Knee Injury: Symptoms and Treatment


  • 1Injuries to the knee joint
    • 1.1Knee joint injury
    • 1.2Fractures in the knee joint area
  • 2Knee Injury: Types, Symptoms, Treatment
    • 2.1I. Knee joint injury
    • 2.2III. Damage to meniscus
    • 2.3IV. Rupture of ligaments of the knee joint
    • 2.4V. Dislocation of patella
    • 2.5VI. Fractures of bones forming the knee joint
  • 3Knee Injury: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Contusions
    • 3.3Bleeding to the articular region (hemarthrosis)
    • 3.4Injury of meniscuses
    • 3.5Injury of patella
    • 3.6Damage to the joint capsule and knee ligaments
  • 4Injury of the knee photo and video treatment methods
    • 4.1Anatomic Characteristics
    • 4.2Common injuries of the knee joint
    • 4.3Traumatic destruction of ligamentous apparatus
    • 4.4Symptomatic signs of a cruciate ligament injury
    • 4.5Injury to the meniscus
    • 4.6Diagnosis of an injured meniscus
    • 4.7Damage to the patella (patella)
    • 4.8Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 4.9Stretch and tendon rupture
    • 4.10Knee joint injury
    • 4.11First aid for knee injury
    • 4.12General clinical methods of treatment
    • 4.13Post-traumatic complications
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  • 5Knee Injuries: Symptoms and Treatment of the Knee
    • 5.1What are the injuries?
    • 5.2Symptoms of knee joint damage
    • 5.3How and why knee joint injuries occur
    • 5.4What you need to do with a knee injury

Injuries to the knee joint

Injury to the knee- damage to soft tissues and bone structures forming the knee joint. Refers to the category of common injuries.

Can vary significantly in severity - from minor bruises to intra-articular fractured and multi-lobe fractures. It often occurs when you fall or hit the knee. It is accompanied by edema, pain and restriction of movements. Usually there is hemarthrosis.

For diagnosis, radiography, joint ultrasound, arthroscopy, CT, MRI and other studies are used. Therapeutic tactics depend on the type of damage.

Injury of the knee joint is one of the most common injuries, which is caused by a high load on this segment and its anatomical features.

Most of the injuries are easy, occur in everyday life (for example, when falling on the street) and are subject to out-patient treatment in the emergency room.

In addition, the knee joint often suffers during various sports, and the severity and nature of injuries can vary greatly.

Less often in traumatology, knee injuries occur as a result of falls from height, road and work injury. In such cases, the percentage of intraarticular fractures increases with violation of the integrity of the joint structures.

Treatment is usually performed in conditions of trauma department.

Combinations with other injuries are possible: craniocerebral trauma, fractures of the bones of the trunk and extremities, as well as ruptures of the hollow and parenchymal organs.

Knee joint injury

An injury to the knee joint is called soft tissue damage, in which there are no signs of a violation of the integrity of any anatomical structures.

However, at the microscopic level, with bruises, not only the skin and subcutaneous tissue suffer, but also intraarticular elements, which causes the phenomena of reactive inflammation, the formation of hemarthrosis or synovitis.

The signs of injury are non-specific and can be detected in other injuries, so the diagnosis is made after the exclusion of the remaining injuries.

The victim complains of pain. The joint is slightly or moderately edematous, the skin is often bruised. The support is usually preserved, it is possible to limit movements and slight lameness.

When feeling, soreness is determined in the area of ​​the bruise. Palpation of ligaments and bone elements is painless, there are no signs of pathological mobility.

Often in the joint accumulates fluid (in the early days - blood, from 2-3 weeks - effusion).

To exclude other injuries of the knee, the victim is referred for radiography. Sometimes MRT, ultrasound, CT of the knee joint or arthroscopy is prescribed. Treatment is carried out in the emergency room. With hemarthrosis and synovitis perform a joint puncture.

With light bruises recommend rest, with severe bruises impose a plaster for 2-3 weeks. In the first day to the knee advise to apply cold, from the third day of patients sent to UHF. Assign regular examinations, according to the indications, repeated punctures are performed.

The period of incapacity for work varies from 2 to 4 weeks.

Damage to ligaments can be complete or partial. The medial ligament suffers when the shin is turned outward, the lateral ligament - when tucked inwards.

Injuries to the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (PKC and ZKS) are formed with direct strokes and a complex multicomponent action, for example, re-twisting or turning the thigh with a fixed shin.

Such injuries of the knee joint are often detected in athletes (wrestlers, hockey players, athletes). Among other reasons - accidents in everyday life, accidents and falls from a height.

At the time of injury, the victim feels intense pain. A rupture of the PCS is often accompanied by a click, when the ZKS breaks, the click is usually absent. The patient complains of the instability of the joint, the sensation of the shin displacement during movements.

