Apizarthron: instruction on the use of ointment and its analogues


  • 1Ointment "Apizartron application, analogues and reviews:
    • 1.1Features of bee venom
    • 1.2General characteristics of the preparation
    • 1.3Composition of ointment "Apizartron"
    • 1.4What action does it have?
    • 1.5Indications for ointment application
    • 1.6Contraindications for the use of the drug
    • 1.7How to apply the drug
    • 1.8Application for athletes
    • 1.9Drug analogues
    • 1.10special instructions
    • 1.11Reviews about the drug
  • 2Substitutes of Apizarthron and their characteristics
    • 2.1Bom-Benge Ointment
    • 2.2911 Chondroitin gel body balm
    • 2.3Ointment Efkamon
    • 2.4Other analogues of the German ointment
  • 3Ointment "Apizartron indications for use, reviews, analogues
    • 3.1Description, composition of the preparation and its packaging
    • 3.2Pharmacological properties
    • 3.3Pharmacokinetics
    • 3.4Indications for external use of the drug
    • 3.5Contraindications
    • 3.6Instructions for the use of a medicinal ointment
    • 3.7Undesirable reactions
    • 3.8Cases of overdose
    • 3.9Drug Interactions
    • 3.10Lactation and pregnancy
    • 3.11Special Recommendations
    • 3.12Cost and analogue
    • 3.13Patient Reviews
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Apizarthron
    • 4.1Composition
    • 4.2Form of issue
    • 4.3pharmachologic effect
    • 4.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 4.5Indications for use
    • 4.6Contraindications
    • 4.7Side effects
    • 4.8Instructions for use Apizartron (Method and dosage)
    • 4.9Ointment Apizarthron, instructions for use
    • 4.10Overdose
    • 4.11Interaction
    • 4.12Terms of sale
    • 4.13Storage conditions
    • 4.14Shelf life
    • 4.15special instructions
    • 4.16Analogues
    • 4.17Children
    • 4.18Apizartron in pregnancy and lactation
    • 4.19Reviews about Apisartron
    • 4.20Price Apizartron, where to buy
  • 5Ointment Apizarthron
    • 5.1Composition and properties of ointment Apizartron
    • 5.2Method of application of ointment Apizartron
    • 5.3Analogues of ointment Apizartron
  • 6Apizarthron ointment with bee venom - what helps?
    • 6.1Structure of the preparation
    • 6.2Properties of ointment based on bee venom
    • 6.3What helps ointment: indications for use
    • 6.4Instructions for use of the drug Apizarthron
    • 6.5Side effects and contraindications
    • 6.6Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • 6.7Drug analogues
    • 6.8Viprosal or Apizarthron - which is better?
    • 6.9special instructions
    • 6.10Reviews

Ointment "Apizartron application, analogues and reviews:

To remove pain in joints and muscles, Ointment "Apizarthron" is often used. This drug is based on bee venom, which has a mass of useful properties. Therefore, apply ointment for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It is also effective for people who experience increased physical activity, for athletes and rehabilitation after trauma. The drug has a simple natural composition, so it rarely causes side effects.

But before using it is still worth consulting with a doctor, since ointment is prohibited in some cases.

Features of bee venom

Bee venom or apitoxin has a rich composition. Protein compounds, microelements, essential oils, inorganic acids, enzymes and some other substances exert a comprehensive influence on the human body. They stimulate blood circulation, relieve inflammation and pain.

But bee venom has a very strong toxic effect, therefore it is used mainly externally.

When applied to the skin, apitoxin causes a rush of blood, vasodilation and an improvement in metabolic processes in the tissues. It quickly penetrates into the joints and muscles, normalizing their work.

In addition, the beneficial effect of bee venom is associated with the activation of the body's own defenses.

Previously, the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of bee stings was practiced. But now it became possible to use the useful properties of apitoxin without such extreme measures. This "Apizarthron" - ointment, - its analogues and other means based on bee venom.

General characteristics of the preparation

In each house it is recommended to have an ointment called "Apizarthron". Its use is possible even without the appointment of a doctor with minor domestic injuries and to relieve muscle fatigue.

This drug is based on petroleum jelly, so it is a thick ointment of white or slightly yellowish color. It is packaged in tubes of 20 or 50 g.


The drug costs 250-390 rubles (in terms of volume and manufacturer). Ointment has a strong specific odor that can prevent it from being used in the daytime.


The drug "Apizarthron" is applied only externally. After opening the package, you need to store it in the refrigerator, and warm it up before use.

Composition of ointment "Apizartron"

Apart from auxiliary components like petrolatum, this preparation contains three basic active substances.

