Prolonged cold in an adult treatment

Prolonged runny nose in adults: causes and treatment

/A prolonged runny nose in an adult is a rather unpleasant and widespread phenomenon.With this problem in the cold season almost everything collides, and only a person with strong immunity can remain healthy. Runny nose is the first sign of a cold, and it can also go on without other cold symptoms. It is common to call rhinitis, which does not last for 2 weeks.

Causes of prolonged cold in an adult

The adult does not go through a runny nose for a certain reason:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the state of the environment.If the work is related to harmful substances, a person has to stay in a dusty place for a long time, there is a chance of developing a chronic allergic rhinitis.
  2. Runny nose for a long time can bother a person and at home, this occurs in the case of allergic reactions to household dust, as well as dust mites.

There are other causes of a prolonged runny nose in an adult, among which: excessively dry air in the room.

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Usually there is a lingering rhinitis from the dryness of air during the heating season.

Solve the problem of dryness of the nasal mucosa by increasing the air humidity by using an air humidifier.

Otolaryngologists sometimes speak of congenital causes of chronic colds. According to them, many congenital diseases and anomalies disrupt the normal functioning of the nasopharynx, as a result of which excess mucus is constantly released from the nose. Among such anomalies are violations in the structure of the facial skeleton - curvature of the nasal septum, an increase and deformation of the nasal concha and other pathological processes.

In rare cases, the runny nose does not go away for a long time due to the development of systemic hereditary diseases, among which most often there is the Kartagener syndrome.With the development of this ailment in the entire human body, there is a disruption of the functioning of the ciliated epithelium, which ensures the excretion of mucus from the mucous membranes. As a result of such disorders, mucus begins to stagnate and accumulate in the nasopharynx and bronchi. The disease is manifested with rhinitis and cough, while the secretion of yellow or yellow-green color can be released from the respiratory tract.

Among the causes of protracted rhinitis in adults, experts also call some autoimmune diseases. It can be:
Wegener's granulomatosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, systemic scleroderma, in which a prolonged rhinitis often occurs.

Medicinal runny nose for a long time

In otolaryngology, a notion is known as a medicinal runny nose, which is also characterized by a prolonged course.The disease is caused by improper use of vasoconstrictors, in some cases it occurs as a side effect when using certain medications. Medicinal, or medicinal rhinitis is manifested by abundant clear secretions from the nasal cavity, reminiscent of an allergic reaction of the body. Also this form of protracted rhinitis may be manifested by the embeddedness of one or two immediately nasal passages.

Medicinal rhinitis caused by long-term use of vasoconstrictive drugs is called a "ricochet" runny nose. It develops when the course and dosage of vasoconstricting drops or sprays is exceeded.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult: drugs to treat a prolonged cold

Most people do not know what to do if they do not go through a runny nose in an adult or a child for a long time. First of all, it is necessary to visit a specialist's office with a view to examining the nasal cavity. The otolaryngologist based on the condition of the nasal mucosa and the patient's complaints will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment of the disease.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose should be immediate, comprehensive and systematic.In this case, do not forget about its effectiveness and safety for the patient. To get rid of the inflammatory process, you need to take medications and perform some physiotherapy.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult, I should say a specialist.

Usually patients expect the appointment of really effective remedies, since prolonged rhinitis, as a rule, is accompanied by nasal congestion, abundant secretion of mucus, headaches, impaired sense of smell, general weakness and discomfort.

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in an adult can not do without the use of medications aimed at strengthening the walls of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. As a result of such therapy, blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the body improves, and all previously disrupted nasopharyngeal functions are restored. Such drugs, as a rule, have no side effects, but can cause addiction to the body.

The admission of these drugs is contraindicated in patients who are diagnosed with "medicinal rhinitis because it is the vasoconstrictor and triggered the development of the disease.

Than to treat the tightened rhinitis at the adult: tablets, drops and a spray

Some experts on the issue of patients than to treat a protracted rhinitis in adults, prescribe the use of drugs Sinupret in tablets and Fliksonase for washing the nasal passages. This therapy removes the swelling of the mucous membrane and promotes a faster elimination of mucus from the nasal passages.

