Sinusitis from a sick tooth

The genyantritis happens different: the reasons, treatment, recommendations

At the stomatologistOdontogenic sinusitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the maxillary sinus due to infection of the upper molars. As a result, the infection spreads to the walls of the maxillary sinus. This ailment is dangerous because it can cause a number of complications associated with edema, phlegmon - purulent inflammation of the orbit and a violation of cerebral circulation. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease in time and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Gaimorovy sinuses - these cavities near the nose, connected with the nasal passages. They have a large enough volume of their own, but despite this, their outlet holes are joints, are very narrow. However, it is these passages that connect the sinuses with the nose. On the inside, the maxillary cavity is expelled by a layer of mucus, which is designed to kill microbes and to absorb solid particles.As a result, the spent contents are taken out through the mouth into the nose, but if the patient suffers from sinusitis, which invariably causes swelling, a strong narrowing of the hole occurs, which prevents the mucus from escaping.

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These changes affect the process of oxygen supply to the maxillary sinuses. They begin to experience its deficiency, which provokes a malfunction in the mucous membrane.The edema grows, pain is attached to it, the mucus stagnates, causing inflammation in the sinus and the multiplication of pathogens.Unlike classic sinusitis, which causes inflammation of the left and right maxillary sinuses, odontogenic sinusitis manifests itself only on one side - in the place where the diseased tooth is localized.

Types and causes of the disease

SinusitisOdontogenic sinusitis has two stages of its development: serous and purulent. Acute inflammation begins with a serous form of infection of the mucous membrane, while the tissues swell, blood vessels expand, and cells fill with liquid. If this process is ignored, the swollen mucous membrane will block the anastomosis space, stopping the outflow of accumulated fluid, as a result, purulent maxillary sinusitis will develop.At this stage, the patient begins to unpleasantly smell from the mouth, there is weakness and rapid fatigue.Breathing is impossible, inflammation is accompanied by fever.

I must say that both stages can occur both in acute and chronic form, with chronic sinusitis at any time can become acute because of the entry of pathogenic bacteria and a decrease in immune defense.

Most often, the disease occurs due to unscrupulous care of the oral cavity and untimely treatment of patients with teeth. The greatest danger is the carious caries, which ends with necrosis - the necrosis of the dental nerve. As a result, the surrounding tissues become inflamed with further involvement of the maxillary sinus into the process. Sometimes the disease can provoke and the dentist, accidentally laying the filling material in the maxillary sinus. Often, cases when the root of the tooth penetrated into the maxillary sinus. As a result of its removal after surgery, a fistula was formed, which became the "road" by which the infection along the oral cavity rose into the maxillary sinus.

Symptoms of the disease

Pain with genyantritisOdontogenic genyantritis is accompanied by general weakness, decreased sense of smell, nasal congestion, headache, pain in the area of ​​the location of the maxillary sinuses, chills, fever and insomnia.If the disease passes into the second - a purulent stage of its development, then all of the above symptoms are aggravated, in addition, there is acute pain during palpation of the inflamed side of the face and tapping on the teeth, the roots of which are in the place of the affected sinus.

Symptoms of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis are perforated, at which the oral cavity, the maxillary sinus and nose, accompanied by the penetration of liquid food into the nasal cavity in the usual - vertical position of the head. If you turn your head slightly back, the liquid will not flow out, but if you lean slightly forward, it will flow more intensively.

Diagnosis of the disease

Affected toothDiagnostic measures of odontogenic sinusitis are carried out in two stages. On the first the doctor examines the sick tooth and determines its condition, and on the second examines the maxillary sinuses. To determine the condition of both the tooth and sinus, an x-ray method can be used. If complete information on the nature of the inflammation can not be obtained, a CT scan can be assigned to help determine if there are extraneous objects in the maxillary sinus. However, all these studies do not allow a complete picture of the changes that have occurred, the most complete and accurate method of diagnosis is endoscopy.