They have a synergistic effect, that is, complement and enhance the action of each other. It is due to this that the ointment "Apizarthron" has such medicinal properties.

What are the active substances that contain the drug?

  • Bee venom is the main component of the ointment. In 100 grams of the drug contains 3 mg. Because of its special composition and high toxicity, this is a fairly large concentration.
  • Methylsalicylate, produced from salicylic acid, enhances the effect of apitoxin. He himself has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, methyl salicylate accelerates blood circulation, improves permeability of capillary walls and relieves edema. In 100 grams of the drug it contains 10 g.
  • Extract of mustard oil or allyl isothiocyanate has a strong heating effect. Therefore, thanks to him, the ointment "Apizartron" acts relaxing on the muscles, relieves pain and spasms, improves blood circulation. It contains 1 g per 100 g of ointment.

What action does it have?

Ointment "Apizartron" is often prescribed by different doctors. It is used in traumatology, rheumatology, sports medicine. Recommend to use the drug and in everyday life. Because of the unique combination of components, the ointment has the following properties:

  • relieves pain in the joints and spine with degenerative-dystrophic diseases or after trauma;
  • facilitates the condition with radiculitis, neuralgia, sciatica;
  • increases elasticity of muscles and ligaments, relieves spasms;
  • reduces inflammation and swelling of soft tissues;
  • removes pain and fatigue in the muscles;
  • strengthens the flow of blood to the skin and the removal of toxins from the tissues;
  • accelerates the regeneration of cells.

Indications for ointment application

The drug is used for all pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which require warming. Often surgeons and rheumatologists prescribe to their patients "Apizarthron" (ointment). The instructions for use also recommend using it in such cases:

  • after sprains of muscles and ligaments, bruises;
  • with injuries of bones and joints during the rehabilitation period;
  • with radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, jamming of the nerve roots;
  • inflammatory diseases of muscles;
  • with violation of peripheral circulation;
  • with rheumatism;
  • with chronic polyarthritis;
  • with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine, for example, osteochondrosis or arthrosis.

Contraindications for the use of the drug

Bee venom has a strong toxic effect on the body. In addition, salicylic acid can also penetrate through the skin and have side effects. Therefore, "Apizartron" ointment instruction does not recommend the use of:

  • individual intolerance to beekeeping products or other components of the drug;
  • violation of kidney or liver;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • damage to the skin at the site of the intended application of the drug;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • violation of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the joints;

Contraindicated drug and during pregnancy and lactation.

Ointment causes severe burning immediately after application, which quickly passes.

But because of this, it is not recommended to apply ointment for dermatological diseases, increased skin sensitivity and mental abnormalities.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated for children under 6 years, and up to 12 years of age it can be used only as directed by a doctor.

How to apply the drug

It is very simple to use "Apizarthron" (ointment). Instruction for use recommends applying to the painful area a strip of the drug not more than 5 cm in length.

The ointment is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. You need to do this until a pleasant warmth appears. After that you need to warm this place with a woolen scarf and lie down.

But if there is no such possibility, just try not to supercool during treatment.

"Apizarthron" - ointment (instructions for use on this indicates), which is applied 2-3 times a day. The interval between the two procedures should be at least 5 hours, otherwise skin burn may develop. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition. But usually it is 10 days.

Application for athletes

"Apizarthron" is an ointment that is very popular among people who lead an active lifestyle. It is used by dancers, gymnasts, athletes to relieve pain after physical exertion, as well as to prevent injuries.

If you apply the drug before loading on those areas of the muscles that are subjected to increased stress, this will help increase their elasticity. Many athletes do a re-training massage using Apizarthron.

This helps them to warm up their muscles faster and prevent injuries. After such exercises, the muscles get tired less.

An ointment is also used to relieve pain after bruises, dislocations or sprains. But the first three days warming the site of the injury is undesirable, since this will enhance the inflammatory reaction.

And in a few days, this drug will help to quickly settle.

But before use, the instruction for use attached to the preparation "Apizarthron" (ointment) is obligatory for examination.

Drug analogues

Recently, outdoor medicines based on bee venom have become very popular. Most often these drugs are used to relieve pain in the joints, muscles and spine.

They effectively relax the muscles, increase the elasticity of the ligaments and remove the inflammatory process. Such drugs can be bought freely in a pharmacy without a prescription, but before using them, it is still worth consulting with a doctor.

