Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, causes, symptoms and treatment

What to do if the temporomandibular joint is inflamed and hurts. What causes inflammation of the jaw joint? Today we will talk about diagnosis of the causes, treatment and prevention of temporomandibular joint inflammation in women and men.

As a rule, acute pain in the temporomandibular joint area( hereinafter - TMJ) occurs when it is inflamed( arthritis).Pain can be one-sided or bilateral, acute or prolonged( chronic).Inflammatory process is accompanied by soreness at opening of a mouth, a mastication - reception of nutrition. To postpone visiting a doctor is unreasonable and fraught with the development of complications.

Quite often the disease is observed in children and in people in elderly and senile age. In the child's body there is a continuous process of growth of bones and teeth, and at a later age - the accumulation of infectious foci and inflammatory diseases.

It is interesting that:

  1. The temporomandibular joint comes into motion every time a person chews, swallows or talks( that is, on average every 30 to 40 seconds).
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Every second person during his life at least once experienced pain or discomfort in the jaw joint.
  4. Movement in the mandibular joint can be carried out in three planes, which is due to the peculiarities of its structure.


Why the temporomandibular joint is inflamed: causes

Joint pain can result from a variety of causes. Depending on the cause of the disease, both pathological processes and approaches to diagnosis and treatment of the disease differ.

The cause of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint can be:

  1. mechanical trauma;
  2. infection;
  3. systemic inflammatory diseases.

Mechanical injury .If you hit or fall, damage to any of the joint components can occur, leading to a characteristic clinical manifestation.

Injury to the joint can cause:

  1. rupture of the joint capsule;
  2. rupture of the periarticular ligaments;
  3. fracture / fracture of articular surfaces of bones;
  4. hemorrhage in the joint cavity.

Regardless of the nature and extent of damage, the tissue response is in most cases similar. In the focus inflammation is released biologically active components( bradykinin, serotonin, histamine, and so on).They cause the expansion of blood vessels and the release of the liquid part of the blood into the intercellular space( that is, in the tissue), causing swelling. Also, fluid( or blood) can accumulate in the joint cavity, causing compression of tissues and impaired mobility in the joint.

Infection with .If pathogenic microorganisms get into the joint cavity, an inflammatory process can also develop.

Infection can enter the joint cavity in three ways:

  1. straight;
  2. pin;
  3. is hematogenous( through the blood).

Direct infection path for .In this case, the infection occurs when the joint is injured, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the joint capsule( with a fracture of the lower jaw, with shocks, knife and gunshot wounds).Penetrating into the joint cavity, microorganisms can cause specific( tuberculous, syphilitic) or nonspecific( staphylococcal, streptococcal) inflammation.

Contact path of infection of .Contact infection of the temporomandibular joint involves the spread of bacterial agents from infected nearby tissues( muscles, bones, ligaments, and so on).

The cause of contact infection of the TMJ can be:

  1. Purulent parotitis - inflammation of the parotid salivary glands.
  2. Purulent otitis - an inflammation of the structures of the ear.
  3. Osteomyelitis - purulent melting of bone tissue in the area of ​​the lower or upper jaw.
  4. Furuncle - purulent inflammation of the hair follicle on the skin near the joint or in the region of the external auditory canal.
  5. Abscess is a limited area of ​​purulent infection.
  6. Phlegmon soft facial tissues - unlimited, common infection.
  7. Infectious diseases of the mouth and teeth.

The hematogenous pathway of infection of .Hematogenous infection can be observed in almost any infectious( bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic and other) diseases. However, inflammation of the TMJ is more typical for diseases affecting closely located tissues( ear, throat, nose, lower jaw and so on).

The cause of hematogenous infection of the TMJ can be:

  1. scarlet fever;
  2. measles;
  3. angina( tonsillitis);
  4. diphtheria;
  5. pulmonary or intestinal tuberculosis;
  6. syphilis;
  7. gonorrhea;
  8. purulent foci of any localization;
  9. sepsis( penetration and spread in the blood of pyogenic microorganisms).

Systemic inflammatory diseases .This group includes a number of rheumatic diseases, characterized by the development of a generalized( systemic) inflammatory process in various organs and tissues. In normal conditions, the human immune system is designed to protect the body from foreign infectious agents. However, in some diseases, a malfunction occurs in her work, as a result of which immunocompetent cells begin to interact with the tissues of their own organism, leading to their damage.

