Hypertension: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Hypertension- the most common disease of the vascular system of the human body at the present time. Together with atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, hypertension enters the triad of diseases of the XX - XXI century. And if a person notices that the frequency and periods of increase in his blood pressure increase and increase, and to reduce the pressure to take special measures, this indicates the onset of the development of hypertension.

Thus, thehypertension, essential hypertensionandarterial hypertensionin traditional official medicine, one and the same pathological condition is understood, in which there is a steady increase in systolic and diastolic digits (upper and lower) of blood pressure in millimeters of mercury.

Therefore, in this article, we will talk on the topic: "Causes, symptoms and treatment of hypertension folk remedies." And also about how to treat and how to cure hypertension in the home with special procedures, medications and other ways.


Causes of hypertension

Arterial pressure is one of the indicators of health, and each person notes his constant fluctuations. The magnitude of our blood pressure is a non-permanent thing, it can vary depending on many reasons.

So, it can slightly increase after eating, exercise, in stressful situations, under any physical stress. But this physiological increase in arterial pressure is not dangerous to health, since with the termination of the irritating factor it quickly returns to normal.

How does hypertension begin?

Hypertension does not begin immediately. Its appearance is usually preceded by diseases of the kidneys, heart, vessels, endocrine and nervous disorders. Smoking is of particular importance for the onset of hypertension. The ingestion of nicotine into the blood always causes a short-term narrowing of the vessels, which leads to a temporary increase in blood pressure in them.

Again, the vessels dilate after 30-40 minutes. But if a person smokes cigarettes every 30-40 minutes, the narrowed vessels do not even have time to relax and are constantly in a tense state. The pressure in them is constantly increased.

In the end, the narrowing of the vessels becomes the norm and the same norm will be increased blood pressure. This is hypertension or hypertension.

Treatment of hypertension

The treatment of hypertension is a complex and difficult matter. Patients suffering from this disease usually know their "medicines" well: Rauvazan, Raunatin, Adelfan, Clofelin, Enam or Enap, etc.

But you can not always live only on medicines. This will not withstand any liver. Therefore, in the initial stages of hypertension, as well as in periods of relative well-being, one should try to avoid medication and switch to medicinal plants and collections. They act "gently" and in most cases are not addictive and do not have a toxic effect on the liver.

Therefore, when treating hypertensive disease, you should always give preference to herbal medicines. However, one should not forget that herbal treatment is an auxiliary treatment that helps to reduce the amount of medicines consumed.

Often even doctors say that hypertension is incurable. But this is not so.

Hypertensive illness can be cured, but for this, the patient needs to have a strong desire to be cured.

The main thing in the treatment is a complete cleansing of the body of toxins and switching to vegetarian food. Do not forget about such therapeutic factors as a proper diet (less salt!), Therapeutic gymnastics and spa treatment.

Hypertensive disease is a primary long-term increase in blood pressure, not due to organic changes in the cardiovascular system.

Why does the pressure increase?

The disease develops as a result of prolonged and violent nervous and nervous system stresses that cause stagnant foci of excitation in the cortical cells of the brain. This leads first to temporary, and then to constant spasms of small vessels and to an increase in diastolic pressure. With an increase in diastolic pressure, the load on the left ventricle of the heart increases and, as a result, the systolic pressure rises.

A prolonged spasm of arterioles leads to the development of sclerotic changes in them, and this contributes to the persistent preservation and further development of hypertension.

A significant role in the development of hypertensive disease is played by the kidneys. If there is a violation of blood circulation in the kidneys, they form vasoconstrictive substances, which further increase blood pressure.

Most often hypertensive disease occurs in people of middle age and elderly. In its development, the disease passes through several stages - at first it is purely functional (manifested only under physical stress and in stressful situations), then organic changes appear in the vessels and, finally, signs of insufficiency of various organs develop.

Symptoms, signs and manifestations of hypertension

In the initial stages of the disease, patients complain of headaches, tinnitus, rapid fatigue and weakness, a feeling of pulsation of vessels in the temples, heaviness in the head, tides. Then, stiffening of the fingers, a feeling of creeping creeps may appear. Arterial pressure at this time rises only temporarily and with the termination of the action of the irritating agent (excitement, stress, physical stress) comes to normal. With time, as the sclerotic changes in the vessels develop, the increase in blood pressure becomes persistent. In this phase, dizziness, headaches, a sense of heaviness in the head become permanent.

With further development of hypertensive disease, there are signs of insufficiency of individual organs most severely affected by sclerosis. It should be said that not all organs are evenly affected. In most cases, the heart, the brain and the kidneys suffer.

Whenprimary affection of the heartpatients complain of periodic pain in the heart, caused by spasm of the coronary vessels and myocardial ischemia, shortness of breath and attacks of suffocation.

Whenprimary lesion of cerebral vesselsFrom time to time there is a spasm of cerebral vessels, which is manifested by sudden headaches, vomiting, temporary loss of vision, sometimes paresis of the intestine.