To carry out this procedure, a miniature endoscope is used, which is inserted through a previously expanded anastomosis and a hole formed after the operation to remove the tooth root.As a result, the viewing angle is significantly expanded, and the image is enlarged and it becomes possible to conduct a detailed examination of the condition of the affected organs.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of genyantritisTreatment of odontogenic sinusitis should be under the supervision of a doctor, it is impossible to be treated at home by folk methods, this can lead to the most unpredictable and terrible consequences. The first measures carried out by the specialist are connected with the destruction of the source of infection - the filling material and other foreign bodies and the sanitation of the oral cavity. Removal from the sinus purulent contents is already at the stage of endoscopic diagnosis. The procedure is performed using local anesthetics and sedatives. In severe cases, it may be decided to use general anesthesia. Then the patient is hospitalized in a hospital for one day, where he will be under the supervision of doctors.

As soon as the danger of further infection passes, the patient is prescribed the use of vasoconstrictors and other medicines that help restore the mucous membrane and restore her healthy state.In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures, pain medications and medicines intended for washing the nose can be recommended.If the disease occurs with complications, in particular, with purulent discharge, the doctor can prescribe antibacterial drugs. Treatment of odontogenic sinusitis with antibiotics is carried out using the following medicines:

  • Drug treatment of genyantritisantibiotics of the penicillin series - Agmentin, Amoxicillin and others;
  • antibiotics of the cephalosporin series - Tsiftibuten, Tsifepim, Cyfditoren and others;
  • antibiotics from the macrolide group - Azithromycin, Tetracycline and others;
  • antibiotics of the group of fluoroquinols - Tsyprolet, Ciprofloxacin and others.

With odontogenic sinusitis you can apply antibiotic and topically. Well-proven drugs such as Bioparox and Zofra.

Chronic odontogenic sinusitis is treated by the usual methods, but sometimes it does not do without surgical intervention. Conventional methods include the removal of the "causal" tooth, sinus puncture and the introduction of a drainage tube, which during 14 days will serve for the supply of solutions of antibiotics, enzymes and aseptic medicines. If conservative treatment is not effective, resort to surgical intervention, which consists in cutting off pathological tissues from the sinus and thus expanding the anastomosis. After 5-6 days after the operation, they start washing with physical and medicinal solutions.

Prevention of disease

Drug treatment of genyantritisIn order to minimize the risk of development of odontogenic sinusitis, it is necessary to visit the dentist every 6 months and treat the teeth at the first signs of caries.Hygiene of the oral cavity is very important, ideally brushing your teeth three times a day, if this is not possible, then at least twice - in the morning and in the evening. In the period of epidemics of viral infections, take funds to improve immunity and every 2-3 years to do a panoramic snapshot of the jaw that will help the doctor assess the condition and features of the location of the teeth. This will help increase a person's chances of never encountering odontogenic sinusitis.

Odontogenic sinusitis, causes, symptoms, treatment

Sinusitis is a disease characterized by severe inflammation of the maxillary sinus of the nose. The adnexal sinuses have the appearance of formations of small caverns that connect with the nasal cavity. In the structure there are two maxillary sinuses, this is left and right and they are called maxillary sinuses. Pain in the head, stuffy nose and rather shortness of breath are the main signs of odontogenic sinusitis. During such a disease, only the area in the upper jaw becomes inflamed.

In this disease in the inflammatory process, those sinuses that are above the teeth and under the eyes are involved. The treatment of odontogenic sinusitis has become the point of intersection of dentistry and otolaryngology.

Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

The main cause of this disease is the caries of the teeth of the upper jaw. And the source of infection may be a gangrenous tooth, but there is a possibility for the development of a hidden foci of infection that flows in the upper jaw, and especially in the gum, which is activated after a decrease in the immune reactivity of the body. Moreover, the septic focus can hide even under the sealed material of the treated tooth. In some cases, the filling material can penetrate into the maxillary sinus immediately through the dental canals when the dentist works poorly. And in this case, the sealed material in the sinus cavity becomes a foreign body, which causes inflammation.

