What will help Corvalol: insomnia, pain in the heart, pressure, other pathologies

From this article you will learn what helps Corvalol, what symptoms it removes, whether it helps to cure heart disease. What is the mechanism of action of this drug.

  • Composition of the preparation
    • The composition of the preparation
    • Indications for use
    • The effect of the drug in the disorders of the psychoemotional sphere
    • With insomnia
    • With pains in the heart
    • With sinus tachycardia
    • With increased pressure
    • With colic in the abdomen
    • Conclusions

    Corvalol is a combined medication with a sedativesedative), vasodilator and spasmolytic action. Assign it with neuroses, as well as with pain in the heart and stomach on the nerves.

    Before using the drug, consult a therapist. If you are going to take the medication for pain in the heart, consult a cardiologist and go for a checkup that will help to find out the causes of this symptom.

    Composition of Corvalol

    To understand how the drug affects the symptoms of diseases, consider its composition. Active substances Corvalol:

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    • Ethyl ester of alpha-bromizovaleric acid is a component isolated from essential oil of valerian. This substance produces a mild sedative effect, as well as an easy spasmolytic effect.
    • Phenobarbital is a chemical compound from the barbiturate group. Possesses sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects.
    • Peppermint oil - has spasmolytic and vasodilating effect.

    Indications for use of the drug

    Assign Corvalol in these disorders:

    • neuroses with increased irritability or anxiety;
    • autonomic lability( instability of the nervous system);
    • hypochondriacal syndrome( excessive anxiety about one's health);
    • insomnia;
    • cardialgia( pain in the heart) of a psychological nature;
    • sinus tachycardia;
    • prehypertension( slightly elevated pressure - up to 139/89 mm Hg);
    • intestinal colic( spasm of smooth musculature of the digestive system).

    Next, we will consider in more detail the effect of the drug for various diseases.

    In psychoemotional disorders

    These include neuroses, hypochondriacal syndrome, autonomic lability, insomnia.

    In the disorders of this group, Corvalol is quite effective. It removes excessive excitation of the central nervous system. Eliminates tension, anxiety and irritability.

    It helps with such violations due to the content of ethyl ester of α-bromizovaleric acid and phenobarbital.

    Sedative action of Corvalol is similar to that of Valerian, since they have a common active ingredient. However, the soothing effect of Corvalol is more pronounced, since the action of ethyl ester of alpha-bromizovaleric acid is enhanced by the action of phenobarbital.

    With insomnia

    Corvalol helps to fall asleep quickly due to the soothing effect that the above mentioned components provide.

    Phenobarbital also has a hypnotic effect, but in such a small dosage that enters the body with this drug, it is weakly expressed.

    That is, Corvalol does not have a strong hypnotic effect, but helps to fall asleep mainly due to a sedative effect.

    For pains in the heart

    This medication is prescribed only if the pain is psychological( caused by stress, lack of sleep, neuroses).In this case, the sedative effect of Corvalol is useful. Due to the sedative effect of the drug and relieves pain in the heart.

    Ethyl ester of α-bromizovaleric acid and peppermint oil have a mild vasodilating effect that helps to relieve a mild spasm of the coronary arteries. This spasm can be caused by stress, neurosis, smoking.

    However, with severe spasm of vessels or narrowing of the coronary arteries with atherosclerosis, which causes angina( attacks of severe pain in the heart), Corvalol is ineffective.

    With sinus tachycardia

    This medication helps only if tachycardia is not a consequence of other cardiovascular diseases.

    With sinus tachycardia, triggered by psychological causes, Corvalol helps slow heart rate due to its sedative effect.


    If pressure is raised slightly( up to 139/89 mm Hg), and this is caused by stress, taking Corvalol will help bring BP normal and improve well-being.

    Reduction of blood pressure is due to a sedative effect, and also due to the expansion of blood vessels.

    With intestinal colic

    Stitching pains in the abdomen can be caused by a spasm of smooth muscles that lines the intestine.

    In this case, the two active components of the drug in question are a positive effect: peppermint oil and ethyl bromizovaleric acid ethyl ester.

    They relax the smooth muscles, due to which the abdominal pain passes.

    For pain caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Corvalol is ineffective.


    When we have already figured out how Corvalol works and what it is for, let's summarize.

    Corvalol helps to fight only with unpleasant symptoms, most often caused by stresses, neuroses.

    It helps to cope with the following problems with well-being:

    • nervous tension;
    • irritability;
    • anxiety;
    • worry;
    • difficulty with sleeping;
    • pain in the region of the heart;
    • accelerated heart rate;
    • slightly elevated pressure( up to 139/89 mm Hg);
    • colic in the abdomen.

    However, Corvalol has no effect on the diseases that could provoke these symptoms. Therefore, before taking the remedy, make sure that your bad state of health has arisen on the nerves, and not against the background of serious diseases. Even if your problems are psychological, do not limit yourself to taking Corvalol. Consult a doctor and complete the treatment. With neuroses you can be counseled by a psychologist or psychotherapist, a massage course, exercise therapy, etc.

    Also note that Corvalol is not suitable for long-term use. It will only be useful for an emergency withdrawal of a troubling symptom. For example, to quickly reduce the pressure immediately after a stressful situation or to fall asleep in an unfavorable environment.