Often with a prolonged rhinitis, the mucous membrane is damaged, it becomes inflamed, and crusts form on it. Get rid of this help children's cream-balm Healer, which can be used by adults. They need to lubricate the nasal cavity 5 times a day, until the intensity of manifestation of rhinitis decreases, then it is enough to put the balm in your nose just before bedtime.

Another option, how to treat a prolonged runny nose, is the alternation of drops of Sinuphorte and Spray of Nasobek.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose by irrigation?

/Do not forget about the procedure, such as irrigation, which is the washing of the nasal cavity in order to purify it of pathological contents - mucus and pathogens.For irrigation, such solutions are most often used:
  • saline solution - at ½ st. warm boiled water is used 0, 5 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt or common salt;
  • chamomile solution - 1 tbsp. l. salt on a glass of chamomile;
  • eucalyptus solution - 1 hour. l. eucalyptus oil on a glass of boiled water.

The procedure is effective for allergic, viral and bacterial rhinitis.After it, nasal breathing improves and the amount of mucus released decreases. For irrigation, you can also use seawater-based sprays or a special Dolphin device.

Knowing how to cure a long runny nose, you can avoid the development of many complications.

Against the backdrop of prolonged rhinitis often occurs sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia and other serious diseases.

Possible causes of a prolonged runny nose in an adult

In the modern world, a prolonged runny nose in an adult is a fairly common phenomenon. In addition to shortness of breath, this condition can be accompanied by purulent or clear discharge from the nose, itching, dryness, headaches, lacrimation and other unpleasant symptoms. Few did not come across a runny nose, especially in the cold season. The usual cold with proper treatment and a strong immune system is an average of a week. If the symptoms and manifestations of rhinitis make themselves felt for a longer period (weeks or months), you need to seek professional help. After all, it can be no longer just an easy indisposition, but a protracted runny nose, capable of acquiring chronic form, therefore, it is necessary to find out its cause and take measures aimed at recovery.

The problem of a prolonged cold

Varieties of pathology

Prolonged rhinitis can cause a variety of reasons, ranging from seasonal allergies and ending with the incorrect treatment of infectious diseases.The following types of rhinitis are distinguished:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • drug;
  • atrophic;
  • vasomotor.

Any form of rhinitis can go into chronic form in the absence of timely and proper treatment.

Types of chronic rhinitisProlonged breathing difficulty leads to the appearance of dyspnea, the appearance and progression of symptoms of bronchial asthma. This is a serious condition that requires a long and versatile treatment, so when lingering rhinitis, the obligatory help of an otolaryngologist, an allergist and pulmonologist is necessary. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since it can lead to more severe consequences.

To a separate category of diseases associated with a common cold, one can include psychosomatic rhinitis, having not physiological, but psychological causes and is the consequence of various disorders the psyche. In this case, the help of a professional psychotherapist is already needed, which will offer alternative medicine and various types of psychotherapy as a treatment.

Types and causes of rhinitis

Infectious rhinitis

Rhinitis is the calling card of many diseases caused by infections of a viral or bacteriological nature. Angina, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis - is not a complete list of diseases accompanied by a runny nose. Under adverse conditions, the symptoms of the disease can become chronic.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergy is the cause of a prolonged coldAllergy is the leader among the causes of a prolonged protracted runny nose in adults.

In severe cases, symptoms can persist year round, causing a lot of inconvenience to patients.

The environment surrounding a person contains a huge amount of allergens (pollen of plants, household dust, chemicals, animal hair), and with a decrease protective function of the immune system, allergies may occur, accompanied by a runny nose, nasal congestion, a cut in the eyes, lacrimation and headaches pain.

Progressing allergies can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

Medicinal rhinitis

Runny nose may occur as a side effect of taking some medications, and also be a consequence of the abuse of vasoconstrictive drops. Taking drops from nasal congestion has strict limitations, which patients often neglect. Thus, the use of vasoconstrictive drugs for more than 3-5 days causes habituation of the nasal mucosa. After drug cancellation the mucous membrane swells even more than at the beginning of the disease, which leads to a new coil of droplet reception. Addiction leads to a gradual increase in the dose and chronic edema, proliferation of mucous membranes, which can only be managed surgically.

