are engaged in any water sports, for example, swimmers, divers, synchronists and others. As a rule, external diffuse otitis does not give serious complications, but this unpleasant disease significantly reduces the quality of life, reduces the ability to work and complicates communication.

Causes of diffuse otitis

Diffuse otitis is characterized by a significant area of ​​inflammation in the ear canal. Most often, the cause of the disease is streptococci, as well as other bacteria that penetrated the human wound and microcracks, which often remain after cleaning the ears. The main provoking factors are:

  • allergy;
  • propensity to form sulfur plugs;
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body.

Too careful and incorrect hygiene of the ears is also capable of provoking the development of the disease, since during such cleaning is the progress of sulfur inside the ear, its compaction and gluing into a single lump, as a result is formed bung.

Symptoms of diffuse otitis of the external ear

/Diffuse otitis of the external ear is manifested by a sensation of bursting inside the diseased organ, itching appears and the temperature in it rises. Then the pain syndrome develops, accompanied by the irradiation of pain in the head. At the same time, painful sensations, greatly enhanced by swallowing and chewing. Often acute diffuse otitis externa leads to a worsening of the general well-being of the patient due to sleep disturbances and anorexia due to the inability to chew and swallow food.

The following characteristic symptoms are also observed:

  • a decrease in hearing, which is due to the fact that puffiness of the inflamed auditory canal leads to its narrowing and diminishing of the lumen;
  • presence first serous, and subsequently purulent discharge from the ear;
  • an increase in regional lymph nodes.

As a rule, diffuse otitis of the external ear, the photo of symptoms and manifestations of which can be seen above, takes about two weeks in acute form. Then there is a significant improvement in the condition, and the patient quickly goes on to recover.

Sometimes the symptoms of diffuse external otitis are mildly expressed and remain unnoticed especially inattentive to their health people. In this case, the disease takes a long time and eventually changes into a chronic form, accompanied by the appearance of scars, which reduce the lumen and cause persistent hearing loss.

Diagnosis of external diffuse otitis media


If there is a suspicion of diffuse external otitis, the photo of which is presented above, various diagnostic methods are used. When palpation of the sore ear is markedly pronounced soreness, especially when pulling the auricle or pressing on the tragus. When performing otoscopy, total swelling and reddening of the skin, which lines the auditory canal, as well as the presence of erosion and serous discharge are detected.

If an examination of the ear is carried out in a later period, occlusion of the auditory canal is detected, cracks and ulcers are visible, a clearly distinguishable greenish-yellow pus. Audiometry of the inflamed ear testifies to the development of hearing loss of a conductive type.

Assigned for any inflammatory processes, bacteriological study allows verifying the pathogen in order to establish its sensitivity to the main antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of acute diffuse otitis of the external ear

Treatment of external diffuse otitis media is performed using antibiotics, multivitamins and antihistamines, which are taken in the system. If necessary, immunocorrective therapy is performed. For local treatment of diffuse otitis of the outer ear, yellow mercury ointment, Burov's liquid, hormonal antibacterial ointments injected into the auditory canal with the help of turunda are used. The passage is also dripped with antibiotic drops.

Treatment of acute diffuse external otitis media can often be performed only in hospital settings. When the purulent character of the ear canal is separated, the ear is washed with an antibiotic solution. External otitis, caused by fungi, is treated with antifungal preparations of local and systemic use.

To prevent infection of the skin of the auditory canal and the development of diseases, one should avoid combing and injuring the auricle, as well as the ingress of small foreign bodies into the ears.

When bathing in the shower and even more so in the sea, it is necessary to protect the ear from getting water into it. If there is a foreign body in the ear, you should not even try to get it yourself, it's best to entrust this work to a specialist.

It is important to remember that the sulfur released by the ear is a natural barrier to microbes and bacteria and its too zealous removal reduces ear protection and increases the risk of developing inflammatory process. Independent cleaning of the auditory canals should be performed with the help of a special ear stick (not ordinary cotton wool!) To a depth of not more than, cm for purely aesthetic purposes.


External otitis in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

/According to official statistics, otitis externa, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in this article, are carried by 5 people per 1000 people worldwide every year. In 3-5% of people, this disease is observed in chronic form.

It was noted that, despite the prevalence among residents of all countries, this disease is more likely to be found in places with a warm and humid climate. In addition, the otitis of the external auditory canal is predisposed to the nationalities, in which this passage is narrow.