Causes of the disease

There are several reasons that contribute to the onset of odontogenic sinusitis and one of them is aching teeth. After caries of the upper teeth is able to go into serious inflammation of the sinus mucosa. And this happens during mechanical impact on already aching teeth. And if the tooth canals are damaged, during the cleaning of the teeth, the existing infection enters these channels, and from them it moves into the sinus through a straight path. In addition, the cause of such a sinusitis may be inaccurate work of the dentist, which often happens after the extraction of teeth with infection. The last cause of sinusitis can be anatomical features in the structure of the upper jaw. And in this case, the roots of the upper teeth directly germinate in the sinus. Therefore, in any inflammatory process, the infection gets immediately to the mucosa.

Symptoms of odontogenic sinusitis

Usually, when you see a doctor, all patients complain of symptoms such as purulent discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, pain during touching to the eye area, unpleasant odor from the mouth and nose, constant pain in the upper jaw and in the teeth. It should be noted that odontogenic sinusitis does not take a chronic form, than it differs from purulent sinusitis. In this case, only one sinus is affected. For example, which side will be infected with the infection, depends on exactly where the diseased tooth is located.

Quite often the disease passes asymptomatically, and its first signs can appear only after half a year. This disease affects only adults, but the usual ways to cure the disease can not. But in children, the roots of the teeth are not yet developed, so they are not a threat to the maxillary sinuses. If a person has an unpleasant odor from the nose, then it becomes the result of fluid stagnation in the sinus of the nose. And with a prolonged course of the disease, decomposition of bones is possible. In this situation, fetid smell is felt by people around the mouth of the patient.

Treatment of odontogenic sinusitis

This form of sinusitis is treated only in a clinic. But the most important thing in this case is to remove the underlying cause of the disease. And if the disease is associated with diseased teeth, the doctor prescribes the sanitation of the oral cavity. At the initial stage of development of odontogenic sinusitis, its treatment is performed by vasoconstrictive drugs. And appointed drops in the nose provide a good outflow of fluid from the sinus of the nose, as a result the patient begins to breathe freely. The doctor selects vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If odontogenic sinusitis is not treated for a long time, then in this case a puncture is prescribed, that is, the doctor makes a puncture of a small hole from the sinus already in the nasal passage. This procedure is carried out with a large needle and under the influence of local anesthesia, as a result, it provides a sharp outflow of pus directly from the sinus of the nose. And after punctures, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed, and the maxillary sinus is washed with antibiotics through a punctured opening. This procedure allows you to remove inflammation and eliminate the infection. And in particularly difficult situations, surgical intervention may be required. And under general anesthesia, the doctor removes the pathogenic mucosa, cleans the infected sinus and performs antibiotic treatment. As for the rehabilitation period, at this time, physiotherapy is prescribed, it is warming up, and also inhalations, which are carried out only after the release of pus from the sinuses and after the removal of the inflammation.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis

You should always follow the rules of personal hygiene, this is regular cleaning of teeth, treatment of sick teeth, as well as regular visits to the dentist, which will prevent the development of infection.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of odontogenic sinusitis

Odontogenic genyantritis is the process of spreading foci of inflammation on the mucous membrane of the sinuses located in the upper jaw, in the region of 4, 5 or 6 teeth.The proximity to the maxillary sinuses of these dental roots causes a rapid penetration of infections from the oral cavity into the nasal region.

The problem of odontogenic sinusitis

The causes of odontogenic sinusitis

Often odontogenic sinusitis is formed under the influence of diplococci, staphylococci, streptococci and enterococci, which are the main pathogens of this disease.

Scheme of odontogenic sinusitisIn contrast to ordinary sinusitis, this variety does not occur against the background of a cold or respiratory viral disease.