The most popular ointments with bee venom are:

  • "Sofya" is a warming up body cream containing, in addition to apitoxin, plant extracts and oils.
  • "Ungapiven" practically has no smell, so many choose it.
  • "Virapin" - a preparation containing a large concentration of lyophilized bee venom, it has a more pronounced effect.
  • "Apitrine" additionally contains camphor oil, which enhances its effectiveness.

In addition, ointments and gels based on salicylic acid or mustard oil can be used for the same purposes. They also have a warming and analgesic effect. These are the following drugs:

  • "Ben Gay" contains menthol and methyl salicylate.
  • "Efkamon" has a rich composition - mustard seed oil, methyl salicylate, pepper extract, camphor and other components that make the drug very effective.
  • "Camphard" is an ointment based on camphor, salicylic acid and menthol.

special instructions

"Apizarthron" is an ointment that contains a high concentration of components with a warming and irritating effect. Therefore, when using it, precautions must be followed.

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The most important thing is to make sure that the drug does not get on the mucous membranes, especially the eyes, since it can cause their burn and severe irritation.

To do this, after applying the ointment, be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Because of the possible appearance of allergic reactions or skin irritation, the first time you need to apply a small amount of the drug. After that - wait a little, and if there was no allergic reaction, the ointment "Apizarthron" can be used for treatment.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the compatibility of the preparations, since the components of the ointment, although in small amounts, penetrate into the blood.

For example, salicylic acid dilutes the blood, so when combined with anticoagulants, bleeding may develop.

To prevent the emergence of unpleasant side effects, it is necessary to study, before applying "Apizarthron" (ointment), instructions for use.

Reviews about the drug

Very often, Apizarthron is used by healthy people to relieve pain and fatigue. Especially popular this ointment among sellers, hairdressers, builders, summer residents and athletes.

Those who are often exposed to increased physical activity, work in adverse weather conditions or get injured, fell in love with "Apizartron" (ointment).

Instruction, analogues, indications and contraindications to the drug are studied independently. And the result of applying the ointment in most cases is positive.


People note its effectiveness, rapid warming up and analgesic effect. And from lacks allocate only a sharp smell and a burning sensation after drawing.


A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/311722/maz-apizartron-primenenie-analogi-i-otzyivyi

Substitutes of Apizarthron and their characteristics

To treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Apizarthron is prescribed, analogues of which can be found in pharmacies. This is a German preparation, available in the form of an ointment. Some people mistakenly refer to this medicine Apisatron.

Ointment has analgesic and warming effects. The main components of the drug are methyl salicylate, bee venom and allyl isothiocyanate.

The drug helps with muscle damage, rheumatic pathologies, osteoarthritis, etc. There are analogues of Apizarthron, they have different prices and manufacturers.

If there is no opportunity to buy a German ointment with bee venom, it is worth paying attention to preparations with a similar therapeutic effect.

Bom-Benge Ointment

Various pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that are similar in composition and therapeutic effect. Domestic drugs are cheaper, but they are not inferior in quality to European products.

Bom-Benge ointment is a Russian analogue of the German Apizartron. The manufacturer is the company Pharmstandard. The medicine Bom-Benge is intended for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases.

The drug is often given to athletes during intensive training before the competition.


The composition of Bom-Benge is different from the component store of Apizarthron. In the Russian analogue there is no bee venom.


Analgesic effect has methylsalicylate, local irritating (warming) - menthol. Excipients are solid petroleum paraffins and medical petroleum jelly.

Doctors identify the following indications for the use of Bom-Benge medicine:

  • myalgia;
  • problems with joints;
  • arthrosis;
  • spasm of skeletal muscles;
  • injuries;
  • warming up massage.

Bom-Benge has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ointment relaxes muscles, increases blood flow. This drug is indispensable for athletes.

It increases the duration of exercise without harming one's health and allows a person to transfer muscle and skeletal loads more easily.

Ointment can not be used for more than 10 days, since it is possible to get used to the components and skin irritation.

Bom-Benge should not be used if there is an increased sensitivity to any of the components. Otherwise, an allergic reaction is possible, angioedema, hives, hyperemia.

With caution, Bom-Benge is used in pregnancy, breast-feeding and for the treatment of children under 12 years. It is better to reject the drug for people with "aspirin" bronchial asthma.

911 Chondroitin gel body balm

Cheap Russian analogues Apizarthron help out in situations where there is no imported product in the pharmacy or an inexpensive medical product is needed. A similar therapeutic effect is possessed by 911 chondroitin gel-balm for the body.

The manufacturer is the Russian pharmaceutical company Twins Tek. 911 Chondroitin gel-balm for the body is prescribed as an aid in the treatment of gout, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

The composition of the drug includes chondroitin sulfate, essential oils, B vitamins, menthol, camphor, diazolidinyl urea, isooctyl stearate, propylene glycol, linalool, aristoflex AVC, limonene, water, iodopropynylbutyl carbamate.