Whenprimary renal damagecan develop the phenomenon of kidney failure.

However, it is very rare that in hypertensive illness only one organ is affected - mixed forms are more common, when all organs are simultaneously affected.

Depending on the degree of involvement of one or another organ, the cardiac, cerebral and renal forms of the disease are distinguished.

Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies at home

In the treatment of hypertension, and, consequently, the reduction in blood pressure and its stabilization, the main thing is to restore normal cortical regulation of blood pressure by providing a hygienic lifestyle and prescribing appropriate medications.

Patients should rest and sleep enough. It is necessary to eliminate all factors that affect the nervous system. In all stages of the disease, sedatives are needed (valerian, bromides, Elenium, etc.). With headaches, soothing and distracting agents use mustard plasters to the calves, to the nape, applying 6-8 leeches on the region of the mastoid processes, hot foot baths. Sometimes helps to bleeding in an amount of 200-300 ml.

When hypertensive crisis (a sharp increase in blood pressure) shows bed rest, leeches, bloodletting.

In the patient's diet, foods rich in cholesterol should be restricted: fatty meat, eggs, brains, butter. Prohibited sharp and salty dishes, gravies, meat soups. The salt and liquid must be strictly limited. Categorically prohibited tobacco smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages.

Therapeutic baths lower the pressure

A warm bath is a wonderful relaxing, soothing and cleansing remedy. As a method of treatment, baths in dermatology are one of the best means invented by man. Therapeutic baths with the addition of aromatics, salts, medicinal plants have a wide range of effects on all organs and systems of the human body.

Depending on the additives, the baths can have soothing, wound healing, anti-allergic, cosmetic and other properties.

To make an aromatic herbal bath at home, chop 1 kg of medicinal raw materials, insist in 3-4 liters of cold water for 2 hours and boil in the same water for 15 minutes on low heat. Then boil the broth for another 30 minutes and strain. Pour into the tub.

Duration of herbal baths from 15 to 20 minutes. Take them 2-3 times a week, depending on the general well-being and the nature of the disease. The bath temperature should not exceed 38 ° C (unless it is a special hot bath).

Before taking a herbal bath you need to wash yourself under the shower to wash off sweat and fatty film from the skin. After the bath should not be rinsed with clean water for at least several hours, but, conversely, it is desirable to lubricate the body with some inert oil or a thin layer of baby cream, so that the medicinal substances of the herbs are absorbed completely.

In the treatment of hypertension and neurasthenic syndrome, the following herbal aromatic baths can be used.

Baths with valerian.They are used for calming the central nervous system, with various vegetovascular disorders, neuroses, with Graves' disease, in the climacteric period, with insomnia, nervous heartache, with convulsive conditions of the stomach and larynx, in tetany.

Baths from valerian regulate the heart rate, lower blood pressure.

A full valerian bath requires 100 g of ground valerian root. Raw brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath15minutes, cool at room temperature for 1 hour, strain.

For valerian baths you can use a tincture of valerian (two or three bottles per 10 liters of water).

Baths with lime color.Soothing effect on the nervous system, good for insomnia. Preparation is the same as baths with valerian, with one exception: on a bath with lime color you need to take 200-300 g of flowers.

Baths with mintgood for allergic and some nervous diseases. For 3-4 liters of water, put 300-400 g of mint.

Baths with rosemary and wormwood (1: 1)have a tonic effect on the nervous system. Well relieve fatigue, nervous tension. Especially useful for nervous, easily tired children and patients with diffuse thyrotoxic goiter and dry wrinkled skin.

Baths with lime and chamomile flowers.These baths are good for insomnia and skin irritation. To make a bath, take a handful of flowers of each of the plants, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, refrigerate for 1 hour. Strain and pour into the tub.

Baths with thyme.Well strengthen the skin and nerves. For one full bath, take 1 kg of thyme.

Baths with tea(especially with green tea) have a general tonic effect on the body, help with the depletion of the nervous system, with myxedema. These baths also give the skin a tint of light tan. On one full bath is 3 tablespoons of tea (first brew tea in 250 ml of boiling water, chill for 20 minutes, strain).

Black currant.For the bath, take young leaves and twigs of black currant (300 grams of fresh or 150 g of dried leaves and twigs for 3 liters of boiling water). Baths from the leaves of black currant are a good remedy for diseases of the thyroid gland. Raw boil for 20 minutes and insist for 3-4 hours. After percolation, add to the bath.

Baths "Elegy".This is a sudorific bath. Infusion for them is prepared from the leaves of strawberries, violets, oregano, coltsfoot, linden flowers. In total take on 50 g and insist in four liters of boiling water 3-4 hours. Strain. Baths "Elegy" well remove from the body "toxins" of fatigue, restore working capacity.