Inflammation of the TMJ can be caused by:

  1. rheumatoid arthritis;
  2. systemic lupus erythematosus;
  3. reactive arthritis;
  4. is a gout.

Rheumatoid arthritis .This disease is characterized by a lesion of connective tissue throughout the body. The most obvious clinical sign in this case is the defeat of various joints. The lesion of the temporomandibular joint in rheumatoid arthritis occurs in about 15% of patients.

The exact cause of the disease is not established. A certain role in its occurrence is played by genetic predisposition and viral infections( herpes virus, hepatitis B virus and others).The essence of this ailment lies in the fact that the cells of the immune system( T and B lymphocytes) are activated in the joint cavities, which accumulate in the tissues of the joint cavity. A chronic inflammatory process develops, the outcome of which is damage and destruction of intraarticular components( cartilage, articular surfaces of bones and others).

Systemic lupus erythematosus .Damage to joints with systemic lupus erythematosus occurs in more than 90% of patients. The essence of this disease is also the violation of the immune system, but in this case, B-lymphocytes produce autoantibodies( that is, immune complexes that attack intracellular structures of the body's own cells), which leads to damage to various tissues. A distinctive feature is the fact that deformations of the components of the joint cavity do not occur, and clinical manifestations can completely disappear after the cure of the underlying disease.

Reactive arthritis .This disease is characterized by nasal inflammation of the joints, which occurs soon after the intestinal or genitourinary infection( after infection with mycoplasmas, chlamydia and other microorganisms).The cause of joint damage is that the structural components of some microorganisms and their toxins are similar to certain tissues of the human body.

Once in the body, infectious agents come into contact with the immune system, which triggers a number of protective reactions aimed at detecting and destroying "foreign" agents( antigens).However, since "alien" antigens are similar to "their own", cells of the immune system also damage the tissues of their own organism, including various components of the joints( cartilage, ligaments, articular surfaces).

Gout .This disease is characterized by a metabolic disorder, as a result of which uric acid crystals are deposited in the tissues of the body. There are many reasons for the onset of the disease, but their essence boils down either to increased uric acid formation( when eating a lot of meat, when performing antitumor treatment), or to impaired renal excretion. As a result of increasing the concentration of uric acid in the blood, its salts( urates) accumulate in various tissues, including joints, causing the development of an acute inflammatory process.

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint: symptoms

Regardless of the cause, inflammation of the TMJ is always manifested by similar symptoms. However, when assessing symptoms, one should also evaluate the clinical manifestations of other organs( damage to other joints, the presence of signs of infection, etc.) and the whole organism in order to recognize and start treatment of systemic and infectious diseases in time.

As mentioned earlier, the inflammatory process in the joint can be acute or chronic.

Symptoms of acute inflammation

Acute inflammatory process is characterized by pronounced edema of tissues and increased sensitivity of nerve endings( which causes severe soreness).

In addition, in the joint cavity often accumulates exudate( inflammatory fluid, resulting from increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels), which further exacerbates the course of the disease.

Acute inflammation of the temporomandibular joint can manifest itself:

Pain of .When the joint is inflamed, the pain is always sharp, sharp, stitching or cutting. Pain sensations are always intensified during movements( during speech, while chewing food, etc.), which can significantly affect a person's quality of life( usually patients can not open their mouth more than 1 to 1.5 cm).Pain can also irradiate( spread, "give") to nearby organs and tissues of the face and head. Irradiation of pain is due to the fact that various parts of the soft tissues of the face are innervated by the same nerve( trigeminal nerve).As a result, the pain impulses emerging from the temporomandibular joint area can be perceived by the patient as pain in other areas.

The edema of and is the reddening of soft tissues in the joint region of .This symptom is characteristic for purulent arthritis, accompanied by the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the joint cavity. In the focus of inflammation, a large number of inflammatory mediators are released. They cause the expansion of blood vessels, the influx of blood into the affected area increases, resulting in its redness. At the same time, there is an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls, as a result of which blood plasma leaves the vascular bed and impregnates surrounding tissues, causing the development of edema.

Local temperature rise .The temperature rises by 1 to 2 degrees compared to the surrounding tissues( or to the symmetrical region of the other joint, if only one of them is inflamed) is also caused by the widening of the blood vessels and the influx of more warm blood into the inflammatory focus.

Feeling of raspiraniya in the joint. This sensation can be caused either by swelling of the tissues or by the accumulation of a large amount of exudate in the joint cavity.

