Extension of the spine at home and in the hospital


  • 1Extension of the spine at home
    • 1.1Indications
    • 1.2Rules of Procedure
    • 1.3Dry Extraction
    • 1.4Simulator Evminov
    • 1.5Gleason's Loop
    • 1.6Underwater methods
    • 1.7Physiotherapy
  • 2Extraction of the spine from osteochondrosis: methods and methods
    • 2.1Why is the spinal cord stretched?
    • 2.2Drawing methods
    • 2.3Stretching the spine at home
    • 2.4In what cases it is impossible to apply a stretching of the spine?
  • 3Extension of the spine at home
    • 3.1Dry procedures
    • 3.2Simulator Evminov
    • 3.3Gleason's Loop
    • 3.4Underwater methods
  • 4Exercises for stretching the spine at home
    • 4.1What are the contraindications for stretching the spine?
    • 4.2Extraction of the spine at home
    • 4.3Exercises for stretching the lumbar spine
    • 4.4The use of spine extract with osteochondrosis
    • 4.5Exercises for flexibility, muscle strengthening and back health
    • 4.6Gymnastic exercises that must be performed with a herniated intervertebral disc
    • 4.7Exercises for stretching the thoracic spine
  • 5Traction or stretching of the spine: harm and benefit of anti-gravity effects in pathology of the support column
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1general information
    • 5.2Benefits
    • 5.3Indications for the procedure
    • 5.4Contraindications
    • 5.5Benefit and harm
    • 5.6Types of antigravity effects
    • 5.7How to prepare: advice for patients
    • 5.8Reviews

Extension of the spine at home

Extension of the spine is usually carried out in a hospital.

However, in simple cases of osteochondrosis, with protrusion of the disc or minor hernial protrusions, a specialist can also advise home options for the procedure. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase the distance between the vertebrae and reduce the pressure on the intervertebral discs.

Stretching the spine at home reduces pain and helps prevent a worsening of the pathology.


Extension of the spine is carried out only if there are indications for the procedure. These include the following:

  1. Osteochondrosis- this term is understood as an abnormal dystrophic lesion of joints and cartilages. In the development of pathology, intervertebral discs predominantly suffer. Often, the spine is stretched with a hernia.
  2. Kyphosis- C-shaped curvature of the upper spine. As a consequence, a hump is formed in a person.
  3. Scoliosis- is the lateral curvature of the spine, which consists in the displacement of the vertebral bodies. This is often accompanied by a costal hump.
  4. Lordosis- violation of the bend of the spine, which is characterized by convexity anteriorly.
  5. RadiculitisAnomaly of the spinal roots.
  6. Radicular syndrome- develops by squeezing the spinal nerves. Pathology often indicates the development of osteochondrosis, dorsopathy and other spinal anomalies.
  7. Post-traumatic pain syndrome in the region of the back.
  8. Damage to the spine.

The doctor selects the optimal form of traction, taking into account the features of the pathology of the spine. If there is a violation of the procedure, there is a risk of displacement of the vertebrae, a buildup of pain, a sprain of the ligamentous apparatus.

Rules of Procedure

There are quite a few methods of conducting the procedure, each of which is characterized by certain features.

Dry Extraction

This procedure can be carried out by different methods.To stretch the waist and chest area of ​​the spine, apply vises on the horizontal bar. Do this with a straight back and legs for 10-30 minutes a day.

But this method is considered insufficiently effective. This is due to the difficulties with the implementation. A long time to hold on to the bar under the power of a few patients.

In addition, during the procedure, it is not possible to completely relax the muscle tissue of the back. As a consequence, the spine is clamped, and therefore it can be difficult to straighten it.

A softer and physiological variant is considered to be traction on an inclined surface. You can use an ordinary board for this. It should be long and wide enough.

One end of the device is raised by 30-40 degrees - about 1 m from the floor. Two loops 5-7 cm wide are attached to the upper part. Their lower ends should reach the shoulders.

The patient must then slip his arms into the hinges so that he can hang on his armpits. It is important that the hinges are made of soft material. This will help avoid rubbing the skin.

Extraction is carried out under the influence of the body weight of a person. This traction can be carried out for 10-30 minutes - it all depends on the medical recommendations. Each time the duration of treatment is increased.

Simulator Evminov

One of the varieties of stretching on an inclined surface is the method of Evminov. To do this, you need to use a special simulator - a board with a bar from above. The upper part of the device is attached to the hook, which is installed in the wall.

The patient should take hold of the crossbar and proceed to a set of therapeutic exercises that help stretch the spine.

The complex depends on the type of anomaly. The standard program includes ordinary vises, body twists, legs lifts. Also can be used vises with bent limbs.