At its core, the described pathology is nothing more than an inflammatory disease that develops in the region external parts of the ear, which are known to include the auricle, external ear canal and drum membrane.

This ailment is caused mainly by representatives of the bacterial genus, but there are other causes of the disease that will be described below.

External otitis, a photo of which can be seen below, is equally common in both men and women:


From the viewpoint of occupational morbidity, the development of the disease is characteristic primarily of people engaged in diving and / or swimming, as well as for other people who often get water in their ear.

The maximum incidence rate falls on the age from 7 to 12 years. Physicians associate this with the immaturity of the defense mechanisms and, of course, with the peculiarities of the anatomy of the child's ear. Outer otitis in a child is an actual pediatric problem.

Limited, diffuse, allergic and fungal otitis externa

In medicine, it is common to distinguish two main types of the described disease - it is limited external otitis and diffuse:

  • A limited variant of the disease manifests itself as an inflammatory process of the hair follicle in the ear canal, or in the form of a furuncle. At the same time, this boil will not be visible from the outside. The patient can only guess about his presence. The basis of this conjecture is always pain, which is aggravated by chewing or touching the ear. After a couple of days, the abscess reaches its peak of maturity and bursts because of what the pain goes away.
  • For the diagnosis of diffuse external otitis furuncle is not typical. The inflammatory process is more common and affects the entire auditory canal.

This form of the disease is further subdivided into three varieties, the names of which reflect the main culprit of their development.This includes: bacterial form of the disease, caused mainly by group A streptococci, allergic variant a disease based on an allergy, and fungal otitis externa, the causative factor of which is fungi.

Acute and chronic otitis media of the external ear

According to the clinical course, the described disease can be acute or chronic:

  • Chronic external otitis develops, as a rule, as a result of the absence or insufficiency of therapy of the acute form of the disease. Also, quite often the reason is the regular cleaning of the ears with cotton buds. This leads to the removal of the protective layer of sulfur and as a consequence to traumas of the ear canal. The result of such processes is the coarsening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the appearance of itching in the ears and the reduction of resistance to inflammation. The skin of the auditory canal thickens and overlaps its lumen.
  • It is believed that if the acute otitis of the external ear recurred more than 4 times during a year or its duration is more than 4 weeks, then this is already a chronic form of the disease.

Otitis media of the middle ear and other causes of otitis media of the external auditory canal

In most cases, the causes of external otitis causes an infectious nature. First of all, they are bacteria and, in particular, staphylococcus, as well as fungi.

Predisposing to the development of this disease factors can be attributed to the constant moisture of the skin of the auditory canal.This condition becomes the reason that the skin protective barrier is broken:normal for the skin of the ear canal is characterized by an acid reaction, with the help of which a reliable protection from infection, and under the influence of water, this acidity rapidly decreases and opens the way microbes.

Of great importance is also the presence of small wounds, for example, scratches or cuts of the skin of the ear canal:they can easily be obtained by trying to clear the ear of sulfur, especially if it uses matches, hairpins or toothpicks and other unintended objects.

External otitis media also has its own risk factors:

  • For example, the development of this ailment in children is facilitated by a skin pathology such as eczema, which is the cause of peeling and the appearance of erosions in the ear. A significant role in the formation of otitis belongs to the so-called sulfur plugs. This increases the risk of traumatizing the auditory meatus when trying to clean it, because many patients believe that they themselves can get rid of the plug.
  • Another risk factor that can eventually cause external otitis media is the otitis media of the chronic middle ear. In this case, the introduction of infection is facilitated by the constant presence of a purulent discharge in the auditory canal.
  • The risk of skin lesions in the area of ​​the auditory canal exists also in diseases, accompanied by a decrease in immunity (say, diabetes), as well as with the narrowness of the auditory tube.

Signs of external ear otitis

The symptoms that arise when the disease is called otitis externa are, as a rule, observed only on one side. the disease is characterized by the defeat of one ear. Patients are concerned about persistent pain in the hearing organ itself or in its area. In this case, the pain is intensified by the movement of the tragus or the auricle as a whole.

There is a feeling of stuffiness of the ear and a clear decrease in its function:patients note that they are hearing impaired. The external auditory canal swells, the lymph nodes located in the ear area increase.

In the case of eczema or fungal damage, the above mentioned signs of external otitis may well be caused by an earache.