Gels based on chondroitin are distinguished by a component storage from Apizarthron, but act on muscles and joints in a similar way. B vitamins contribute to the rapid regeneration of tissues and the normal operation of the nervous system.


Chondroitin has a beneficial effect on cartilage and joints. Glucosamine eliminates inflammation and promotes the production of collagen, which is necessary to improve the condition of bones.

911 Chondroitin gel-balm for the body can not be used for individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Contraindication to use is the age of up to 2 years. In young children, this remedy causes allergies.

Ointment Efkamon

The Russian pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm produces one of the cheapest analogues of Apizartron. Efkamon ointment is designed to improve local blood circulation.

The drug has analgesic, local irritating and distracting effects. If there is no opportunity to purchase Apizartron, Efkamon ointment will work as a replacement.

The therapeutic effect of both drugs is identical.

The skin warms up at the site of application of the medicine. Efkamon anesthetizes and relieves muscle tension.

Thanks tincture of capsicum, which is in the composition of the drug, the affected area increases blood circulation.

Vegetable oils relax and prevent the development of inflammation. Spermaceti moisturizes the skin and prevents possible irritation.

The composition of the drug includes alcohol, menthol, vegetable oils, petrolatum, paraffin, camphor, tincture of pepper, methyl salicylate, spermaceti, thymol, chloral hydrate. Ointment warms up well and anesthetizes. The processes of regeneration in damaged tissues are started. Indications for the use of Efkamona are the following diseases:

  • myositis;
  • lumbago;
  • ganglionitis of the spine;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • spondylosis;
  • migraine.

Possible occurrence of side effects in the form of local paresthesia, hyperemia or skin itching. Ointment Efkamon is forbidden at high sensitivity to components which are included in its structure.

Other analogues of the German ointment

The above medicines are generally available and most effective.

In addition to Russian analogues of Apizartron, there are also Turkish, Indian, French, Ukrainian drugs with a similar effect.

In the pharmacy you can buy the following warming and at the same time anesthetic ointments:

  1. Ben-Gay. This is a Turkish cream based on menthol and methyl salicylate.
  2. Deep Heath. The cream is produced in the UK. The active substances are levomenthol, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus and terpentine oils.
  3. Virapine. The ointment of the Czech manufacturer contains bee venom and is as close as possible to the composition of Apizarthron.
  4. Apireven. This is Romanian ointment. The main active substance is bee venom.
  5. Ungapiven. The drug is produced in Ukraine and also contains bee venom.

Instead of gels and ointments, similar in composition and therapeutic effect with Apizartron, you can use the gums in liquid form. Preheat and anesthetize the skin in the place of defeat, formic alcohol, turpentine turpentine, Dimexide, Menovazine, camphor alcohol.

If there is no Apizartron in pharmacies or there is no financial opportunity to buy this drug, it is best to consult a doctor about what to replace the drug.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/preparaty/apizartron-analogi.html

Ointment "Apizartron indications for use, reviews, analogues

How does the "Apizarthron" ointment work? The properties of this drug will be presented below.

Also in the materials of this article you will find information about how much is the medicine in question, what substances are included in its composition, whether it has analogues, undesirable actions and contraindications.

Description, composition of the preparation and its packaging

Ointment "Apizarthron" is a homogeneous and fairly thick mass with the smell of methyl salicylate white or yellowish. The active ingredients of this remedy are allyl isothiocyanate, bee venom and methyl salicylate.

It should also be noted that the composition of this drug includes additional substances in the form of white petrolatum, sodium lauryl sulfate, emulsified alcohol, water and cetostearyl alcohol.

To buy the drug "Apizarthron" (ointment), the price of which is indicated below, it is possible in aluminum tubes, which are placed in carton boxes.

Pharmacological properties

Ointment with bee venom "Apizarthron" is a combined agent of natural origin.

Such an active element of the medicine, as bee venom, has miorelaxing, local irritating and vasodilating properties. It is also able to stimulate nerve endings and have an analgesic effect.

After getting the active substance into the human body, it expands the lumen of the vessels, improving the flow of blood and contributing to the disintegration of metabolic products, which, in fact, cause the appearance of painful sensations.


Also, the ointment contains methyl salicylate, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, and allyl isothiocyanate, which causes deep tissue heating, which improves local blood flow.


Thanks to "Apizartron" damaged tissues are saturated with oxygen and recover fairly quickly.