It is recommended to do this for no more than half an hour per day. The duration of therapy is 2-6 months.

It is important to take into account that Evminov's method is considered quite traumatic. Therefore, the first 3-5 sessions should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Only after this, you can start independent training.

Extension of the spine of the cervical spine can be carried out with the help of the same inclined board. To the upper part of the device at the neck level, attach a bar, which has a height of 5-6 cm. It is covered with a soft cloth or a flat pillow.

Stretching is due to the fact that the human body slides down, and the head is fixed by the headrest. It is important to control that the muscles of the neck remain in a relaxed state.

Gleason's Loop

Another method of stretching involves the use of a special Glisson loop. There are several types of this device. One of them is a tissue retainer for the chin. To its upper part is attached a cord.

The patient sits on a chair and fastens a fixator on himself. The cord is thrown over the block. Then the load hangs to the free part. Under its traction and traction is carried out.

A more modern modification is the rubber loop. It does not need the use of a block system. It is the same retainer, but equipped with an elastic cord. The loop is suspended vertically to the hook, which is located above the patient's head.

Extension of the spine is carried out under the influence of the elastic force, which appears in the rubber part of the device.

Both methods carry the risk of injury. Because they need to be used under the control of another person. It is best to get a doctor's consultation beforehand and to have several sessions under his supervision.

To fix the results after each procedure, the patient should wear the neck of the collar of Shants for 1-2 hours.

After the termination of employment it is necessary to relax and lie down in such condition within 60-90 minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of displacement of the vertebrae.

Underwater methods

Underwater traction is carried out in warm water, the temperature of which is 27-33 degrees. Thanks to this, it will be possible to relax the muscle tissue of the back and create good conditions for spinal traction.

For an independent procedure, you can perform such exercises near the side of the pool:

  1. Rise into the water along the chest, making easy tilting of the trunk in each direction. During slopes, you need to slide your hands from the waist to the armpits.
  2. In the same situation, put your hands on your waist. Perform slow twisting of the body in the right and left sides.
  3. Take your right leg back. Perform the rotation of the pelvis in the right side. Return to the original position. Make the same manipulations with the left foot.
  4. Rotate the pelvis, making the maximum deflection in the lumbar region.
  5. Take the edge of the rim and do the half-squats.
  6. Take the handrail of the pool. Mix and raise legs.
  7. Lie down on the water, hooked on the railing. Perform intensive strokes, trying to swim forward.

To achieve good results, each exercise should be done 4-5 times. To finish the complex you need to swim in the style of breaststroke. In this case, it is necessary to increase the stage of sliding along the water.

The distance should be a maximum of 50 m. After each stretching in the water, you must wear a corset.

Underwater traction is forbidden to be carried out in pathologies of the skin, which can become aggravated by contact with chlorinated water.In addition to home traction, it is very useful to apply massage, electromyostimulation and acupuncture.


Exercises for stretching the spine should be performed in an inclined plane. The most effective variants of movements include the following:

  1. Lie on your back, grasp the edges of the plane, andto imitate bike riding. Do 10 repetitions.
  2. Lie on your stomach, hands on the edges of the plane.Raise your legs one by one. They must remain straight. This exercise should be done 5-6 times.
  3. Lie on your back, hands are placed along the body, legs should remain even. Thenbend legs in the knees and, holding hands, lift to the chest. Make 4 times.

A limited stretching of the spine is assisted by the rotation of the pelvis and the body. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Lie on your back, straighten your legs, spread your arms in different directions. Turn the body to the left. At the same time, the right hand should reach the left. Make a similar move to the right. Exercise should be done 3-5 times in each direction.
  2. In the same positionbend the legs in the knees and in turn lower left and right. When performing the exercise, the pelvis should be slightly rotated. Do 3-5 repetitions each side.

Extension of the spine can not be done by everyone. This procedure has many contraindications:

  1. Osteoporosis- is an increased fragility of bone tissue. It is associated with structural disorders and a decrease in bone density.
  2. Instability of the vertebrae- abnormal condition of the spine. In this case, the vertebrae can not be retained and maintain their normal position.
  3. Violation of blood circulation in the region of the spinal cord.
  4. Exacerbation of diseases of the spine.
  5. Presence of kidney stones.
  6. Oncological pathologies.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Anomalies of the circulatory system.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the body.
  10. Fractures of the spine.
  11. Pain syndrome of high intensity.
  12. Tumors in the spine and spinal cord.
  13. Tuberculous spondylitis- inflammatory pathology of the spine. It is characterized by the destruction of vertebral bodies.
  14. Laminectomy in the recent past- this intervention involves the opening of the spinal canal.
  15. The patient's age is more than 60 years.
  16. Body weight is more than 100 kg.