During the examination, swelling and hemarthrosis is revealed.

At rupture ZKS a hemarthrosis can be absent, as at such traumas sometimes the back part of the capsule of the joint, the blood is poured into the popliteal fossa, and then spreads through the interfascial spaces.

Feeling accompanied by sharp pain.

In injuries of the medial and lateral ligaments, the lateral pathological mobility of the shank is determined, with the cruciate ligament ruptures, the symptoms of the front and rear drawer are revealed.

In the acute period of the study is carried out after local anesthesia, with an old trauma preliminary anesthesia is not required. After the subsidence of acute phenomena, signs of instability of the joint remain.

To avoid constant "podrahivaniya" patients are forced to fix the leg with an elastic bandage. Over time, muscle atrophy develops, signs of posttraumatic arthrosis appear.

On the roentgenograms of the knee joint, the irregularity of the joint gap is revealed. On the MRI of the knee joint, the integrity of the ligament is determined.

The most informative diagnostic method is arthroscopic examination, which allows to visually assess the condition of the ligament, and in some cases - to restore its integrity. Treatment of tears is usually conservative.

Perform puncture of the joint, impose a plaster for 3-4 weeks, if possible, deflecting the leg in the direction of the injured ligament. In the subsequent appoint LFK and massage. When ruptures usually require surgical treatment - stitching or plastic ligament.

After the restoration of the integrity of the ligament, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, and rehabilitation measures are carried out.

The rupture of the tendon of the quadriceps muscle and the patellar ligament is due to the impact or sharp bending of the lower leg with strained hamstrings.

There is intense pain and gait disturbance, the patient's leg is bent when walking. The patient can not lift his straightened leg. There is no hemarthrosis.

Palpation of the injured area is painful, there are no signs of pathological mobility, feeling of bone structures is painless.

Injury of the knee joint is diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs, if necessary, the patient is referred for MRI. During tearing, immobilization is carried out for 3-4 weeks, then physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy and water procedures are prescribed.

When a rupture is indicated, a surgical procedure is performed - the tendon or ligament suture. After surgery, prescribe analgesics, antibiotics and physiotherapy.

Be sure to conduct exercise therapy to prevent the development of contracture of the knee joint, maintaining muscle tone and tone.

Meniscus lesions are another common knee injury that often occurs in athletes (skaters, hockey players, skiers, athletes). Often revealed in dancers, ballet dancers and people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Without prior traumatic effects it is sometimes formed with gonarthrosis. The severity of an injury to the knee joint can vary greatly, both small tears and full meniscus tears or crushing injuries are possible.

In some cases, a combination with damage to other joint structures is observed.

In an acute period, the symptoms are nonspecific: pain, swelling, and limited movements are noted. A fluid is found in the joint.

After 2-3 weeks, the phenomena of acute inflammation subsided, and the signs of meniscus damage become brighter. At the level of the articular cleft palpation reveals a painful cushion.

Repeated blockages of the joint are noted, a recurrent synovitis is possible.

A number of characteristic symptoms are determined: a symptom of Perelman (pain when descending the stairs), a symptom of Steinman (pain with rotational movements of the bent shank), Landau's symptom (pain when sitting in a pose "in Turkish"), etc. e.

Radiography in this knee injury is not informative and is performed to exclude other injuries. For diagnosis, MRI and arthroscopy of the knee joint are used, more rarely - ultrasound of the knee joint.

Therapeutic tactics are determined by the type and amount of damage. With small tears, conservative therapy is performed. With extensive ruptures with repeated blockades, synovitis and pain syndrome, surgical intervention is indicated.

The operations of choice are suturing and resection of the meniscus.

Complete removal of the meniscus is performed only in extreme cases (with crushing, multiple and / or severe ruptures), since after such an operation the probability of developing arthrosis increases.

Fractures in the knee joint area

Fracture of the patella occurs when it falls on the anterior surface of the knee. It is accompanied by intense pain, swelling, hemarthrosis and inability to hold a raised straight leg. Support is difficult or impossible.

When palpation of the patella can be determined by "failure" - the diastase between fragments, formed due to the contraction of the quadriceps muscle. The diagnosis is confirmed with the help of a radiograph of the knee joint.

Treatment of fractures without displacement is conservative - immobilization for 6-8 weeks. In fractures with displacement, operative intervention is shown, during which the fragments are pulled together and connected with each other by a special wire.

Then, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy and pain medication are prescribed. The recovery period ranges from two to three months.

Fractures of the condyles of the lower leg and thighs are among the most severe injuries of the knee joint. Are formed as a result of high-energy impact. Usually accompanied by damage to other structures (ligaments, menisci).

Often observed as part of a combined injury. They show acute pain, significant swelling, hemarthrosis and knee deformity. Movement is impossible. When palpation is sometimes determined by crepitus.

