Hemorrhoidal bleeding: how to stop

Haemorrhoidal bleeding is a bleeding from the anus, which can be caused by a variety of: cancer, hemorrhoids, foreign bodies or polyps of the intestine.

Here we will talk about how to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding at home according to the advice and recommendations of traditional medicine, proctologists. Useful videos about help with bleeding from the anus can be viewed at the end of the article.

The color of the blood for bleeding from the anus can be different.

Scarlet and bright red blood is usually with hemorrhoids, oncological diseases and injuries of the rectum. Blood of a darker color indicates deep internal bleeding - ulcer and stomach cancer, ulcerative colitis, etc. This should alert the patient and make him urgently seek specialized medical help.


Remedies for stopping bleeding with hemorrhoids

With bleeding caused by hemorrhoids, you can fight with your folk home remedies.

  1. Apply to the anus area a tampon impregnated with a witch nut tincture.
  2. Seasonings with calendula weakens hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  3. Ointments with horse chestnut( and taking drugs from it inside) dry hemorrhoids.
  4. Trays with decoction of oak bark alternate with trays of chamomile infusions daily.

Traditional medicine advises, when exacerbating hemorrhoids, to take advantage of an ancient folk remedy: take a brick, heat it up and put it in the basket. On the red-hot brick, put the crushed raw garlic and sit on the basket. Garlic vapors help to remove acute phenomena in hemorrhoids and stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. The procedure should be done 5-6 times.

To prevent an exacerbation of the hemorrhoidal process, it should be washed with cold water every day after defecation.

Odo from Mena recommended the following plants to treat hemorrhoids.

Violet ."Cracks in the anus," ragades "they are called, with wax celset wax, if often spread a remedy;if there is a pustule, apply in combination with honey. .. "

Dill ."On the hemorrhoids, if you put the burned seeds of this herb, he will heal them and all will suck the condyloma."

Cinnamon ."A kind that is thicker, the current from the hemorrhoid can be abated, if grated it is drunk with cold water at a time when the sufferer did not abandon the abstinence food. This kind of drink take on weight two drachmas. .. It dries the stomach, it strengthens itself. "

Bow ."Luke heads, often rubbing them with grated, you can bald return the head to the beauty that is lost by it. The smell is cured in the mouth, and they drive out fastidiousness, they are also advised to apply hemorrhoids to the nodes. "

Blackberry ."And the esophagus is sick, and the stomach is helped by the sick, from below you will attach - they will heal the hemorrhoids of vices."

How to stop bleeding by medical means

In acute hemorrhoids, first of all, conservative therapy is indicated. Common and local anesthetics, phlebotonic and anti-inflammatory drugs, ointment applications, cleansing enemas are used.

For pains - non-narcotic analgesics ( diclofenac, movalis, nise, voltaren, ketonal) and local combined preparations( ultraproct, proctogliolol, hepatrombin G, etc.).

When spreading inflammation to surrounding tissues and subcutaneous tissue, applications with anti-inflammatory ointments ( Levomecol, Levasin, Vishnevsky ointment) are prescribed.

In the treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids, phlebotonic ( toning vascular tonus tonic) is currently used. The most effective is Detralex.

In case of bleeding, suppositories containing adrenaline, and local hemostatic materials( berylplast, adroxone, spongostan) are used.

Conservative therapy of the disease gives a temporary effect. After the acute inflammation subsides, a minimally invasive surgical intervention is recommended. In any case, the treatment is prescribed by the doctor - depending on the stage of the disease.

Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids

Patients with 1 st and 2 nd stage can use minimally invasive methods of treatment: sclerotherapy, latex ring ligation, photocoagulation, cryotherapy. Contraindications for their use are thrombosis of hemorrhoids, anal fissure, acute and chronic paraproctitis, as well as other inflammatory diseases of the anal canal and perineum.

Sclerotherapy: This method consists in the introduction of a sclerosing agent( 1.5-2 ml) into the hemorrhoidal assembly, which causes gluing and flattening of the vessels. Introduction is recommended in no more than two hemorrhoids, since it is possible to develop a pain syndrome. Possible repeated sclerotherapy after 12-14 days after the first session.

Latex ring ligation: The method is used to treat internal hemorrhoids, on the basis of which a latex ring is applied, which causes disruption of their nutrition. Nodes along with the rings are rejected on the 7-10th day. Sometimes it takes several sessions with an interval of 14-16 days.

Photocoagulation: to the hemorrhoidal node leads the light guide to contact with it. Thermal energy affects the node, causing the desolation and gluing of the vessels. The tip is applied to the base 2-6 times in one procedure.