To achieve excellent results, it is very important to adhere strictly to medical recommendations and take into account contraindications to such manipulations. Any self-treatment options can lead to negative consequences.

A source: http://lechenie-narodom.ru/vytyagivanie-pozvonochnika-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

Extraction of the spine from osteochondrosis: methods and methods

Sometimes, as a treatment or easing of unpleasant symptoms caused by back problems, doctors prescribe a procedure such as stretching the spine from osteochondrosis.

It helps patients improve their health and get rid of some problems.

But the hood is not always useful, so it's worth investigating what it is and in what cases it can be used.

Why is the spinal cord stretched?

The spine is a collection of ossicles that are tightly interconnected by intervertebral discs.

Discs are round formations of protein, and inside there are special nuclei that take and give off fluid.

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During normal operation of these disks, they receive a sufficient amount of liquid with dissolved in it vitamins, minerals and other useful substances necessary for complete and normal functioning vertebra. In addition to discs, spine muscles provide a long work for the spine. The harder they are and the stronger, the longer the spine will last without causing any unpleasant sensations to the person.

Over the years, the dorsal muscles become weaker, the weight of a person increases, which gradually begins to press hard on the spine. Therefore, in old age, most people have problems with their backs.

And if you consider that a person is engaged in heavy physical labor, carries heavy loads, works in the field or on the construction site, it is even difficult to imagine how much this factor worsens the condition of the spine and disks.

If you miss this moment and do not seek medical help on time, the intervertebral discs will thin out, shrink, and eventually break down completely. This prospect threatens to cause further pinching of nerve endings, as well as the development of a hernia.

If you do not take the necessary measures in time and do not start treatment, the person's back may remain immobile (the person will lose the ability to walk alone), and the spine may become warped.

In such cases, you need a stretching spine, because many doctors consider it the most conservative method of treating the back.

Drawing methods

Extraction of the spine is a procedure in which the spine of a person is stretched to align it and improve blood circulation. Stretching of the spine with osteochondrosis to date can be performed in two main ways.

The method of dry drawing is made in polyclinics and medical centers with the help of special tables. During this procedure, the patient lays down on the table on the stomach or back, his body is fixed with special straps with the goods.

They are alternately fixed on the neck, shoulders, around the pelvis and on the patient's legs. When choosing the necessary load on the spine, the doctor looks at the general condition of the patient, his height, weight, and complexion.

Dry stretching of the spine is carried out in a complex way and consists of several methods, appointed individually by a doctor.

This procedure helps to strengthen the muscles, improve blood circulation, strengthen and smooth the spine, and eliminate pain.

The hardware extraction of the vertebra involves a technical and mechanical effect on the spine of a person to strengthen and improve its resistance.

Many sanatoriums, hospitals, clinics have special devices that automatically fulfill their function. These plants produce the extension of the vertebra by lowering the patient into water.

The rest of the hardware is represented by a variety of different simulators, some of which can be easily used at home.

Stretching the spine at home

If the attending physician has appointed a procedure for stretching the spine with osteochondrosis, then some exercises can be done independently without leaving your home.

Here, it is only important to consider that stretching can not be carried out very often, as this can cause a number of problems.

Also, care must be taken to ensure that stretching does not worsen the condition, or cause back pain.

Before you start the procedure, you need to warm up the muscles. You can do this by taking a hot shower or bath, rubbing the back with a towel intensively, and also doing a back massage. With a massage, you must also be careful not to damage the nerve endings and not to move the diseased discs.

To perform exercises to the wall attached a special board or couch at an angle of 30-35 °.

A person should lie on it, raise his hands, fixing them on a special perch, and fall down, thereby bringing the spine into a strained appearance. It is important to accurately monitor the time spent in this position.

At the beginning of the procedure, 1 minute is enough. If there are no further problems, the time can be extended a little depending on the degree of progression of the disease.

In what cases it is impossible to apply a stretching of the spine?

Despite the fact that stretching the spine effectively helps people with back problems, there are contraindications to it. These include the following diseases and abnormalities:

  • tumors in the region of the back;
  • inflammatory processes that occur in the region of the spinal cord;
  • spinal injury, trauma;
  • infectious infections;
  • If the spine had previously yielded to surgical treatment.

This simple procedure can improve blood circulation, align the spine, normalize the exchange fluid in the discs, eliminate back pain and generally cope with diseases with regular application method.

Stretching can be done in different ways, both in the polyclinic and at home.

Stretching the spine independently without prescribing a doctor and recommendations is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to severe back problems.

A source: http://proosteohondroz.ru/lechenie/vytyazhka-pozvonochnika.html

Extension of the spine at home

Extension of the spine is usually performed in a hospital.

But with a mild form of osteochondrosis, disc protrusions or small hernial protrusions, the doctor can recommend home traction options.

