Dangerous inflammation of tuberculosis or pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs or tuberculosis, I can not figure it out ...



In the hospital, you will not catch tuberculosis... because they are infectious there in sterile boxes... and in the common chambers are only non-contagious... honey. The staff does not become infected... it is better to lie down for a normal examination, the further the house is to sit and guess

1256 1256

you need to do more tests


With a closed form, sputum culture can be negative
you have to pass the tests


do x-ray of the lungs, it shows or does not show tuberculosis (if any. then on rengen small white dots are visible), also shows if there is inflammation


Maybe just all together.
A closed form of tuberculosis does not appear in the sputum.


In sputum with tuberculosis must be present pathogens - sticks Kokh. If not, it is not tuberculosis. and changes in the lungs could occur due to pneumonia. but do you want to go to the hospital?

Petr Turchin

Mouzhenek, do not believe your eyes, believe my conscience? You have something like that, maybe the flu.

instagram viewer


closed form means!!! when open crop shows that there is!

Elena Yamschikova

probably it is necessary to hold a standing specialist, 2 months is a long time even for pneumonia.
Your health is not interested in anyone except you, fight for yourself


Inflammation of the lungs is treated for a long time, but still a second analysis should be done if possible in another hospital. And the recovery from pneumonia goes from the floor of the year to a year. Be treated and fastened. And here still cook honey, alley (you can rub it on a grater or cut small. pieces), butter and cognac all in equal quantities, brandy can be half as much, and drink with it tea the more the better. The effect will not keep you waiting. Get well.

Yaroslav Zhakov

Sample with tuberculin.
Fluroographies, crops on Kokh sticks.
In the end, PCR on Koch's wand, confirm by the presence of DNA.
In general, pneumonia for 3 months does not happen, tube it, Standarten-Fuhrer!

What can be dangerous inflammation of the lungs?

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) is an ailment that affects people of any age. Not everyone knows about the dangerous inflammation of the lungs. Although many will call the symptoms of the disease, they say that it is treated with antibiotics, and after the illness the body will recover for a long time.

To make sure of the danger of pneumonia, you must first understand what it is.

What is pneumonia?

This disease is caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses.Normally, for each person, pathogenic microorganisms live on the pharyngeal mucosa, nose, and lungs. But as soon as the body's immunity decreases, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply at a tremendous rate, causing pneumonia. Inflammation can begin directly in the lungs or get there gradually, starting its "journey" from the throat or nose. In such cases, doctors explain that "the infection has subsided."

Inflammation can be exposed to the whole lung or part of it.

Symptoms of this disease are: pain in the side, intensifying with deep inspiration or cough, very high body temperature, dry or wet cough, shortness of breath, chills. For the correct diagnosis, you will need a radiographic examination of the lungs, a blood test and sputum. These studies will help establish the nature of the disease and begin adequate therapy.

When treating pneumonia, doctors usually prescribe antibacterial drugs. Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient can be placed in the hospital, where he is injected several times a day. With properly selected antibiotic, the patient's condition improves after 5-6 days from the beginning of treatment. If no improvement occurs, doctors usually prescribe a different drug to the patient. Further it is important to dilute and withdraw from the lungs formed sputum. To this end, the patient may be prescribed inhalation, massage. In parallel, the patient is prescribed antiviral and immunomodulating drugs. Complete recovery usually occurs 3-4 weeks later.

Inflammation of the lungs is a very serious disease, from which, despite a wide range of modern antibiotics, people continue to die. About self-treatment speech can not even go. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Danger of pneumonia for children

For a child's organism pneumonia is a very serious test, even if the child has received medical help on time. Most often, infirmity affects children of preschool age. Doctors believe that up to 6 years the child is developing immunity. During this period, they are very vulnerable to all kinds of infections, including streptococcal, which in most cases causes babies pneumonia.

In addition to the symptoms of pneumonia listed above, the nasolabial triangle (cyanosis) is often marked in children. This is a very serious indicator, indicating that the disease is not all right with the cardiovascular system of the child.

The danger of pneumonia is also that in the course of the disease the lungs can not continue to function in full: the baby's breathing becomes shallow, he has a feeling of lack air. Therefore sick children sleep very badly, eat, show constant concern.

