Signs of flu and ARVI

How to distinguish influenza from fever, colds

The most common diseases of the off-season are orz (ARVI), influenza, often called colds. This trinity in the autumn-spring time causes malaise in 90% of the population from mild to severe clinical manifestations with complications. Because Orvi and influenza are related to viral infections, they have many common symptoms and signs.

  • ARVI is a common name for any respiratory viral infection, and influenza is only one of these representatives.
  • When influenza usually there are outbreaks of epidemics and pandemics, and Orvi only slightly increases the incidence.
  • The flu, unlike Orz, is more severe with frequent complications.Than the flu differs from Orvi, colds

Orvi include the following diseases:

  • Flu
  • Paragripp
  • Rhinovirus and adenovirus infection
  • Respiratory Syncytial Disease

What is the difference between flu and cold? The most important difference is that after a cold, a week later a person completely restores and starts to lead his usual rhythm of life, not remembering about the recent malaise.

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And after the flu, the recovery period is prolonged for a long time, during the next month a person can experience the consequences of the influenza, the body is much more afflicted, the immune system needs more time for rehabilitation.

Asthenic syndrome, or simply a decline in strength can manifest in ill with influenza in the form of changes in the arterial pressure, dizziness, loss of appetite, a person quickly becomes tired, feels weak. Tips on how to recover after the flu read in our article.

Differences of Orvi from influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection and colds

What is called cold in everyday life is all the same viral infections or their bacterial complications that flare up against the background of hypothermia and the fall of local and general immunity. So that no one will be able to distinguish a cold from ARVI.


In a person with good immunity, the flu is mild to moderate. The most severe flu is in babies and elderly people whose immune system is either underdeveloped or depressed. These groups are characterized by the erasure of the main symptoms, for example, the absence of a bright temperature reaction.

  • The flu is characterized by severe intoxication (aches in muscles and joints, headaches, pain in the eyeballs, sometimes - nausea and vomiting, chills, weakness).
  • The temperature of influenza can range from subfebrile (up to 37.5) to pyretic (up to 41). The average duration of fever is from 2 to 7 days.
  • Against the background of high fever, children can have febrile convulsions.
  • Characteristic manifestations of influenza - this laryngotracheitis (perspiration in the throat, its hoarseness, dry strong cough, sighing with a cough behind the sternum) and a runny nose with mucous discharge.
  • In the future, a bronchitis clinic can join (a wet cough with clear phlegm, which can turn yellow or green upon attachment of a bacterial infection).
  • In weakened patients, influenza can be complicated by pneumonia or cardiopulmonary insufficiency.


Paraguippus is so named because of the flu-like manifestations. All the same intoxication. Increases in temperature, clinic of laryngotracheitis and runny nose. In this case, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes can join the microbial flora, and the conjunctivitis becomes purulent.

Parainfluenza - its course is not as bright as with the flu, body temperature is usually not more than 38C, and duration 1-2 days, in patients with a strong immune system, the temperature can be subfebrile 37 -37.5C. A dry cough and painful throat is typical for both influenza and parainfluenza, and hoarseness or lack of voice can also be observed.

Adenovirus infection

  • An acute onset is the same as with influenza, the temperature can be up to 39 ° C for up to 7 days.
  • Intense rhinitis and sore throat like with the flu from the very beginning of the disease.
  • Rezy and pain in the eyes can appear on day 4 - so begins adenoviral conjunctivitis. In this case, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes can join the microbial flora, and the conjunctivitis becomes purulent.
  • Throughout the disease, lymph nodes are enlarged, it is also possible to disrupt the GI tract, the most formidable complication is pneumonia.

An interesting fact: in the air the flu virus lives 2-9 hours, on the glass 10 days, on the tissues 10 hours, on paper products 12 hours, on the skin human 15 minutes, on plastic and metal objects for 1-2 days, in sputum (if the influenza virus was in it) is stored 7-14 days.

What is the difference between flu and orgi?

Many of us do not know how to distinguish between flu and cold. The table shows the list of symptoms that manifest in these diseases in varying degrees, so everyone can try to independently distinguish the flu from Orvi or the common cold.