The goals of therapy are to increase the spacing between the vertebrae and lower the pressure on the intervertebral discs, which helps reduce pain and helps prevent exacerbations of the disease.

To start treatment without prior consultation with a neurologist is highly discouraged.

The specialist must choose the optimal method of traction, which will take into account the nature of pathological changes in the spine.

Any initiative in this business is fraught with the displacement of the vertebrae, sprain and increased pain syndrome.

Absolute contraindications to home traction are:

  • acute period of spine disease,
  • age over 70 years,
  • hypertensive disease of the third degree,
  • deforming spondylosis,
  • pronounced motor disorders,
  • increased mobility of the vertebrae,
  • osteoporosis and any other pathologies that are accompanied by destruction of bone tissue,
  • pregnancy,
  • severe form of vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • benign or malignant tumors.

The patient can use both dry and underwater traction methods.

Dry procedures

Dry traction can be carried out in various ways. To extend the lumbar and thoracic spine, vises on the horizontal bar are often recommended. Hanging should be with a straight back and legs daily for 10-30 minutes.

However, this technique is considered ineffective due to the difficulties of its implementation - only a few patients can hold on to the horizontal bar for a long time. In addition, when performing the exercise, patients can not properly relax their back muscles.

As a result, the vertebrae seem to be clamped in a vice and can hardly be straightened.

A softer and physiological variant is traction on an inclined plane. As the latter, use a regular board:

  • wide and long, one end of which is raised by 30-40 degrees (approximately to a height of 1 m from the floor).
  • two loops 5-7 cm wide are attached to the upper edge.
  • their length should be such that the lower ends reach the patient lying on the board up to the shoulders (40-50 cm).

The patient puts his hands in the hinges and is "suspended" by the armpits. It is important that the hinges are made of a soft material and do not rub the skin.

Extension of the spine occurs under the influence of the weight of a person. At the doctor's discretion, such traction can be carried out for 10-30 minutes a day. Each time, the time of therapy is increased (for example, if the first procedure lasts 10 minutes, the second is already 12 minutes. etc.).

Simulator Evminov

The type of extension on the inclined plane is Evminov's technique.

To perform it requires a special simulator - a board with a bar located above (profiler Evminova).

The upper part of the simulator is attached to the hook installed in the wall.

Holding on to the crossbar, the patient must perform a set of therapeutic exercises that help stretch the spine.

The training program depends on the type of pathology. The standard complex includes conventional visas, vises with bent legs, torso and leg lifts.

The duration of the classes does not exceed 30 minutes a day. The duration of the course is on average 2-6 months.

Evminov's method is characterized by a high risk of trauma, so the first 3-5 procedures are recommended for the patient to undergo control of medical specialists - in a hospital or in a sanatorium, and only then go on to independent implementation exercises.

For the traction of the cervical region, the same oblique board can be recommended. To the upper part of it, at the neck level, a bar with a height of 5-6 cm is nailed. Strap upholstery with a soft cloth (or put on top of it a flat pad). The board is placed at an angle of 25 degrees to the floor.

The patient lies on her so that his neck is located exactly on the bar. A pillow is put under your knees. Stretching occurs due to the fact that the human body slides down, and the head is delayed by the head restraint.

The neck muscles during exercise should remain relaxed.

Gleason's Loop

Another way to stretch the cervical spine is using the Glisson loop. There are several modifications of this simulator.

One of them is a tissue retainer for the chin, to the top of which a cord is attached.

The patient sits down on a chair and fixes the latch on himself.

The cord is thrown over the block, after which a load hangs to its free end, under the traction of which the traction begins to occur.

A more modern version of the Glisson simulator is a rubber loop that does not require the use of a block system. This is the same retainer, but with an elastic cord.

The hinge is suspended vertically to the hook located above the patient's head. The spine is stretched under the action of the elastic force arising in the rubber part of the loop.

Both methods are traumatic, therefore should be conducted in the presence of another person.

To consolidate the result, after each traction procedure, the patient should be worn on the neck - the collar of Shants for 1-2 hours. After the end of the session, it is necessary to lie in a relaxed state for 60-90 minutes, otherwise there is a great risk of causing displacement of the vertebrae.

Underwater methods

Underwater traction methods are performed in warm (27-33 °) water, which promotes better relaxation of the back muscles and creates optimal conditions for stretching the spine. For self-practice, patients can be recommended such exercises at the side of the pool:

  • Standing in the water on the chest, make easy tilting of the trunk in the right and left side. During slopes, slide your hands from the waist to your armpits.
  • In the same position. Put your hands on your waist. Do slow torsions of the trunk in the right and left sides.
  • Take your right foot back. Make a rotation with the pelvis on the right side. Return to the starting position. Repeat the same thing, leaving your left leg.
  • Rotate the pelvis, maximally bending in the lumbar region.
  • Grasping the edge of the side, do half-squats.
  • Hang on the bilge basin. Mix and raise legs.
  • Lie down on the surface of the water, grab onto the handrail with your feet. Do intensive strokes, as if trying to swim forward.

