Chest fee from cough price

The use of breastfeeding in the treatment of cough

Medicinal herbs from coughIn the treatment of cough, many people are not limited to the use of certain medications prescribed by a doctor. Some patients trust exactly folk medicine, known for effective methods of fighting the common cold and its symptoms. In pharmacies, chest pouch for cough is sold, where the strongest medicinal herbs are collected, which help to eliminate this sign of colds.

Which collection should I choose?

Pharmaceutical companies produce several types of such fees, which are chosen depending on the type of cough and its manifestations.Herbs used in the preparation of such charges have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator properties.In the treatment of cough, you can use the fees 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Breast gathering number 1

Breast Collection No. 1 has anti-inflammatory, sedative and expectorant actions

If you pay attention to the composition of the collection under number 1, you can see that there are herbs that have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. When it is produced, it is used oregano, mother-and-stepmother, marshmallow. Oregano is known for its anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, marshmallows and mother-and-stepmother have an anti-inflammatory effect in addition to expectorant action.

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Collection 2 includes mother-and-stepmother, plantain and licorice root. Plantain in the people is known for its high anti-inflammatory properties, and the root of licorice effectively softens the throat, relieves the inflammation that always occurs when coughing.

Collection number 3 consists of such medicinal plants as pine buds, marshmallows, anise, sage. These plants relieve inflammation, soften the mucous membrane, increase and spit out sputum.

Breast gathering №4

Breast gathering №4 dilutes sputum, removes inflammation

Very often, patients are assigned chest cough from the cough № 4, in the manufacture of which pharmacological companies use chamomile, mint, violet, ledum, licorice root, calendula. As is known, after using Ledum from dry cough goes into wet, sputum begins to separate, the patient's condition is much easier. Violet has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties, calendula also has the ability to remove inflammatory processes.

The use of breastfeeding in the treatment of cough reduces inflammation in the bronchial tree, dilutes sputum and effectively removes it from the respiratory tract.

Features of treatment

Chest cough collection is indicated for use in the development of such diseases as:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • flu;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.
Herb teaIt is also advisable to adhere to this method of treatment for all types of bronchitis - acute, chronic, obstructive. In addition, it is prescribed for other diseases, for which a wet cough is characteristic.

When a cough occurs, such fees are applied in the form of a decoction or tea. To prepare a medicinal decoction, using the charges №1 and №2, take 1 spoonful of raw material in 200 ml of water, heat on the fire, but do not boil, then insist for 45 minutes. Use the broth 3 times a day, drinking no more than 2 glasses per day.

Using breast collection №3 and №4, it is necessary to take 200 tablespoons of boiled water for 2 tablespoons of raw material, to insist for the same period of time. Take in hot form three times a day for 1/3 cup.Using this cough treatment method, the course of therapy should be 2 weeks.

Applying chest cough for children, to prepare a healing drink should be exactly the same way as for adults, only herbs should be used half as much.

Possible side effects in treatment

Very often the herbs used in the compilation of nursing fees, in the case of individual intolerance to their acting substances, in patients can cause urticaria or skin itching, other side effects from herbal treatments are not fixed.

In the event of an overdose, poisoning of the organism may occur, since the herbs are potent means, but many do not attach any serious importance to this, believing that they act weakly and slow. For a person, it can be very dangerous to overdose such a plant as a rosemary, since it belongs to the number of poisonous grasses. This substance is included in the chest collection number 4, so you should always follow the dosage indicated in the instructions or your doctor. Pregnant and breastfeeding these breastfeeds are not contraindicated for use, but despite this, a woman must necessarily consult a therapist or gynecologist beforehand.

Breast collection should not be taken in parallel with medical drugs that have a blocking effect on the cough center - Kodelak, Sinekod, Stoptussin, Terpinkod, Libeksin.

If you do not adhere to this recommendation, sputum stasis may occur in the trachebronchial tree, which often causes the spread of the pathogen of infection to all respiratory organs system.

Is chest cough for children effective?