Cryotherapy: the hemorrhoidal node is frozen for 2 to 3 minutes after

; after thawing, death occurs and a wound is formed at the site of exposure. This effect is most often carried out under local anesthesia.

An essential disadvantage of all minimally invasive methods of treatment is their non-narcability. They do not eliminate the main cause of hemorrhoids - excess blood flow.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

Until now, surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is a reference, it is most often used in the 3rd and 4th stages of the disease.

Excision of three hemorrhoidal nodes with stitching of the pedicle( feeding vessels) is performed. After the operation, the patient is in hospital for 7-9 days. The total period of incapacity for work lasts about 14 days.

In the early postoperative period, complications such as pain, discomfort in the anus, suppuration of the postoperative scar are possible. In the late period, such complications as a relapse of the disease, weakening of the compressive capacity of the anus, and also a violation of the anus enlargement are characteristic.

If therapeutic treatment does not help, resort to the help of a surgeon.

Related Videos

Blood from the anus: what's the reason?

Mariana Abritsova - a surgeon-colonoproctologist tells about the most common causes of bleeding from the anus:

  1. Hemorrhoids.
  2. Anal fissure.
  3. Benign tumor.
  4. Malignant tumor.
  5. Solitary ulcer of the rectum.
  6. Ulcerative colitis.
  7. Endometriosis of the intestine.
  8. Angiodysplasia of the large intestine.

Make an appointment with Maryana Abritsova in Moscow. Contacts: The address of the reception: Moscow, st. Clara Zetkin d.33 kor.25, the clinic "Maka Med".Phone for recording: +7( 495) 922-71-62 Mon-Sun 09: 00-21: 00.E-mail: [email protected]

How to stop hemorrhoids bleeding

Bleeding and pain in hemorrhoids

The information presented in this video is intended for an audience over 18 years old, should not be used for self-diagnosis and treatment, and can not serve as a substitute for internalconsultation of the doctor.

Not many people know that the very concept of "hemorrhoids" means bleeding. And it's not accidental. Indeed, in quite a large number of patients, the scar tissue from the rectum during or immediately after the stool is, if not the only, then at least the main symptom of the disease.

Sometimes bleeding is so frequent and profuse that the patient needs emergency medical attention. In cases of heavy bleeding, scarlet blood is separated by spray or even small streams that stain the walls of the toilet bowl and are observed even with a soft, mushy stool. Bleeding, which patients sometimes notice when a diet or constipation is abused, is called unhealthy.

Pain syndrome with chronic hemorrhoids is rare. If a patient with hemorrhoids notes complaints about the appearance of pain, most likely, it is a combination of hemorrhoids with another disease.

Most often, severe pain in the anus, especially during or after defecation, is due to the presence of an anal fissure. Less common with the symptoms of hemorrhoids are manifestations of other diseases, such as, for example, acute paraproctitis.

In any case, if you think that the discomfort in the rectum area has been caused by hemorrhoids for a long time, but recently strong anal pains have been added to other manifestations, it is necessary to see the doctor.

In rare cases with chronic hemorrhoids, pain in the rectum is permanent, but this variant is typical for the most neglected stages of the disease.

Most often, the pain syndrome comes out on top among other complaints with exacerbation of hemorrhoids. In this case, the pain is caused either by the infringement of the dropped hemorrhoids, or thrombosis, or marked edema. As a rule, there is a combination of several factors, for example, first an infringement, then an edema, then a thrombosis.

Pain in the anus area is sharp, jerking, intensifying at the slightest movement of character. Many patients characterize the intensity of pain as "hellish" or "unbearable".Symptoms increase in sitting and walking, so patients prefer to occupy the position lying on their side with their knees tightened to the stomach.

Often patients themselves note the dependence of exacerbation with heavy physical exertion. For example, "brought to the 5th floor of the piano", or with the abuse of alcohol and spicy food "On the weekend was a wedding with a nephew."

A less aggressive predisposing factor is chronic constipation, slowly but surely leading to the development of chronic hemorrhoids.

Prevention of constipation is one of the most important factors in the treatment of bleeding and other forms of hemorrhoids. Often, it is the constipation that leads to the progression of the symptoms of the disease. However, with a pronounced, prolonged chronic hemorrhoids with concomitant obstinate constipation, it is difficult to determine the cause and effect. There is a vicious circle, which can not be broken with the help of one operation. In this case, an integrated approach is required, and the operation is only one of its stages.

Hemorrhoidal hemorrhage - the main symptom of hemorrhoids

Bleeding in hemorrhoids is an unpleasant and dangerous symptom that requires the use not only of urgent methods, such as stopping bleeding, it is also necessary to see a doctor who will prescribe a special treatment.

Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.