Signs of pneumonia

What are the first signs of pneumonia?

The first signs of pneumonia need to be able to recognize in order to take effective measures for treatment. The difficulty lies in the fact that in some cases, pneumonia occurs without specific signs, especially when the lobes of the lung are removed from the main respiratory tract.

The problem of pneumonia

Later diagnosis slows down recovery and can lead to complications during the course of the disease. Pneumonia is a life-threatening condition, especially urgently needed for newborns and the elderly.

Symptoms of pneumonia

There are several types of microorganisms that cause pneumonia. Depending on the type of pathogens, the location of the main source of infection and the age of the affected person, the signs of the onset of the disease will differ.

For pneumonia, the most characteristic is the following:

Increase in body temperature with pneumonia
  1. A sharp increase in temperature to 37-39 ° C. In most cases, victims pay attention to this manifestation, but they take a fever for manifesting a cold.
  2. Intoxication. There are heaviness and pain in the head, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weakness, sometimes pain in the muscles, joints, bones. In newborns and elderly people, pneumonia can occur without fever, but in all cases will be accompanied by a decrease in activity and appetite.
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  3. Labored breathing. First, shortness of breath appears, and after a while cough begins with the release of sputum, develops pain on inhalation, the victim can not breathe a full chest. Such a course is more characteristic of bacterial pneumonia. Mycotic, as a rule, is expressed by a dry cough without phlegm, pain and discomfort in the throat. Some people at an early stage do not have other signs on the part of the respiratory organs, in addition to reducing the depth of inspiration.
  4. Blood in the phlegm. If pneumonia is caused by bacteria or viruses, as a result of coughing, blood vessels can be damaged. In this case bloody streaks are observed in the sputum. The symptom is alarming, it is recommended that you seek medical help immediately.

Can pneumonia occur without symptoms? Yes, it is possible, however, weakness, a decrease in the quality of breathing and rapid fatigue will manifest in any case. The best results give a quick identification of the microorganisms causing the inflammatory process, and carrying out depending on their type:

  • antibiotic treatment;
  • antiviral therapy.

Measures taken in the first 8 hours from the time of infection are most effective.

When does pneumonia occur?

Loss of appetite for pneumoniaInflammation of the lungs can either arise in the form of an independent disease, or be a complication of another acute or chronic problem. To time to notice the first signs of pneumonia, you need to know the factors in which there is an increased risk of its occurrence. The following causes lead to pneumonia:
  1. The presence of active foci of infection in the nasopharynx. It can be any chronic or acute disease of the respiratory tract, for example, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, even otitis.
  2. Permanent inhalation of harmful substances. Smoking or working in hazardous production are at risk for pneumonia.
  3. In newborns, the prerequisites for pneumonia are the intrauterine malformations of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, birth trauma leading to suffocation, hypoxia, asphyxia, cystic fibrosis and supercooling.
  4. In adults, pneumonia can result in a decline in the immune system as a result of infection with HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and chemical dependence. Vulnerable patients and those who have recently undergone surgery are vulnerable to pneumonia.
  5. Elderly people are very difficult to tolerate pneumonia, especially if it occurs against the background of bronchial asthma, heart disease or the endocrine system.

To prevent complications after surgery, a course is always prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, however, despite this, pneumonia in the postoperative period is quite common.

With weakened immunity it is very important to be vigilant and seek medical help immediately if there are problems with breathing.

Pneumonia and smoking

Difficulty in breathing with pneumoniaSmokers have difficulty in determining pneumonia at an early stage. Many smokers with a long history (more than 10 years) have some violations on the part of the respiratory system, against which the first symptoms of pneumonia are not as noticeable as in humans without dependence on nicotine. The main chronic diseases in smokers resemble the onset of the inflammatory process in the lungs, In addition to this, the weakening of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and upper respiratory tract contributes to the development pneumonia. Smokers often observe:
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • chronic cough;
  • separation of a small amount of phlegm from the bronchi;
  • superficial breathing and shortness of breath, especially with physical exertion;
  • labored breathing;
  • wheezing in the lungs.

Older people or smokers with more than 15 years of experience develop a so-called smoker's bronchitis, that is, chronic an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, which has a lingering course and exacerbates the background of a change in the brand of cigarettes or weather conditions. The main differences between pneumonia and normal breathing disorders in smokers are as follows:

  • soreness on inspiration;
  • weakness, headache and fever;
  • the appearance of blood in the sputum;
  • increased cough and runny nose.
Headache with pneumoniaIf the inflammation affects the pleura, the intensity of painful sensations increases with breathing. In older smokers, in some cases, pneumonia occurs asymptomatically until it begins to pose a threat to life.

