Effective treatment of the common cold with folk remedies
Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies has not lost its relevance today, despite the abundance of special medicines. This phenomenon is due to the presence of people who do not trust their health pharmacy drugs or for any contraindications they can not take them. Folk recipes in this case can be very useful, since they have a certain efficacy, a minimum of side effects and contraindications, as well as naturalness. Thanks to such properties, they are successfully used to treat women in the situation, the elderly and young children.
Onion-based compositions
Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies is often carried out on the basis of a vegetable such as onions. Its unique healing properties are due to the antibacterial components that make up its composition. There are many different recipes in which he meets, we give the most popular of them:
- Inhalation. Cut the onion as finely as possible, measure out one dessert spoon of pulp and brew it with three liters of boiling water. Cool the resulting composition to a comfortable temperature for you, lean over the liquid and inhale its vapor. If necessary, put a towel over your head to create a certain greenhouse effect. The duration of one session is 15 minutes, it is recommended to repeat it up to two times a day.
- Drops.Contribute to narrowing of the vessels. Grind the onion, fold it into a clean gauze and carefully wring it. Add about 5 drops of the resulting composition in a teaspoon of olive oil, place the resulting mixture for storage in a refrigerator. Use several times a day, one drop in each nostril. Before use, heat slightly.
Ointment.Mix Vishnevsky's ointment, ground to a homogeneous state, the cyclamen root, onion juice and aloe. The proportions of each component should be equal. The composition is used for regular processing of the sinuses of the nose.
With the help of an onion, you can exercise not only the treatment of the common cold with folk remedies, but also its reliable prevention. For this, the vegetable is recommended to be used on a regular basis in the diet, mostly fresh.
Natural formulations based on vegetables
What other vegetables can traditional medicine use? Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies is possible with the help of beets, carrots, potatoes and a number of other remarkable and very useful root crops. You can prepare the following tools on their basis:
- Drops.Scrub the carrots and beets on a fine grater, squeeze the juice from the pulp and mix it with the same amount of vegetable oil. To enhance the positive effect, you can add a little garlic juice. Use the mixture for treatment can be no more than 4 times a day. If necessary, you can dip cotton swabs into it, and then place them in the nasal passages, this is also a very effective measure.
- Drops (second option).Prepare the composition of the juice of potatoes, carrots, beets and honey. The proportions are again equal. 2 drops in each nostril 5 times a day - and very soon you will feel the desired relief.
- Hot massage.Boil a couple of small potatoes in a uniform. Several times, roll them over the skin of the face in a certain sequence. So, first it is recommended to move from the forehead to the nose, and then to the auricles. After the procedure, the vegetable should be cut into two parts and used as a compress. One half is applied to the forehead, the other to the wings of the nose.

Useful mustard
Treating the common cold with folk remedies means not only the preparation of drops, solutions for inhalations and decoctions, but also the use of a large number of non-standard solutions. So, using mustard will help you defeat the common cold and its main manifestations, cough and runny nose. This technique was used by our grandmothers, and she has proved herself very well. The most pleasant is the following procedure:
- Pour hot water into the bathroom.
- Add a small amount of mustard into the water and stir.
- Put your feet in the tub and enjoy the warmth. Parry in this way should not be more than 20 minutes, manipulation is allowed no more than once a day.
If you do not like water treatments, just add a small amount of dry mustard to your socks and go to bed. After several procedures, you will notice that the runny nose begins to recede.
Healing properties of aloe and calina
Aloe - a well-known folk remedy for coryza. Just select a few large sheets of it (preferably located at the bottom, they are the most juicy), rinse thoroughly with boiled water and grind. Squeeze the juice of the plant through a sterile gauze and use it in its pure form as drops. Treatment based on aloe is carried out for three days, use the liquid should be three times a day.