Atrophic rhinitis

Hereditary runny noseAtrophic rhinitis can be caused both by external harmful influence (an unfavorable ecological environment) and by congenital, hereditary factors.

The disease is characterized by thinning or proliferation of the mucosa, its atrophy, loss of smell, in certain cases - fetid odor from the nasal sinuses.

Atrophic rhinitis requires conservative or surgical treatment.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The causes of vasomotor rhinitis are not yet fully understood. It is believed that the rhinitis of the vessels in the nasal cavity causes a runny nose. As a result of the active activity of the nerve endings of the parasympathetic nervous system, the blood vessels overflow with blood, causing swelling of the nasal mucosa. These symptoms can worsen when the person goes to the cold, when inhaled sharp odors, with increased emotional stress and stress.

Specific types of colds

Also, a prolonged course of rhinitis may be due to:

  1. Congenital diseases and anomalies.

The most common congenital causes of rhinitis are the curvature of the nasal septum and the wrong structure of the facial part of the skull, deformation and enlargement of the nasal concha.

  1. Getting injured.
Adenoiditis is the cause of a prolonged coldIn this case, rhinitis is caused by physiological edema and tissue deformation, fractures of the nose bones and nose bridge. The lack of medical care and surgical correction for nasal injuries can lead to a protracted runny nose.
  1. Pathological increase in nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoiditis).

The increase in the pharyngeal tonsil is caused by the proliferation of lymphoid tissue. In this case, the nasal inputs overlap, stiffness occurs, and normal air access is limited. According to statistics, this pathology is most often diagnosed in children, but cases of proliferation of lymphoid tissue in adults are not uncommon.

  1. Fall into the sinuses of the nose of foreign bodies, including parasites.

In the nasal cavity of man, both animals and plant parasites can live. These are worms (pinworms, roundworms), larvae of various insects, leeches, and also some kinds of fungi (for example, candida fungus, which causes thrush of the mucous membranes of the nose). An accurate diagnosis is established on the basis of blood tests, smears from the nose and microscopic examination of secretions.

  1. Benign proliferation of the mucous membrane (polyps in the nose).
Polyps in the nose - the cause of the common coldWith prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa and the absence of treatment for the underlying disease, mucosal tissues can expand and thicken. In this case, the polyps can grow quite large and block the nasal inputs, preventing the intake of air. This is a common cause of a prolonged runny nose in adults.
  1. The presence of any disease, a symptom of which is a protracted runny nose.

One such disease is hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function, in which the body a person suffers from a lack of hormones and there is edema of connective tissues, including nasopharynx. You can identify the disease by passing a blood test to the level of thyroid hormones. Other diseases associated with nasal congestion include:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • scleroderma;
  • psoriasis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • Carthage syndrome.

To prevent the transition of a common cold to a chronic form, you need to monitor your health, follow the instructions of the attending physician and in every way temper the body. The benefits of vocal exercises for adults, breathing exercises, walks through the forest and the sea coast are proved. Burying vasoconstrictive drops is better to replace the procedure of washing the nose with infusions of medicinal herbs (after consultation with an ENT doctor and if there is no allergy) or inhalation. When treating a cold it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. Often, curing the underlying disease leads to the disappearance of symptoms of rhinitis.

Tip 1: How to cure a protracted runny nose

How to cure a protracted runny nose

The main causes of protracted cold are complications of infections, as well as manifestations of allergies. Treatment in these cases should be carried out simultaneously in several directions.

Treatment of a protracted cold

Therapy of a protracted rhinitis takes place simultaneously in the following directions: exposure to mucous membranes shell of the nose, elimination of the cause and provoking factors, stimulation of the body's immunity, prevention relapses. If prolonged rhinitis is a consequence of not cured colds or infectious diseases, the choice of medication for treatment depends on the symptoms and health status. With abundant and transparent discharge from the nose, vasoconstrictive drugs are used (Otrivin, Adranol, Sanorin, Nazivin, Ximelin, Vibrocil, etc.).