Cough can begin at any time, it is a sign of many respiratory diseases. During the course of the disease, various respiratory organs can be inflamed, and their change leads to the formation of bouhichia. Adults by habit immediately begin to take strong medicines, but for children with their use should not be in a hurry. There is an alternative method of treatment in the form of sweet syrups on natural ingredients and piles of herbs. The latter are widely used in the treatment of babies. Although their effects are not as rapid as those of antitussive medications, they are safe for the sick child's body and do not cause side reactions.

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There are several types of nursing fees that are suitable for different types of cough. But they all contain exclusively natural herbs. Ratio, which in each set is optimally verified by doctors through research. Depending on the prevalence of one or another herb, phytogens have an expectorant, mucolytic and antiseptic effect on the body.

chest cough for children


Pharmaceutical companies issue several fees, they have no names, but simply go to the numbers. Each of them contains a certain set of herbs, the pediatrician will prescribe the child a suitable look, based on the characteristics of the cough.

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No. 1

It consists of 80% of the rhizomes of the marshmallow and the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother. The rest is filled with oregano. It is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory organs. This variant of the herbal composition perfectly helps with laryngitis and tracheitis. Phytomixing can not be used by those who have hypersensitivity to these herbs or have an allergy to them.

chest cough for number 1 for children
  • Althea rootIt is used in many syrups and cough syrups. Therefore, in this collection, it is contained for its elimination, as well as for the treatment of the inflamed larynx.
  • Mother and stepmothersoftly envelops the throat and has an emollient and expectorant effect. This plant perfectly copes with a dry cough, relieves the accompanying acute pains.
  • Oreganois known for its antiseptic actions. It suppresses inflammation, tones up the body. Its very useful feature is a diuretic action that quickly rid the body of pathogens.

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This remedy reduces cough, dilutes and removes phlegm, this is due to its use in pneumonia and bronchitis. Its herbal composition includes three plants: mother - and - stepmother, as in the first variant, plantain and rhizome of licorice.

chest cough for 2 children

Mother-and-stepmother here is able to eliminate the attack of choking if it is drunk in the form of tea. And it also has a blood purifying and bronchial cleaning effect. And all this is feasible due to the rich content in its leaves of useful substances:

  • vitamin CIt is indispensable for catarrhal diseases, it is able to form immune cells;
  • Potassium, magnesium and calciumsupport the tone of the heart muscle, which the disease has a negative effect;
  • ironsoftens cough, improves blood composition.

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The leaves of the plantain contain a lot of therapeutic mucus, so they improve the phlegm withdrawal.This grass is known to all children, because more than once they applied it to broken knees, knowing about its ability heal, relieve pain, stop bleeding and inflammation, and also eliminate bacterial infection. As part of the collection, he is able to show his best healing aspects.

Any cough begins first with a dry appearance, and then gradually turns into a wet cough. But in the beginning because of acute displays of attacks the throat of the patient receives microtraumas which can eliminate a plantain. In case the disease is accompanied by a runny nose and here this herb will help. It can have anti-allergic effect. Plantain removes puffiness and improves breathing.

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Licorice root is included in the composition to eliminate cough. It can also be used to prevent buzzing. If you feel that the disease is approaching, you need to drink the collection number 2 for prevention in the form of tea and then the cough can get by. This is a strong immune-strengthening substance.

No. 3

Used to cleanse the bronchi from mucus. It eliminates inflammation by inhibiting bacteria. In its composition there are five medicinal herbs:

  • sage;
  • anise;
  • marshmallows;
  • buds of pine;
  • licorice.chest cough for children № 3

The last two ingredients have been described above, so consider the first three herbs in more detail.

Sage leaves are able to soothing and softening effect on cough, as well as to remove inflammations occurring during it. They are capable of stopping blood and restoring the mucous throat. Also have astringent effect.

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Kidney buds are rich in essential oil, resin, vitamin C and other useful trace elements.They produce a vasodilator and disinfectant. Are able to have a diuretic effect.