Onset of disease A very sharp, sharp beginning, literally one hour a person loses strength, he becomes ill from a sudden rise in temperature Gradually, the symptoms appear within 1-2 days
Body temperature Within 1-2 hours the temperature rises to 39C and up to 40C, it lasts at least 3 days, it is difficult to reduce by antipyretics (for children) At Orvi, the temperature does not exceed 38 -38.5C, it decreases during 2-3 days (see Fig. to knock down the temperature of the child)
Other common symptoms Severe headache, especially in the temples, muscle pains, body aches, increased sweating, chills, photosensitivity, pain at eye movement Broken, weak, but without pronounced pain
Nasal congestion, runny nose Nasal congestion does not happen, only in people with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, sinusitis, sinusitis, perhaps their exacerbation. In other cases, as a rule, the runny nose passes in 2 days. There may also be sneezing (less often) and viral conjunctivitis Often pawns the nose, the nasopharyngeal mucosa swells, tear is very high, a strong cold and intense sneezing.
Throat condition The back wall of the throat and soft palate turn red, swell. The red and loose throat is all the time sick.
Condition of mucous membranes - attacks Can not be May be
Cough, chest pain After 2 days, a dry cough appears, which then becomes wet (see Fig. dry cough without fever in adults-causes). With swine flu, a severe dry cough can begin with the first hours of the disease. Dry, jerky cough from the very beginning of the disease, may be weak, but can be pronounced (see. why the dry cough does not pass)
Enlargement of lymph nodes Usually does not happen May be
Redness of the eyes It happens often Rarely, with concomitant bacterial infection
Disorders of the digestive tract In children, the flu is often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, adults may also have nausea, rarely diarrhea. Vomiting and bowel disturbances rarely occur
Duration of the disease The heat lasts up to 4-5 days. Usually within 7-10 days, the flu passes, even after a drop in temperature, a person feels ill for a long time, headaches, weakness, within 14-21 days after the transfer of the flu. Usually Orvi does not last more than a week, and after an illness of fatigue, weakness, weakness, a person usually does not experience

How to help yourself cope with the flu, Orvi or colds

Now it becomes clear how the flu differs from Orvi, Orz or common cold. But, this is not easier, Orvi, influenza and 90% of colds are viral diseases and the severity of the course of the disease directly depends on the body's defenses, the immune response to a particular pathogen. To ease the inevitable disease, one should adhere to the basic rules of therapy for the virus and the common cold:

  • The pharmaceutical industry is full of all possible immunomodulators, antiviral drugs in cases of influenza and influenza, which today may be pacifiers or agents that have significant side effects, that their intake is not only ineffective, but also not safe.
  • Rimantadine and Tamiflu - the effectiveness of influenza in these drugs is considered proven. Therefore, in the period of the epidemic with the first symptoms of influenza (including swine) to take, adults: Rimantadine (influenza A) or Tamiflu (influenza A and B), children: Orvire (rimantadine), Tamiflu (over 8 years old).
  • If the temperature is up to 38C, and it can be tolerated, it is better not to knock it down, because at this time the body produces antibodies against the pathogens of the virus, and it is very important that in the future the virus could not lead to complications.
  • To remove symptoms of intoxication, drink as much warm liquid as possible. This sounds trite, but it is the abundant hot drink with the virus that can quickly remove toxins from the body and recovery is faster. You can drink lightly boiled tea with raspberries, honey, herbal teas, broth of wild rose, etc.
  • Rinse throat with angina and flu are not different, so you should gargle as often as possible with various decoctions and ready-made medicines, and also various inhalations that help prevent the development of complications on the lower respiratory tract - inhalation in bronchitis and laryngitis.
  • Strengthening the defenses of the body is desirable to conduct natural vitamin therapy - black currant, raspberry, lemon, dog rose, cranberry, etc.
  • Of course, the intake of antibiotics in viral infections is not advisable (cf. 11 rules how to take antibiotics correctly). However, if within 3-4 days a person does not experience relief, or if the temperature after falling again rises to high figures, doctor, because this may indicate the development of complications and the attachment of a bacterial infection - angina, pneumonia, sinusitis, etc.
  • About how to properly treat a cold in a child, as well as antibiotics for cold read in our articles.
  • What to eat and drink if you are sick? There are no "antiviral" drinks or food, but to activate the immune system help:
    • Morse (cranberries, currants, raspberries, cranberries), but not sweet, because excess sugar prevents the excretion of the virus
    • natural sour-milk products (better home-made yogurt, yogurt)
    • citrus fruits (oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit), as well as kiwi. Vitamin C and pectins, with which they are rich, reduce the risk of stagnant phenomena and help to withdraw phlegm from the lungs.
    • digestible proteins - fish, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast, eggs.
  • It is not necessary for the flu to comply with strict bed rest, enough "home arrest". Moreover, prolonged lying can damage, as ventilation of the bronchi and lungs decreases and stagnation is possible. Of course, if weakness or dizziness, it's better to lie down. Infection has the property of descending from the top down the respiratory tract, so the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis is higher in those who "sit out" the flu without getting out of bed.