If the runny nose has an atrophic form, which is manifested by thick and lean secretions and from the nose, antibacterial preparations ("Pinosol" drops, "Bactroban" ointment, "Polidex" spray) should be used. You should also wash your nose with saline solutions or use special sprays (Aqualor, Salin, Aqua Maris). For a few months, a protracted runny nose is treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, a laser, and surgical intervention.

Treatment of a protracted runny nose with allergies should begin with the termination of contact with a substance that causes negative symptoms. Clear manifestations of allergic rhinitis are the sudden onset of the disease, the absence of signs of a cold, the presence of characteristic signs (lacrimation, abundant discharge from the nose, multiple sneezing, difficult nasal breathing), ineffectiveness of conventional means used in runny nose. To treat the manifestations of allergy use drugs of one group - antihistamines in the second row ("Loratadin "Kestin "Clarinase "Zirtek "Telfast "Allergodil"). These medicines do not cause drowsiness, weakness, headache and impaired coordination.

How to treat a protracted runny nose

A protracted runny nose can be caused by endocrine disorders, a reflex action on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Its causes may be a change in the temperature of food or air, emotional stress, overwork. In this case, the use of multivitamins and biostimulators is recommended. Wellness activities, frequent airing of the premises, long exposure to fresh air, sports will be useful.

Prolonged rhinitis can be cured by traditional medicine. The inhalation of fumes of chopped garlic or onions is good. The procedure should be performed three times a day for 5-8 minutes. With a prolonged runny nose, you can use aloe juice mixed with honey. It is necessary to wrap a sheet of plant in black paper and put it for 14 hours in the refrigerator. Then squeeze out the juice and mix it with 1/3 of a teaspoon of honey. The mixture is digested in the nose three times a day by a full pipette into each nostril. Folk remedies for the treatment of a protracted runny nose should be used only after consulting a doctor.

What should I do with a protracted runny nose (adult)? Prompt treatment. Prompt treatment



Leonid Umbrellas

I know for myself - to shoot myself.

Irene Nietzsche

1. Wash your nose with salt water. A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, half a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinse with a rubber pear, leaning over the sink to drain the liquid that flows from the nose. After typing the solution, insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril and, squeezing the balloon, direct the stream towards the nasopharynx along the bottom wall of the nasal cavity. The second half of the nose is also washed. Directing the jet up is not recommended, since there is a sensitive olfactory zone. Hold the breath while rinsing. After the procedure, it is advisable to breathe for a minute or two quietly, so that the viscous mucus had time to dissolve, "get wet and then you can blow your nose.
Do not be afraid, will not get into the windpipe - it will flow out into the usual swallowing throat (pharynx), or into another nostril, or it will pour out of the same. Rubber pear can be bought at the pharmacy.
Drawing water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause their inflammation.
OPTION "Having felt the first signs of a cold - a nose in the nose, a slight excess of liquid mucus - I immediately do a rinse with salt water. To do this, fill the teapot with a slightly warm, almost cool boiled water, dissolve in it a teaspoon of table salt. Bending his head over the sink so that one nostril "looked" up, I poured salt water through it in it. Gradually the water begins to flow out of the other nostril. So I emptied half a teapot. Then, turning my head in another direction, I repeat the same with another nostril. If you do this procedure on time, repeating daily a couple of times, you manage to completely get rid of the common cold in a day or two. " - Elena Z, Kirovograd
Nazivin, Sanorin, Ximelin, and the like alleviate breathing, but they can have nosebleeds. Therefore, only on the washed nose and no longer than 3 days, then go to pinosol, beet juice or onion, or homeopathy.
2. Do a purge of the nostrils separately (sukha-purvak). It's from yoga. Sit up straight with your legs crossed. The left arm lies loosely on the hip. The index finger of the right hand is applied to the forehead just above the bridge of the nose. Hold the thumb on the right nostril, and the middle finger on the left. The muscles of the face are relaxed. All attention to nose and breath.
Make a full exhalation with your nose and immediately, pressing your right nostril with your thumb, you inhale through the left (about a second) and close it. Hold your breath (about 8 seconds). Then open the right nostril, slowly exhale (exhale twice longer than inhalation) and close the right one. The delay (approximately 4 seconds), and the cycle is over.
Start the next cycle, similar to the described one, with a breath through the right nostril.
Such paired exercises should be done at once 10-12. And repeat at least 3 times a day. They very well purify the nasopharynx, lift the tone of the capillaries and nerve endings in it, improve the sense of smell, strengthen the immune system to catarrhal and viral diseases. These exercises should preferably be done after washing the nasopharynx with salted water.
3) inhalation of chopped onion and garlic
Rinse the boiling water with a steep boiling water and place in it finely chopped garlic or onions. Close the lid and get some evaporation through the tip of the kettle. You can also slightly warm the kettle, for example, in a microwave oven or by placing it for a second on a small plate fire.
4) And fight home dust. Throw away everything that you do not use and without which you can do without, buy a washing vacuum cleaner and make sure that it does not stand idle.