Kalina is another popular folk remedy for coryza. Based on this rare, but delicious berries, curative decoctions are prepared, the main task of which is to speed up the departure of mucus. The recipe for this drink is simple: wring out one glass of juice from fresh viburnum and mix it with 200 ml of natural flower honey. Stir well the ingredients and use three tablespoons of the liquid three times a day. To the additional advantages of the drink is the abundance of vitamins in its composition.
Additional useful tips
How effective are people's recipes? How quickly to cure a cold with their help? Try to follow additional rules, which are aimed at enhancing the effect of any home drops and ointments. So, let's formulate the basic postulates. First of all, you can refer to them:
- Regular wet cleaning in the room where the patient is lying, this can significantly facilitate breathing.
- Regular airing in the room, where the patient is constantly, it will also help to breathe and speed up the mucus's waste.
- The use of a large number of liquids that contribute to the removal of bacteria from the body. It can be tea with honey or a lemon, herbal decoctions, drinks on the basis of a dogrose.
As an additional measure, it is extremely important to note tempering. Regular procedures will help you avoid the disease. However, such a procedure is not carried out at the very moment of the disease, but long before it, on a regular basis.
Various recipes based on herbs
To treat the common cold with folk remedies is quickly quite realistic. Different medicinal herbs are very effective, they can provide for the destruction of pathogens, as well as softening of the mucous membranes. We will analyze several original recipes that will help you defeat the manifestations of cold in the shortest possible time.
- Mother and stepmother
Prepare drops on the basis of this modest primrose. Separate the leaves from the flower, scald them with boiling water, pass through the meat grinder, and then squeeze. After doing all these manipulations, you will have a flower juice. It should be mixed with water in equal proportions and bury in the sinuses about 3-4 times per day.
- Mint
On the basis of this refreshing plant it is easy to prepare a useful and delicious decoction, the action of which is directed to the removal of cold symptoms. Grind the mint and take about 20 grams (one tablespoon), put the raw material in a thermos and pour two cups of boiling water. The broth should be infused for at least an hour, and then cooled to a comfortable temperature. The drink can be mixed with natural honey and consumed inside.
- Agrimony
Surprisingly, on the basis of this weed, you can prepare excellent drops to minimize nasal congestion. To begin with, make a decoction: in one liter of boiling water, add six tablespoons chopped burdock, vegetable raw material is boiled for a couple of minutes, and then left to infuse for a few more hours. Before use, folk drug should be filtered and cooled.

How to conquer lingering rhinitis?
Treatment of a protracted runny nose with folk remedies is entirely acceptable. However, if within a week you do not see an improvement in the situation, it is time to reflect on how correctly you have picked up and prepared home preparations. Despite the fact that they are not addictive, it is possible that they do not fit specifically for you. Try to replace them with special medications or other folk compositions suggested below.
When fighting with protracted rhinitis, you should inhale a pair of garlic or onions. Such treatment is carried out three times a day for 5 minutes. Vegetables are ground and laid on a plate, and then they are drawn into their fragrance with nostrils. The recipe is simple, harmless, but very effective. As an additional therapy, drops are used based on aloe and honey (mixed in equal proportions).
Remedy for chronic cold
What other methods can eliminate chronic rhinitis? Treatment of folk remedies can be based on the use of tincture of ordinary calendula (in the people this flower is also called marigolds). The composition is recommended to cook at home, do not mix it with a drug on alcohol (such a mistake can turn into a burn) So, you need to mix one teaspoon of dry shredded inflorescences with two glasses of warm salt water. Leave the broth for a while to infuse, and then use as a drop twice a day (preferably in the morning and evening). If necessary, the same beverage can be used instead of a saline solution for washing the nasopharynx.

Treatment of a cold in children
There is a separate category of patients whose relief measures should be particularly delicate. It's about kids. What if you see that the baby has a cold? Treatment of folk remedies for children can help and do no harm. The last point is especially important! Two of the simplest tools for the youngest patients are presented below:
- Soda.Boil a liter of water in a couple of spoons of baking soda. Pour the liquid into a convenient container and let the baby breathe it in pairs, cover the baby's head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Such a basis for inhalation is the safest, since it almost does not cause allergies.
- Salt.The main property of this substance is a decrease in the mucosal edema. For this, tampons moistened in saline solution should be inserted into the child's nostrils. Half a teaspoon of the product is diluted in 100 ml of warm water, the resulting composition is used to wet cotton swabs, which are then introduced into the nostrils.
Remember that serious illnesses often masquerade as a common cold. Be attentive to the health of your children! If a runny nose appears in a newborn, be sure to call a pediatrician at home to conduct an examination, diagnose and prescribe a special treatment.
The most effective method
Is it possible to treat a cold with folk remedies quickly? Yes, but for this you will need to select the most effective methods. Among them, of course, is the washing of the nasopharynx. It is carried out with the help of brine. To do this, in a glass of warm water dilute a teaspoon of salt. The resulting remedy is drawn with nostrils, and then carefully flaunted. To achieve a significant effect, several drops of eucalyptus can be added to the solution. Do not expect that home remedies will be more effective than special medicines, but the first ones are natural and much safer, which, you will agree, is also extremely important.