The flu virus is contagious about 7 days after infection, so even if there is no cough and you do not sneeze, do not appear at work, zippipovavshim children should also be at home at least a week, until full recovery.

Immediately call an ambulance if:

  • Body temperature above 40С
  • Fever lasts more than 3 days
  • There is no improvement after 7-10 days of illness, especially if there was slight relief, a drop in temperature, and then a new wave of fever, cough,
  • If there was shortness of breath and severe chest pain while breathing
  • Disorientation, loss of consciousness or impaired consciousness
  • Seizures that develop for the first time or convulsions against the background of temperature.
  • Rash on the legs or buttocks in the form of fresh purple bruises (meningococcus under the mask of ARVI)
  • Constant vomiting and diarrhea, especially it is dangerous in children (see. all medicines for diarrhea)
  • Intense pain in the face and severe headaches (see p. causes headaches in the forehead area)
  • People over 60 years old, people with chronic kidney disease, liver, heart disease, diabetes, blood diseases, autoimmune or immunodeficient conditions.

Prevention of influenza and fever

  • During the epidemic, avoid places of large concentrations of people in enclosed spaces (children's parties, cinemas, theaters, concerts, etc.).
  • After the street, travel in public transport, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, wash, rinse your nose (you can spray with sea water and salts). At work, wash your hands as often as possible or wipe with antibacterial wet wipes.
  • Do not forget to disinfect mobile phones and other wearable devices and gadgets. Many people forget about this or do not even think about it, and in fact a cell phone during the day is very often in the hands.
  • Before going out to the street, lubricate the nasal mucosa with leucinephrine or oxolin ointment, which creates an additional barrier to viruses.
  • Influenza (any, not just the pig) is one of the 5 most infectious diseases in the world. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, as well as your colleagues. -Take off meetings, do not go to work, visit, if you feel that you are ill.
  • Gauze bandages do not protect 100%, the viruses are so small that they can penetrate through the smallest pores. But masks are suitable as an additional tool if you have to communicate and move around a lot. Since in the open air the risk of infection is minimal, do not torment yourself by walking in a park wearing a mask, wear it only in a crowded place or in transport.
  • Ventilate the room (apartment, office) for 10-15 minutes 2-3 r / day, despite the frost. The flu does not like the cold, it is optimal for it - dry air, heat, lack of ventilation.

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI in a child?

How to distinguish influenza from Orvi in ​​a childOften the children's organism is faced with various infections. Therefore, mothers want to know the peculiarities of the course of various ailments, in order to understand how to act in the situation that has happened. Many people have the question of how to distinguish influenza from ARVI in a child, because it is known that children are often infected with viral infections. What is ARVI and the flu?

Colds during life do not bypass a single person. If a doctor diagnoses ARVI, then you need to understand that this is not the name of a particular disease. This term refers to all those respiratory tract infections that are of a viral nature, the same applies to the flu. But it is often considered as a separate disease. You can name the main differences of simple SARS from influenza in children:

  • in the latter case, the condition worsens rapidly, while in normal viral infections the symptoms increase gradually;
  • with the flu on the restoration of immunity can go away from 2 weeks;
  • also after this illness for some time, there may be problems with pressure, dizziness.

The most accurate diagnosis can be made after laboratory tests.

how to distinguish from baby

Signs of influenza and ARVI in children

In order to take the necessary measures in time, you should know how to distinguish these diseases. Influenza is fraught with complications, so it is important to quickly diagnose it. These diseases are similar in their manifestations, differ mainly in their severity. You should carefully compare the main symptoms of SARS, which are so often called colds, and flu.

In the latter case, the temperature within 2 hours becomes higher than 38 ° C. The thermometer reaches 39 ° C and even higher. The heat in this case gets lost badly, and this state can last several days. In acute respiratory viral infections, the temperature usually does not exceed 38.5 ° C and normalizes within 2-3 days.

