Table growth and weight of the child from birth to 17 years: what should be the normal ratio of height and weight of the child at each stage of its development

When the baby is born, they say: "A child (a girl or a boy) was born, his height and weight are such that they invariably correlate to the existing norms in obstetrics and pediatrics.

For a newborn child, the normal values ​​are the weight of 2600 to 4000 grams, and the height within the range of 45 to 56 centimeters. However, doctors take into account not only these figures, but rather the ratio of these parameters, called the Quetelet index. The sought value is calculated by the formula: the weight of a child at birth is divided by its height.

I give an example if the mass of the baby is 3500 grams, and the height is 52 centimeters, then 3500: (divide) by 52 = 66 (the Quetelet index). We look at the table: the number 66 is a valid value, since the norm is the range of the indicator from 60 to 70.

All about what, we now said - this is true for babies born at the set time, but for the children of preterms, the value of the indicator will be different.

Next, we will consider everything that affects the ratio of weight and height of the child at each stage of the development of the baby. Using a special table, you can quickly determine whether the child's height and weight are normal or there are deviations.

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Height and weight of the child up to one year

After birth for the first few days, the baby loses weight from the original body weight to 8%. Mom with experience do not fear this phenomenon, because in 8-10 days the weight of the child is restored, he begins to recover.

The weight and height of the child during the first year of life are measured monthly, this enables the doctor to determine the correctness and nutritional value of the diet, as the baby develops.

The average gain in weight in the first half of life is 700 - 750 grams. Further, the indicator is somewhat reduced, the child begins to gain weight 550 - 350 grams every month. This is the norm, because the motor activity of children increases after six months of life.

The weight of the child for the first year of life increases approximately 3 times, which is from 8.5 to 12 kilograms. The baby grows and develops confidently, its growth by the first birthday increases by 25 positions, to about 71.2 - 79.7 centimeters.

Many factors affect the dynamics of growth and weight gain. Insufficient weight gain is:

  1. with a lack of nutrition, due to a decreased secretion of maternal breast milk, this is the reason for transferring the baby to artificial or mixed feeding;
  2. with prolonged diarrhea, the presence of allergic reactions;
  3. after infectious diseases or even common cold.

Keep in mind that an adequate, accurate reason why a child's weight does not increase can be determined by a doctor after a medical examination. He will give the necessary recommendations for correcting the condition.

Height and weight of a child of preschool age

After a year of life, you need to continue to monitor the weight and height of the children. At home, it is now easier to do this with a glued on a flat wall paper mill with centimeter divisions.

Put the baby to the wall smoothly, pre-shave, help maximize straightening. The back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels should touch the wall. A ruler (bar) is applied to the rostomer at a right angle and moved to the crown (crown), fix the growth of the child.

The correspondence of the growth at the indicated age to the average indicators can be checked by a special table (the description is given below).

With the help of electronic scales the child's weight is measured. It is better to carry out the weighing procedure on an empty stomach after going to the toilet. The child is put or placed in the center of the measuring device. Then the result will be exact.

Beginning with the third year of life, the baby begins to gain an average weight of two kilograms per year, and by the age of seven, his weight, in comparison with the first year of life, is doubling. To find out if the child's weight corresponds to the norm, it can be calculated using a simple formula. To do this, to the mass of the baby's body in one year, it is necessary to add its doubled age at the present moment: A + 2B, where A is the body weight in a year, B is the age, 2 is the annual average weight gain in the age from 3 to 7 years. If the fidget on his first birthday weighed 9 kg, and now he is 6 years old, then: 9 + 2 × 6 = 21 kg, that is, normally it should weigh 21 kg.

The same formula helps to determine if the child's growth corresponds to the age indices: D + 5E, where D is the growth of a one-year-old baby, E is the age, and 5 is the annual increase in growth. For example, a five-year-old boy, whose height was 75 cm a year, now has to show 75 + 5 × 5 = 100 centimeters on the meter.

Parents should know that their child grows up not evenly. Experts note the existence of three periods of "stretching", two of which fall to preschool age - the first year of life, when the increase in growth is 25 centimeters, and the age of 5-7 years, when the growth of the child is increased by 8-10 centimeters.

During periods of intense stretching, the baby requires parental support and attention. He becomes awkward and awkward, with difficulty adapting to the changed parameters and new sensations.

At this stage, if the child's growth does not reach the average, the mother can help him with a special diet, and the pope offers to learn the Swedish wall and the crossbar.

Products that stimulate the formation of growth hormone are:

  1. greenery;
  2. dairy;
  3. carrot;
  4. meat (low-fat);
  5. liver;
  6. fish dishes;
  7. butter;
  8. cottage cheese;
  9. eggs.

Sweets are better limited, glucose is not conducive to adding extra centimeters. The weight of the child should also be under constant control. If the discrepancies with the average age indices exceed 20-25% in one direction or another, the mother should consult a pediatrician. Perhaps, the errors in the diet are to blame, and maybe the endocrinologist's advice is needed.

The growth and weight of school-age children

The most significant changes in the weight and height of the child are in school years. Uneven rapid development, improvement of the muscular apparatus, intensive growth are reflected in the indicators of physical development in children.

The period of growth jump occurs from eleven to sixteen years (in some it can be observed from 13 to 15 years, others start to grow rapidly in 13-14 years).

At this time, the weight of the child may not correspond to growth, sometimes the muscles do not have time to gain the right mass. Therefore, teenage inconsistency and angular movements - a normal condition, not requiring adjustments or special diets.

All parents need to remember that the growth of a child at school age is influenced by factors:

  1. nutritional value in sufficient quantity and quality;
  2. correct mode of work and rest;
  3. playing sports;
  4. heredity;
  5. habitat.

The weight of a child in adolescence may correspond to normal indices and even be somewhat lower, and children are shy of excessive completeness. What is the reason? Well-developed muscles weigh four times as much as fat. Therefore, a child who does not engage in sports and has insufficiently developed muscle mass will look fat. In this case, regular physical exertion and adjustment of nutrition are able to become excellent assistants.

Height and weight of the child: useful and necessary table

Mom and dad of children from 0 to 17 years old can easily determine the correspondence of height and weight of their own children with the help of a special table. In the top line are figures from 1 to 8, which denote a kind of assessment of indicators of physical development, and percentage values ​​specify deviations from the average indicators. Lightly colored columns are highlighted with normal parameters, white - those that draw the attention of parents to the possible increase in problems.

Table growth and weight of the child is normal from birth to 17 yearsTable of the ratio of height and weight of the child

If the weight and height of the child are in a column that is colored brown, parents should consider whether it's time to consult a doctor. Perhaps, there are any deviations in the development of the child, and appropriate measures should be taken.

Dr. Komarovsky: weight and height of the child, norm and deviation

What weight and height should the child have?

Dr. Komarovsky will draw his parents' attention to the ambiguity of the answer to the question of what weight and height the child should have.

Should the weight and height of the child correspond to the norms

Dr. Komarovsky will express his opinion as to whether the child's weight and height should conform to the norms, and will draw the parents' attention to their own reflection in the mirror.

Source: editorial of the article by Irina Silenko from the site ratio-of-height-and-weight-of-the-child-at-each-stage-of-its-development /