Treatment, as a rule, is conservative: skeletal traction or gypsum. At the expressed displacement spend osteosynthesis of fragments by screws, a plate or bolts-couplers.

Patients are prescribed exercise therapy and physiotherapy, rehabilitation measures are carried out during the recovery period.

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Knee Injury: Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Probably every man was disturbed at least once in his life by pain in his knee joint. The reason for this can be both acute injuries due to injuries, and age-related degenerative changes in joint tissues.

This is due to the complex anatomy, as well as the increased stresses experienced by the knee. In the statistics of sports injuries, knee injuries occupy leading positions.

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Quite often it is the knee that causes the completion of the career of professional athletes.

As I have already said, the structure of the knee joint is very specific, and has a number of characteristics.

1.In fact, the knee joint consists of two joints: femoral-tibial and femur-patellar. Very often after the transferred trauma the syndrome of patello-femoral conflict develops.

This is due to traumatization of the articular surface of the patella, which becomes uneven, as if roughened.

The trouser can not already normally slide over the surface of the thigh, which causes pain when flexing - extending the leg.

2.In the cavity of the knee joint there are menisci, cartilaginous formations, playing the role of peculiar pads. These structures are able to damage even with minor traumatic effects.

3.Complex ligamentous apparatus of the joint. In addition to external, extraarticular bunches, there are two cruciate ligaments in the knee cavity: anterior and posterior. These structures are also quite often traumatized.

I. Knee joint injury

It is one of the most common injuries. It occurs, as a rule, with a direct impact, or when it falls on the knee. It is characterized by pain, both at rest and with foot movements, swelling of soft tissues. Sometimes there is a hematoma, which spreads over 2-3 days to the lower leg and thigh.

Specific treatment does not require. The knee puts the cold for 15-20 minutes. with a break for an hour, then repeatedly and so 3-4 times during the first two days.

You can use anti-inflammatory ointments. With severe pain, analgesics. The leg should be given rest for 7-10 days. During this time, as a rule, everything passes.

With severe swelling, severe pain, it is better to see a doctor.

Also, a frequent knee injury is sufficient. Clinically, it does not differ much from a bruise, i.e., also accompanied by soreness and swelling of the tissues.

Sometimes there may be a feeling of instability, a tug of the leg when you get up. It is confirmed only by the results of ultrasound. The treatment also uses pain medication, cold.

It is necessary to immobilize the leg in the knee for up to 10-12 days.

III. Damage to meniscus

Typically, the mechanism of injury is the turn of the foot with a fixed shin (for example, it often happens when skiing).

In most cases, the internal meniscus is damaged, since it is more closely fused to the joint capsule. With trauma, intense pain is seen on the side of the patella.

A symptom of "blocking" the knee is possible, when the victim can not bend the leg due to intense pain and the feeling of a foreign body inside the joint.

Meniscal lesions are often accompanied by hemarthrosis - the accumulation of blood in the joint. If this injury is suspected, the foot should be immediately immobilized by applying a tire or bandage. It is necessary to immediately contact a traumatologist.

The doctor conducted an appropriate examination for the final diagnosis. The most informative in confirming these injuries is MRI of the knee joint.

Recovery in such cases takes from 1 to, months, depending on the degree of damage and treatment.

IV. Rupture of ligaments of the knee joint

One of the most severe knee injuries. Due to the peculiarities of biomechanics, the anterior cruciate ligament is more often damaged.

With its complete rupture, the joint function of the joint is impossible. When a cruciate ligament is damaged in a person, he experiences a dislocation, a feeling of instability in his leg.

Often injuries are accompanied by severe pain and swelling.

Damage to the cruciate ligament is diagnosed with the help of the "drawer syndrome".

The injured knee is bent at right angles and the shank is pulled back or pulled forward.

If it moves forward, the anterior cruciate ligament is injured in the person, and if shifted back, the injury touched the posterior cruciate ligament.

Treatment is aimed at reducing pain syndrome and joint edema. Cold places are applied to the place of injury, they are given painkillers and provide complete rest to the injured limb.

Clarification of the diagnosis is also carried out by means of a tomography. Partial ligament damage is treated conservatively.

With a complete rupture of the ligamentous apparatus, plastics of the ligaments are resorted to, or their endoprosthetics.

V. Dislocation of patella

Compose, % of the total number of dislocations of all joints. The probability of a patellar dislocation increases with a small kneecap, a poorly developed external condyle of the hip, violation of the relationship between the axis of the quadriceps muscle and its own patellar ligaments.

As a rule, the cause of the patellar dislocation is a direct trauma (a fall on the knee joint, a lateral blow to the patellar region), combined with a contraction of the quadriceps muscle.

Sharp traumatic dislocation of the patella is accompanied by sharp pain. The knee joint is slightly bent, enlarged in volume, expanded in the transverse direction (with lateral dislocations). Movement in the joint is impossible.

