What are the signs of sinusitis in adults

Diseases of the nose sometimes seem insignificant. Nevertheless, the first signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults indicate a problem that should be eliminated. On this depends health, well-being, working capacity. Consider the symptoms that help determine the disease and choose the right treatment.

  • Varieties of sinusitis and their signs
  • Symptoms
  • How to treat the disease
  • Operational methods
  • Medications
  • Folk methods
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Genyanthitis is called inflammation of the paranasal sinus. He is considered an insidious disease. The reason is a symptom similar to a common cold. A person can not pay attention to them or be treated independently.

Varieties of sinusitis and their signs

Inflammation of the paranasal sinus develops with a decrease in immunity. In most cases, this occurs during the cold season after hypothermia, against frequent rhinitis, complications of colds, improper treatment. Provoke antritis viruses, bacteria, diseases of the ear and mouth.

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Other causes of sinusitis include:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • allergy;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis;
  • congenital or acquired anomaly of the structure of the nose;
  • deformed septum;
  • adenoids;
  • drafts;
  • polyps;
  • a protracted runny nose;
  • irregular hygiene procedures of the oral cavity.

Important! If the cold lasts for more than a week, you should consult your doctor! Only an otolaryngologist can determine the type of disease, prescribe effective drugs.

Sinusitis is classified according to different criteria. By the prevalence of the process:

  1. Unilateral. Inflammation is observed only in the left or right sinus of the nose, there is also pain.
  2. Bilateral. The inflammatory process covers both nasal sinuses.

By type of pathogen, sinusitis is viral, fungal, allergic, bacterial, aerosynsitis, mixed.

By the nature of the current:

  1. Acute. Characterized by severe symptoms, concludes with recovery.
  2. Subacute, recurrent. Appears 2 - 3 times a year, signs can be erased. It alternates with remissions.
  3. Chronic. Symptoms occur periodically, lasting 2 or more months. Between exacerbations there are moderate manifestations - pain, discharge from the nose.

On morphological changes:

  1. Catarrhal. There is swelling of the mucosa, clear discharge.
  2. Purulent. Visible purulent discharge.
  3. Hyperplastic. The paranasal sinuses contract.
  4. Allergic - due to the action of the allergen.
  5. Polyposis. Polyps appear on the mucosa.
  6. Atrophic. On the inner surface of the sinus appear foci of atrophy.
  7. Mixed. There are several symptoms of the described forms.


The disease manifests itself in different ways. Signs of the beginning sinusitis and its transition to heavier forms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • labored breathing;
  • prolonged frequent runny nose with mucous or mucopurulent discharge;
  • pain in the head, temples, gums, teeth;
  • feeling of compression in the nose bridge;
  • tenderness of palpation of the outer side of the nose;
  • discomfort in the eyes, forehead;
  • sharp pain in the head with inclinations;
  • nasal congestion, tearing, sleep disturbance;
  • manifested by changes in voice, nasal;
  • swelling of the face;
  • deterioration of appetite, absence or decrease in smell;
  • bad smell from the mouth;
  • temperature increase;
  • general weakness.

Important! The first symptoms are often like a common cold! First people complain of a bad cold. After this, mucopurulent discharge from the nose appears, a headache.

Sometimes acute sinusitis begins with a temperature of up to 40 degrees, purulent discharge, deterioration of the general condition.

How to treat the disease

How to treat sinusitis the doctor determines after a complete diagnosis - examination, delivery of tests. They indicate the form of inflammation, acuity, the presence of complications and determine the further therapy.

Today, medicine has different methods of treating sinusitis. The choice of any of them depends on the type of disease, accompanying pathologies of the patient. You can combine folk methods with medical ones. In any case, the doctor-otolaryngologist appoints treatment.

Operational methods

The puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed with ineffectiveness of conventional therapy - when signs of chronic or acute sinusitis do not go away, and washing, antibiotics do not work. With puncture, the doctor removes purulent contents and treats the cavity with antiseptic agents.


Are selected after determining the type of disease. These include:

  1. Antibiotics and antiseptics. Assigned in the form of drops and spray (Bioparox, Isofra). At a temperature, complications appoint tablets Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, and if they are ineffective - antibiotics 2 and 3 generations based on cephalosporins or fluoroquinols (Cefaclor, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin). With allergies or ineffectiveness of these funds, macrolides are prescribed (Sumamed, Roxithromycin). Depending on the status, 1 or 2 funds are allowed. Assign tetracyclines (Rondomycin).
  2. Antifungal. The funds are needed after a long treatment with antibiotics (Levorin).
  3. Antiviral.
  4. Vasculature. Eliminate edema, restore nasal breathing. They are sold in the form of sprays, drops (Galazolin, Otrivin, Tizin). Used a week.
  5. Saline solutions. Can disinfect, moisturize, dilute mucus, cleanse, remove inflammation (Quix, Saline, saline solution).
  6. Antihistamine - reduce swelling.
  7. Hormones. Drugs taken with severe forms of sinusitis.
  8. Stimulants of immunity (Interferon).

With a mild course of the disease, physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture.

Folk methods

Many folk remedies are proven, effective. These include inhalations with propolis, onions, garlic, freshly prepared drops with aloe, honey, onions. For consumption inside is useful lemon, radish, honey, horseradish, tea with sage, chamomile.

Important! Treatment at home is the same for both men and women, but after consulting a doctor!

In conclusion, the importance of therapy should be noted. The problem can be easily eliminated with timely treatment and following the recommendations of a specialist. Take care of your health to avoid severe consequences of sinusitis.