It should also be noted that the combination of all active substances that make up the drug contributes to hyperemia and reddening of the skin. In turn, this leads to an analgesic and warming effect.

Also, the "Apizarthron" ointment increases the elasticity of connective and muscular tissues and reduces their tone.

According to experts' reviews, this drug begins to work 6 minutes after it is applied to the skin.


In view of the fact that only natural ingredients are included in the "Apizarthron" ointment, it is not possible to study its pharmacokinetic characteristics. Therefore, the attached instruction does not contain any information on this account.

Indications for external use of the drug

What is the purpose of the "Apizarthron" ointment? The instruction says that this medication effectively manifests itself in the pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system. In this regard, it is often prescribed for patients with rheumatic diseases of soft tissues and for osteoarthritis.

Also it should be said that the medication in question is often used for arthralgia, lumbago, sciatica, myalgia, polyarthritis, arthrosis, neuralgia, periarthritis, functional damage to muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons, as well as chronic neuritis, impaired peripheral circulation, sprains, sports injuries and bruises.

The drug "Apizarthron" is a remedy that is ideal for warming up muscles before heavy physical exertion.


Under what conditions can not be applied to the skin ointment "Apizartron"? The use of this drug is prohibited:

  • when oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
  • arthritis of the acute phase;
  • tuberculosis;
  • failure of renal (chronic);
  • sepsis;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness;
  • malignant tumors;
  • cachexia;
  • infectious diseases.
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One can not help saying that this remedy is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.

Instructions for the use of a medicinal ointment

How should I use Apizarthron? Ointment, the price of which is not very high, has a sufficiently large number of different contraindications. Therefore, it is possible to use it for the treatment of a disease only according to the indications and prescription of the doctor.

This medication is for topical use.

For the implementation of the therapeutic procedure, a strip of a drug of 3-5 cm long is applied uniformly to the affected skin (a layer of 1 millimeter). In this condition, the drug is maintained for four to five minutes.

As soon as the skin becomes red, and the patient begins to feel pleasant warmth, the medication begins to be intensively rubbed into the affected area with the palm or the pads of the fingers.

After the therapeutic massage is completed, the treated area is bandaged with a gauze or cotton cloth.


The described procedures are performed three times a day until all the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. Usually the course of treatment with "Apizartron" lasts about 10 days.


To prevent the ointment from getting into the eyes, after it has been rubbed into the skin of your hands, you should thoroughly wash it with warm soapy water.

Undesirable reactions

The drug "Apizarthron" very rarely causes side reactions.

With individual intolerance to the main components of the ointment, some patients may develop an allergy in the form of skin itching and rash at the site of application of the cream.

If such effects occur, then the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Cases of overdose

The attached instructions do not describe cases of overdose with the drug "Apizarthron". Although experts argue that with the use of increased doses of medication, especially for a long time, the patient may have pronounced adverse reactions.

Drug Interactions

There is no information on the interaction of the drug in question with other medicines. But before using the ointment, the patient should always inform his doctor about the use of other medicines.

Also it must be remembered that the interval between applying "Apizarthron" ointment and other preparations for external use should be about two hours.

Lactation and pregnancy

Experts argue that during pregnancy it is forbidden to use the drug "Apizartron".

If you need to use ointments during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Special Recommendations

Ointment "Apizartron" is prohibited to use if irritation or damage is present in the intended site of application of the preparation. Also, the medication in question is not recommended for skin diseases.

In patients with renal insufficiency, ointment should not be used for a long time, and also applied to the vast surface of the skin.

The contact of the drug with open wounds, eyes and mucous membranes can cause severe irritation.

Cost and analogue

"Apizarthron" - ointment is not only effective, but also affordable. The cost of one tube is 140-190 rubles. As for the analogs, they include the following funds: "Ungapiven "Virapin" and "Apireven".

Patient Reviews

Most patients who used the drug "Apizarthron" leave very positive responses about it.

They argue that after applying the ointment, all pain sensations that directly related to the pathological processes occurring in the locomotor system apparatus.

Due to the presence of natural ingredients, the product warms well and rarely causes allergic reactions.

A source: http://.ru/article/217374/maz-apizartron-pokazaniya-k-primeneniyu-otzyivyi-analogi



In 100 grams of means of ointment Apizarthron contains 10 gramsmethyl salicylate, 3 mgbee venom, 1 gramallyl isothiocyanate.

Additional substances: white petrolatum, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium cetyl stearyl sulfate, water, cetostearyl alcohol.

