Osteoma: what is it?


  • 1Osteoma
    • 1.1Classification
    • 1.2Osteophytes
  • 2Osteoma of the bone: what is it, the causes, diagnosis and treatment
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Kinds
    • 2.5Treatment
    • 2.6Forecast
  • 3Osteoma
    • 3.1Kinds
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Causes
    • 3.4Diagnostics
    • 3.5Treatment
    • 3.6Osteod-osteoma
    • 3.7Osteophytes
  • 4Osteoma, osteoid: symptoms, treatment, removal, causes
    • 4.1Causes and types of osteoma
    • 4.2Symptoms of osteoma
    • 4.3Diagnosis and treatment of osteoma
    • 4.4: a simple operation to remove the osteoma of the frontal bone
    • 4.5: endoscopic removal of the osteoma of the frontal bone
    • 4.6: surgery to remove large frontal sinus osteoma
    • 4.7: simple removal of the lower jaw osteoma


Osteoma- a benign tumor that develops from bone tissue. It is characterized by a favorable current: it grows very slowly, never malignant, does not give metastases and does not grow into surrounding tissues.

Osteoma often develops in patients of child and young age (from 5 to 20 years). There are several varieties of osteoma, differing in structure and location.

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Usually, osteomas are located on the outer surface of bones and are located on flat bones of the skull, in the walls of the maxillary, latticed, wedge-shaped and frontal sinuses, on the tibia, femoral and humeral bones.

The bodies of vertebrae can also be affected.

Osteomas are single, the exception is Gardner's disease, which is characterized by multiple tumors and congenital osteoma of the bones of the skull, caused by a violation of the development of mesenchymal tissue and combined with other vices. Treatment of all types of osteomus is only surgical.

Osteoma is a benign tumor-like formation, formed from highly differentiated bone tissue. It is characterized by extremely slow growth and a very favorable current. No cases of the degeneration of osteoma into a malignant tumor have been identified.

Depending on the variety may be accompanied by pain or asymptomatic. When squeezing adjacent anatomical formations (nerves, vessels, etc.), there is a corresponding symptomatology, which requires surgical intervention.

In other cases, surgical removal of osteoma is usually performed for cosmetic reasons.

Osteoma usually develops in childhood and adolescence. Much more often suffer patients of a male (an exception - osteomes of facial bones which are more often developed at women).

Gardner's syndrome, accompanied by the development of multiple osteomas, is hereditary.

In other cases, it is suggested that hypothermia or repeated trauma may be triggering factors.


Taking into account the origin of traumatology, two types of osteoma are distinguished:

  • Hyperplastic osteomas - develop from bone tissue. This group includes osteomas and osteoid osteomas.
  • Heteroplastic osteomas - develop from connective tissue. This group includes osteophytes.

Osteoma in its structure is no different from normal bone tissue.

It is formed on the bones of the skull and facial bones, including in the walls of the paranasal sinuses (frontal, maxillary, latticed, wedge-shaped).

Osteoma in the region of the bones of the skull is 2 times more common in men, in the area of ​​the facial bones - 3 times more often in women. In the overwhelming majority of cases, single osteomas are detected.

With Gardner's disease, the formation of multiple osteomas in the region of long tubular bones is possible. In addition, congenital multiple osteomas of the skull bones are distinguished, which are usually combined with other developmental malformations.

Osteomas themselves are painless and asymptomatic, but when squeezing adjacent anatomical formations can cause a variety of clinical symptoms - from visual impairment to epileptic seizures.

Osteoid osteoma is also a highly differentiated bone tumor, but its structure is different from normal bone tissue and consists of richly vascularized (vascularized) areas of osteogenic tissue, chaotically located bone bunches and zones of osteolysis (bone destruction tissue). Usually osteoid osteoma does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. It occurs quite often and is about 12% of the total number of benign bone tumors.


Can be located on any bones, except the sternum and bones of the skull. Typical localization of osteoid osteoma is diaphysis (middle parts) and metaphysis (transitional parts between the diaphysis and articular end) of long tubular bones of the lower limbs.


About half of all osteoid osteomes are seen on the tibia and in the proximal metaphysis of the femur. It develops at a young age, is more common in men.

It is accompanied by growing pains that appear even before the onset of radiological changes.

Osteophytes can be internal and external.

Internal osteophytes (enostoses) grow into the medullary canal, usually they are single (exception - osteopykylosis, transmitted through inheritance disease in which multiple enostoses are observed), occur asymptomatically and become an accidental finding on roentgenogram. External osteophytes (exostoses) grow on the surface of the bone, can develop as a result of various pathological processes or arise without apparent cause. The last variety of exostoses is often found on facial bones, skull bones and pelvis. Exostoses can be asymptomatic, manifest as a cosmetic defect or squeeze adjacent organs. In some cases there is concomitant deformation of bones and fracture of the exostosis leg.