In this case, the body temperature rises to 39 ° C, there is confusion and cyanosis, a change in the color of the lips to bluish.

Potentially pneumonia can cause death from respiratory and heart failure, so the elderly need to immediately go to a medical facility for timely diagnosis.

Complications after pneumonia and emergency medical care

Since the respiratory organs are actively washed with blood, the location of the foci of infection in the lungs can facilitate the entry of pathogens into the circulatory system. This can lead to:

  • sepsis, blood poisoning;
  • meningitis, inflammation of the brain;
  • endocarditis and pericarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle.

Pneumonia is dangerous for the elderly after surgical operations, so the medical personnel pay special attention to the health of these patients. In pregnant women, inflammation of the lungs can potentially trigger the spread of infection by organism, lead to fetal infection of staphylococcal, pneumococcal or fungal infection and cause a miscarriage. Therefore, if the quality of breathing decreases, pregnant women should immediately seek medical advice from a medical institution in order to diagnose violations and exclude the possibility of pneumonia.


Independently at home, pneumonia is not treated, folk medicine does not help cope with this disease. For diagnostics, special equipment is needed, so without or without adequate research, it is impossible to confirm the presence or absence of pneumonia in a person. Pneumonia is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • X-ray or computed tomography of the chest;
  • sputum examination;
  • blood tests;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • bronchoscopy.

After this, the selection of potent drugs depending on the type of pathogen. If the patient does not self-medicate and responds quickly to the first signs of pneumonia, the prognosis for recovery is very favorable. If the request for help is not timely, pneumonia can result in a fatal outcome.


The most serious disease occurs in young children, especially newborns, and the elderly, so if you suspect a pneumonia, you should immediately call your doctor.

What are the signs of pneumonia?


Alain M

Signs of pneumonia are often manifested in the course of active development of the disease. At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms can be either in acute respiratory infections or viral infections. It is very dangerous that pneumonia results from catarrhal diseases, especially when the disease is not treated, transferred on legs or even started on "maybe will pass." Symptoms of pneumonia in adults that are observed in the first week of the disease: cough, fever, general malaise, apathy. Such signs are characteristic for any catarrhal disease and even with weakening of immunity. But when they are all together - this is the first "call" for the development of a serious disease and it often happens that this disease is pneumonia. At an early stage of the disease, the temperature rises to 3, - 38 degrees, especially in the evening and normalizes in the morning. If a patient has strong immunity, then the disease at this stage can last for a couple of weeks, and this is sometimes misleading. When the patient has a fever that lasts for 5-7 days, you should consult your doctor. Cough usually early in the dry, sometimes traced in the throat. The patient feels broken, apathy appears. Pneumonia can develop for a long time without significant signs, but with obvious signs of gradual deterioration in the body. The temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees. The cough is worse, it becomes suppressant, sputum is secreted and bloody discharge appears during expectoration. The patient begins dyspnea, pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, constantly pierces the headaches. Symptoms of the disease in adults are much easier to detect than in children and even treatment of severe complications gives positive results. Inflammation of the lungs requires the intervention of a specialist, since inflammatory processes with a properly selected treatment are rapid.

Alexeev Valery

The main feature is two. Auscultatory weakening of breath over a certain zone and the presence of crepitus. X-ray - the appearance of shading over the area where breathing is weakened during auscultation and there is this very crepitation. All other signs are atypical and secondary.


heat... up to 40 I was so was, lying in delirium, it was hard to breathe ...

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults

Do not underestimate the common cold, because an untreated infection can lead to the development of pulmonary inflammation, i.e. pneumonia. This is a more serious disease, even fatal. Having found out signs of a pneumonia at the adult, the last it is necessary to address to the doctor. This is necessary because the inflammation can have not only a pronounced, but also a hidden character. The instructions below will help to recognize what pneumonia is and what symptoms it indicates.

