Find out the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia on the right

With the development of intercostal neuralgia, the localization of the site of the lesion can be significantly different. This is due to the peculiarity of the anatomical location of the intercostal nerves, which make up 12 pairs in the body. Depending on the affected nerve, pain can be felt in the lower back, back area, chest, under the shoulder blade. In addition, the appearance of characteristic pain for intercostal neuralgia may indicate other diseases.

  • Symptoms to the right
  • Causes
  • Neuralgia right front
  • Neuralgia right behind
  • Neuralgia right under the scapula
  • Neuralgia right under the ribs
  • Treatment of the disease
  • At home
  • Medication
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Flax seeds
  • Baths with sage
  • Herbs
  • Compress
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Symptoms to the right

This disease is characterized by the development of acute pain syndrome, which occurs unexpectedly. The site of localization of the source of pain can be easily palpated: as a rule, pain sensations spread along the affected area of ​​the nerve and amplify when pressed. At rest, the pain worries slightly, has a aching character, sharply giving way to paroxysmal contractions when changing positions, corners of the body, inhaling and exhaling. In our section you will find all the necessary information about intercostal neuralgia.

In addition to the pain syndrome, there may be a burning sensation, tingling, numbness in certain areas of the body, thus making it difficult to establish the correct diagnosis. Pain in intercostal neuralgia can manifest itself both in the region of the heart, and under the scapula, in the back, in the lower back.

In addition, the symptomatology directly depends on which part of the nerve is affected, and the extent of its damage, as they consist of sensitive, motor and vegetative fibers.

Important!When squeezing a sensitive nerve is expressed in the appearance of acute pain. In addition to painful sensations, sweating in the chest area increases, with motor exercises - an additional symptom is the increased shortness of breath.


In the vast majority of cases, the manifestation of intercostal neuralgia is a consequence of any pathological changes in the body, or a negative impact on health.

The very occurrence of pain is mainly associated with a pinch of the spinal nerves in the thoracic spine. In the intercostal space, the appearance of pain occurs due to the infringement of the intercostal nerves. The causes of this can be developing osteochondrosis, inflammatory processes that provoke muscle spasm and attacks. Such processes can be a consequence of stress, trauma, excessive physical stress on an unprepared organism and muscle fatigue.

Important!Also, the factors contributing to the appearance of the disease may be the hypothermia of the body, transferred early infectious diseases.

Other interruptions in the region of the chest and back can also cause intercostal neuralgia: scoliosis, thoracic osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, joint dysfunction, tumors, protrusion. Only a full examination by a specialist will help to identify the source and begin adequate treatment.

Important!Intercostal neuralgia is not so much an independent disease, but a consequence of having certain health problems. Therefore, it is important to establish and solve these problems in order to exclude relapses in the future, and also to determine the correct diagnosis so as not to miss diseases that threaten life and health, for example, myocardial infarction.

Neuralgia right front

Symptoms manifested in intercostal neuralgia, depending on the location of pain, may indicate the development of other diseases. As a rule, in such cases, if the diagnosis is not clear, then additional studies are assigned.

In the case of pain in the chest area, fluorography, a thyroid examination and mammologic consultation in women, an examination with a cardiologist and the appointment of an ECG can be additionally prescribed in the front.

Regardless of the center of pain, a course of treatment is conducted, aimed at reducing it and removing it, identifying the causes and eliminating them.

The course of treatment consists of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, myorelaxons. During the exacerbation stage, it is possible to conduct a course of massage, physiotherapy and acupuncture.

Neuralgia right behind

The development of intercostal neuralgia, giving pain mainly in the back right, indicates the infringement of the lower intercostal nerves.

Also, this may indicate the presence of problems with the kidneys, therefore, in order to exclude the possibility of developing renal pathology, an additional examination from a urologist or nephrologist is carried out.

In other cases, treatment and examinations are carried out within the framework of therapy with conventional intercostal neuralgia.

Neuralgia right under the scapula

When there is pain under the scapula, it is necessary to exclude diseases associated with the lungs. For this, fluorography may additionally be prescribed.

Also, the diagnosis of the spine and in the case of establishing the vertebrogenic nature of intercostal neuralgia, a comprehensive treatment of the spine is prescribed. It includes not only medical treatment, but also the use of massage, physiotherapy, recommended sessions with a specialist in kinesitherapy.