The following factors aggravate the situation:

  1. Later, seek medical help.
  2. Presence of concomitant chronic diseases in the baby.
  3. Incorrect treatment of the child.
Each of these factors increases the risk of illness for the child several times. At the initial stage, the disease is very similar to the usual viral infection, so doctors prescribe antibiotics not immediately. If antiviral treatment did not work for 3 days (high fever persists and cough does not stop), this is an excuse to contact the doctor again. Such a picture of the disease means its bacterial nature. At this stage, the intake of antibiotics is mandatory. Not all mothers know this. Many continue to treat the child according to the original scheme prescribed by the doctor, losing valuable time. Within a few days the child may develop acute respiratory failure, sometimes death occurs. This is the danger of pneumonia.

Another dangerous consequence of untreated pneumonia in children is neurotoxicosis. It is characterized by first increased activity of the child, his excitement, frequent crying, whims. This state is smoothly replaced by the opposite: the child is apathetic, does not eat, sleepy, muscle tone is reduced. At the third stage, the temperature rises, the child has convulsions, develops pulmonary insufficiency (until the breath stops).

To reduce the risk of developing a baby's inflammation of the lungs, my mother has to adhere to a few simple rules:
  1. Try to breast-feed at least 1 year.
  2. Do not give up vaccinating the baby.
  3. Ensure the child's diet of foods rich in zinc.
  4. Engage in tempering a child, spend a lot of time walking in the open air.
  5. Observe the basic rules of home hygiene: more often to ventilate the premises and conduct wet cleaning.

Effects of pneumonia in adults

No less dangerous is pneumonia and for adults. The most common consequences:

  1. Abscess of the lung.
  2. Fibrosis of the lung.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Respiratory failure.
Especially dangerous are the first two diseases.

Abscess of the lung is the decomposition (decay) of the lung tissue in the part where there was inflammation. The hearth can be one. Sometimes there are several. During the period of abscess formation, the patient's fever rises, weakness, lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, severe pain in the chest, cough. In the next stage, the formed abscess is opened, sputum in large quantities (up to 1 liter per day) exits through the respiratory tract. With the right treatment for several years, the tissue of the lung becomes scarred, and a full recovery comes.

Fibrosis of the lung is a condition of the patient, in which the connective tissue begins to form on the site of the damaged pulmonary tissue. Lungs can not work at full power, breathing becomes difficult, chest pain occurs. The disease progresses very quickly, so it requires immediate treatment in a medical institution. It is impossible to get rid of lung fibrosis completely. Treatment is usually aimed at alleviating the symptoms and preventing the further development of the disease. In extreme cases, the patient is shown lung transplantation.

How to avoid the negative consequences of pneumonia?

The mortality from pneumonia in our country, despite the sufficient level of development of medicine, remains quite high.

To quickly recover and avoid negative consequences, you need to be very attentive to health.


In Russia it is accepted to go to the doctor when there are already very serious problems. It is not right. In the case of pneumonia, this can lead to death. Medical care should be handled as soon as the first symptoms of the disease have appeared, and the temperature is still not so high. Do not neglect and analysis, which appoints the doctor. Their results will help the doctor immediately make a scheme for effective treatment.

Mom, caring about the health of her baby, should know that at the slightest suspicion of any disease she must show the child to the doctor. Statistics show that the largest infant mortality from pneumonia is observed among toddlers under the age of 1 year. In the case of children's pneumonia, do not neglect hospitalization.


Both adults and children will be protected from pneumonia by physical training, proper nutrition, vitamins and microelements, hardening, frequent stay in the open air and close attention to your health.


What is dangerous inflammation of the lungs?



