With pneumonia, the back hurts

What does a person suffer from pneumonia?

If a person is sick with pneumonia, he needs to know what hurts when he has pneumonia. This disease is considered quite dangerous and unpredictable. Incorrect treatment tactics and late detection of the disease can lead to death. Signs of pneumonia are similar to the symptoms of such respiratory diseases, which leads to difficult diagnosis without the necessary medical examinations.

Treatment of the disease lasts a long time and completely depends on the degree of damage, the age of the patient and his state of health.

What is pneumonia and what are the predictions of the disease?

The disease, in which the destruction of lung tissue occurs, is called pneumonia.It can arise from infection with a virus, fungus or bacterial infection. Inflammation begins with some factors. In rare cases, pneumonia can occur as a consequence of prolonged bed rest.

Due to the fact that the center of infection is the person himself, the disease is contagious and spreads by airborne droplets. With chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, heart, reduced functioning of the immune system, the disease is diagnosed with a rather heavy burden. Inflammation of the lungs develops rapidly and is much more difficult, requiring the use of additional treatment methods.

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This disease can cause and microorganisms located in the nasopharynx or pharynx. Due to the fact that they move to the very depth of the respiratory tract, the process of inflammation begins. With weak immunity in a sick person, pneumonia of a more serious nature may develop.

Pneumonia can take place differently, since the nature of the disease depends entirely on the age criterion, the state of immunity, the causative agent of infection, the presence of chronic ailments, and the technology of treatment inflammation. Pneumonia can give complications if the pathogen is sufficiently resistant to the effects of medications or immunity is reduced. Particular danger of pneumonia is for infants, especially if its pathogen is Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus. With timely and correct treatment, the prognosis is significantly improved.

When the treatment of the disease is started in a timely manner and the course was correct, pneumonia ends in a complete recovery. As a rule, after pneumonia, changes in the lung tissue, expressed by a decrease in the segment of the lung tissue, and their wrinkling may remain. Very often the disease is eliminated.

Risk factors and clinical picture of pneumonia

Any person can get infected with a certain adverse factors, even if he is completely healthy. Most of this disease is subject to such categories of persons as:

  • people of advanced age (over 60 years);
  • children under 2 years of age, children with a reduced immune system;
  • patients who abuse alcohol, drug users, smokers;
  • patients with diabetes, patients with heart disease, hepatitis;
  • patients with tuberculosis, bronchitis or asthma;
  • people with epilepsy and head injuries.

Everyone who suffers from pneumonia should know clearly what can be ill with pneumonia, in order to identify the disease in time. The ailment makes itself known from the beginning with a sore throat, obstruction of the nasal passages. Then the disease can manifest itself in 2 ways:

  • pulmonary;
  • extrapulmonary.

In the case of extrapulmonary manifestations, the intoxication syndrome, including symptoms such as:

  • an increase in body temperature to 39 ° C, accompanied by chills;
  • weakness in the body, aches;
  • headache;
  • pain in the muscles and bones;
  • poor appetite, nausea, in some cases vomiting;
  • insomnia, confused consciousness;
  • tachycardia, pale skin.
In the case of acute respiratory viral infection, there is a gradual intoxication of the body, there are unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity and throat, fever begins in the first days of the disease. When the doctor performs listening to light rales are not observed, and the x-ray is clean. As a rule, pneumonia occurs with fever and cough, but this is not always the case.

Among other manifestations, you can distinguish a cough, which after the time can be with the release of sputum. In turn, phlegm can be in the form of mucus or with the presence of pus. In severe form of pneumonia, sputum may contain blood. When you cough, there is a pain in the chest and back in the affected area. In the case of progressive respiratory failure, dyspnea may occur with inhalation and exhalation.

Even with pronounced symptoms, medical confirmation of the diagnosis is necessary. Upon examination, the doctor listens to the chest area, reveals the presence of wheezing and blunting sounds. Pneumonia should be confirmed using an X-ray study. To do this, you need to go through a computer tomography and perform a blood test. In addition, the doctor can prescribe a sputum for analysis, in order to identify the causative agent of the infection. After that, the doctor prescribes the necessary medications. In case of complication of the disease, bronchoscopy, echocardiography or ultrasound should be used.

What does it mean pain in the back, side, stomach and chest with pneumonia?

The presence of pain in the side in case of illness speaks of inflammation of the lower lobe of the lung and lesions of the pleura.


Since the process involves the pleural membranes, on which a large number of nerve plexuses and vessels are concentrated, the patient can feel a pain in the chest, giving back and belly.

In pneumonia, the pain may be similar to the sensation that occurs with acute radiculitis or an acute form of myocardial infarction.

In order to distinguish pneumonia from other diseases, it is important to remember that a feature of the inflammatory process in the lungs is the connection with the process of breathing and the type of cough. Among additional clinical manifestations, the patient may develop a fever.

Complications after pneumonia and their treatment

The disease can give complications when untimely referral to a doctor or wrong treatment. Possible complications of the disease include the following:

  • dry and exudate pleurisy;
  • empyema of the pleura;
  • destruction of lung tissue;
  • sepsis;
  • syndrome of multiple organ failure.