Neuralgia right under the ribs

One of the most common forms of manifestation of intercostal neuralgia is its development in the intercostal space on the right and below.

Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia in the case of pain concentration mainly under the ribs, may indicate the presence of problems with internal organs. It can be diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas and other digestive organs. Therefore, often additionally appointed consultations with a gastroenterologist, ultrasound examinations are conducted.

Women are additionally recommended to consult a mammologist.

Treatment of the disease

A full course of treatment can be appointed by a doctor after examination and examination of the patient. Self-treatment, including the use of medications, in this case may not only be useless, but also harm the health if the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia conceal another disease.

Surveys may include:

  • Ultrasound diagnosis;
  • magnetic resonance imaging or MRI;
  • radiography;
  • computed tomography or CT;
  • additional studies - elektrospondilografiya, myelography, contrast discography.

Treatment includes complex measures depending on the causes and source of intercostal neuralgia. Priority measures are aimed at the removal of acute pain syndrome medication.

Further, a course of rehabilitation measures for restoring health, as well as aimed at eliminating the consequences of intercostal neuralgia:

  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • kinesitherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • massotherapy.

First of all, the main task to remove acute pain syndrome, which brings extreme discomfort, causes physical anxiety and may even lead to immobilization of the patient due to acute attacks while trying to make a move. Read also about the methods of pain relief in the coccyx.

At home

Treatment at home is possible only if there is a slight manifestation of the disease and it is impossible for any reason to consult a doctor.

  1. During the acute stage of the disease, it is strongly recommended to keep bed rest for several days. The mattress should be quite rigid, it is better to put some hard surface under it at this time.
  2. To remove the pain, dry warm compresses can be used.
  3. It is important to exclude or limit physical activity in the acute period.

Acceptance of medications is acceptable at home under an agreement with a doctor. Self-administration is not recommended, as the presence of other diseases that give similar symptoms, such as angina, should be excluded.

Important!After the acute stage passes, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.


In the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, the right is first of all prescribed a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the removal of the pain syndrome. It is possible to use painkillers to relieve the patient's condition.

As a local anesthetic, ointments and creams are used:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments based on diclofenac;
  • anesthetic ointments and gels with the active substance - ketaprofen.

Apply ointments based on bee and snake venom, which not only relieve pain, but also accelerate the excretion of substances that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process and increase blood flow. The local irritant effect, which reduces painful sensations, is turpentine ointment, camphor, menthol, which can both be added to finished preparations, and to purchase creams containing these substances.

  1. To reduce muscular spasm, muscle relaxants are used, which reduces painful sensations and increases mobility.
  2. For the restorative effect, an additional course of vitamins of group B and calcium is also prescribed.
  3. As part of the overall package of measures, and in the case of excessively acute pain, a novocain blockade can be applied to relieve the condition.

Treatment with folk remedies

Non-medicines can help alleviate the condition and reduce the pain syndrome.

Flax seeds

As a source of dry heat, steamed flax seeds can be used. To do this, they are brewed in boiling water, removed, dried with a towel and then poured into a cotton bag and applied to a sore spot.

Baths with sage

Also, to relax and reduce muscle spasm it is useful to take warm baths with sage and sea salt before bed. Sage should be pre-poured with warm water and let it brew. Take sage - 4-5 tbsp. l. to a glass of water. The infusion is poured into the bathroom, a couple of spoons of sea salt are added. Take a bath should not more than 15 minutes.


It helps with pain infusion of herb rue. For its preparation 2 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with 1 glass of alcohol, covered tightly with a lid, cleaned in a dark place and insisted for a week.

  1. As an ointment, steamed and ground buds of aspen are used, which are mixed with Vaseline at the rate of 1: 4.
  2. In addition to the warming effect, you can wear woolen clothes in the form of a vest and make bandages around the sore spot.


As a warming compress use a mixture of spices: red chili pepper - 1 hour. l., ground ginger - 2 hours. l., turmeric - 1 hour. l. Add a little water or vegetable oil to the mixture. Apply the mixture on a clean cloth and attach it to a sore spot and wrap it around with a clean bandage. The bandage is worn until it begins to burn.

For use as a warm dry compress, boiled eggs can be used, they can be applied both in the sensed form and in the shell, after being wrapped around with a clean rag and held until it cools.

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