Furuncle with limited external otitis

/With a limited version of external otitis, the first sign appearing in the patient is a throbbing pain, the intensity of which increases during conversation and / or chewing. If you push on the tragus or pull the ear, the soreness also increases.

Patients diagnosed with limited otitis externa ear symptoms usually do not include hearing impairment. It decreases only when the lumen of the auditory canal completely overlaps.

As mentioned above, the main sign of this form of the disease is furuncle. When examining the auditory canal on one of its walls you can notice flushing and swelling of the skin. After some time in the center of this area is formed softening, the boil is opened, which is accompanied by the release of pus.

Symptoms of acute diffuse otitis media

If there is diffuse acute external otitis, the symptoms developing in the patient differ somewhat from the manifestations with limited otitis. Pain in the ear is insignificant, it may be replaced by an itch, which sometimes is quite significant. Body temperature remains at normal level or slightly increases. Hearing is usually preserved and reduced only with significant swelling of the skin with the closure of the entire lumen of the auditory canal.

During examination of the ear canal, swelling, redness and thickening of the skin are revealed. When the process spreads to the tympanic membrane, a small amount of transparent secretions appears from the ear, the hearing decreases, the eardrum becomes hyperemic.

Diffuse external purulent otitis is characterized by the release of pus from the ear. The temperature is increased and the general condition of the patient suffers.

Complications of external ear otitis

/Acute external otitis usually does not often lead to the development of any complications, but there is a small risk in this regard.

The result of this disease can become abscesses, and in simple words filled with pus and quite painful abscesses. They appear in those places where the ear infection with inflammation began. As a rule, such abscesses disappear on their own. Although in some cases, to speed up recovery, the doctor has to drain abscesses.

Complications of external otitis in the form of a narrowing of the external auditory canal are usually formed in patients with a chronic form of ear damage. As a result, such patients may worsen hearing or even complete deafness, but this is rare. The described constriction is easily treated with special drops. If they are appointed on time, then the hearing will later be all right.

External otitis in adults and children can lead to inflammatory processes, and sometimes to perforation of the tympanic membrane. This is due to the fact that in some cases, as a result of inflammation of the external ear, the fluid in the inner ear begins to accumulate. This fluid presses on the membrane and eventually breaks it, which is accompanied by loss of hearing, pain, ringing and viscous secretions from the ears.

In most cases, the membranes heal in a couple of months without any treatment. If this does not happen, then surgical intervention is prescribed.

How to treat external otitis media

/When treating patients with a diagnosis of external otitis treatment, as a rule, includes the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. The most popular among such medicines were acquired by Garazon and Sofrex, combining both of these effects. However, it is not recommended to use them without prescribing a doctor, which should be remembered especially if the described disease affects the child. After all, improper selection of medicines or failure to adhere to adequate measures for their use usually leads to undesirable consequences in the form of certain complications and / or side effects of the action medicines.

With the diagnosis of otitis externa, treatment with antibacterial drugs is aimed at eliminating the infectious focus. In this case, due to the fact that in the composition of virtually all drugs used in addition to the main active substance There are also anti-inflammatory, as well as analgesic components, the patient gradually eliminated and painful Feel. Such therapy of the described disease is most effective.

Complex treatment of acute external otitis media

In addition to the course of antibiotics, prescribed strictly by the recommendation of the attending physician, in patients with acute diagnosis External otitis treatment includes the use of warming compresses, and the elimination of nasal congestion, and an increase immunity.

There was a time when with this disease the treatment with boric alcohol was widely used. This substance was moistened with turundas, which were then placed in the ear. However, these days this procedure is recognized as a gross error, because alcohol causes severe irritation and as a result intensifies the inflammatory reaction.

It must be remembered that the treatment of the described disease should be comprehensive.

Drops with external otitis, no matter how qualitative they were, can not eliminate inflammation. And if you only use them, then this will not be enough for a complete cure.

We must not forget about the hygienic procedures that must be performed according to a certain scheme, because incorrect use of them can lead to plug-in. In addition, a too moist environment can contribute to the development of microorganisms in the ear, so it is worth preserving this body from washing.

Treatment of a limited otitis externa ear with drops or ointment

/When deciding how to treat external otitis of limited form, the first thing the doctor prescribes is usually antibacterial ointment or drops.

The first kind of medicinal forms is Triderm or Celestoderm:These drugs lubricate turunda and inject into the ear.

Of the most popular drops:Neomycin and Ofloxacin.