This is a powerful phyto-mixture. All its components are complex to have antibacterial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. They participate in the prompt withdrawal of phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. This collection is different from the rest by its multicomponent. It contains six herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • mint leaves;
  • ledum;
  • violet;
  • liquorice root.chest cough for 4 children
  • Chamomile flowershave an antiseptic and soothing effect. They contain tannins, zulen, antemisic acid and glycoside.
  • Violethas a sedative and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It contains vitamin C, flavonoids, glycosides and saponins.
  • Flowers of marigoldhave a powerful bactericidal action. Contained in them flavonoids, acids, saponins, tannins and carotenoids can make sputum less viscous.
  • Ledumhas an expectorant effect.
  • Mint leavesthey act sedately. They contain menthol and essential oils.

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How to use


He is drunk in the form of tea or is inhaled using it.

For a weak concentration, one sachet is taken and poured with boiling water, like ordinary tea. Insists 5 minutes and drinks. In acute forms of the disease, you can use two sachets at a time or take one and boil in boiling water for five minutes. This tea should be drunk 3 or 4 times a day.

chest cough for children

Inhalation is administered using a concentrated infusion: 3 collection bags or 3 tbsp. Spoon it should be poured 200 ml of water, and then boil for 10 minutes. The resulting composition is poured into a dish for inhalation and is used five minutes after that to cool it down a little. This will prevent damage to the throat shell by steam.

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Composition number 2.

It is used as a decoction. One packet of a herbal compound is poured in 200 ml of boiling water and it is insisted for 10 minutes, then it is drunk. The procedure is repeated four times a day.

No. 3.

Two dining rooms. raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water and a quarter of an hour is cooked on the water bar. After this, 45 minutes are insisted. Then strain and squeeze the precipitate and add water to make 200 ml. The received product is taken after meals three times a day.

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chest cough

Application №4

The broth is prepared similarly to the previous herbal composition. Only drink it not in a glass at a time, but only 75 ml and not more than 4 times a day.

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The course of application of all means is from two to three weeks.Such herbal preparations will help the baby to recover faster in a complex with other means. They will eliminate the cough that has excruciated him, make the phlegm less viscous, and this will contribute to its faster conclusion. All these actions will occur gradually and gently, without causing the depleted body any harm.


  • Mariyana, 25 years old:"I try to use herbal extract No. 4 at the very beginning of the cough. I brew it in a thermos bottle. Since the medicinal components of it are packed in disposable bags, a medicinal drink is brewed at home and at work. And for the child I cook gulls in a small thermos, and he takes it with him to school. Sometimes I add to it the fruits of the dog rose and the flowers of the lime tree. All this I fall asleep in a thermos and pour boiling water into it. Insists such a decoction for about an hour, and then I drink it instead of tea. Cough gradually recedes into the background, and then completely disappears. It can be used for any cough. In particular, it helps with a dry cough with phlegm. This is a convenient and natural remedy. "
  • Lika, 27 years old:"When I cough, the therapist appointed me breast-feeding No. 3. Powders I do not trust, because they only relieve the pain in the throat, and cough does not eliminate. And this tool really helped me, and its effect was as if imperceptible, everything subsided little by little. This tea is brewed very easily: one sachet is poured with 100 ml of boiling water and a quarter is poured hour, during this it must be pressed, and then squeezed and add the right amount of water to the full glass. It is easily drunk, the herbs give a sweetish taste without bitterness. I take it before the main meal three times a day. And I recently tested it on my daughter for 6 years. According to the instruction, children under 12 can not be used, but the pediatrician assured me that it is not just possible, but necessary. Indeed, that there can affect the child, if it contains only natural herbs. I gave her to drink it four times a day, at one time she drank 100 ml of the drug. She cough after five days, but to fix the effect, I prepared it for her two more days. I am very pleased with his action and the fact that I did not have to use strong medicines for my child. "
  • Katerina, 32 years old:"When my child was three years old and had a cough, the pediatrician prescribed a breastfeeding. The first thing that surprised me when buying it - the price. It's funny even compared to the cheapest syrups. The second is that it should be brewed like tea. The third is that this remedy not only eliminates cough, but also relieves inflammation. After a week of use, my child had no cold from the cold, and I took this reminder myself. "

Breastfeeding for children

Breastfeeding will help children get rid of coughMany parents prefer to treat a child with traditional medicine and for colds and bronchitis use a breastfeed for children. Can it be used in pediatric practice, at what age can babies be allowed to give their meals? These issues require coverage.