Excess pleurisy is manifested by the concentration of fluid (exudate) of an infectious origin in the pleura. In the course of the complication, the patient's chest and side ache, there may be a heaviness in the side, dyspnea increases.

In order to facilitate the procedure for breathing, the patient has to repeatedly occupy a position in which the hands rest against a hard surface. In addition, with inflammation, there is a dull pain that radiates to the lower region of the chest, breathing can be weakened. During illness, patients can not be in a prone position, so they sleep in a sitting or semi-sitting position.

Dry pleurisy is an independent form of complication, which is a consequence of the inflammatory process of the pleura. With it, the filaments of fibrin fall between the pleura sheets, and then their gluing. As a result, the patient feels a sharp pain in the chest while breathing. In addition, the pain is felt in the back and side. If the pain is too strong, the patient has to do only superficial breaths.

A timely visit to the attending physician, faithful observance of all prescribed rules of therapy and the timing of the use of medications will make it possible to cure the disease much more quickly. Prevention of the disease depends on how correctly the disease is perceived by people.


Among the methods of treating the disease, antibiotic therapy is given. The following drugs are allocated: Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime, Roxithromycin and others. To reduce pain in the chest, drugs with anti-inflammatory action are prescribed. As a supplement to the general therapy, the doctor prescribes drugs that dilute sputum (Ambroxol) and useful vitamins, frequent drinking, and bed rest. For preventive purposes, you should stop smoking, vaccinate against influenza, and also be tempered.


Where and how does it hurt in case of pneumonia?



Temperature, severe cough.


severe dry cough, persistent fever


At me not where did not hurt or be ill; be sick... there was a temperature and a cough began

Lyudmila Petlitskaya

The back hurts, it can be hard to breathe. And sometimes it does not hurt at all

dr. Drew

"Typical" pneumonia is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, a cough with profuse discharge of purulent sputum and in some cases pleural pain. In the study: shortening of percussion sound, hard breathing, bronchophonia, intensified vocal tremor, first dry, and then wet, crepitating rales, darkening on the roentgenogram. Such pneumonia is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae.

"Atypical" pneumonia is characterized by a gradual onset, a dry, unproductive cough, a predominance in the clinical picture secondary symptoms - headache, myalgia, pain and sore throat, weakness and malaise with minimal changes to the roentgenogram. This type of pneumonia causes, as a rule, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Pneumocystis carini.

baba yaga

Strong cough, high fever. Cough then passes and the disease can then take a chronic form, with a subfebrile temperature. Be sure to do a fluorography.

PASHTET (Pasha888)

Where and how does it hurt in case of pneumonia? = In the lungs!
What other signs? = Death four days after the start! (if not - then carried by!)

How to distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia

Often when there are inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, the question arises - how to distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia. The cause of these diseases are the same microorganisms - pathogens, and these diseases arise as complications of viral respiratory diseases.


  1. Viruses are the cause of developmentpneumoniavery rarely and only in people with serious diseases of the immune system - primary or secondary immunodeficiencies, which can occur in the treatment of cancer. As a rule, pneumonia orbronchitismay occur as a complication after a previous acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, etc.
  2. DifferencebronchitisfrompneumoniaIt is possible by the degree of disruption of the general condition of the patient - whenbronchitise is more pronounced cough with difficulty in sputum discharge in the first days, whereas forpneumoniathe symptoms of general intoxication are more typical. In patients with pneumonia, there are more frequent abnormalities of tissue respiration, which are manifested by the appearance of different degree of pronounced blue spots of the protruding parts of the face (earlobes, tip of the nose) or nail phalanges of the hands and feet. For patients withbronchitismore characteristic is a sense of lack of air, which is explained by the spasm of musculature of bronchuses of different caliber.
  3. Whenbronchitise pain in the chest is localized most often behind the breastbone - this is due to a nauseous and unproductive cough, which is associated with minute tears of the bronchial mucosa. Whenpneumoniapain in the chest is localized in the half of the chest, in which the inflammatory process develops - this is due to the fact that with pneumonia in the the process necessarily involves the serosa, which covers the lungs from the outside and makes it easy to glide over the inner surface of the thoracic cells.
  4. The increase in temperature, the phenomenon of general intoxication, headache, aches in the joints, heaviness in the lower back may appear and whenpneumonia, and withbronchitise - they arise from the effects of toxins, which are produced by microorganisms.
  5. But the most reliable way, which makes it possible to distinguishbronchitisfrompneumonia- X-ray of the lungs, which will help to establish the diagnosis accurately.


With Pneumonia, the back hurts, and the chest.. More (Inside.)


Carabiner Simonov

just do it from before. you need to be treated with antibiotics, and not anyhow, but those that will kill your pathogen - this will show the analysis of sputum, which you will hand over to the laboratory. go to the hospital and do not worry. and two months is already too much. ten days - norms



Daria Bulikova

lungs do not hurt, it hurts the muscles of the back from coughing. You're recovering)))

Vika Molodtsova

You wrote that you have a frequent cough. Hence the overexertion of the respiratory muscles, and therefore pain.

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