From this article you will learn: what are the heart glycosides for, the list of drugs, their names and release forms, how they affect the heart and whether they affect other organs. What curative and side effects can be expected.
Contents of the article:
- Contents of the article:
- The origin, therapeutic effects and names of medicines
- Mechanism of action
- Different glycoside preparations - different effects: Strophantine, Corligicon, Digoxin, Celanide
- Indications and contraindications
- Rules and axioms of glycoside treatment
- Danger of overdose
- Prognosis, results of
treatment Cardiacglycosides are called the group of medicinal substances of plant and preparations of synthetic origin, the action of which is aimed at improving cardiac activityty. They are mainly used to treat severe heart failure caused by a decrease in the contractility of the myocardium and manifested by signs of stagnation in the lungs( dyspnea, wheezing) or other organs and tissues( swelling on the legs, enlargement of the liver, fluid accumulation in the chest and abdominal cavity).
All questions concerning indications for the treatment of cardiac glycosides, drug selection, dosage and dosage regimen are decided by a cardiologist, therapist or family doctor.
Origin, medicinal effects and drug names
The sources of the first glycoside preparations were medicinal plants:
- stropant,
- digitalis,
- lily.
All of them contain the same chemical basis - cyclo-pentane-perhydro-phenanthrene ring. It provides a stimulating effect on the weakened heart muscle. Depending on which additional components are attached to the basic chemical, each of the plants differs in the features of the therapeutic effects.
The deciphering of the chemical formula made it possible to artificially synthesize preparations that are identical with their plant sources. According to the type of medicinal plant, the peculiarities of distribution in the body and the cardiotonic effect are distinguished by cardiac glycosides of two types: polar and relatively polar. They are described in the table.
Polar( short-acting) Relatively polar( long-acting) Strophant: Strophantine. Lily of the valley: Corligon.
Digitalis: Digoxin, Celanide. Features: - are soluble in aqueous medium, but insoluble in fats, excreted by the kidneys;
- is practically not absorbed in the intestine and does not bind to proteins;
- act quickly, but for a short time;
- is administered only intravenously.
Features: - readily dissolves in fats and water, firmly binds to proteins;
- is absorbed into the intestine;
- detoxification occurs in the liver;
- can be taken internally in tablets and administered intravenously.
Cardiac glycosides cause the heart to contract rarely, but rhythmically, strongly and productively. This improves blood circulation in all vessels and internal organs, reduces its stagnation, and the myocardium rest more and restores its strength .
Mechanism of action of glycosides
All cardiac glycosides are characterized by such therapeutic effects:
- Cardiotonic - intensification of intensity, but a decrease in the duration of the systole( contraction phase).This increases the strength of the myocardium, which restores the ability to pump blood( increases the amount of blood that it throws into the vessels for one reduction).
- Antiarrhythmic - slowing down the processes of formation of electrical impulses in the heart and carrying them through all its departments. As a result, the heart rate decreases and the duration of the diastole increases( the period of heart relaxation).
- Anti-ischemic - improving blood circulation in weakened myocardial cells, but not by expanding coronary vessels, but by reducing the need for oxygen and nutrients.
- Diuretic - removing excess fluid from the body.
- Vascular - restoration of disturbed vascular tone in vital organs.
The basis of these therapeutic effects is several mechanisms of action. Cardiac glycosides cause not so much structural changes in the myocardium as changes at the level of metabolism and electrolytes:
- . The inhibition of the activity of proteins and enzymes responsible for ion exchange between cardiomyocytes and blood: potassium comes out of them, and sodium and calcium are actively transported into the cells.
- Activation of compounds that reduce myocardium - actin and myosin.
- Stimulation of the vagus nerve, which enhances the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system on the heart( decreased excitability and heart rate).
- Blocking of adrenaline and other stressful effects that accelerate the heartbeat, excite the nervous system, but do not increase the force of contractions.
- Narrowing of the vessels of the abdominal cavity with simultaneous expansion of the brain, kidney and arteries of the skin. As a result, blood circulation is accelerated, kidney work improves and urination is stimulated, which is very important for eliminating manifestations of heart failure.
Incorrect treatment with cardiac glycosides or overdose is accompanied by excessive accumulation of potassium in the blood( hyperkalemia), a decrease in the level of sodium and calcium( hyponatremia and hypocalcemia). Such electrolyte disorders increase the excitability of the myocardium, cause severe rhythm disturbances and progression of heart failure.
Different glycoside preparations - different effects: Strophantine, Corligon, Digoxin, Celanide
It is of fundamental importance to separate cardiac glycosides by the rate of onset and duration of the cardiotonic effect.
Fast acting
These are preparations of Strophantine, Korglikon.
The onset of the effect after 7-10 minutes after intravenous administration is maximum expressed after 2 hours and completely disappears after 10-12 hours. This is due to the fact that they do not accumulate( do not accumulate) in tissues, since they are water soluble - they easily enter the myocardium and are easily excreted in the urine.
Rapid cardiac glycoside, which has a soft cardiotonic effect. It is weaker than the rest of the drugs in this group, but it is effective enough to treat mild forms of cardiac dysfunction. It is available only in the form of a solution for intravenous administration. Rarely causes side effects and an overdose.
The ideal drug for acute care in diseases accompanied by acute and decompensated chronic heart failure. Like Korglikon, it is released only in a solution for intravenous administration, but it has a stronger and long-lasting effect compared to it. It is well tolerated by patients, but with too rapid introduction or prolonged use, side effects are possible.
