Thermal burns, boiling water, steam: first and medical care

burns in humans are thermal, chemical, solar, they occur in adults and children due to accidents due to careless handling of fire, hot water, steam, corrosive chemical liquids and as a result of prolonged stay without protective clothing on intense solar radiation.

Today we will talk about thermal burns of in an adult or a child, which often happens in everyday life when a person's skin contacts hot water - boiling water or steam. Human skin, however, like most representatives of the animal world, gets damaged and its cells and subcutaneous fat die when exposed to high temperatures.

The prognosis in cases of burns largely depends on the intensity of the damaging factor - the high temperature, the duration of its effect on the living organism, from which the degree of burn is determined by its depth in the underlying skin and subcutaneous tissue tissues and the area affected by the burn with respect to the entire surface of the body.

The deeper penetrates the negative impact into the tissue and the more extensive the damage - the more unfavorable is the prognosis regarding the possibility of recovery and preservation of the life of the injured person.

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First aid for thermal burns: fire, boiling water, steam

For burns, the person who provides assistance should first try to stop the impact of the damaging factor on the affected person - high tmperatury, its source may be, for example, fire( fire), boiling water or steam therefrom.

It is necessary to remove the victim from the high temperature zone to a safe place. If a person burns and smoldering clothes, it must be broken. If it is not possible to quickly interrupt the contact of the victim with a source of heat, a burning person can be wrapped in a dense fabric( blanket, rug, carpet, etc.), which will stop the access of oxygen to burning clothing and extinguish it. The actions of the rescuer should be clear and fast, but do not forcefully tear off smoldering clothes from the victim, so that rough movements do not break the integrity of the skin.

In winter, it is not recommended to undress the victim completely, because hypothermia can increase the overall impact of injury on the body and contribute to the development of shock.

After removing the victim from the fire, the first aid should apply sterile dressings to the burns or, if there is no sterile material, at least close them with a clean cotton cloth.

At this time, it is not necessary to wash the burnt surfaces, remove blisters and blisters, and lubricate them with various fats and oils( they do not reduce pain, disinfect the surface of the burn and help healing, but only prevent the doctor from performing primary surgical treatment of the wound).

It is best to apply a bandage with vodka, alcohol, manganese solution or rivanol on the burn surface.

If the victim has extensive burns, then it must be placed in a safe place( on a dense fabric, so that in case of transportation it would be easier to lift without causing unnecessary suffering) and introduce drugs or otherwise reduce pain( alcohol, vodka).

In case of burns with boiling water or steam, immediately place the burned area under a cold water jet.

From practice there was such a case: a man got a face burn by exposure to steam of boiling water in an autoclave under pressure with a temperature of 132 degrees! Nearby, a paramedic, helped the victim quickly put the burned face under a stream of cold tap water in the sink. The result - the healing of the burn occurred without the formation of scars.

Before transporting the patient, dressings must be applied so that the burned skin is in a stretched state( to avoid formation of contractures during healing).So, if the knee fold is burned, the leg is fixed in the maximally extended position. The same applies to other folding surfaces.

After providing first aid, the victim must be urgently taken to a medical institution. During transportation, the person providing assistance should ensure that the victim has maximum peace and a comfortable position. You can not allow hypothermia. The victim should be warmly sheltered, after rendering the first pre-medical help, he can give hot coffee or tea.

Victims with small burns can, after first aid, reach the hospital themselves.

First aid for thermal burns

In the case of thermal injuries, the timely and usefulness of first aid aimed at preventing and reducing burn shock, the isolation of burn wounds from the environment, and the prevention of its contamination have a significant effect on the course and outcomes;on the fastest warming during frostbites and general cooling.

As for burns and frostbites, tetanus prophylaxis measures must be taken: 0.5 ml of tetanus toxoid is injected subcutaneously, untreated persons with 1500 AE of tetanus antitetan and separately 1 ml of tetanus toxoid with repeated injection of 0.5 ml of anatoxin after 1 month.

Rendering of assistance to the burnt victims and with frostbites is obligatory for doctors of any specialty.

The first emergency medical service

The first medical aid on the spot or in the hospital waiting room is the anesthesia, treatment and dressing of the burn surface. Then the patient is prepared for transportation to the hospital.


Drugs and methods of anesthesia differ depending on the severity of the lesion. Anesthesia can be performed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Ketoprofen, Ketorolac), analgesics-antipyretics( Paracetamol-Perfalgan).

With more extensive and deep burns, anesthesia is supplemented by the introduction of narcotic analgesics( Morphine, Omnupon, Promedol).

Treatment of burns

After anesthesia, treatment of the burn wound surface begins. Gently exfoliate the epidermis, the bubbles are drained or removed. Polluted areas are cleaned with balls of hydrogen peroxide.