The first symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

Pneumonia, depending on the type of pathogen and the nature of the flow is divided into several types:

  • acute or chronic;
  • virus;
  • fungal;
  • radical;
  • croup or pleuropneumonia;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • aspiration;
  • bilateral or one-sided.
The man is coughing

There are several types of pneumonia, but they have common symptoms:

  1. Persistent cough. First dry, and with the development of the disease wet with pus and mucous sputum yellow-green hue.
  2. The duration of the cold is more than a week. Viral disease not only does not pass, but is characterized by deterioration.
  3. Repeated increase in body temperature after period of improvement.
  4. Absence of a positive effect of antipyretic drugs.
  5. Painful sensations when coughing in the chest and back, shortness of breath, pale skin.
  6. General malaise, excessive sweating, lack of appetite.


A distinctive feature of bronchopneumonia is its foci, i.e. the disease affects many small areas of the pulmonary lobules. More often it occurs as a result of complications of bronchitis, when the virus descends lower in the respiratory system. A large number of lesions makes it difficult to diagnose and treat such a form of pneumonia, therefore it is characterized by frequent relapses. Signs of focal pneumonia in adult women and men look like this:

Symptoms of bronchopneumonia
  • chills, intense fever;
  • cough dry, with abundant phlegm or even with bloody discharge;
  • quickening of breathing;
  • internal rales;
  • increase in temperature up to 39 ° С;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pale skin;
  • sleep disorders;
  • cramps of the lower part of the legs;
  • lack of air;
  • pain with deep breath and cough.

Hidden pneumonia

Pneumonia of the lungs may not manifest symptoms. This is a particularly severe, latent form of infection caused by chlamydia or mycoplasmas, i.e. Atypical for common inflammation it is difficult to determine, because the nature of the course of the disease is often asymptomatic and sluggish, but doctors can notice signs of atypical pneumonia in adult:

The doctor is studying X-rays
  • intermittent breathing with whistles;
  • the appearance of sweat on the forehead, even with minor loads;
  • the blush on the cheeks stains;
  • dyspnea;
  • a constant thirst;
  • increased heart rate;
  • difficult breathing;
  • general malaise;
  • one half of the chest remains immobile during breathing.


What is the risk of bilateral pneumonia? The lesions are extensive and located in both lungs, which causes oxygen starvation of the body, because healthy departments can not cope. In addition, the following signs of viral pneumonia are noted:

  • heat;
  • weakness of the body, low appetite;
  • lack of air;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • blue lips and fingertips;
  • impaired consciousness;
  • dry or wet cough;
  • hard breath.
The doctor listens to a patient with pneumonia


Another dangerous form of pneumonia is fungal. With her, too, there are difficulties in diagnosis, because the clinical picture is poorly due to the specificity of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease. This leads to the fact that the potential patient does not even know about his disease. A person can get infected while in a room where there is damp and there is mold.

First there are signs characteristic of usual pneumonia in the form of dyspnea, heavy breathing, malaise and high fever. Then they are joined by a cough with purulent discharge as a result of rupture of inflammations formed by microorganisms. Complications of pneumonia of the fungal form are more often presented in the form of pleurisy due to the ingress of pus into the pleural cavity.


This form of infectious disease is also called croupous. Pleuropneumonia often affects up to 2-3 lobes of the lung and necessarily draws into its process the membrane - the pleura. The following are the first symptoms of infection:

  • the temperature rises to 40 ° C;
  • there is a strong chill and a headache;
  • when breathing, there is pain in the chest;
  • breathing becomes superficial because of pain.

With the development of the eye the patient's eyes become shiny, the lips acquire a bright cherry color, a blush appears on the side of the pneumonia. Herpes sores can form on the neck. After the appearance of a cough, rusty sputum begins to disappear the next day, sometimes vomiting occurs. After another day, there is such shortness of breath that the patient is unable to rise even to the floor.

Symptoms of aspiration pneumonia


This kind of pneumonia develops when fluids get into the lungs, vomit or food. As you can see in the photo, the foreign body is determined by x-ray. The following features are distinguished by the aspiration form:

  • cough with discharge of unpleasant smelling mucus with impurities of pus and blood;
  • feverish condition;
  • pain in the chest;
  • constant shortness of breath;
  • blue skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • difficulty in swallowing.

The main symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia is an insidious disease that can go on without pronounced symptoms. The danger is that a person connects the ailment with overstrain at work or with other factors, and therefore does not hurry to see a doctor. For this reason, complications often occur or the disease becomes chronic, which complicates both diagnosis and treatment.