Hearing disorder .As a result of the spread of the inflammatory process on the tissues of the external auditory canal, its narrowing may occur, as a result of which the patient may feel ear congestion and a decrease in hearing on the side of the lesion. In the case of the infectious nature of inflammation, the infection can spread to the structures of the middle and inner ear, which can lead to more serious hearing impairment, down to total deafness.

with Fever .Symptoms such as an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees, pain and aching muscles, headaches, general weakness and increased fatigue can indicate the presence of a systemic infection in the body, as well as the purulent inflammation of the TMJ.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation

As the inflammation slows down, the amount of exudate in the joint cavity gradually decreases, but proliferative processes can develop( that is, in the focus of inflammation, active cell multiplication and the formation of new tissues).The resulting tissues can squeeze the intra-articular structures, causing the violation of the function of the joint.

Chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint can be manifested:

Pain of .Pain in this case is less pronounced and described by patients as "aching", "pulling".Pain can be permanent or appear only when the joint is stressed( during a conversation or when eating food).The function of the joint is also limited( the patient can open his mouth no more than 2 to 3 cm).

Stiffness of movements in the joint .Stiffness is especially pronounced in the mornings or after a long( several hours) inactivity of the joint. The development of this symptom is due to compression of the articular components by proliferating cells. After several active movements, the joint "kneads", as a result of which the feeling of stiffness may disappear.

A crunch of when moving in the joint. The appearance of a crunch or "click" when moving in the joint is due to the narrowing of the joint gap and the convergence of the articular surfaces of the bones. Quite often a crunch can be accompanied by increased pain.

Moderate systemic manifestations of inflammation of .The body temperature can be normal or slightly elevated( up to 37 - 37.5 degrees).The patient may complain of a feeling of weakness, increased fatigue.

Hearing disorder .With the transition of an acute process to chronic damage to components, the ear can disappear on its own, however, various types of hearing impairment are quite common.

Which doctor should I use when I have an inflammation of the jaw joint?

Depending on the underlying cause, the treatment of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint is performed by specialists from various fields of medicine. If the symptoms of inflammation interfere with the normal daily life of a person, but do not pose an immediate threat to health and life( that is, if the inflammation is not caused by injury or joint injury), it is recommended to make an appointment with a family doctor.

After a thorough interview and clinical examination, the doctor may suspect one or another cause of the inflammation and, on the basis of this, refer the patient to the appropriate specialist.

Depending on the causes of arthritis, in the process of diagnosis and treatment may participate:

  1. Orthopedist and traumatologist - in case of damage to the bone, cartilaginous or ligamentous components of the joint.
  2. Dentist - for diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.
  3. Otorhinolaryngologist( ENT doctor) - with diseases of the ear, throat, nose, paranasal sinuses.
  4. Infectionist - in detecting infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.
  5. Rheumatologist - if the cause of arthritis is a systemic inflammatory( rheumatic) disease.
  6. Dermatovenereologist - in the presence of foci of infection in the head, neck, face or other areas of the body.
  7. Phthisiatrician - if suspected of having a tuberculosis infection.
  8. Neurologist - if suspected of trigeminal nerve damage / disease.

To identify the cause of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, the following is used:

  1. assessment of clinical data;
  2. total blood test( UAC);
  3. determination of acute phase proteins of inflammation;
  4. definition of autoantibodies in the blood;
  5. determination of the level of uric acid in the blood;
  6. radiograph of the mandibular joint;
  7. computed tomography( CT);
  8. magnetic resonance imaging( MRI);
  9. investigation of synovial fluid.

First aid for acute pain in the temporomandibular joint

First aid may be needed for acute traumatic joint damage, as well as for infectious inflammation, when the pain syndrome is severe. It should be noted immediately that trauma, severe soreness or restriction of mobility in the mandibular joint requires qualified medical care, therefore the described measures can be applied only as a temporary measure before going to the doctor.

First aid for pain in the lower jaw joint includes:

  1. immobilization( immobilization) of the affected joint;
  2. use of cold;
  3. reception of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Immobilization of the affected joint .Regardless of the cause of the onset, an acute inflammatory process is characterized by swelling of the tissues, the formation of exudate in the joint cavity and increased morbidity in all structures of the affected area. Also, as a result of the influence of proinflammatory mediators, the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the inflammatory focus increases, so that the patient experiences severe pain with the slightest movement.