Heteroplastic osteomas can appear not only on the bones, but also in other organs and tissues: in places of attachment of tendons, in the diaphragm, pleura, brain tissue, heart membranes, etc.

The osteoma clinic depends on its location. When the osteoma is located on the outside of the skull bones, it is a painless, immobile, very dense formation with a smooth surface.

Osteoma located on the inside of the bones of the skull can cause memory disorders, headache, increased intracranial pressure and even cause the development of epileptic seizures.

And the osteoma, localized in the area of ​​the "Turkish saddle can lead to the development of hormonal disorders.


Osteomas located in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses can cause various eye symptoms: ptosis (eyelid drooping), anisocoria (different pupil size), diplopia (double vision), exophthalmos (bulging of the eyeball), decreased vision and and so forth.


In some cases, airway obstruction on the affected side is also possible.

Osteomas of long tubular bones usually occur asymptomatically and are identified when a suspected Gardner's disease or become an accidental finding during X-ray studies.

Differential diagnosis of osteoma in the field of facial bones and skull bones is performed with a solid odontoma, ossified fibrotic dysplasia and reactive growth of bone tissue, which can occur after severe injuries and infectious defeats. Osteomas of long tubular bones must be differentiated from osteochondrosis and organized periosteal calluses.

The diagnosis of osteoma is made on the basis of additional studies. At the initial stage, radiography is performed.

However, such a study is not always effective because of the small size of the osteome and the peculiarities of their location (for example, on the inner surface of the bones of the skull).

Therefore, the most common diagnostic method is often more informative computed tomography.

Depending on the location of the treatment, osteomas are treated either by neurosurgeons, or maxillofacial surgeons, or traumatologists.

With a cosmetic defect or the appearance of symptoms of compression of neighboring anatomical formations, surgery is indicated.

With asymptomatic osteoma, dynamic observation is possible.

Most often, osteoid osteoma develops in the region of diaphysis of long tubular bones.


The first place in terms of prevalence is occupied by the tibia, followed by the femoral, fibular, humerus, ray and flat bones.


Approximately 10% of the total number of cases are osteoid osteomas of the vertebrae.

The first symptom of osteoid osteoma is limited pain in the area of ​​the lesion, which in its nature at first resembles muscle pain. In the following, the pains become spontaneous, acquire a progressive character.

The pain syndrome with such osteomas decreases or disappears after taking analgesics, and also after the patient "diverges but again appears alone. If the osteoma is localized on the bones of the lower extremities, the patient can spare the leg.

In some cases, lameness develops.

At the beginning of the disease, no external changes are detected. Then a flat and thin painful infiltrate is formed over the area of ​​the lesion. When osteoma occurs in the area of ​​the epiphysis (joint part of the bone) in the joint, fluid accumulation can be determined.

When located near the growth zone, osteoid osteoma stimulates bone growth, so skeletal asymmetry may develop in children.

When localizing osteoma in the vertebrae, scoliosis can form.

And in adults and children at this location, it is also possible the appearance of symptoms of compression of the peripheral nerves.

The diagnosis of osteoid osteoma is made on the basis of a characteristic radiographic picture. Usually, because of their location, such tumors are better seen on X-rays compared to conventional osteoma.

However, in some cases, difficulties are also possible due to the small size of the osteoid osteoma or its localization (for example, in the vertebral region).


In such situations, computer tomography is used to clarify the diagnosis.


In the course of the radiographic examination, a small, rounded portion appears under the cortical plate enlightenment, surrounded by an osteosclerosis zone, the width of which increases with progression disease. At the initial stage, a clearly visible border between the rim and the central zone of the osteoma is determined. Later this border is erased, as the tumor undergoes calcification.

Histological examination of osteoid osteoma reveals an osteogenic tissue with a large number of vessels.

The central part of the osteoma is the areas of formation and destruction of the bone with fanciful interlacing beams and strands.

In mature tumors, foci of sclerosis are identified, and in "old" areas, real fibrous bone is identified.

Differential diagnosis of osteoid osteoma is performed with limited sclerosing osteomyelitis, dissecting osteochondrosis, osteoperiostitis, Brody's chronic abscess, less often Ewing's tumor and osteogenic sarcoma.

Treatment of osteoid osteoma is usually performed by traumatologists and orthopedists. Treatment is only surgical. During the operation, resection of the affected area is performed, if possible - together with the surrounding zone of osteosclerosis. Relapses are very rare.


