Kegel exercises for men: video lessons at home

In this article, we will take a closer look at video lessons on how to properly perform Kegel exercises for men at at home with urinary incontinence, to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, with a weak erection in men or a decrease in it, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, postoperative states.


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Kegel incontinence exercises

Urinary incontinence in men is a humiliating disease that deprives comfort in life. With this trouble, about 7% of men in the "blossoming" of forces. The solution lies in the medical plane and the field of psychology, despite this a good therapeutic effect is achieved by Kegel gymnastics - special exercises for men with incontinence.

Combining Kegel exercises and bladder training

Kegel exercises for pelvic floor muscles and bladder training are often recommended as the first line of the approach for treating all forms of urinary incontinence. They can help and significantly improve symptoms in many patients, including those in the elderly who have had bladder problems for many years.

Stressed urinary incontinence leads to an involuntary loss of urine control. At the same time, intra-abdominal pressure increases during coughing or sneezing. Incontinence develops when the pelvic floor muscles weaken.

Kegel exercises are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder, and closing the sphincters. Dr. Kegel first developed these exercises to help women before and after childbirth, but they are very useful for improving abstinence in all women and also in men.

The urinary bladder needs to be trained with specific exercises between urination.

Patients initially make short intervals between urination, and then gradually their urination occurs every 3-4 hours.

If urge to urinate occurs between planned exercises, patients should remain in place until the desire subsides. At the same time, the patient slowly moves to the bathroom or toilet.

The first results of treatment, subject to regular exercise and the correctness of their performance, are observed 2-3 weeks after its beginning. The most frequent initial positive changes are the disappearance of urine leakage with little physical exertion, especially in the first half of the day.

The essence of the exercise

Urination is a controlled process by volitional influence of the brain on the muscles of the pelvic floor. Their weakening and other problems with the sphincter of the bladder - one of the causes of urinary incontinence, its "leaking" after the departure in the toilet "on a small".

Exercises of Arnold Kegel - are aimed at strengthening of intimate muscles, allowing to regain control over the act of urination.

Do these exercises help after prosthetic surgery( transurethral resection of the prostate gland in adenoma)?

An important fact is that A. Kegel's exercises will help to return a man to a full life after an operation to remove the prostate.

Exercises are performed in a complex, they are simple, do not require special equipment, time costs: they can be done by any man.

Who does not fit the Kegel complex?

Unfortunately, the method has its limitations and not everyone suffering from incontinence can use it.

Contraindications include:

  1. recovery period after surgery on the abdomen or genitals;
  2. tumors in the pelvic region, including the prostate;
  3. acute inflammatory and infectious diseases in the genitals.

Fortunately, after the above contraindications have been eliminated, the exercise set becomes available for execution.

Technique for incontinence

First you need to find and determine the exercises involved in the exercises of the pelvic floor muscles. Usual urination will help in this:

  1. during urinary diversion - stop muscular-strong-willed urine flow and remember which internal muscles are straining;
  2. repeat the muscle contraction and relaxation "on dry" to repeat and memorize the sensation;
  3. try to do too in a squat position, if experiencing difficulty.

If in doubt about the correctness of the selected site, try several times to interrupt the flow of urine. The exercise should not strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal cavity, buttocks - the work is carried out only inside the pelvis.

When the right muscle group is found, go directly to the Kegel exercise technique:

  1. In the first stage of the , do short-term muscle contractions - three sets of 10 times( as if stopping and resuming urination).Gradually increase the number of muscle contractions by five times to achieve 30 cuts and relaxations in one session.
  2. In the second stage of - try to hold the pause on the cut continuously for 5-10 seconds( stop urinating for five to ten seconds).Number of approaches 3.
  3. In the third stage of - deepen the measure of influence on the pelvic floor musculature. That is, squeezing deeper and deeper - pulling the crotch - the point between the anus and the genitals inside, into itself.
  4. The final stage of the is a slow workout of the pelvic floor muscles from the first to the last stage. When holding continuously in the tone of the voltage, do not let go, each voltage level. Then, slowly make a rollback back - gradually removing tension. The exercise pattern is standard, consists of three approaches, quantitatively enough five to ten exercises at a time.

You can visually see the video lessons , showing the correct technique of Kegel exercises in the second part of the article.

Improving the condition of

The first signs that urinary incontinence begins to pass you will notice after two to three weeks of regular. If the effect is not noticeable, then:

  1. exercises are not executed correctly;The
  2. problem lies not only in the weakness of the pelvic floor, visit the urologist.