In addition, if inflammation develops after trauma, there is a high probability of a fracture. If the joint remains mobile, the bones or their fragments can damage nearby tissues, which will further strengthen the pain and aggravate the patient's condition. That's why the first thing to do with acute pain in the joint is to immobilize it, that is, stop eating and reduce conversations with others to a minimum until an accurate cause of inflammation is established.

Use of cold .As mentioned earlier, an increase in the local temperature of the expansion of blood vessels and edema of the tissues is observed in the focus of inflammation. These adverse effects can be eliminated by cold impact on the area of ​​the inflamed joint.

Cold causes a spasm( constriction) of blood vessels and an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall, thus preventing sweating of fluid into the joint cavity and surrounding tissues. In addition, with cooling, the sensitivity of the nerve endings is reduced, which also effectively removes the pain syndrome.

It is scientifically proven that the use of cold during the first minutes after injury of the joint reduces the severity of the inflammatory phenomena in the future and promotes the speedy recovery of the patient.

To cool the inflamed joint, you can use an ice bag, a bottle of cold water or just a cold compress( which should be changed every 2 to 3 minutes).It is important to remember that contact of ice directly with the skin is extremely undesirable, since it can cause hypothermia of surrounding tissues. It is best to wrap the ice bag with a handkerchief or a thin towel, then apply to the inflamed joint for 5 to 15 minutes( no more).

Admission anti-inflammatory drugs .To start independent medication treatment of pain in the joint can be in case of ineffectiveness of the above described measures or simultaneously with them( if the pain is expressed especially strongly).For rapid removal of edema and pain syndrome, drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs) can be used.


Preparations of the NSAID group inhibit the activity of the cyclooxygenase enzyme in the inflammatory focus, preventing the formation of proinflammatory mediators. They have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect. Also inhibit the formation of cyclooxygenase in the gastrointestinal tract, which causes the development of a number of side effects( gastritis, stomach ulcers and so on).

Diclofenac .To eliminate the pain syndrome, a single intramuscular injection of 50-100 mg of the drug is allowed, after which they switch to the use of tableted forms. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 150 mg.

Indomethacin .Intramuscularly in a dose of 60 mg 1 - 2 times a day. The maximum permissible duration of intramuscular use is 2 weeks.

Nimesil ( nimesulide ).It has more pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and at the same time, weaker effect on cyclooxygenase outside the inflammation focus( that is, it causes fewer side effects than diclofenac or indomethacin).

Take 100 mg( 1 tablet or 1 sachet, dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water) 1 to 2 times in the knocking. The analgesic effect develops within 30 to 60 minutes and persists for 6 to 8 hours. The maximum permissible duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Do you need surgery for inflammation of the temporomandibular joint?

The operation is performed if it is the only possible method of treatment, if the risk of complications increases without surgery.

The main indication for surgical treatment is suppurative arthritis of the mandibular joint. In this case it is an infectious inflammation of the joint caused by pyogenic microorganisms( staphylococci, streptococci and others).

The resulting pus fills the joint cavity, significantly impairing its function. In addition, purulent arthritis can cause melting and necrosis( death) of intraarticular components( cartilage, articular surfaces of bones, etc.), which will lead to complete loss of joint function.

Also, there is a high risk of infection passing to neighboring organs and tissues( in the ear, in the neck, in the cranial cavity) or penetrating the blood and spreading throughout the body, which can lead to the death of the patient.

In the postoperative period the patient is prescribed:

  1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics( for example, ceftriaxone 1 gram once a day intramuscularly).
  2. Narcotic painkillers( for example, 1 ml of a 1% solution of morphine intramuscularly).
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( ketorolac, indomethacin)
  4. Physioprocedures( UHF therapy, dry heat, electrophoresis and others) can be prescribed from 2 to 3 days after the operation.
  5. A strict diet that includes exclusively liquid food.

In the absence of complications, the patient is discharged from the hospital 5-7 days after the operation.

It is also worth noting that surgical treatment may be necessary for traumatic inflammation of the joint, if as a result of a trauma a fracture of the articular surfaces of bones, rupture of the joint capsule or ligaments and other serious injuries occurred. Such patients in the postoperative period are assigned long-term immobilization of the joint( for a period of 1 - 2 to 4 - 5 weeks).