When palpation, the patella is shifted to the side.

Sometimes the traumatic dislocation of the patella is spontaneous. Patients in such cases note an episode of sharp pain in the leg, which was accompanied by a sensation of podkashivaniya and displacement in the knee.

After self-healing dislocation of the patella, there is a slight or moderate swelling in the knee joint area. Sharp dislocation of the patella is usually treated conservatively.

Produce a dislocation direction under local anesthesia. The limb is bent in the hip joint (to ease the tension of the quadriceps tendons) and unbend at the knee joint.

Then gently move the patella to eliminate the dislocation and impose a gypsum lingo or bandage for up to 4 weeks.

VI. Fractures of bones forming the knee joint

This type of injury causes, as a rule, an intense pain syndrome, which causes the victim to immediately consult a doctor. In this review, we will not disassemble such damage, leaving this work to professionals.

Thus, we examined the most common injuries in the knee joint area. Once again, I note that it is not always worthwhile to self-medicate. If you doubt the nature of your injury.

If the swelling in the knee area does not pass for a long time or even increases, and the pain syndrome does not stop, consult a specialist.

The earlier the correct diagnosis is made, the greater the chance of recovery.

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Knee Injury: Symptoms and Treatment

In medical practice, a knee injury occurs quite often. Many elderly people and those who lead an active lifestyle, engage in various kinds of sports activities, or people who love extreme sports are exposed to such damage.

In the event that such an incident occurred, urgent urgent assistance to the victim is necessary in order to prevent development possible complications, and for its correct delivery you need to know what are the injuries of the knee and how to behave in one way or another of the situation.

In medicine, there are several types of knee injuries:

  1. bruises;
  2. tears and damage to menisci;
  3. bleeding into the joint cavity;
  4. trauma to the patella;
  5. damage to the ligaments of the knee joint;
  6. joint fractures.


There are many factors and situations that lead to knee injury, but most often they occur for the following reasons:

  • mechanical shocks to the knee area;
  • falls from the hills;
  • occurrences of natural origin;
  • active or extreme activities;
  • road and transport disasters;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • retirement age and deterioration of the sustainability function;
  • martial arts.


The first symptoms are:

  1. severe pain in the area of ​​injury;
  2. the formation of bruises, abrasions and bruises;
  3. Possible manifestation of soft tissue edema at the site of injury;
  4. manifestations of pain when trying to move the affected leg.

Diagnosis is carried out in a specialized institution under the supervision of an experienced doctor. The first step is to question the patient, palpation of the injury site, and then - study with radiography, which is conducted to exclude the presence of fractures and other more serious damage.

To treat a knee injury of this type is not difficult.

The doctor recommends pharmacy products (ointments and gels) that will help to restore the knee as soon as possible and prescribe the treatment of the developed wounds with the help of antibacterial agents.

During the recovery period, the foot requires as much rest as possible. Also, to prevent infection in the wound, you must rewind the knee with a bandage or bandage.

Bleeding to the articular region (hemarthrosis)

With a knee injury of this type, the blood enters the joint cavity, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory reaction of the synovium. This damage occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of one of the parts of the knee joint.

First signs:

  • acute pain syndrome;
  • visual deformation of the injured joint;
  • deterioration of the working capacity of the affected limb;
  • fever.

In order to confirm hemarthrosis, a complete examination using the following diagnostic procedures is necessary:

  1. knee puncture;
  2. X-ray;
  3. Ultrasound;
  4. MRI;
  5. arthroscopy.

After the doctor confirms the presence of hemarthrosis, the necessary tactics of treatment of knee injury will be immediately appointed. The first step is to remove blood from the knee joint cavity.

After that, for thorough washing, arthroscopy helps a lot. Then the injured limb is fixed for two weeks with a plaster bandage or an orthosis.

On the sixth day after the incident, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed, which help well in the restoration of the knee joint:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • UHF and microwave therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis.

Injury of meniscuses

The most common type of knee injuries. Often, the internal meniscus is damaged. And in the case of an external injury, the habitual functionality of the joint often deteriorates.


  1. acute pain in the location of the lesion;
  2. the appearance of swelling of soft tissues;
  3. deterioration of working capacity;
  4. the appearance of hemarthrosis;
  5. the formation of abrasions, bruises and scratches.

Methods of diagnosis are:

  • interview;
  • X-ray;
  • Ultrasound;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • procedure of arthroscopy.

Injury of the knee joint of this kind requires only an operative intervention.

During the operation, the doctors' task is to restore the cartilaginous plate and remove its dead particles.

On the tenth day, a doctor prescribes rehabilitation after a knee joint injury, which consists in performing the gymnastics, attending massage and physiotherapy.