Cough appears in many diseases as a protective reaction, necessary for cleaning the respiratory tract from accumulated mucus. The problem is that in bronchi sometimes very thick and viscous sputum is formed, which is difficult to separate. Therefore, doctors prescribe expectorant and mucolytic drugs for the purpose of dilution and removal.

To remove mucus and the dead epithelium from the respiratory system, breast-feeding is used. Herbs included in it have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial and bronchodilating action.Due to its components, breastfeeding is used for coughing in children. Currently, there are 4 types of nursing fees, differing in composition. The higher the number, the more it contains various medicinal herbs.

Collection number 1

It consists of marshmallows, mother-and-stepmother in equal parts and oregano in half. These plants relieve inflammation, have mucolytic and restorative effect. Apply it for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system in children.

Collection number 2

It contains plantain (3 parts), licorice (3 parts) and mother-and-stepmother (4 parts), has an anti-inflammatory effect and displays phlegm. Used for bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis for colds and inflammatory diseases in children.

Collection number 3

Ingredients: licorice, althae, pine buds, sage leaf, anise seeds. This composition also helps to withdraw phlegm and relieve inflammation in ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis.

Collection number 4

The composition of filter packs include Ledum, Violet, Calendula, Chamomile, Licorice root and mint. In addition to anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, this composition also has a secretolitic effect, that is, it helps to thin the sputum.

1 2 3 4 chest cough

What is the best breastfeeding?

It depends on the age and accompanying diseases in the child. Babies older than 1 year are encouraged to give fees containing a minimum number of components. Older children are allowed to apply nursing fees under the number 3 and 4, provided they do not have any allergies.

It is necessary to warn parents: the packet of tea bags number 4 includes a rosemary-grass, which belongs to poisonous plants. After receiving it, dizziness, headache and irritability may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to use Lederel from a cough, neatly, not exceeding the recommended dose.

Children under 12 months are advised not to give medicinal herbs, but to brew any one of these plants. For example, a baby will approach the herb of thyme, willow-tea, chamomile, licorice broth.

How to brew fees?

They should not be poured boiling water, but necessarily brew. So the herbs and roots best open their healing properties. Usually a tablespoon of medicinal raw material is poured with 2 glasses of water from a kettle and kept on the fire for several minutes. The herbal remedy must be insisted for 20 minutes and strain through gauze.

How to apply?

  • Children under 3 years of age are given a tablespoon of medicinal broth 4 times a day.
  • Babies from 3 to 10 years are already prescribed 2 tablespoons of medication the same number of times.
  • Children over the age of 10 can be given cough infusion for one third of the glass for taking 3 times a day.


Charges are not recommended for children with an allergic predisposition. After using the plants, a skin rash, hives, itching may appear. Therefore, carefully observe the reaction of your baby. If there are no side effects, cough medicinal herbs can be treated.

Medicines and herbs, of course, are good for coughing, but see also the video about how to make a massage when coughing a child.

What is a cough chest 1?

The healing properties of plants have long been used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine.Cough chest 1 from cough is prescribed as an additional therapy for the treatment of diseases of organs respiration caused by viral and bacterial infections, and the main - with residual effects of colds and ARI.

The problem of coughing

Features of breastfeeding 1

There are many different categories of herbs that treat certain diseases. They are called gatherings, each has its own number and testimony. To cure a cough, breastfeeds No. 1, 2, 3, 4 help. They differ in the composition of the herbs and in slightly different effects.