Inflammation of temporomandibular joint: treatment of

Treatment of posttraumatic inflamed temporomandibular joint

If the inflammation of the joint is caused by a bruise or other minor damage, it can pass on its own without any consequences for the patient. However, more often without appropriate treatment, the acute inflammatory process does not subside or subside, turns into a chronic inflammation and causes the development of complications. That is why if the pain and discomfort in the joint area does not pass within 2 - 3 days( including against the background of taking anti-inflammatory drugs), it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In the treatment of posttraumatic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint is applied:

  1. immobilization;
  2. medication;
  3. physiotherapy.

Immobilization of .Immobilization as a method of first aid for inflammation of the joint was described earlier. If after the examination the doctor revealed a fracture, dislocation or sprain of the ligaments of the mandibular joint, this is an indication for a longer and more thorough immobilization( after appropriate treatment - comparison of bone fragments, dislocation, etc.).

In addition to the described temporary methods of immobilization are used and permanent( long).They are used in the presence of fractures of the articular surfaces of the mandible or temporal bone, when more time is required for the fusion of the defect( formation of the bone callus)( 4 to 5 weeks).

For the purpose of long-term immobilization, the following are used:

  1. Various methods of intermaxillary ligature binding( i.e., the teeth of the upper and lower jaw are fastened together by wire).The procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia.
  2. Overlapping tread tires that can be fixed to the teeth and other parts of the oral cavity( the procedure is also performed under local anesthesia).

Medication treatment .The main goal of drug therapy is to eliminate the pain syndrome, as well as to prevent the progression of the inflammatory process.

Physiotherapy .If the inflammation is caused by a joint injury, physiotherapeutic procedures can be used after 3 to 4 days. In the case of more serious injuries( fractures, dislocations, rupture of the joint capsule or ligaments), the appointment procedure is determined by the attending physician

  1. UHF therapy.
  2. Electrophoresis.
  3. Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone.
  4. Diadynamic therapy.

Treatment of temporomandibular joint inflammation caused by rheumatic diseases

Treatment of arthritis in this case is carried out simultaneously with the treatment of the underlying disease.

For arthritis caused by rheumatic diseases, the following is used:

  1. medication;
  2. developing exercises.

Medication treatment .Appointed drugs from various pharmacological groups, whose goal is to reduce the activity of the inflammatory process and prevent further damage to body tissues. The method of administration and dosage regimen is determined by a rheumatologist individually in each case and depends on the nature and severity of the disease, the activity of the inflammatory process, and other factors.

Developing exercises for the jaw

In most rheumatic diseases, the risk of developing ankylosis( adhesion) of the affected joints, that is, a violation of mobility in it, increases. This is due to the proliferation of tissues in the joint cavity, observed with prolonged autoimmune and inflammatory processes.

To prevent ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint, a complex of simple exercises will help, which must be performed daily 3 to 4 times a day throughout the course of treatment. It is worth noting that it is recommended to start these exercises only after the acute inflammatory process subsides and the pain syndrome is stopped.

For the prevention of ankylosis of the mandibular joint, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Gently pressing the chin with the hand from below, slowly open the mouth, lowering the lower jaw as low as possible. After that, without stopping pressure on the chin, you need to close your mouth slowly.
  2. Grabbing the fingers of the protruding part of the chin should be slowly lowered and lift the lower jaw, trying to push it down and back.
  3. Lightly pressing your fingers on the side of the chin, you need to move the jaw to the right and left. After that, you need to press the chin on the other side and repeat the exercise.
  4. Pressing the front edge of the chin( pushing it backwards), it is necessary to push the lower jaw as far forward as possible.

Each exercise is performed 2 to 3 times. In case of severe pain, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of repetitions or to take a break for several days, after which to try again.

Treatment of temporomandibular joint inflammation caused by infection

Antibacterial drugs are used to treat infectious diseases. Initially, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action are appointed, which are active against a large number of different microorganisms. After the detection of a particular pathogen of the disease, drugs are prescribed that combat this particular type of infection as effectively as possible.

What are the complications and consequences of inflammation of the jaw joint?

The prognosis and consequences for inflammation( arthritis) of the mandibular joint are largely determined by the cause of its occurrence, as well as the timeliness and adequacy of the treatment. With the right approach, the disease can pass without a trace in a few days. At the same time, in the absence of treatment, menacing, often irreversible complications may develop.

Inflammation of the mandibular joint can be caused by:

  1. Trauma - injury, injury( with violation of the integrity of the joint), fracture of the joint bones.
  2. Infection - bacterial, parasitic, fungal and so on.
  3. Rheumatic diseases - rheumatoid or reactive arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, gout.