Prolonged( prolonged)
Slow, but lasting: the beginning of the effect after 1-2 hours, maximum after 3-4 hours, duration - about a day. Such features are due to the fact that the active substances slowly penetrate into the myocardium, binding to blood proteins, but they are circulating and being rendered harmless by the liver for a long time. Long-acting glycosides are Digoxin and Celanide.
In addition to these cardiac glycosides, there are drugs that have an even longer duration of action( up to 3 days): Digitoxin, Methyldigitoxin. Their plant base is the same as Digoxin's - digitalis. To date, they are withdrawn from production due to a large number of cases of overdose and intoxication.
Among the group of drugs "fat-soluble cardiac glycosides" is the most suitable for the treatment of severe heart failure - Digoxin. Its solubility in water and fats allowed the production of tableted and injectable dosage forms.
For relief of acute conditions, injections are indicated, which are best administered intravenously by drip, in the extreme case - very slowly. Chronic forms of circulatory insufficiency are treated with pills. With the proper use of Digoxin, you can achieve a tangible effect without any negative consequences. Incorrect treatment leads to overdose and glycoside( digitalis) intoxication.
Compared with Digoxin, Celanide has a less pronounced potentiating effect on the heart. The drug acts gently and gradually. Therefore, it is better to use with moderate manifestations of heart failure. But toxic effects and overdose occur much less often. It is available only in the form of tablets.
Indications and contraindications
Cardiac glycosides can help in the treatment of diseases accompanied by a decrease in myocardial contractility and congestive heart failure, namely:
- Chronic forms of circulatory insufficiency of 3-4 degrees, manifested:
- marked swelling of the legs or whole body;
- with dyspnoea at rest and with minimal stress;
- with wet wheezing in the lungs of a stagnant character;
- by accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and thorax.
- Cardiac insufficiency 2-3 degrees, not amenable to treatment with other drugs( diuretics, Enalapril, beta-blockers, etc.).
- Acute arisen critical decompensation of chronic heart failure( pulmonary edema clinic).
- Nadzheludochkovye rhythm disturbances( ciliary arrhythmia, paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole) on the background of chronic heart failure or without it.
Effects of cardiac glycosides in heart failure. Click on photo to enlarge
Even if a person has indications for the treatment of cardiac glycosides, there may be cases in which the use of these drugs will have to be abandoned:
- Blockade of atrioventricular node of 2-3 degrees.
- Allergic reactions to the drug.
- Symptoms of glycoside intoxication or suspected of it.
- Deceleration of heartbeats less than 50-55 / minute as against the background of atrial fibrillation, and without it.
- Acute period of myocardial infarction.
- Hypokalemia and hypercalcemia( decreased potassium and elevated blood calcium).
- Severe renal insufficiency.
When glycosides are ineffective
Apart from contraindications, cases of heart failure are distinguished, in which cardiac glycosides are not contraindicated, but are not advisable, since they do not solve the problem:
- mitral stenosis;
- restrictive cardiomyopathy;
- chronic pericarditis;
- aortic valve failure.
Rules and axioms for the treatment with glycosides
For fast cardiac glycosides( Korglikon, Strofantin), no treatment regimens are provided, as these drugs are rapidly eliminated from the body.
Digoxin, unlike them, has cumulative properties and accumulates excessively in long-term use, which can provoke an overdose.
To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow the principle of stage-by-stage treatment:
- The period of saturation of the body with glycosides( digitalization).At this time, gradually increase the dose of the drug until there are clear signs of improving the patient's condition. Be sure to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum allowable, and there are no signs of an overdose.
- Period of maintenance therapy. Reducing the manifestations of heart failure, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced to the level at which it can support all the therapeutic effects achieved. When it is established, the patient systematically takes the drug at this dosage.
A cardiologist is involved in selecting the treatment regimen, the type of drug and its dose, but also the family doctor or therapist. Self-medication is unacceptable.
Danger of overdose
Exceeding the permissible dose of glycosides is threatened with intoxication. It manifests itself with such symptoms:
- arrhythmia( extrasystoles, flickering);
- slow heart rate( heart rate less than 60 / min);
- weakness;
- dizziness;
- is aggravated by symptoms of heart failure.
Stages of treatment in this case:
- The drug is canceled.
- Take sorbent: Activated carbon, Sorbex, Enterosgel, Atoxil.
- Enter the potassium preparation( Panangin, Potassium chloride, Asparcom).
- Deactivate the glycoside circulating in the blood by administering Unitiol.
- Eliminate arrhythmia: Lidocaine, Novokainamide, Amiodarone.
- Elimination of blockade and bradycardia: Atropine.
Prognosis, results of treatment
If correctly used cardiac glycosides, only 5% have signs of intoxication. How often there is a significant reduction in the phenomena of heart failure and how long it takes to take medications is reflected in the table:
Degree of failure Improvement of the condition How long to be treated At 2nd degree 80-90% Rates for 2-3 months 2-3 times inyear At grade 3 60-70% Course of therapy 3-4 months 2-3 r./year At 4th degree 30-40% Lifetime uninterrupted or interrupted for about 1-2 months Despite the fact that glycosidesare considered old-generation drugs, they arekeep their relevance in the world of modern medicines. The main thing is to be treated under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, the benefit from them will exceed the probability of potential harm tenfold.