Without temperature

The latent form of pneumonia in an adult without a cough and other characteristic symptoms is one of the most dangerous. The patient does not notice signs, and therefore delays with the necessary treatment. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without fever are presented in the following list:

  • constant weakness and tendency to sleep;
  • tired look with a painful blush;
  • hard, wheezing;
  • the appearance of dyspnea with light loads;
  • violation of the heart rate, increased heart rate;
  • increased sweating, especially at night;
  • lack of normal appetite.
Symptoms of Chronic Pneumonia

Chronic pneumonia

Any untreated disease flows into a chronic form. This also applies to pneumonia. When there is at least one focus of inflammation in the lungs, it can cause chronic pneumonia. Such a process is dangerous because it can lead to cardiovascular failure. Characteristic chronic signs of pneumonia in adults are as follows:

  • hard breath;
  • cough with phlegm, sometimes including pus;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dyspnea;
  • general malaise of the body;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • during periods of relapse - cough, fever.

Video about the symptoms and treatment of pneumonia

Having found out at itself signs of a pneumonia, it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor. Only he will be able to determine the form, the nature of the course of the disease and will prescribe the right therapy. To know what changes in the body indicate pneumonia, look at the video below, from which you will understand both the symptoms and the treatment of pneumonia.

Signs of pneumonia in adults without fever. Symptoms of pneumonia without fever

Pneumonia is a serious infectious disease. Under normal conditions, it can have a fairly pronounced clinical course, but certain factors can strongly lubricate the main manifestations of the disease.

signs of pneumonia in adults without fever

Pneumonia in adults: symptoms, signs, causes in normal conditions

This disease occurs due to the development of microflora in the lung tissue and its gradual destruction. The beginning of such a pathological process is capable of getting into the body of a wide variety of infections.

Another factor contributing to the development of pneumonia, is a local or general decrease in immunity.

Among the main symptoms of this disease, it is necessary to note primarily a rise in temperature body, a strong cough, the occurrence of dyspnea with the least physical exertion, poor general state of health.

symptoms of pneumonia without fever in adults

Pneumonia in adults: symptoms, causes, types in unusual conditions

There are two main reasons why the clinical manifestations of the inflammatory process in the lungs will differ from the classics. Among them it is necessary to note the following:

  • decreased immunity;
  • uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents.

Both of these causes can significantly change the clinical picture of pneumonia.

pneumonia without temperature signs

Incorrect use of antibiotics

To date, the uncontrolled use of antimicrobials has become a real problem for society. The fact is that this circumstance gradually leads to the formation of resistance to an antibacterial agent in infection. As a result, the antimicrobial drug simply ceases to have a sufficient effect on pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, the independent reception of such drugs can significantly reduce the severity of the main clinical manifestations of the disease. For example, pneumonia occurs in children and adults. Without a temperature reaching high enough values, few will immediately become worried and make a decision to consult a doctor. As a result, the disease will proceed in a latent form, and the patient will not receive rational treatment. This will lead to the gradual involvement in the pathological process of new and new areas of lung tissue. As a result, the patient will have other, more health-threatening clinical manifestations. The main signs of pneumonia in adults without temperature are the increase in dyspnea, the appearance of blood veins in escaping coughing sputum, as well as pain in the chest, arising from involvement in the pathological process pleura.

pneumonia in adults symptoms signs of a cause

Now doctors are trying to limit the independent reception of antibacterial drugs by patients. One of the main ways was the issuance of such drugs only by prescription.

On the decrease of immunity

The clinical picture of inflammation of the lungs can vary greatly not only under the influence of antibacterial agents, but also in the conditions of reducing the protective properties of the body. As a result, typical first signs of pneumonia in adults may not be present. As a result, the patient does not immediately notice a serious problem. Signs of pneumonia in adults without a temperature in such conditions are expressed in the appearance of a painful blush on the side of the lesion of the lung tissue. Especially high diagnostic value this symptom has in the case of isolated lesions of one lung.

The increase in temperature in this case is not observed for the reason that the defenses of the body are depleted. At the same time, hyperthermia is the most important factor of defense. The fact is that in conditions of elevated temperature, pathogenic bacteria are much more difficult to grow and multiply. As a result, they are gradually destroyed by white blood cells.

pneumonia in children and adults without temperature

Additional signs

Symptoms of pneumonia without temperature in adults are quite diverse. First of all, we are talking about the appearance of a painful blush. This symptom is especially well distinguished if the patient has unilateral pneumonia without temperature. Signs of bilateral pneumonia are noticeable worse, as the blush will be located on both cheeks.