Each exercise should be repeated 4-5 times.

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Finish the occupation by swimming in the style of breaststroke with the increased phase of sliding on the water. The length of the distance is not more than 50 m. After each session in water, the patient is also recommended to wear a corset.

Underwater traction is contraindicated in skin diseases, which can be exacerbated by contact with chlorinated water. It is useful to combine home traction therapy with acupuncture, massage and electromyostimulation.

A source: http://osteo911.ru/vytyazhenie-pozvonochnika-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

Exercises for stretching the spine at home

In ancient times, when a person started pathologies of the spine, the bone-smelters sought

correct these shortcomings by drawing. To the pathologies of the spine included fractures with displacement, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and hernia.

Thanks to the hood, the distance between the discs increases, which leads to decompression of the nerve and significantly reduces pain.

But it was in ancient times.

Today, doctors are skeptical about traction, and this despite the fact that the hood is used in many hospitals with the use of expensive and sophisticated apparatus.

But all these complex adaptations do not solve the problem. In order not to contact a massage therapist or bone carver, there are exercises for stretching the spine at home.

When is the spine extractor used?

There are cases when the hood is simply necessary, and there are also situations when it will be superfluous and it is desirable to refuse it. Proceeding from this condition, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question posed.

  • The tract is produced by the elimination of displacements, as a result of dislocations and fractures. However, traction is always accompanied by fixation of the vertebrae after drawing in a certain position;
  • If a person has scoliosis, then prolonged drawing is extremely dangerous to produce, as this can cause the occurrence of trauma and lead to other undesirable complications. It is necessary to fight scoliosis in a complex way. That is, in addition to traction, the patient needs to prescribe a special massage and gymnastics, as well as corrective collars and corsets.
  • But when osteochondrosis is generally not recommended to draw an extract, motivating it by the fact that any minimal mechanical the impact on the injured spine is extremely dangerous, because it can damage the already problematic vertebrae and discs;
  • If you have a spinal hernia, then prescribing the tract, you are not sent to a complex operation and are given the opportunity to recover without surgery. Unambiguously, with any pathology of different parts of the spine, each vertebra has its own limit of permissible extraction force. If it is exceeded, you can cause serious injury.

What are the contraindications for stretching the spine?

Any physical exercise has its contra-indications, and traction is no exception. It is highly recommended not to ignore the recommendations below, because otherwise, you can exacerbate existing diseases by several new diseases.

  1. It is forbidden to produce stretching for osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and arthritis;
  2. Traction is not desirable if you have vascular, cardiac or hypertension diseases;
  3. In thrombosis, stretching is strictly prohibited!
  4. Extremely cautious is expressed by modern medicine about the holding of the hood during menstruation and pregnancy. To begin with, consult your doctor and listen to your feelings;
  5. Execution of spine stretching is extremely unsuitable for cold and viral diseases accompanied by fever;
  6. Adhere to the rules of physiotherapy - do not overstrain yourself and do exercises through strength. If you feel weak in the body, refuse to stretch.

Extraction of the spine at home

For stretching the patient back, you can safely use proven exercises from yoga. If you had an experience of doing yoga, the following set of exercises for stretching the spine will be very helpful:

  • When stretching the thoracic area of ​​the back, take the standing position and place the legs slightly wider than the shoulders. Slowly lower your head and bend in the thoracic area of ​​your back. But watch your loins, she should not sag at this time. Then stretch up and relax the muscles. In this position, you need to stay for 10 seconds.
  • Slopes forward. The starting position is as described above. Next, make the slopes forward and touch the palms of the floor. Muscles of the legs and back should be relaxed so that the whole load is on the spine.
  • The next kind of slope is done from the above-described starting position, only now you need to touch your forehead with your forehead and clasp your legs with your arms. Naturally, without a preliminary training to perform this exercise qualitatively and the first time you are unlikely to succeed. But gradually you will achieve the necessary flexibility and you will perform the exercise without any difficulties.
  • Regular slopes that are carried out from standing position. Pull one leg forward and touch the forehead with your forehead during the tilt. Hold in this position for half a minute, and breathe smoothly and calmly.
  • Hands in the lock behind. Exercise should be performed standing or sitting, and hands are planted behind the back, one of which is planted from below, and the second from above because of the head. Now try to hold your hands in the lock.
  • Exercise for flexibility from school. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Next, make a tilt forward and grab the palms of your feet. Touch your forehead with your forehead and stay at this position for 15-20 seconds.
  • Vis on a Swedish wall or a horizontal bar also perfectly contributes to stretching the spine.

