Black dots on the nose on the face: how to get rid at home quickly

The black dots on the face of and, especially on the nose of , greatly spoil the appearance of young girls and older women, regardless of their skin type. The simplest thing you can recommend is to visit a cosmetologist. But what if the beauty salon is far from home or the prices and cost of services in the field of local cosmetology are prohibitively high and can not afford? And maybe, and at all are unprofessional?

We will consider various methods of skin cleaning in beauty salons, as well as ways and means of how to independently and quickly get rid of black points on the nose and face at home .


Why black dots appear on the face and nose: causes

Black dots are called comedones .Their appearance is associated with a peculiarity of the skin to secret out substances from the sebaceous glands in a week to 30 grams. Pores are inevitably clogged, which causes the appearance of dense, slightly elevated above the surface of the skin elements. Pigment melanin - the reason for black coloring of such acne. For general health, this phenomenon is not dangerous, it only worsens the appearance of the face.

There are several main reasons for the appearance of black dots on the face:

  1. Insufficient skin cleansing .Wrong washing, long stay of cosmetics on the face, refusal of peelings - lead to accumulation of pollution in the pores of the skin. Therefore, black dots appear.
  2. Low-quality cosmetics .Toned creams, fatty moisturizers, powders contain substances prone to subsidence in the pores, instead of dissolving in the organic medium.
  3. Disorders in the hormonal background .Wrong course of skin metabolic processes leads to clogging of pores.
  4. Incorrect power supply .When consuming excessive amounts of fatty and fried foods, black dots appear as a result of disruption of the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Bad habits of and the presence of frequent stresses .Both factors negatively affect the state of the body, including the purity of the skin.
  6. Hereditary predisposition of .If all of the above can be eliminated, then heredity is difficult to change, it will only be time to remove the emerging comedones.

How to get rid of black dots on the nose and face at home

Getting rid of black dots on the face is a long and sometimes painful process. It is worth mentioning the preventive measures to prevent their occurrence. You can regularly and systematically perform several tips and rules to protect yourself from unnecessary worries about cosmetic skin defects.

  1. First, perform a stable facial cleansing of .Whatever it was, do not neglect cosmetics before going to bed. Wipe your face with a cleansing tonic.
  2. Secondly, remove the dead cells from the surface of the skin .The skin should always breathe, do not allow the accumulation of waste products of metabolic processes. At least once every two weeks, do face peeling. This will improve blood circulation and skin renewal.
  3. Third, use only with quality cosmetics .The use of a foundation with a doubtful composition can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also a deep contamination of the pores. Use BB or CC-Cream for easy matting and moisturizing the skin.

Observing these rules, do not forget about the normalization of the way of life. Get rid of bad habits, eat plenty of vitamins, enter the morning exercise program. Skin health is a reflection of the work of the whole body, start healing yourself from within.

Facial cleansing: methods

Facial cleansing in a cosmetology salon is considered to be the most effective and quickest measure. There are several types of cosmetology interventions.

  1. Manual cleaning .The essence of the procedure consists in the manual removal of comedones after necessary preparation of the skin. Then, face treatment with liquid nitrogen and apply a mask with a soothing effect. The negative side of this procedure is quite palpable tenderness and long-term healing of the skin.
  2. Vacuum .The process of drawing negative contents of pores by the negative pressure. Completely painless and safe. But does not guarantee a 100% skin cleansing.
  3. Ultrasonic .The face is affected by high-frequency oscillations, which clean the upper layer of the epidermis from grease and dirt. Contraindications are diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Chemical peeling .On the skin of the face, substances containing fruit acids are applied. The method is not traumatic, but misses large comedones.
  5. Laser exposure to .The laser removes even deep, aged cells. It improves blood circulation in the skin and the course of metabolic processes. The visible effect of the procedure comes in a week.

Face cleaning and removal of black dots by home methods

There are several proven methods of removing black dots on the face. But do not forget that none of them will not cope with the problem forever without proper subsequent care. It will be better if you select several methods you like and will periodically combine them. When cleaning your face, you need to remember several rules.

  1. Skinning of the skin .In order to better open the pores and deeply cleansed, the effect of steam baths or hot compresses is previously applied. Water should be comfortable. Lean over the basin or apply a wet compress on your face for 15-20 minutes, changing it as it cools.
  2. Hand disinfection .It is important to avoid getting into the expanded pores of foreign bacteria. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting black spots of inflammatory acne. Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with alcohol solution.
  3. Processing of .After cleansing, treat the skin with a solution of salicylic acid or lemon juice - this will help close excessively expanded pores and prevent re-contamination.