Injury of patella

Very often fracture of the patella is accompanied by a disruption in the function of the extensor function and the presence of intraarticular injuries, which have a different character. There are several types of such fractures:

  1. damage to the cartilage part of the patella;
  2. transverse;
  3. marginal;
  4. detachable.

Typical symptoms of such trauma are:

  • strong pain;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the knee area;
  • the appearance of hemarthrosis;
  • During movement or procedure of palpation pain is put more intensively;
  • visual change of the joint;
  • impairment of motor function of the leg.

Diagnostic procedures are similar to those for meniscus damage. The first step is to puncture to remove the contents of the fluid in the joint cavity, and then a survey, radiography, ultrasound, MRI and procedure of arthroscopy.

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Treatment of this knee injury is selected by a qualified physician, based on the results of the examination and the diagnosis. After the puncture, the limb is fixed with gypsum for four months.

And after his removal, the doctor prescribes rehabilitation after a knee injury. It consists of physical therapy, visits to developing massage and physiotherapy procedures.

The rehabilitation period is also appointed by the attending physician.

Damage to the joint capsule and knee ligaments

In the case of this injury to the capsule, ligaments and tendons, the full ruptures of the collateral and cruciate ligaments are very important. The causes of such damage are excessively active sports activities.

Symptoms of injury:

  1. strong manifestations of pain;
  2. a feeling of strain in the muscular region;
  3. hemarthrosis;
  4. inconvenient motor activity;
  5. the formation of various injuries of the skin (scratches, abrasions, redness, bruises, etc.).

To confirm such an injury, diagnosis by radiography, ultrasound, and MRI or CT is necessary.

If there is fluid inside the joint, the puncture procedure is performed. It consists in the removal of blood from the cavity of the knee joint.

Then an operation is performed, the task of which is to restore the integrity of the joint capsule, ligaments and tendons. After the completion of the surgery, the doctor appoints a hinge brace for one and a half months.

To accelerate the recovery process, exercise is assigned to exercise therapy for trauma and special procedures for massage and physiotherapy.

At the end of treatment for each of the above injuries, recovery from trauma is absolutely necessary. The rehabilitation period and its methodology are assigned individually for each victim, based on the results of the diagnosis and the nature of the damage that occurred.

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Injury of the knee photo and video treatment methods

The knee (knee joint) is characterized by a complex structure.

The knee joint includes the patella, femoral and tibia, tendons, muscle fibers, cartilage, knee ligaments.

This complex mechanism plays a decisive role in the power, stability and lability of the knee. Also, the complex structure of the joint is often prone to knee injury.

Anatomic Characteristics

In the anterior part of the joint is a patella, connected by the tendons with the quadriceps muscle of the thigh, the clutch of the knuckle continues to grip the apparatus.

The intra-articular hardware bundle contains:

  • small and large area of ​​tibia lateral ligament;
  • back knee, arched and popliteal joint;
  • medially and laterally retaining fibers of articular surfaces;
  • internal joint cruciform and transverse tendons, located between the meniscus.

The cruciate ligament is located in the cavity formation of the articular clutch, with the rupture fixed in the knee the leg is twisted.

The anterior cruciate muscle tissue begins from the inner parts of the posterior upper surface of the external bone condyles of the hip bone.

The ligament fiber passes through the knee cavity and adheres to the anterior portion between the condyle of the tibia in the joint cavity.

Connective tissues fix the joint, not allowing the legs to move, retain the superficial protrusion of the tibia.

The posterior portion of the cruciate ligament originates in the anterior superior region of the collateral surface internal femoral condyle and after crossing the knee joint meshes with the posterior condyle in the notch tibia. The ligament fixes the articular surface and prevents the tibia from moving back.

The bony tubercles are covered with a protective-softening membrane of cartilage, between the articulated protrusions of the femoral and tibia bones, there are internal and external menisci in the form of sickle cartilages. In the joint are several synovial bursals. Their number and size depend on the individual characteristics of the anatomical structure.

Common injuries of the knee joint

The most common types of traumatic knee injury:

  1. knee joint injury of the ligament system;
  2. damage to the meniscus;
  3. trauma of the patella (calyx);
  4. stretching or rupture of tendons;
  5. knee injury.

Traumatic destruction of ligamentous apparatus

The rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament tissue is formed as a result of physical pressure distributed on the posterior surface of the articular apparatus with bent or turned in the lower legs. The most common triple interruption of the ligament fibers: internal, collateral ligaments and damage to the medial meniscus.

The destruction of the fibers of the ligament apparatus is mainly combined with the fractures of the attachment plate or the intercondylar tubercles.

Such traumatic defeats are common among football players, alpine skiers, wrestlers.

This ligament breaks from sharp knee flexions or as a result of a direct injury to the bent shank.

