What is the most effective cure for the cold?

What is the most effective remedy for the cold?



rhinofluimucil, or even better such a folk remedy. Take a small teapot, pour a glass of water of room temperature into it and add 1 hour. l. soda and 0.5 h. l. salt (or less so as not to pinch much), then tilting your head down one side to pour water into the nostril from the kettle, so that it spills out of the other nostril. The nose is washed perfectly




Aquamaris brings everything out, and Naziv gives you to sleep peacefully at night ....

* The genius in violet stockings *


Ramil Faizuhanov

You can buy Xenol or Xylene cheap and good :-)


ask kogonit properly you fuck !!


Just wash my nose with a solution of salt, it helped me when I was just dying of a cold! !!


To drip a simple naphthyzine.
in ten minutes (when there will be an outflow from a nose)
rinse nose DOLPHIN
then a polydex or isofra
do all 7 days if it does not help you to an ENT doctor

Alexander Glazov


Antiviral means of fast action

instagram viewer

Colds can overtake each of us when it is completely unacceptable to get sick. When you want to be as focused and full of energy as you can, suddenly begins to flow from your nose, to stifle your throat. They are followed by sneezing, cough, accompanied by weakness, high fever. In this situation, urgent measures are required. A cold remedy will put you on your feet in time.

How to quickly cure a cold at home

The girl sneezes

The key to quick healing is the application of all necessary measures at the first alarm bell. If the disease has arisen for obvious reasons, due to inattention to immunity or hypothermia, and the symptoms are not a manifestation influenza virus, you can take advantage of the following tips on home treatment and cold remedies.

  1. Measure the temperature. If the mark on the scale did not reach 38 degrees, then antipyretics for colds should not be drunk.
  2. Vitamin C. At the onset of the disease, a large dose of ascorbic acid will be an effective aid to the body for colds for a speedy recovery. The best option is an effervescent vitamin - quickly absorbed and warms. Five oranges a day will be a natural alternative to pills or capsules and will help to cure colds.
  3. Drink plenty of water, tea, compotes, fruit drinks. They must necessarily be warm, it will help to remove toxins, which is important for a cold.
  4. As much as possible sleep. After drinking a warm drink and climbing under the blanket, putting on warm socks and clothes, sleep as much as possible. Sweating with sleep is an important element of recovery for a cold. Better to comply with hospital bed rest. The room should be often ventilated.
  5. Warm up. If the heat is not observed, you can get your feet stuck and take a hot shower.
  6. Take the vitamins. Such support will be useful to the body for colds. It's best if he gets it from fruit, but if it's not possible, they should replace the dragee from the pharmacy.
  7. Medicines for the treatment of colds. Suitable funds for a cold flu, sold in the form of diluted teas, powders, which should be poured into hot water. Within a day it is permissible to use three or four such bags, but the course should not last more than three days. Powders from cold with "Paracetamol" reduce temperature, eliminate chills, have anti-inflammatory effect. The treatment will help immunostimulating drugs. Antiviral medications for colds and influenza contribute to the destruction of the infection. If the disease drags on, go to the injections of the antibiotic.
  8. Remedies for a cold, cough and sore throat. If the sky hurts, then you can choose either candy, or potions, solutions for rinsing and spraying. With a runny nose will help to cope with drops, among which it is better to choose not powerful vasoconstrictors, but medicines that have grasses in their composition. A solution of sea salt will be useful for washing the nose. With a cold, sputum is often not produced, therefore, the usual cough stopping means will suffice. If sputum in the bronchi still appeared, you should use the means that withdraw it.
  9. Consumption of liquid. Warm tea, compote or juice contribute to perspiration and recovery, while toxins are eliminated, preventing the body from fighting a cold. Ordinary water will not be the most optimal means, and carbonated drinks will not help recovery. Drink follows as much as you feel necessary, not overpowering yourself.
  10. Vodka. Alcohol should be slightly warmed and rub it all over the body. This tool will help to quickly remove heat.

List of the best drugs for influenza and colds of a new generation

Remedy for colds Coldrex

Today, several classes of drugs are recommended:

  1. Arbidol, Oseltamivir, Amiksin, Viferon, Otsilokoktsinum, Ingavirin, Kagocel, Anaferon (antiviral).
  2. "Teraflu", "Koldreks", "Ferveks", "Antigrippin", "Grippferon", "Anvimax" (febrifuge and relieve the pain in the throat, against the flu and ARVI)
  3. "Acetylcysteine", "Ambroxol", "Bromgexin", "Carbocysteine" (expectorants)
  4. "Butamirat", "Glaucin", "Prenoxdiazin", "Ledvropropizin" (means for dry coughing).
  5. "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin" (antipyretic drugs).
  6. Drops on the basis of xylometazoline, naphazoline (vasoconstrictive in the common cold).

