Alcohol Intoxication: Degrees What to Do at Home

Alcohol intoxication is considered such cases of intoxication, when it is risky to leave the patient at home, he may need specialized ambulance in a hospital. After all, alcohol is a poison that disrupts the activity of the whole organism: the central nervous system, mental, neurological and vegetative disturbances appear. Are oriented approximately: on a condition drunk.

Allocate 3 degrees of alcohol intoxication: light, medium and heavy. Since laboratory diagnostics are not always at hand to determine the percentage of alcohol content in a person's blood, one must at least know the external signs of alcoholic intoxication.


Alcohol intoxication: the degree of intoxication

  1. A slight degree of intoxication is expressed in the redness of the skin of a person's face, some dilating of the pupils, sweating and increased urination. At the person the raised mood, it is talkative, importunate, speech is a little not connected, loud and expressive. Easy intoxication quickly passes.
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  2. The average degree of intoxication is expressed in staggering when walking, in an uneven gait. Speech is indistinct, behavior can be aggressive, a person does not evaluate himself from the outside, he is not self-critical. At rest, a person falls asleep easily.
  3. Severe degree of intoxication is already alcohol intoxication. The state of consciousness is deaf, there may be disturbances in the heart and respiratory activity and cause death.

Acute alcohol intoxication leading to death of a person from respiratory depression and cardiac activity occurs after taking 300-400 ml.pure ethyl alcohol. Cramps, increased salivation, vasodilatation of the sclera, unconsciousness can also be observed.

If you can not bring a person to life with ammonia( IMPORTANT TO PUT IN THE NOSE WITH THE WATER WHICH HAS BEEN HELD IN THE NOSHATYREM, IT CAN NOT BE DESTROYED OF THE PERSON.) It is necessary to brush the viscus and bring it in front of the Nose) and call for emergency help for alcohol intoxication.

The danger of alcohol intoxication is that chronic alcohol intoxication is a constant poisoning. The cells of the liver, kidneys, heart, brain are being destroyed.

Signs of alcohol intoxication

  1. Pain in the head.
  2. Nausea with vomiting.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Strong thirst in the morning.

To alcohol intoxication lead and small doses of alcohol, if it is used by children and weakened people. Neither small nor large doses of alcohol do not tone up, do not increase efficiency and do not make people creative.

With mild alcohol poisoning, dizziness, increased blood pressure, palpitation, nausea. With more severe poisoning - the increase of these symptoms, loss of consciousness. It is important that the victim is conscious in providing him with first aid for alcohol intoxication.

What should I do if I have acute alcohol intoxication?

After excitation of the central nervous system, with acute alcohol intoxication, followed by a phase of its oppression. The patient can even fall into a coma! The functions of breathing and heart can be so deeply disturbed that death may occur.

Therefore, after calling for emergency medical care, it is necessary to take pre-medical measures to provide first aid to the patient. In no case do not put the patient on his back, because vomit can cause choking and death. We shift the patient to the sofa. If he is unconscious, you can not wash the stomach. Specialists narcologists or paramedic OSMP can help bring the patient to their state of heavy alcohol poisoning.

Sometimes emergency medical care can help at home, but there are cases when the patient needs to be taken to a hospital for further treatment. Doctors of OSMP give advice on how to get rid of alcohol intoxication. The methods of treating alcohol poisoning include various injections and medications. A dropper for alcohol intoxication is often prescribed for detoxification therapy.

In the severe phase of alcohol intoxication, the patient may have heart failure and difficulty breathing. Therefore, immediate transportation of the patient to the hospital is needed. Narcological care at home here is not effective, because resuscitation with intensive care is carried out in the hospital.

How at home to remove alcohol intoxication in mild and moderate severity? If you think that when a hangover helps cucumber, tomato or cabbage pickle - wrong! In fact, brine acid enters with unstable compounds with ethanol, which are rapidly destroyed and the symptoms of alcohol poisoning come back again!

For the speed of elimination of alcohol breakdown products, it is necessary: ​​

  • Take a diuretic and drink more than usual clean water.
  • Take an aspirin tablet( if there is no allergy on it), since it helps neutralize acetaldehyde.

To prevent severe alcohol poisoning, you need to know your measure and control the amount of alcohol you drink.

What if you have to take alcohol?

  • For this, for a while( a few minutes) before drinking should take about 3 tablets of activated charcoal. This procedure should be repeated hourly during the feast.
  • Helps also a glass of milk before drinking alcohol.
  • To reduce the damaging effect of alcohol on the gastric mucosa, before the feast, you can take inside 2-3 spoonfuls of "Almagel".Repeat this procedure every half hour.
  • For half an hour before a booze to eat a plate of some porridge from semolina, buckwheat groats.
  • During the feast take multivitamins, especially B-groups.

These methods can be used in combination with each other or separately to prevent alcohol poisoning.

Usually, after a feast, a person feels nauseated, dry in the mouth, you do not feel like eating, your head is spinning. How can this manifestation be alleviated?

The most optimal option is sleep. Try to sleep. If there is no such possibility, take any drug for the removal of alcohol intoxication: alkoprim, alkoseltzer, antipohmelin. Take them with a large amount of water.

A warm, or even a hot shower is very effective. It well calms the nervous system, relieves anxiety. From food, you can advise the ear, fish soup, tomato salad, kefir, fermented baked milk. And only then - tea, coffee.

When the head is very sore, Citramon, Analgin will help. Multivitamins will have a positive effect. Activated charcoal in large quantities and well-washed with clean water will help to connect the products of alcohol breakdown in the stomach and intestines. Then a walk in the fresh air is useful. These procedures will help to remove the symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning.

Of course, the above methods of removing the hangover syndrome are used in cases of severe alcohol poisoning. And, if all your actions are ineffective, new symptoms appear and old ones intensify, then call for emergency help.

If first aid is not right or not at all, then alcohol poisoning carries very serious consequences. For example, in the case of diabetes mellitus, blood sugar levels may rise and a diabetic coma may occur. Hypertension or a patient with atherosclerosis severe ethanol poisoning can bring a stroke or myocardial infarction. Even if the patient remains alive, restoring the body and its functions is a very difficult matter.

Acute and chronic alcohol intoxication exacerbates existing diseases associated with decreased immunity and neuroendocrine imbalance. There are new and progressing old diseases, the body's resistance to all sorts of infections, extreme environmental factors and high physical loads decreases. Often, patients with alcoholism manifest diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemic and spastic changes in the myocardium. The blood supply of the brain, internal organs, lower extremities suffers.

Repeated heavy alcohol intoxication is the first cause of malignant course of arterial hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, exacerbation of latent forms and progressive forms of endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus.

Remember: alcohol is a commonplace poison! Do not drink at all or in moderation is the best prevention of symptoms and signs of acute and chronic alcohol intoxication, leading to a variety of negative health effects.