With a cold, a child complains of a malaise, quickly becomes tired. The flu is also characterized by severe headache, redness of the eyes and weakness in the body. But with his cough does not appear from the beginning of the disease, while the cold he accompanies from the first day. However, it is important to consider that with swine flu a strong cough with chest pain is one of the first symptoms. Runny nose is a faithful companion of ARVI, kids sneeze. For the flu, such signs are not characteristic. The nose in patients lays not so much and passes this symptom for 2 days already. A severe runny nose can occur if the child has chronic nasopharyngeal diseases.

Also, the difference in symptoms of influenza and SARS in children is the presence or, conversely, the absence of gastrointestinal disorders. With a cold, vomiting and loose stools are extremely rare. Influenza in a child may have intestinal disorders, and for swine flu, they are a hallmark.

With usual viral infections, you can often notice an increase in lymph nodes, the red throat has a loose structure, a plaque on the mucous membranes is possible. For the flu, such signs are not characteristic. In this case, the throat can blush and swell, but it does not become friable.

Treatment of diseasesdifference between children from influenza in childrenAll appointments should be made by a pediatrician, he will select the drugs, if necessary. For example, to fight the flu can be recommended "Tamiflu", "Relenza".

Tactics of treatment of illnesses are not particularly different. All patients are recommended to drink more, rest. Mom should often do wet cleaning, air. In the diet of the baby must necessarily be fruits, sour-milk products, fish, preferably a rabbit, a turkey. If necessary, give antipyretic drugs, cough and coryza.

Neither one nor the other disease should not be treated with antibiotics, because to take such drugs should be indications, which are determined by the doctor.

Signs of ARVI

With the onset of cold weather, almost everyone faces colds. Annually experts make disappointing forecasts about the coming wave of influenza and acute respiratory infections. The epidemic lasts for almost two months, during which very many people manage to get sick. Symptoms of SARS and influenza are similar to those of other diseases, so it is not always possible to detect the presence of the disease on time. In the presented review you will get acquainted with the ways of virus definition, ways of infection and stages of development of infection in the human body.

What are the symptoms and signs of ARVI?

It is important to note that the signs of ARVI in adults and children are the same, there are no differences between them, however the degree of symptoms can vary, depending on the work of the human immune system. Respiratory infections are diagnosed on the basis of the general condition of the body. The doctor learns from the patient about all the symptoms of ARVI, conducts an examination, on the basis of this, he makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of the disease. When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is started immediately. Read about this in the book O. E. Komarovsky about this disease.

A man in a mask is afraid to get infected

The incubation period

It is important to determine the presence of microbes in the human body, which later cause the disease in advance. There is a difference between a common cold and symptoms of ARVI, for example, the time of active development of the infection. Respiratory diseases in the first stage proceed without any particular signs, during this period the infection develops, and the microbes actively multiply. This time is called the incubation period of acute respiratory viral infection in children or adults.

It begins on the day when a healthy person has been in contact with the patient and infection has occurred, however, no manifestations of infection have been observed. The incubation period ends when the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection appear. Each organism in different ways is capable of restraining the development of the disease, so the period after infection to the first signs is different. On average, it can take from a few hours to two weeks. The disease also occurs in all different ways, it will depend on the methods of treatment, the effectiveness of the selected drugs, the lifestyle of the patient.

The girl fell ill

First signs

Viral infection in a child and an adult begins with a high body temperature. Against a background of general malaise, one can note a sharp increase in its indices to 38-39 ° C. Elevated temperatures persist for several days, sometimes decreasing in the morning, then increasing in the evening. In addition, if there is an acute respiratory infection in the body, pain and pain in the eyes, trembling, body aches, weakness can appear.

The first signs of SARS:

  • a sharp deterioration in overall health;
  • chills;
  • shiver;
  • coryza;
  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • increased sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite.

How much is the temperature in ARVI?

A rise in body temperature with respiratory infections is a sign that the body is struggling with the disease. Leukocytes in the human blood actively destroy the alien virus. It is useful for patients to know what time the elevated body temperature should keep, so as not to worry excess time and to protect yourself from the use of unnecessary drugs: in the norm it lasts from two to five days. During this time, the right amount of antibodies that fight the disease is produced. If the temperature worries the patient for more than 5 days, then the infection has a complex shape.

How does an acute respiratory viral infection occur without a temperature?