Overview of fast-acting remedies against colds on the lips

Quick-acting anciclovir ointment

Colds that occur on the lips are often herpes - the Herpes Simplex virus, which is found in 95 percent of the world's population. Once in the body, it exists unnoticed and "turns on" when the human body is weakened by hypothermia, lack of vitamins, nutrients or other diseases. There are many effective ointments for fighting herpes. These funds should be applied to the affected areas of the cold several times a day, the course - no more than 5 days.

Do not use your fingers when applying the product because of the risk of transferring the virus to another location. Among the common names of ointments for colds in the ranking of the best can be noted "Acyclovir", "Gerpferon", "Zovirax", "Gerpevir". The main active substance in them is acyclovir, which prevents the reproduction of the virus. There are ointments based on tromantadine, such as Viru-Merz.

What antiviral drugs can children take?

Anaferon for children

When a child develops symptoms of ARVI and if for some reason the doctor is not available, measures should be taken to fight the disease in order to avoid complications. If after all simple means have been tested, the disease does not recede, you will have to resort to antiviral drugs, but only those that are specifically designed for children. Acceptable are "Tamiflu", "Remantadin", "Relenza", "Amantadine".

If the bronchitis occurs in infants, then "Ribavirin" will help, and if the child's body is weakened or have heart problems, the Sinagis remedy will be the best choice. "Tamiflu" is acceptable for children at the age of one year, tablets from the flu "Arbidol" can be given from three years. "Interferon" for the solution is used at any age, like homeopathic preparations, such as Aflubin, Anaferon, Otsilokoktsinum. To lower the body temperature, "Paracetamol" or syrups "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen" are suitable.

Effective folk remedies and herbs

Blackberry Tea
  1. Blackberry tea. Grind the dried leaves of blackberries (1 tablespoon), pour boiling water, after a couple of hours strain. Drink 30 minutes before eating. A good remedy against coughing.
  2. Herbs (cough remedy). One tablespoon of leaves of wild strawberry, raspberries, three tablespoons of blackberry leaves, a dry shredded violet tricolor (1 tsp). All this must be mixed, use a tablespoon of the composition for a glass of boiling water, let it brew in a closed form for half an hour, drain. Reception: a couple of times a day by a glass.
  3. Potatoes. This vegetable will help bring down the temperature. Rub two raw potatoes on a grater, mix with a tablespoon of vinegar (apple). Use the mixture to make compresses on the forehead.
  4. Kalina and honey. A mild remedy for colds and colds. Mix one tablespoon of viburnum juice and honey, take half an hour before meals.
  5. Nettle, sage and Schisandra. Herbal collection is good for colds and flu. Mix dry crushed nettle leaves (3 tablespoons), as many shoots of Chinese magnolia and sage (1 tablespoon). Pour a teaspoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water, after a couple of hours strain. Reception: one glass in the morning and evening. If desired, you can add honey.

What means is inexpensive and effective for the prevention of colds

Nurofen for cold prevention

Very often a cold in an adult appears as a result of a weakening of the immune system. The impact of external factors, malnutrition, lack of vitamins can lead to loss of effectiveness of the immune system and increase the likelihood of entry into the body of infections. To avoid this, interferon inducers can be used. They will ensure the production of natural protection by the body, which will allow it to successfully resist colds. This type of drugs include:

  • Arbidol;
  • "Cycloferon";
  • «Amiksin».

It is necessary to support the body with vitamins. For the prevention of colds will help "Vetoron", "Gerimaks", "Aevit." Preparations that help to cope with the impact of the environment - adaptogens - include extracts of magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, leuzea. Immunomodulating, such as "Bioaron C", "Immunal" "Likopid", will help restore strength to immunity, will be useful for the prevention of colds and flu.

Antiviral drugs used to prevent colds, help to give the body additional strength in the fight against pathogens. The best are "Grippferon", "Viferon", "Arbidol", "Amiksin". Do not forget about honey, vitamin C - they will not allow the development of colds. Echinacea is a cheap, simple remedy. More rest, give up cigarettes and do not forget about the seasonal intake of vitamins.

Video: what to do with the first signs of a cold


The most effective remedy for the common cold. Your option?


Evita Vija

I like rinsing to do. This is the most effective way and without any drops and getting used to them. I use a dolphin.

Winter cherry


Kozey Zmegorynov

amputate nose on ..

Cat Pat

Dolphin is unequivocal, even pregnant can be. I completely switched to washing, I do not use any drops.


Quix. And the child helps me too.