Then the entire burn surface is irrigated with Furacilin solution( 1: 5000), dried and covered with a hygroscopic aseptic dressing.

For burns of 2-4 degrees, the question of tetanus prophylaxis in case of wound contamination should be solved. Do not need tetanus prophylaxis for people who carry medical documents about tetanus prophylaxis for the past 5 years.

When a person burns, the perineum, the external genitalia, the bandage is not applied, but covered with napkins impregnated with an anti-burn emulsion.

In case of shock phenomena, the burnt surface is covered with a dressing with an emulsion or ointment without a primary toilet, which is postponed for two or three days.

For burns, for a non-cicatricial healing of wounds: for any burn wound moistened with sterile water or medical saline( to avoid infection), apply sufficient amount of collagen, so that the entire affected area is covered.

Then, as the collagen dries, it is moistened to avoid the pain syndrome from tightening the skin. Apply collagen as needed and depending on the severity of the lesion. On a fresh postoperative scar, collagen can be applied immediately after the application of stitches or after the removal of stitches. Apply 5-10 drops directly on the scar, after which you must apply a previously soaked in saline gauze napkin.

This procedure will provide a painless condition when the collagen dries out and quickly penetrates into the skin.

Qualified medical assistance

Represents treatment in a surgical or specialized burn hospital. The following areas of treatment can be distinguished.

Infusion therapy

An important place in the treatment of burned patients is infusion therapy. The victim, through burns, loses a lot of liquid and protein, which aggravates the severity of his condition.

Early onset of infusion therapy will reduce these losses and prevent further development of burn shock. Indication for infusion therapy is the coverage of superficial burns of more than 10% of the body surface, deep - more than 5%.Conducting adequate therapy requires the introduction of colloidal and crystalloid solutions. Their ratio is calculated by special formulas.

Infusional infusion therapy in the presence of electrical burns should include 40% glucose solution, rheological, acid-base correction( KHS) solutions and cardiovascular drugs according to indications.

Folk remedies for burns: ointment for burns

I beg you, before using home remedies at home, consult a doctor.

Prepare an ointment : heat one glass of sunflower oil( until the smoke appears), dip the wax into the oil( with a pigeon egg), add 6 ampoules of camphor oil( 1 dessert spoon).Continue to heat until smoke appears again. As soon as the oil "comes in" - remove from heat. When the ointment has cooled down and its consistency becomes clear, if it is a liquid - add a little wax and digest, if it is thick - add the oils and also digest. The consistency of the ointment should be such that it can easily be spread on gauze, bandage, cotton wool, like butter on bread. Potatoes. Fresh potatoes, grated on a grater - an excellent remedy for burns. Put a little potato porridge on a napkin and attach to a burn. As you warm up, change the bandage. Hypericum oil .1 part of fresh St. John's wort infestations in 2 parts of olive, corn or sunflower oil for 21 days. Strain, wring out. The resulting oil successfully heals burns that capture even two thirds of the body surface. Oil-soaked napkins are applied to the surface of the burn, changing them every 4 hours.

For first degree burns( only redness and soreness), wet the burned places with vodka, cologne, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Sea-buckthorn or rose oil .Method of preparation and use as in the hunter's oil.

Grate on the grater and apply the pulp to the burn site.

Juice or infusion of plantain or nettles make compresses on burned places, changing them every 4 hours.

Pouring flowers calendula ( 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water) rinse the burned places and make compresses from it.

Apply gruel from the leaves of aloe or a napkin moistened with aloe juice to the burn site.

Leaves of black boil in milk and apply to affected areas.

Oak bark .Broth the bark of oak( 1 tablespoon per glass of water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes) to make lotions and compresses for burns. Highlander bird. Fresh grass or fresh juice is used for lotions and compresses.

Tea .Make good tea leaves from green tea. Cool it in the refrigerator to +15 ° C.Water this brewed burned area and moisten her bandages touching the wound. Bandages do not let it dry for 10-12 days.

Egg oil .One of the best means for burns. To get this oil, cook 30-40 eggs. Take out the yolks. Each yolk is nipped on a plug or iron wire and keep it 3-5 minutes above an open fire. A few minutes later, a drop of oil appears on the bottom of the yolk, which must be carefully collected. After a long and stubborn waiting, you can collect 20-30 g of egg oil, which is better than anything with burns. Lubricate the burned area 4-5 times a day. Improvement usually comes within two to three days. After applying the egg oil on the body of , does not even have scars.

Whale amber .The best of all anti-burn agents is whale amber. With its application, the pain from any burn instantly subsides. Patients remain alive, even if it is burned to 75% of the skin. After burns up to III degree there are no traces and scars. The skin under the former surface of the burn remains elastic and perfectly clean. True, amber is a very rare product, and its price is worth its weight in gold, but with severe burns this is the best medicine.

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Source: Iligov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.