Chronic rhinitis symptoms and treatment | How to treat a chronic cold

Chronic rhinitis is a prolonged inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity. It can be observed in the form of one of the following forms: hypertrophic, catarrhal, vasomotor, simple atrophic rhinitis or ozena - fetid rhinitis.

Symptoms of an impassable chronic cold

Prolonged rhinitis in children and adults can occur due to frequent colds, effects of an unfavorable factor, as well as on the features of the structure of the nose, including the nasal partitions. The main manifestations of chronic rhinitis are frequent nasal congestion, abundant thick discharge, the occurrence of nasal congestion with a change in the position of the body.

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Everyone knows about what a cold is, not by hearsay. As a rule, this illness makes itself felt in autumn and winter. Almost always it occurs as a result of getting into the human body of a viral infection and is accompanied by a general malaise. That's why everyone who does not manage to avoid this unpleasant disease starts to wonder: if the runny nose does not go wrong? Today, there is a whole range of different ways to treat chronic colds. It directly depends on the types of the disease.

Symptoms of different types of chronic cold

In order to know what drugs can be used, what drugs to use for treatment - you need to clearly know the cause of the appearance of the common cold and its type in particular. Chronic rhinitis can be of several types:

1. Catarrhal

2. Hypertrophic

3. Atrophic

4. The vasomotor type is caused by hypertrophied reactions to external factors. The cause may be emotional experience, stress, hormonal disorders, the effect of tobacco smoke, etc.

5. Allergic - occurs because of the allergen.

6. Infectious - under the influence of viruses, microbes and bacteria.

7. Medication - a reaction to certain medications.

8. Traumatic rhinitis is the result of injuries.

Symptoms of chronic catarrhal rhinitis

The signs of this form are:

1. mucous or purulent discharge from the nasal passages;

2. difficulty breathing with the nose in the reclining position, disappearing when the position of the body changes;

3. nasal congestion.

Symptoms of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

This disease, characterized by a rapid proliferation of connective tissue in the nasal cavity.

The main manifestation is a pronounced and permanent violation of nasal breathing and, as a consequence, a decrease in smell, hearing, and headache.

Symptoms of a chronic runny nose atrophic shape

Atrophic rhinitis, proceeding in a simple form, is a chronic disease of the nasal cavity, characterized by atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Symptoms of the disease in adults are:

1. dryness, sensations of constriction in the nose;

2. the formation of crusts in the nasal passages;

3. nasal bleeding;

4. total or partial loss of smell.

Symptoms of chronic otitis rhinitis

Ozena is a chronic disease of the nasal cavity, characterized by a sharp atrophy of the mucosa, bone tissue and walls of the nose, as well as the formation of thick offensive secretions, which are pushed in the nasal passages into thick dark green crusts.