In addition, a patient with pneumonia, which is not treated rationally, has a pale complexion. When breathing, there may be a lag in the excursion of the half of the chest in which the inflammatory process is taking place. Naturally, such signs of pneumonia in adults without a temperature are well detected only in cases with one-sided pathology. Thus the second cheek can be paler than usual.

There are a few other signs that pneumonia develops in children and adults. Without a temperature, people often do not pay attention to the soreness in the chest, which increases with every breath. This approach is dangerous in that you can skip a serious pathology. So, when there are painful sensations in the chest, intensifying during inspiration, it is better to consult a specialist so that he excludes the inflammatory process in the lung tissue.

When should shortness of breath make you think?

Symptoms of pneumonia without temperature in adults, as you can already see, are quite diverse. One of the manifestations of the disease is shortness of breath. Normally, it can occur in any person after certain physical exertion. In the event that dyspnea appears at rest, one of the reasons may be an inflammatory process that occurs in the lung tissue. In this case, despite the lack of motor activity, without rational antibacterial therapy, dyspnea gradually only increases.

typical first signs of pneumonia in adults

However, this symptom does not always indicate that pneumonia develops without temperature. Signs of the same type can also occur in cardiac pathology, when the patient gradually develops stagnant phenomena. Identify the exact cause of dyspnea with this help radiography chest organs.

It must also be remembered that young patients should pay special attention to dyspnea at rest, since in the overwhelming majority of cases they have no expressed cardiac pathology.

What should I do first?

In the event that there are typical first signs of pneumonia in adults, you should immediately turn to a specialist - doctors, therapist or pulmonologist. They will conduct a general examination, including auscultation of the lungs. Based on the results of the primary diagnostic measures, the doctor will decide whether it is necessary to perform an X-ray examination of the chest organs. If the doctor suspects something and sends the patient to such a survey, then in no case should you refuse. After radiography, the doctor will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe rational treatment.

pneumonia without temperature is dangerous

What is the danger of pneumonia without temperature?

This disease, if it occurs without hyperthermia, is very insidious. The fact is that, in itself, even under the condition of timely rational treatment, pneumonia is very, very dangerous. If, with inflammation of the lung tissue, antibiotic therapy is not performed, then there is a real danger that the disease will lead to the most disastrous consequences. But not only this should frighten pneumonia without temperature. Such a disease is also dangerous because the patient, most likely, has weakened immunity, or he recently took certain antibacterial drugs. In both cases, one usually has to use one of the most modern antimicrobial agents. In a situation with reduced immunity, it is a matter of the fact that the body itself does not have the strength to resist infection. In the second situation, the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to one or another form of antibiotics has already been developed.

How to reduce the risk of pneumonia?

First of all, you must avoid serious hypothermia. The fact is that with a significant decrease in temperature in this or that area of ​​the human body, the level of local immunity decreases. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms have an excellent opportunity to multiply unhindered, hitting more and more sections of lung tissue.

In addition, it is very important to take antibacterial drugs strictly according to the recommendations of doctors. At the same time, it is necessary to stop using them when the signs of an infectious disease cease to make themselves felt, but only after the completion of a full course of treatment. Otherwise, a number of pathogens will persist. The next time the use of this same antibiotic will have a much more modest success, and will have to change the drug.

Another important point is the support of immunity. In order for it to be normal, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of physical activity, to eat properly and in sufficient quantities, to give the proper time to sleep and ordinary rest.

About laboratory research

They are carried out in the event that there are signs of pneumonia in adults. Without temperature or with hyperthermia, this disease occurs - laboratory tests are necessary. First of all, we are talking, of course, about a general analysis of blood. This study allows you to assess how pronounced the infectious process is in the lung tissue. In this case, doctors are most interested in the number of leukocytes, as well as the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. The fact that the process has an infectious etiology will be said to increase the level of white blood cells (more than 9 * 109 / L). The fact that there is inflammation in the body will be indicated by an increased level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Often, the doctor does not assign a usual general blood test, but a study with a formula that allows the doctor to determine which type of microorganisms triggered the development of pathology. With an increased level of neutrophils, we can talk about bacterial pneumonia, and with an increase in the number of lymphocytes - about the viral etiology of this disease.