Complications of arthritis of the mandibular joint can be:

Ankylosis( fusion) of the joint .This term indicates the complete disappearance of mobility in the joint, which develops as a result of the fusion of the articular surfaces of the bones with which it is formed. The cause of ankylosis can be a proliferation of bone tissue after a fracture of the articular processes of the bones( bone ankylosis).With prolonged inflammatory processes in the joint cavity, a proliferation of connective or fibrous tissue can occur, which also leads to a disruption of mobility in it. Treatment of bone ankylosis is only surgical. Other forms of the disease( fibrotic and cartilaginous ankylosis) can be eliminated by conservative measures - with the help of medical gymnastics, massage, developing exercises and drug therapy( anti-inflammatory drugs are used).

The destruction of the joint components .If arthritis is caused by pyogenic infection( staphylococci, streptococci), the progression of the inflammatory process can lead to purulent melting of the structural components of the joint( cartilage, articular bone surfaces, joint capsule and ligaments).This will lead to a restriction of mobility in it or to complete immobilization.

Meningitis ( inflammation of the membranes of the brain).This terrible complication can develop with the spread of infection by contact or hematogenous( through the blood) way. Meningitis is manifested by severe headaches, fever( fever over 39-40 degrees), photophobia, loss of consciousness. Without timely medical assistance, the disease can lead to the death of the patient.

Phlegmon of the temporal region .Phlegmon is called spilled purulent-inflammatory process, which can develop in subcutaneous fat, in muscles and other soft tissues. The cause of this complication is the spread of infection from the inflamed joint. However, an infectious factor alone is not enough - for the development of phlegmon, a long and pronounced decrease in the activity of the body's immune system is necessary( typical for elderly and weakened patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).Treatment phlegmon surgical - opening the affected area, removing purulent masses and necrotic( necrosis) tissues.

Sepsis .Sepsis is a pathological process, which is characterized by the penetration of pyogenic microorganisms into the systemic circulation. With the current of blood, bacteria are carried throughout the body, causing the development of a generalized inflammatory process. Sepsis manifested fever, marked weakness( until loss of consciousness), profuse sweating, rapid heart rate and breathing. The most severe outcome of sepsis is septic shock, characterized by impaired delivery of blood to vital organs, which in half the cases leads to the death of the patient.

Relapse of the disease .Treatment of infectious inflammation of the mandibular joint is carried out with antibacterial drugs. In the case of improperly selected medications, or if the duration of treatment is insufficient, the symptoms of the disease may diminish or even disappear, but the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the inflammation may remain inactive in tissues with poor blood supply, where antibiotics could not penetrate at high concentrations. After cessation of treatment or with weakening of immunity, these bacteria can be activated again, which will lead to the re-emergence of the disease.

Is it possible to cure inflammation of the jaw joint with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine recipes can eliminate the symptoms of inflammation, reduce pain and ease the clinical course of the disease, but are extremely rare in eliminating the very cause of the disease. That is why the use of folk remedies is only permissible after consultation with the attending physician.

For the treatment of inflammation of the mandibular joint is applied:

Anti-inflammatory herbal collection .To prepare the collection, take 20 grams of black elderberry flowers, 80 grams of birch leaves and 100 grams of willow bark. All the ingredients are crushed and thoroughly mixed, after which 4 to 5 tablespoons of the collection are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 2 to 3 hours. Take should be 3 - 4 times a day for 100 ml( half a glass) before eating. In addition to anti-inflammatory has also an analgesic and antibacterial effect.

  1. Infusion burdock root .To make infusion, 1 tablespoon of the ground root should be poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water and insist for 2 - 3 hours. Thoroughly strain and take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 - 4 times a day. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  2. Infusion of yarrow .Yarrow also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. To make infusion, 2 tablespoons of dry ground grass are poured with 200 milliliters( 1 glass) of boiling water. After cooling, filter and take 50 - 100 ml 3 - 4 times a day.
  3. Infusion of the herb of the fragrant .The fresh herb of this plant has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To make infusion, 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. After cooling, the infusion should be filtered and taken 50-100 ml 3 times a day. Especially effective is this prescription for inflammation caused by infection or rheumatic diseases.
  4. Tincture of propolis .Has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.100 grams of propolis should be poured into 500 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place at room temperature. After 2 - 3 weeks, tincture must be carefully filtered and taken orally 10 to 20 drops 2 times a day.