The causes of the appearance and spread of infection on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses can be provoked:

  • unscrupulous attitude to oral hygiene (regular teeth cleaning, gargling after every meal and planned check-ups at the dentist);
  • improper treatment or growth of teeth.

In some cases, after removal of the tooth, which has a significant root size, the septum separating the maxillary sinuses from the upper jaw is destroyed. This can cause further spread of the infection to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

Also, by removing the tooth, the dentist can, during the wrong actions, allow the particles to get into the area close to the maxillary sinuses.

The emergence of inflammatory foci can be caused by inaccurate installation of seals, as a result of which the medicine used can penetrate into the sinus via channels.

Symptoms of odontogenic sinusitis

Headache with genyantritisFor odontogenic sinusitis, the symptoms are not characteristic. The main signs of the disease are:
  • problems with smell;
  • nasal congestion, which is most often manifested in the impossibility of breathing one of the nostrils;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • occurrence of an unpleasant smell from nasal sinuses that occurs as a result of distribution of a dental infection;
  • pain in the area of ​​the root 4, 5 and 6 teeth located in the upper jaw;
  • the appearance of swelling and redness of the inflamed part of the face;
  • general weakness;
  • headaches;
  • chills or fever;
  • problems with sleep;
  • painful sensations in the region of the maxillary sinuses.

Purulent odontogenic sinusitis is characterized by a greater intensity of symptoms. In this case, the patient may be bothered by pain after light pressure on the face or teeth on the teeth.

Temperature is a symptom of odontogenic sinusitisPerforated maxillary sinusitis is diagnosed in the case of communication of the oral cavity with sinuses and nose. This type of disease includes the sinusitis, which is characterized by the presence in the maxillary sinuses of foreign bodies in the form of filling material, the dental root.

There are also a number of signs on which odontogenic sinusitis can be distinguished from a common disease.

So, the disease is often indicated by the causative tooth. It can be present or be deleted. In medical practice, there are many cases of diagnosis of odontogenic sinus after several months after tooth extraction.

The disease in most cases affects adults, but it also occurs in children. This is due to the underdevelopment of the alveolar process in children.

Odontogenic sinusitis is characterized by a one-way process that develops in the area where the teeth were inflamed.

There are three forms of the disease, each of which is distinguished by flow features. It can be acute or chronic odontogenic sinusitis, as well as exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.

The disease is quite dangerous and quite often it is completely asymptomatic, which allows to diagnose inflammatory processes many months after infection.

Diagnosis of the disease

Consultation of a doctor on odontogenic sinusitisWith odontogenic sinusitis, timely diagnosis and treatment are important, because this disease can cause development of serious complications in the form of edema, ophthalmia and development of brain abscesses. Therefore, if you see any of the above symptoms, you should consult a specialist.

Diagnosis of the disease consists of:

  • the definition of the tooth, which became the cause of inflammation, and the study of its condition;
  • examination of the maxillary sinuses.

Detection of the tooth is possible by means of a cone-ray tomogram, a panoramic or sighting image of the jaw.

To determine the state of the maxillary sinuses, an X-ray method may be needed. But, since this method can not provide a sufficient amount of necessary information, diagnostics are often used computer tomography, which allows to detect the presence of foreign bodies in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

But similar techniques are sometimes not enough to accurately determine the disease, so the most accurate way to diagnose this form of sinusitis is endoscopy.

This procedure is preceded by the expansion of the anastomosis with a miniature endoscope with a diameter of about 3 mm. If diagnostics of the perforated form of sinusitis are carried out, the device can be inserted by means of a hole that was formed when the root of the tooth was removed.

This method allows the specialist to carefully examine the area of ​​sinuses and sastias.

Treatment of odontogenic sinusitis

Dental sinusitis is difficult to treat with folk remedies, so without the help of a specialist you can not do.

The first step of treatment is aimed at the destruction of the source of inflammation and the subsequent sanation of the oral cavity.