Additional methods of treatment of chronic rhinitis
How to overcome a chronic cold? Treatment with folk remedies can be based on washing the nasopharynx with various home medications. Among them, sea water, beet juice, decoctions of plants and much more. An effective and simple recipe can be prepared on the basis of water (500 ml) and a teaspoon of calendula. Brew the broth and let it brew, then use as directed (drops, rinses). You can fix the positive result with the help of celandine juice. To do this, you need to dig in a useful substance 4 drops in each nostril in a couple of steps: the first time in two drops, and the second time in a few minutes in the same amount. This sequence will allow you to have a beneficial effect on the inner and outer layers of the mucosa. Treatment of purulent cold with folk remedies is also possible. However, if the disease is delayed, refuse self-treatment and visit a doctor, he will determine the true causes of the ailment and help form a plan for his treatment.
Combating allergic rhinitis
Is it possible to win an allergic rhinitis without special drugs? Treatment with folk remedies in this case is permissible, but not always effective. First of all, you must eliminate the very cause of rhinitis, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. First aid measures include:
- Use of laundry soap (carefully wash it with the help of the sinuses of the nose, as well as the skin around them).If necessary, prepare on its basis a solution, which should be washed and the internal parts of the mucosa. This homemade product is equally good both for treating the existing problem, and for its prevention.
- Lemon juice.In combination with boiled water, this wholesome drink is an excellent composition for washing the nose. If necessary, use it as a drop, but no more than 2-3 times in one day.
Contraindications and precautions
In what cases is it unacceptable to treat the common cold with folk remedies? Simple methods of healing are not always suitable for everyone and not always, even despite their naturalness and safety. Failure to comply with the dosage or formulation can lead to serious health problems, so you should be as accurate as possible. In addition, some recipes can be really dangerous. So, inhalations or natural compresses can provoke burns of mucous membranes or skin. Similar side effects have onion-based products. Drops from the juice of this vegetable can cause significant burns and drying of the nasal mucosa. Deciding to abandon pharmacy drugs in favor of traditional medicine, do not rush to forget your phone In some cases, even with a common cold, you may need a special help.
Treatment of a cold
With a rhinitis (rhinitis) develops an acute respiratory disease. If you start treating the cold at an early stage, you can quickly improve your health and prevent deterioration. Common cold can be treated by adults themselves. If the rhinitis is seasonal allergic, it is better to consult a doctor.
Rhinitis and both adults and children get sick. There is a significant difference in treatment, depending on age.
Treatment of adults

