What will help Valocordin: nervous, cardiac and other diseases

The article gives all the necessary information about the preparation Valocordin. The mechanism of its action is described, it is told, Valocordinum helps from what, what signs eliminates, at what diseases appoint.

Contents of the article:

  • Composition and mechanism of action of Valocordinum
  • What diseases and symptoms are prescribed Valocordin
  • Action for arterial hypertension
  • Action for insomnia
  • What every

should know. Valocordin is a combined preparation with pronounced soothing, mild spasmolytic( sosudorassing) and hypnotic effect. It is a colorless alcohol-containing liquid( droplets) with a specific odor for oral administration.

Used in complex symptomatic therapy for the treatment of heart and nervous system pathologies - angina pectoris, cardiac ischemia, neuroses, neurosis-like conditions. Helps to cope with insomnia, rapid pulse, increased excitability, severe stress, a sense of fear. Below in the article there will be a complete list of diseases and symptoms in which Valocordin is prescribed.

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The product is produced in bottles of dark glass of 50 and 20 ml with a dispenser.

Given that it contains components related to psychotropic substances, the drug is taken on the recommendation of a doctor without exceeding the prescribed dosages. For individual dose determination, as well as duration of admission, you should consult a district therapist, cardiologist or neurologist.

Composition and mechanism of action Valocordina

Active active ingredients per 1 ml Dosage( mg)
Ethyl bromoisovalerianate 18.4
Phenobarbital 18.4
Ethyl alcohol 469.75
Purified water 411.97
Peppermint oil 1, 29
Hop oil 0,18

Phenobarbital and ethyl bromizovalerianate are the main active substances of drops. Pharmacological properties of these components determined the main therapeutic effect of the drug. The rest complement and strengthen the action of the main.

  • Phenobarbital has a pronounced sedative, mild vasodilating, hypnotic effects. Is able to suppress manifestations of excitability of the nervous system.
  • Ethyl bromizovalerianate is similar in therapeutic effect to phenobarbital. Derived valerians eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of the digestive organs, reduce anxiety and increased excitability, dilate blood vessels, normalize sleep.
  • Peppermint oil strengthens the antispasmodic effect of the previous components, has a partial anesthetic effect, helps lower blood pressure due to the expansion and relaxation of spasmodic vessels, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • Hop oil strengthens the heart, improves the cardiovascular system.
Also phenobarbital was the first remedy for epilepsy( 1912).

In which diseases and symptoms are prescribed Valocordin

Although drops are used for acute heart disorders, they do not treat the disease itself, but eliminate its symptoms. The main action of the drug is just the relief of the signs of the disease. Therefore, the drug is prescribed only in addition to other, basic, drugs in complex therapy. As a monotherapy, drops are prescribed to relatively healthy people complaining of insomnia or other conditions that do not require active drug treatment.

What helps Valocordin, for what it is appointed:

Diseases and pathologies in which Valocordin is shown What symptoms effectively eliminates Valocordin
Angina Insomnia
Arterial hypertension, especially the initial stages of Irritability
Ischemic heart disease Excessive irritability
Neuroses or neurosis-like conditions Stress effects
Hypochondriacal syndrome( constant exaggerated conditionfears for one's health) Anxiety and a sense of fear
Functional disorderscardiovascular system Heart palpitations or other cardiac arrhythmia
Vegetative disorders of the nervous system Painful sensations of different intensity in the heart area
Bile or intestinal colic Spasms of the vessels and / or muscles of the intestine or other organs of the digestive tract

Action in hypertension

The pronounced therapeutic effect of drops is not observed, although it is noted that they help with the initial stage of hypertension. The medicine due to reflex vasodilator and sedative activity is able to normalize easily a moderate or moderate increase in blood pressure, calm the nervous system, and help to relax. Valocordin is especially effective with a slight increase in pressure due to stress, meteosensitivity, nervous overexcitation, excessive physical exertion.

But to rely only on these drops and to use only them it is impossible. In order to prevent the progression of the disease and prevent hypertensive crises, it is necessary to take regularly antihypertensive drugs( lowering the pressure).

Examples of antihypertensive agents

Action for sleeplessness

Ingest 25-30 drops of medication an hour before sleep relieve tension, reduce nervous system excitation, create optimal conditions for a natural sleep onset, which will be calm and deep. Valocordin helps to combat insomnia, disturbed sleep due to a soothing and mild sedative effect.

What every

  1. should know: Prolonged uncontrolled intake of the drug at a higher than prescribed dose may lead to addiction due to addiction to phenobarbital and chronic bromine poisoning-bromism. Bromine, isolated from ethyl bromizovalerianate, accumulates in the body, gradually causing intoxication.

    Manifestations of bromism: gastrointestinal disturbances, bronchitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, acne, apathy, confusion, depression, speech and sleep disorders, memory impairment and other neurological disorders.
  2. With abrupt discontinuation of the use of drops after their continued use, the withdrawal symptoms develop abstinence syndrome.
  3. The drug is not compatible with alcohol, which increases its effect and increases toxicity.
  4. It is undesirable to combine drops with tranquilizers, neuroleptics, sedatives. The latter intensify the action of Valocordin, and the former - weaken. Thus, the opposite effect can be obtained.
  5. Do not take drops before driving a car, because they cause slight inhibition, a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions.

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