A careful treatment of the affected area should be performed before using these medications. This is usually done with silver nitrate.

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to eliminate pain.

Sometimes it is carried out as a treatment for external otitis in adults, an incision is made of the furuncle, followed by treatment with antiseptics and antibiotics.

To restore the immune system that is broken in the disease, vitamin therapy, autohemotherapy and immunocorrective therapy are prescribed.

Treatment of diffuse otitis in a child

/Otitis of the outer ear of the diffuse type is also treated mainly by antibacterial drugs with the addition of multivitamins and immunocorrection.

In the ear injecting turuns with Burov ointment or hormonal ointments, instill antibacterial drops. In the presence of purulent discharge, the affected area is washed with a solution of antibiotics.

When the diagnosis of otitis externa in a child, the treatment must necessarily be controlled by the treating doctor. Independent attempts to cure a baby can lead to serious consequences.

Therapy,as a rule, is limited to conservative methods and is based on the same principles as treatment of the described ailment in adults: the use of drops and ointments based on antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines.

In the case of occlusion of the auditory canal, the doctor performs manipulations aimed at clearing it of serous contents. After that, he carefully examines the eardrum. And after that, he makes the appointment of the necessary medicines.


External otitis media

otitis externa

External otitis is an inflammatory disease that develops from the outside of the ear canal. Everyone can face it. However, the risk group includes people with impaired immunity, swimmers and persons with chronic illnesses. Despite the fact that the disease does not lead to serious complications, however, it has a marked effect on health.

Risk Categories

Among the persons susceptible to the disease, the following groups are distinguished:

  • children;
  • suffering from eczema, at which erosion may develop;
  • Those who have a sulfur plug;
  • people with a narrow auditory canal;
  • persons with weak immunity.

Otitis of the external ear - species

There are two forms of this disease:

  • diffuse otitis media;
  • limited otitis media.

With a limited form, a furuncle is formed in the auditory meatus, which is not detected when viewed. On his presence may indicate pain when touching the ear or during chewing. After a while, the furuncle bursts, and the pain disappears.

Diffuse otitis is accompanied by inflammatory processes throughout the auditory canal. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci or other bacteria that penetrate the body through minute cracks and wounds if the skin is damaged as a result of ear cleansing. Factors affecting the development of this form of otitis include:

  • allergy;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • disturbance of metabolic processes.

Restricted otitis externa - symptoms

The main signs indicating the development of inflammation include:

  • pain that can be given in the teeth, eyes, neck, head and strengthen during conversation and chewing;
  • a noticeable increase in the auricle, the appearance of swelling;
  • an increase in lymph nodes located in the area of ​​the affected ear;
  • symptoms of general intoxication of the body (fever, fever).

External diffuse otitis media

The symptoms of otitis in this case are due to the presence of a furuncle and are manifested thus:

  • burning and itching of the skin;
  • discharge purulent from the ear;
  • pain that occurs when touching the tragus.

To identify changes in otitis spend otoscopy. In acute diffuse external otitis, there are:

  • decrease in the size of the auditory meatus;
  • infiltration of skin in the membranous-cartilaginous region;
  • hyperemia (increased blood flow) of the tympanic membrane;
  • accumulation of pus and torn epithelium.

The chronic form is accompanied by a thickening of the epidermis of the membrane and auditory passage.

How to treat otitis externa?

For the treatment of limited otitis, the patient is prescribed:

  • turuns with boric acid in combination with glycerol;
  • ointment Mupirocin;
  • antipyretic and analgesics.

To combat the diffuse form of the disease, a complex treatment is applied, providing for:

  • the use of a vitamin rich food;
  • anti-inflammatory measures;
  • antimicrobial therapy (ointment mupirocin);
  • Physiotherapy, including laser, UHF and ultraviolet treatment.

With the allocation of pus appoint:

  • washing of the ear with myramistin solution;
  • dusting with powdered boric alcohol;
  • external otitis treatment
  • when suspected of relapse appoint antibiotics.

To surgical intervention in the treatment of external otitis media resorted to in the following cases:

  • with increased pain;
  • ripening of the boil;
  • in case of danger of lymph node involvement.

Prevention of external otitis media

To prevent the disease, observing the correct technique when cleaning the ears. After all, even with the help of a conventional cotton swab, you can compact the accumulated sulfur and damage the skin. When swimming, it is important to protect the ears from water. The ingress of moisture can activate inflammatory processes.


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