- to restore nasal breathing, to remove puffiness of the strokes - use vasoconstrictive drops and sprays for the nose;
- for the effect on the pathogen of the disease and the inflammatory process on the nasal mucosa - anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, drops, sprays;
- so as not to overdry and release the nasal passages from the remnants of viruses, mucus use moisturizers and wash the nose.
Vessel constriction helps to restore breathing. With spasm of the vessels of the nose, puffiness is temporarily reduced. Examples of such drugs are the famous Naftizine, Galazoline, Nazole, Sanorin. It is preferable to use the spray form, it allows a deep dosed introduction into the nasal passage. The main rule of using vasoconstrictive drugs is not to consume them longer than seven days, as they cause dry mucous and addictive. Some doctors note a tendency to lose smell due to prolonged use. Contraindicated in people with high blood pressure, suffering ischemic heart disease with frequent attacks of angina and arrhythmia.
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Recommended for initial manifestations of Colds Coldrex, Rince, Colgate are not only weak anti-inflammatory means (contain a large dose of vitamin C and paracetamol), but also contribute to vasospasm, so after their intake is facilitated breath.
Acute rhinitis as an initial symptom of respiratory disease requires treatment with antiviral agents: Arbidol, Anaferon, Grippferon. You can choose any of these tools, just look carefully at the required dosage. For treatment, it will take 12-16 capsules per day during the week. A half-dose is recommended for prevention during outbreaks and respiratory infections. For the same purpose, Wifeiron, Oxolinovaya, Zvezdochka ointments are used.
The use of antibiotics for a viral infection is categorically contraindicated. Only the doctor prescribes antibiotics if the common cold and runny nose lasts longer than a week, there are purulent discharge from the nose, a headache. Then the effective treatment of the common cold is the use of sprays containing antibiotics Polydexes with phenylephrine, Isofra, Bioparox.
Other methods of treatment
As a moisturizer with a cold, and also for washing the nasal passages, it is recommended to use a solution of sea salt (a teaspoon per glass of water), Marimer, Aqua Marin. A good effect is washing the nose with onion juice, decoction of calendula, chamomile.
Otorhinolaryngologists are recommended to use for treatment of the common cold with inhalation inhalation of folk remedies and to apply a nebulizer. Of folk remedies, you can try to breathe on a pot of boiled potatoes, soda solution, decoction of medicinal herbs or oils (fir, eucalyptus, juniper). Be sure to cover your head with a large towel.
Nebulizer - device for inhalation in home use. Its advantage: spraying the drug to a finely dispersed state, when the particles are able to fly with inhaled air to the bronchi. Nebulizer is convenient for breathing both adults and children. Before use, you should read the instructions. Not all medications can be used in a nebulizer, but only those that are available in the appendix to the device.
Treatment of a cold in children

- To improve the outflow of mucus in a child of infants, it is necessary to put his head in bed higher, several times a day to suck off the mucus with a thin small pear. To prevent the appearance of crusts in the nasal passages, babies need to instill a saline solution of 3-4 drops into each nasal passage. Pediatricians recommend using for this purpose mother's milk, vitamin A and E.
- Inhalation nebulizer is convenient to use during sleep of the child.
- At night it is useful to make foot warm baths with mustard or medicinal herbs. Warming the nose with a boiled egg.
Children after five years who already know how to flaunt themselves, are treated in the same directions as adults. Medicinal sprays and drops from the cold in the pharmacy are sold in special children's packaging. The use of sprays is strictly metered by a single tap on the cap. Do not do a few sprays at once.
Effective treatment of the common cold in children is performed with the use of physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, quartz, sunflower lamp, laser). Inside as an immunostimulant are recommended warm broths of St. John's wort, chamomile with honey.
If any unusual symptoms of a cold occur, you should immediately contact your doctor.
How to quickly cure a runny nose at home: effective methods

How correctly to treat a rhinitis?

- washing of nasal passages;
- use of correct drugs;
- administration of inhalations;
- application of warming compresses.
To cure a runny nose at home, you need to wash your nose with special solutions. It is known that recovery can occur only after removal from the body of all pathogenic microorganisms, which is what the washing procedure is directed at