Reception of medicines for genyantemaIt is important to remove and purulent formations from the nasal sinuses. A specialist can do this directly during an endoscopic examination. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, but in some cases general anesthesia may be needed.

After eliminating the root causes of the disease, the patient is prescribed vasoconstrictor drugs, which he must use in the next few days. This will allow the mucosa to recover to its natural healthy state.

The patient is recommended to do regular washing of the nasal cavity with special solutions. In some cases, physiotherapy procedures and pain medications may be necessary.

If the patient has purulent discharge, he may be prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment. In the subsequent month of treatment, excessive physical exertion should be avoided.

A special approach requires treatment of the chronic form of odontogenic sinusitis. At the first stage, the tooth is removed, which has become the cause of infection. After a sinus puncture, a drainage tube is inserted into the formed hole for 2 weeks. By means of this tube specialist makes the introduction of a solution of antibiotics, enzymes and antiseptic drugs.

The conservative method of treatment does not always give the desired results. In this case, surgical intervention may be necessary, aimed at cutting off pathological sinuses. These actions expand the anastomoses.

A week after such surgery, the patient can be scheduled regular washing of the nasal cavity. For this purpose, physical and medicinal solutions are used.

Prevention of disease

To avoid the occurrence of odontogenic sinusitis, one must follow certain elementary rules consisting of regular visits to the dentist, which should be carried out at least twice a year, timely dentistry.

It is necessary to carry out all recommendations concerning personal hygiene of the oral cavity, in every possible way to strengthen the body's defenses. It is necessary to treat all diseases in time in case of revealing the first signs.

Odontogenic sinusitis

Odontogenic sinusitis - inflammation of the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, developed as a result of the penetration of infection from the oral cavity. According to statistics of some scientists, up to 50% of all cases of development of acute, and especially chronic, sinusitis is associated with the spread pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms penetrating into the thickness of the upper jaw from the foci of inflammation in the oral cavity.

The prevalence of this disease is explained by the anatomical peculiarity of the structure of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus: it is located very close to the roots of the upper molars and at their perforation as a result of dental operations or in a massive infectious process, the microbes easily penetrate deep into the maxillary sinus, provoking the development of the disease.

Odontogenic genyantritis of its causes, symptoms and treatment

Causes of the appearance and spread of infection

Most microorganisms living in the human mouth are conditionally pathogenic, the immune system of a healthy organism successfully suppresses their growth and development and does not allow to have a negative effect on the body, but if it gets into the internal environment - on the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus, they become the cause of bacterial inflammation.

Most often odontogenic sinusitis is caused by:

  • Golden and simple staphylococci;
  • streptococcus;
  • enterococci;
  • diplococci and their associations.

Less common cause of infection are anaerobic microorganisms or pathogenic fungi.


Also, the frequency of the appearance of odontogenic sinusitis is associated with the prevalence of dental diseases, since very little people pay due attention to oral health, regularly visit the dentist and do not have foci of chronic infection.

With a constant source of inflammation in the root canals or in the tissues of the gums, gradual sensitization of the mucous membrane of the maxillary arises sinus to the focus of odontogenic infection, the bone septum becomes thinner and the infection spreads deep into the upper jaw. Treatment of such a sinusitis is associated with a number of difficulties and in particularly neglected cases, surgery may be required.

Odontogenic sinusitis can develop as a complication of the following dental diseases:

  • Acute and chronic periodontitis of the teeth of the upper jaw;
  • suppuration of the cyst of the upper jaw;
  • Retreaded teeth;
  • osteomyelitis of the upper jaw;
  • traumatic removal of the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw.


To suspect acute or chronic odontogenic sinusitis is not easy, the disease most often occurs in an erased form, without significant clinical signs and not too much interferes with the patient to lead a normal lifestyle.