Sometimes the symptoms of ARI appear without a rise in body temperature. This kind of disease is dangerous, because the infected continue to go to school or work, actively spreading pathogens ARVI among healthy people. There are several reasons for this method of the disease course:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that this is the manifestation of the mild form of the disease (rotavirus infection).
  2. In some cases, this indicates an inability of the body to fight the virus (weakened immunity).

Features of acute respiratory viral infections

Viral diseases occur when the epithelium of the respiratory tract is affected. In addition to typical symptoms, the disease can be accompanied by lacrimation, signs of poisoning the body. This is a dangerous problem, especially because of the complications that develop with untimely or incorrect treatment. They include bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. Diagnose ARVI with the help of serological and virological tests. By severity of the flow, a mild, moderate and severe form of the disease is isolated.

Distinguish the following respiratory infections, each of which has its own peculiarities:

  • rotavirus;
  • flu;
  • paragripp;
  • rhinovirus;
  • adenoviral;
  • respiratory syncytial;
  • coronavirus.
The doctor listens to the child

In adults

The main signs of SARS in children and adults are not very different, but sometimes the sick continue to go to work (in kindergarten, school), counting on the fact that the ailment itself will pass. Do not ignore the infection if there is a temperature of 40, especially if the antipyretic drugs do not have the proper effect. In addition, in adults with the disease, there may be a clouding of the mind, lack of oxygen, swelling, a rash on the body. With timely access to a doctor, the treatment takes about a week and there is the opportunity to avoid repeated infection or serious complications.

Any viral disease can at any time go to a more serious one, for example:

  • bronchitis;
  • frontitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • meningitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • neuritis.


According to statistics, the children's organism in comparison with the adult is more susceptible to viral diseases (especially from three to twelve years). Often there is an acute respiratory viral infection in children under one year, for example, with artificial feeding, when body protection weakens. Babies should be especially protected from viruses (restrict contacts with strangers, do not visit public places in the midst of an epidemic, temper the child). SARS in a baby is very difficult to treat, so it is better not to allow infection.

Table differences between the symptoms of influenza and SARS in 2016

Comparison of symptoms of influenza and ARVI Symptoms
Increased body temperature up to 40 degrees 37-38 degrees
Cough, sore throat, runny nose typically
Fatigue, body aches typically rarely, not expressed
Chills typically in severe forms

Video about acute respiratory diseases

SARS in winter is the most common type of ailment that is transmitted by airborne droplets from infected people to healthy ones. The incubation period and the course of the course of the disease depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. You will learn more about this disease after viewing the video below.

Tip 1: How to identify - influenza or ARVI

How to identify - flu or ARVI

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are diseases of the human body caused by viruses that damage the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. After getting any virus into the body, a typical clinical picture of the disease develops, but there are differences that help to determine - the flu in the patient or ARVI.


  1. With the flu, the incubation period usually does not exceed several hours, after which the patient's condition worsens dramatically. In ARVI, this period can be from 2 to 7 days (depending on the type of virus and the state of the patient's body), and the onset of the disease is often "blurred" and patients can not accurately indicate the time at which the first symptoms appear.
  2. With the flu, patients can accurately indicate the time of onset of the disease, and first appear symptoms of general intoxication of the body (a sharp headache pain, dizziness, severe vascular reactions are possible), and only after 2-3 days there are signs of trachea and bronchial injury. With SARS, signs of the defeat of the respiratory system of any localization appear at the beginning of the disease - there is a runny nose, cough, and only after that there are signs of a general reaction of the body.
  3. With the flu, the body temperature can rise to 39-40 ° C and its maximum rise is observed in the first hours of the disease. It can last up to 4 days, whereas in ARVI, body temperature rises on day 2-3 of the disease and only up to 37-38.5 ° C, the duration of the increase is one to two days.
  4. Only with the flu there is a sharp pain in the eyeballs with pressure on them or when looking at the sources of bright color, also for the flu is characterized by the appearance of pain in the calf muscles, aches in the joints, heaviness in the lower back.
  5. Headache with ARVI appears very rarely, and only in patients with concomitant pathologies of the body, whereas in case of influenza, the headache becomes one of the first signs of the disease.
  6. With the flu, the redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes becomes a characteristic symptom of the disease, while the congestion of the nose is negligible and appears on the second-third day of the disease. In ARI, the symptoms of mucous nasal and throat lesions become the first symptoms of the disease.

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