Is there an effective prophylaxis of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint?

Specific preventive measures aimed at preventing inflammation of the mandibular joint have not been developed. The only effective method of prevention is the prevention and timely elimination of the causes that can lead to the development of the disease.

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint can be caused by: trauma, infection, rheumatic diseases.

To prevent inflammation of the mandibular joint, it is recommended:

In a timely manner, treat for traumatic injuries to .Immediately after the injury, it is necessary to apply a cold compress or ice to the joint area. If necessary, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs( for example, nimesil at a dose of 100 mg).If after 1 - 2 days the pain does not go away - it is recommended to consult a traumatologist or orthopedist.

Timely treatment of infectious diseases .Even if the focus of infection is away from the joint, infectious agents can penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body. That is why when detecting a bacterial infection, it is necessary to start taking antibacterial drugs as early as possible. Also it is necessary to observe the duration of treatment established by the doctor. If you stop taking antibiotics immediately after the disappearance of the clinical manifestations of the disease - there is a high probability that some of the pathogenic bacteria will not die, but will persist in various tissues of the body, which can lead to relapse( repeated exacerbation) of the infection.

Timely and adequately treat rheumatic diseases .Treatment of systemic inflammatory diseases should appoint a rheumatologist after a thorough examination of the patient, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease. Self-treatment is often ineffective, and can also lead to the development of a number of dangerous complications.

Is it possible to cure inflammation of the mandibular joint at home?

Treatment of arthritis( inflammation) of the mandibular joint can sometimes be carried out at home. However, it is worth remembering that often the cause of inflammation may be another, much more terrible disease or pathological condition. That is why in case of ineffectiveness of self-treatment, as well as with worsening of the patient's condition, it is necessary to consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

Self-treatment is permissible only in case of minor traumatic injury of the joint( for example, with a bruise).In all other cases it is recommended to consult a doctor, since inflammation of a joint of an infectious or rheumatic nature can be combined with damage to other organs and tissues, which is fraught with formidable complications.

For the treatment of arthritis of the jaw joint after injury, it is necessary: ​​

To immobilize the joint .It is recommended to talk as little as possible, and also to exclude the taking of rough and solid food, which requires thorough chewing.

Apply cold compress .The effect of cold reduces the severity of inflammation in the joint, reduces swelling of the tissues, reduces the risk of complications and speeds up the recovery process.

Eliminate the pain of .To this end, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( for example, nimesulide in a dose of 100 mg every 6 to 8 hours) can be prescribed, which can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy.

With a simple injury, the symptoms of inflammation disappear after a few days. If after 2 - 3 days the pain and swelling in the joint area persists, if the patient feels pressure or raspiranie in the joint area, and mobility in it is broken - you should make an appointment with a specialist( family doctor, traumatologist or orthopedist).

Treatment of infectious inflammation of the mandibular joint is performed using antibiotics. Take their patient can independently at home, but prescribe these drugs should the doctor after a comprehensive survey. To eliminate pain, anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used.

Treatment of rheumatological diseases consists in the use of various medications( hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants and others), which themselves can cause a variety of adverse reactions. This is why the treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, the patient must strictly observe the prescription of a rheumatologist and regularly take all the tests prescribed by the doctor.

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Video channel "Women's Health Academy".

Temporomandibular joint is the most mobile joint in the body. Every time you eat, talk, the TMJ joint starts to move. The same happens with swallowing. That is, approximately every 60 seconds.

Any trauma to the skull, lower jaw and even the spine can cause asymmetry of the skull and displacement of the lower jaw, which leads to dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint. Injuries, incorrect dental treatment, lack of chewing teeth, emotional stress are the causes of such dysfunction.

Impaired temporomandibular joint is manifested by nocturnal scraping of teeth, pain in the area of ​​the ear canal, clicks in the joint, difficulty uneven opening of the lower jaw, tension of the chewing muscles from one or both sides.

Using the technique of restoring the function of the temporomandibular joint by self-help methods of craniosacral therapy, you release the ligaments and muscles of the joint and lower jaw, increase the space inside the joint and help improve its mobility, normalize the position of the disc between the condyle and the pit of the temporal bone.

Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint: symptoms, causes, treatment

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Temporomandibular joint arthritis( TMJ arthritis) is a fairly common disease characterized by the inflammatory process of connective cartilaginous tissues and their subsequent atrophy. This ailment can develop at any age, but most often they suffer from elderly people who have previously been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.


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