Main symptoms

  • Chronic nasal congestion - it can be one-sided or two-sided, but always with a predominance of symptoms on one side;
  • pain in the oral cavity - the patient periodically has pain in the area of ​​the upper jaw. It should also be taken into account that odontogenic sinusitis can clinically manifest itself in a few months after tooth extraction - up to six months after extraction or resection of the root process;
  • feeling of heaviness, "raspiraniya" in the area of ​​the affected maxillary sinus;
  • unpleasant odor from the nose - an optional symptom, its appearance is associated with the specificity of the bacterial flora of the mouth, which caused the infection.

Most often, the symptoms of the disease are poorly expressed and it quickly passes into a chronic form. During the remission period, the patient also does not feel healthy, chronic odontogenic sinusitis causes permanent headaches, feelings of fatigue, nasal congestion and general malaise.

The main distinctive symptoms of odontogenic sinusitis are a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Relationship between the appearance of clinical symptoms of the disease with diseases of the oral cavity;
  • one-sidedness of clinical symptoms;
  • the disease is typical only for older people - in children, because of the underdevelopment of the alveolar process, the roots of the teeth do not protrude into the upper jaw and odontogenic maxillary sinusitis practically does not occur;
  • weak severity of clinical symptoms - pain symptom and nasal congestion with this form of sinusitis are much weaker;
  • an unpleasant odor from the nasal cavity - an accumulation of pus with an unpleasant odor is characteristic of odontogenic infection.


Treatment of the disease includes general and local therapy and surgical treatment.

Therapeutic treatment includes:

  1. Sanitation of the oral cavity - only after identifying and eliminating the cause of the disease you can expect to get rid of the infection completely;
  2. antibacterial therapy - general treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is carried out, and if possible, taking into account the sensitivity of the microorganisms that caused inflammation;
  3. symptomatic therapy - includes vasoconstrictive drugs, physiotherapy, sanitation of the nasal cavity and so on.

Also, treatment of odontogenic sinusitis necessarily involves a puncture of the maxillary sinus, this is necessary both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Puncture allows you to most effectively clean and rinse the maxillary sinus, fill it with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics.

Also, general treatment of the patient is needed: compliance with the sparing regimen, desensitizing therapy, fortifying agents, vitamins and so on.

If the conservative treatment is ineffective, a surgical operation is performed - a maxillary sinusotomy, with removal parts of the altered mucosa and an extension of the anastomosis between the nasal passage and the maxillary sinus.

Odontogenic sinusitis is an unpleasant and long-term illness, curing the chronic form of the disease without surgical intervention is quite difficult, but to prevent the development of infection is much easier. Timely sanitation of the oral cavity, regular visits to the dentist and careful treatment of your health help to avoid the development of a variety of diseases, including odontogenic sinusitis.

Please tell me, can my teeth hurt at maxillary sinusitis?


Yuliya Smirnova

The pain is such that it is difficult to determine its source. My mother, with acute pain, removed four teeth and only after that found that the cause - sinusitis.

Call me Doctor

can of course

Lyudmila Korenkova

In general, there is no

Dmitry Sukhoverkhov

If the genyantritis is triggered, then the brain can get sick, and the teeth on the upper jaw even more so. This is an alarming sign, perhaps the inflammation really started to go to the teeth. Do not waste time, immediately consult a doctor.

amine gubaidulina

The whole nasopharynx is connected. Usually because of a sick tooth, there is an exacerbation of the sinusitis.

Alain Sukhoverhova

Yes they can. The pain can give and in a teeth, though not the fact that it is a genyantritis.... maybe a wisdom tooth climbs out

Laura Lurie

For colds and sinusitis, including t. there is a feeling that all the teeth hurt at once. I know this.. . horror. I rinsed my mouth hot. a salty wave many times a day. It seems a little easier became.. . Well and anesthetizing a saw. Health!

Good Cobra

Yes, I speak 100%. Since periodically I am ill with a genyantritis, I have experienced.

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