Marina Korolkova

I, too, somehow more for natural treatment and procedures. Washing should be learned to do correctly and there will be no problems. Dolphin of all the means that I tried, the most effective.

rhodium sidorine



I wash with dolphin, then xylene

Olga Trubets

I like dolphin. 1-2 times a day I wash the nose and everything is ok. My husband even cured the genyantritis.


drops pinosol - herbal preparation!

Polina Kharitonova

I, too, the doctor advised the dolphin to use drops together. There, an isotonic solution is obtained for washing, very well affects the mucous membrane and swelling relieves.


Dolphin is contraindicated, who has problems with the ears, so it is not for everyone. And the isotonic solution in Dolphin is essentially saline from saline (9 g of salt per 1 liter of water), which is easy to make by yourself

?????? °??? μ ??

Time, handkerchief.

Maria Zinchenko

A whole complex of actions helps me from the cold, the very first washing is, the nose must be washed or sprinkled with sea water, it is necessary to ensure that the rhinitis occurs active multiplication of viruses in the nose, in order to stop this process it is necessary to rinse or irrigate, then the viruses simply do not have time to accumulate, and during the washing we neutralize them. In addition, from the common cold, as well as with the first signs of a cold, I rub the nose with tiger balm, thanks to the ethereal oils, which are included in the composition, the rhinitis decreases, and the nasal congestion takes place, and neutralizes the microbes. Also, often stuffy nose arises against the background of dry air, so that the mucous membrane will not dry up anymore, it must be moistened, that is, include an air humidifier, and also often ventilate the room necessarily. Last time, even I do not use vasoconstrictive drops, to me all that I above have written perfectly helps or assists.


Soar your feet if there is no temperature, and iodine. grid below the blades. If there is a mustard powder to pour. soar 10 minutes.



Ksenia Zaitseva

For me it is uniquely nasal polidex. First, it is a universal antibiotic (heals rhinitis, and rhinopharyngitis, and sinusitis); secondly, it is an effective drug (it helps a lot!), And thirdly, it acts very gently and does not irritate! The only thing, t. To. It is an antibiotic, pshikat it or him better under the supervision of the doctor.

Nina Yaroniko

Washing with a dolphin. Nothing more effective, I do not know. Excellent and no chemistry is there.

The best means of nasal congestion and runny nose for children and adults

Nasal congestion occurs almost every time with a cold. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, funds are used from nasal congestion and runny nose, but it is desirable to abandon their self-application.

Effective remedies for stuffy nose, common and allergic rhinitis

By means of what means to get rid of a usual cold and stuffiness of a nose it is possible in short terms? If there is a disturbance in the respiratory function of the nasopharynx, a person experiences many unpleasant sensations. Effective means from nasal congestion can help to eliminate such a problem with health and return to normal life. All drugs aimed at normalizing nasal breathing can be divided into the following main groups:

  • vasoconstrictive;
  • moisturizing;
  • oil droplets and sprays;
  • antihistamine.

How to choose the best remedy for the common cold among the whole variety of medications? In fact, it is difficult to say which is the best drug, because the treatment depends on the cause of the onset of the symptom. One patient can cope with nasopharyngeal obstruction with funds from an allergic rhinitis, others with vasoconstrictive drugs. If the cause of nasal breathing has become an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane, then really do not do without the use of antihistamines. The obstruction of the nasopharynx and mucosal discharge from it, as a rule, begin to appear soon after contact with the allergen. The mucous membrane of the nose can swell under the influence of such factors:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • wool of domestic animals;
  • some medicines;
  • certain food products;
  • dust.

Nasal congestion with an allergic reaction of the body may be the only sign of a disorder, but it is also often accompanied by other symptoms. These include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itching in the nasal passages, abundant lacrimation. Eliminate these symptoms will help special antihistamines intended for oral administration, as well as nasal drugs that have anti-allergic effect. However, before you start using an effective remedy for a runny nose and stuffy nose, you need to exclude contact with the allergen, only so the therapy will be a positive result. Good antihistamines are Claritin, Zodak, Zirtek, Erius.

Against the stuffiness of the nasopharynx for colds and allergies, you can apply Vibrocil. It has anti-edematous, antihistamine and vasoconstrictive action, eliminating symptoms that disrupt normal nasal breathing. Considering the vasoconstrictive effect of Vibrocil, it can be applied no more than a week.

Vasoconstrictors, how to get rid of a cold

This is the most powerful group of medications with which you can solve the problem with impaired nasal breathing. They have a strong effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, so it is very important to observe the indicated dosage and not exceed the allowable course of treatment. Drugs belonging to a group of vasoconstrictive medications can cause irreparable harm to the body, so they can be prescribed only by a specialist.