Such growths can arise for various reasons and for a number of characteristics (in particular, origin) differ from classical osteomas. However, because of the similar structure - the highly differentiated bone tissue - some authors attribute osteophytes to the osteome group.

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Of practical interest are exostoses - osteophytes on the outer surface of the bone. They can take the form of a hemisphere, a fungus, a spike or even a cauliflower. Hereditary predisposition is noted. Education often occurs during puberty.

The most common exostoses are the upper third of the bones of the lower leg, the lower third of the femur, the upper third of the humerus, and the lower third of the bones of the forearm. Less often exostoses are localized on flat bones of the trunk, vertebrae, bones of the hand and metatarsus.

They can be single or multiple (with exostosis chondrodysplasia).


The diagnosis is made on the basis of radiography and / or computed tomography.


When studying X-ray images, it should be taken into account that the actual size of the exostosis does not match the radiograph data, since the upper, cartilage layer in the pictures is not displayed.

In this case, the thickness of this layer (especially in children) can reach several centimeters.

Treatment is prompt, conducted in the department of traumatology and orthopedics and consists in the removal of exostosis. The prognosis is good, relapses with single exostoses are rare.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/traumatology/osteoma

Osteoma of the bone: what is it, the causes, diagnosis and treatment

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 Types
  • 5 Treatment
  • 6 Forecast

What is bone osteoma? This is a benign bone formation.

It is formed with excessive growth of fibrous tissue and replacement of healthy cells with it. Bony growths (reactive, hyperregenerative), resulting from trauma, do not belong to osteomas.

Localized benign tumors usually on the bones of the skull, as well as upper and lower extremities. Osteomas are diagnosed most often in children and adolescents (4-20 years).


The exact causes of the formation of benign neoplasms are unknown. The main provocative conditions are:

  • congenital malformations;
  • genetic predisposition (50%);
  • injuries, medical manipulations of a different nature;
  • inflammation of bone structures;
  • decreased production of vitamin D;
  • metaplasia;
  • some diseases (rheumatism, gout, syphilis).

With a combination of factors, the risk increases. Unfavorable environmental conditions, frequent inclusion of refined foods in the diet, prolonged stress are also considered predisposing to the appearance of osteoma causes.


Osteoma of small size often does not bother alarming symptoms. Large growths are determined visually. As the osteoma of neighboring tissues and organs is squeezed, then there is a firm, cone-like seal and pain.

Depending on the localization of education, there are also signs of pathological formations.

The osteoma of the lower jaw, facial bones, as well as the maxillary sinus is characterized by:

  • frequent headaches that increase with time;
  • difficulty in opening your mouth;
  • painful sensations in the throat;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • shortness of breath.

The osteoma of the jaw leads to its deformation, because education, although slowly, grows. With a build-up on the upper jaw, a shift in the eye is possible.

Symptoms of osteoma formation in the eye's orbit:

  • the descent of the upper eyelid;
  • unequal pupil size;
  • inflammation of the lacrimal sac;
  • exophthalmos;
  • mobility of the eyeball is limited;
  • image doubling;
  • deterioration of vision.

When there is a pathology on the inner plates of the skull, there are:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • neuralgic headaches;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • problems with memory.

The osteoma of the rib has a lesion in the form of a compacted region up to 2 cm in diameter. Pathology is characterized by an average intensity of pain.

Swelling, redness on the skin while not.

When the patient is treated, differentiation is required from pleurisy or myositis, which is often misdiagnosed.

Osteoma of the occipital bone, as well as the cranial base, is manifested by regular headaches. Sometimes the symptomatology may not occur at all.

Osteoma of the parietal bone creates only an aesthetic defect, without other unpleasant signs of pathology. The tumor on the temporal bone manifests itself in the same way.

Under the influence of the location of the neoplasm near the pituitary gland hormonal disorders begin.

The osteoma of the spine, diagnosed in the process or vertebra of the vertebra and reaching a large size, can squeeze the spinal cord, deform the spine, cause severe painful Feel.


Education on the scaphoid bone is manifested by pain in the foot, which worries more strongly at night.


Large osteomas of the lower limbs cause lameness. At night, painful sensations intensify. Similar signs are also observed in the formations on the upper limbs.


Diagnosis of osteoma allows you to determine the type and size of the pathology, as well as to differentiate it from other, similar on the basis of bone formation, especially cancerous (fibrous dysplasia, osteochondromas, sarcomas, fibromas, osteomyelitis).