Below are effective exercises for stretching the spine at home with various diseases of the back.

Exercises for stretching the lumbar spine

  • Lie on your back, hands spread out to the sides and press your shoulders to the floor. Further bend your knees and try alternately to put your bent legs to the right, and then return to the starting position. After a short pause, repeat the exercise, only to the left and so 3-4 times for each side;
  • The next exercise - lie on your back, put one foot on the floor, and bend the other in the knee and pull it with your hands to your chest as much as possible, but without obvious pain. Hold in this position for a couple of moments and try to touch your forehead against the knee. Hold in such position for 30-40 seconds, and then slowly straighten the leg and perform the same procedure with the other leg;
  • Sit on the floor and straighten both legs. Further bend forward without bending your knees and try to wrap your feet around your palms. If you can not reach the stop, then grab your ankles with your hands. Done? And now, tilt your head gently on your knees and stay in that position for a few minutes. Try to completely relax and do not exercise through strength or pain. your task is not to hurt yourself even more;
  • Lie on your stomach and bend your left leg in the knee. And now try with both hands to grasp the foot of your left foot and press the heel to the buttock. Fix in this position for 1-1.5 minutes. After a moment's exposure, return the left leg to the horizontal position and perform the same operation with the right foot;
  • Stand on all fours, relax your abdominal muscles and slowly bend your lower back. Do not do this exercise with effort, just let the lower back itself bend under its own weight. Now, draw in your belly and squeeze your lower back. The back in the lumbar region should take a rounded shape;
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Bend as much as possible in the lumbar region upwards, but try to press your buttocks against the floor. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. And now, squeeze the lower back down, arching your back to the floor. Repeat this exercise 6-8 times and do it very smoothly and slowly.

For the waist and stretching of the spine, it is very useful to perform the exercise "Cat" I propose to see how it should be done correctly.

With the lumbar spine, we figured out, now is the time to consider exercises for stretching the spine with osteochondrosis.

The use of spine extract with osteochondrosis

This disease is often found in people of different age categories and in case you have osteochondrosis, you need to start immediately effective treatment.

In addition to taking various medications and traditional medicine, it is also necessary to do special gymnastics. That is, it is necessary to do a set of exercises for stretching the spine.

What is it for? Such exercises contribute to the elongation of the muscle fiber, which has been damaged by the development of osteochondrosis.

Thanks to the stretching, you will improve blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes, as well as significantly increase the distance between the vertebrae.

The hood will relieve tension in the back and lower the pressure in the inner cavities of the intervertebral discs. The best effect can be obtained by using a special simulator. It performs a uniform and soft stretching.

This simulator has two significant advantages - the procedure is pleasant and absolutely painless.

If you plan to treat your back at home, then you can take a hard bed or a board.

Lay down on the board so that your head is at the bottom, and stretching was done at the expense of your weight. It's not hard to recommend pull-ups on a Swedish wall or a horizontal bar.

The main drawback of pull-ups is that your hands will quickly get tired if you have never performed this exercise before.

There are some more popular methods of stretching the back in osteochondrosis, but they are usually appointed by the attending physician. But there is a universal way that no one even suspects is swimming.

You probably noticed that people swimming, always a smooth and healthy back. During swimming, a person relaxes muscles, and the load is removed from the intervertebral discs.

Want a healthy back - start regularly to go to the pool.

Exercises for flexibility, muscle strengthening and back health

Gymnastic exercises that must be performed with a herniated intervertebral disc

In medical practice, various physical exercises are used that are recommended for people with herniated vertebral discs.

The best exercises are considered stretching, as they reduce pain and help relax the muscles and problem areas of the back.

Exercises for stretching the spine with a hernia can be conditionally divided into four types:

  1. Stabilizing exercises, they are also weight training. If you engage in power sports, you significantly strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back, as well as improve mobility, endurance and strength;
  2. Aerobic exercise of low intensity. These exercises include cycling, walking, and swimming. These exercises will strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, without creating for them especially stress. Aquatic gymnastics is extremely useful, because water helps to reduce the load on the back;
  3. Yoga classes. There are many sets of gymnastic exercises that come from East Asia, improve physical fitness, flexibility, psycho-physical balance, and also reduce the number of lumbar pain;
  4. However, the best result was shown by stretching. Stretching exercises are the best way to reduce pain. But as observations have shown, you can achieve great results only if you combine stretching with power gymnastics.
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Exercises for stretching the thoracic spine

  • Sit on a chair and press firmly to his buttocks. Look straight and try to deviate alternately left and right. When performing the exercise, place the hands in the sides and make sure they move parallel to the floor. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Sit on a chair, put your hands on your waist and pull your elbows in different directions. Start slowly lifting your shoulders up to the limit, and try to draw your head while doing it. And then slowly lower your shoulders down to the limit. Do this exercise 3-4 times.
  • Sit on a chair and put your hands behind your head, locking them in the lock. Then turn the body to the left as far as possible, hold it for a couple of seconds and return to its original position. Now repeat this same movement, but on the right side. During the turns you should literally feel the stretching of the muscles and spine.