In traumatology, complex discontinuities in the ligamentous apparatus are often diagnosed. The most serious trauma is the destruction of the cruciform, collateral and capsular ligaments. Traumatism eventually leads to complete deformation of the popliteal joint.

Symptomatic signs of a cruciate ligament injury

The pronounced signs of a ligament injury are:

  • sharp painful sensations;
  • hemarthrosis (intra-articular hemorrhage);
  • increase in the size of the knee protrusion;
  • mobility of the patella.

One of the main symptomatic signs of a rupture is the "sign of the drawer". The traumatologist moves the patient's shin forward with his fingers: when the ligament breaks, the shank apparatus moves beyond the prescribed measure.

This method of diagnosis is not relevant for old traumatism, the symptomatology is not clear due to accumulation of fatty layer in the place of rupture, therefore the diagnosis can be made only after radiographic survey.

When injuring the ligament apparatus, computer or magnetic resonance diagnostics using contrast in the joint are recommended.

Arthroscopy is also performed: the introduction of a probe into the joint cavity to reveal the pathology of the inner part of the damaged area.

Injury to the meniscus

Breaking the cartilage laying of the meniscus is the most common injury even with minor knee injury. In the medial position from the joint, the cartilaginous tissue is fused to the capsular part.

Internal structures are located in depth and do not have their own blood circulation.

For these reasons, with a trauma, the meniscus, located directly next to the joint capsule, has a tendency of complete adhesion, in contrast to the destruction of the inner site.

Damage to the meniscus is caused by a sharp movement of the tibia in the knee areas with a fixed foot. Another reason for the frequent injury of the meniscus is unsuccessful jumps and squats.

Traumatology classifies meniscus damage by the following indications:

  1. Full separation of the cartilage from the clutch;
  2. Partial destruction of connective tissue.

The rupture of the cartilaginous tissue of the meniscus, as a rule, is accompanied by other lesions of the knee joint: the lateral and cruciate ligaments, the rupture of the capsule of the joint.

The destructured area of ​​the cartilage after the breakage can be moved interarticular surfaces of the femoral and tibial bone tissue. The blockade begins, which is manifested by sharp pain and difficult movements of the foot.

Diagnosis of an injured meniscus

A diagnostic examination of the destruction of muscle fibers and bone tissue around the meniscus is always performed by radiography. The meniscus itself on the roentgenogram is manifested only with the help of contrasting.

Damage to the patella (patella)

The destruction of the patellar structure is formed due to direct exposure to a blunt object: a domestic knee injury, sports competition; falling from the height of growth. According to statistics, this type of injury mainly occurs in athletes, children and people with excessive body weight.

Indirect fracture of the patella occurs with sharp contractions of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh.

Fractures, can be comminuted and combine cartilaginous destruction of the distal segment. Indirect fractures form transverse clefts and, in cases of discrepancies between fragments, form extensive cavities on the joint.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The symptomatology of the fracture is marked by soreness and swelling in the patella. When palpation of the site, a violation of the bone structure of the patella is diagnosed.

The knee joint does not function. Flexion, extensor movements are not performed. The main diagnosis is established after radiographic examination of the patella.

Stretch and tendon rupture

Three degrees of tendon damage are classified:

  • 1 degree: stretching the tendon with microscopic cracks on the fibers;
  • 2 degree: partial tearing of tissue with damage to the capsule;
  • 3 degree: complete rupture of the tendon with damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the knee, meniscus and capsular membrane.

With damage of 1 and 2 degrees of pain, the pain is of a medium nature. The area of ​​injury is bruised, there is a difficulty in movement.

Damage of the third degree is characterized by acute pain and complete impairment of motor function in the aching leg.

When the tendon ruptures, a certain sound (crackle) appears in the knee cap.

Knee joint injury

A bruise with a slight knee injury in the fall is the minimum violation of the integrity of the tissue structure.

Functionality of the limbs is not violated, no significant changes in the knee joint are observed.

Pathology is determined by microcirculatory disorders, internal, subcutaneous bruising, squeezing of soft tissue and bone structures.

With an uncomplicated injury, instrumental examination methods are not applied or used as a preventive examination of the leg.

Treatment is made by cold compresses, with pain sensations any pain medication is taken.

Uncomplicated bruising takes place within 3-5 days from the time of injury.

First aid for knee injury

The methods of treating traumatic knee injuries depend on the level and characteristics of the trauma. The first help in any leg injury lies in the classic ways of rehabilitation. The main principles of treatment are based on blocking the links of the pathogenesis of the pathological condition.

Complex treatment of knee injury includes:

  • Pain relief: immobilization, hypothermia, administration of pain medication;
  • reduction of swelling: anti-inflammatory drugs, ointments and gels with anti-edematous properties;
  • restoration of functionality: therapeutic ointment procedures, immobilization, compresses, physiotherapy;
  • medicines for urgent relief of pain syndrome: Ketorol, Ketorolac, Ketanov, Diclofenac.