First of all, you should know that the vasoconstrictor against the common cold and stuffy nose is very addictive. To prevent this from happening, drops or sprays can not be used more than 4 times a day. The duration of such therapy can be 3-5 days, only occasionally specialists appoint their reception within a week. Such preparations have the following indications for use:

  • coryza;
  • allergic and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

When using vasoconstrictors from the common cold, adults and children are exposed to special adrenaline receptors that are located on the nasal mucosa. Soon after the first instillation or irrigation of the nose, the vessels become narrower, the obstruction is reduced or completely eliminated, there is an improvement in nasal breathing.

However, such therapy has its drawbacks:very quickly the vessels are addictive and the nasopharynx can no longer function independently without these medicines. In addition, treatment of stuffiness with vasoconstrictive drugs can cause some side effects.

The best means of nasal congestion are available in the form of drops and spray. If possible, it is advisable to use the spray, as it is more effective at a lower dose of the drug. In addition, there is another advantage of using vasoconstrictive sprays with nasal congestion: drug overdose is excluded.

Among the best remedies for the common cold and nasal congestion, which have a vasoconstrictive effect on the mucous membrane, belong to such drugs:

  • Xylometazoline;
  • Halazolin;
  • Tysine;
  • Nazivin;
  • "Tanos";
  • Grippostad Rino;
  • Ximelin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rinonorm.

Pregnant and lactating women, vasoconstrictors can be used only after consistency with the doctor. Most of the funds of this pharmacological group, future and nursing mothers are contraindicated. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such treatment of nasal congestion with individual intolerance of components drugs, glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, hypertension, tachycardia, severe atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism.

The most effective remedies for the common cold are: moisturizers

Sometimes moisturizing drugs help to cope with stuffy nose. Such funds from the common cold in children are recommended to be applied every time if nasal breathing is disturbed. They do not have harmful effects on the mucous membrane, it is well moistened and normalizes the functionality of the nasopharynx. Preparations of this group are intended not only for moistening, but also for cleansing the nasopharynx from mucus, pathogenic microorganisms and allergens that cause congestion.

Most of these funds are made on the basis of sea water. As a rule, they have no contraindications and do not cause addiction in a person. The most effective remedy for the common cold, which have a moisturizing effect, are preparations with various trace elements. They not only moisturize and cleanse the nasopharynx, but exert powerful antibacterial action on the mucous membrane, which is due to the high salt content. The popular moisturizers belonging to this group of drugs from rhinitis are Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Physiomer, Humer, Salin. They can be used in conjunction with other drugs from nasal congestion and runny nose.

Means against a cold based on oils

If the nose is blocked from a cold, you can try to get rid of the symptom with oil drops. This is an effective remedy for the common cold, which has a powerful and at the same time a mild therapeutic effect on the inflamed mucous membrane.

Fitokapli will not become an assistant if the nasal congestion caused by allergic rhinitis is blocked. On the contrary, they can aggravate the situation, because essential oils are a strong allergen. For colds and allergies, which often occur in humans at one time, combined drops on the basis of oils are well recommended. The most popular among them is the drug Gikomycin-teva. Based on the fact that he belongs to a group of antibiotics, only a doctor can prescribe a medication for such a medicine.

Application of heating means- also a good way to improve the condition of the nasopharynx. Most warming ointments, gels and balms contain essential oil of menthol, eucalyptus and camphor. A good example of such a means is balm "Asterisk", but you should know that it will help to cope only with stuffy nose, with other symptoms of cold it will not be effective.

Cheap folk remedies for the cold

Runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion, is not such a terrible problem, as it may seem to many. What means to cure a cold without the use of medications, folk medicine will tell:

  1. Drops from the juice Kalanchoe.If the disturbance of nasal breathing is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx, drops from the Kalanchoe juice will help. They cause a strong sneeze, during which the nasal passages from pathogenic contents are cleared. It is quite effective and cheap remedy for the common cold, which can be used even in the treatment of colds in children.
  2. Garlic inhalation.Garlic has a bactericidal action and well removes swelling from the nasal mucosa. To conduct the healing procedure, finely chop the garlic, put it in boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of soda, remove from heat, cool slightly and breathe over steam for 5-10 minutes.
  3. When infectious and allergic stuffiness of the nose in folk medicine, infusion of plantain is often used. It is recommended such a remedy for nasal congestion for children even the smallest age. To prepare a medicine, a tablespoon of ground psyllium leaves pour a glass of boiling water, wait for the infusion to cool to room temperature, and drip their nose 3-4 times a day.

Nasal congestion disrupts a person's full life and causes some health problems. That's why you should not leave such a process unnoticed.


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