The most common method is X-ray examination, which is performed in 2 projections. Helps to discover:

  • type of tissue outside the bone;
  • existing destruction of adjacent bone structures.

If the formation is small, a survey using X-ray equipment will not be effective. Other diagnostic options are selected:

  • CT - helps to clarify the location, the degree of homogeneity of pathological formation (even if it is of small size and formed deep in tissues);
  • MRI-defines a kind of bone growth;
  • biopsy of the altered site - determines the structure of the formation, available sclerotized foci;
  • Rhinoscopy of the nose - examination using a special mirror;
  • bone scintigraphy - the study of tissue structure using isotopes.

In blood tests, leukocytosis, elevated ESR, manifestations of electrolyte disturbances is observed, but there is also the possible absence of any alarming changes.


Usually, bone growth is a single entity. Multiple formations are observed in Gardner's syndrome, which is an inherited pathology. The disease in this case is often combined with other abnormalities: soft tissue tumors, intestinal polyps.

The International Classification of Diseases is considered the standard for analyzing health status. ICD-10 is used as an evaluation tool for the encoding of diagnoses into alphanumeric codes, which make it convenient to store and process information.

Osteoma is classified according to various signs: location, origin, structure.

Depending on the location and structure, there are 3 options:

  • compact osteoma - consists of a dense, ivory-like substance;
  • spongy osteoma - characterized by a porous surface enriched with blood vessels and fat, and also having osteogenic properties of connective tissue. The incisions are usually diagnosed in tubular bones;
  • Brain-shaped - is formed from large cavities filled with bone marrow. It is found in the maxillary sinus and the main sinuses of the facial bones.

There are 2 types of origin:

  • heteroplastic - consist of connective tissue of various organs. Standard localization - shoulders or hips;
  • hyperplastic - develop from bone structures. They are usually found on: bones of the skull, hips, shoulders, shins. Usually they proceed without any alarming symptoms, they are found out by chance during examination for another disease.

Hyperplastic growths are of several types:

  • osteophytes-a thin layer of bone on one side;
  • Hyperostosis - grow on the entire circumference of the bone;
  • exostoses - the bone mass is formed as a tumor outside the bone;
  • Enostoses - the pathological process takes place inside the bone.

A separate variant of benign growth of the skeleton is osteoid osteoma, consisting of osteogenic areas, having a large number of vessels, and also characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of bone tissues.

Osteoid osteoma is a kind of chronic osteomyelitis. It is accompanied by painful sensations, although rarely grows more than 1 cm. It occurs most often in males up to 30 years of age, manifested by osteoid pathology of the tibia and femur.

In children with education in the vertebrae periodically provokes the development of scoliosis.

Osteophytes and exostoses, which are bone growths due to injuries, inflammation or excessive mechanical stress, are also often referred to as skeletal tumors.

Exostoses are formed in the pelvic bones, complicating the child's passage through the genital tract during childbirth.

The localization of pathology in the skull bone creates an aesthetic defect, and the damage to foot structures causes pain and lameness.


Small osteomas that do not change a person's appearance and do not affect the normal functioning of important organs are observed dynamically. Pathological formation does not transform into a malignant tumor and does not damage surrounding tissues.

The technique of performing a radical intervention is chosen, taking into account the direction of the growth of the pathology and its localization. The operation is necessary for some indications:

  • large size of bone growth;
  • malignization of pathology;
  • deterioration of the functioning of nearby organs;
  • delay in growth and deformation of bones provoking motor impairment;
  • presence of cosmetic defect.

The standard surgical methods for eliminating a tumor are excision and curettage. Removal of osteoma is performed with a resection of the area surrounding the intact bone tissue in order to minimize the likelihood of relapse.

Vaporization is also popular: burning with laser beams. The use of endoscopy makes it possible to evaporate the osteoma of almost any localization.

The method is not as traumatic as surgery, it reduces the period of hospitalization and rehabilitation.

Localization of osteoma determines which of the specialized specialists will perform the operation:

  • pathological formations of extremities - traumatologists and orthopedists;
  • cranial cavity - maxillofacial surgeons, neurosurgeons.

There are also more modern ways of treating osteoma that help reduce the chance of relapse, various infections and bleeding.

One such method is the extraction of the nucleus of bone formation by radio-frequency radiation under the control of CT. Its important advantage is the ability to perform under local anesthesia.

To detect the core of the osteoma, the finest computed tomographic sections are used. Then a radio frequency sensor is inserted into it. The tumor is destroyed by heating up to 90 degrees.

This method allows the maximum protection of undamaged tissue.