Home Remedies for Oral Ingestion

Fresh fruits of grapefruit, strawberrieslower blood pressure.

Brothmulberry root bark(1 tablespoon chopped bark for 0.5 liters of water). Boil 10 minutes on low heat, insist 10-12 hours, strain. Drink instead of water constantly.

Reduce to the limit the amount of salt in the food you eat.

Two teaspoonsgrass shepherd's baginfuse 8 hours in 400 ml of cold boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Well adjusts the pressuregrape juice.Increased pressure, it lowers, lowers - increases. In a day you need to eat up to 1 kg of grapes or drink 1 glass of grape juice 3 times a day. Take an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts up to 1 month.

One hundred walnutspeel, grind and mix with 0.5 kg of honey. Take three times a day for half a tablespoon.

Cookcollection 1:

  • 1 teaspoon crushed quince leaves;
  • 1 teaspoon crushed lilac leaves;
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped mulberry leaves.

Pour the mixture with one liter of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink instead of water. Keep in a cool place.

500 mlkefirmix with 1 teaspoon choppedcinnamon.Take 1 glass 2 times a week.

Valerian officinalis

Decoction of the root: 10 g of roots and rhizomes pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes on low heat, leave for 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Infusion:10 g of roots and rhizomes chop, pour cold boiled water for 8 hours. After 8 hours bring to a boil and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Bathswith a decoction of valerian (0.5 kg of root per 10 liters of water).

Aronia is black-berry.The juice of the fruits of aronia softly and smoothly lowers blood pressure. Take 50 ml 2-3 times a day for a month. Then after a 10-day break, repeat the course.

Beet juice.Take 3-4 times dailymixtureof the following composition:

  1. honey May - 1 glass;
  2. Beetroot juice - 1 glass.

All stir well and drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Clover meadow.Infusion of flowers of clover should be taken at all stages of hypertension and in the renal form of hypertension. 1 tablespoon of flowers fill with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Drink half the glass 3 times a day.

Boilpotato peeland drink a potato broth instead of water several times a day.

Bulb onions.Is in any form. You can prepare the following composition with onion juice:

  1. vodka - 500 ml;
  2. honey - 500 g;
  3. nut partitions - 25 pieces;
  4. juice from 3 kg of onion.

Let it brew in a dark and warm place for 10 days, strain it. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

The bark of the mulberry root (mulberry).An old Chinese remedy used to treat hypertensive disease. 50 g of crust roots, chop, pour a liter of water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat in a tightly closed container. Insist night, strain. Drink instead of water.

Juice of persimmons.Drink 2-3 cups of thick persimmon juice daily.

Gathering 2:

  1. parsley greens - 100 g;
  2. lemons with a skin - 2 pieces;
  3. honey - 300 g;
  4. flowers of white lily - 50 g.

Lemons, parsley greens and lily flowers pass through the meat grinder, pour honey and put in the fridge, before mixing everything thoroughly. After 7 days, start taking the medicine 2 teaspoons a half an hour before meals.

Peony rootsgrind and pour with vodka (on 20 g of roots 300 ml of vodka). Let it brew for 7 days in a warm place. Drink 20-30 drops 3 times a day.

Hops planted.1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink one third of the glass 3-4 times a day.

Bulgarian Traditional Medicinefor the treatment of hypertension and hypertension in diseases of the kidneys recommends the following herbal remedies:

Geranium ordinary and geranium blood red.Prepare a cold extract of 2 teaspoons of chopped rhizome, infused in the cold with 2 glasses of water for 8 hours. Filtered infusion drink 100 ml 4 times a day.

Cornflower marshweed.Apply cudweed inwards in the form of hot infusions (3 tablespoons for a glass of boiling water, infuse 2 hours, strain). Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before eating.

Olive.Tincture of the kidneys of the olive tree is used in France in the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis. 10 g of kidneys, pour 300 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol and insist for 10 days. Take 25 drops 3 times a day. In Bulgaria, prepare infusions and decoctions of olive leaves (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink one third of a glass 3 times a day.

The purgative is caustic.A teaspoon of chopped raw materials (aboveground part of the plant), pour a glass of boiling water, and drunk with an infusion for 1 day. Do not overdose!

Periwinkle.The main action is hypotensive. It dilates the vessels of the brain. From vinca small, preparations of Vinkopan, Devinkan, Cavinton, and others have been obtained.

In folk medicine, the broth of small vinca small is used: pour a tablespoon of chopped leaves with a glass of water and boil for 20 minutes on low heat. The resulting broth is a daily dose.

Mistletoe.The main action is hypotensive. In folk medicine is used in the form of infusion, tincture, extract. Infusion: 15 g of herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Tincture: 2 tablespoons per 300 ml of vodka. Insist 10 days. At times, shake it. Strain. Drink 25 drops 3 times a day.

Source: O.G.G.G. N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia. - Moscow: Publishing house Eksmo, 2012.

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