Useful advices

  1. Get down to Kegel exercises for men with urination, so it's easier to visualize and feel the proper operation of the musculature.
  2. Study the exercises gradually, take your time, do not rush.
  3. Do not overstrain the muscles of the pelvic floor. After Kegel exercises, there should be a pleasant warmth, some revival in an intimate place and the appearance of appropriate thoughts about the opposite field. When working with muscles, you feel some tension and relaxation.
  4. If after a set of exercises there are new sensations or discharge from the urethra - the blood is actively involved in the area being treated and the stagnant phenomenon is eliminated.

Arnold Kegel's complex may seem too simple to eliminate the incontinence problem. But this is not so, the practitioner soon becomes clear why these exercises are popular for more than 60 years.

This is a deceptive feeling, it is worthwhile to start them - it will immediately become clear. Another very quickly come to the realization that not in vain these exercises have been in demand for more than 60 years.

Kegel exercises after prostate removal surgery

Is Kegel exercise effective for men with prostatitis, is it necessary after prostate removal?

At first, the exercises of Kegel's technique were designed and targeted specifically for women.

But in practice their enormous benefit is established for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system for men.

In view of the fact that the muscular structure of pubic-coccygeal part in men and women is almost identical, the technique of exercises, therefore, practically does not differ.

How to do the exercises correctly? And what is the variant of training with prostatitis and after removal of the prostate?

Kegel exercises stimulate the operation of the pubic-coccygeal muscle. She is responsible for the operation:

  1. of the rectum( supports it in an upright position);
  2. urethra( gives control of the process of urination);
  3. of the prostate( this muscle promotes normal ejaculation - ejaculation).

In men, the active pubic-coccygeal muscle promotes erectile function for an active sexual life.

After removal of the prostate

For men after removal of the prostate, Kegel gymnastics is prescribed to strengthen the muscles of the "pelvic floor" in order to prevent spontaneous urination during sneezing, coughing or lifting weights.

The general strengthening of the muscles of the pelvic floor optimizes erectile function, prevents impotence, the risk of which increases after removal of the prostate gland( the concentration of testosterone in the blood drops sharply).

Do not forget that the for Kegel exercises has its contraindications :

  1. paraproctitis is chronic or acute;
  2. hemorrhoids with bleeding;
  3. prolapse of rectum;
  4. presence of hernias: umbilical or inguinal;
  5. chronic incontinence of feces, urine( with violation of rectal plastic, dysfunction of pubic-coccygeal muscle plexus).

Technique: before surgery

Before removal of the prostate, a simple version of the Kegel exercise is the use of a conditioned load for the penis.

It is made only in a state of erection ( "morning" also approaches).

If a member is not worth, the necessary condition is achieved by masturbation without ejaculation.

After that, as a member of the "fighting position, ready, you need to try to raise it higher without using your hands - only the muscles of the pelvis and groin.

This is performed by the pubic-coccygeal muscle. It must be trained.

Begin with a banal minor "raising and lowering" a member, then use additional cargo( a warm wet towel).Do the exercise at least once a day.

This exercise reduces the probability of prostate adenoma 20 times.

Technique: after operation

Kegel exercises for men after prostate removal will be different. First you need to lie on your back on the floor. Next, raise the pelvis, resting with your feet( hands even rest on the floor with the palms of the hands).

In this position, you should stay at least one minute, periodically drawing the anal ring into yourself. When the exercise is performed, the pubic-coccygeal muscle is activated.

If any of the exercises causes discomfort, pubic pain, anus, should postpone performing gymnastics and seek advice from a urologist.

Kegel gymnastics for men with prostatitis

The Kegel exercises for men with prostatitis can be separately identified in the complex. All of them are aimed at training the pubic-coccygeal muscle.

The simplest exercise of is performed without a preliminary erection - a short-term urination delay. You can learn how to urinate portion-by-section, for four to five approaches with an interval of several seconds.

Useful tips for

  1. It is recommended that exercises be performed daily at the same time.
  2. Isolate effort, do not use the muscles of the legs and buttocks, so learn quickly.
  3. Over-training is not needed.
  4. Should I increase the load? Yes, but slightly, not earlier than a two-week workout.

When Kegel exercises are performed for men after removal of the prostate, it is necessary to increase the period of stay in the position of "bridge" with an emphasis on the shoulder blades and head only after two to three weeks.

Kegel exercises - excellent prophylaxis of prostatitis, the best tool for rehabilitation after prostate removal.

If something is not clear

The technique of performing Kegel exercises for those who did not have an operation is described in detail in the beginning of the article in the section "TECHNIQUES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF URGENT WATER"

Video lessons

Kegel exercise for men: walking on buttocks

Kegel exercises for men: treatment of urinary incontinence, increased potency and erection

Kegel Gym for Men