Form of issue

Yellowish ointment for external use of a uniform consistency, smellsmethylsalicylate.20 or 50 grams in an aluminum tube - 1 tube in a box of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Local irritating, analgesic, vasodilating effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Polycomponent medicinal product for external use on the basis of purifiedbee venom.

Bee venomhas analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (strengthens lysosomal membranes), demonstrates antibacterial effects (suppresses the growth of gram-positive microorganisms).

Allyl isothiocyanate(purifiedmustard seed extract) deeply warms the skin and underlying tissues, stimulates local blood flow, weakens the tonic contraction of the musculature.

Methylsalicylaterefers toanti-inflammatory nonsteroidal agents, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect (blocks productionprostaglandins, suppresses the actioncyclooxygenases).

Indications for use

The use of ointment Apizartron is justified:

  • in disorders of peripheral nervous activity, accompanied by a feeling of pain (neuralgia, radiculitis,neuritis, back pain);
  • pain in muscles, lesions and soft tissue diseases, including those caused by trauma;
  • To warm up the muscles before / after physical training and playing sports;
  • with injuries of tendons characterized by pain and swelling;
  • in diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, tissue damagerheumatic), degenerative-dystrophic changesand pain in the joints.


  • heavy formsrenal failure of a chronic type;
  • allergyon the components of the drug;
  • liver failure;
  • neoplasmsin place of application;
  • skin diseases at the site of application;
  • acute arthritis;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of application;
  • suppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

It is recommended to prescribe with caution the drug to people aged 6-12 years or underrenal failure.

Side effects

It is rare thatallergic reactionson the skin and irritation in the application site.

Instructions for use Apizartron (Method and dosage)

Described ointment withbee venomonly applied externally.

Ointment Apizarthron, instructions for use

A strip of ointment 4-5 cm should be applied evenly to the skin with a layer of up to 1 mm thick, for a minute until redness and a feeling of warmth appear. Then the ointment is slowly and painfully rubbed into the affected area.

To stimulate the therapeutic effect, it is advised to keep the treated areas warm. Similar procedures are recommended 2-3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but not longer than 10 days.


Signs of an overdose: skin irritation at the site of application.

Treatment of overdose: stop treatment with ointment, rinse the irritated area with warm water.

With the occasional use of the ointment, irritation of the mucous digestive organs (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting) or an increase in the symptoms of adverse reactions develops. In such cases, appointenterosorbents, sodium sulfateand recommend taking large amounts of liquid (but not milk).


The drug is able to enhance the actionanticoagulantsandMethotrexate.

Terms of sale

Can be purchased without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures up to 26 ° C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life

Three years.

special instructions

If the kidneys are deficient, prolonged use of the drug on extensive surfaces should not be tolerated.

Do not allow contact with eyes, mucous membranes or open wounds.

It is also forbidden to apply ointment to irritated and damaged skin.

After rubbing the ointment hand should be washed with soap and water.


The following are the most common analogues of Apizartron with a similar composition:Ben-Gay, Camfart, Efkamon, Deep Heath, Ungapiven.


It is forbidden to prescribe ointment for children under 6 years.

Apizartron in pregnancy and lactation

The described agent should not be used during pregnancy and during lactation.

Reviews about Apisartron

Reviews about the ointment Apizartron excellent characterize the drug, patients appreciate its ability to quickly remove the pain. Cases of inefficiency are rare. Side effects are even more rare. The most common complaints about ointment arise because of a caustic and unpleasant odor.

Price Apizartron, where to buy

Price of ointment Apizartron 20 g in Russia is 270-385 rubles. In Ukraine, the price of such a form of output reaches 75 hryvnia.

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Apizarthron necessarily consult with your doctor.

A source: http://medside.ru/apizartron

Ointment Apizarthron

Today, for the treatment of various diseases, a number of preparations are made with the addition of a bee poison - a valuable medicinal raw material, which was effectively used even in Ancient Egypt, India and China.

Earlier treatment with bee venom was carried out by stinging, but today it is possible to conduct therapy in a more acceptable way - by rubbing, injecting, etc.

One of the known preparations on the basis of bee venom is the apizartron ointment, the purpose, the method of application and contraindications of which we will talk later.

Composition and properties of ointment Apizartron

Ointment Apizartron, in addition to bee venom, also contains active ingredients such as methyl salicylate and allyl isothiocyanate (allyl isothiocyanate). Auxiliary substances in the composition of the drug are:

  • alcohol cetearyl emulsified;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • petrolatum;
  • water prepared.