In breastfeeding 1 includes:

  • althea root (40%);
  • leaves of mother-and-stepmother (40%);
  • oregano (20%).
Althea root with coughLet's take a closer look at each ingredient in the collection. Let's start with the marshmallow. His healing properties are known for a very long time, he was once even called a "friend of the poor" for the accessibility and treatment of a wide range of diseases. Indeed, the althae grows everywhere, and the roots of the plant do not amount to labor. Or you can simply look into the pharmacy to buy it. Due to the presence of fatty oils, polysaccharides, microelements and vitamins, it has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect and stimulates immunity. He is also the first assistant in the fight against coughing. It is not without reason that the root of the althea is included in the composition of 1, 2 and 3 puerperal dues.

Leaves of mother-and-stepmother have enveloping, softening, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. This plant has also been used for a long time in folk medicine. Even in ancient Rome and Greece used it as a therapeutic agent against bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, pleurisy. The leaves of the plant are rich in mucous substances, bitter glycosides, saponins, essential oils, rutin, malic and tartaric acids and vitamins. And until now, mother-and-stepmother is removed from a dry cough, because she well dilutes sputum and reduces the inflammatory process.

Oregano is a powerful natural antiseptic. It tones, relieves inflammation and has a mild laxative effect. She is treated not only cough, but migraine, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, enterocolitis, gastritis and much more. Such a strong composition helps to quickly clear bronchi from mucus and cure a wet and dry cough caused by an infectious disease of the body.

Infusions and inhalations

If before the chest cough from the cough was sold only in the form of a crushed herbal mixture, packed in cardboard box, now you can buy filter bags, which contain 35 grams of dried raw materials.

Mother-and-stepmother when coughingUse them more conveniently, and the effect is achieved no worse.

Now you need to learn how to properly prepare herbal infusion for ingestion and inhalation.

To prepare the infusion from a mixture of herbs, put in enamel utensils 1 tbsp. l. collecting, pour a glass (200 ml) of cold water. Then put in a water bath for 15 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, remove from heat and continue to infuse at room temperature for 45 minutes. Then the infusion should be filtered, squeezed into it raw materials and pour boiled water to the original 200 ml.

Infusion of the filter bag is made easier: it is poured with steep boiling water (200 ml) and insists 15 minutes in a closed container, preferably glass or enameled.

All infusions take in a warm form 3-4 times a day for half a cup. When treating children, the dosage should be reduced 2 times. The course lasts 2-3 weeks. The prepared infusion is stored for no more than 2 days.

Oregano when coughingFor carrying out inhalations a glass of water is taken 3 tbsp. l. dry crushed raw materials or 2-3 sachets. It is necessary to weld the collection for 10 minutes, then pour it into the inhalation container, wait 5-10 minutes to not burn with steam, and proceed to the procedure. Do not forget after the inhalation of 1 hour quietly relax.

Breast collection number 1 has contraindications. It can not be taken in the form of infusions to pregnant women and nursing mothers, with caution - young children. People who have an individual intolerance to any component, use the collection is contraindicated. You can not take breastfeeds in parallel with the blocking cough center medical products, such as Kodelak, Sinekod, Stoptussin, and others. It is better to consult with a doctor about the advisability of taking breastfeeding 1 from a cough.

Why are drugstores preferable?

The availability of plants included in the breastfeeding 1 suggests that if you harvest these herbs yourself, dry, mix and store at home so that, if necessary, be used to treat cough and other colds phenomena? This is quite possible if a person lives, for example, in a rural area with a clean environment. And still need knowledge about when medicinal herbs need to be collected, how to dry and store. Otherwise, everything will lose its meaning.


For the same reason, you do not need to buy dried plants from grandmothers on the market. And in the proposed pharmaceutical collections, plants are already collected, dried and combined in exactly the proportions that give the maximum effect, supplementing and enriching each other. And the herbs are collected in ecologically clean places, as the producers say. Therefore, it is easier and safer to buy an herbal collection at a pharmacy, and its cost is more than affordable.

We remind you that the shelf life of breastfeeding is 2 years. After the expiration of the period you need to purchase another one. Keep it well away from sunlight and moisture.

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