Pneumonia is an infectious inflammatory disease of the lungs caused by various bacteria - pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci and some other pathogens.
Very often, pneumonia is considered harmless and people refuse hospitalization. Or, with an erroneous diagnosis, the main treatment is started, which can lead to a fatal outcome.
There are two types of pneumonia: focal and croupous. In focal pneumonia, a lobule or a small area of ​​the lung is affected. In this case, the patient appears cough. First dry, then wet. The temperature rises to 38 degrees and above, severe weakness, decreased ability to work, shortness of breath. Agree, such symptoms are suitable for any viral disease, and it is easy to take a beginning pneumonia for bronchitis. But there is an important feature - pain in the chest on the side of the lesion or pain under the shoulder blade, which increases with breathing, coughing. If you look at such a patient, he will be pale, maybe herpes on the lips or wings of the nose. Such a characteristic for focal pneumonia should alert and urgently hospitalize the patient. The department will take the necessary tests, will make a fluoroscopy, which will help to identify the area of ​​darkening of the lung tissue. And, of course, they will prescribe intensive therapy. This includes: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, dezotoksikatsionnaya, oxygen therapy and physiotherapy. If you do not run the treatment, it will last about a month.
Croupous pneumonia affects the proportion of the lung or all of the lungs.
It begins sharply and suddenly. The temperature rises to 40 degrees and above, there is a tremendous chill, shortness of breath is expressed. There is pain on the side of defeat, delirium, hallucinations or blocking, pain in the bones, muscles. Cough at first dry, then with the departure of bloody sputum. The arterial pressure drops, there may be pulmonary edema, which often happens in children and the elderly. The help is exactly the same as for focal pneumonia.
As you can see, the disease is dangerous and self-cure is not. But it would be good to combine the treatment with good folk recipes. Such treatment will only accelerate the process of recovery.
There is a good ancient remedy for pneumonia:
On a fine grater, rub the black radish, squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth (or use a juicer). It is good to mix two parts of this juice with one part of liquid honey. Drink two tablespoons, before meals and in the evening, before going to bed.
Before using this tool, consult your doctor!

Dmitry Kudinov

Pememeret it is possible.

This is me

if not treated, followed by tuberculosis, it is urgent to take action

Anatoly Krylov

Fatal outcome

Alexey Zhitnik


Elena Perelygina

You may experience pulmonary edema and the person will die! And if you delay with treatment, complications can arise, for example. pleurisy-will accumulate fluid that will need to pump out, a pleasant little!


Poorly treated - there may be consequences of further problems with the lungs (pneumosclerosis, emphysema, fibrosis, tuberculosis, COPD, chronic form, etc.)

While everything is good

ask someone to strangle you... then think about what it's dangerous. This is the same for the body, it is perceived.

La diva

Purulent empyema of the pleura, pleurisy, lung abscess the most likely option, sepsis, etc.

Irina Lapshina

If you do not heal, then you can leave this world altogether, but you can get acquainted with the chronic form of the disease, if not treated or illiterate. Good luck!

How to distinguish tuberculosis from pneumonia?


Elizaveta Kirillova

In the picture with pneumonia and tuberculosis, darkening in different segments of the lungs. Maybe that's why doctors suspect tub-z. But tuba. often occurs at a not very high temperature. Leukocytes no more than 1, OE 20-30. So there is hope that your friend has pneumonia. But I'm not a doctor, it's just that my friend's son was sick with tuberculosis. Treatment for pneumonia did not help (antibiotics), the diagnosis could not be made for a long time. By the way, only after the X-ray and put. And immediately hospitalized. Nothing, they cured. He is alive and well. You would show in the TB dispensary. On the other hand, in the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics, the improvement occurs three days later. Both diseases are very serious and it is still unknown which of them is worse.

Evgenia Sheveleva

Clarification of diagnosis DOCTORS should be engaged. Sputum analysis. Tuberculin tests. X-ray examination.
... And get infected... yes anywhere. No one, alas, is immune.
Health to the young man and you!

I - on the right

Doctors are different. With tuberculosis, Koch's wand is sown in the tests

What is trachybronchitis, is it more dangerous than pneumonia, and how does it differ from tuberculosis?


Alla Alla

tracheobronchitis - a catarrhal inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract - the trachea and bronchi. It is treated with antibiotics, expectorants. not worse than pneumonia and to tuberculosis far. do not worry. Do not overcool, drink hot drink, take medicine on time

Boris Aizikovich

pneumonia is more dangerous. tracheobronchitis - a healing process - the trachea and bronchus (above), tuberculosis - specific redemption

Personal Cabinet Removed

tracheobronchitis - inflammation of the trachea and bronchi... if you do not have time to cure - the infection will go down into the lungs and pneumonia will begin... it is very dangerous, better not to allow... In winter I was sick with pneumonia, the consequences are being persecuted so far... dysbiosis from them is the most harmless

Man - you are Peace, you are Eternity.