After the nasal passages are cleaned, you can apply drops from the cold. Among the drops that help with the common cold, homeopathic, vasoconstrictive, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed.
Vasoconstrictors are mainly prescribed for the purpose of removing puffiness, they do not have a therapeutic effect.
Folk methods against rhinitis
If you seek help with traditional medicine, how to cure a runny nose at home, you can find many effective and safe methods. You can use such methods of treatment of the disease:
- Soap your finger with soap and apply it to the nose from the inside, carry out the procedure three times a day. This method can also carry out prevention procedures, which will reduce the likelihood of developing rhinitis.
- The mustard will help get rid of rhinitis. To do this, attach to the feet mustard plaster or pour mustard in the socks, leaving it for the night. Foot baths with mustard are also useful for colds. After the procedure, the nasal breathing and well-being of the patient improve.
- Onion is an effective remedy that will help with a cold. You can breathe in pairs of chopped onions, and it is also useful to keep onion gruel on the wings of the nose, wrapping it in a napkin. The compress should be kept on the wings of the nose for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure 4 times a day. In the nose, you can also insert small cotton swabs, soaked in onion juice.Drops of onions diluted with water: remove inflammation of the mucosa, improve nasal breathing, destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
With a cold, children often use beetroot juice with honey. Take 1/3 h. l. honey, dilute it in a tablespoon of water, mix with a teaspoon of beet juice. Warm and drip into the nose 7 drops every 2 hours.
- At a question as in house conditions to cure a rhinitis, many people recommend to use juice of an aloe and kalanchoe. When a combination of these two plants produces a powerful medicine for rhinitis of bacterial and viral origin. In addition to the destruction of bacteria and viruses, the nasal cavity is well cleansed of mucus due to the sneezing property of the Kalanchoe. Mixing the juices, you need to drip 4 drops 3 times a day.
- The juice of the viburnum is also something that will help with the common cold. To prepare the medicine you need to mix a glass of vine juice with a glass of honey, but the prepared product is not intended for outdoor use, but for internal use. It should be taken on a tablespoon three times a day. The product should be kept in the refrigerator, but you need to drink it in a warm form. As a rule, mucus from the nose goes out within a day from the start of treatment.

If you need to cure a runny nose in a child, such essential oils are suitable:
- fir;
- mint;
- orange, lemon, grapefruit;
- pine;
- oil of thuja.
In pregnancy, the runny nose should be treated with special care, excluding the use of drugs dangerous to the mother and child. It is important to know how to treat a cold in the home, because it is not always possible to consult a specialist.
How to get rid of a cold in 1 day? How to get rid of a chronic cold
Knowing how to get rid of a cold in 1 day is relevant and necessary at the present time. This disease can immediately after the transition to a chronic stage. In this case, eliminate the permanent nasal congestion will be much harder.
In addition, the common cold significantly weakens the immune system. This fact increases the risk of catching other diseases. Getting rid of a cold in one day is very important not only for adults but also for children. At the same time, the correct course of treatment should be selected. For babies, a prolonged cold is fraught with consequences such as sleep disturbances, decreased appetite and worsening of mindfulness.
All of the above has a negative impact on the overall condition of the child, and also affects on his psyche, because the runny nose, especially in pre-school children, causes a strong voltage. For this reason, it is extremely important to be aware of how to get rid of a cold in a short time, preventing its further development.

Methods of emergency treatment of the common cold
Telling about what means can help quickly get rid of cold, it is necessary to allocate some leading directions.
The attempt to activate the protective forces of the human body with the help of general strengthening and warming procedures in most cases is very effective. Very often, the development of colds is stopped with the help of permanent nasal cavity washings. Effective action has and instillation of the drug, but the choice of such a tool should be approached with all responsibility, in order to avoid the use of a medicine that is too strong impact.
Rinsing of the nasal cavity
This procedure is one of the most effective, because with her help an adult or a child in a short time will get rid of the infection. Usually, a warm saline solution is used for this.
To make this mixture you need to mix one teaspoon of sea salt or boiled salt with boiled water. The patient should dial the solution in a shallow vessel or palm and draw it with both nostrils alternately. Immediately after this action, blow your nose. Experts also recommend washing the nasal cavity with a solution of beet juice (half a teaspoon per cup of boiled water).
If you are wondering how to get rid of a cold in 1 day, you can prepare a solution that has a very strong effect. To do this, add to the salt mixture for washing three to four drops of tincture of propolis or eucalyptus.

General strengthening and warming procedures
To urgently defeat a cold disease, it is important not only to take proper medications aimed at getting rid of the cold, but also help the body cope with the infection on its own. This is what alternative medicine is aimed at.
Thus, you can get rid of the common cold with folk remedies in the following ways:
- warming the feet with mustard, in warm water or while visiting the bath;
- drinking raspberry or lime tea, drinks based on herbal preparations;
- a warming compress for the nose.
It should be ensured that none of the ingredients of medicinal fees are able to cause you allergies. Also it is necessary to take into account that warming procedures can be used only if you do not suffer from elevated temperature.
To use many medicines for treatment, especially if the question is how to get rid of a cold from a child, it is recommended only after consulting a specialist. Therefore, the best option is to give preference to folk remedies in the early days of healing.