Possible consequences of surgical intervention:

  • infection of the wound;
  • damage to osteoma surrounding healthy tissues, nerves, blood vessels and tendons;
  • headache;
  • repeated formation of tumors due to incomplete removal of pathology.

The rehabilitation period with usual surgical intervention can be stretched to 2 weeks, and full recovery occurs after, -2 months.

Drug therapy is used to stop unpleasant sensations. Experts select anti-inflammatory and pain medications, solutions or ointments (Viprosal, Aspirin, Capsicum, Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Finalgon, Naproxen, Naise), taking into account the state of health patient.


With a small tumor, the prognosis of osteoma treatment is usually not bad. The pathological process develops slowly.

Repeated formations are cut using edge resection. Removal of large osteomas from the facial bones requires additional plastic surgery - to restore the aesthetic appearance.

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About 3% of the operations performed to eliminate the started cases of craniocerebral and eye formations, result in the death of the patient.

The prognosis of therapy of pathological education in adolescents and children is favorable.


What is osteoma? It is a pathological, single, spheroid-like growth that does not represent, in most cases, a threat to human life.


Bone osteoma is dangerous by the probability of disruption of the normal functioning of vital body systems due to the specific localization or nerve endings.

It is recommended strengthening of immunity, a reasonable alternation of the period of wakefulness and sleep, as well as a balanced diet. Regular X-ray diagnostics will help detect benign bone formation, and if necessary, eliminate it.

A source: https://OnkoExpert.ru/kosti/chto-takoe-osteoma-kosti.html


Osteoma is a benign tumor of the skeleton, which comes from the bone and consists of bone tissue. In this case, neoplasm has the form of a hemisphere.

Infrequently, in medical practice, osteosplaostomes arising from osteoblasts are diagnosed. This is an intermediate link between benign formations and sarcomas.

Nevertheless, there is no evidence of osteomeal degeneration to the malignant stage.

The formation of tumors occurs on skeletal bones and most often they occupy the femoral, temporal, key and frontal bones. Osteomas often occur in the cavities and in the area of ​​the facial bones.


Diseases of the bone (osteoma) are classified by structure into species:


It consists of an ivory-like solid substance without bone marrow. It is located concentrically in parallel with the tumor, most often on the cranial, facial and pelvic bones, sinuses of the nose;


Occurs in the form of a porous substance, like a sponge. The main location of this kind of osteome is the jawbone. They can be in the composition of mixed osteomes together with compact (solid) formations;


It is a large cavity filled with bone marrow.

Osteoma is still hyperplastic, developing from bone tissue, and heteroplastic, originating in the connective tissues of individual organs.

In turn, hyperplastic osteomas are divided into osteophytes in the form of small layers of bone and hyperostosis, which occupy the bone circumference completely.

At the same time, a tumor that is prominent in a particular area, which is located above the bone surface, is called exostosis, and the encysted in the inner part of the bone is an enostosis.

Neoplasms are usually localized in the singular and are called solitary. But there are exostoses in the plural, which are systemic diseases. They refer to the echondromas.

One example of multiple osteomas is Gardner's syndrome (a disease transmitted by inheritance). Osteomas here are part of the clinical triad of this disease and exist together with polytosis of the colon and a tumor of soft tissue.


The most famous heteroplastic osteomas (parade and cavalry bones) are located in the muscles and in the place of fixation of the tendons and have a size from a pea to a bird's egg.


Bone plates are found in the hard shell of the brain, in the bone deposits of the male organ, pleura, heart shirt and other places.


Osteoma is considered a fairly rare disease, which manifests itself at a young age and mainly in men. Bone masses form painlessly, and their development is asymptomatic for a long time. Therefore, to identify them at an early stage is difficult.

The presence of osteoma is most often determined by accident when a human is being examined for other diseases.

It is possible to detect osteoma when the tumor grows and begins to press on closely related organs and tissues.

A person begins to feel pain in places of pathological growths.

Most of the osteome (80%) appears in the frontal sinuses. Small formations do not appear long until they grow in size, after which their presence can be determined by the development of the frontitis due to an impaired outflow of mucus from the nasal sinuses.

The only sign of osteoma of the frontal bone on the outer surface of the skull may be a painless tubercle appearing on the forehead.

Danger is the internal neoplasms of the frontal bone, capable of causing structural compression of the brain.

If the built-up edge is located in the bones of the skull, then together with the headaches of a pressing character, problems with memory and psyche may arise, epileptic seizures may begin. There is also increased intracranial pressure.


When osteoma is formed in the paranasal sinuses, the parts of the trigeminal nerve become irritated, sinus drainage is disrupted and chronic sinusitis is diagnosed.