General clinical methods of treatment

If the ligaments are damaged or the limb fractures, prolonged immobilization of the injured leg is required.

As an orthopedic method of therapy, the patient's leg is immobilized in gypsum bandage.

Immobilization with the use of gypsum fixatives is recommended for fractures without displacements, cracks, fractures.

  • Recovery of bone fragments

Simultaneous restoration of wreckage is used for deformation of the patella with transverse, transverse oblique planes.

Secondary comparison with these injuries is impossible. The reposition is performed with complete anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

For anesthesia, 1% Novocain blocker is injected into the destruction area.

After the restoration of the bone structure from the wreckage, the diseased limb is immobilized with a plaster bandage for a period of 6-7 weeks.

  • Extensive method of treatment

If the bone fragments have an oblique angle of fracture, after restoration of the structure, the immobility of the damaged leg can not be preserved with the aid of a cast bandage. For the restoration of bone tissue, skeletal traction is used or rod structures of external fixation are used.

  • Surgical methods of treatment

Operational procedures are performed to compare the anatomical structure and functionality of the affected knees. Many bone destruction can not be compared with closed fractures.

Surgical intervention is used mainly to treat traumatic destruction, characterized by rupture of several ligaments of the knee joint, strong movement of the bone fragments, fragmentation of the calyx.

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Or with other instabilities of the knee and inefficiency of conservative treatment.

At present, the latest methods of minimally invasive therapy are used to treat ligament ruptures, meniscus or other injuries.

If possible, two to three small incisions are made on the calyx, through which clutch of fragments and scraps of blood vessels are produced.

During the operation, special endoscopic instruments are used to visualize the process occurring in the knee cap.

Post-traumatic complications

Minor knee injuries without joint and bone damage do not lead to complications and chronic diseases.

But with severe injury, the provision of professional assistance is necessary, since the neglected consequences of trauma can lead to the development of serious pathologies:

  • inflammation and degeneration of the meniscus tissue;
  • accumulation of fluid in the knee cavity;
  • rupture and sprain of ligaments and tendons;
  • chronic dislocation of the patella;
  • inflammatory process in prepatellar bag;
  • purulent bursitis.

This is just a small list of possible complications of an untreated injury that a person can get, so if damage occurs The knee should be referred to a specialist for diagnosis, quality treatment and prevention of pathological processes.

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Knee Injuries: Symptoms and Treatment of the Knee

Injuries to the knee joint occur quite often among professional athletes, people who live an active life, in mobile children or the elderly, who often commit careless movements and suffer from disabilities coordination.

Damage to the knee can be very different: the joint has a complex anatomical structure, in addition, is located in such a way that when it falls or hits it is the main force of the mechanical impact. In everyday life on the knee joint, there are heavy loads even when performing ordinary household tasks.

All articular elements of the knee - calyx, meniscus, ligaments, tendons, - are interrelated. If one of them is damaged, this will inevitably affect the rest.

Therefore, knee injury is not recommended to be ignored and treated independently. To exclude complications, qualitative diagnostics and adequate treatment are necessary.

What are the injuries?

Even minor injuries in the knee joint area and unpleasant sensations in the knees cause pain and limited mobility. Symptoms of trauma, depending on which articular element is damaged and crashes, and can vary.

Knee ligament injury. Most often ligaments are injured in athletes, if you stop abruptly during training or make a motion with the knee, which exceeds the permissible sprain.

Usually, a cruciform ligament ruptures, and a distinctive sound, crunching or clicking is clearly heard.

In addition, there are symptoms such as knee swelling, pain, limited mobility.

There is instability of the knee joint, displacement of the tibia with respect to the knee.

Severe damage can cause bleeding.

To accurately diagnose and exclude more severe injuries, the doctor puts the injured on the back and makes the abduction and reduction of the shin.

If such a knee injury is obtained, the treatment consists in the complete release of the joint from the load, wearing the knee brace, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

With complete rupture of ligaments, severe pain and mobility restrictions, surgery is performed. Surgical intervention is indicated if a professional athlete is injured and it is required to restore limb functions quickly.

Meniscus rupture by the type of handle of the watering can. Damage to the meniscus occurs with excessive stress or mechanical impact on the knee joint.

If the injury was obtained by falling or hitting a hard object, in addition to the rupture, a part of the meniscus may come off - when probing, the fragmentation in the joint cavity is removed.

The main symptoms of such damage are: severe pain that occurs immediately, impaired mobility - the patient can not bend or unbend the limb. Meniscus rupture is diagnosed not only in athletes - such a trauma can happen to anyone.

Often older people suffer who find it difficult to coordinate their movements correctly and group together during the fall. The main method of diagnosis - flexion of the injured limb in the knee.