Nasal instigation
This method of treating colds is one of the most common. It is often recalled when a patient seeks a method how to get rid of a chronic rhinitis.
For instillation it is recommended to use preparations on an oil basis, for example "Pinosol". They have a beneficial effect on the cleansing of the airways. The use of vasoconstrictive drops, such as "Nazivin" or "Briocilin should be avoided.
Aloe or Kalanchoe juice is also an excellent helper. It is recommended to apply three drops every two hours during the day. This procedure contributes to a thorough cleaning of the nasal cavity, and also helps to answer the question of how to get rid of a chronic cold. The advantage of the juices of these plants is that they have bactericidal properties.

Other ways
There are also less popular, however no less effective methods, how to get rid of a strong cold. Below are the most accessible ones.
- Chopped garlic should be warmed with butter and alternately two nostrils inhale steam.
- It is superfluous to pay attention to inhalations. The most effective of these are procedures using boiled potatoes and eucalyptus. When the vegetable is well boiled, you need to add two tablespoons of dry leaves of eucalyptus to the pan - they can be purchased at any pharmacy. Covering your head with a towel, you should breathe over the broth for ten to fifteen minutes.
- How to get rid of a cold in 1 day? You should drink a lot of mineral water. The viruses that cause ARI and ARVI do not tolerate the alkaline environment.
- You can use drops in the form of a spray. They evenly irrigate the inflamed mucosa. Also effective is the application of softening drops based on menthol oil.
- The recipe for the latter method is as follows: in a glass of warm boiled milk, stir carefully a piece of butter, a teaspoon of natural honey, juice ½ of an orange and fifty grams liquor. Take this remedy in the morning and at night.

Typically, recipes that tell you how to get rid of a cold in 1 day include the combined use of several of the methods described above. In most cases, they are very effective, but if after three or four days you have a fever, you should consult a specialist.
Recommendations on how to cure a runny nose at home quickly
Today you can often hear the question of how to cure a runny nose at home quickly. You can treat rhinitis at home using traditional medicine, but it's important to consult a doctor. In the pharmacy you can buy a remedy to stop the runny nose, but a quick treatment for the common cold is possible with the help of prescriptions from our ancestors.

Many are interested in how to cure rhinitis in one day. At once it is necessary to say that it is impossible, but here to facilitate the state is quite real. Rhinitis is an inflammatory process. Rhinitis is a symptom of ARVI. Below is a story about how to quickly cure a runny nose at home using simple methods.
Treatment of a common cold at home

- sneeze;
- sniffing in the nose;
- mucus from the nose is allocated.
Called rhinitis by a viral infection. Sometimes the cause of a cold can be an allergy. It does not matter what caused a runny nose, the fact remains: he pretty spoils life, knocks out of the rut. As you know, it is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat sometimes terrible consequences. The causes of development of the common cold are many:
- The body is supercooled.
- There was an infection with acute respiratory infections by airborne droplets.
- Allergy.
The third cause of rhinitis is less common, but the first two cause a runny nose very often. Only a small number of people begin emergency treatment of the common cold at home. Begin to promptly look for a remedy that will help, because they know what complications may be after a cold. And many would like to cure rhinitis themselves, but do not know how to do it, what tools to choose for an effective result. Treatment will not take a lot of time and will not hit your pocket financially.

- increased temperature;
- general weakness developed;
- there are headaches;
- eyes are watering.
Cold cold can easily be conquered by using traditional medicine. You can treat what is at hand in the house without resorting to expensive medications.
Non-traditional and traditional methods of treating colds
For children and adults, a cold coryza does not carry any threat. However, it brings tangible troubles. The condition during the rhinitis is extremely terrible: all the time it flows from the nose, the handkerchief does not leave the hand, the nose swells, the eyes water, the nose itches, a constant sneeze occurs. Cure a chronic runny nose will quickly help a special remedy.
For preparation it is necessary to prepare:
- lemon juice - 100 ml;
- onion juice - 5 tbsp. l .;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- honey lime - 1 tbsp. l .;
- water boiled - 150 ml.