Manually removing black dots

You can remove black dots on your face using manual removal. According to many opinions, this is the fastest way to cleanse the skin. Do this:

  1. Clean and rinse the skin.
  2. Wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Finger pads( avoid exposure to nails) gently squeeze out black dots on the face, trying not to damage the skin.
  4. Again treat the site of exposure to hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Carry out procedures for narrowing the pores and do not use cosmetics for a day.

Cleansing with plaster

The patch is perfect for removing the black points of the on the nose of the .It is an alternative to steaming and can be used for skin that is excessively sensitive to high temperatures. You can prepare the plaster at home. The recipe is:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of gelatin powder with a small amount of warm milk.
  2. Preheat the mixture for 10 minutes in a microwave oven.
  3. Apply the heated swollen mass to the nose and leave until completely hardened.
  4. With a neat and sharp movement, remove the resulting film from the nose along with the remaining black dots on it.
  5. Treat the nose with salicylic acid or lemon juice.

Mask from clay to face: recipes for effective masks

Continue to wonder how to get rid of black dots on your face at home without pain and trauma to the skin? There are many types of effective methods. Masks and scrubs against black dots are easy to use and do not require significant costs. Choose them according to your personal preferences and skin reactions to components.

To test whether the chosen composition suits you, test: apply the prepared mixture on your wrist and wait 20-30 minutes. If there is no redness or burning, you can use this recipe.

Soda with salt

Long since soda is valued for its anti-inflammatory effect, quickly removes irritation. Salt is the main component of many scrubs thanks to the ability to remove toxins and comedones from the top layer of the skin. After applying this composition, the face becomes lighter and gets dull.

  1. Preliminary procedure for face cleaning and skinning.
  2. Mix in equal amounts of soda and edible salt.
  3. Wet the cotton wool disc in the resulting mixture.
  4. Process areas with black dots in circular motions without strong pressure.
  5. Wash off the composition, perform the procedure for narrowing the pores and apply the cream suitable for your type of face.
Oatmeal with kefir: Herculean flakes + kefir

Oatmeal flakes contain a large number of nutrients necessary for the skin( proteins, vitamins, trace elements).This mask penetrates into the pores and removes dirt from them. The properties of boric acid are not known to many, and in fact it is capable of splitting the substances released by the glands. Kefir soothes irritated epidermis.

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of ground crushed Hercules flakes, 1 teaspoon of shallow edible salt and 4-5 drops of boric acid.
  2. Dilute the resulting composition with kefir to the density of sour cream.
  3. Distribute the mixture on your face and leave it exposed for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Hold a small massage of the clogged areas with wet fingers and rinse with cold water.
Activated carbon and clay

Getting rid of black spots with activated carbon is another very effective method. This is due to its absorbent properties. It is able not only to draw accumulated dirt and fat from the expanded pores, but also to remove from the surface of the skin, accumulated during life harmful substances.

  1. Clean and rinse the skin.
  2. Pulverize 2 tablets of activated charcoal into small crumbs.
  3. Mix with 1 tablespoon of any cosmetic clay.
  4. Add cool water to the consistency of sour cream.
  5. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad and leave for 20 minutes.

Facial scrub: peeling for problem skin

Peeling is another popular and effective procedure for cleaning pores. Its essence lies in the mechanical action of abrasive particles on the upper layers of the skin. Do not peel with people who have irritations and inflammatory processes on the skin, and if there are open wounds.

Oat scrub
  1. Clean and rinse the skin.
  2. Take a tablespoon of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of soda.
  3. Pour kefir to medium density.
  4. Apply on face and massage for a few minutes.
Cocoa scrub: chocolate with olive oil

Not only a delicious scent, but also a quick result will make you trembling to love this recipe. It is recommended to do the scrub in the bath or during the bath.

  1. Mix two tablespoons of cocoa without additives and brown sugar.
  2. Add two teaspoons of olive oil and relocate.
  3. Unfold the face and lightly massage the face for two minutes, paying more attention to the problem areas.
  4. Rinse with cool water. Moisturizing cream can not be applied thanks to olive oil in the composition.
  5. You need to scrub your face twice a week, so you will not allow dirt to accumulate in the skin and take them out in time.

Now you know how to get rid of black dots on the nose and face at home using mechanical cleansing, natural masks and scrubs. But according to numerous reviews, no folk way from the first application will not give you a completely cleansed skin, regularity is important.

Make it a rule to carry out your favorite skin cleansing procedure at least once a week. Do not forget about the rules for preventing the appearance of black dots. Start improving your lifestyle: improve your diet and spend more time outdoors. All this will give you a smooth skin and a healthy complexion.

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Source: the article by Anna Matveeva from the site http: // kak-izbavitsya-ot-chernyh-tochek /