Our wise ancestors believed that the spine is the main storehouse of vital energy and human strength.

And this statement is quite true, because it is in the spinal column that there is a spinal cord responsible for the vital activity of the whole organism, a multitude of blood vessels and important neurons.

It is important to give him proper attention and do strengthening and healthful exercises.

Now you know how to properly perform exercises for stretching the spine at home and what benefits these physical exercises will bring to your body. The main thing is not to be lazy and perform them regularly, but before you start training, be sure to consult a doctor.

Take care of the health of your back, and then the ease of movement and good mood will be with you throughout life!

A source: http://s30969595818.mirtesen.ru/blog/43394917553

Traction or stretching of the spine: harm and benefit of anti-gravity effects in pathology of the support column

In acute radicular syndrome, deformity and disc herniation, neurogenic pain, other pathologies of the back and support column, spinal traction is prescribed.

The method has both supporters and opponents among doctors, but the benefits of proper traction are confirmed by the results of studies and patient reviews.

What is the spine extractor? Harm and benefit of anti-gravity effects. What kind of procedure is more secure? What contraindications does the dry and underwater extension of the pillar have? Answers in the article.

general information

Spinal traction is an effective method of reducing pressure on the structures of the support column to restore the functionality of an important element of the musculoskeletal system.

With deformation of the intervertebral discs, the thinning of the amortization pads, the vertebrae sag, the friction of the bone structures occurs.

Gradually the cartilage tissue worn out, can not function fully, compression provokes damage to the discs, development of intervertebral hernias, pain syndrome.

The stronger the compression of the vertebrae, the higher the risk of neurological damage and damage to the elements of the pillar.

The spinal tract reduces compression, "pushes" the bone elements apart, stretches the bone tube, which leads to a reduction in pain, elimination of muscle spasm, stops further destruction of cartilaginous and dense structures.

Extraction of the spine is a complicated procedure. In the conditions of the sanatorium complex and fizkabinet, physicians use modern equipment for underwater and dry traction of the spine.

The use of the technique in the home is fraught with risks, only simple varieties are allowed without serious burdening.

Self-medication, the use of unchecked methods of stretching the pillar may lead to dangerous consequences,including disabilities, ruptured spinal cord, vertebral fractures.


Spinal traction is suitable for patients with various diseases of bone structures. Correct performance of the procedure taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient positively affects the condition of the weakened pillar and the affected elements.

Extension of the spine is performed with orthopedic pathologies and various types of neuralgia, pain syndrome, curvature of the spine. Underwater traction in diseases of the support column is allowed for elderly patients.

An important advantage of the method is an increase in the distance between adjacent vertebrae. A similar effect is not given by any procedure.

Therapeutic gymnastics increases the flexibility of the spine, activates nutrition and blood supply problematic areas, but it is impossible with the help of exercises to quickly "push back" the vertebrae to reduce compression.

The result of treatment with the use of dry and underwater extension of the spine:

  • increasing the distance between vertebrae, reducing pressure on cartilaginous structures;
  • elimination of spasms of the muscles of the back;
  • normalization of local blood circulation, reducing the risk of stagnation of blood and lymph;
  • reduction of compression of nerve roots against the background of growth of osteophytes, excessive tension of spasmodic muscle fibers, displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • stretching of ligaments and muscles of the paravertebral zone;
  • restoration of optimal values ​​of osmotic pressure in the gelatinous nucleus of an elastic cartilaginous lining between the vertebrae;
  • forward movement of displaced discs and vertebral bodies with tension of the longitudinal posterior ligament of the support column;
  • an increase in the diameter of the intervertebral foramen when traction up to, mm between adjacent bone structures is 1-3 mm.

Indications for the procedure

Extension of the spine is prescribed for various problems with the support column and the paravertebral zone:


The procedure is not carried out in the following cases:

  • period of exacerbation in any chronic pathology;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe lesions of bone and cartilage elements in old age;
  • pathology in the stage of decompensation;
  • diseases of the support column, in which the density decreases, the structure of bone tissue is broken, for example, osteoporosis;
  • childhood;
  • a malignant tumor process is detected in any part of the body;
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • instability of the spine;
  • During the period of therapy, the patient showed a negative dynamics;
  • revealed foraminous or sequestered hernia of the spine;
  • the patient suffers from mental disorders.