Symptoms of pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in a child is an acute infectious disease that occurs with inflammation of the respiratory parts of the lungs. The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the pulmonary vesicles-alveoli. Symptoms of pneumonia in children are similar to those in adults, but are supplemented by severe fever and intoxication.

The term "acute pneumonia in children" is out of use in medicine, because the very definition of the disease includes a characterization of an acute process. The International Council of Scientists-Experts decided to divide pneumonia into groups according to other signs that determine the outcome of the disease.

How dangerous is pneumonia?

Despite the progress in medicine, the incidence of lung inflammation in children remains high. Pneumonia is a life-threatening, life-threatening condition. Infant mortality from pneumonia remains high enough. In the Russian Federation, within a year, it dies from pneumonia & g; about 1000 children. Basically, this terrible number unites infants who died from pneumonia in the age of 1 year.

The main causes of the fatal outcome of pneumonia in children:

  • Later, parents applied for medical help.
  • Later, the diagnosis and delay of the correct treatment.
  • Presence of concomitant chronic diseases that worsen the prognosis.

In order to timely establish an accurate diagnosis and take measures to treat a dangerous disease, you need to know its external signs - symptoms.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in children:

  • Symptoms of pneumonia in childrenFever - increase in body temperature to high figures (8 8 ° C).
  • Dyspnoea - increased frequency of respiration more than 40 per minute (in children 1-6 years).
  • Cough dry or with phlegm.
  • Appearance of cyanotic coloring of the skin of the lips, nasolabial area, fingertips.
  • Changes in respiratory noise in the lungs during listening (wheezing, hard breathing).
  • Intoxication, expressed general weakness, refusal to eat.

The increase in body temperature in a child is the first symptom of many diseases, for example, a common viral infection (ARI). In order to recognize pneumonia, we must remember: an important role is played not by the height of the fever, but by its duration. For microbial inflammation of the lungs it is characteristic continuation of fever for more than 3 days against the background of competent treatment of viral & g; infection.

If we evaluate the significance of the symptoms for the diagnosis of pneumonia in children, the most terrible sign will be the appearance of dyspnea. Shortness of breath and tension of additional muscles are more important signs than having wheezing when listening to the chest.

Cough is a symptom of pneumonia in children. In the early days of the disease, cough can be dry. With the resolution of acute inflammation of the lung tissue, the cough will become productive, moist.

If a child with a respiratory viral infection (ARI) has similar symptoms, an urgent call for a doctor is necessary. Underestimation of the severity of the baby's condition can lead to sad consequences - the development of acute respiratory failure and death from pneumonia.

The doctor will examine the small patient, prescribe an examination and an effective treatment. Listening to the lungs in the early days of the disease may not reveal characteristic signs of inflammation. The presence of disseminated wheezing when listening is often a symptom of bronchitis. To clarify the diagnosis for suspected pneumonia, an X-ray of the lungs is necessary. X-ray symptoms of pneumonia are darkening (infiltration) of pulmonary fields, which confirms the diagnosis.

Laboratory Symptoms of Pneumonia

Valuable information about the fact of inflammation in the body carries a general blood test. Signs that increase the presence of pneumonia: a high content of white blood cells in 1 cu. mm blood (more than 15 thousand) and an increase in ESR. ESR is the sedimentation rate of red blood cells. This analysis reflects the amount of inflammatory metabolic products in the liquid part of the blood. The magnitude of ESR shows the intensity of any inflammation processes, including inflammation of the lungs.

How to determine the risk of a child with pneumonia?

The following factors are identified that increase the risk of lung inflammation in children:
  • Delayed physical and mental development of the child.
  • Low weight of a newborn baby.
  • Artificial feeding of a baby under the age of 1 year.
  • Refusal of vaccination against measles.
  • Pollution of air (passive smoking).
  • Overcrowded dwelling, where the baby lives.
  • Smoking of parents, including mother's smoking during pregnancy.
  • Lack of microelement of zinc in the diet.
  • Mother's inability to care for an infant.
  • Presence of concomitant diseases (bronchial asthma, heart disease or digestive system).

What forms can the disease have?

Shared pneumoniaPneumonia in children is different for reasons and mechanism of occurrence. The disease can affect the entire lobe of the lung - this is a shared pneumonia. If the inflammation occupies a part of the lobe (segment) or several segments, it is called segmental (polysegmental) pneumonia. If the inflammation is covered by a small group of pulmonary vesicles, this variant of the disease will be called "focal pneumonia".