Also, if gastrointestinal diseases are diagnosed, then this remedy can not be treated. There are several other effective prescriptions for colds.
Bow perfectly heals a blocked nose and stops the outflow of mucus from the nose. Onions were treated by our distant ancestors. To prepare the product, it is necessary to grind the onion and inhale its vapors for 10 minutes. You must cover your eyes. The procedure is certainly not very pleasant, but the result is amazing, after 3-4 sessions, a runny nose will pass. After the procedure, it will be useful to drink hot tea with lemon and honey and go to bed.
The second enemy of the common cold is garlic. Garlic should be as well as the onions crushed and inhaled its vapors. Adults can lay strips of garlic right in the nostrils.
To overcome cold coryza with the help of horseradish. Add horseradish to meals while eating. It is best to buy fresh horseradish, grate it and add to the dishes.
The next remedy for treating rhinitis is inhalation. An inhaler can be an ordinary pan with clean water. Composition for inhalation should be prepared from the following components:
- chamomile;
- needles;
- tincture of calendula;
- peppermint oil.

Vasodilating drops are another fighter with a cold. Drops have a very good effect. Pharmacy drops should be used if the runny nose does not last long. Drops should be prescribed by the attending physician, an independent choice of medicines may cause even greater harm to health. A good effect in the fight against rhinitis showed such drops as: "Rinofluimucil "Sanorin "For the Nose." Vasodilating drops can not be used for a long time, they are addictive. Pregnant can not drip nose vasoconstrictor drops, they can provoke bleeding and hypoxia of the fetus.
Salt water is a wonderful "doctor." The brine can be made at home. To do this, you need to take a teaspoon of sea salt and a liter of boiling water. Dissolve the salt in water and rinse with a solution of this nose up to 4 times a day. Salt water gives a good effect and is not dangerous for children and pregnant women. Salt is not expensive and does not cause allergies, so it can be used by everyone. In the pharmacy you can buy funds from the common cold on the basis of saline sea water, "Akvalor" for example, but household funds are not inferior to anything, and will cost a lot cheaper.
Mustard is a super-assistant in the treatment of the common cold. It is necessary to make foot baths with mustard. After the baths are made, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket. For the procedure, take a little mustard powder and place in a basin with very hot water. Legs lowered to the ankles and sit for 20 minutes. Water can be refreshed with boiling water, to maintain the temperature. The above recipes have a positive effect in the rapid treatment of the common cold. The answer to the question of how quickly to get rid of the common cold at home is received and disclosed in full.
Treatment of runny nose in children

- Put the baby on his back and drip the drops of "Aquamaris".
- With the sucker pump, suck off the mucus.
- To drip a nose with drops "Protargol".
Such procedures should be conducted several times a day. After the procedures for the 7th day the cold will pass, but relief will come the next day. The above procedures can be done to a child, at the age of one year, but with the newborn the situation is more complicated. A very small baby is better to be treated in a hospital. In polyclinics, today there are special electro-collector pumps. To avoid complications, children must be shown to the doctor. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis.
A baby can not be treated with antibiotics, because the body will not fight infections in the future.
Kids are recommended to breathe aromatic oils:
- eucalyptus;
- lemon;
- Pine;
- orange.
How to treat a common cold in a pregnant woman
A pregnant woman to treat a runny nose follows the same pattern as a newborn baby. Doctors recommend more rest, drinking tea with raspberries. You can bury in the nose the juice of aloe, calanchoe, beet. A pregnant woman can often ventilate a room, keep her feet dry, drink more, but not before going to bed. Essential oils are not contraindicated, the main condition is the lack of allergy. Before planning a pregnancy, a woman is recommended to undergo a complete examination to exclude the presence of rhinitis. A rhinitis can become a threat to the fetus and lead to irreversible consequences. In general, doctors recommend everyone to drink vitamins and strengthen the immune system, walk in the fresh air is very useful. It is necessary to give up bad habits, eat right and live. Smoking is one of the reasons why a chronic cold develops.