Important!Extraction of the spine is carried out after the examination of the patient, clarification of the diagnosis and the stage of pathology. Conducting traction of the support post in an inappropriate period of the disease can result in activation of the inflammatory process, a serious damage to the cartilaginous tissue and ligamentous apparatus.Self-medication is prohibited,until the doctor specifies all the nuances for home stretching of the spine.

Benefit and harm

Proper conduct of traction of the spine is an indispensable condition for achieving a therapeutic effect. After the course of treatment, patients feel relief, pain syndrome decreases, blood supply of problem areas improves, progression of many pathologies stops.

Extraction of the spine is harmful when the process of therapy is disrupted, an inadequate examination before the sessions (the doctor missed the manifestations in which it is forbidden to perform the procedure).

Dangerous traction of the spinal column, conducted by a layman or the use in the home of immoderate burden on the hands, waist and legs.

When stretching the spine at home, side effects often develop, uncontrolled stretching of the spine causes harm.

Possible complications after traction of the spine:

  • traumatization of cartilaginous tissue with unnecessary burdening, violation of rules of procedure or self-treatment;
  • Muscle spasm in painful points and fibrosis zones.

Negative reactions develop with ignoring restrictions for the traction of the spine, patient's violation of the doctor's instructions, the wrong course of pulling the pillar. To eliminate side effects, the doctor performs the destruction of the trigger zones before the session or changes the position of the patient during the procedure.

Types of antigravity effects

On an individual basis, a vertebrologist or an orthopedic trauma specialist selects a certain type of procedure. The aquatic species is a more "soft" variant: lower the burden on the heart and the entire body.

Extraction of the spine can be:

  • Dry.Vis on the crossbar or the use of special medical simulators. There is a horizontal, vertical, inversion stretching. A good result with a hernia in the lumbosacral region.
  • Hardware extension.A special device looks like a rack from the Middle Ages, but the stretching of the support post is carried out with minimal stresses, so as not to cause harm to the patient. The device stretches the vertebrae, the procedure is carried out by experienced specialists in high-level clinics. Dry type of hood.
  • Water Extraction. Effective, most secure method. For the session you need a pool with warm water and special equipment. How does the procedure work? Doctors select the weight of the burden, fill the pool with water of the right temperature, the patient puts on the legs a prepared load. Warm fluid and easy stretching under the influence of weight explain a good relaxing effect. The trophism of problem muscles is better than before the procedure, the blood circulates more actively through the vessels. Decompression is clearly pronounced, the muscle fibers and ligamentous apparatus are relaxed. Underwater stretching of the spine doctors are used in severe forms of the intervertebral hernia and in patients aged 50-60 years with moderate stages of pathology.

How to prepare: advice for patients

Before stretching the spine, do not take food and drink a large volume of fluid, you need to measure the pressure.

There are no other essential rules for preparing for the procedure.

All the nuances can be clarified by a physician-physiotherapist who will conduct sessions of underwater or dry stretching of the pillar.

Before the procedure, the doctor calculates the weight of the burden, the duration of the session. It is important to identify the limitations, preliminary to make an MRI to clarify the form of the intervertebral hernia: with a foraminous version of the pathology of vertebrae L4 - L5, the procedure is not prescribed.

After the session, to fix the effect, prevent complications and displacements of the vertebrae, the patient is delivered to the ward on a gurney.

The horizontal position during transportation can be observed only in the medical institution and sanatorium. Be sure to rest for one or two hours.

Doctors fix the spinal column with the help of the orthosis.

The total number of sessions is from 10 to 20 for one course. The frequency of conduction depends on the reaction of the body: the absence of positive dynamics is the reason for refusing anti-gravity therapy. Price in high-level clinics - from 1700 to 2500 rubles.


The opinions about the extraction of the spine depend on the quality of the procedure performed. With the observance of the rules, there is a quick relief, pain syndrome decreases. Often after the first procedure, discomfort in the spine increases, but after two or three sessions disappears.

The majority of patients notes: a good result appears when the pillar is pulled together with physiotherapy, medication, and therapeutic gymnastics. Positive influence is provided by pleasant water procedures: turpentine baths, underwater massage, swimming, hydromassage couch, souls of various kinds.

It is important to know:stretching the spine is beneficial when visiting high-level medical institutions, well-known health resorts with well-equipped cabinets and swimming pools. Extension of the support column can provoke complications if to perform the procedure at home without taking into account contraindications, on the initiative of the patient. Incorrect application of the method often brings harm.

A source: http://vse-o-spine.com/lechenie/protsedury/vytyazhka-pozvonochnika.html

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