Vision may deteriorate when the tumor is located in the nasal sinuses, with its growth of the side of the eyes. Many eye diseases appear, accompanied by a double vision in front of them.

If the bone growth becomes significant in the region of the process of the vertebra, it is possible compression of the spinal cord and deformation of the spine with subsequent problems in the form of pain and difficulty in movements.

Osteomas are most often located on the outer part of the bones of the skull and have the appearance of dense formations with a smooth surface.

Osteoma often becomes the bone of the hips and shoulders, as well as frontal and maxillary sinuses, flat cranial bones.

If the osteoma is located on the inside of the bones of the cranium, then painful manifestations are inevitable. Inflammatory processes in the meninges can develop, which often lead to an abscess of the brain.

The cause of hormonal disorders (vegetative and endocrine disorders) may be the location of the neoplasm in the area of ​​the so-called Turkish saddle.


Until now, the causes of osteoma have not been fully clarified. A large number of medical studies and observations of oncologists have revealed several of the most frequent causes of the appearance of neoplasms:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. In half the cases the disease is transmitted to the child from the parents;
  2. Congenital predisposition. It is manifested in the form of superficial bone formations (exostomes);
  3. Diseases of connective tissue. Rheumatic and other manifestations of skin;
  4. Gout, caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  5. Infectious diseases (syphilis);
  6. Injuries to bones.


Diagnosis of the disease either in childhood, or is the result of clinical and radiological examination.

Disease is discovered, as a rule, by accident, as the osteoma grows slowly and does not cause painful sensations.

Treatment of osteoma doctor-oncologist can appoint only after clarifying the nature of the neoplasm, taking into account its size and growth dynamics. The clinical examination is supplemented with a radiological examination.

To obtain an accurate picture of the location of the osteoma, the following methods are used:

  • Computed tomography;
  • Radioisotope scanning of the skeleton;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);

The final diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of the X-ray study and general observation of the development of the disease.


After careful studies on the basis of observations and radiological data, the treatment of the neoplasm is prescribed.

At small sizes of osteoma with its location in a hidden place, doctors do not consider it appropriate to remove, but recommend watching the dynamics behind its growth.

Such an operation may not be necessary throughout the life of the patient.

Under the treatment of osteoma is meant only surgical intervention. The operation consists in the removal of the neoplasm with simultaneous resection of the plate of healthy bone.

With the external location of the osteoma, operative treatment often pursues cosmetic goals.


Interference is also shown in cases of changes in the shape of bones that lead to impaired limb mobility, with disturbed organ functions, painful sensations.


Prevention of this disease as such does not exist. However, some oncologists in Russia believe that it is possible to prevent or stop osteoma development with the help of training on the Frolov TDI-1 breathing apparatus.

Classes on it allow to strengthen the human immune system, eliminate diseases that cause tumors. But you can use the device only after preliminary consultation with your doctor.

When to consult an oncologist

The main reasons why you should consult a doctor are:

  • The appearance of pain in the bones, which are worse at night and are removed by taking analgesics;
  • Disturbed mobility of the joint;
  • Swelling of the bone.


The disease is a tumor that occurs in the bones. In the main place of its localization are long tubular bones. This kind of small osteom (diameter less, cm).

The femoral, tibial and humeral bones are more affected than others. 10% of cases are allocated to osteomas of the vertebrae. Such lesions in the cranial and sternal bones are unknown.

The main symptom of osteoderm-osteoma is the appearance of limited pain in the affected area, reminiscent of muscle pain. As the disease progresses, they acquire a permanent character. The pain goes away only as a result of taking pain medications.

Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the violation of gait, swelling, restriction of movement in the joints. With the proximity of the tumor to the joints, it is likely that their functions are restricted, and to the spine - severe pain during movement.

The nature of osteoid-osteoma is still controversial. There are 2 opinions on this matter. Some consider them tumors, and others - chronic non-parasitic osteomelitis.

The prevalence of belief in the second statement. Therefore, traumatologists and orthopedists are engaged in the treatment of this disease.

Diagnosis of the disease causes difficulties due to the small size of the tumor and the absence of clear symptoms.


A diagnosis is made based on an X-ray study, which best identifies such lesions. In the picture, the osteomas look like oval-shaped areas that have clear outlines.


However, due to the small size of the formation or location of it in an uncomfortable place for viewing, computer tomography is sometimes prescribed.

A histological examination of the tumor is also used, which helps to detect osteogenic tissues with a multitude of vessels.

Osteodic osteomas are treated surgically, the amount of surgery depends on the type of education and the degree of localization.

This removes the affected area with the adjacent osteosclerotic zone. Recurrences after operations are usually not observed. There is a complete recovery of the patient.