If the meniscus is damaged, the patient experiences acute pain in this movement. A more accurate picture is given by radiography - with its help determine the severity of the injury and exclude or confirm the accompanying lesions.

Treatment consists in:

  1. Pumping fluid and blood out of the cavity and then immobilizing it with a gypsum tire.
  2. The tire covers the entire limb from the foot to the top of the thigh.
  3. If necessary, the meniscus is adjusted by bending the leg in the knee at a right angle.
  4. The operation is painful and is done under local anesthesia.
  5. Further, a plaster cast is also applied - it is necessary to wear a plaster bandage for two to three weeks, until the swelling completely disappears.
  6. If the joint is blocked again after such treatment, or if a part of the meniscus is torn off, surgical intervention under general anesthesia is necessary - the damaged meniscus will be removed in this case.
  7. After the operation, the patient must necessarily undergo a course of rehabilitation.

It is usually possible to restore the functionality of the knee joint, if you regularly do exercises from physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy, it is possible in one month. After this, a person can continue to lead the former active lifestyle.

Damage to the patella. Such injuries most often occur in those who professionally engaged in football, hockey, figure skating with a direct impact on the knee, in which the joint flies.

Often fractures of the patella are diagnosed in obese people, due to excessive stress on the knee joint.

In this case, a minor impact is sufficient to cause an injury.

To recognize a fracture of the patella can be due to such symptoms as swelling and an increase in the joint at the site of injury - this is due to a hemorrhage into the cavity of the calyx.

The patient at the same time feels discomfort in the knee joint and pain when trying to bend the leg, the knee itself is painful when probed.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the complexity of the injury.

If the calyx is only severely bruised, displaced or pops up, flies out of the articulation, it is corrected.

A fracture is indicated for a surgical procedure. After this, for a few weeks a plaster tire is applied to the knee joint, a course of therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy is prescribed.

Tension of the tendon of the knee joint.

If the tendon is torn, it is very difficult to ignore such a trauma - there is always a very strong pain, after which the instability of the knee joint is noted.

The limb becomes very mobile in all directions, sometimes a person completely loses control over her movements and can not independently rearrange her leg.

A major role is played by which of the three tendons is damaged.

The knee is usually afflicted with tendinitis or after intra-articular injection of steroid preparations.

Professional athletes over the age of forty often have a rupture or stretching of the quadriceps tendon.

With any kind of injury, the patient can not painlessly unbend the leg, if the inflammatory process starts in the damaged tissues, the body temperature can rise. Treatment with conservative methods is possible only if there is a stretch, with the rupture of tendons, an operation is needed to restore them.

Symptoms of knee joint damage

In medicine, all types of knee injuries are grouped together, since the symptoms are very similar.

Whatever part has not been damaged, the patient always experiences unpleasant sensations in the knee joint, from mild discomfort to severe pain.

Flexion-extensor movements are often impossible to perform because of pains that increase with this.

Excessive mobility of the knee joint, when it seems that the leg is constantly jumping out of the joint, dangles and can turn in any direction - no less disturbing symptom than stiffness.

How and why knee joint injuries occur

Usually damage to the knee joint is preceded by a blow on a hard surface or an unsuccessful fall on the floor, asphalt, stones.

Thus, those who are actively moving - athletes, teenagers, children, loaders, builders, are at risk. A separate category is the elderly.

They usually move slowly.

But when they fall, they do not have time to restructure and group themselves, often suffer from poor vision, when they do not see obstacles on the way in time.

In addition, the bone tissues of the elderly due to age-related changes are more fragile - often fractures occur in such circumstances, when a young man would have had a bruise.

The prerequisites for knee injuries are various articular pathologies:

  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Neoplasms in the popliteal region;
  • Congenital disorders of the structure of bone tissue.

What you need to do with a knee injury

In terms of the severity of the symptoms listed above, it is easy to understand when the knee is seriously injured and medical care is needed.

The traumatologist already at primary examination can assume, about what kind of damages there is a speech - a fracture, displacement or sprain of ligaments, - and to determine what to do next.

Radiography is prescribed to determine exactly how badly the knee is injured, and whether there are other complications besides the alleged trauma. Since, despite the similar symptoms, treatment will require different, and not always only conservative methods are sufficient.

When stretching or partially breaking the ligaments, the main thing to do is not to give loads on the joint until the tissues are completely restored.

For this, a gypsum tire is applied for a few weeks or a special orthosis is worn.

The bandage fixes the joint if any of its elements pops up due to weakened ligaments.

If there are blood clots in the joint, puncture of the knee joint is performed, pumping out the fluid with blood from the joint cavity. This will reduce pain, swelling and prevent inflammation.

If the injury is serious, then you should do the operation. To restore the mobility of the joint, endoprosthetics, arthrotomy or replacement of connective tissues are used. Always after treatment, patients undergo rehabilitation therapy.

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