Symptoms of chronic vasomotor cold

This is a neuromuscular reflex disease of non-inflammatory nature. Symptoms of a vasomotor chronic runny nose include:

1. presence of abundant serous or mucous discharge from the nose;

2. shortness of nasal breathing;

3. burning and itching in the eyes and nose;

4. bouts of sneezing.

Manifestations of different stages of chronic cold

In the development of the disease, three stages are observed:

1. Reflex stage. This is the beginning of the disease. It lasts several hours and is accompanied by itching, the vessels sharply narrow.

2. The catarrhal stage. This is the most prolonged phase. It is accompanied by abundant secretions and reddening of the nose.

3. The stage of restoration of functional abilities of chronic rhinitis. This is the final stage, which is close to recovery.

How can I treat a chronic cold?

Methods of therapy of prolonged rhinitis of different types

1. Treatment of catarrhal chronic rhinitis in adults is performed on an outpatient basis. First of all, the patient must take all measures aimed at eliminating all the negative factors driving the development of the disease. If the cause of rhinitis is difficult to establish, then local treatment is performed, during which the disturbing patient is eliminated symptoms (antiseptic solutions, antibacterial ointments are used, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed).

2. The hypertrophic rhinitis in adults is treated only surgically.

3. For the treatment of a runny nose atrophic form, a number of local procedures are used (mainly disinfectants are used) and general therapy is performed.

4. Treatment of fetid chronic otrienitis Ozen is aimed at eliminating crusts and odor from the nose. The nasal cavity is washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1%), Dioxydin (1%) or potassium permanganate (,%), and then enter into it cotton buds, impregnated with Vishnevsky ointment or other antibacterial preparations.

5. Therapy of the common cold of the vasomotor type is aimed at general strengthening of the body's immune forces, as well as reducing the reactivity of the nervous system.

Now people are investing fabulous amounts in pharmacology, buying various drugs, drops, homeopathic remedies for the common cold. But not so long ago it became known that, for example, drops for the nose can cause dependence and, after treatment, the course (especially if treatment is not correct) will have to drip constantly. And whatever is included in the composition of drops from the common cold - they are mainly vasoconstrictive and can overdry the mucous membrane, which in no way will help the treatment.

Treatment of chronic cold with folk remedies

1. In the opinion of Russian healers, with a cold, especially chronic, it is necessary first and foremost to completely eliminate milk and dairy products from use.

2. With an acute cold, the patient is recommended to bathe in a bath and drink lime-colored tea, warming the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses with hard-boiled eggs. They are kept in the shell right on both sides of the nose until completely cooled. Sometimes eggs are replaced with pouches with heated river sand or salt.

3. Treat the runny nose and with the help of onions, laying in the nostrils pieces of cotton wool, soaked in its juice.

4. It helps with a cold and freshly prepared beet juice, which (depending on the patient's age) 2-4 drops 2-3 times a day is digested into each nostril.

5. True, there is another, "sparing" method for treating a chronic cold. Prepare a thin gruel of grated horseradish and lemon juice, which is taken on a teaspoon 2 times a day. After that, during, h, you can not eat or drink. This medicine can cause lachrymation, which should stop along with a cold in 2 weeks.

Chronic lingering runny nose - causes and prevention of the disease

Most often, catarrhal rhinitis appears due to repeated acute rhinitis and acute respiratory viral infection, or develops against the background of protracted diseases of the paranasal sinuses and pharynx.

The causes of chronic hypertrophic disease can be chronic infections in the paranasal sinuses, other forms of rhinitis, prolonged irritation of the nasal mucosa by chemical preparations, curvature of the septum nose.

Causes of chronic runny nose atrophic form have not been established so far, but it is known that at its development is affected by unfavorable climatic conditions and harmful working conditions, infectious diseases, injury.

The cause of the common cold of the vasomotor form are various allergens: pollen of plants, products, medicines, animal hair, perfumes, house dust, and endocrine disruptions in the body.

In order to prevent disease, you can use folk remedies. Suitable for:

1. aromatherapy,

2. phytotherapy,

3. acupressure,

4. breathing exercises.

Also, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle, tempering, eating right and strengthening your immune system.

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