Expanded pathological growths of bone tissue were called osteophytes.

Osteophytes often appear during puberty. Most of them according to statistics are located on the bones of the shins, hips and shoulders. Less often - on the spine, hands and flat bones of the trunk.

The appearance of bone growths is also associated with traumatic effects on bone tissue. Or they are the result of inflammatory processes and the violation of calcium metabolism in bone tissues.

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Most often, osteophytes occur on the extremities of the surfaces of feet and hands. Can form and in different parts of the spine.

Osteophyses are divided into single and multiple. They differ in a variety of forms (prongs, thorns, massive hummocky areas). Often called bone spurs.

There are bone-cartilaginous, spongy, compact, metaplastic. An interesting form is external tumors (exostoses), which grow on the bone in the form of fungus, hemisphere, thorn, cauliflower.

The cause of osteophytes is:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • tumors and inflammation of bone tissue;
  • fractures of bones, injuries of the joints or spine;
  • long stay in one position.

The tumor is diagnosed by X-ray and CT scan.

There is a patient with such a diagnosis in the doctors of traumatology and orthopedic departments.

Treatment consists in removal of bone outgrowths by surgical means, relapses are almost not observed.


Sometimes development in the bones of osteoporosis (destruction of bone tissue) stops the development of the osteophyte, which can completely dissolve.


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A source: http://www.knigamedika.ru/kost/osteo/osteoma.html

Osteoma, osteoid: symptoms, treatment, removal, causes


  1. Causes and types of osteoma
  2. Symptoms of osteoma
  3. Diagnosis and treatment of osteoma

Osteoma is a benign tumor that grows from bone tissue.This neoplasm is usually diagnosed in children and adolescents, constitutes about 10% of all tumors of bone origin and can occur without clinical manifestations, showing up by chance.

typical skull osteoma bearing a cosmetic defect

The basis of the tumor is bone tissue, denser than normal, and the favorite location - the skull bones and long tubular bones of the extremities.Such neoplasms can be found in the paranasal sinuses - frontal, maxillary, wedge-shaped, latticed. Sometimes the body of the vertebrae is affected.

Since the tumor is represented by a bone tissue that is close in structure to normal, the tumor nature of the neoplasm continues to be challenged.

Moreover, most of the osteome is long tubular bones of the limbs with a detailed examination and at all, are bone-cartilaginous exostoses - outgrowths that do not have signs of a tumor process.

limb osteoma

Among patients with benign tumors of the osseous system, children, adolescents and young people predominate, in which the growth is very slow in sizes, years is asymptomatic, and a favorable prognosis is due to the inability of neoplasia to malign, metastasize and grow into surrounding tissue. Men are more prone to bone tumors, but the osteoma of the bones of the facial skeleton is several times more often diagnosed in women.

As a rule, osteoma is detected in the form of a single focus, and the multiple nature of growth is observed with hereditary pathology- the so-called Gardner's syndrome, when osteoma is combined with intestinal polyps and soft tissue tumors.

Causes and types of osteoma

The reasons for the growth of bone neoplasms are not fully understood, but it is assumed that the basis for this pathological process may be repeated trauma and hereditary predisposition.

There are data on the role of diseases such as rheumatism, gout and even syphilis, however, in these cases exostoses that are not actually a tumor are found in the bones.

A definite value in the origin of osteitis of the paranasal sinuses is given by the chronic inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and injuries associated with the puncture of the maxillary sinus recurrent sinusitis.

The role of intrauterine growth disorders under the influence of infectious agents, as well as the impact of calcium metabolism and even unfavorable environmental conditions, is not excluded.

different osteome localization

Depending on the characteristics of the structure, it is customary to allocate:

  • Compact;
  • Spongy osteoma.

In traumatology, hyperplastic osteomas, which originate in bone tissue, are isolated and heterotopic, the source of formation of which is connective tissue.

If the hyperplastic osteomes are found only in the bones, the heterotopic ones can begin their development in the places of attachment of the tendons, muscles, brain, pericardium, diaphragm.

A separate type of benign bone tumors is osteoid-osteoma,which is highly differentiated, but has a special structure: among chaotically located bone beams there are foci of destruction of bone tissue and fragments that are very rich in blood vessels. This structure allows some researchers to refer it to inflammatory-destructive processes, rather than to tumors.

Osteogenous osteoma is often accompanied by clinical manifestations of pain, although its size rarely exceeds 1 cm. Among the patients, men over the age of 30 who have osteoid osteoma of the tibia and femur are predominant.