The main component of Apizarthron, bee venom, is a combination of a large amount of biologically active substances that, upon ingestion, cause a series of reactions, supplement and enhance the action of each friend. The most important substances of bee venom are:

  • histamine;
  • melithine;
  • apamin;
  • guaruronidase;
  • phospholipase.

Bee venom has the following therapeutic effect:

  • analgesic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiexudative;
  • desensitizing;
  • antibacterial.

These effects are achieved by increasing blood circulation, increasing the permeability of capillaries, activating synthesis by the body of corticosteroids and the release of histamine and cortisone, as well as blocking the synthesis prostaglandins.

Methylsalicylate is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent that easily penetrates deep into tissues, exerting an analgesic effect, normalizing the permeability of capillaries, and also reducing edema and infiltration. In addition, methyl salicylate in the composition of the ointment ensures rapid penetration into the inflammatory focus of bee venom and the third active ingredient, allyl isothiocyanate.

Allyl isothiocyanate, having local irritating and thermal properties, causes an increase in local blood flow and intake of oxygen, activation of metabolic processes, acceleration of elimination of toxic metabolic products from pathological focus.

Indications for the use of ointment Apizartron:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, rheumatic soft tissue damage);
  • joint pain (including those associated with rheumatic joint damage);
  • muscular pain of various origin;
  • Neuralgia (neuritis, sciatica, lumbago, etc.);
  • violations of peripheral circulation;
  • pain as a result of soft damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bruises and sprains;
  • as a heating aid before and during sports activities.

Method of application of ointment Apizartron

According to the instructions, ointment Apizarthron should be applied 3-4 times a day as follows:

  1. Apply to the lesion site and spread a thin layer.
  2. After 1-3 minutes, after the appearance of local visible reactions (reddening of the skin, sensation of heat), slowly and intensively rub in the skin with massage movements.
  3. Treated the place warmed.
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The course of treatment, as a rule, is 7-10 days in case of acute processes; with chronic diseases, the duration of treatment is increased.

Contraindications to the use of ointment Apizartron:

  • severe form of chronic renal failure;
  • serious liver disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cutaneous lesions;
  • oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
  • mental illness;
  • acute arthritis;
  • intolerance of the drug components.

Analogues of ointment Apizartron

The known analogues of the ointment Apizarthron for the main active ingredient are such preparations as:

  • Ungapiven;
  • Apiary;
  • Virapine.
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A source: http://WomanAdvice.ru/maz-apizartron

Apizarthron ointment with bee venom - what helps?

Science has long been studied the effect of poisons and all kinds of poisonous substances on the body, which are widely found in living nature.

It has been proved that the poisons of snakes, fish, bees and other animals in large volumes can be fatal to humans, but a small amount of such poisonous products is even beneficial for health.

On the basis of this knowledge, such a doctrine as homeopathy developed, and its main object of study became poisons. The most often used product for the creation of medicinal compounds in homeopathy is bee venom.

In this case, one of the most famous drugs on its basis is the ointment Apizarthron.

Structure of the preparation

It is necessary to start with the fact that Apizarthron is a medicine presented as an ointment for external use, which has a white or yellowish color and characteristic odor.

A specific pharmacological product is produced in aluminum tubes with a volume of twenty and fifty grams.

The peculiarity of the specific remedy is that it is produced on the basis of the bee venom, which is harvested in industrial scales, using for this purpose a special electric framework, allowing to obtain a clean and quality product.

  • The presented drug in its composition contains a large number of components that determine its effect. At the heart of the same ointment is immediately three active substances, among which the main active component is methyl salicylate. This methyl ester of salicylic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect, which was originally isolated by decomposition of birch essential oil, but today it is obtained by synthetic by way of.
  • The second active ingredient in the composition is bee venom, which is the natural secret of the glands of the honey bee. This component is widely used in pharmacology as a raw material for the production of medicines with irritating, stimulating local blood supply effect. In 100 grams of the described ointment contains about 3 milligrams of poison.
  • The third active ingredient from the triad of active substances of the composition of the ointment Apisartron is allyl isothiocyanate. It is an organic product that is contained in black mustard and horseradish and determines their burning taste, as well as tear action. In addition, a particular topical preparation includes a number of excipients, among which it should be noted: Vaseline, cetostearyl alcohol, lauryl sulfate and cetyl stearyl sulfate sodium.

Properties of ointment based on bee venom

The described agent is a topical preparation that allows local irritation of peripheral nerve endings.

This irritating effect is directed to the activation of tissues of a specific localization in order to increase their activity and increase the flow of blood.

Due to the fact that the composition causes local expansion of the vessels, this homeopathic product reduces painful sensations, promoting the disintegration of pathogenic substances, which became the source of the origin of the painful symptom.