In inflammation, passed to the respiratory tissue of the bronchi, the disease is sometimes called bronchopneumonia. The process, caused by viruses or intracellular parasites such as chlamydia, is manifested by swelling (infiltration) of the perivascular tissue of the lungs from both sides. This type of disease was called "bilateral interstitial pneumonia." These symptoms of difference can be determined by medical examination and X-ray examination of sick children.

Inflammation of the lungs in children doctors are divided according to the conditions of origin for domestic (out-of-hospital) and hospital (hospital). Separate forms are intrauterine pneumonia in newborns and pneumonia with a pronounced lack of immunity. Community-acquired (home) pneumonia is called inflammation of the lungs, which has arisen in ordinary home conditions. Hospital (nosocomial) pneumonia is a case of illness that occurs after 2 or more days of the child's stay in the hospital for another reason (or within 2 days after discharge from there).

Mechanism of the development of pneumonia

The entry of a microbial pathogens into the respiratory tract can occur in several ways: inhalation, swallowing of nasopharyngeal mucus, dissemination through the blood. This way of introducing a pathogenic microbe depends on its kind.

The most frequent causative agent of the disease is pneumococcus. The microbe enters the lower parts of the lungs by inhaling or swelling of mucus from the nasopharynx. Intracellular parasites, such as mycoplasma, chlamydia and legionella, enter the lungs by inhalation. The spread of infection through the blood is most typical for infection with Staphylococcus aureus.

The type of causative agent that causes pneumonia in children depends on several factors: the age of the child, the place of origin of the disease, and also from the previous treatment with antibiotics. If within 2 months before the present episode the baby has already taken antibiotics, then the causative agent of the current inflammation of the respiratory tract can be atypical. In 30-50% of cases, community-acquired pneumonia in children can be caused by several types of microbes at the same time.

General rules for the treatment of pneumonia in children

Treatment of a child with pneumoniaTreatment of the disease the doctor begins with the immediate appointment of antimicrobials to any patient with suspected inflammation of the lungs. The place of treatment is determined by the severity of the manifestation of symptoms.

Sometimes with a mild course of the disease in children of older age groups, treatment at home is possible. The decision on the place of treatment is made by the doctor, according to the patient's condition.

Indications for treatment in a hospital of children with pneumonia are: severity of symptoms and a high risk of an unfavorable outcome of the disease:

  • The age of the child is less than 2 months, regardless of the severity of the symptoms.
  • The age of the baby is younger than 3 years with lobar pneumonia.
  • Inflammation of several lobes in a child of any age.
  • Severe concomitant diseases of the nervous system.
  • Pneumonia of newborns (intrauterine infection).
  • The small weight of the baby, the delay of its development in comparison with peers.
  • Congenital malformations of organs.
  • Chronic concomitant diseases (bronchial asthma, heart disease, lung, kidney, cancer).
  • Patients with decreased immunity from various causes.
  • Impossibility of careful care and accurate performance of all medical appointments at home.

Indications for the urgent placement of a child with pneumonia, in the department of children's intensive care:

  • Increasing the number of breaths & g; 0 in 1 min for infants under the age of one year, and for children older than the year, shortness of breath & g; 0 in 1 min.
  • The retraction of the intercostal spaces and the jugular fossa (fossa at the beginning of the sternum) with respiratory movements.
  • Moaning breathing and violation of the right rhythm of breathing.
  • Fever that does not respond to treatment.
  • Violation of the child's consciousness, the appearance of convulsions or hallucinations.

In uncomplicated course of the disease, body temperature decreases within the first 3 days after initiation of treatment with antibiotics. External symptoms of the disease gradually decrease in intensity. X-ray signs of recovery can be seen in the pictures of the lungs no earlier than 21 days after the start of antibiotic treatment.

In addition to antimicrobial treatment, the patient must comply with bed rest, plenty of drinking. Expectorants are prescribed if necessary.

Prevention of pneumonia

Protection from respiratory viral infection plays an important role in preventing the incidence of pneumonia.

It is possible to carry out vaccination against the main pathogens of pneumonia in children: a hemophilic rod and pneumococcus. At present, safe and effective vaccine-tablets are developed against microbes that cause pneumonia and bronchitis. Preparations from this class "Bronchovax" and "Ribomunil" have a children's dosage. They are appointed by the doctor to prevent such a dangerous disease as pneumonia.

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