Often to bone tumors include osteophytes and exostoses,which are proliferations of bone tissue as a result of trauma, inflammatory changes, excessive mechanical stress or arising without obvious cause. Exostosis affects the pelvic bones, making it difficult for the fetus to pass through the birth canal in women, localizing them in the cranial bones creates a cosmetic defect, and the defeat of the foot structures leads to pain and lameness.

Symptoms of osteoma

comparatively dangerous osteoma in the frontal sinus

Usually, the osteoma is asymptomatic, especially if it is located on the surface of the bone and has small dimensions.

Such a tumor is palpable in the form of a dense neoplasm with clear boundaries, the tissue in the tumor region is painless and mobile, and the neoplasm itself can only constitute a cosmetic defect.

However, some localizations of the tumor can cause quite serious disorders.

The greatest danger is the neoplasm of the skull, growing from the inside,in the sinuses and areas of bones located inside the skull.


Such a tumor, not looking at its good quality, can cause severe headaches, increased intracranial pressure and convulsive syndrome with irritation of the corresponding parts of the brain.


If the area of ​​the Turkish saddle is damaged, pituitary tissue can be squeezed, then the symptoms of endocrine disorders come to the forefront.

The defeat of the frontal sinus occurs quite often,but to suspect the tumor nature of the disease is not easy without the use of special studies. The osteoma of this localization can manifest itself for a long time with persistent headaches, visual disturbances, changes in voice.

osteoma of the jaw, sprouting in the lower row of teeth

If the tumor appeared on the jawbones, then their deformation is possible,displacement of the eye in the defeat of the upper jaw, pain due to compression of the branches of the trigeminal nerve. When the osteomium of the lower jaw as the growth increases, bone deformity and difficulty in opening the mouth.

Osteoid osteoma has some differences in its manifestations. It is characterized by:

  1. Pain that progresses over time;
  2. Lame with lower limbs;
  3. Development of scoliosis with localization in vertebrae in children.

Osteoid osteoma affects the long tubular bones of the extremities (tibial, hip, humerus), vertebrae are slightly more involved, and the sternum and rib suffer extremely seldom.

Diagnosis and treatment of osteoma

Finding a tight education on the bone, you need to go to the doctor (traumatologist, orthopedist, surgeon),who will examine it, probe it and send it to the necessary research.

Very slow growth and the absence of any symptomatology speaks in favor of good quality process, so many patients do not rush to the doctor, but make sure there are no dangerous changes all It's worth it.

diagnostic images of osteoma of the skull

The main method to detect any bone tumor, including osteoma, is radiography.

If the neoplasm is located deep in the tissues of the head, has a small size, affects the bones of the skull from the inside, it is more expedient to produce a computerized tomography that gives a greater amount of information regarding its size and location.

Among the safer procedures, one can note an ultrasound study, which is often and undeservedly neglected.

Of course, not all tumor localizations allow diagnosis using ultrasound, but, for example, superficial skull osteomes may well be detected on ultrasound.

For such a study, it is necessary to have an experienced specialist with the necessary knowledge in the field of diagnosis of bone lesions.

In the analysis of the blood of patients with osteomas, leukocytosis, acceleration of ESR, signs of electrolyte disturbances is possible, however, most often no changes occur. In some cases, there is a need for biopsy, but with benign tumors, it is practically not used.

Treatment with osteome involves their removal, but only if it is appropriate.

For example, tumors of the auditory canal, sinuses of the nose, limbs, jaws cause a certain symptomatology, so it is better to get rid of them.

If the osteoma is localized on the surface of the flat bones of the skull, then the surgery can be performed for purely cosmetic reasons.

surgical removal of osteoma

Osteomas that do not cause anxiety and do not change the appearance of a person are enough to simply observe.


So, if the tumor is located in the hair growth zone and is determined only by palpation, then there is no need to subject the patient to a surgical operation, and the cosmetic effect in this case is very doubtful.


Laser - an alternative to mechanical removal for legally available tumors

Conservative therapy against osteoma does not exist.Do not get carried away and folk medicine, which is absolutely ineffective in the case of bone tumors.

It is better to consult a specialist who will determine if there is a need to remove the tumor or you can simply observe its behavior.

The ostomy is treated by trauma doctors, and in the case of the destruction of the bones of the skull and the facial skeleton, neurosurgeons and maxillofacial surgeons are involved.

: a simple operation to remove the osteoma of the frontal bone

: endoscopic removal of the osteoma of the frontal bone

: surgery to remove large frontal sinus osteoma

: simple removal of the lower jaw osteoma


A source: http://onkolib.ru/dobrokachestvennye-opuxoli/osteoma/

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