The cold has passed into the chronic. Each disease has a pathogen. A powerful defense of the body is the immune system.
Someone lives there! We are masters for bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites... unfortunately. And if the k-alkaline balance is violated, their aggression is obvious, otitis, larynga, aymorrh, eczema, arthritis, bursitis, cysts are born, bones grow ...
It is not effective to heal, but to cleanse the body, systematically 100% natural program Kolo vada plus. Strengthen immunity.
Restore the acid-base balance in the body, eat 100% natural food, drink, l clean water a day.
Nothing to treat is not necessary. Disease is the result of a violation of the body as a whole. A violation in the body comes from poisoning the body with toxins, coming from outside and outside the products of the vital activity of microorganisms.
Refuse to eat. Abundant drink with lemon, cowberry, 2 liters of clean, warm, structured water.
Tea with echinocice, licorice. Sorbents-protection of the kidneys from intoxication
10t of coal or 1t of an aggregate, any others. And then strengthen the immune system.
All the problems in the body depend on the psychology and "purity" of the intestine. The body needs to be cleaned 2 times a year from poisons and toxins. Then, to strengthen immunity, there is a unique product modeling immunity Molozevo, Shark liver fat, Bark of ant tree. Mega acidophilus is a friendly bacteria.
Our body is a self-regulating system, it is enough to correct the cellular nutrition and increase the rate of consumption of living water.

Can pneumonia develop into tuberculosis?



No. Pneumonia and tuberculosis are caused by different microorganisms. But, on a roentgen. the picture and symptoms of pneumonia and tuberculosis are similar. Therefore, first diagnose: pneumonia and treat as pneumonia. If after the treatment of pneumonia, the x-ray picture does not change, there is no improvement, they are directed to the TB physician and then, after the examination, they can already diagnose tuberculosis. This does not mean that pneumonia has passed into tuberculosis, it is tuberculosis and was from the very beginning.

Maria Solntseva

Hardly, tuberculosis is a cancer of the lungs, and this is not a cold.


uncertain, but I think yes., if I run and do not treat

Katerina M.

I must upset Maria Solntseva. Tuberculosis is no cancer easy, what kind of nonsense the girl writes.

Pneumonia can go either to pleurisy, and then to tuberculosis, or immediately to tuberculosis.
Unfortunately I had to face a similar one and that's how it was with me.

Funny guy

can! guarantee!
he himself fell ill recently!
at first you feel bad
a cold all the same.. .
then in the morning, like after the flu, the whole body is racked with difficulty breathing, as it's hard to imagine how many ice cream people shaved.. Yes-no temperature
Day 3 scored a nose, you flaunt and shea and under the eyes hurt (like with genyantritis)
if not treated by a complicated pneumonia can water accumulate in the lungs then pumping out!
treatment with antibiotics! fast treatment (but not without consequences), harmony antibiotics vitamins
quick treatment guarantees treatment but after this treatment if once again to fall ill simple methods can not help!


Pneumonia can become a background for the development of this disease, if the body at this moment will face with the MBT, because through the damaged epithelium of the alveoli it penetrates into the body much easier. T. e pneumonia is primary, and tbc is secondary.
Also, caseous pneumonia is one of the forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Here, on the contrary, tbc is primary, and pneumonia is secondary. .
That's it.. .

[link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

Olga Romanovskaya

More agree with the first opinion. Initially, not a true diagnosis. I'm not a doctor, but I think that this is totally different diseases. And if you first put pneumonia, and then type, she went to tuberculosis, most likely initially it was tuberculosis. Well, the fact that this is not rasklegkih, that's for sure.

What is worse than bronchitis or pneumonia? Yesterday the doctor has put both that and other diagnosis in doubt. Today I go on a roentgenography.


Timur H

pneumonia is a dangerous inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis is (acute) inflammation of the bronchi

It is necessary to be afraid of a pneumonia, and simply to avoid a bronchitis


Pneumonia is a thousand times worse. I was sick. This nightmare is a nightmare simply)


The terrible thing is that both have not gone over into a disease, for example, into tuberculosis... in any case, you need to heal.

Lilac Fairy

Do not worry, everything is under control and the fluorography will show you what's in your lungs ...

Timur Arturovich

Pneumonia is a very dangerous disease. If not cured in time, it gives very serious complications to the body. This is not a joke-joke! Get well!

We will

this is if tuberculosis is worse. and this - the tables and in the cold less walk


Pneumonia is worse, it is necessary to prick antibiotics. If you are offered a hospital, do not refuse - there quickly and effectively cured. And bronchitis can be crushed at home with pills.


pneumonia is more dangerous than bronchitis. and is treated more difficult and longer.


Pneumonia is the final destination. Bronchitis can revert to pneumonia.
Severe bronchitis is worse than ordinary pneumonia. Total pneumonia is worse than bronchitis. Bacterial bronchitis is worse than viral pneumonia and vice versa.

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