Do not forget about the local anti-inflammatory properties of the ointment, thanks to which the described drug The tool removes puffiness, normalizes metabolic processes and restores the natural functions of soft tissues.

Causes the skin redness because it has a warming effect. Also, the drug is designed to increase the elasticity of connective tissues, which is especially important for injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons.

What helps ointment: indications for use

This drug can be used for medicinal purposes to combat a large number of joint diseases, as well as soft and connective tissues.

However, it must be remembered that the use of a particular medicinal product without the need or the appointment of a doctor is strictly it is forbidden, because during the use of the medication one can encounter side effects of the ointment and cause harm to one's own organism.

  • The main indication for the use of ointment are all kinds of ailments of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, it is recommended to use a remedy for chondrosis of the neck, inflammatory diseases of the intervertebral discs, rheumatic lesions of soft tissues. It is common to apply this ointment to the folds of limbs for joint pain, and general therapeutic effect on inflamed joints due to the development of bursitis, arthrosis, arthritis and etc.
  • Helps to get rid of this medicine from painful sensations in muscles and ligaments, which arise due to a disturbance in the supply of tissues or due to injury (stretching, tearing). The active therapeutic effect is exerted by the drug on the ligament apparatus in case of overexertion or the formation of clamps. Thus, this medicinal composition allows to struggle not only with traumatic ailments, but also with diseases of a degenerative nature.
  • Apply the product locally for pinching of the nerve, as well as violation of peripheral circulation. The drug is recommended for use in a variety of injuries and bruises. In addition, Apizarthron is popular among athletes who use ointment in preventive purpose, rubbing with his muscles to avoid stretching and relieve soreness after an intense training.

Instructions for use of the drug Apizarthron

To use this pharmacological agent for medicinal purposes, it should be squeezed out from the tuba ointment length of three to five centimeters.

This volume is applied to the damaged area of ​​the body and distributed evenly over the skin, so that the area covered by the composition is one millimeter in thickness.


Next, leave the treated area of ​​skin with the product for a few minutes, until the body responds to the medication, for example by redness. In this case, the ointment should be started slowly and gently massage into the skin.


To enhance the effect of the components of the composition, the treated area should be kept warm. After using the ointment, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap. The medicinal composition should not be used more than three times a day, the duration of the treatment course is appointed by the attending physician.

Side effects and contraindications

According to the general classification of this drug is not considered dangerous, but sometimes adverse reactions of the body to the composition in the form of an allergic process.

Most often, the allergy to the components of the composition manifests itself in the form of skin itching and rashes in the area of ​​application of the drug to the skin.

In order not to face more negative consequences from the use of the described product, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications.

According to the instruction, people who have chronic diseases of the internal organs, namely the liver and kidneys, will need to stop using the medication.

It is inadmissible to use ointments for various dermatitis and other skin ailments.

To contra-indications also it is necessary to carry the diseases connected with neoplasms, both malignant, and a benign nature.

You can not be treated with this drug in violation of hematopoiesis, mental illnesses, complex degenerative processes in the joints during an exacerbation, a tendency to allergic reactions. It is unacceptable to apply ointment to open wounds, cuts, or skin cracks. Do not use the product to treat children under the age of twelve.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the gestation period, as well as breastfeeding, the use of a particular remedy should be discarded. Studies have shown that individual components of the composition can penetrate the mother's blood and thereby harm the child.

Drug analogues

This drug product has on the market cheaper analogs, which have a similar therapeutic effect on the body.

Also, there are drugs that have a similar composition to the ointment Apizarthron, which is why note the most qualitative and effective analogues of the drug described in this article for the local treatment:

  • Ointment Finalgon, which is built on the basis of nonivamide and nicocoxil;
  • ointment Bee venom from the manufacturer Venenum Apium;
  • Nayatoks, which contains active ingredients such as cobra venom, eucalyptus oil, camphor and methyl salicylate, etc.

Viprosal or Apizarthron - which is better?

These two drugs are homeopathic products, the composition of which is based on poisons.

However, there is one significant difference between these remedies: Apizarthron in its composition contains the bee venom, and Viprosal is in turn based on the venom of the adder.

The effect of these funds, just like the testimony, is similar, and the difference is that the venom of the snake will be more effective in the treatment of muscle pain, and the poison of the bee will become an indispensable medicine for diseases joints.

special instructions

Using the described product it is necessary to avoid areas with damaged skin. Also, do not allow the drug itself or its vapors to enter the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.


A source: http://myadvices.ru/maz-apizartron/

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